Chapter One 1.1 Background of Study
Chapter One 1.1 Background of Study
Chapter One 1.1 Background of Study
1.0 Introduction
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is common health problem among pregnant women
Saidi(2018). This usually begins in week 6 and peak during week 22 to 24 of pregnancy due
increased bladder tone along with decreased urethral tone which contribute to increased
incidence of asymptomatic bacteriuria, urinary tract infection has been previously reported
bacteriuria urinary tract infection which occur in 1-18% during pregnancy. Urinary tract
pregnancy, anemia, chronic renal failure, premature delivery and fetal mortality
asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) and symptomatic (SB) during pregnancy due to the
potential adverse sequelea of urinary tract infection in pregnancy. Urinary tract infections
refers to the presence of microbial pathogen within the urinary tract and its usually
classified by the infection site, bladder(cystitis), kidney (pyelonephritis) and also it can be
asymptotic or symptomatic (UTI) that occur in a normal genitourinary tract with no prior
involving bladder and urethra and upper urinary tract infection which use to involve the
kidney and pelvis. The pathogenesis of urinary tract infection involves ascending infection
with coliform bacteria the bacteria incriminated in UTI includes Escherichia coli,
staphylococcus saprophyticus with remainder caused by Proteus and other gram negative
rods. zalmanovici et al(2018) the prevalence and degree of occurrence of two of these
organisms over other are Defendant on the environment. While not generally considered a
include dysuria, urgency (the enhanced desire to void) if left untreated or under treated UTI
have the potential for serious and life threatening condition. This is more likely to be the
case where access to availability of timely and appropriate medical interventions is limited
may be due to inadequate number of health care providers. Possible conditions include
Urinary tract infection is a serious health problem affecting millions of people each year in
developing countries including Nigeria. The worldwide urinary tract infection incidence was
estimated to be around 150million persons per year Gofta(2017).due to its rapid spread one
of the most frequent seen medical case or complication in our antenatal clinics today. UTI
can be particularly dangerous in pregnant women in whom it has been shown that up to 50%
been shown to increase the risk of preterm labor, preterm birth pregnancy induced
observed which is similar to that of Akinloye et al(2016) in Ibadan with incidence of 21.7%,
however there is incidence rate of 45.7% in Ibadan, factors such as poor housing, poor
drainage system, lack of proper personal and environmental hygiene, genuine population
susceptibility. Also factors such as low socioeconomic status, sexual intercourse and
pregnancy among others are common among Nigerian women Kolawole (2019).UTI in
pregnancy poses a risk of complications which include premature birth, low birth weight,
urinary tract infection in pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at general hospital
Katsina, Katsina state from July 2021 to December 2021. In order to find out the factors that
are responsible for causing the infection among them, so that adequate safety measures or
precautions could be taken in order to control the incidence and slow down the spread of
This study aimed to determine the incidence of urinary tract infection among pregnant
women attending antenatal clinic at general hospital Katsina, Katsina state from July 2021
1. To determine the rate of occurrance of urinary tract infections (UTIs) among pregnant
1. What is the rate of occurrence of urinary tract infection among pregnant women attending
2. What is the age distribution of urinary tract infection among pregnant women attending
The study is very much important, because of its high occurrence; great effort has been
expended in ascertaining the full range of clinical effect caused by this infection. This
research work is useful for proper management of infected patient; however the health
education unit will take advantage of this work to be a great resources ethics for activities to
seminars and programs as regards to urinary tract infections control in our community. The
entire society and the students of medical field will benefit to the value of this research
The field of the study intend to determine Incidence of urinary tract infection among pregnant
women of all ages attending antenatal clinic of General Hospital Katsina, Katsina state.
From july 2021 to December 2021. The study is confined to pregnant women of all ages
attending antenatal clinic of General Hospital Katsina from July,2021 to December 2021 . In
order to identify the rate of occurrence, and age of distribution of urinary tract infection
And also to find out some possible remedies to the problems, the study was limited to the
General Hospital Katsina considering the limited human resources time and materials
Antibiotics: are substance inform of drugs that can destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria
Maternity Unit: a unit designed for the care of pregnant women and her baby.
Bacteria: is a member of large group of unicellular micro organism which can cause disease
Antenatal clinic: A clinic that women attend when they are pregnant so that the medical
staff can check that they and the baby are healthy.
Urinary tract infection: An infection in any part of urinary system which includes kidneys,
Chapter Two
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection from microbes; these are organisms that are
too small to be seen without a microscope. Most UTI are caused by bacterial, fungi and in
rare cases by viruses. UTI is among the most common infections in humans. UTIs can
happen anywhere in the urinary tract, the urinary tract is made up of kidneys, ureters,
bladder and urethra. But must UTIs only involve the urethra and the bladder in the Lower
tract. However it can affect the ureters and the kidneys in the upper tract. Although upper
tract UTIs are very rare than lower tract UTIs and they are also usually more severe. Urinary
tract infections have two types which are symptomatic and asymptomatic UTIs, 25% of the
all pregnant mothers for bacteriuria on the first antenatal visit. Akinloye,(2018).
Asymptomatic bacteriuria has been associated with preterm labor and low birth weight
Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is bacterial urinary tract infections that occur without any
symptoms Fasalu,(2015).
presence of bacteria in the properly collected urine of a patient that has no signs or symptoms of
a urinary tract infection. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is very common in clinical practice. While
few infants and toddlers have asymptomatic bacteriuria, the incidence increases with age. The
incidence is up to 15% or greater in women and men age 65 to 80 years than and as high as 40%
to 50% after age 80. Most patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria will never develop
symptomatic urinary tract infections and will have no adverse consequences from asymptomatic
2.1.3 SymptomaticBacteriuria
Symptomatic bacteriuria (SB) is bacterial urinary tract infections that occur or accompanied
occur more frequently in women than in men. Symptomatic bacteriuria is divided into lower
Urinary tract infections in women are caused by a number of bacterial species, the majority
of which are from normal perineal flora. Most of the cases Gram-negative organisms are the
causative agents for UTI. Escherichia coli is one of the major causative organism in 85% of
and providecia species, pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter and Serratia species may
also cause UTI. In rare conditions some organisms like Salmonella species, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Chlamydia, trachomatis, Candida species are also seen as infective agents for
may also be a causative organism in 5 to 15% of UTI cases Hill,(2015). Sometime multiple
microbial organisms may be found causing infection in patients with renal calculi, chronic
renal abscesses, indwelling urinary catheters, or a fistula between the bladder and either the
Apart from these pathogens, pregnancy induced physiological changes in the urinary system
may also act as the promoting factors for UTI. Dilation of the ureters and renal calyces is
of their muscular layers. More importantly, as the uterus enlarges, it begins to compress the
ureters at the pelvic brim, particularly on the right Sandbarg,(2019). Vesicoureteral reflux
may first appear or worsen during gestation in some women, particularly multiparas.
Anatomical changes in bladder position in late pregnancy also may render it more
susceptible for the trauma, periurethral tears, large vulva lacerations, and epidural analgesia
for labor and delivery predispose to urinary retention and the need for catheterization arises
Pregnancy causes many changes in the female s body. Factor like structural and hormonal
changes raises the risk of UTI in pregnancy. The anatomical factors like hydro-
of the urethral lumen, hypotonocity and lypomotility of and third trimesters, the right ureter
being more often dilated than the left Marchant,(2017). Increased weight of enlarging uterus
can cause urinary retention and progesterone induced urethral smooth muscle relaxation
urinary output. Increase in urinary output volume along with the loss of urethral tone may
result renal pelvis, and calyces stasis. This urinary statis and the presence of vesicoureteral
reflux are responsible for UTI and acute pyelonephritis in most cases Fasalu,(2015)
The increased excretion of nutrient like glucose, B-complex, vitamins etc. form a good
culture medium for bacterial growth indirectly Hytten,(2016). In pregnancy, urine PH gets
raised to a range suitable for the growth of E. coli. Glycosuria gets developed due to
impaired re-absorption by the collecting tubule and loop of Henle. About 5% of the filtered
the physiological changes associated with pregnancy. Also during pregnancy, there is a
great increase in the moistness which tends to increase the growth of bacteria Pritchard,
These changes, along with short urethra (approximately 3 4cm in females) and difficulty
with hygiene due to a distended pregnant belly, increase the frequency of urinary tract
infection (UTIs) in pregnant women. Indeed, UTIs are among the most common bacterial
UTIs are studied to be 14 times more frequent in women than in men. Bacteriuria occurs in
seen in non-pregnant women. The incidence of UTI during pregnancy increases with
maternal age. As the organisms responsible for infection (in terms of species and virulence
factors) are observed to be the same in pregnant and non-pregnant women, the basic
mechanism of entry of bacteria into the urinary tract is likely to be the same for both groups
A retrospective analysis of 24,000 births found the incidence of UTI during pregnancy to be
28.7% in Whites and Asians, 30.1% in blacks and 41.1% in Hispanics. When socioeconomic
level factors are associated with an increased frequency of bacteriuria during pnjmeriuria
the risk is double in women with sickle cell trait, other risk factors for bacteriuria include
hygienic condition in practices and clothing, changes in coital patterns (e.g position,
frequency, postocoital antibiotics) can offset recurrence in individuals with high risk of
Bacteriuria often develops in the first month of pregnancy and frequently associated with a
muscle relaxation and subsequent urethral dilatation that accompany pregnancy are thought
to facilitate the ascent of bacteria from the bladder to the kidney. As a result,
UTIs are managed more aggressively in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women.
Urine samples should be sent for culture and empirical treatment given while awaiting
Norfloxacin, should not be used during pregnancy John,(2016). Any discussion of treatment
should be prefaced with a discussion of behavioral methods that may be used to ensure good
hygiene and reduce bacterial contamination of the urethral meatus, thereby preventing in
adequate treatment and recurrent infection. Wipe front- to back after urinating or defecating,
wash hands before using the toilet, use washed cloths to clean the perineum, use liquid soap
to prevent colonization from bar soap, clean the urethral meatus first when bathing. The
above mentioned are the common behavioral methods suggested to avoid the disease
bacteriuria should be treated with antibiotics. The choice of antibiotic can be guided by the
All antibiotics should be given for seven (7) days to ensure cure Lumbiganon,(2019). The
eradication of bacteriuria can be confirmed by doing a urine culture after completion of the
therapy. It is recommended that urine cultures are repeated regularly until delivery Clinical
Many general guidelines and suggestions can help women to avoid urinary tract infections
(UTIs) in most instances. These may be expediently divided into the categories of hygiene,
Drink plenty of water and cranberry juice (choose one that doesn t contain sugar).
Check out the urine color often for abnormalities; if present try to get a medical advice.
Dont ignore the urge to urinate and empty the bladder completely while urinating.
After a bowel movement, wipe yourself from front to rear to prevent bacteria in the stool
from getting near the urethra. Keep the genital area clean with mild soap and water.
Clean the genitals and the areas surrounding them and urinate before and after sexual
Avoid feminine hygiene products like sprays, powders and strong soap that can irritate the
urethra and genitals and make them a better breeding ground for bacteria. And don t use
Take showers rather than baths which tend to irritate urethral opening Akinloye,(2016).
This research study used Abraham Maslow s hierarchy of need as the theoretical framework,
indeed, based on the need. Human needs are ranked on ascending scale according to how
physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and
Our most basic need is for physical survival, and this will be the first thing that
motivates our behavior. Once that level is fulfilled the next level up is what motivates
1. Physiological needs - these are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air,
If these needs are not satisfied the human body cannot function optimally. Maslow
considered physiological needs the most important as all the other needs become
2. Safety needs - once an individual’s physiological needs are satisfied, the needs for
security and safety become salient. People want to experience order, predictability and
control in their lives. These needs can be fulfilled by the family and society (e.g. police,
For example, emotional security, financial security (e.g. employment, social welfare),
law and order, freedom from fear, social stability, property, health and wellbeing (e.g.
fulfilled, the third level of human needs is social and involves feelings of belongingness.
4. Esteem needs are the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy and include self-worth,
accomplishement and respect. Maslow classified esteem needs into two categories: (i)
esteem for oneself (dignity, achievement, mastery, independence) and (ii) the desire for
Maslow indicated that the need for respect or reputation is most important for
5. Self-actualization needs are the highest level in Maslow's hierarchy, and refer to the
experiences. Maslow (1943) describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything
that one can, to become the most that one can be.
Individuals may perceive or focus on this need very specifically. For example, one
individual may have a strong desire to become an ideal parent. In another, the desire
With reference to the concepts introduced about Abrahman Maslows hierrachy of needs,
considering the physiological need that need to be met before proceiding to next need. If a
pregnant woman is having urinary tract infection her physiological needare not met before
Preceiding to safety and security need the mother (pregnant woman) and the fetus that she is
carrying will be at risk of been infected, she too that have the infection will alter her health
More so, considering Abrahman Maslow hierrachy of need as he already stated in his
pyramid that the buttom need most be met before moving to next need, here the pregnant
woman most be free from that infection which can be achieve by treating the infection to
met the physiological need and proceed to next need. So Abrahman Maslow theory is very
Michael, The incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) among pregnant women receiving
antenatal care at Kanayo specialist hospital and General hospital both in Onitsha was
considered to be high. Out of 200 urine samples of the pregnant women, 112 (56%) showed
growth of pathogenic bacteria highest prevalence of UTI is seen in primigravidty (45%) and
the lowest prevalence of UTI is seen in multi-gravidity (20%) which contradicts the findings
that have the highest prevalence of UTI among the multi-gravid as a result of pressure effect
of a bigger uterus on the ureter and pressure on the bladder from the descending part leading
to stasis of urine and the increased multiplication of urine. The study shows that pregnant
women within the age of 26-30 years had more infections than women within the age of 20-
25 years and it may be as a result of sexually activity which increases the risk of UTI and
the women of such age group are mostly sexually active. The report also found that
prevalence of UTI increases in sexually active women within the same age group.
Furthermore, the study shows that the most common ria isolated from the mid-stream urine
samples of pregnant women was Escherichia coli which is similar to the separate
Another research was also conducted by john L Brusch shows that E coli cause 70-95% of
both upper and lower UTIs. Various organisms are responsible for the remainder of
faecalis, other Enterobacteriaceae, and yeast. Some species are more common in certain
saprophyticus can produce acute cystitis in older women and in young men and should not
Another research was also conducted by Noor, et al (2019) which revealed that Escherichia
coli is one of the major causative organism of urinary tract infection in 85% of community
acquired infections , another research was conducted by Oladipo A.O (2013) shows that the high
prevalence of UTI is dominant among pregnant women of all ages , he also find out that
Another research was also conducted at Kano by Muhammad Ali from department of
microbiology of Federal University Gusau Zamfara which shows that out of the total 145
subject , 23 subjects were diagnosed with urinary tract infection which accounted by 15.8% of
the pregnant women, and the highest incidence found among subject of ages category of 26-30.,
on the basis of socioeconomic status, most of the UTI patients were unemployed , rural dwellers
Chapter Three
3.0 Methodology
A retrospective study was conducted by analyzing the medical records of the patients who were
attending antenatal care at antenatal unit over the period of six month from July 2021 to
The study was conducted at general hospital Katsina, with special regards to antenatal units.
General hospital Katsina is among the oldest secondary health institution in the northern part of
Nigeria, it was established since 1930s, but fully constructed and equipped in 1975, and
commissioned on 11th March, 1975 by Brigadier E.O Abisoye. The hospital comprised of
various areas of specialties, among which are medical, surgical, pediatric, accident and
emergency units, others are intensive care, dialysis, antenatal unit, laboratory, nutrition and
The Hospital is blessed with various nurses, doctors and other distinguishes health care workers
which are all employed by the Katsina State Health Service Management Board.
The hospital is located at Yaranchi area of Katsina metropolis local government. There are 198
registered staff nurses of different specialty who are speciliased as Accident and Emergency,
Preoperative, Psychiatric, Midwives, Intensive Care Nurses among others which are distributed
to various wards according to their areas of specialty, and other health practitioners like Doctors,
The hospital is the training center for Basic Nursing students, various paramedical and medical
The study comprises all the pregnant women who attended antenatal unit of General hospital
A sample size of 306 women were selected from the total number of population, using Kregcie
A review of Medical records were used to obtain the basic data relating to incidence of urinary
tract infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic of general hospital Katsina from
July 2021 to December 2021 , the available record of the patients were reviewed and all the
necessary information was obtained and were analyzed inform of frequency table.
The reliability of the instrument used for the study was determined through observation of the
good record system were record of past 3 years was seen. This was done by reviewing and
This was done by going to the medical record office where the folder of the patients who were
All demographic data was obtained along with the previous history and therapeutic management.
All data was analyzed by simple descriptive statistics. To compare data tables, histogram and
percentage methods
Before embarking on this study the permission was obtained from the stakeholders of the
hospital, likewise the norms and ethics of the hospital and the nursing profession was respected
throughout the period of this study. All the data collected was kept with utmost confidentiality.
This chapter deals with presentation of result obtained through review of record, using table and
chats, proper labeling of table and charts, proper description of the contents of the table as well
31-40years 23 30%
41-50years 7 9%
Total 77 100%
From the table above majority of the client fall with the age range of 21-30 years have 36(47%),
followed by below 20years with 23(30%),then those within 31-40 years with 11(14%) and 41-50years
with 7(9%)
Table. 4.1.2: Marital Status of the Client
Married 66 86%
Divorced 7 9%
Widow 4 5%
Total 77 100%
From the above table 66(86%) of the client are married,followed by 7(9%) divorced and 4(5%)
Islam 67 87%
Christianity 10 13%
Traditional 0 0%
Others 0 0%
Religion Frequency Percentage (%)
Total 77 100%
The above table shows that 67(87%) of the clients are Muslims, followed by 10(13%) Christians,
Hausa 51 66%
Yaruba 5 6.5%
Igbo 4 5.5%
Fulani 17 22%
Total 77 100%
From the table above 51(66%) of the respondents are Hausa,followed by 17(22%) Fulani, 5(6.5%) Yaruba
Primary 20 26%
Secondary 41 53%
Tertiary 8 10.5%
Total 77 100%
From the table above, 41 (53%) attended secondary school, followed by 20(26%) primary
school, then 8(10.5%) tertiary institution, and 8 (10.5%) attended Arabic school.
21-30years 36 47%
31-40years 22 29%
41-50years 11 13.5%
Total 77 100%
The result of the table shows that among 77 cases, client between 21-30 years with 36(47%)have
the highest cases,followed by client 31-40 years with 22(29%) cases, followed by client 41-50
years with 11(13.5%) cases and below 20 years have the least cases of 8(10.5%)
July 51 13 25%
August 77 23 30%
September 46 10 22%
October 49 14 29%
November 43 9 21%
December 40 8 20%
The table above shows that 77 in August have the highest cases of 23(30%) followed by 51 client in
July with 13(25%), followed by 49 client in October with 14(29%), followed by 46 client in September
with 10(22%), followed by 43 client in November with 9(21%) and 40 in December with 8(20%)
Question 1 What is the rate of occurrence of urinary tract infection among pregnant women
The rate of occurrence of urinary tract infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at
Question 2.What is the age distribution of urinary tract infection among pregnant women
The age distribution of urinary infection among women attending antenatal clnicat general
hospital katsina is highly in age range between 21-30years with 36(47%),followed by 31-40years
with 22(29%), followed by 41-50years with 11(13.5) and it s at lowest rate at the age below
Chapter Five
This chapter deals with the discussion of findings and the relationship of each findings discussed
to literature review in the study , identified key findings what is implied with literature support
align findings with findings of previous study cited , implication to nursing , limitation of
From the data analyzed it shows that majority of the client age falls within 21-30yearswith
36(47%), followed by below 20years with 23(30%), then those within 31-40years with 11(14%)
and 41-50years with 7(9%) and the marital status of the client showed that 66(86%)of the client
are married followed by 7(9%) are divorced and 4(5%) widow and the religion of the client
showed that 67(87%)of the clients are Muslim, followed by 10(13%) Cristian and tribes of the
client showed that 51(66%)of the client are hausa, followed by 17(22%) Fulani,5(6.5%) yaruba
and4(5.5%) igbo and the client level of education 41(53%) attended secondary School, followed
by 20(26%) attended primary school, then 8(10.5%) attended tertiary school and 8(10.5%)
On the rate of occurrence of urinary tract infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at
On the age distribution of urinary tract infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at
General Hospital Katsina the findings revealed that it's highly seen in age range between 21-30 years
with 36(47%) followed by 31-40years with 22(29%), followed by 41-50years with 11(13.5%) and it's at
In reference to table 4.1.6 above the findings showed that the distribution of cases according to ages
showed that among 77 cases, client between 21-30 years with 36(47%)have the highest
cases,followed by client 31-40 years with 22(29%) cases, followed by client 41-50 years with
11(13.5%) cases and below 20 years have the least cases of 8(10.5%)
In reference to table 4.1.7 above the findings showed that the rate of occurrence of urinary tract
infection from July- December it revealed that 77 clients in August have the highest cases of
23(30%) followed by 51 client in July with 13(25%), followed by 49 client in October with
General Hospital Katsina the findigs revealed that it's support to the study access rding to
Whitelead et al (2019) total of three hundred (300) urine samples of pregnant women attending
antenatal care were collected. Out of which 40 (41.9%), 46 (25.1%), 45 (24.6%) and 52 (28.4%) of the
antenatal patients showed significant bacteriuria, respectively, with overall prevalence of 183 (61.0%)
while 117 (39.0%) of the patients were negative with a significant difference . According to Okonko et
al(2009) in his study carried out on 80 pregnant women attending vantenatal clinics at Oluyoro Catholic
Hospital (OCH) in Ibadan showed that the incidence of UTIs in his study population is 47.5%
On the age distribution of urinary tract infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at
General Hospital Katsina the findings revealed that it's highly seen in age range between 21-30 years
with 36(47%) followed by 31-40years with 22(29%), followed by 41-50years with 11(13.5%) and it's at
the lowest rate at the age below 20years with 8(10.5%). In support to the study done by Jacob et al ,
(2022)the prevalence of UTI among studied pregnant women was high (38.0%), and the most prone
maternal age group and trimester to UTI is 15-25 years and first trimester, respectively. And according
to the study done by Al-Haddad AM(2005) in Yemen, the highest rate of infection (53.7%) in pregnant
1. This study is of great benefit to the nurses and nursing profession at large, in a very
positive direction the study highlighted the current information on urinary tract infection
as well it digested the concept of urinary tract infection for better understanding among
2. The study also reveals some causes of the urinary tract infection and it went further to
client care will surely going improved and this will definitely reflect credit upon nurses
4. It will serve as a guide in health educating preganant women on signs and preventive measures of
urinary tract infections and to seek for immediate care to the hospital.
During conduction of the research some constraints where met which include limited time for the study
The research was conducted at General Hospital Katsina with emphasis to the maternity
complex the study try to find out the incidence of urinary tract infection among pregnant women
attending antenatal clinic at General Hospital Katsina the study is carried out from July to
December 2021
The study was categorized into five chapters; Chapter one deals with the background of the
study, statement of the problem, objectives of this study, research questions, significance of the
study, scope of the study, operational definitions of terms. In chapter two relevant and related
literature were reviewed based on the objective of the study and theoretical framework was also
reviewed. In chapter three, the chapter deals with It research methodology which comprises of
research design, research setting, target population, sampling size, sampling technique
instrument for data collection, validity of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of
data collection, method of data analysis and ethical consideration. In chapter four the
presentation, analysis and interpretation of various collected data from the respondents and in the
last chapter, chapter five it deals with discussion of findings, implication of findings with
literature support, align findings with previous studies, implication of findings to nursing
limitation of the study, summary of the study, conclusion, recommendation and suggestion for
further studies.
5.7 Conclusion
In conclusion, the result of this study revealed that there is high incidence of urinary tract
infection among pregnant women of all ages attending antenatal clinic of the General Hospital
Katsina from January 2019- December 2020, likewise the study identifies the causative organism
5.8 Recommendations
Considering the findings obtained from the study some recommendations were made as follows:
1. Nurses should incalcate it in mind that urinary tract infection may be symptomatic and
2. Nurses should ensure routine screening for UTIs among pregnant women during their
3. The appropriate antibiotics should be administered after sensitivity test have been
carried out in order to prevent cases from becoming higher and symptomatic which may
1. After going through the literatures and observing the general situation the following
Akinloye, O., Ogbolu Akinloye, O.M., and Terry O.A (2018): Asymptomatic Bacteriuria of
Al-Haddad AM, (2005). Urinary tract infection among pregnant women in Al-Mukalla district, Yemen.
Benvies et al (2016): Pregnancy Associated Hospitalization in the United State from 1999-
Ebie M, Kandakai-Olukemi Y.T, Ayanbadejo J, Tanyingna K.B (2014): Urinary tract infection in
Fasalu, (2015): Prevalence of Asymptomatic Bacteria among Pregnant Women. School Journal
Jacob L.L, Martin A, Damyetin P.J, Kasim A, Abdul R.A, "Maternal Age and Stage of Pregnancy as
Masinde A., Gumodoka B., Kilonzo A., & Mshana S. (2019). Prevalence of urinary tract infection among
pregnant women at Bugando Medical Centre, Mwanza, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Health
Mshana, (2019). Risk of Pattern Delivery in Pregnant Women with group B streptococcal
Noor et al, (2019): Risk Factors Related to Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Pregnant Women.
Pooja et al, (2019). Urinary Tract Infection Economic Considerations. Medical Clinic North
Ebie M, Kandakai-Olukemi Y.T, Ayanbadejo J, Tanyingna K.B (2014): Urinary tract infection in