Chapter 7 Exercises

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Exercises on Propositional Logic


Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 1

Exercise Three weird implications

A→(C ∧ D)

4. Prove the proposition A ∧ C ∧ D using Modus Ponens only, or explain

why this is not possible.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 2

Exercise Three weird implications

A→(C ∧ D)

4. Prove the proposition A ∧ C ∧ D using Modus Ponens only, or explain

why this is not possible.

It is not possible to prove A ∧ C ∧ D using Modus Ponens only. This follows

from the fact that Modus Ponens is not applicable to any pair of formulas
in the knowledge base.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 3

Exercise Three weird implications

A→(C ∧ D)

5. Prove the proposition A ∧ C ∧ D using resolution.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 4

Exercise Three weird implications
A→(C ∧ D)
5. Prove the proposition A ∧ C ∧ D using resolution.
Proof by refutation:
1. A ∨ B premise
2. ¬B ∨ A premise
3. ¬A ∨ C premise
4. ¬A ∨ D premise
5. ¬A ∨ ¬C ∨ ¬D negated thesis
6. A resolution 1, 2
7. C resolution 3, 6
8. D resolution 4, 6
9. ¬C ∨ ¬D resolution 5, 6
10. ¬D resolution 7, 9
11. [] resolution 8, 10

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 5

Exercise It rains, again

Consider the following set of propositional formulas

1.Rains→W et
2.W et→¬Rains
3 Rains

(a) Prove, via tableaux and via resolution, that the given set is inconsi-

(b) Prove, via tableaux and via resolution, that all the pairs of formulas,
are consistent.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 6

Exercise It rains, again - Resolution

1.Rains→W et
2.W et→¬Rains
3 Rains

With resolution:
1.¬Rains ∨ W et
2. ¬W et ∨ ¬Rains
3. Rains
(a) The given set is inconsistent:
4. ¬Rains from 1 and 2
5. {} from 3 and 4

(b) From 1 and 2 we get ¬Rains; from 1 and 3 we get ¬W et; from 2
and 3 we get ¬W et, so no pair is inconsistent.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 7

Exercise It rains, again - Tableau 1

1.Rains→W et
2.W et→¬Rains
3 Rains

W →¬R
¬R? W
¬W ? ¬R?
The tableau closes, hence the three formulas are inconsistent.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 8

Exercise It rains, again - Tableau 2

1.Rains→W et
2.W et→¬Rains

W →¬R
¬R W
¬W ¬R ¬W ? ¬R
The tableau is open, hence the two formulas are consistent.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 9

Exercise It rains, again - Tableau 3

1.Rains→W et
3 Rains

¬R? W
The tableau is open, hence the two formulas are consistent.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 10

Exercise It rains, again - Tableau 4

2.W et→¬Rains
3 Rains

With tableaux
W →¬R
¬W ¬R?
The tableau is open, hence the two formulas are consistent.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 11

Exercise Two tableaux
Let A, B, C be propositional symbols. Verify, using tableaux, whether or
1) (A→C) ∧ (B→C) entails (A ∨ B)→C
2) (A ∨ B)→C entails (A→C) ∧ (B→C)

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 12

Exercise Two tableaux
Let A, B, C be propositional symbols. Verify, using tableaux, whether or
1) (A→C) ∧ (B→C) entails (A ∨ B)→C
Question 1: the answer is positive.

(A→C) ∧ (B→C)
¬[(A ∨ B)→C]
(A ∨ B)
¬A C?
¬B C?
A? B?

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 13

Exercise Two tableaux
Let A, B, C be propositional symbols. Verify, using tableaux, whether or
2) (A ∨ B)→C entails (A→C) ∧ (B→C)
Question 2: the answer is positive.

(A ∨ B)→C
¬[(A→C) ∧ (B→C)]
¬(A ∨ B) C
¬A ¬(A→C) ¬(B→C)
¬B A B
¬(A→C) ¬(B→C) ¬C? ¬C?
¬C? ¬C?

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 14

Exercise The Climber
Given the following symbols and sentences:
C to indicate that Gianni is a climber;
F to indicate that Gianni is fit;
L to indicate that Gianni is lucky:
E to indicate that Gianni climbs mount Everest.

If Gianni is a climber and he is fit, he climbs mount Everest.

If Gianni is not lucky and he is not fit, he does not climb mount Everest.
Gianni is fit.

(a) Formalize the above sentences in propositional logic.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 15

Exercise The Climber
Given the following symbols and sentences:
C to indicate that Gianni is a climber;
F to indicate that Gianni is fit;
L to indicate that Gianni is lucky:
E to indicate that Gianni climbs mount Everest.

If Gianni is a climber and he is fit, he climbs mount Everest.

If Gianni is not lucky and he is not fit, he does not climb mount Everest.
Gianni is fit.

(a)Formalize the above sentences in propositional logic.

(C ∧ F )→E
(¬L ∧ ¬F )→¬E

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 16

Exercise The Climber
(C ∧ F )→E
(¬L ∧ ¬F )→¬E
(b) Tell if the KB buit in (a) is consistent, and tell if some of the following
sets are models for the above sentences:
{ }; {C, L}; {L, E}; {F, C, E}; {L, F, E}.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 17

Exercise The Climber
(C ∧ F )→E
(¬L ∧ ¬F )→¬E
(b) Tell if the KB buit in (a) is consistent, and tell if some of the following
sets are models for the above sentences:
{ }; {C, L}; {L, E}; {F, C, E}; {L, F, E}.
(b) The KB is consistent: it has at least a model, as the following check

1. { } is not a model (it models 1 and 2 but not 3);

2. {C, L} is not a model (it models 1 and 2 but not 3);
3. {L, E} is not a model (it models 1 and 2 but not 3);
4. {F, C, E} is a model;
5. {L, F, E} is a model.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 18

Exercise The Climber
(C ∧ F )→E
(¬L ∧ ¬F )→¬E
(c) Verify, using tableaux, if it is consistent with the KB built in (a) that
Gianni climbs mount Everest.
(c) It is consistent (see figure, the tableau is complete and open);

(C ∧ F )→E
(¬L ∧ ¬F )→¬E
¬(C ∧ F ) E
¬C ¬F ? ¬(¬L ∧ ¬F ) ¬E?
¬(¬L ∧ ¬F ) ¬E? L F

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 19

Exercise The Climber
(C ∧ F )→E
(¬L ∧ ¬F )→¬E
(d) Verify, using tableaux, if it is derivable from the KB built in (a) that
Gianni climbs mount Everest. In the negative case, give a formula that
added to the KB built in (a) gives a KB’ that is still consistent and makes
the derivation possible.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 20

Exercise The Climber
(C ∧ F )→E
(¬L ∧ ¬F )→¬E
(d) It is not derivable (see figure) it becomes derivable if we add C. In fact
adding C preserves the consistency of the KB and makes the tableau to
(C ∧ F )→E
(¬L ∧ ¬F )→¬E
¬(C ∧ F ) E?
¬C ¬F ?
¬(¬L ∧ ¬F ) ¬E

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 21

Exercise A very long formula
Using tableaux, state if the following formula is valid, contradictory or sati-
sfiable (in the last case show a model).
((P ∨ Q) ∧ (Q→R) ∧ (R→¬P )) → (P ↔ ¬Q)

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 22

Exercise A very long formula
Using tableaux, state if the following formula is valid, contradictory or sati-
sfiable (in the last case show a model).
((P ∨ Q) ∧ (Q→R) ∧ (R→¬P )) → (P ↔ ¬Q)
Try validity first, as if it is valid, I have also proved that it is satisfiable and
not contradictory.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 23

Exercise A very long formula
Using tableaux, state if the following formula is valid, contradictory or sati-
sfiable (in the last case show a model).
((P ∨ Q) ∧ (Q→R) ∧ (R→¬P )) → (P ↔ ¬Q)
Negate the formula and build the tableau.
P ∨Q
¬(P ↔¬Q)
P ¬Q
Q ¬P
P Q P ? Q?
¬Q? R ¬Q? R
¬R? ¬P ? ¬R? ¬P ?
The formula is valid, as the tableau for its negation closes.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 24

Tell whether the propositional formula
[(A→C) ∨ (B→C)]→[(A ∧ B)→C]
a) is satisfiable
b) is valid
c) is a contraddiction.
Answer a), b, and c) using the tableau method.
Try validity first, as if it is valid, I have also proved that it is satisfiable and
not contradictory.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 25

So negate the formula: ¬{[(A→C) ∨ (B→C)]→[(A ∧ B)→C]}

[(A→C) ∨ (B→C)]
¬[(A ∧ B)→C]
¬A? C? ¬B? C?
The formula is valid, as the tableau for its negation closes.
The tableau for the negated formula closes, hence it is valid, which implies
that the formula is satisfiable, and not a contradiction.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 26

Prove, using propositional tableaux, that
{A → (B ∨ C), ¬B} entails A → C.

Negate the thesis and build the tableau.

A → (B ∨ C)
¬(A → C)
¬A? B∨C
B? C?
The tableau closes, hence the entailment is proved.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 27

Let A, B, C be propositional symbols. Given KB = {A→C, B→C, A ∨
B}, tell wether C can be derived from KB or not in each one of the follo-
wing cases

a. with Modus Ponens;

b. with Resolution.
In each case, if the answer is positive, show the derivation; if it is negative
motivate it.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 28

Let A, B, C be propositional symbols. Given KB = {A→C, B→C, A ∨
B}, tell wether C can be derived from KB or not in each one of the follo-
wing cases

a. with Modus Ponens;

a. C cannot be derived using MP as we know that A ∨ B, but we do not

know wether A or B is true, so we cannot apply MP to A and A→C, and
we cannot apply MP to B and B→C.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 29

Let A, B, C be propositional symbols. Given KB = {A→C, B→C, A ∨
B}, tell wether C can be derived from KB or not in each one of the follo-
wing cases

b. with Resolution.
b. C can be derived with Resolution
1. ¬A ∨ C
2. ¬B ∨ C
3. A∨B
4. ¬C negated thesis
5. B ∨ C from 1. and 3.
6. C from 2. and 5.
7. { } from 4. and 6.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 30

Tell whether the following propositional formulas are (a) satisfiable, (b) valid,
(c) contraddictiory.
In case (a) show a model. Use the tableau method.
HINT: Try validity first, as if the formula is valid, we have also proved that
it is satisfiable and not contradictory.

1. (P ∧ R)↔(R ∧ P )
2. (P ∨ ¬P )↔(P ∧ ¬P )
3. ¬P →(P ∧ ¬P )
4. (P ∨ Q)↔P

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 31

Solution 1

¬[(P ∧ R)↔(R ∧ P )]
P ∧R ¬(P ∧ R)
¬(R ∧ P ) R∧P
¬R? ¬P ? ¬R? ¬P ?

The tableau is closed.

(P ∧ R)↔(R ∧ P ) is valid.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 32

Solution 2.1

¬[(P ∨ ¬P )↔(P ∧ ¬P )]
P ∨ ¬P ¬(P ∨ ¬P )
¬(P ∧ ¬P ) P ∧ ¬P
P ¬P ¬P
P ¬P ? P ¬P ? P?

The tableau is open.

(P ∨ ¬P )↔(P ∧ ¬P ) is not valid.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 33

Solution 2.2

(P ∨ ¬P )↔(P ∧ ¬P )
P ∨ ¬P ¬(P ∨ ¬P )
P ∧ ¬P ¬(P ∧ ¬P )
¬P ? ¬P
The tableau is closed.
(P ∨ ¬P )↔(P ∧ ¬P ) is contraditory.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 34

Solution 3.1

¬[¬P →(P ∧ ¬P )]
(P ∨ Q)
¬(P ∧ ¬P )
¬P ? P
The tableau is open.
¬P →(P ∧ ¬P ) is not valid.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 35

Solution 3.2

¬P →(P ∧ ¬P )
P (P ∧ ¬P )
¬P ?
The tableau is open.
¬P →(P ∧ ¬P ) is satisfied by { P}

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 36

Solution 4.1

¬[(P ∨ Q)↔P ]
(P ∨ Q) ¬(P ∨ Q)
¬P ¬P
P? Q Q?

The tableau is open.

(P ∨ Q)↔P is not valid.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 37

Solution 4.2

(P ∨ Q)↔P
(P ∨ Q) ¬(P ∨ Q)
P ¬P
P Q ¬P

The tableau is open.

(P ∨ Q)↔P is satisfied by { P}, { P,Q}, { }.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 38

Prove, using propositional tableaux, that
{A → (B ∨ C), ¬B} entails A → C.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 39

Prove, using propositional tableaux, that
{A → (B ∨ C), ¬B} entails A → C.

Negate the thesis ¬(A → C).

A → (B ∨ C)
¬(A → C)
¬A? B∨C
B? C?
The tableau is closed.

Artificial Intelligence I — LCA 12/13 Deduction 40

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