Reflection Essay 2

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Villarreal 1

Paulina Villarreal

ENGL 1302

Dr. Sharity Nelson

17 October 2022

Reflection Essay 2

From Essay 1 I learned how to be descriptive in my findings and I was able to apply that
technique on Essay 2. Essay 1 was an experimental essay that allowed me to be descriptive with
my experimental findings and data. For Essay 2 I use those same techniques except I was
presenting the data and findings of scholarly research on abortion. From my univ classes I
learned how to present the information given and not what I personally believe with a debatable

From Essay 1 one I learned how to document personal data and make it descriptive which
was not necessary for Essay 2. From debates in my univ classes the only thing I needed to
proceed with Essay 2 from those classes were my presenting information skills.

From Essay 2 I further extended my knowledge and practice as to only presenting

information given. Not letting my opinion cloud my judgement nor switching my essay
perspective to first person. This aspect of my essay was rather challenging since I wrote about
something I was passionate about. This skill will be helpful to have when I write future essays
for future courses.

I furthered my knowledge on abortion since I wrote on this subject. It was interesting to

see that most scholars are on the same page and the debate is with politicians. There was very
little found about anti-abortion activist, but I did read about their psychology and that was
interesting to me. Of course, none of this information can be used in future courses unless I will
be writing about abortion again or in a debate.

For me I find it rather difficult to construct a annotated bibliography. But I do see the
how they can be helpful. Although I struggle to construct them it is easier when you reach the
Villarreal 2

end of your paper, and your sources are cited already. Or when you do not want to read a lengthy
article to use only a partial amount of it in your writing. Approaching writing tasks in the future I
will most probably construct a annotated bibliography within my paper and make my own
personalized annotations. I feel this would be the most helpful for me to have everything in one
single document with personal notes.

I unfortunately was not able to participate in the essay peer review. But from the
professors’ feedback I have trouble keeping from adding my opinion to my essay without
knowing I am doing so. A strengthen I would say I have is being able to fix my weakness to the
best of my ability once it is pointed out to me. An example of this could be my conclusion.
Originally, I had stated that abortion was very controversial, and that scientist and politicians
need to come to an agreement. After revision with my professor, she told me it sounded too
generalized and like my opinion so instead my conclusion changed to something along the lines
of “as the research shows scholars should focus on decreasing the number of overall abortions
and making sure young women have the knowledge about and availability to access birth

I think my professor’s comments for my Essay 2 judging from the comments on Essay 1
will tough. Essay 1 was difficult for me to write but I wrote it to the best of my ability as Essay 2
was. I can only hope I did a better job on this essay and explained myself better since I believe
that is what I lacked in Essay 1.

The most challenging aspect of this essay was keeping from drifting or directing the
essay into my opinion. It was difficult for me to not sound defensive on the subject. I constantly
had to go back and re-read to make sure of this since scholars seemed to be pro-choice as well.
Another challenging aspect was finding anti-abortion articles to include in my essay. The only
anti-abortion article I found was a study of the mind of these activists. The least challenging part
of this essay was presenting the information. Since all I had to do was research the topic.

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