Ms. Oliver's Ms. Oliver's Class News Class News: Classroom News Sols and Other Subjects

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Class News


CLASSROOM NEWS 2.2 The student will investigate
and understand that different
types of forces may cause an
In this newsletter, we will go object’s motion to change. Key
over the SOLs we are currently ideas include:
a) forces from direct contact
focusing on, how we are can cause an object to move;
integrating other subjects and b) some forces, including gravity
and magnetism, can cause
standards, inquiry-based objects to move
learning and the 5E lesson from a distance
plan, and how parents can 2.2 The student will identify
personal health decisions and
get involved with their health habits that influence
students studies. health and wellness throughout
Safety/Injury Prevention
h) Identify ways that students
can take responsibility for
personal safety at home, at
school, and in the community

Activities you can do at Explore
home with your student.

Resources that help you Elaborate

and your student in at-
home learning. Evaluate
VA Science
SOL 2.2 and
related subjects.

Our main focus during this unit is the VA Science

SOL 2.2 and specifically parts a and b. Part a focuses
on forces in the sense of direct contact making an
object move while part b focuses on less tangible
forces such as gravity and magnetism causing objects
to move.
During the 5E lesson plan of this unit students will be
utilizing magnets, Newton’s pendulum, and classroom
objects to investigate forces and conduct experiments
to discover what gravity, magnetism, as well as a
direct force does to the object it acts on. The time
allotted for this lesson is three days.

This unit uses the influence of the VA Health SOL 2.2

and specifically part h. Part h focuses on students
learning to be responsible in maintaining their
personal safety no matter what environment they are
in whether it be the classroom, their home, or out in the
This unit also incorporates the subject of writing as
the students will be writing a short essay about an
experiment they design.
5E Lesson Plan Model

1) Engage - This section of the 5E lesson plan model is

used to activate prior knowledge within the students
and grasping their attention so that they will be
engaged in the lesson. In this unit, I will be using this
activity to engage the students:

2) Explore - This section of the 5E lesson plan model is

where students inquire and conduct experiments so
that they can learn and explore the topic themselves.

3) Explain - This section of the 5E lesson plan model is

where vocabulary is discussed and the concepts the
students have been exploring get explained.

4) Elaborate - This section of the 5E lesson plan model

is where we go more in depth into the topic and the
students are given opportunities to show what they
have learned.

5) Evaluate - This section of the 5E lesson plan model

is where I evaluate how much the students have
learned and if there is anything I need to reteach.
Parent Resources

Resource : Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.).

Science inquiry at home : second

There will be more resources that you can utilize on

the next page, but this is a great resource for at home

If you follow the link, you will need to scroll down to

the section called "Science Inquiry from Home" and
choose the grade your student is in. In this case that is
second grade. There are many different SOLs covered
in this document and they provide activities you can
do right at home with your student. For our units focus,
you will find part b of our SOL within the first row of the
Additional Resources

Activity shown on a seesaw video:
BSCS Science Learning. (2012, January 18). BSCS 5E
instructional model [Video]. YouTube.
Eisenkraft, A. (2003). Expanding the 5E model. National
Science Teachers Association.
VDOE : Virginia Department of Education. (2018). 2018
Virginia science standards of learning curriculum
Virginia Department of Education. (2020). VDOE :
Health standards of learning resources.
Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.). Science
inquiry at home : second grade.

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