OralCom Module 1st Quarter - Edited

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Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)

Saint Louis School of Solano, Inc.

Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Telefax # (078) 326 – 7458
e-mail: [email protected]



Subject Teacher

Name of Student: ___________________________________Year and Section: __________________

Week No. 1 Inclusive Dates

Content Standard The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in

Performance Standard The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral
communication activities based on context.

Most Essential
Learning Explains the functions, nature and process of communication.
21st Century Learning  Communication Critical thinking
Skills  Creativity Cross-Cultural understanding
Core Values  Excellence
 Discipline
 Community Building


Week 1 Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives Remarks Activity

Day 1  Define communication
Day 2  Identify the elements of communication
Day 3  Explain the nature and process of communication
Day 4  Create an illustration of the communication process

o Department of Education. K to 12 basic Education Curriculum Guide. Senior High School-Core
o Santos-Syjueco, Marilou. Oral Communication in Context. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
o Fernandez, Ana Marie, SPEAC, Speak and Listen in Context. Phoenix Publishing House.
o Flores, Ramona. Oral Communication in Context, First Edition. REX Book Store.

CONTENT DISCUSSION: (For Self-Paced Learning) If you have queries or questions regarding the
content provided, please feel free to consult or message the subject teacher through messenger, text,
call, or video chat)

As a future professional, you will engage in both formal and informal interactions with various
people. In each of these interactions, you will have to use skills that will enable you to build rapport and
connections with all sorts of people.

Moreover, you are expected to not only be skilled in your chosen field, but also to be competent
as a communicator. You are expected to express yourself clearly and effectively and to interact
appropriately with different people depending on the situation. You can then use various skills to foster
personal and professional growth as well as individual and communal progress

It is not enough that you know a language as there is more to a language than being able to
speak it. It is important that you know when, where, and with whom to use specific language efficiently
and appropriately. It is not that you have the confidence to speak up your mind. It is important that
when you speak, you command respect both for yourself and for the institution you represent. You have
to always show sensitivity, respect, and consideration for other communicator/s.

DAY 1 Activity 1.1 MOTIVATIONAL ACTIVITY: Brainstorm round-a-word!

Write anything that comes to your mind when you hear or see the word communication.
Write them inside the circles.


Activity 1.2 Based on the given related words, how do you define communication? Give a
communication situation to expound your definition.

Communication is the process of expressing and exchanging information, thoughts, ideas,

and feelings. Since communication is a process, it involves a series of actions that lead to a
particular result such as the passing on of a message and an exchange of ideas, among others.

The following are examples of communication situations:

 A professor delivering a lecture to her students
 A coach talking to his players
 A dad giving advice to his son
 A salesperson giving a sales pitch to clients

The word communication comes from the word “communis” which means common. Communication
therefore, is an act wherein a person imparts knowledge, feelings, ideas and information, with the
intention of getting a common understanding of the significance, intention, and the use of message.

Activity 1.3 What other communication situations do you observe? Why do you consider each a
communication situation?



Verbal communication refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a message. For effective
and successful verbal communication, use words to express ideas which can be easily understood by the
person you are talking to.

Non-verbal communication refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and represent
meanings. All kinds of human responses that are not expressed in words are classified as nonverbal
communication. Examples of nonverbal communication are stares, smiles, tone of voice, movements,
manners of walking, standing and sitting, attitudes towards punctuality and space, personality and

Activity 1.4 Write T before each number if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
_______1. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.
_______2. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
_______3. How you communicate reflects who you are as a person.
_______4. One way to help you build credibility is through effective nonverbal communication.
_______5. There are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and places.
_______6. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
_______7. Use of too many fillers can distract your listeners.
_______8. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
_______9. When you talk to others, you should not assume too quickly that they understand the message
you convey.
_______10. When you communicate, choose what you want to say and how you want to say it.



Think about communication in your daily life. When you make a phone call, send a text
message, or like a post on Facebook, what is the purpose of that activity? Have you ever felt confused
by what someone is telling you or argued over a misunderstood email? The underlying issue may very
well be a communication deficiency.

There are many current models and theories that explain, plan, and predict communication
processes and their successes or failures. In the workplace, we might be more concerned about practical
knowledge and skills than theory. However, good practice is built on a solid foundation of
understanding and skill.

The communication process comprises essential and interconnected elements needed to ensure
successful communication.

Illustration 1. The communication process

1. Sender- The sender or the source is the origin of the message. He or she is influenced by four
Knowledge Communication Skills
Attitudes Sociocultural System

2. Message- The message is an idea, thought, or piece of information that the sender aims to
express or make known. It is compromised of the following.
 Content
 Elements
 Treatment
 Structure
 Code

3. Channel- The channel is the means by which a message is sent.

4. Receiver- The receiver is the one who receives the message. The receiver’s interpretation and
reception of the message is influenced by the same four factors that influence the sender of the

5. Feedback- The feedback is the receiver’s response to the sender.

6. Context- The context is the environment where the communication process took place.

Activity 2.1 Write it Up!

Relate a scenario wherein you observe the elements of communication. Make a dialogue out of it.

1. How did you find meeting new friends or even old friend again in the school via call or
2. How did you find conversing with them?

3. Have you ever wondered what could have happened to the world if human beings were not gifted
with speech?



The process of communication refers to the transmission or passage of information or message
from the sender through a selected channel to the receiver overcoming barriers that affect its pace.
The process of communication is a cyclic one as it begins with the sender and ends with the
sender in the form of feedback. It takes place upward, downward and laterally throughout the
The process of communication as such must be a continuous and dynamic interaction, both
affecting and being affected by many variables.
Communication process consists of certain steps where each step constitutes the essential of an
effective communication

Clara loves Ryan as a friend.

She thinks of how to tell him using their

native language.

She tells him,

“ Ryan, mahal kita bilang kaibigan.”

Ryan received the message from Clara.

He tries to analyze what she means, and

he is heartbroken

He frowns and does not reply anything

because he is in pain.

What communication situation have you engaged in recently?
What is the communicative situation?
Who/what is the speaker/source of the message?
What is the message being sent?

Using the elements of communication, create your own illustration of the process of communication.
You may use diagram, graphic organizers etc.

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Louis School of Solano, Inc.
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Telefax # (078) 326 – 7458
e-mail: [email protected]



Subject Teacher

Name of Student: _____________________________Year and Section: ___________________

Week No. 2 Inclusive Dates:

Content Standard The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication
in context.

Performance Standard The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled
oral communication activities based on context.

Most Essential Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Explain the functions, nature and processes of communication
21st Century Learning Skills  Communication
 Critical thinking
 Creativity
 Cross-Cultural understanding
Core Values  Excellence
 Discipline
 Community Building


Week 2 Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives Remarks Activity Score

Day 1  Define and analyze regulation and control as functions
of communication.
Day 2  Define and analyze social interaction and emotional
expression as functions of communication.
Day 3  Define and analyze motivation and information as
functions of communication.
Day 4  Identify a speaker’s purpose in various communication

o Department of Education. K to 12 basic Education Curriculum Guide. Senior High School-Core
o Santos-Syjueco, Marilou. Oral Communication in Context. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
o Fernandez, Ana Marie, SPEAC, Speak and Listen in Context. Phoenix Publishing House.
o Flores, Ramona. Oral Communication in Context, First Edition. REX Book Store.

CONTENT DISCUSSION: (For Self-Paced Learning) If you have queries or questions regarding the
content provided, please feel free to consult or message the subject teacher through messenger, text,
call, or video chat)

Below each heading, give your
specific reasons or purposes why __ _________
people communicate. You may
add more lines/headings as __ ________
__ _________



Communication as a human activity always serves a function. Functions of communication refers

to how human use language for different purposes. Theoreticians such as Roman Jakobson, Michael
Halliday, and Bronislaw Malinowski have categorized the different uses or functions of communication.
1. Regulation/Control - communication can be used to control the behavior of human beings. It can be
used to regulate the nature and amount of activities humans engage in.
Ex. Doctors’ prescriptions, parents’ instruction to their children, friends giving advice on what
course of action to take, scolding, employers’ orders to their employees, customers’ making
orders, etc…
Activity 1.1 REFLECT
1. Give examples of command or questions that influence people to do something.

2. Write a scenario wherein you experience regulation/control as function of communication.



2. Social Interaction - communication can be used to produce social interaction. In their daily course of
living, human beings develop and maintain bonds, intimacy, and associations. Human do this primarily
through communication.
Ex. Pick-up lines, invitations, greetings, appreciation, encouragement, marriage proposals, game
plans, etc…
3. Emotional Expression - humans always need to express their emotions both verbally and non-
verbally. Emotions are a central part of who we are. Beyond thinking about the things and people in our

world, we feel about them and ourselves. Whether it is love, fear, anger, joy, hope, or any other emotion,
humans need to let them out otherwise they harm our well-being.
*The special case of expressing opinions
How about expressing an opinion? What function does it perform? The function to which
expressing an opinion belongs depends on the purpose and setting in which it is done. For example,
when a doctor or a lawyer gives an opinion, it is likely to be about regulation/control. When a teacher
gives an opinion about a topic, it is likely to be about information. A teenage girl giving an opinion on
who among the currently popular celebrities is the most handsome, that is likely to be about motivation.
Lastly, when a teenage guy expresses an opinion about what his life would be now that his girlfriend
broke up with him that is likely to be in realm of emotional expression.
Expressing an opinion has broad functions covering every category of communication functions.
As long as humans communicate, there will always be a particular use of function to our
communication efforts.
Activity 2.1 REFLECT UPON

What do you think are the first messages exchanged by early humans with one another? In the absence
of language or words, in what ways do you think they expressed their emotions? What are the benefits
of using spoken language to express one’s emotion instead of other means?
1. What are your first instances of social interactions? Describe each instance briefly.

2. What are the emotions that are easier to express to acquaintances-or even strangers-than to
family? Cite your experiences.

3. Which social interactions require you to be more formal and therefore less familiar? Explain



4. Motivation - motivation as a function of communication refers to a person using language to express

desires, needs, wants, likes, and dislikes, inclinations, choices, and aspirations.
Ex. Expressing one’s ambition, talking about preferences, ordering in a fast food restaurant,
asking for milk, making petitions, picketing, expressing a need, communicating desires and
aspirations, etc...
5. Information - communication can be used for giving and getting information. Giving communication
usually comes in the form of statements of facts and sometimes in terms of rhetorical questions. Getting
information can come in the form of questions intended for getting information, commands, and even
through statements.

Activity 3.1 Reflect Upon
1. When was the last time you were motivated by someone to do something good or worthwhile?
What did this person say to you? What made his or her words so inspiring?
2. Which media entity or government agency do you rely on when it comes to knowing vital
information about the weather or any potential situation of difficulty? Why? Or why not?
3. Explain the line “Everybody needs motivation”.
4. Do you think communicating information is the most basic communication function? Why or
why not?

Activity 3.2 Answer the following.

1. Choose one from the different functions of communication then relate your experience/s about it.
Rubrics: Organization of ideas – 5 pts. Content and Mechanics – 5 pts.




Exercise 1.1. These are specific instances of communication that may or may not use Regulation/control
and Social Interaction. Identify whether these instances use Regulation/Control/Social Interaction
(whether verbally or non verbally) or not.
_____________1. The teacher looks sharply at the noisy students.
_____________2. The yaya combs the little girl’s hair.
_____________3. The janitor tells the students to move away from the area of corridor he is cleaning.
_____________4. The group of boys asks the bus driver to stop infront of the bank.
_____________5. The bus driver tells the boys that he can only stop at the following bus stop.
_____________6. At the mention of “fire!" the office manager directs all the employees to the nearest
fire exit.
_____________7. The contestant delivered a speech on saving trees in SM Baguio.
_____________8. A priest leads the people who are waiting for the arrival of Pope Francis at the Luneta
singing various welcome chants.
_____________9. A younger sibling is teased until he cries.
_____________10. The vendors on the sidewalks keep calling out to passersby to attract their attention.
_____________11. Asking the janitor where the comfort room is.
_____________12. The girls discussing what happened at the party last night.
_____________13. Trying to find out why a sibling is crying.
_____________14. Eating dinner quietly with family.
_____________15. The employees teasing the office manager during his surprise birthday party.

Exercise 1.2: Identify the function of communication in each of the following situations. Write your
answers on the space provided.

_______________1. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
_______________2. Rose greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
_______________3. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
_______________4. Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler.
_______________5. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.
_______________6. Shiela delivers her valedictory speech.
_______________7. The president delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
_______________8. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.
_______________9. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
_______________10. A tourist guide orients a group of tourists about a heritage site.

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Louis School of Solano, Inc.
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Telefax # (078) 326 – 7458
e-mail: [email protected]


Subject: Oral Communication

Subject Teacher

Name of Student: ___________________________________ Year and Section:

Week No. 3 Inclusive Dates:

Content Standard The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication
in context.

Performance Standard The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled
oral communication activities based on context.

Most Essential Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Differentiates the various models of communication

21st Century Learning Skills  Communication Critical thinking

 Creativity Cross-Cultural understanding
Core Values  Excellence Discipline
 Community Building


Week 3 Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives Remarks Activity Score

Day 1  Identify the various models of communication
Day 2  Distinguish the unique features of communication
Day 3  Differentiate the various models of communication from
one another
Day 4  Make a short speech/dialogue using any of the
communication models.

o Department of Education. K to 12 basic Education Curriculum Guide. Senior High School-Core
o Santos-Syjueco, Marilou. Oral Communication in Context. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
o Fernandez, Ana Marie, SPEAC, Speak and Listen in Context. Phoenix Publishing House.
o Flores, Ramona. Oral Communication in Context, First Edition. REX Book Store.
o https://www.businesstopia.net/communication.

CONTENT DISCUSSION: (For Self-Paced Learning) If you have queries or questions regarding the
content provided, please feel free to consult or message the subject teacher through messenger, text,
call, or video chat)

COMMUNICATION MODELS are systematic representations of the process which helps in
understanding how communication works can be done. Models show the process metaphorically and in
symbols. They form general perspectives on communication by breaking communication from complex
to simple and keeps the components in order. Communication models can sometimes encourage
traditional thinking and stereotyping but can also omit some major aspects of human communication.

Methods and channels of communication to be used and the purpose of communication, must be
considered before choosing a specific communication model. Models are used by business companies
and other firms to foster their communication, explore their options and to evaluate their own situations.
It is also used to understand how the receivers will interpret the message.


The process of communication can be explained through the various models of communication
constructed by experts throughout the years.

This model shows a straight path of relaying information. It is one-directional, which means that
information from a sender is conveyed directly to the receiver. Consider a speaker delivering a speech in
front of an audience. The speaker is the sender, and he or she conveys his or her message directly to the
audience, which are the receivers of the message.


Mass media, especially TV and radio, are good examples of the linear model of communication.
The message, which comes from a broadcast, travels through airwaves in a straight path going to the
receiver, which is the person watching or listening. In this example, noise such as intermittent signals
from the channel transmitting the airwaves, will adversely affect the success of the transmission of the

This model takes into consideration feedback from the receiver; thus, the message in this model
originates from two sources: the message from the sender and the feedback from the receiver. When the
receiver gives feedback, he or she becomes the sender, and the original sender becomes the receiver of
the feedback. Your everyday conversation with friends are good examples of the interactive model- one
gives a message, the other receives it, and then gives feedback accordingly.

It is important to note that feedback may come in many forms. Aside from the spoken words,
feedback may be as simple as o nod of approval, a raised eyebrow, or even falling asleep during a

Context refers to the setting in which the communication takes place.

Fields of experience refer to the cultural background and other frames of reference that an individual
may bring into the interaction.

The interactive model shows communication as a give-and-take interaction. You speak and your
partner listens; in turn, you partner speaks and you listen. The path therefor, is no longer linear but

This model shows communication as occurring continuously and simultaneously between or
among people. It shows communication as a two-way process in which participants are constantly
sending and receiving messages.



Compare and contrast the following communication models using the Venn diagram. Explain their
strengths and weaknesses. What does each have that makes it different from the communication models
that you know.

_____________ Interactive Transactional

How would you describe the communication process in your own words?

If you were to create your own communication model, what elements would you include and how would
the process go?


Make a simple dialogue using any of the communication models. Please be guided by the rubric for
evaluation below.


Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Standards
Standards Standards Standards 1
4 3 2
Meaning Speech is creative Speech is Most of the lines Speech appears to be
and and original. It is thoughtful and are creative, but thoughtless or rushed.
Originality evident that the creative. A couple appears to be Work is very
student put thought of phrases or ideas rushed. This is repetitive, and ideas
into their words and may be revisited, evident in the are unoriginal.
uniquely conveyed but the overall student’s
their ideas and product is redundancy or use
emotions. carefully written. of clichés.
Grammar Proper use of A couple of The student’s There are numerous
English spelling and spelling or intended meaning is spelling or grammar
grammar is used grammar mistakes confusing by errors, making the
consistently are evident, but do several spelling or output difficult to
throughout the not diminish the grammar errors. understand.
output. Punctuation meaning of the Punctuation may be Punctuation is used
is utilized when output. misused. incorrectly.
necessary. Punctuation is
utilized when


You can read more about the models of communication and their elements on the following websites:


Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Louis School of Solano, Inc.
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Telefax # (078) 326 – 7458
e-mail: [email protected]



Subject Teacher

Name of Student: ___________________________________Year and Section: ______________

Week No. 4 Inclusive Dates

Content Standard The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in

Performance Standard The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral
communication activities based on context.

Most Essential
Learning Explain why there are breakdowns in communication?
21st Century Learning  Communication Critical thinking
Skills  Creativity
Core Values  Excellence Discipline
 Community Building


Week 4 Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives Remarks Activity

Day 1  Identify the different types of noise
Day 2  Differentiate the various types of noise from one another
Day 3  Determine the different ways to prevent breakdown in
Day 4  Identify the different types of noise in a given situation.

o Department of Education. K to 12 basic Education Curriculum Guide. Senior High School-Core
o Santos-Syjueco, Marilou. Oral Communication in Context. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
o Fernandez, Ana Marie, SPEAC, Speak and Listen in Context. Phoenix Publishing House.
o Flores, Ramona. Oral Communication in Context, First Edition. REX Book Store.

CONTENT DISCUSSION: (For Self-Paced Learning) If you have queries or questions regarding the
content provided, please feel free to consult or message the subject teacher through messenger, text,
call, or video chat)

Over and over we see conflict arise from communication breakdowns, whether it’s between
couples, co-workers, families and even countries. Although some communication breakdowns are
intentional, most of what we say is unconscious and from poor habits we learned from others.

Breakdowns occur in the communication process from time to time. A breakdown in
communication occurs when the message or the feedback is not sent or received properly- at least in the
way that the sender intends- or is not received by the concerned party altogether. An example of
communication breakdowns is when your phone conversation with someone is cut off just as you are
about to tell the important details of your message. Another example of communication breakdown is
when you cannot clearly understand the salient points of your teacher is making because your seatmates
are distracting you.

Many of the causes of communication breakdown can be classified as NOISE. Noise is the
technical term used to refer to all the possible barriers to effective communication. Noise may be
physical, psychological, physiological, or semantic.


PHYSICAL NOISE- comes from the environment. e.g.: extraneous noise, unbearable weather,
noise, distracting visual aid etc.

PSYCHOLOGICAL NOISE- originates from the emotional state, mental state, and
make-up of a person. E.g., depression, anger, suspicions, paranoia, biases, etc.

PHYSIOLOGICAL NOISE- are the “bodily conditions “that compromise the ability of a
person to
send or receive messages. E.g., hunger, stomach ache etc.

SEMANTIC NOISE- refers to anything related to the meaning of words that distorts or masks a
message and confuses the listener. E.g., a speaker’s use of foreign language, a listener’s limited
vocabulary, or differing interpretations of the meaning of a word, etc.

Consider the classroom scenario in which you and your classmates are listening to a lecture by your
math teacher. Physical noise may be the voices of your seatmates chatting with one another, while
psychological noise, on the other hand, is the bodily condition you feel that make you lose
concentration. This condition can be hunger, headache, body pain, and so on. Semantic noise refers to
the language and how well you understand it.


How do you understand the word breakdown when applied to communication? Give specific situation to
illustrate your own definition.


What have I learned so far?

Write on the blank the type of each noise listed below.

1. Headache
2. Noise from a busy construction site

3. Missing someone
4. Disliking the speaker
5. Noise from moving vehicles
6. Speaker’s ambiguous words
7. Excited to do something else
8. Grumbling of the stomach
9. Poor ventilation in the venue
10. Talking among seatmates
11. Lack of interest in the topic
12. Unclear pronunciation of words
13. Thirsty
14. Teachers using Chinese characters
15. Body pain


Preventing Breakdown in Communication

A breakdown in communication is always possible in any interaction. However, we can
minimize communication breakdown by employing several strategies. This includes asking for
clarification, repetition, rephrasing, using non-verbal language, and building on what others have said.
These strategies can be collectively described as communication support strategies.

1. Asking for Clarification

Asking for clarification is probably the most common way of preventing a breakdown in
communication. Whenever possible, we ask the people we talk with anyone giving a lecture or speech to
clarify what they are trying to express if we think we do not understand them. What may be lacking is
our ability to properly ask for clarification. We must note then, that there are different ways of asking for
clarification based on the formality of a situation, differences in rank between speaker and listener, and
the level of intimacy between speaker ad listener. For example, it would be impolite to ask someone to
clarify what he or she said by a simple “What?” if the speaker is someone of higher rank even if we have
known the person for a long time or if the speaker is one of our elders. However, “what?” is perfectly
acceptable for asking for clarification between close friends. Below is table showing the different
expressions used for asking for clarification.
Informal Formal
 What?  May I request you to repeat what you said?
 Can you say that again?  Could you please say that again?
 Pardon?  I’m sorry?
 What did you just say?
 Say again? (or Say again. As a command)

2. Repetition
Speaker may repeat what he or she said if he or she feels that the listeners did not understand
fully what was said. A speaker may also repeat an utterance to make sure that the listeners do not
misunderstand it. Repetition is a very useful way of preventing a communication breakdown.
However, too much repetition can irritate listeners. Because of this, a speaker must balance between
using repetition and other ways of preventing communication breakdown.
A listener may also repeat what a speaker said as a way of signaling that he or she is trying to
make sure that what was heard was correct and fore the speaker to correct any error in
Repetition may also come in the form of repeating a particular grammatical structure. Doing so
can make an utterance memorable as shown in Winston Churchill’s speech during World War II as
shown below with the repetition underlined:

“…we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on
the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we

shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the
landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall
never surrender…”

3. Rephrasing
Rephrasing involves repeating the same message using different words or expressions. Listeners,
especially ones who are not very good in the language spoken, may not be familiar with a certain
word, phrase, or expression. One particular element that may need rephrasing is an idiom. When a
speaker uses an idiom, less proficient listeners may not understand it. For this reason, the speaker
may have to rephrase the idiom using more literal wording.

4. Using Non-verbal Language

Using nonverbal language is another very common way of preventing communication
breakdown. This strategy is used particularly when at least one of the participants is not proficient I
the language. It can also be employed when the spoken utterances are difficult to perceive as when
speaking in a noisy environment, when the speaker has difficulty in speaking or when the listener
has difficulty in listening. Using nonverbal language is possible only when the speaker and listener
can see each other.

5. Building on What Others Have Said

During a discussion, a speaker can express his nor her ideas well by using the words, phrases, or
ideas that have been previously stated by other participants in the discussion. In this way, the speaker
is capitalizing on what others have already given. Also, building on what others have said creates a
connection between speakers and listeners because the speaker affirms what others have already
spoken, giving them a sense of importance. In building on what others have said, however, it must
be made clear that the speaker and the previous speakers in a discussion have the same meaning for
the words, phrases, or ideas that were stated. Otherwise, this creates an illusion of understanding
when in fact the speakers and listeners have not truly understood each other. Building on what others
have said is a very good way of expressing one’s ideas using the words, phrases, and even ideas
already given.
In any communication activity, the possibility of communication breakdown is always present.
However, by applying useful strategies such as the ones discussed, speakers and listeners can
minimize communication breakdown.

Activity 3. Answer the following.

1. What can a speaker do in order to prevent a possible breakdown in communication?
Rubric/s: Organization of Ideas – 5 pts. Content – 5 pts.


What have I learned so far?

Identify the possible noises that can cause communication breakdown in the following situation. Then
describe how communication breakdown may occur. Afterward, propose a strategy to avoid or remedy
this breakdown. Present your strategy in the given table below.

As a member of the student council, you are tasked to take part in the high school freshmen
orientation in your school. You are assigned to give the freshmen tips on how to effectively hurdle their
first year in high school.
About 10 minutes before the orientation begins, the air-conditioning system in the venue breaks
down. If the organizers decide to call the repairmen, it would take half an hour to fix the problem, which
would mean that the orientation could stretch on until past noon. Moreover, rain has started beating
down on the roof and windows of the function room and shows no signs of letting up.

Possible Noise Wow communication breakdown Strategy to avoid communication
occur? breakdown.






Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Louis School of Solano, Inc.
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Telefax # (078) 326 – 7458
e-mail: [email protected]



Subject Teacher

Name of Student: ___________________________________Year and Section: _______________

Week No. 5 Inclusive Dates

Content Standard The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding
of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.

Performance Standard The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety
of speech situations.

Most Essential
Learning Identifies the various types of speech context
21st Century Learning  Communication Critical thinking
Skills  Creativity
Core Values  Excellence Discipline
 Community Building


Week 5 Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives Remarks Activity

Day 1  Define communication context.
 Explain Intrapersonal communication
Day 2  Define and explain interpersonal communication
Day 3  Distinguish communicative situations whether
intrapersonal or interpersonal communication.
Day 4  Know the applicable verbal and nonverbal cues that
accompany intrapersonal and interpersonal

o Department of Education. K to 12 basic Education Curriculum Guide. Senior High School-Core
o Santos-Syjueco, Marilou. Oral Communication in Context. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
o Fernandez, Ana Marie, SPEAC, Speak and Listen in Context. Phoenix Publishing House.
o Flores, Ramona. Oral Communication in Context, First Edition. REX Book Store.

CONTENT DISCUSSION: (For Self-Paced Learning) If you have queries or questions regarding the
content provided, please feel free to consult or message the subject teacher through messenger, text,
call, or video chat)

Context also known as the communal condition of an environment refers to a process which
involves the evaluation of information that will have an effect on the probability of success regarding the
communication process, it is as a result of this fact that effective communication depends on the mass of
common shared knowledge between various people. In order for a one to understand a unit of
communication on a technical level they need to understand the process regarding the outcome of the
transmission with consideration upon wither it was understood by the receiver. An example of applied
contextual situations can be noted through how ones mannerisms change when in their work environment
in comparison to a night out with either friends or family.


Context among its more relevant definitions is “the set of circumstances or facts that surround a
particular event, situation, etc.”

In speech, context refers to three things: (1) the person speaking; (2) the situation/event/occasion;
and (3) the person(s) being addressed/spoken to.

A person is exposed to several communication contexts in his or her everyday life, and these
contexts can either be intrapersonal or interpersonal.



Intrapersonal communication is defined as a person’s communication with himself or herself. In

other words, it is communication with oneself. Talking to oneself in front of a mirror and thinking out
loud are two instances of intrapersonal communication.

Since intrapersonal communication takes place or exists within the mind, making plans or
decisions is also intrapersonal communication, as are smiling to oneself after a job well done or telling
yourself to stop doing certain things which you know are harmful to you.

Talking to yourself is normal and beneficial because it gives you the chance to pause and plan
carefully before doing or saying anything. Thus intrapersonal communication can help you avoid doing
or saying something detrimental to yourself or anything harmful to others. Intrapersonal communication
can also help motivate you toward achieving your goals.

Many professions benefit from these inner conversations. Artists, most especially, are known to
have great intrapersonal skills. For instance, writers and painters imagine various scenarios that serve as
their inspiration for composing novels or poems or for making artworks. Actors, on the other hand,
internalize the roles they are to play so they can act naturally and believably. Scientists, meanwhile, do
lots of self-talk, especially when they are deep in thought while conducting experiments or solving

Intrapersonal communication is very important, which is why many people need time to be alone
so they can think or communicate with themselves.
Self-directed or internal domain or context
Cognitive domain Affective domain

Talking to oneself Praying

Writing oneself a note Dreaming
Thinking in words Swearing
Doing mental calculations Expressing one’s
feelings, telling jokes

What Have I Learned So Far?

“Talking to oneself” is actually a skill which you can enhance for specific jobs. Explain this



Interpersonal communication, on the other hand, is

communication with one or more persons. It could be face
to face or via a gadget such as a cellphone. Conversations,
interviews, and casual talks are examples of interpersonal

In 1624, the English poet John Donne said, “No

man is an island”. This line basically means that a person
needs other people in order to live fully, which is why
interpersonal communication is very important as well.
Simply put, talking to or interacting with others, whether
face to face (in one-on-one conversations, small group
discussions, or meetings) or via gadgets, is an essential part
of life.

Interpersonal means “something involving or occurring among several people”. Therefore,

examples of interpersonal communication include casual conversations with family members or peers;
interviews or formal conversations with authority figures such as teachers and employers; small group
discussions in class; e-mail correspondence with relative abroad; and short interactions with food
attendants, vendors, public utility drivers, and the like.

Many professions benefit from having good interpersonal skills or the ability to communicate
well with other people. Politicians, celebrities, salespeople, teachers, doctors, counselors, and
supervisors, to name a few, have good interpersonal skills that help them accomplish their duties and/or

How do you communicate with other people? Cite three ways. Then explain how interpersonal
communication benefits or improves you as an individual.


Involves at least 3 but not more than 10
people engaged in an interaction to achieve a
DYAD Communication that occurs SMALL GROUP desired goal
between two people

It requires you to deliver or send the
PUBLIC message before or in front of a MASS Takes place through television, radio,
newspapers, magazines, books, billboards,
group; the message can be
internet and other types of media
informational or persuasive


Intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills are valuable skills In informal, academic,
and professional contexts-or in any context, for that matter. As such, these skills have been classified as
intelligences according to theory of multiple intelligences proposed by American developmental
psychologist Howard Gardner.

In his theory, Gardner defines interpersonal intelligence as the “capacity to understand oneself,
to appreciate one’s emotions, interests, fears and motivations or goals. This intelligence is more
reflective and seeks to be in tune with inner feelings; looking for intuition, connections, pattern and
wisdom. This is therefore more critical-thinking centered and is concerned with a person’s reflections on
their own changing thoughts and emotions. On the other hand, Gardner defines interpersonal
intelligence as the “capacity to experience the intentions, interests, desires, fears, and motivations/goals
of other people. This intelligence is therefore much more openly interactive, seeking personal
connections and discussions with others as a prime tool to appreciate what one person or more may be
communicating. This is therefore more of an ability to have interest in and/or empathy for other people’s


Identify the context of each given situation. Write interpersonal or intrapersonal on the space before
each item.

_________________1. Guidance counselor and student in a counseling session

_________________2. A poet writing a poem
_________________3. A pianist trying to find the right keys for a song
_________________4. Employee convincing his boss that he deserves a salary increase
_________________5. Basketball coach signaling to a player
_________________6. A boy making his friends laugh
_________________7. A painter choosing which color to use on his canvass
_________________8. A ballerina rehearsing in front of a mirror
_________________9. A scientist figuring out the right combination of chemicals
_________________10. Your neighbor greeting you each morning

In summary

• Context plays a vital role in communication.

• Speech context influences the kind of language used by the communicators; it is the basis of the
proper conduct of our behaviour.
• Each speech context has its benefits to the person involved in communication.
• In intrapersonal speech context, it makes reflect, discern to improve our personality for the
achievement of our goals.
• Interpersonal communication helps us improve our relationship with other people in order to
achieve peace, harmony and unity with one another.
• It is in public speaking that we accomplish definite goals such as to inform, to persuade, to
• Using mass media entails responsibility; we need to be critical in using any medium of


The following articles will help you improve your intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.

 http://www.stepbystep.com/how-to-think-like-an-artist-88995/
 http://www.lifeoptimizer.org/2011/04/01/improve-coversation-skills/

All websites were last accessed on 18 February 2015


Find any professional in your community and conduct an interview via messenger or
any social media platform on his/her strategies in developing his/her interpersonal
and intrapersonal skills in the workplace. After seeking the permission of your
interviewee. Consider the following in your interview.

a. Determine the purpose of the interview
b. State the major points clearly
c. Choose the right person to be interviewed.
d. Consider the date, time, place and interview.
e. Outline the interview.
f. Prepare list of questions related to your interview.


a. Bear in mind the purpose of the interview
b. Relax and be polite, patient and considerate.
c. Show courtesy and respect to your interviewee. Do not give your opinions.


a. Thank your interviewee.

Prepare a short narrative of the result of your interview activity.

Name of Interviewee: ________________________________ Date of Interview:

Profession: ________________________________________

Narrative Report:


Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Louis School of Solano, Inc.
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Telefax # (078) 326 – 7458
e-mail: [email protected]



Subject Teacher

Name of Student: ___________________________________Year and Section:

Week No. 6 Inclusive Dates: __Sept. 28-October 2,

Content Standard The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding
of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.

Performance Standard The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety
of speech situations.

Most Essential
Learning Distinguishes types of speeches and speech styles
21st Century Learning  Communication Critical thinking
Skills  Creativity
Core Values  Excellence Discipline
 Community Building


Week 6 Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives Remarks Activity

Day 1  Distinguish the types of speeches according to purpose
Day 2  Make/deliver short speech according to purpose
Day 3  Distinguish the types of speeches according to delivery
Day 4  Make/deliver short speech according to delivery

o Department of Education. K to 12 basic Education Curriculum Guide. Senior High School-Core
o Santos-Syjueco, Marilou. Oral Communication in Context. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
o Fernandez, Ana Marie, SPEAC, Speak and Listen in Context. Phoenix Publishing House.
o Flores, Ramona. Oral Communication in Context, First Edition. REX Book Store.

CONTENT DISCUSSION: (For Self-Paced Learning) If you have queries or questions regarding the
content provided, please feel free to consult or message the subject teacher through messenger, text,
call, or video chat)

Any worthwhile endeavor such as a speech has a purpose. You speak to inform, to argue, to
persuade, to entertain, and to express emotions, among others. Identifying your purpose and being
conscious of it allows you to better choose your words, your supporting material, the organization of
your message, and the manner in which you will deliver it.

What is the purpose of the weather man? He speaks to give us updates on the weather and
therefore his purpose is to inform. How about the teacher when she gives a lecture? She explains the
lesson and shares her knowledge with students; therefore, she also speaks to inform. What about the
artist presenting her work, hoping her art carries her message to the audience? She speaks to persuade.
The lawmaker who argues for or against a bill on the floor of congress? Definitely, he aims to persuade
fellow law makers to vote for or against the bill in review. These are but a few of the many purposes of
speech communication.














Based on the learnings from this module, choose one speech type according to your preference and
make a 150-word speech observing the characteristics of your chosen speech type.



Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Standards
Standards Standards Standards 1
4 3 2
Meaning Speech is creative Speech is Most of the lines are Speech appears to be
and and original. It is thoughtful and creative, but appears to thoughtless or rushed.
Originality evident that the creative. A couple be rushed. This is Work is very repetitive,
student put thought of phrases or ideas evident in the and ideas are unoriginal.
into their words and may be revisited, student’s redundancy
uniquely conveyed but the overall or use of clichés.
their ideas and product is
emotions. carefully written.
Grammar Proper use of A couple of The student’s intended There are numerous
English spelling and spelling or meaning is confusing spelling or grammar
grammar is used grammar mistakes by several spelling or errors, making the
consistently are evident, but do grammar errors. output difficult to
throughout the not diminish the Punctuation may be understand. Punctuation
output. Punctuation meaning of the misused. is used incorrectly.
is utilized when output.
necessary. Punctuation is
utilized when

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Louis School of Solano, Inc.
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Telefax # (078) 326 – 7458
e-mail: [email protected]



Subject Teacher

Name of Student: ___________________________________Year and Section:

Week No. 7 Inclusive Dates: ____ October 5-9,

Content Standard The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding
of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.

Performance Standard The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety
of speech situations.

Most Essential
Learning Distinguishes types of speech and speech styles
21st Century Learning  Communication Critical thinking
Skills  Creativity
Core Values  Excellence Discipline
 Community Building


(Intimate, Casual and Consultative)

Week 7 Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives Remarks Activity

Day 1  Assess one’s preferred communications style.
Day 2  Define speech style.
Day 3  Differentiate the types of speech styles, specifically
intimate, casual, and consultative.
Day 4  Identify social situations in which each speech style is
appropriate to use.

o Department of Education. K to 12 basic Education Curriculum Guide. Senior High School-Core
o Santos-Syjueco, Marilou. Oral Communication in Context. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
o Fernandez, Ana Marie, SPEAC, Speak and Listen in Context. Phoenix Publishing House.
o Flores, Ramona. Oral Communication in Context, First Edition. REX Book Store.

CONTENT DISCUSSION: (For Self-Paced Learning) If you have queries or questions regarding the
content provided, please feel free to consult or message the subject teacher through messenger, text,
call, or video chat)



This questionnaire is adapted from www.newlinesidea.com/communication-style-

quiz.html and is designed to help you assess your preferred communications style.
Thinking about your behavior with others, read each statement and indicate which
best classifies your behavior.

1- Disagree strongly
2- Disagree somewhat
3- Agree somewhat
4- Agree strongly

Total your score for each communication style category.

1. I express my opinions honestly, openly, and appropriately all the time.
2. I can get angry and am comfortable letting this show
3. I find it difficult to say “no”.
4. If I do not agree with a task I’ve been given, I find a way of dragging my feet on
5. If someone knows more than me, I feel comfortable in asking for help from them.
6. I feel guilty if I leave on time for a valid reason and other people are still working.
7. I can be sarcastic
8. I think my way of doing things is better than other people’s.
9. If someone takes advantage of me, I find a way of getting my own back
10. I feel I have a right to say “no” to other people requests and to negotiate a
11. If I am in a large meeting, I do not speak up.
12. I like to be in control of a situation.
13. If the situation dictates, I can stare people down.
14. I make good eye contact.
15. If I am unsure about a given task, I find it uncomfortable to ask for help.
16. I have been known to talk about other people behind their backs.
17. When I have to deal with someone in authority, I find it difficult to look them
directly in the eye.
18. I am a good listener and equally other people listen to what I have to say.
19. Rather than confronting someone about an issue, I would rather give them the
cold shoulder or drop hints to other people that I am not happy.
20. I am not afraid to be directed with someone, even if they think I am being rude.

Your scores:

Aggressive Passive Aggressive

Passive Assertive

Your highest score represents the communication style you tend toward most of the
time. Even if the highest score is “ASSERTIVE”, pay attention to your next highest
score especially if it is within two points.


I am direct in expressing my needs, I clearly express my needs, wants, and
wants, and opinions and I give no thought opinions in a way which is considerate of
to other people. others,

I win, you lose. I win, you win.


I indirectly make sure that others are I do not express my needs, wants, and
aware of my needs, wants, and opinions opinions directly. I put others’ need
and that these are more important than above my own.
Directness of

I win, you lose. I lose, you win.

Thought given to others


SPEECH STYLE is “the way in which something is said, done, expressed, or performed,” and
it corresponds to specific speech contexts. The speech styles discussed in this module- intimate, casual,
and consultative-generally occur in interpersonal contexts.

 Intimate conversations take place between persons of close alliances/relationships. (e.g., married
couples, lovers, and family members).

 Casual conversations typically take place between classmates, friends, or co-workers.

 Consultative conversations take place between professionals such as doctors and lawyers and
their patients and clients.

There is a marked difference in the language used, degree of formality, and manner of expression
in each style due to the different types of people involved and their degree of closeness.

By simply listening in, one can recognize the speech style used by the two people engaged in a
conversation. In the same manner, it is also not very difficult to employ the style appropriate to the
situation and the person you are talking to. Usually, the relationship you have with the person you are
talking to dictates the speech style you will use. Unless you have personal differences within your
family, the style expected of you and another family member is intimate. The casual style would be
appropriate if you are with your peers, friends, classmates and co-workers (in the future). Professional
conversations are usually consultative in style-less casual, more business-like and serious, and never
intimate. You employ this style when you are speaking with your mentors, superiors in school, people in
authority, and later on with your superiors at work, with clients, and with other professionals.

Reflect Upon
What speech style is used in talking to oneself? Why do you say so?


The intimate speech style, as the term intimate indicates, is usually used by persons who are
close or very familiar with each other. In most cases, the intimate speech style is employed when one
talks to his or her family, relatives, and even very close friends. In this style, the language used may be
both formal and informal depending on the situation and the matter being talked about. Moreover, terms
of endearment (e.g, mahal or babe for husband and wife) and terms that show respect (e.g., mom, dad,
kuya, and ate) are often used in this speech style. In additions, it is in this speech style when private or
sensitive matters are usually talked about (e.g., family finances, big decisions).

The casual speech style is the style you use when you talk to your classmates, peers, and other
people who are not as close to you or are not in your innermost circle of family and best friends. In thus
style, the language used is often informal and conversational. In addition, the casual speech style allows
for a more diverse range of topics. However, terms of endearment are rarely used in this style.


To consult is to ask or seek advice from a person, usually professional who has an expert
knowledge on a specific subject or field. The consultative style of speech, therefore, is what you use
when talking to a doctor, lawyer, engineer, counselor, and other professionals who you think can help
you with your need of information, advice, or opinion. You also may be consulted with by your future
clients if you become the person knowledgeable enough to give expert advice, opinion, and information.
This speech style requires more formality in terms of language, manner of speaking, and gestures. Think
of a doctor when he or she is talking to his or her patient or when a lawyer is advising his or her client.

It is important to take note, though, that the use of specific speech style depends on the level of
closeness of the parties involved, on the topic being discussed, and on the purpose of the
communicators. For instance, a mother and a daughter may use the intimate speech style when they are
talking about school matters. At the same time, they may use the casual speech style when they are
talking about hobbies or vacations. On the other hand, a doctor speaking to a familiar patient may use
the casual speech style rather than the more formal consultative style.

What have I learned so far?

Identify the speech style used in the following lines. Write I if it is intimate, CA if Casual, and CO if
_____1. I’ve been running a fever for days now and I feel weak. My muscles also ache a lot. Do you
think I’ve
contracted a dengue fever?
_____2. You know what? This family misses you so much. Please come home more often.
_____3. I would like to show your son’s recent test scores. I’m afraid he might fail this subject.
_____4. We should start planning for our office Christmas party. Who would like to head the food
_____5. Mother, you ought to take some rest. Let me wash the dishes tonight.

Identify the speech style associated in the following. Write I if it is intimate, CA if Casual, and CO if

_____1. Family
_____2. Lawyer
_____3. Professional
_____4. Friends
_____5. Salesperson
_____6. Co-workers
_____7. Client
_____8. Formal
_____9. Customer service representative
____10. Doctor



You and your friend are new members of a theater organization. As an exercise, you have been
tasked by the lead director to make a dialogue to any of the following. The dialogue should show the
appropriate speech style to use on each given scenario.

 Parent and child talking about future plans

 Guidance counselor advising a troubled grade 11 student
 Friends talking about the latest grades
 An engineer suggesting a proposal to his or her superior
 Husband and wife talking about relocating to another place

Your dialogue/script will be evaluated based on accuracy, believability, creativity, and impact.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Grand Total

Scenario: ______________________________









Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Louis School of Solano, Inc.
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Telefax # (078) 326 – 7458
e-mail: [email protected]



Subject Teacher

Name of Student: ___________________________________Year and Section:

Week No. 8 Inclusive Dates: _October 12-16,

Content Standard The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding
of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.

Performance Standard The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety
of speech situations.

Most Essential
Learning Distinguishes types of speech styles
21st Century Learning  Communication Critical thinking
Skills  Creativity
Core Values  Excellence Discipline
 Community Building


(Formal and Frozen)

Week 8 Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives Remarks Activity

Day 1  Define and differentiate formal speech style from frozen
speech style.
Day 2  Analyze a sample formal speech style
Day 3  Identify communicative situations in which each speech
style is appropriate to use.
Day 4  Observe the appropriate language forms in using a
particular speech style.

o Department of Education. K to 12 basic Education Curriculum Guide. Senior High School-Core
o Santos-Syjueco, Marilou. Oral Communication in Context. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
o Fernandez, Ana Marie, SPEAC, Speak and Listen in Context. Phoenix Publishing House.
o Flores, Ramona. Oral Communication in Context, First Edition. REX Book Store.

CONTENT DISCUSSION: (For Self-Paced Learning) If you have queries or questions regarding the
content provided, please feel free to consult or message the subject teacher through messenger, text,
call, or video chat)

I have no voice and yet I speak to you, I tell of all things in the world that people do. I have
leaves, but I am not a tree, I have pages, but I am not a bride or royalty. I have a spine and hinges, but I
am not a man or a door, I have told you all, I cannot tell you more. What am I? ___________________

"Three eyes have I, all in a row; when the red one opens, all freeze. _______________

Pronounced as one letter,/And written with three,/Two letters there are,/And two only in me./I'm double,
I'm single,/I'm black, blue, and gray,/I'm read from both ends,/And the same either way./What am
I? ___________


Formal and frozen speech styles are related to each other in terms of the contexts on which they
are used and the degree of formality in language. The frozen or static style, as its term connotes, is rather
fixed unlike formal speeches which can still be altered.

Formal speeches such as the president’s SONA are prepared in advance and follow strict rules in
word choice and content. It is a leader’s report to his/her constituents delivered in congress in front of an
audience dressed in formal attire. Even if the president uses humor in some parts of his speech, such
humor is well chosen and each fits the stature of the presidency and the occasion.

Here is an excerpt from President Benigno S. Aquino III’s SONA (translated), which is an
example of formal speech style

Speaker Feliciano Belmonte; Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile; Vice President
JejomarBinay, Chief Justice Renato Corona, Former Presidents Fidel Valdez Ramos and Joseph
Ejercito Estrada; Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate; distinguished members
of the diplomatic corps;

My beloved countrymen:

Our administration is facing a forked road. On one direction, decisions are made to protect
the welfare of our people; to look after the interest of the majority; to have a firm grip on principles;
and to be faithful to the public servant’s sworn oath to serve the country honestly.

This is the straight path.

On the other side, personal interest is the priority, and where one becomes a slave to political
considerations to the detriment of our nation.
This is the crooked path.

For a long time, our country lost its way in the crooked path. As days go by (since I became
President), the massive scope of the problems we have inherited becomes much clearer. I could
almost feel the weight of my responsibilities.

In the first three weeks of our administration, we discovered many things, and I will report to
you some of the problems we have uncovered, and the steps we are taking to solve them.

This report is merely a glimpse of our situation. It is not the entire picture of the crises we are
facing. The reality was hidden from our people, who seem to have been deliberately obfuscated on
the real state of our nation.

On the other hand, the frozen speech style follows much stricter rules in wording, content and
format. They may not be changed as they are permanently inscribed in a document such as the preamble
of the Philippine Constitution or a dedication on a commemorative marker for a historical site or a
plaque of appreciation. Therefore, speakers of frozen speech merely read from the source. Further, they
can employ an oratorical style of delivery to lend more formality top the speech.

Look at how the preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is worded. This is a good example
of frozen speech style.

Philippine Constitution (1987) Preamble

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and
our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of
truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.


Martin Luther king Jr.

I say to you today, my friends

so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow
I still have a dream
It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up
and live out the true meaning of its creed
 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal 
I have a dream
that one day on the red hills of Georgia
sons of former slaves
and the sons of former slave-owners
will be able to sit down together
at the table of brotherhood
I have a dream
that one day even the state of Mississippi
a state sweltering with the heat of injustice
sweltering with the heat of oppression
will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice
I have a dream
that my four little children will one day
live in a nation where they will not be judged
by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have A Dream: Writings and Speeches that Changed the World, ed. James
Melvin Washington (San Francisco: Harper, 1986), 102-106

Read and internalize the speech above and answer the following:

1. What is the message presented by the speaker in the speech?

2. How did you feel after listening to the speech? Why?
3. What specific words did the speaker use to motivate his listeners? Give at least five examples.

4. Do you think the speaker earned the respect of his audience? Why?
5. Do you think the speaker was motivated by his concern for others? Why?


Here are some phrases that belong to different communicative situations, such as “greeting”,
“complaint” and “encouragement”. Copy & past them into the right category:

Formal Frozen Consultative Casual Formal




Thanks for following-up on the You're so good. I'm crazy about Whoa, way to go! Nice catch!
Jones account. Great job! you, Honey.
I'm sick and tired of your crap! I offer You all my prayers, How's my little snuggy wuggy?
works, joys and suffering of this
day ...
Welcome to the Hugh Brothers Oh, Bob. Just a moment! Listen, This is a complaint for damages
Industrial Center. Where you know... well... what was and injunctive relief arising out
tomorrow's world meets today's. with that off-key comment last of manipulative activities in the
Please remember that no flash night? gold market from 1994 to the
photography is allowed during present time...
this tour...
Hey, Jack. What's up? Hello, Mr Smith. How are you Good morning. May I speak to
this morning? the director, please?
Thank you for applying for this Excuse me Ms Anderson. As I I hope you don't mind my stating
position. We'll let you know understand the task, we need to that the service is unsatisfactory.
within a week if you have been focus on improving our delivery
chosen for an interview. times rather than


In speech, register refers to “a variety of a language or a level of usage, as determined by degree
of formality and choice of vocabulary, pronunciation, and syntax, according to the communicative
purpose, social context, and standing of the user.

Frozen or “static” register

At this level, language is literally “frozen” in time and form. It does not change. This type of
language is often learned and repeated by rote. Examples include biblical verse, prayers, the Pledge of
Allegiance, and so forth.

Formal register
This style is impersonal and often follows a prescriptive format. The speaker uses complete
sentences, avoids slang and may use technical or academic vocabulary. It is likely that the speaker will
use fewer contractions, but opt instead for complete words. (Example: “have not” instead of
“haven’t”).This is the register used for most academic and scientific publishing.

Consultative register
This is the register used when consulting an expert such as a doctor. The language used is more
precise. The speaker is likely to address the expert by a title such as “Doctor”, “Mr.” or “Mrs.”. Some
sources say this register is the formal register used in conversation.

Casual register
This register is conversational in tone. It is the language used among and between friends. Words
are general, rather than technical. This register may include more slang and colloquialisms.

Intimate register
The language used by lovers. It is also the language used in sexual harassment. This is the most
intimate form of language. It is best avoided in public and professional situations.

What Have I Learned So far?

Identify the register commonly used in the following. Explain your answer briefly.
1. Graduation Speech: ____________________
2. Talk Show: ____________________
3. Thesis Defense: ____________________
4. Eulogy: ____________________
5. Parliamentary Debate: ____________________

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Louis School of Solano, Inc.
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Telefax # (078) 326 – 7458
e-mail: [email protected]



Subject Teacher

Name of Student: ___________________________________Year and Section:

Week No. 9 Inclusive Dates: __October 19-23,

Content Standard The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding
of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.

Performance Standard The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety
of speech situations.

Most Essential
Learning Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act
21st Century Learning  Communication
Skills  Critical thinking
 Creativity
Core Values  Excellence
 Discipline
 Community Building


Week 8 Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives Remarks Activity

Day 1  Define speech act
Day 2  Distinguish types of speech acts
Day 3  Recognizes the categories of speech acts based on its
Day 4  Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act.

o Department of Education. K to 12 basic Education Curriculum Guide. Senior High School-Core
o Santos-Syjueco, Marilou. Oral Communication in Context. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
o Fernandez, Ana Marie, SPEAC, Speak and Listen in Context. Phoenix Publishing House.
o Flores, Ramona. Oral Communication in Context, First Edition. REX Book Store.

CONTENT DISCUSSION: (For Self-Paced Learning) If you have queries or questions regarding the
content provided, please feel free to consult or message the subject teacher through messenger, text,
call, or video chat)

Think about these…

1. Consider the phrase, “I now declare war with China!” Who can say this phrase?
2. What do you think does the teacher mean when he/she says “Isn’t the board dirty, class?”
3. An employee comes from outside where the heat of the sun is at its peak. She enters an office
and say “It’s cold in here!” How do you interpret what she said?
4. If you are the secretary in that same office, how would you respond to the employee who said the
utterance in # 3?
5. You meet your principal along the corridor and she says “See me in the office.” What is your
interpretation to what she said? What would be your reaction?

DAY 1-2

When people communicate, their utterances are rarely just strings of words and meanings.
Consider the utterance “I haven’t eaten in days.” When said in response to the comment “You look
thinner”, it is merely an explanation that sheds light on the other person’s observation. However, when
told by a beggar to a stranger eating a piece of bread, it is no longer an explanation, but an indirect
request for food.

The example above shows how people are capable of performing acts with their utterances. Such
acts are called SPEECH ACTS. A speech act is a confluence of the following acts:

 An utterance of a meaningful sentence, or what is said literally, called the locutionary act;
 The social function of what is said, or the illocutionary act; and
 The effect of what is said to the person it is uttered to, or the characteristic aims of a speech act,
called the perlocutionary act.

Study the two dialogues below:

Dialogue 1
Teacher: Maria, could you please return these books to the library for me?
Maria: Sure, Ma’am. I will
Teacher: Thank you, Maria
Maria: You’re welcome, Ma’am. (Maria leaving)

Dialogue 2
Boss: (angrily shouts at a subordinate) I told you to deliver the package as soon as possible!
You did not!
Employee: (head bowed) I forgot, Sir.
Boss: (angrier) What are you waiting for? Do it now!
Employee: (scampering away) Yes, Sir. Right now, Sir!

In the first dialogue, the teacher requests a student named Maria to return some books to the
library. You can conclude that the teacher made a request because she used the word please. Maria
expresses her willingness to fulfill the request by answering, “Sure ma’am, I will”. The congenial
exchange continues with the teacher expressing gratitude which Maria acknowledges as she leaves.

Here is an analysis of the interaction between the teacher and Maria in terms of speech acts: The
teacher uses the words please and thank you (locutionary) to perform the linguistic act of requesting and
then thanking (illocutionary). Maria, on the other hand, responds by saying, “Sure, Ma’am, I will” and
“You’re welcome, Ma’am” to express willingness and to acknowledge the gratitude her teacher
expresses. In such instance, both the teacher and Maria are pleased with the exchange: the former gets
her request done (returning of the books) while Maria receives the acknowledgment she deserves for
willingly acceding to the request (perlocutionary)

In the next dialogue, a boss shouts at his employee for failing to do what he (employee) was
tasked-to deliver a package. The boss’s stern language and raised voice causes the employee to meekly
admit that he forgot to do as told. The boss shouts again to reiterate that the package should be delivered
at once. As a result, the employee gets scared and scampers away. The uttering of harsh words is the
locutionary act, commanding and berating are the illocutionary acts, and being scared and scampering
away constitute the perlocutionary acts.

Consider the following utterances. What effect will each have on its listener(s)? Explain briefly.

1. “Hide! Now!”
2. “Please stay with me.”
3. “Stop or I’ll call the police!”
4. “Congratulations! You’re hired!”
5. I now pronounce you husband and wife…”


The following are the five categories of speech acts based on the functions assigned to them.
Representatives Directives Expressives Commissives Declaratives
Assertions Suggestions Apologies Promises Decrees
Claims Requests Complaint Threats Declarations
reports commands thanks offers

Speech acts, according to Cohen’s classification, have five possible functions-representatives,

directives, expressives, commissives, and declaratives. Below are examples for each classification:

Representative: Traffic is heavy along EDSA now. (Report)

Filipinos are the happiest people in the world. (claim)
Directive: You should go to a doctor. (suggestion)
Could you please help me plan the party? (request)
Expressive: I’m sorry I can’t make it to the event. (apology)
Our internet connection is so slow. (complaint)
Commissive: I assure you, I qill help you with your problem. (promise)
I’m warning you! (threat)
Declarative: Let the games begin! (declaration)
As the president of the republic, I put the country under a state of emergency.

Employ what you have learned

Give examples of the following:

o Assertions : ____________________________________
o Suggestions : ____________________________________
o Apologies : ____________________________________
o Promises : ____________________________________

o Decrees : ____________________________________
o Claims : ____________________________________
o Requests : ____________________________________
o Complaint : ____________________________________
o Threats : : ____________________________________
o Declarations : ____________________________________
o Reports : ____________________________________
o Commands : ____________________________________
o Thanks : ____________________________________
o Offers : ____________________________________

Among all the animals in the world, only humans have the capability of
speech (not language because animals have that too); we must therefore
cherish this capability and use it wisely. This makes speech both a gift and a


Speech for various occasions

There will be an annual public speaking contest in your school. To help the teacher
identify the possible participants of this contest in your class, each of you are tasked
to make a two-minute speech simulating any of the following occasions

You are recently promoted as head of your department after being an assistant for
two years.


You are the team manager and your team just won the championship.
You are the school principal and you are inaugurating the new library. It is named
after a well-known and highly respected local hero

d. SPEECH during the Opening of your Own Exhibit at a Gallery or Museum.

You are a renowned artist, and you are giving the opening remarks in the opening
of your art exhibit.


You are the Dean of the Student Affairs and it is a Freshmen Month

You are an accomplished athlete and you are a guest at a sports summer clinic.

As a community leader, you advocate for a cleaner environment.

You are part of the team which develops a new gadget.

You are the chief architect/designer of a low-cost housing plan for informal

You host your own talk show and you introduce three guests for an episode

1. Introduction
 Catches the attention of the listeners 5 4 3 2 1
 Gives an overview of the speech 5 4 3 2 1
 Sets the appropriate tone 5 4 3 2 1
 Contains appropriate word choices 5 4 3 2 1
2. Body
 Organized and to the point 5 4 3 2 1
 Main points are clear 5 4 3 2 1
 Has the necessary supporting details 5 4 3 2 1
3. Conclusion
 Is not abrupt 5 4 3 2 1
 Neatly done 5 4 3 2 1
 Uses the right words 5 4 3 2 1




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