Physics Y11 Uncertainty

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Daily Lesson Plan

IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Session title Uncertainty Date 12 Novembar 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learner group Grade 11 Duration 90 minutes Group size 11

Learning aims assess the uncertainty in a derived quantity by simple addition of absolute, fractional or percentage uncertainties.
A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: assess the uncertainty in adding and substracting two measurements
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: assess the uncertainty in multiplying and dividing two measurements
Some students: assess the uncertainty to raise a value to a power by multiply the percentage uncertainty

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Asking and answering questions related to Previous notes and resources used in
5 mins
receiving feedbacks previous lesson on error and accuracy the previous class
Shows a diagram of measurement of length Students pay attention and asked question - Powerpoint presentation
5 mins
15 mins Explaining the combining uncertainties using - Listening and making notes on the combining - Powerpoint presentation
PowerPoint presentation uncertainties - Laptop
- Zoom meeting

Organising and supervising students activities on - Students do the exercise about combining
25 mins - Worksheet
assessing the uncertainties by simple addition, uncertainties by simple addition, substraction,
substraction, multiplication, and division. - Laptop
multiplication, and division. -

10 mins
Assessing their accuracy in assess the - Submitting their work on moodle
uncertainties. - Checking their work
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins
past papers questions and being asked questions
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
5 mins Listening and writing down final notes
assignment v=Sw2P1hpwpqU
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.

Lesson plan

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