Element 2 Afgt - Smithathomas - s287949

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The key takeaways are using visual aids and interactive tools can help improve student understanding, systematic instruction of topics and giving students hands-on practice. Checking for student understanding, moving students' seats, and having different work for varying abilities also helped student learning.

The teacher used PowerPoint, interactive tools, visual aids and a hands-on protractor activity to engage students. Walking around to appreciate students' work and check understanding also helped engagement.

The teacher organized the lesson with a prepared PowerPoint, example questions for students to practice with, and alternate work for early/slower finishers. Having the lesson resources prepared in advance helped the smooth flow of the lesson.

Table 2: Element 2 – Analysing teaching practice

(Approx. 750 words)

Analysing my video segments

E2 – (1a to 1e)
Write a reflective commentary about your two video segments,including references to specific incidents and
feedback received.
 Determine what worked well; and
 Explain how you know this to be the case

Ensure that you address APST 1.1, 1.5, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4. and 5.4as indicated in your response
Approx. 500 words (Prose)
E2 – (1a) Using visual aids can help students to record an image with the topic
Evaluate how your teaching they learn. Therefore choosing an interactive tool to discuss types of
strategies impact on student angles added a good impact on students. Visualisation of
learning mathematical topics can improve students understanding, their
precise and higher-level thinking (Inspiration, 2019). Systematic
APST 3.3, 3.6, 5.4 instructional approach about how to use a protractor, how mistakes
Approx. 100 words (Prose)
can be avoided while measuring, what are the things they should pay
attention and giving them a chance to work within the classroom
saw a successful learning for all the students (Good, 2007). The use
of power points, interactive tool and projector has made the
teaching a more engaging lesson in terms of making it fun and eye-
E2 – (1b) PowerPoint for the lesson was prepared in advance by putting lots of
Evaluate your organisation of thoughts on to it. This helps the smooth flow of the lesson. Hands on
activities and resources session about how to use a protractor was organised very well. I
made enough hardcopies of the example questions, for all of the
APST 3.4, 3.6, 4.2 students to try on measuring angles using a protractor before going
Approx. 100 words (Prose) to their set work. It was anticipated that the hands on session could
slow down the students working pace so had thought about
alternate work for early finishers. When students were set on to
their exercise work, I have also arranged work for the early finishers.
Some hardcopy worksheets were also arranged in case some of the
online links won’t work.
E2 – (1c) Students are frequently checked on their understanding by asking
Evaluate your verbal and non-verbal them “is everything good” or “can we proceed?” “or any questions”.
communication for clarity of Sometimes students don’t feel confident enough to ask questions, so
instruction and impact on student put some questions for them to ponder. I also walk around the
engagement lesson and if I see students doing some great work, I make sure I
appreciate them. If I don’t get enough response from students it is
APST 3.5, 4.2 an indication to me that they did not quiet understood. Before giving
Approx. 100 words (Prose) away important instructions, pausing for a short while is a good way
to get students attention.
E2 – (1d) If in the classroom any disrespectful behaviour is noticed, students
Appraise your strategies for will be reminded about after school detention or given out warnings.
supporting student wellbeing and This ensures a safe place for everyone to learn. Students are
safety in the classroom redirected or moved spots if they are not being productive in their
work. Students are only meant to use their device when asked by the
APST 4.3, 4.4
Approx. 100 words (Prose) teacher. This can ensure they pay attention to the lesson and are not
engaging in other unnecessary tasks. Supporting the students as an
when they need is ensuring the students they are being taken care
of. Having work organised for different abilities of students is one
way of ensuring students that their needs are being taken care of.
E2 – (1e) I always made sure different levels of work are arranged for students
Appraise the challenge for a range of with different abilities. When the teacher-aide for the one-to-one
students’ needs, abilities and support was away, I try to provide the necessary assistance to those
interests students to get on with the work. Smart students tend to do work in
a fast pace so making them wait is not good. So give them extra
APST 1.1, 1.5, 3.1 questions by redirecting them to the lesson plan can avoid their
Approx. 100 words (Prose)
unnecessary waiting. By doing this, the teacher can concentrate on
the ones who needs more attention and clarification from the
Adjusting my teaching
Completion of this section invites you to look beyond the video segments
E2 – (2)
Evaluate the adjustments you have Myself and my mentor teacher were pleased about how the lesson
made to your teaching based on went very well. But that does not mean that there is nothing to
observation, evidence and mentor improve. During the lesson, one pair of students were not paying
feedback, synthesising your much attention. This tells me I need to pay close attention to the
understanding of research into how students while I’m talking. After the lesson, when students were
students learn asked to carry on with their set work, they seems to be less
productive by being next to their friends. So I moved spots of few
APST 1.2, 3.6, 6.3 student and me and my mentor teacher decided to have a seating
Approx. 250 words (Prose)
plan from next lesson onwards. The idea of seating plan was a good
thing to implement, because I saw some productive work in
students. After the lesson, I also realised some of the things said at
the introduction could have been shortened by having a kahoot quiz
as a refresher about the topics. My mentor teacher also mentioned
the idea of asking some questions about topics that students may
need in learning the new topic was a good approach. I am planning
to follow that approach where applicable in future. I am also thinking
while I am in the middle of teaching, some strategies can be followed
just to get everyone’s attention rather than me talking for a long
while. There is always something a teacher could consider to make
the teaching interesting that can catch students’ attention and
interest in learning.

Supplementary information (not included in word count)

Video submission: Insert the Recording 1 filename: “class recording 1”

filenames of the two recordings and
password, if necessary, to enable Recording 2 filename: “class recording 2”
your assessor to view your
Feedback: Insert the filenames of Feedback filename:“ Mentor feedback 1” and “Mentor feedback 2”
the document containing the
written feedback you have received
from your mentor teacher.
Reference list all elements (not included in word count)

Good, T. L. (Ed.). (2007). 21st century education: A reference handbook (Vol. 1). Sage.

Inspiration(2019). What is visual thinking and visual learning?. Retrieved from


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