Anna Agus Selviana-Fitk
Anna Agus Selviana-Fitk
Anna Agus Selviana-Fitk
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, who has given the writer His love and
compassion to finish the last assignment in her study. Peace and salutation be upon the
prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence.
On this opportunity, the writer would like to express her greates gratitude and
honor to her beloved families, especially her parents – H. Syafi’i and Hj. Nani Rohani –
who have given their greates love, prayer, and moral encouragement. It also will be
expressed to the whole of her families for their biggest love and kindness to support her
in finishing this “skripsi”. Also, she would like to address her greatest thanks to her
advisors Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. for their time,
valuable guidance, helps, corrections, and suggestions during completing this “skripsi”.
The writer’s sincere gratitude also goes to:
1. All lecturers, especially those of in English Education Department, who always
give their motivation and valuable knowledge and also unforgettable experience
during her study at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic
University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. the chairman of English Education Department and Zaharil
Anasy, M.Hum. the secretary of English Education Department.
3. Dra. Nurlena, MA, Ph.D. the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’
Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
4. All her family, especially her beloved brothers Rahmat Hidayat and Ahmad
Ridwan and also their wife.
5. All her beloved friends at syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University,
especially Syarifatunnisa, Eka Sasmiasih, Iin Suryani and all friends who have
always been great friends and always given their support especially classmates
in English Education Department Class A for academic 2008.
Hopefully, this “skripsi” can be useful to the readers, particularly to the
researcher. Furthermore, the writer realized that this “skripsi” is far from being
perfect. It is a pleasure for her to recieve constructive suggestions from anyone
who reads her “skripsi" for valuable improvement.
The objective of the research was to get empirical evidence of the improving
students’ reading comprehension of narrative text through story mapping technique. The
method of this research was classroom action research which was conducted in two
cycles. The subject of this research was the 2nd Grade of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat at
Academic Year 2013/2014 with total number of students 34. The research instruments
were the observation and test form. The result of this study shows that the students’
improved their understanding of narrative text during teaching and learning process by
using story mapping. It is proven by the data which derived from this study. From the
observation, it could be seen that the students were more active and interested in
learning narrative text and from the result. There were three tests conducted, those are
pre-test 1 and post-test 2. The improvement of students’ understanding of narrative text
can be seen clearly in the improvement of their achievement in pre-test and post-test.
The result of pre-test and post-test showed the significant improvement. The mean of
pre-test score is 48.35. The minimal mastery level criterion (KKM) in SMP PGRI 2
Ciputat is 70 (seventy). It means there were only 2.94% of the whole students could
pass the KKM. The mean of post-test 1 score is 61.64. It is proven that 17.64% students
passed KKM. Next, the mean of post-test 2 score is 76.58. The percentage of students
who could get the above the KKM in post-test 2 is 85.29%. From this research finding,
it showed that story mapping technique could improve the students’ reading
comprehension of narrative text.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris tentang
peningkatan pemahaman siswa terhadap teks narasi dengan menggunakan tehnik peta
cerita. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas
yang berlangsung dua putaran. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswa kelas 8
SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat yang berjumlah 3 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan
adalah lembar observasi dan bentuk test. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa
pemahaman siswa akan teks naratif meningkat selama kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan
menggunakan story mapping. Itu dibuktikan dari data yang diperoleh pada penelitian
ini. Pertama, dari observasi, dapat dilihat bahwa siswa lebih aktif dan tertarik dalam
belajar teks narrative, dan kemudian data dari hasil tes. Ada tiga tes yang dilaksanakan,
yaitu pre-test, post-test 1 dan post-test 2. Peningkatan pemahaman siswa akan teks
naratif dapat dilihat dengan jelas dari pencapaian mereka dalam pre-test dan post-test.
Rata-rata nilai pre-test adalah 48.35. Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) di SMP PGRI
2 Ciputat adalah sebesar 70 (tujuh puluh).itu artinya hanya 2.94% dari keseluruhan
siswa yang dapat melampaui KKM. Rata-rata post-test 1 adalah sebesar 61.64%. Ini
membuktikan bahwa sebanyak 17.64% siswa telah melampaui KKM/. Selanjutnya,
pada post-test 2 didapat didapat rata-rata 76.58. persentase siswa yang mendapat nilai
diatas KKM adalah sebesar 85.29. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tehnik
peta cerita dapat meningkatkan secara signifikan pemahaman membaca siswa terhadap
teks narasi.
F. Thinking Framework ...................................................... 25
G. Theoretical Hypothesis ................................................... 25
B. The Implementation of CAR ............................................. 36
1. Cycle 1 ........................................................................ 36
a. Planning ................................................................. 36
b. Acting ..................................................................... 37
c. Observing ............................................................... 38
d. Reflecting ............................................................... 38
3. Cycle 2 ......................................................................... 39
a. Planning ................................................................. 39
b. Acting ..................................................................... 40
c. Observing ............................................................... 40
d. Reflecting ............................................................... 41
C. The Discussion of the Data after CAR .............................. 42
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 50
APPENDICES................................................................................................................ 52
This chapter presents the general account of the present study. It covers
background of study, identification of the study, limitation of study, research
problems, and objective of the study.
English is different from Indonesian. Every language has its own rules and its
own skills. In learning English, there are four skills; listening, speaking, reading
and writing, that should be mastered. Reading is very essential for us in order to
increase our knowledge. This idea is supported by the fact that reading has
become part of our daily life. Through reading we can get a lot of information,
knowledge, enjoyment, and even problem solution. Therefore, the ability to read
the text in any form will give a great deal advantages in our life.
There are some problems for the learners to comprehend English literary or
book or any other printed materials. Most of them just have some means or ability
to pronounce and recognize the individual words from the text without knowing
the message or the meaning of what the author extends.
Ideally, the second year students of Junior High School are learning and
mastering some genres including narrative text applied in any aspects of language
skills. Besides, the policy of the school in determining the minimum passing grade
score should be attained; at least the minimal mastery level criterion (KKM)
considering English subject gains score 70 (seventy). It is adapted from the school
agreement at SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat.
However, most of second grade students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat are still
difficult to achieve those targets because their knowledge of English is still low
primarily on reading skill. Based on the unstructured interview result with the
teacher concerning students‟ reading test, there are some difficulties faced by
students in reading activities such as: First, some of students was mastered
vocabulary on the text but they could not understand the story. Second, they are
difficult to find schematic structure of story. Third, they have difficulty
differentiating past tense and present tense. Fourth, they also have difficulty in
taking conclusion of text.
Based on the observation, the writer found the students‟ activity in reading is
not very interesting because the teacher usually asked every student to read orally
then asked them to translate the story. Besides, during teaching and learning
activity, the teacher explained the schematic structures and linguistic features of
the story almost all of the time. Then the teacher gave them some minutes to do
exercises meanwhile most of students did not pay attention to the teacher‟s
explanation before and even they did not do the exercises. Furthermore, the
teacher rarely let his students memorizing the story and let them telling it in front
of class.
of a story because it is the prior reading problem faced by most of students VIII
grade SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat. That is why the writer tries to find out an appropriate
strategy to improve students‟ reading comprehension better that is through story
mapping which is considered as one way of reading comprehension techniques
toward narrative text. Story mapping is a means to provide an overview what a
story discussion concerning the story elements through graphic or semantic map
visualization.1 Here, the writer‟ basic assumption is students need to learn how to
make visual images as they read narrative text in their reading and writing
activities to enhance their reading comprehension. In other words, through the
ability to note details, to organize the sequence of events would be essential to this
type of reading skill.
Based on the description above, the writer interests to propose one teaching
techniques that have been shown to be a beneficial teaching technique. The writer
consequently would like to carry out a study under the title Improving Students’
Reading Comprehension Narrative Text through a Story Mapping (a
Classroom Action Research at SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat).
1. Some of students were mastered vocabulary on the text but they could not
understand the story.
2. Students have difficulties to find schematic structure of story.
3. Students difficult in taking conclusion of the text.
Pamela J. Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classroom,
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004), p. 345.
Through this paper, the writer would like to limit the problem on Improving
Students Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text through Story Mapping at the
second grade students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat. The writer would like to know
how students understand the narrative text and how it is constructed through the
implementation of Story Mapping Technique.
To make the study easy to understand, the writer formulates the problem as
“Can story mapping make students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text
The objective of the study is to know whether story mapping can make
students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text easy for the second year
students of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat. In addition, the objective of the study is to
describe how the implementation of story mapping in developing students‟
reading comprehension of narrative text.
This chapter presents and discusses about the theoretical framework which is
consists of general concept of reading, narrative text, story mapping, and teaching
narrative text using story mapping
A. Reading
1. Definition of Reading
Reading is one of language skills and also called receptive skills which
should be mastered by learners. By reading, learners could take ideas,
information and message from the text. According to Savage and Mooney in
their book Teaching Reading to Children with Special Need states that reading
is a process of moving through printed language to meaning. Based on
definition above, reading is process a reader to extract the meaning or message
from the text so a reader could take an author‟s messages.
To strengthen statement above, according to Arthur W. Heilman, he
defines that reading is a process of getting meaning from printed word or
symbols. 3 It means that reading is to choose and to select word or symbol in
getting meaning, because the readers involved some abilities to grasp the text.
For instance, the readers need eyes movement to select and recognize some
Like De Boer and Dallman in their book The Teaching OF Reading argues
If a letter, a word, or a phrase is to be perceived, the eyes must pause long
enough to take it in. Since in fluent reading the pauses or “fixations” may
be as brief as one – fourth of a second, the reader has the illusion that he is
reading as the eyes move from left to right on the page. Actually, the
movement of the eyes from one stopping point to the next takes a fraction
John f Savage and Jean F. Mooney, Teaching Reading to Children with Special needs,
(Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1979), p. 14
Arthur W Heilman, Principles and Practices of Teaching Reading: Second Edition,
(Ohio: a Bell and Howell Company, 1967), p.8
Here, to comprehend the texts, the readers need to build concept with
using reader‟s knowledge and experience. With reader‟s knowledge and
experience, it eases the readers to reconstruct the comprehension of reading
text because the readers have sufficient knowledge to read.
Moreover, reading could not separate with reading comprehension. It is
caused that the readers get the meaning with unity. The readers find the main
ideas from one page to other page to take comprehension that the readers
Meanwhile John J. De Boer figured out that reading is an activity which
involves the comprehension and interpretation of ideas symbolized by written
or printed language. 6
Based on statement above, clearly, the readers read printed words together
with getting comprehension through reading. From here, we could see more
definition of reading comprehension from the experts. According to Robert C.
Putt in his book A Basic Guide to Reading Instruction, “reading
John J De Boer, and Martha Dallmann, The Teaching of Reading: Revised Edition,
(New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., 1964), p, 20
John F Savage and Jean F. Mooney, Teaching Reading to Children Special Needs,
(Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1979), p. 31
De Boer , op. cit., p. 17.
comprehension means that the chill is able to get meaning what is being
perceived in writing.”7
In conclusion, reading comprehension is to get ideas, information and
author‟s message from in printed page involved perceives and understands
words relationship. Somehow, reading comprehension is not only to extracting
meaning from printed words but it need active process in which the reader
constructs meaning thorough some ability with a text.
From the statement above it can be concluded there are two kinds purpose
of reading activity. Reading for information usually used in reading task, it is
probably seen an as a type of reading ability. Readers read because they have
to read. It included the materials which are classified as nonfiction, sciences,
social studies, articles, newspaper, etc. Weather reading for pleasure, the
reader may read either quickly or slowly based on the way he/she likes,
associated largely with novel, short stories, and poems.
Robert C. Putt, A Basic Guide to Reading Instruction: A Handbook for Classroom
Teachers, (Boson: Universuty Press of AmerikaInc., 1983), p. 46
Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materialand Method in ELT: Teachers’ Guide,
(Massachusetts: Blackwell PublishingLtd, 1993), p. 102.
2. Kinds of Reading
When people read, they read for a different purpose, and it determines how
people read a text. There are two types of reading related to the purpose.
Those are extensive and intensive reading. 10
a. Skimming
Skimming is defined as the ability to identify the main ideas while very
rapidly and selectively skipping over the reading material. This is a
technique used to find out how a news story, magazine article, or textbook
chapter is organized and what is generally about without having to read the
entire selection. When skimming, the reader goes through the reading
material quickly in order to get the gist of it, to know how it is organized is
to gain a quick overview in order to identify the main points. 11
Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materialand Method in ELT: Teachers’ Guide,
(Massachusetts: Blackwell PublishingLtd, 1993), p. 102-103
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman,
1983), p. 16
Peter Mather and Rita Mc Carthy, Reading and all that Jazz, (Boston: Mc Graw-Hill,
2007), p. 531
b. Scanning
Peter Mather and Rita Mc Carthy stated that scanning is the process of
quickly searching material in order to locate the specific bits of
information. When scanning, the reader doesn‟t star at the beginning and
read through to the end. Instead, the reader only jumps around in the next
trying to fine and locate specific information needed. 12
c. Intensive Reading
Intensive reading involves approaching the text under the guidance. It is
often refers to the careful reading (or translation). The aim is to arrive at an
understanding, not only of what the text means, but also how the meaning
is produce, the how is as important as the what. 13
In other words, intensive reading is reading shorter text is extract
specific information. This activity is likely more to emphasize the
accuracy activity in evolving reading for detail. It is used to gaining a deep
understanding of a text, which important for the reader. The process of
scanning takes a more prominent role here than skimming. Reader is
trying to absorb all the information given. For example, reading dosage,
instruction for medicine.
d. Extensive Reading
Extensive reading should involve reading for pleasure what Richard
Day calls joyful reading, the reader deals with longer texts as a whole,
which requires the ability to understand the component parts and their
contribution to the overall meaning, example: reading newspaper article,
short story or novel.
Ibid., p. 526
Christine Nuttal, Teaching Reading Skill: New Edition, (Wales: Heineman, 1996), p.38
B. Narrative Text
1. The Understanding of Narrative Text
Before going to the definition of narrative text, it is better to know first
definition of the text itself. The narrative paragraph can be fun to write
because you tell a story or relate an event. Narratives have a beginning,
middle, and an end. Any time you go to a movie or read a fiction book, you
are looking at a narrative. Narrative text often describes events from the
writer's life. According to narrative text describe a sequence of events or tell a
story, in another word, narrative text is describing an experience. Text is a
communicative event that must satisfy several conditions. That term told by
Beaugrande and Dressler. According to that term, a traffic sign, a newspaper
article and a novel are all texts that correspond to the differing rules of
particular genres of text.
The entire genre mentioned before have particular linguistic features,
fulfill particular functions and are bound to specific production and reception
situations. 15
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Pearson; Longman,
2004), Fourth Edition, p. 383
Stefan Titsher, et, al, Methods of Text and Discourse Analysis, (London: SAGE
Publications, 2000), p. 21
There are two main categories of texts, literary and factual. Within
these, there are various text types. Each type has a common and usual way of
using language.
“Literary texts include aboriginal dreaming stories, movie scripts,
limericks, fairy tales, plays, novels, song lyrics, mine and soap operas. They
are constructed to appeal to our emotion and imagination”17. Literary texts can
make us laugh or cry, think about our own life or consider our beliefs. There
are main text types in this category such as narrative, poetic and drama. Media
such as films, videos, television shows and CDs can also fall in this category.
Literary text is more emphasize or refers to informal things such as
personal story or poetry. It is because the text attracts our feelings and
imaginations so that we can laugh, be sad, be upset, or be touched after
reading or watching the text itself.
Factual texts include advertisement, announcements, internet web sites,
current affairs show, debates, recipes, reports and instructions. They present
information or ideas and aim to show, tell or invite the audience. The main
text types are recount, response, explanations, discussion, information report,
exposition and procedure.
In the factual texts, the text is more inform the fact event than the literary
text. This text informs about an event that happened and how that event
happens from beginning to the end.
In this paper, the writer will only discuss one of the texts that are being
used for her research that is narrative text. Anderson said:
A narrative is a text that tells a story to entertain the audience.
Narrative can be presented as written or spoken texts. Written
narratives often take the form of novels. The story is usually told by a
narrator. If the narrator is one of the characters in the story it is said to
be told in the first person. If a person outside the story is being told in
the third person. 18
Mark and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2 (SouthYarra:Macmillan,1997), p. 1-
Ibid., p. 8
Mark and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3 (SouthYarra:Macmillan,1997), p. 3
The description above shows definition about narrative text. Narrative text
is one of the texts that should be learnt by High School students. For some
students, a narrative is considered as the most interesting text among the
others. In line with it, Phelps-Gunn said that “The least difficult is narration.
Narration involves a simple time ordering of events into an organized plot or
pattern.” 19 But unfortunately, it is not supported by the fact that the students
get low score in this material. Whereas, they ideally get good scores since the
material is easy.
Another definition about narrative is stated by Anderson “narrative is a
piece of text which tells story and in doing so, entertains or informs the
reader or listener”. 20
Narrative text is a text which gives information about all of the factual
text. So those, the reader or listener know more information from the text
which is read.
In terms of media, narrative is the coherence/organization given to a series
of facts. The human mind needs narrative to make sense of things. We
connect events and make interpretations based on those connections. In
everything we seek a beginning, middle and the end. We understand and
construct meaning using our experience of reality and of previous texts. Each
text becomes part of the previous and the next through its relationship with
the audience.
There are many types of narratives. They can be imaginary, factual or a
combination of both. They may include fairy stories, mysteries, science
fiction, romance, horrors stories, fables, myths and legends, historical
narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience. Narrative text it easy
reading for students because like reading a story. Their difficulties may be in
reading comprehension.
Trisha Phelps-Gunn, Written Laguage Instruction, (London : Aspen Publication, 1982),
p. 184
Mark, op. cit., p.8
Mark and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2 (SouthYarra:Macmillan,1997) p. 18
b. Settings
Settings are what author writes to describe the reader where and when
the story takes place. The setting addresses the location (where) and the
period (when) of the story whether the story tells a reader among realistic,
historical fiction or fantasy.
c. Plot
The plot includes a series of episodes or events written by the author to
hold the reader‟s attention and to build excitement as the story progresses.
The plot contains an initiating event, starting the main character of the
series of events toward problem solving. A good author will make the
reader drown to the plot of the story that he writes.
d. Conclusion
The writer ends up the story by summarizing and telling the solution of
the problems in the story. This part is called by conclusion.
2. The Purposes of Narrative Text
Basically, a narrative is written to amuse the readers. So, the readers are
expected to enjoy the text which being read. It is in line Andersons who stated
that the purpose of narrative that is to present a view of the world that
Chatman, S., and B. Attebry, Reading Narrative Fiction. (New York:McMillan, 1993),
p. 23
Ibid., p. 23
Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra:
Macmillan, 1997), p. 3
Ibid., p. 6
Ibid., p. 8
Mark and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, p South Yarra: Macmillan, 1997),
p. 12
Ibid,. p. 12
At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but
then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man
to the parrot. “Why can‟t you say the word? Say Catano!
Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried
hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got
so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say
Catano or I‟ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word
Sequence of of Catano.
One day, after he had been trying so many times
making the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry.
He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into
the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next
dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with
them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble;
“You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it
Josephine S.M., English on Sky SMP Book VIII, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2007), p. p. 124.
will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After
that he left the chicken house.
Resolution could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There
were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the
parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old
chicken; “Say Catano or I‟ll kill you”.
The language features shown above are being used narrator. There is
always being specific characters in every story. For instance, in the story of
The Smartest Parrot above, the specific character is The Parrot. Time words
are also used in that story, for example “One day...”, and also the last two
language features.
The language features are provided to help the readers in understanding
the story. By past tense used, the readers will know what happened in the
story. Conjunction is also really important to describe the characters and
settings of the story.
In the following is the example of language features of narrative text
related to the story above:
Figure 2.1
Mark and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, South Yarra: Macmillan, 1997), p.
C. Story Mapping
1. The Understanding of Story Mapping
Before we know exactly what the story mapping is, it is necessary to know
the origin of story maps based on Pamela J. Farris:
The origin of story maps lies within story grammar research. The term
story grammar refers to the hierarchical rules or psychological structures
that people use to create and remember stories, the skeleton underlying a
story, so to speak. These psychological models of comprehension and
memory are used by both adults and children to encode and store in
formation in their long-term memories.31
Based on that definition, in this sense, story mapping would be effective
for the readers recognize the story in their long-term memories. It may be
practical way for them to organize the story content into a coherent whole.
Pamela J. Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classrooms,
(New York: McGraw Hill, 2004), p. 345.
The story map or story web present a graphic organizer that prepares a
reader of a short story by previewing six critical components of any work of
a. Title
b. Characters
c. Settings
d. Main events
e. Problems and conflicts
f. Solution or resolution33
Pamela J. Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classrooms,
(New York: McGraw Hill, 2004), p. 346.
Larry Lawin, Paving the Way in Reading and Writing: Strategies and Activities to
Support Struggling Students in Grades 6-12, (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003), p. 68.
Pamela J. Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classrooms,
(New York: McGraw Hill, 2004), p. 512.
Ibid,. p. 346.
Story Map
E. Relevant Study
Some studies dealing with this study were done by Dawi Anjani and Yuni
Fatha Siskawaty Yantu. The short explanation of those studies explained in
following section.
First research is from Dawi Anjani conducted in an experimental study on
“teaching reading comprehension through story mapping”. She focused on the
effectiveness of the application of using story mapping in teaching reading
comprehension. The purpose of this study was to find out to know the
effectiveness of the application of teaching reading comprehension through story
mapping. The writer also intended to know the students achievement in learning
reading comprehension by using story mapping. She used experimental method
and use 15 questions of essay as an instrument to obtain the data. She took one
class (VIII-A) of MTS Khazanah and she randomly selected the students and took
30 students as a sample of the research. The result was story mapping is effective
to be used in the classroom to improve students‟ achievement in reading
comprehension competence. It can be seen from the result calculation of pretest
and posttest. Also it can be seen from the t-test, the result is 2.04 < 4.67 >2.76. It
proved that there is significant result of pretest and posttest.37
The second is from Yuni Fatha Siskawaty Yantu conducted in an experimental
study on “Developing Students‟ Ability in Writing Narrative Text by Using Story
Map Technique” She focused on the story map technique develop the students‟
ability in writing narrative text? The purpose of this study was to find out to find
out whether the story map technique can improve the students‟ ability in writing
narrative text or not. She used quasi experimental method. She used narrative text
writing about fable as an instrument, and she took second grade students of SMA
Negri 2 Limboto and for the sample she took second grade students of science
class. The result was story mapping are; firstly, it can be concluded that the story
map technique can improve the students‟ ability in writing narrative text also can
increase the students‟ awareness that story characters and events are interrelated.
Dawi Anjani, “Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Story Mapping” Skripsi at
Syarif Hidayatullah State university Jakarta, Jakarta, unpublished
It is supported by the result of this research that the hypothesis of this research is
accepted. Secondly, in pre-test data the students‟ highest score is 18 and the
lowest score is 8, differences with the pre-test, in the post-test data the students‟
score was improved where the lowest score is 18 and the highest score is 25. It
means that, there is improvement score in post-test data. In addition, between the
result pre-test and post-test there are significant differences result, it is caused by
the application of story map technique as long the treatment time. Thirdly, the
hypothesis of this research that is the students‟ writing ability can be improved by
using story map technique can be acceptable, because the result of research show
that tcount (-8.70) ≤ tlist (2.02), based on the criteria of 45 hypothesis if tcount less
than tlist, it means that the hypothesis of research is acceptable.
F. Thinking Framework
Schema 2.1
Yuni Fatha Siskawaty Yantu “Developing Students‟ Ability In Writing Narrative Text
By Using Story Map Technique” Skripsi at Universitas Negri Gorontalo, Sulawesi, 2013
G. Theoretical Hypothesis
This chapter presents the object and subject of the research, time and place,
research instrument, data sources, the role of writer in the research, the Classroom
Action Research (CAR) procedures technique of collecting data, and technique of
the data analysis.
Classroom Action Research (CAR) in each final cycle. Then, the teacher
carries out the action based upon the lesson plan that has been made.
Furthermore, the writer also collect and analyzes data then reports the result
of study.
E. Action Procedure
The writer uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) in this study, so she
follows principles of CAR to collect the data. The research takes 2 cycles with
four elements in each cycle as follow:
Planning Action
Reflecting Observing
Planning Acting
Reflecting Observing
Figure 3.1
Based on the Kurt Lewin‟s action research design above, the writer would
like to describe further concerning the implementation of Classroom Action
research (CAR) in the cycle one and cycle two as following:
Figure 3.2
Planning Acting
Reflecting Observing
Asking students‟ difficulties Asking students‟ responses
Evaluating teaching and Observing the class while
learning process students are filling in the story
Analyzing atudents‟ map
Revising lesson planning
Planning Acting
Naking new lesson plan Implementing new lesson plan
(changing the parts that should be Emphasizing the students the
revised) schematic stuructures of
Preparing teaching aids narrative & how to paraphrase
Preparing evaluation & posttest a story
Analyzing students‟ progress
Obseving students‟
based on their test score
Discussing the result of the Observing students‟
implementation of the modified achievement (Students are
action & deciding wheter the given posttest 2 in the end of
action should be continued or cycle 2)
1. Cycle 1
a. Planning Phase
By observing and interviewing before implementing CAR, the
teacher can know the problems of the students in learning English reading
especially in understanding narrative texts. So that, in this phase, the
teacher makes the lesson plan to be used in teaching narrative text by using
story mapping. In this phase, the teacher uses narrative texts and story map
chart. The teacher also makes the evaluation from to know students‟
achievement at the end of this cycle.
b. Acting Phase
The writer, as the teacher, carries out the planned action in this
phase. The teacher asks the students about narrative text and their
difficulties in understanding the texts. Then, the teacher explains the
schematic structure and language features of narrative text. Next, the
teacher introduces story map strategy to be used by students in learning
narrative text. After that, students fill in the story map according to the
texts which has been given.
c. Observing Phase
story mapping. When observing, the teacher should notice all of activities
in the classroom. It is done in order to get accurate result in the end of the
d. Reflecting Phase
In this phase, the teacher reflects the whole action based on data
that have been collected, and then it is necessary to hold evaluation before
starting the next cycle. This phase is the teacher discuss the problems
occurred in the class with students. Thus, the reflection is able to be
determined after implementing the action and observation outcomes. If
there are still some problems, so it needs to move to the next cycle. By
continuing to the next cycle, it is expected that the unfinished problems
yet can be solved and the goals can be reached.
2. Cycle 2
a. Planning Phase
Cycle 2 begins from making new lesson plan. It is aimed to change
some parts that need to be revised during the implementation of cycle 1.
As the planning phase in Cycle 1, here the teacher also makes
preparation of teaching aids. Evaluation and posttest 2 are prepared to
see students‟ achievements in the end of this cycle. The teacher also re-
selects the topics and teaching aids to motivate students, so that they
will get a better understanding of the texts.
b. Acting Phase
In this phase, the teacher implements the new lesson plan. As the
teacher, the writer also emphasizes and reviews schematic structures to
the students in order to make the getting better understanding.
c. Observing Phase
d. Reflecting Phase
Suharsimi Arikunto, PenelitianTindakanKelas, (Jakarta: BumiAksara, 2009), p. 127-132.
3. Test
The test used in this study is pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is
done before implementing story mapping technique. It is to measure
students‟ reading comprehension at first. Meanwhile, the post-test is
implemented after using story mapping technique. In this study, the test is
done in form of multiple choices. The test is held on every second action
of each cycle.
H. The Technique of Data Analysis
The analysis qualitative data used in this study is the observation of
students‟ activities during teaching learning process, and the interview before
and after Classroom Action Research (CAR). In this case, the writer collected
the entire data which have gained. In analyzing the numerical data, first the
writer tries to get the average of students‟ reading score per action within one
cycle. It is used to know how well students‟ score as a whole on reading skill.
It uses the formula as below:40
X: mean
x: individual score
n: number of students
Second, the writer tries to get the class percentage which pass the minimal
mastery level criterion (KKM) considering English subject gains score 70
(seventy). It uses the formula:41
Sudjana, MetodaStatistika, (Bandung: PT. Tarsito, 2002), p. 67.
AnasSudijono, PengantarStatistisPendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja GrafindoPersada,
2008), p. 43.
Third, after getting mean of students‟ score per actions, the writer
identifies whether or not there might have students‟ improvement score on
reading comprehension from pre-test up to posttest score in cycle 1 and cycle
2. In analyzing that, the writer uses the formula:42
David E. Meltzer, The Relationship between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual
Learning Gains in Physics: A Possible Hidden Variable in Diagnostic Pretest Scores, (Iowa:
Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2008), p.3.
Syaiful Bahri Djamarah dan Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar Mengajar, (Jakarta: PT
Rineka Cipta, 2006) p. 108.
This chapter presents the result of research. In this case, it discusses the
way to develop students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text by using story
mapping at VIII of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat academic year 2013/2014. Related to the
discussion of the result, it is divided into three parts. Those are before
implementing the action, the implementation of the action, and discussion of all
the data after implementing the action.
A. Data Description
1. The Result of Pre Observation
The pretest had done before the Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was
conducted on Thursday, May 7th 2014. It started at 09.00 A.M. There were
actually 25 questions in multiple-choice form in which the students carried out
the test during 30 minutes.
Based on the result of the pretest, the data showed that the mean score of
pretest was 48.35. There was only one student who derived the score above
the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM) meanwhile the other 32
students were below that criterion. The lowest achievement gained score 28.
From that analyzing, it could be seen that almost of the students‟ class VIII
reading comprehension was still very low.
In this phase, the writer and the teacher made a planning for the
action based upon the problems faced by students toward reading
comprehension. In this case, the writer determined the selected material
and exercises into a lesson plan. Therefore, narrative text was chosen as
the text to be delivered for students in which it was needed to break down
into specific information. In the lesson plan, there were some stories
should be identified into story mapping chart as a medium of students‟
learning of narrative text. Beside of making lesson plan, the writer also
prepared the posttest 1 to collect data, in order to know whether there are
students‟ improvement scores from pretest-posttest in cycle 1. So, in the
end of teaching learning process the writer can know whether the
technique works or not.
2. Acting
The action of the cycle 1 was done on May 14th 2014. The teacher
implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan had
been made. In this step the teacher taught the students by using the lesson
plan that had been made before. In the first meeting of cycle one the
teacher taught the students by giving deductive explanation of narrative
text. The teacher asked the students to write down some notes that the
teacher wrote on the whiteboard. The teacher also gave a chance for
students to ask something about the material they do not understand yet.
Students were given some example of narrative story in order they can
analyze the structures of narrative text by themselves. And the teacher
also asked some students to read the text aloud to know how good they
can pronounce the reading text in English.
On the second meeting in the first cycle, the teacher started the lesson
to the students by asked the students about their experience in reading
narrative text and asked them to mention the title of narrative text they
had read. Then, the teacher explained the generic structure of narrative
text. The teacher had to pay more attention to the student. The teacher
had to make sure that all students were ready to start the lesson, so all the
students could pay attention to the teacher‟s explanation. The teacher
implemented the story mapping strategy as a model. The students seemed
confused in the activity. It took quite long time for the students in
understanding and implementing the steps of story map strategy in their
reading activity. The teacher administers the test to measure the students‟
comprehension. The students worked individually. The teacher
monitored the students in their individual working. Some students
seemed find some difficulties in doing the test. The teacher had to pay
more attention in monitoring the students in their individual work,
because there are some students were cheating in the test.
3. Observing
In this phase, the observed the students‟ tried to notice all activities in
the physical classroom activity. It might be about the teacher‟s
performance, class situation, and students‟ response. Related to the
teacher‟s performance, as a whole, he had accomplished the task in line
with the lesson plan had been made. However, in a part of explaining the
use of story mapping, it probably seemed unclear because the teacher‟s
direction was too fast. It could be seen from students‟ task result which
still wrote all sentences into the story mapping sheet not the key word.
In the second action of the first cycle, the students seemed more
enthusiastic to do the exercise and to make note taking into story maps
sheet. There were found some students who actively in answering the
teacher‟s questions correctly related to the schematic structures within
the story maps sheet. In the expert group, the students asked each other
about the vocabulary that they did not know the meaning. So they knew
what the meaning of the words without look dictionary. But there are still
many vocabularies they did not know, so they were forced to look at
dictionary. After teaching learning process finished, in this observing
phase was also carried out the posttest 1 exactly on the second action of
the first cycle to measure how well the students‟ reading comprehension
of narrative text that had been studied. Based on the result of the posttest
1, the mean score of the class derived 61.64 in which there were 6
students who passed the KKM 70 (seventy).
4. Reflecting
However, regarding the first cycle, the writer and the teacher felt
satisfied enough because their efforts to improve students‟ reading
comprehension of narrative text had been developed although not all the
targets could not accomplish yet. Beside of that, the students seemed to
accept the material easily by using story mapping. Most of them were not
too much complicated anymore in determining and analyzing the
schematic structures of the story.
Next, the teacher and the writer had to still reflect the improper
implementation of using story mapping technique. Here, the writer gave
her perceptions of the teaching learning process related to the last
observation phase. First, the teacher still had difficulties in implementing
the story mapping strategy in the class. In this case, the writer suggested
to the teacher to walk around the class; to check students‟ worksheet to
avoid noting all sentences from the text into story map sheet. Second, the
teacher‟s explanation toward the lesson was too fast; at times it led
students confuse and asked her to repeat the explanation. To solve this
problem, the writer suggested giving explanation more clearly and
From the reflecting phase above, there must be more efforts to develop
students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text by using story
mapping. It needed to be improved again in the next cycle. This effort
was done in the next lesson plan of cycle two.
b. Cycle 2
1. Planning
The planning phase of the second cycle was implemented into a lesson
plan. In this case, the writer modified the previous lesson plan based on
the result of reflecting phase in the first cycle. The lesson plan which was
used still related to story mapping in learning schematic structures of
narrative text. However, there were some modifications in the second
cycle; that was the teacher needed to give more time to the students in
doing exercises of story mapping technique. It was caused to ensure their
reading comprehension concerning schematic structure of a story and to
emphasize on the students avoid noting whole sentences into story
mapping worksheet. Beside of that, the writer still also prepared the
unstructured observation sheet to note the classroom activities. And the
writer also prepared the posttest 2 to collect the data.
2. Acting
The action of the cycle two was done on 4th June 2014. After reviewing
the previous schematic structure of narrative text to students in order to
make them getting better understand.
Before the students read the story that given by the teacher, they were
given some minutes to identify and to look up the difficult words
appeared in the text. And then, the students determined the schematic
structures of the text by themselves. Afterwards, the teacher asked
students some questions related to that reading passage. Then, the
students initiated to do exercises into story mapping sheet by using their
own words. Here, the teacher limited the time, it was about 10 minutes to
accomplish the assignment, and hence they were courageous to finish the
task on time. Furthermore, the students discussed the work result of story
map sheet with the entire group in which for each group consists of four
students. In this case, they matched the answers whether there was a
different answer or not. Then, the teacher gave the correct answers of the
questions based on the material discussion in the story mapping sheet.
3. Observing
In the second cycle, generally the class condition in learning process
was better than the previous cycle. It could be seen from the students
who were ready to follow the lesson and when they followed the reading
lesson, most of them were enthusiastic to answer some questions given
by the teacher. In doing task of story mapping, they enjoyed doing the
individual exercises. Then, when they had a group work to discuss the
schematic structures which was made into story mapping sheet, they
were actively to participate within their group. Furthermore, when they
were given exercises by the teacher, they did it individually without
cheating one another. Related to the teacher‟s performance, he showed
some progresses. It meant that students could understand easily and could
note the key words easily because the teacher‟s explanation was explicit
and not so fast. Automatically, it led a good feedback from students‟
response in conveying their opinions. Shortly, most of students seemed
quite active in the classroom and in doing reading exercises. In the
second action of cycle two, the teacher was held on posttest 2 regarding
students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text. Based on the result of
the posttest 2, the mean score of the class in reading test gained 76.58 in
which there were 29 students who passed the KKM 70 (seventy).
4. Reflecting
The reflection of Classroom Action Research (CAR) was carried
out after getting the score result of reading test. The writer and the
teacher felt satisfied has much their efforts to improve the students‟
reading comprehension of narrative text had been realized. The students
could understand the passage easily. It was proven by their improving
scores from the pretest 1. Furthermore, they could easily to analyze the
schematic structures concerning orientation, complication, and resolution
of the story. Indeed, they seemed more interesting during the teaching
learning process.
After achieving the target research of where minimally 70% students
who passed the KKM, therefore the writer and the teacher decided to stop
the Classroom Action Research (CAR) because it had already succeeded.
Hence, the writer and the teacher did not have to revise the plan.
Based on the result of the evaluation between the writer and the
teacher, it could be assumed that the implementing of Classroom Action
Research in developing students‟ reading comprehension in terms of
narrative text by using story mapping strategy was appropriate with the
planning that had been discussed by the writer and the teacher
previously. In this case, every action was planned as good as possible so
that the reading activities could be accomplished well.
The discussion of the data after implementing the action consisted of two
parts. Those were the result of the result of posttest. For further descriptions as
Table 4.1
The Reading Scores of Pre-test, Post-test 1 and Post test 2
1 40 60 80*
2 36 56 64
3 52 64 76*
4 76* 72* 92*
5 60 64 92*
6 32 52 80*
7 56 56 80*
8 40 56 76*
9 64 76* 96*
10 56 68 80*
11 40 60 72*
12 40 56 76*
13 36 60 68
14 56 60 80*
15 56 60 80*
16 40 60 80*
17 52 68 80*
18 32 56 80*
19 60 72* 88*
20 28 56 60
21 44 52 72*
22 40 60 60
23 56 60 80*
24 60 76* 72*
25 52 60 76*
26 44 56 76*
27 60 72* 80*
28 52 60 72*
29 52 60 68
30 36 52 68
31 56 60 76*
32 60 72* 76*
33 40 56 72*
34 40 68 76*
48.35 61.64 77.67
To compare the test result between pretest and posttest of each cycle, the
writer uses some steps. Those are calculating the students mean score of the test,
calculating the class percentage, and calculating the students‟ improvement score
from pretest to posttest 1 and 2 into percentage. Based on the table above, it is
shown that the lowest score of pre-test is 28 and the highest score of pre-test is 76.
∑ Pre-test:
It is shown from calculation above that student‟ reading means score before
using story mapping or before implementing Classroom Action Research (CAR)
is 48.35. It is taken from the students‟ pre-test score average.
After that, the writer analyzed the data to know the percentage of students‟
score who passed the KKM (70). It is calculated by using formula as follows:
After that, in the cycle 1 of CAR, the writer calculates the result of post-test 1
to know the students‟ score improvement from the pre-test to pre-test 1 result.
Still based on the table above, the writer concluded the lowest score of post-
test is 60 and the highest score is 90 which indicated that the post-test 1 score is
higher than the pre-test score.
From that calculation, the students‟ mean score of posttest in cycle 1 is 61.64.
It proves that there are some improvements from the pretest mean score. It could
be seen from the pretest mean score 48.35 to the mean score of posttest 1 51.64.
The next step is to get the percentage of students‟ improvement score from
pretest to posttest 1. The writer computes by using as follows:
After that, the writer calculates data to know the percentage of students who
passed the KKM in post-test 1. The calculation is as follow:
From that calculation, the class percentage which pass the KKM in post-test 1
is 17.64%. It means that in the cycle 1 of Classroom Action Research (CAR),
there are 6 students who passed the KKM and there are 28 students whose score
are below the KKM. The class percentage of posttest 1 shows some students‟
improvement of the class percentage in the pretest (2.94%). The students‟
improvement which passed The KKM is 2.94% (17.64% - 2.94%).
Firstly is to calculate the mean score of the class in posttest 2. The calculation
using as follows:
After calculating, it is known that the mean score of post-test 2 is 76.58. Next,
the writer calculates percentage of students‟ improvement score.
From calculation above, it could be seen that the post-test 2 improves 58.38%
from pre-test. Next, the writer tries to get the class percentage of students‟ score
which passed the KKM. It uses the calculation as following:
A. Conclusion
After implementing Classroom Action Research at the second grade students
of SMP PGRI 2 Ciputat and according to the result of any tests, it could be
summarized that there was a significant difference before and after implementing
story mapping technique in teaching narrative text. It means that using story
mapping in teaching reading is helpful, especially in improving students' reading
comprehension of narrative text. It can be shown from the result of pre-action test
and some post-action test.
Furthermore, the students‟ improvement of reading comprehension of
narrative text can be seen clearly in the students‟ improvement score of their
achievement in pre-action test and two post-action tests. The result of pre-action
test and post-action test showed the significant improvement. The average score
of pre-action test was 48.35. It means there were only 2.94% of the whole students
could pass the KKM. The average score of post-action test 1 was 61.64. It proved
that 17.64% students passed KKM. The average score of post-action test 2 was
76.58. Then, it was obtained that the percentage of students who could get the
score above the KKM in post-test 2 was 85.29%. It can be concluded that teaching
narrative text through using story mapping, the students‟ reading comprehension
of narrative text can be effectively improved.
B. Suggestion
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
1.1 Merespon Percakapan singkatan 1. Brainstorming 1. Merespon Tes lisan Merespon secara Respond the 2 x 40 1. Script
makna yang memuat ungkapan – bertanya dan ungkapan meminta, lisan following statement menit percakap -
terdapat dalam ungkapan: menjawab memberi, menolak A: Let me help you an
percakapan tentang jasa
B: .... 2. Rekaman
transaksional berbagai hal 2. Merespon
1.A : Let me help you. Percakapan:
(to get things terkait tema ungkapan meminta,
done) dan B : Thank you so topik yang A: Can I have a - Cassette
memberi, menolak
interpersonal much. akan bit?
barang - Tape
(bersosialisasi) dibicarakan. B: ...........
3. Mengakui, Recorder
sederhana 2.A: Can I have a bit? 2. Membahas mengingkari fakta - CD
secara akurat, kosakata (
B: Sure. Here you are. 4. Merespon
lancar, dan noun phrase, Tes lisan Pertanyaan lisan Choose the right - CD Player
berterima ooooungkapan response
verb phrase, - TV
untuk 3.A: Did you break the meminta dan A: Did you break
adverb phrase) 3. Gambar-
berinteraksi glass? memberi pendapat the glass?
tata bahasa
dengan (kalimat Tes tulis Pilihan ganda gambar/
B: Yes I did / No, it B:.......
lingkungan wasn’t me. sederhana benda terkait
sekitar yang a. Yes, I did
melibatkan tawaran jasa, b. I don’t know
tindak tutur: 4.A: What do you think meminta c. I’m not sure
meminta, of this? sesuatu, d. All right
memberi, B: Not bad. informasi
menolak jasa,
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
meminta, faktual, Give your response
memberi, TataBahasa pendapat A: What do you
menolak terkait materi think of my new
- Auxiliary verb:
barang, percakapan . dress
mengakui, can, may, must,should
3. Mendengarkan B:............
mengingkari - Simple Past percakapan
fakta, dan yang memuat
meminta dan ungkapan-
Kosa Kata
memberi ungkapan
pendapat - Kata Terkait jenis teks dalam materi.
dan tema 4. Menjawab
tentang isi
5. Memberi
respon lisan
dan tulis 1
ungkapan yang
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
makna yang -It’s a very kind of you respons lisan ungkapan response to the menit percakapan
terdapat dalam Percakapan singkatan Curah mengundang,mener following 3 Rekaman
percakapan memuat ungkapan – pendapat ima, dan menolak statements: percakapan
transaksional ungkapan: tentang hal-hal ajakan
Isian 4 Tape recorder
(to get things terkait
1.A: Would you come to 1.A: Would you go 5 Gambar yang
done) dan topik/ungkapan Tes lisan
interpersonal my party? yang akan Merespon with me to the relevan
ungkapan movie ?
(bersosialisasi) B: I’d love to / I want dibahas Buku teks yang
sederhana menyetujui / tidak B: ...
to, but ........ 2.Membahas relevan
secara akurat, menyetujui
kosakata dan
lancar, dan tata bahasa Tes lisan Jawaban singkat 2.A: I do agree
2.A; I do agree
berterima terkait topik / Merespon with you to
untuk B; Thanks for the ungkapan yang ungkapan memuji join the speech
berinteraksi support. dibahas contest.
3. A; No way .... 3. Mendengarkan Merespon B: ...
B: It’s O.K. No percakapan ungkapan memberi
sekitar yang
memuat selamat
melibatkan problem 3.A: You have a
tindak tutur: beautiful hair
terkait marteri
mengundang, B: ...
menerima dan 4. A: You have beautiful 4. Tanya jawab
menolak hair. tentang isi
ajakan, B: Thank you. percakapan 4.A:
menyetujui/tid 5. Tanya jawab Congratulation
ak menyetujui, tentang fungsi ! you passed
memuji, dan 5.A: Happy birthday. dan makna your exams
memberi B: Thank you. ungkapan B : ...
selamat dalam
Tata Bahasa
- Would you.....
- I’d love to
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
Kosa kata
- Kata terkait tema dan
jenis teks
Ungkapan Baku
- I’d Love to
- No Way
- It’s ok
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
2.1 Merespon Teks fungsioanl pendek 1. Tanya jawab 1. Mengidentifikasi Tes tertulis Melengkapi 1. Complete the 2 x 40 menit 1. Script teks
makna yang berupa : tentang berbagai informasi yang rumpang following undangan
terdapat dalam hal terkait terdapat dalam sentences 2. Rekaman
teks lisan topik/tema yang teks fungsional based undangan
fungsional akan dibahas pendek berupa
Contoh: on the text you - cassette
pendek 2. Membahas undangan.
sederhana Dear Rio, hear - tape
kosakata yang
secara akurat, I want you to come to my recorder
terkait Menjawab
lancar, dan 222. Mengidentifi- - CD
house for lunch on Sunday tema/topik/unda singkat 2. Listen to the
berterima untuk at 12 a.m. kasi ciri
ngan (noun text and give - CD
berinteraksi phrase, verb kebahasaan dalam short answer Player
dengan phrase) teks fungsional
lingkungan Mona - TV
3. membahas pendek berupa 3. Gambar/
ungkapan- Undangan. realia terkait
2. Short Messages ungkapan yang tema/topik/
Contoh : sering muncul jenis teks
-Dear Intan, dalam undangan:
Meet me after school - I want you to
Aya come to.......
- Please come
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
3. Kosa Kata to .....
- Kata Terkait tema - Don’t forget
dan jenis teks to come
4. Mendengarkan
4. Tata bahasa
teks fungsional
- To Invinitive pendek
- What... for? (undangan)
5. menjawab
5. Ungkapan Baku : pertanyaan
tentang berbagai
- Please.......!
informasi yang
terdapat dalam
teks fungsional,
6. Mendengarkan
lainnya dari
7. Mengidentifikasi
ciri kebahasaan
teks fungsional
pendek :
- invitee
- occasion
- time
- place
- Invitor
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
3.1 Mengungkapkan 1. Percakapan 1. Review kosakata 1. Bertanya dan Unjuk kerja Uji Petik Create a dialogue 4 x 40 1. Buku teks
makna dalam singkatan memuat dan ungkapan- menjawab Berbicara based on the role menit yang
percakapan ungkapan terkait tentang Bermain peran cards and perform relevan
ungkapan –
transaksional (to get materi dan tema meminta,memb it in front of the 2. Gambar-
things done) dan ungkapan. eri, menolak class.
2. Tanya jawab gambar
interpersonal Contoh : menggunakan jasa terkait tema
(bersosialisasi) A; Let me help you. ungkapan- 2. Bertanya dan 3. Realia
sederhana dengan ungkapan menjawab
menggunakan B: Thank you so Benda sekitar
much. tersebut tentang
ragam bahasa lisan meminta,memb
3. Bermain peran
secara akurat, eri, menolak
lancar, dan A: Can I have a bit. percakapan yang barag
berterima untuk
B: Sure. Here you disediakan guru 3. Bertanya dan
berinteraksi dengan
are. 4. Bermain peran menjawab
lingkungan sekitar
melakukan tentang
yang melibatkan
tindak tutur: A: Did you break percakapan
berdasarkan mengingkari
meminta, memberi, the
situasi /gambar fakta
menolak jasa, glass?
meminta, memberi, yang disediakan 4. Bertanya dan
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
menolak barang, B: Yes, I did / 5. Menggunakan memberi
mengakui, No, it wasn’t me. ungkapan yang pendapat
mengingkari fakta, telah dipelajari
dan meminta dan dalam real life
memberi pendapat A: What do you situation
think of this?
B: Not bad.
2. Tata Bahasa
- Yes/No Questions
- QW-Questions
3. Kosa kata
- Kata terkait tema
dan jenis teks
4. Ungkapan Baku
- Sorry
- I Think so
- I don’t think so
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
interpersonal A: Would you come 2. Memperkenalka menolak ajakan class. gambar
(bersosialisasi) to n kosakata baru / 2. Bertanya dan terkait tema
sederhana dengan party? ungkapan- menjawab 3 Realia
menggunakan ungkapan yang tentang
ragam bahasa lisan B: I’d love to / I akan dibahas
4 Role cards
wan’t to, but menyetujui.tida
secara akurat, 3. Tanya jawab k menyetujui
lancar, dan .........
menggunakan 3. Bertanya dan
berterima untuk ungkapan- menjawab
berinteraksi dengan A: I do agree. ungkapan terkait tentang memuji
lingkungan sekitar B: Thanks for the materi
yang melibatkan 4. Bertanya dan
Support. 4. Menirukan menjawab
tindak tutur:
percakapan yang tentang
diucapkan guru memberi
menerima dan A: No, way, ...
menolak ajakan, 5. Melakukan selamat
B: It’s O.K. I percakapan yang
menyetujui, understand. diberikan
memuji, dan 6. Melakukan
memberi selamat A: You have tanya jawab
beautiful menggunakan
B: Thank you.
A: Happy birthday.
B; Thank you.
2. Tata Bahasa
Adjective Phrase
Noun Phrase
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
3. Kosa Kata
Kata terkait tema
dan jenis teks
4. Intonations
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
4.1 .Mengungkapkan 1. Teks fungsional 1. Mendengarkan 1. Mengungkapan Unjuk kerja Uji petik 1. Invite your 2 x 40 menit Buku teks yang
makna dalam pendek berupa : teks fungsional secara lisan teks berbicra friend relevan
bentuk teks lisan pendek: fungsional to come to your
fungsional Undangan undangan pendek bithday party
Contoh: 1. Gambar
pendek 2. Tanya jawab berbentuk orally!
sederhana dengan Dear Rio, tentang isi teks undangan.
menggunakan I want you to “undangan” 2. Ask and answer
ragam bahasa
lisan secara
come to my 3. Tanya jawab 2. Bertanya dan Tes lisan Pertanyaan lisan orally based on
house for lunch 2. Benda-benda
tentang struktur menjawab the invitation
akurat, lancar, on Sunday at 12 sekitar
teks secara lisan card given.
dan berterima a.m. 4. Membuat berbagai
untuk berinteraksi
Thanks. kalimat informasi
Mona sederhana terkait tentangteks
jenis teks bentuk fungsional
undangan pendek
Pesan Singkat, berbentuk
- I want to come
Contoh : undangan
Intan, - Please come to
Meet me ........
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
after school. 5. Berlatih
Aya. mengundang
secara lisan
2. Tata Bahasa menggunakan
- I want you to .... gambit-gambit
- Don’t Forget to .... tertentu
3. Kosa kata A: Hi Guys, I
want you all
- Kata terkait tema dan to come
jenis teks to my
4. Ungkapan Baku party.
- Ungkapan pembuka B: We’d love to!
- Dear....... When?
- Hi,....... A: Tomorrow, at
- Ungkapan penutup
6. Secara
- Yours berpasangan
- Love atau dalam
yang diberikan
7. Secara mandiri
undangan lisan
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
- but
- or etc
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
5.1. Membaca nyaring 1. Teks fungsional 1. Brain storming Membaca dengan Tes lisan Membaca Read the the text 6 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks
bermakna teks pendek berupa: tentang berbagai nyaring dan nyaring aloud and yang relevan
tulis fungsional Undangan hal terkait teks bermakna teks clearly.
dan esei fungsional fungsional
Contoh : 2. Gambar
berbentuk pendek pendek
descriptive dan Dandi, berbentuk 1. Melengkapi 1. Complete the terkait
Mengidentifikasi Tes tertulis test using tema/topik
recount pendek Please come “undangan” berbagai
dan sederhana /pesan pendek correct
to our meeting informasi dalam
dengan ucapan, 2. Mendengarkan teks fungsional words 3. Benda-benda
tekanan dan Day : Saturday sekitar
undangan yang pendek
intonasi yang Date:March 2. Pilihan ganda
dibacakan oleh 2. Choose the
berterima yang 1st,2008 guru/teman
berkaitan dengan Time : 10.00 correct answer
3. membaca
lingkungan Place : Osis Reuni nyaring teks
Don’t be late ! fungsioanl Mengidentifikasi 3. Uraian
5.2. Merespon makna pendek tentang fungsi sosial teks 3. Answer the
dalam teks tulis Budy
undangan/pesan fungsional following
fungsional Secretary pendek pendek
pendek sederhana Mengidentifikasi questions based
4. menjawab
secara akurat ciri kebahasaan on the text
Pesan Singkat pertanyaan
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
lancar dan Lia, tentang isi teks teks fungsional
berterima yang I’m out for shopping fungsional pendek
berkaitan dengan pendek
your meal is in
lingungan sekitar “undangan”
refrigerator /pesan pendek
1. Teks fungsional
pendek berupa Mom 5. Menyebutkan
- Undangan tujuan
- pesan singkat 2. Teks esei berbentuk komunikatif teks
2. Tata Bahasa descriptif dan recount fungsional
- Request pendek
3. Kosa kata “undangan”
- kata terkait – /pesan pendek
tema 6. Menjwab
dan jenis teks pertanyaan
4. UngkapanBaku tentang ciri
- Don’t be late ! kebahasaan teks
- Don’t miss it ! fungsional
/pesan pendek
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
descriptive dan 2. Langkah retorika 3. Membaca teks dan recount questions
recount teks descriptive/reco 6. Tujuan
descriptive dan unt komunikatif teks Read the text
recount 4. Menjawab descriptive dan aloud.
pertanyaan recount
3. Tujuan komunikatif
tentang 7. Ciri kebahasaan
teks descriptive dan
informasi yang teks descriptive Tes lisan Membaca
terdapat dalam dan recount nyaring
4. Ciri kebahasaan teks
teks descriptive dan 8. Membaca nyaring
5. Menjawab teks descriptive
pertanyaan dan recount.
tentang tujuan
tdan langkah
retorika teks
descriptive /
6. Menyebutkan
kebahasaan teks
yang dibaca
7. Membaca
nyaring dan
bermakna teks
descriptive /
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
6.1. Mengungkapkan 1. Tanya jawab 1. Melengkapi Melengkapi 1. Complete the 4 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks
makna dalam 1. Teks fungsional berbagai hal terkait rumpang teks rumpang following senten- yang
bentuk teks tulis tema/topik teks fungsional ce / text using relevanConto
pendek berupa :
fungsional fungsional yang pendek suitable word / h undangan,
pendek Undangan akan dibahas 2. Meyusun words pengumuman,
sederhana Pengumuman Menyusun kata SMS
2. Penguatan kembali kata menjadi 2. Arrange the word
dengan acak
Pesan Singkat kosakata dan tata teks into good senten- 2. Gambar yang
menggunakan bahasa terkait jenis fungsional ces. relevan
ragam bahasa 2. Tata Bahasa teks fungsional yang 3. Write simple sen-
tulis secara Kalimat bermakna
3. Menulis kalimat tences based on
akurat, lancar sederhana
sederhana terkait 3. Menulis teks Essay the situation given
dan berterima - mengundang Tes tulis
jenis teks fungsional 4. Write an invita-
- mengumumkan 4. Menulis teks pendek tion/ an announ-
dengan - menyampaikan fungsional pendek cement / messa-ge
lingkungan pesan berdasarkan konteks based on the
sekitar situation given.
3.Kosa kata
- Kata terkait tema
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
dan jenis teks
4.Tanda baca
5. Spelling
1. Complete the
6.2. Mengungkapkan 1. Teks rumpang 1. Review 1. Melengkapi Tes tulis 1. Completion paragraph using 4 x 40 menit 1. Buku teks
makna dan berbentuk ungkapan- rumpang teks the suitable yang relevan
langkah retorika ungkapan yang essai pendek
- descriptive words.
dalam esei terkait jenis teks berbentuk
- recount 2. Gambar
pendek descriptive dan descriptive
sederhana 2. Tata bahasa recount. 2.Rearrange the
dengan Kalimat sederhana 2. Menulis kalimat 2. Tes tulis 2. Jumbled Following
menggunakan yang berdasarkan
- Simpel present kalimat menjadi sentences sentences
ragam bahasa yang terkait jenis 3. Benda-benda
tense teks yang correctly.
tulis secara teks descriptive sekitar
- Simpel past tense bermakna dalam
akurat, lancar dan recount bentuk
dan berterima - past cont tense gambar/realia. descriptivedan
untuk 3. Kosa kata 3. Melengkapi recount.
- kata terkait tema rumpang dalam 3.Write an essay
dan teks descriptif dan
lingkungan 3. Menulis teks essai Tes tulis 3. Essay a. describing
jenis teks recount dengan
sekitar dalam dalam bentuk something or a
kata yang tepat.
teks berbentuk - kata penghubung a. descriptive
descriptive dan 4. Menyusun certain place.
and, then, after dan
recount that, kalimat acak
menjadi teks recount .
before dsb b. Telling what
descriptif dan
4. Tanda Baca, recount yang you did last
Spelling terpadu. Sunday
5. Membuat draft
teks descriptive
dan recount
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
secara mandiri.
6. Mengekspos teks
descriptive dan
recount yang
ditulis di kelas.
( RPP )
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her
step mother and two step sisters.
The step mother and sisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated
Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest works in the
house; such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing the food for
the family. The two step sisters, on the other hand, did not work about the house. Their
mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear.
One day, the two step sisters received an invitation to the ball that the king’s
son was going to giving at the palace. They were excited about this and spent so much
time choosing the dresses they would wear. At last, the day of the ball came, and away
went the sisters to it. Cinderella could not help crying after they had left.
“Why are crying, Cinderella?” a voice asked. She looked up and saw her fairy
godmother standing beside her, “because I want so much to go to the ball” said
Cinderella. “Well” said the godmother, “you’ve been such a cheerful, hardworking,
uncomplaining girl that I am going to see that you do go to the ball”.
Magically, the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a fine coach and mice
into a coachman and two footmen. Her godmother tapped Cinderella’s raged dress
with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown. Then she gave her a pair of pretty
glass slippers. “Now, Cinderella”, she said; “You must leave before midnight”. Then
away she drove in her beautiful coach.
Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She danced again and again
with the king’s son. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door
as quickly as she could. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper was left behind.
A few days later, the king’ son proclaimed that he would marry the girl whose
feet fitted the glass slipper. Her step sisters tried on the slipper but it was too small for
them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. In the end, the king’s page
let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out her foot and the page slipped the slipper
on. It fitted perfectly.
Finally, she was driven to the palace. The king’s son was overjoyed to see her
again. They were married and live happily ever after.
6. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
Buku Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII
7. Penilaian
Teknik: Performance Assessment (responding)
Hasil: berdasarkan jawaban siswa atas pertanyaan yang diberikan guru
Guru Praktikan
(Cycle 1 of CAR)
Aspek/Skill : Reading
Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana berbentuk
recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang
berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Part I: Read the passage below, underline the simple past tense that you found:
Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are
The Questions:
Three-phase technique.
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Greeting (memberi salam dan tegur sapa)
Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa.
Mengabsen siswa.
Memberi motivasi kepada siswa.
Penjelasan tentang materi yang akan dibahas.
b. Kegiatan inti.
Beberapa siswa diminta membaca sebuah cerita (narrative text) dengan
intonasi dan jeda yang benar secara bergantian.
Membahas ciri-ciri yang terdapat dalam narrative text.
Siswa diminta menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan text.
Siswa dimita menyusun jumble paragraphs menjadi sebuah cerita yang
utuh. (group work)
Siswa diminta untuk menulis langkah-langkah retorika berdasarkan cerita
yang sudah disusun ke dalam story mapping dengan redaksi kata sendiri
(individual work)
c. Kegiatan penutup
Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran.
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama KBM
Memberi tugas pada siswa yang berkaitan dengan materi.
b. Rubrik penilaian
No Uraian Skor
Guru Praktikan
(Cycle 2 of CAR)
Aspek/Skill : Reading
Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana berbentuk
recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang
berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Part I: Read the story below then write down the schematic structure of the story into ‘story
mapping sheet’ by your own words!
Long time ago on the island of Simbau, in the Sulawesi Sea, there lived a king and his
beautiful daughter. The princess was not only beautiful, but she was also wise and kind.
Many princes wanted to marry the king‟s daughter and this made the king confused.
He, then, announced a contest: whoever presented the princess with the most valuable gift
would marry her.
Takatuliang, a poor woodcarver, wanted to join the contest but he was so poor that he
had nothing to present. Then, he went far into the forest. There he chose the best tree and
carved it into a doll. Next, he took an old piece of cloth and sewed it into a dress for the doll.
After that, he cut his own hair and glued it to the doll‟s head.
On the day of the contest, all of the princes gathered before the king and the princess.
One by one, they presented their gifts: diamonds, silk, gold, jewelry. Then came
Takatuliang‟s turn.
“What do you have?” asked the princess.
“I bring only a doll,” said Takatuliang softly.
“How many dolls like this do you have?” asked the princess.
“Only this one. I carved it by myself and decorated it with my own hair and my father‟s
old cloth. He died and this is the only thing he left me.” answered Takatuliang.
The princess was very touched to hear Takatuliang‟s story. She decided to marry
Takatuliang because he had presented her everything he had. Together, Takatuliang and the
princess lived happily ever after.
(After finished, discuss with your friends in group to get the right answer based on the points
served in a story mapping!)
Three-phase technique.
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Greeting (memberi salam dan tegur sapa)
Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa.
Mengabsen siswa.
Memberi motivasi kepada siswa.
Me-review materi pertemuan sebelumnya
Penjelasan tentang materi yang akan dibahas.
b. Kegiatan inti.
Siswa diminta untuk mencari kata-kata sulit yang terdapat dalam teks (selama
tiga menit)
Siswa menentukan langkah retorika dalam cerita
Siswa diminta menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan text.
Siswa diminta untuk menulis langkah-langkah retorika berdasarkan cerita
yang sudah disusun ke dalam story mapping dengan redaksi kata sendiri
(individual work)
Siswa mendiskusikan hasil kerja dalam bentuk story mapping dengan teman
dalam kelompok (a group of four)
c. Kegiatan penutup
Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran.
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama KBM
Memberi tugas pada siswa yang berkaitan dengan materi.
c. Instrumen : Terlampir
b. Rubrik penilaian:
No Uraian Skor
Guru Praktikan
Reading section
In this part of the test, you have to choose the best answer to each question from the
alternatives given.
Read the following text to answer questions 1 to 11.
Long time ago there lived a king who was the richest man in the world. His name was
Midas; however he was not happy. Midas longed to be even richer. He wanted to be richer
than all the kings in the world put together.
One day, as Midas sat on his throne thinking of ways to become richer, his servants
came to him with an old man. “Master, this is Silenus, the friend of the God Bacchus,” said
the second servant. Midas had an idea. He welcomed the old man and said, “You shall be my
guest for ten days. Please, eat and drink as much as you like.”
At the end of the ten days, Midas took Silenus back to Bacchus. The god was very
happy to see his lost friend. Bacchus turned to Midas and said, “I will grant you any wish you
make.” “My wish is …that everything I touch will turn into gold!” On his return to his
palace, Midas tried out his new power. He picked up a stone and it turned to gold. He
changed a whole tree into gold by rubbing his hands over the trunk.
Back at the palace, Midas sat down and called for some food and drink. His chair
turned to gold and, although it was uncomfortable, Midas was still happy that all he touched
turned to gold. Next, Midas took a piece of bread. Before he could get it to his mouth, it too
had turned to gold. He could eat nothing without it turns gold.
Miserable, Midas went for walk in his garden. His children ran up to him. Without
thinking, Midas put his arms around them and instantly they turned into little gold statues.
Midas now cried. Then Midas hurried to Bacchus and went down on Bacchus‟ knees and
with golden tears running down his cheeks, begged to Bacchus to show mercy. “I was wrong
to be greedy and to love gold so much.” said Midas. Bacchus asked Midas that he had to go
to the River Pactolus and wash in its clear water. This would take away the golden touch.
Midas did so.
Midas then returned to his palace. On the way, he touched a branch of a tree and it did
not turn to gold. Midas was so relieved. However, in his garden he saw his children still as
golden statues. He quickly grabbed a bucket ran to the River Pactolus and scooped up some
water. He took this back to the garden and poured it over his golden children. Immediately
they came alive and were no longer gold.
Finally, Midas did not want to be the richest of the rich. Midas had found out that all
the gold in the world did not bring happiness.
1. The story above tells you about ….
A. The king Midas‟ power of golden touch
B. The king Midas‟ desire to defeat all of kings
C. The king Midas‟ chair turned to gold
D. The king Midas‟ struggle to be the richest man
11. “Midas longed to be the richest king in the world.” What part of the schematic structure
do we call this event?
A. Complication C. Coda
B. Orientation D. Resolution
Read the following text to answer questions 12 to 20.
Once upon a time, there was a prince named Bondowoso. he was famous for his
powerful weapon, called Bandung. Therefore, Bondowoso was called Bandung Bondowoso.
Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with a beautiful princess, Lorojonggrang. He wanted to
marry her but she was not interested in him. Lorojonggrang was afraid to refuse his proposal
because Bandung Bondowoso would destroy her kingdom if she refused.
To make things difficult for Bandung Bondowoso to marry her, Lorojonggrang gave
some requirements. She asked him to build her one thousand temples within one night.
Bandung Bondowoso had to finish them before sunrise. Without doubt of his success, he
accepted the requirements.
With the help of genies and spirits, Bandung Bondowoso almost built one thousand
temples. It was amazing how fast Bandung Bondowoso and his allies built the temples. At
four o‟clock in the morning, Bandung Bondowoso had only five more temples to build. Loro
Jonggrang got panic because she knew he would complete the task.
Suddenly, Lorojonggrang had an idea. She called all the women in the kingdom and
asked them to pound rice. She also asked the men to burn a lot of wood at the east side of the
kingdom. Hearing the sound of the pounding and seeing a bright sky, the genies and spirits
were afraid. They ran away with only one more temple to complete. They thought the
morning had come.
Bandung Bondowoso was extremely angry when he found out what Lorojonggrang
had done to him. He cursed Lorojonggrang and turned into a statue.
16. According to the story, which statement is NOT stated as sequence of events?
A. Lorojonggrang asked the man to burn a lot of wood.
B. Genies ran away and left one more temple to complete.
C. Bondowoso almost finished building one thousand temples.
D. Lorojonggrang was not interested in Bondowoso
17. What time did Bondowoso have only five more temples to build?
A. Five o‟clock in the afternoon
B. Four o‟clock in the morning
C. Four o‟clock in the afternoon
D. Five o‟clock in the morning
18. Lorojonggrang was afraid of refusing Bondowoso. This event is included into schematic
structure of ….
A. Orientation C. Sequence of events
B. Resolution D. Complication
Read the following text to answer questions 1 to 11.
The Twins
There was a gentleman who had beautiful twins. Their names were Penelope and
Anastasia. Even though they were identical twins, their behavior was far different. Penelope
was the lazy ones. Anastasia was the diligent ones. She helped her father do the household
chores since their mother had passed away a few years ago. Anastasia would wake up early in
the morning, make her bed up, and start to cook for the family.
Everybody in town knew how different Penelope and Anastasia. Neighbors tried to
remind Penelope that she did not have her mother anymore so she had better start helping in
the house but Penelope never listened.
A few years went by and the father got very old and could not work as hard. He said
to his daughters, “I can‟t work as hard as I used to any longer. You two should try to get a job
somewhere to make some money.
The next day, Penelope and Anastasia asked around in the neighborhood to find a job.
They met Mrs. Robinson, an old lady who was wailed to give them a job.
The next morning, Penelope came to Mrs. Robinson to work. However, she did not
clean underneath the table lamp, the floor mat, or the vase. She was so sloppy that instead of
cleaning the house she made the house a lot dirtier than before. After an hour of cleaning
Penelope was finished then she searched for the money around the house but she could not
find any. Penelope was so upset that she went home at once. She told Anastasia not go to the
lady‟s house.
Anastasia went to Mrs. Robinson‟s house anyway then she started cleaning the house
by dusting the table. She lifted the lamp to clean underneath it. She found money underneath
the lamp. “I‟d better keep it in a safe place and I‟ll ask Mrs. Robinson later.”
Anastasia kept dusting and cleaning the house. Every time she lifted something from
the floor mat to a stack of books, she found money. “My Goodness! Mrs. Robinson‟s money
is everywhere!” said Anastasia.
After several hours of cleaning, Anastasia was about to leave the house when Mrs.
Robinson came back then Anastasia told that she found money around the house. Mrs.
Robinson smiled and said, “Anastasia. You are a very good and diligent girl. That money is
yours; that is your payment.” said Mrs. Robinson.
Anastasia went home so happy and she got 525 dollars from Mrs. Robinson then she
told Penelope what had happened. “I should have worked harder.” said Penelope.
23. Based on the text, which of the following is NOT stated as sequence of events?
A. Mrs. Robinson praised Anastasia as a diligent girl.
B. Penelope made Mrs. Robinson house dirtier than before.
C. Mrs. Robinson put money everywhere around her house.
D. Anastasia kept dusting and cleaning Mrs. Robinson‟s house.
25. It is NOT stated in the text that Anastasia kept her house as ….
A. Started to cook for the family
B. Washed all dirty clothes
C. Made her bed up
D. Woke up early in the morning
Reading section
In this part of the test, you have to choose the best answer to each question from the
alternatives given.
Read the following text to answer questions 1 to 10.
Malin Kundang
A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her
son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent
because Malin Kundang‟s father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had
to live hard with his mother. Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He
usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold
the caught fish in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant‟s ship, which was
being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power,
Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In
return he asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed.
He left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was
helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too.
When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The
villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich
and now he is here”.
An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin
Kundang‟s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long
time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well-
dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times his
mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang
said to her “Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly
woman!” After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again but
in that time was full of both sadness and angriness.
Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he did
not apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail. In the quiet sea, suddenly a
thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to
apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really
too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.
3. Based on the story, which one of the following is stated as the sequence of event ….
A. A thunderstorm came when Malin was laughing
B. Malin became wealthy many years later
C. Malin was cursed and turned into a stone
D. Malin had to live hard with his mother
Read the following text to answer questions 11 to 20.
Maura, who likes to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of
Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just
three sheiks. The three sheiks were all equally young and handsome. They were also rich and
strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks. As
they were about to have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her
some leftover food. The second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel‟s tail. The third
sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After
dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik‟s camp.
The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace about
seven o‟clock. She ordered her servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the
evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other
two sheiks could not share it with him.
This Sheik Hakim‟s act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her.
“Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the
sheiks. “So it is Hakim I will marry”.
11. What time did the queen invite the three sheiks to have dinner?
A. Five o‟clock
B. Six o‟clock
C. Seven o‟clock
D. Eight o‟clock
12. According to the text, who is the minor character of the text?
A. Suitors
B. Three sheiks
C. Queens of Arabia
D. Maura
15. Following are included into the orientation of the story, EXCEPT ….
A. The name of the queen is Maura
B. The queen lived in Arabia
C. Nobody knows Maris‟ disguising
D. The queen chose three sheiks
17. Who gave Maura some unappetizing camel‟s tail as a menu of having dinner?
A. The first sheik C. The third sheik
B. The second sheik D. The servant
Read the following text to answer questions 12 to 20.
Once upon a time, there was a prince. He was good looking and very rich. He lived in
a beautiful castle together with his staffs and servants.
One rainy dark night, a woman came to his castle. She was old and ugly. The prince
didn‟t like her and sent her away. After he sent the woman away, she turned into a beautiful
fairy. She cast a spell over the prince and his castle. The prince became a beast. He was no
longer good looking. He looked very ugly instead and all his servants turned into furniture.
One day, an old man named Maurice was travelling past the castle. It was raining so
hard that he decided to enter the castle. When the Beast saw him, he captured him.
After some time, Maurice‟s daughter, Belle, began to worry about him.
She started to look for him. Finally, she arrived in the castle and she found her father
there. She asked the Beast to let her father go but he refused. Belle, then, agreed to stay in the
castle so that her father could go home.
While Belle was staying at the castle, the Beast slowly changed. He was not mean
anymore. Belle began to like him and finally they fell in love with each other. Right after she
declared her love for him, the spell was broken. The Beast and his servants became human
again. Then, the Beast and Belle got married. They lived happily ever after.
22. Why did the prince not like the woman at the first time?
A. She was angry with the prince.
B. She was old and ugly.
C. She was a mean woman.
D. She mocked the prince.
23. What made the Beast turn into good looking again?
A. He wished to the fairy to release him from the curse.
B. He said sorry to everyone who had hurt by him.
C. He helped Maurice whom being caught in rain.
D. He loved Belle and she declared her love.
24. The character of the prince before turning into the Beast is ….
A. Strong-willed C. lazy
B. Mean D. Greedy
Read the following text to answer questions 1 to 10
Snow White
Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and
uncle because her parents were dead.
One day, she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle
because they both wanted to go to America and they didn‟t have enough money to take Snow
Snow White did not want her uncle and aunt to do this, so she decided it would be best if
she ran away. The next morning, she ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were
having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry. Then, she saw a little cottage. She knocked the door, but
no one answered, so she went inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There
they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The
dwarfs said, ”What‟s your name?” Snow White answered, “My name is Snow White.”
The other dwarfs asked, “If you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow White said, “Oh,
could I? Thank you!” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story, and the seven
dwarfs lived happily ever after.
Read the following text to answer questions 11 to 20.
A long time ago there lived a young couple, a man and his wife, his wife was
expecting their baby. She wanted a plant that only grew in her neighbor's garden, she wanted
it so much. She even intended to steal it herself, but later on, she sent her husband to steal it.
Unfortunately, mother Gothel, the owner of the garden, caught him doing it. She was
a witch. Then, mother Gothel forced the couple to give their first baby to her.
A few months later, the baby was born. It was a girl and named Rapunzel. Soon, this
baby was taken away to live with mother Gothel. Rapunzel grew to be a beautiful young girl
with her long golden hair. At first she was cared for in a normal way. When she reached
puberty, she was locked in the forest. It could only be entered by climbing on Rapunzel's long
hair. To cheer herself up, she loved to sing.
One day, a young prince was out hunting. He stumbled upon the tower. He heard
Rapunzel's beautiful voice. He decided to meet her. He spied and, by watching Mother
Gothel, learned the words he has to say to have Rapunzel drop her hair. The Prince visited
her often and the two fell in love.
Then, Rapunzel; made a plan to escape from the tower. She wanted to be with the
prince. She asked the prince to bring her a skein of silk each time he visited. She might weave
a ladder for her escape. Unfortunately, Mother Gothel caught on Then, she banished
Rapunzel to the desert. She prince blind and he marred the earth searching for his love.
Eventually, they found each other, and prince's eyes were healed by Rapunzel's tears
of happiness.
11. When Rapunzel usually dropped her hair?
a. Mother Gothel said the certain words.
b. Some one sang a song.
c. She fell in love
d. She was sad.
18. “The baby was taken a way to live with Mother Gothel.” This event is included into
schematic structure of ….
a. Orientation c. Coda
b. Complication d. Resolution
23. How often did the owner teach the bird how to say the word?
a. Always c. Many times
b. Everyday d. Every second
25. What does the man do to the bird because the bird cannot say the name of a place?
a. The man ate the bird.
b. The sold the bird.
c. The man killed the bird.
d. The man taught the bird.
MEMBACA Merespon teks berbentuk narrative (dengan cara:)
1. Menemukan makna gagasan dalam teks seperti:
11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks
fungsional dan essai pendek Gagasan pokok 21,
sederhana berbentuk recount dan Gagasan pendukung 1,
Informasi faktual 7,13,19
narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan
Informasi spesifik 5,10,14
dan intonasi yang berterima yang
2. Menentukan langkah retorika (Schematic structure) dalam 4,17,24
berkaitan dengan lingkungan
sekitar. teks seperti:
Orientation: MC 25
11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah
- Major character
retorika dalam esei pendek 9,12,22
- Minor character
sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan 2, 8,18
berterima yang berkaitan dengan 3,16,
lingkungan sekitar dalam teks. Sequence of events
Resolution 20,25
3. Menentukan makna tersirat dalam cerita/teks.
MEMBACA Merespon teks berbentuk narrative (dengan cara:)
1. Menemukan makna gagasan dalam teks seperti:
11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks
fungsional dan essai pendek Gagasan pokok 1
sederhana berbentuk recount dan Gagasan pendukung 7,13,19
narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan Informasi faktual 5,9,14
dan intonasi yang berterima yang Informasi spesifik 4,11
berkaitan dengan lingkungan 2. Menentukan langkah retorika (Schematic structure) dalam
sekitar. teks seperti:
Orientation: MC 24,10 25
11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah
- Major character 12,15,21,22
retorika dalam esei pendek
- Minor character 2
sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan
Complication 8,18
berterima yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan sekitar dalam teks. Sequence of events 3,16,23
Resolution 6,17
3. Menentukan makna tersirat dalam cerita/teks. 20,25
MEMBACA Merespon teks berbentuk narrative (dengan cara:)
4. Menemukan makna gagasan dalam teks seperti:
11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks
fungsional dan essai pendek Gagasan pokok 1,12
sederhana berbentuk recount dan Gagasan pendukung 9,19,24
narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan Informasi faktual 5,14,16
dan intonasi yang berterima yang Informasi spesifik 4
berkaitan dengan lingkungan 5. Menentukan langkah retorika (Schematic structure) dalam
sekitar. teks seperti:
Orientation: MC 10 25
11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah
- Major character 15,21,22
retorika dalam esei pendek
- Minor character 2
sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan
Complication 13,18,25
berterima yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan sekitar dalam teks. Sequence of events 3,6,11,23
Resolution 7,17
6. Menentukan makna tersirat dalam cerita/teks. 8,20
No Aspek yang Diamati
0 1 2 3 4
1 Mendengarkan / memperhatikan penjelasan guru
2 Mencatat materi yang diberikan
3 Berinisiatif mengajukan pertanyaan
4 Menjawab pertanyaan guru dengan benar
Action : Pre-observation
Date : April, 7th and 12th 2014
Time : 07.00 A.M – 09.00 A.M
Topic : The Schematic Structure of Narrative Text
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching; Practice and Theory, (Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996), p. 323
1. A 11. B 21. B
2. C 12. C 22. C
3. C 13. C 23. D
4. A 14. B 24. D
5. B 15. C 25. A
6. D 16. B
7. C 17. C
8. B 18. B
9. C 19. D
10.B 20. A
1. D 11. C 21. A
2. D 12. C 22. B
3. B 13. C 23. D
4. B 14. A 24. A
5. D 15. D 25. D
6. D 16. D
7. C 17. B
8. B 18. C
9. A 19. A
10. D 20. C
1. C 11. A 21. B
2. A 12. D 22. A
3. D 13. B 23. C
4. B 14. C 24. B
5. A 15. D 25. D
6. C 16. C
7. D 17. B
8. B 18. B
9. D 19. A
10. B 20. C
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30 Post-test 1
20 Post-Test 2
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11 12 13
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