The Implementation of Quipper School Application To Improve Student's Achievement in Reading Comprehension
The Implementation of Quipper School Application To Improve Student's Achievement in Reading Comprehension
The Implementation of Quipper School Application To Improve Student's Achievement in Reading Comprehension
NPM. 1302050257
This study dealt with the implementation of quipper school application to improve
student‟s achievement in reading comprehension. This study was conducted at
SMA Swasta YPK Medan on Jalan Sakti Lubis Gg. Aman No. 25 Medan in
eleventh grade. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique.
The number of sample were 34 students. The method of research applied
classroom action research. It was applied to figure out the student‟s activity
during the implementation of quipper school application in reading
comprehension and to figure out the improvement of the student‟s achievement in
reading comprehension by applying quipper school application. The instruments
of this research were observation sheet and a reading comprehension test which
consisted of 10 multiple choices. The researcher conducted two cycles in this
research, there were three meetings in cycle 1 and 1 meeting in cycle 2. This
research used quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data showed that
the mean score in cycle 1 was 60.58, the mean score in cycle 2 was 86.76; the
students who got score more than 70 in cycle 1 was 14 student and the percentage
was 41.18%, the students who got score more than 70 in cycle 2 was 34 students
and the percentage was 100%. The qualitative data got from observation sheet in
every cycle showed that the improvement of teacher and students‟ behaviour.
Based on the results from quantitative and qualitative data proved that quipper
school application improved the students‟ achievement in reading comprehension.
First of all, the researcher wuld like to thank to Allah SWT, the most
precious and merciful who had given healthy and blessing to complete this study.
Secondly, to our prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought us the human beings
There were many people who have assissted her in process of completing
this study, especially her beloved parents, Ilyasak, SE and Khuzaimah Harahap
for their pray, support, advice, and material during completing her study in
Therefore, the researcher would like to address her deep thankful to all people
mention below:
3. Mandra Saragih, S.Pd., M.Hum and Pirman Ginting, S.Pd., M.Hum, the
4. Mandra Saragih, S.Pd., M.Hum, as her supervisor who had given her
Medan, M. Irsyad K.I, S.Ag, the English teacher of SMA Swasta YPK
7. Her beloved younger brother, Fadhlil Fikar and Alfi Syabilla who always
Finally the researcher hopes that her study will be useful for the readers,
the research and also the researcher herself. May Alla, the most almighty
The Researcher,
Rahmayani Syafitri
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1
A. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 34
B. Suggestion ....................................................................................... 35
inovation in education that has big contribution to change the learning process.
should use e-learning as an interesting media. The use of e-learning media enable
to support the students in better learning. Learning sources were not only limited
in text book but also used digital media so that it was easy to access and evaluate
the students.
students might be able to understand the meaning of short functional text and
essays form of analytical exposition text in daily life to access the knowledge.
However in the real teaching learning process showed that it was not same. Based
YPK Medan at eleventh grade, the researcher found some problems in teaching
reading comprehension that involved some factors namely students‟ factor and
teachers‟ factor. First, it was the students‟ factor. The students‟ ability in reading
comprehension was still low and it was shown from the low reading score . It was
caused by the lack of understanding students in comprehending the text, only 73%
media. The teacher used the text book only and used the monotonous media by
reading a long text in text book. It could make the students feel bored.
Grabe and Soller (2002) stated that reading comprehension refers to the
reading is simply following words on a page from left to right while sounding
them out. Quipper School application is one of the system based in e-learning,
and students dealing with internet use in teaching learning. Quipper School
Application was a good media in teaching reading. It was proven by the previous
media was applied in MAN 2 Ponorogo motivates the researcher to apply it in this
1. The students were not able to comprehend the reading comprehension text.
2. The teacher did not find the good media in teaching reading comprehension.
The scope of this study was foccused on reading comprehension and it was
1. How was the student‟s activity during the implementation of Quipper School
exposition text.
Practically, the research findings of the study were expected to be useful for:
3. The other researcher, who have interesting in this study to get information in
A. Theoritical Framework
theories that used in this study. These important theories might be clear from
the reader and both of them must have the same perception on the concept of
this research. The reasearcher presented this chapter in order to strengthen this
1. Reading Comprehension
someone gets information from written text. According to Neil (2003: 68),
their own background knowledge to build the meaning. The goal of reading is
cognitive processes are working doing reading. The reader both read and tried
It was an active thinking process that depends not only on comprehension skills
reader cannot comprehend the text so that they cannot get the information and
reading process the reader has interaction with the text and the reader
of the text.
processes”. It meant that in reading the students need interaction between the
reader and writer to comprehend about part and concept of reading sources.
The reader should comprehend the meaning what the writer meant. They also
should read the line between the lines and beyond the lines. In other words, it
and the writer, thereby the readers will be able to understand what the authors‟
and another might had the low one. Reading comprehension abilities were
quite complex and that they very numerous ways depending on tasks,
motivation, goals, and language abilities (Grade and Stoller, 2002). They also
argued that the large differences among the readers occur because of various
ways of reading.
the reader‟s background knowledge and information decoded from the text
should be possessed by the reader and those two aspects process both
interactively and simultaneously. While the definition can be simply stated the
intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before, during, and after a
Like doing other activities, the reader also had some purposes in doing
1) To obtain for some purpose or because we are curious about the topic.
2) To obtain an how to platform some task for our work daily life (e.g.
5) To know when and where something will taken place or what is available.
6) To know what is happening or has happened (as reporter in newspaper,
magazine, reports).
multicomponent that involve many interactions between the reader and what
the reader brings into the text (previous knowledge, strategy use). By this
reader, text, the reader will use their previous knowledge and strategy to
comprehend a text.
William (2009: 1998) explained that “in comprehending a text needs the
ability to identify main idea in the text that involves the knowledge of basic
According to Hampton & Resnick (2008: 22) that there were two
Developing a text base meant the readers try to make conncections within
the text. Understanding the information and ideas that the text presents is the
understand the meaning of the word, prhases, sentences and paragraph and link
these ideas coherently. In this process, readers worked with the information
and ideas presented by the text. When students were reading well, developing
the text base was likely to be automatic, they might not even be aware they
were doing it. It was clear that developinh a text base was the network of the
ideas that connects the meaning drawn from phrases, clauses and sentences into
Mental model is representation from the ideas in the text base that was
the readers tried to make meaning from the text. In this process, the readers
built a word or create an image in their minds based of the situation that is
described in the text. They try to relate it into the prior knowledge, experiences
model was simultaneously done by the readers when they are process the text.
Transfer and adjust their understanding in the act of reading. These were
dynamic interplays in the reader‟s mind between the text base and the mental
model. When reading the text, the reader‟s check accurately reflects what the
text said and it was also match with reader‟s knowledge base. Shortly, the
thinking process of developing a text base and building a mental model interact
Brown (2003: 189) describes that the types of reading. In the case of
a. Perceptive
b. Selective
c. Interactive
paragraps to one page or more in which the reader mist, psycholinguistic sense,
interect with the text. That is, reading is process of negotiating meaning, the
reader brings the text a set of schemats for understanding it and in take is the
product of interaction.
d. Extensive
would help the reader to retell the meaning of it. Stress intonation are under
this part.
2) Structural System
3) Vocabulary
4) Comprehension
Teacher should devide the reading into their interrelate stages, those
a. Pre-reading Activities
students for what they are about to read. Pre-reading includes: drawing out or
providing prior knowledge about content and process, motivating students and
question to students which are require to find the answer from the text. Some
b. While-reading Activities
the give text. In these level students interact with the text by the help of their
develop from a global understanding of the text and to smaller unit such as
c. Post-reading Activities
1) To measure how far the students understand about the reading text in the
while reading .
2) To investigate and measure how far the students ability to extend their
knowledge. In this case, the teacher will probably organize some kind of
about the passage. Through the indicators the teachers can assess whether the
students have understood about the text or not. If the students can achieve the
all indicators, it means that the students can understand the text well.
Harmer (2008: 75) stated that there are some principles of teaching
reading, they were as follow: first, reading is not passive skill. Second, the
students need to be engaged with what they are reading. Third, the students
should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text not just to the
language. Fourth, prediction is major factor in reading. Fifth, match the task to
the topic. Last, good teachers exploit reading texts to the full. It could be
or sentences. The teacher asks students to read some sources, because teaching
For example, teacher gave excercises and ask students to read the text, then the
teacher lead students to make inferences after they read the text. It is purpose to
2. Analytical Exposition
According to Rita Suswati (2014: 66) stated that exposition is a text that
elaborates the writer‟s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social
function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter. The aim of
After learning about Analytical Exposition text, the students are expected
1) The students were able to determine the purpose, generic structures and
language features of the analytical exposition text from the news or other
2) The students were able to analyse the analytical exposition text from the
position more.
more easily established with the presence of several startup education one of
namely Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, and Mexico. Quipper has been used by
took place anywhere and anytime in a fun and easy way. It was inspired by the
founder‟s dream of making this world connected better and smarter which was
Quipper School was a ready to use web based learning that did not need
installation on an existing hosting site (or a web server). It made them more
information technology.
students by online and students could do and learned the topics of subject
related to the tasks both inside or outside the classroom through electronic
devices which was connected to the internet. After students already finished do
the task, a scoring system available on the Quipper School was analyzed in a
simple way that it was assisted teachers in getting clear overview of student
achievement. Teacher got the report on how well students in mastering certain
1) Quipper School Learn, a special portal for students where they could
access and read course materials, answer questions, send a message to teachers.
Quipper School Learn is a place where students can learn. This platform was
completed with features in which it could make students feel fun during
students in the form of coin that could be redeemed with the theme. So,
For teacher:
1) Teacher must login in teacher portal by using an email.
For students:
4) If the students finish the question number one, the mark can appear.
accordingly, users can navigate all facilities available on the system with ease.
This ease of using technology, as argued by Teo, Lee and Chai (2008), may
teachers and students are required to sign up for an account. They can either
use their Facebook accounts or create a new, free Quipper accounts. To get a
free account, teachers and students need only to provide an email address,
telephone number, and the name of the school. If their school has already
registered in the Quipper database, teachers then can make a request to the
Quipper ambassador at the school to assign their account into the virtual school
After registration, users can then log in into the system with the username
and password they have already created. What is important to note is that
Quipper will initially ask the user‟s role when logging into the system (see
Figure 1). There are two roles for users: teachers and students (see Table 1).
Each of these roles allows different access to Quipper‟s three main features,
Table 2.1
Menu and sub-menu in Quipper‟s dashboard
teachers‟ use of the learning materials (lessons and quizzes) and assigning
progress. The „curriculum‟ menu offers two options for teachers regarding
the learning materials; they can either use the materials available on the
Quipper database, or they can develop their own materials and use them to
allows teacher s to select course participants, group the students, and invite
completed. The menu also notifies them about the tasks they have already
done and their level of mastery. In addition, the „message‟ menu allows
learners to int eract with their teachers and peers. Unfortunately, this
facility is suitable only for communication between two individuals, which
may make group discussions difficult. The other study note menu allows
important to highlight here that student users can only access the learning
3.3. Evaluation
of course tools, student and tutor support tools and course administration. The
course-creation tools on Quipper are easy to use, and the student- and tutor-
support tools address both teacher and students‟ engagements in teaching and
learning activities. For example, teachers can create a lesson that can be
challenging for some teachers to some extent, particularly for those who are
linguistic production.
The three types of language input suggested by Chappelle are salience (e.g.
that help learners to arrive at the meaning, such as through images), and
exposure (written, aural and visual) for foregin language input. For example,
teachers can develop learning materials that are enriched by visual and audio
with the computer verbally, thus, the learning of speaking is not feasible for the
(2003) highlights three types of interaction that teachers should promote within
invite colleagues into their classroom through the Teacher Page, via email or
Quipper that, as far I have observed, are not available on other similar online
learning platform.
Unfortunately, the „group work‟ feature does not provide room for students to
and teacher- student interaction is the integration with social media platforms
such as Twitter and Facebook. This social media integration enables teachers to
build social relationships with their colleagues and students effortlessly, and to
monitor their students‟ interaction and the progress they have made without
the Quipper system because this not only helps students to socialise with their
peers, it also keeps them updated about their learning progress. As argued by
Donato (1994), social interaction may promote collective scaffolding that helps
students perform the language they are learning beyond their linguistics ability.
called „Hint‟ and „Explanation‟ for the students‟ assignment. The „Hint‟ and
„Explanation‟ features enable teachers to give their students help (e.g. with
They also provide an opportunity for students to stimulate their inner voice and
interesting that teachers can also use the „Hint‟ and „Explanation‟ features to
students during and after they complete an assignment. These two types of
this seems limited. Students can only interact with a computer through the
lessons and quizzes previously set up by their teachers. The use of a flash
EFL classroom should promote learning tasks that afford a wide variety of
opportunities for learners to produce the the target language. Chapelle (2003)
suggests that learners‟ language production within CALL tasks should provide
so they can correct their linguistic output, and to suggest a learning scaffolding.
writing skills such as vocabulary and grammar. Question types in the Quipper
correct order, and categorise answer questions. The limited range of question
type is reason for such a limitation and they should therefore be brought to the
disadvantages as follows:
2) Provide all materials for class X, XI, XII in Senior High School that
every where.
for available messaging facility which allowed the students to ask the teacher.
1) There was still no writing material which could be done by student like
B. Conceptual Framework
This research was conducted at SMA Swasta YPK Medan Jalan Sakti
Lubis Gg. Aman No. 25 Medan. The reason for choosing this school because
when the researcher did teaching practising program (PPL) at eleventh grade
in SMA Swasta YPK Medan, the researcher found the students were not able
to comprehend the reading comprehension text and the teacher did not find
The subject of this research was in the eleventh grade of SMA Swasta
YPK Medan. Based on the purposive sampling technique, the researcher took
Because when the researcher did teaching practising program (PPL) in this
class, the researcher found that the students were not able to comprehend the
reading comprehension text and the teacher did not find the good media in
C. Research Design
Classroom action research is a method of finding out what works best in your
1. Plan, an early stage that the teacher might be done before doing anything.
It was hoped the plan is forward-looking, and the flexibility to incorporate the
effects of an unexpected and early with the plan we can overcome obstacles.
involve thinking process and evaluating to reflect the event that happen and
2. Action, this was an implementation of the action plan that had been
created which could be either a specific application of learning models that aim
to improve or enhance the model that is being executed. Such actions could be
teacher make a decision because the reflection was done in order to analyze the
situation and made conclusion what to do next. In this phase, the writer
reflected on everything that was done in the first cycle and make conclusion.
The reflection process was based on the data, reading comprehension test.
This research was conducted by two cycles. Every cycle had four stages;
Chart 3.1
Classroom Action Research Model by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart
(Arikunto, 2013)
1. Cycle 1
a) Planning
b) Action
Teacher‟s activity:
2) The teacher asked what topic they will learn, that is Analytical
Exposition Text.
10) The teacher asked the student‟s answer by writing it on the whiteboard
together with the students, and gave the correct answer also.
11) The teacher and students made the conclusion based on the material.
Students‟ activity:
Exposition Text.
from teacher.
7) The students saw and keep attention for the text of Analytical
Exposition Text.
9) The students answered the question based on the text that given by the
10) The students wrote their answer on the whiteboard and see the correct
11) The student and teacher made the conclusion based on the material.
12) The students answered the closing from their teacher as response to
the teacher.
c) Observation
activity attitude during teaching learning process. In this section the researcher
did the formal observation. The researcher was an observer for English teacher
d) Reflection
was used to help teacher to make decision. The teacher and researcher analyzed
2. Cyle 2
The researcher did cyle 2, if the result in cyle 1 was still need
improvement. In cycle 2 also had four stages; they were planning, action,
1. Test
To get the data the researcher gave the reading comprehension test,
especially in analytical exposition text. The test was taken from Quipper
School Application.
2. Observation Sheet
Observation sheet was used to observe all activities happened during the
teaching learning process. The activities were included teacher and student‟s
Collecting the data was done by test and observation sheet‟s technique.
based on the instrument of observation, and test was done to know the quality
of learning result.
Quantitative data was used in this study. It was used to analyze the
̅ (Arikunto, 2013)
Next, to categories the number of the students who pass the test successfully,
P= (Arikunto, 2013)
A. The Data
The data of this research consisted of two kinds. They were quantitative
data and qualitative data. Quantitative data was got from the students‟ score in
data was got from the observation sheet. This research was conducted in one
1. Quantitative Data
The quantitative data was taken from the students‟ score in a reading
part of Analytical Exposition Text. The correct answer of multiple choice was
given 10 point and incorrect answer was given 0 point, so the highest score was
100 point. In this research, the researcher devided the score of the students
based on the indicator of reading comprehension and the researcher shown the
comparison of the students‟ score of the hard and easy questions based on the
choice test. There were two cycles in this research, they were cycle 1 and cycle
1 Answering some questions through specific information from text
2 Answering some questions through specific information from text
3 Finding unstated and stated information from some choices.
4 Answering some questions through specific information from text
5 Finding synonim of particular word in the text.
6 Finding unstated and stated information from some choices.
7 Answering some questions through specific information from text
8 Finding synonim of particular word in the text.
9 Finding unstated and stated information from some choices.
10 Completing sentence by using specific word from text.
1.1. Cycle 1
researcher explained about Analytical Exposition Text without giving a test. In the
Text and gave test of multiple choice in Quipper School Application. The items
Table 4.1
The Students‟ Score of Multiple Choice Test in Cycle 1
X= 60,58
From the table of cycle 1, it could be seen from the mean of the students
score during the research, the researcher applied the following formula:
X = ∑x x 100
In the test of cycle 1, the total score of the students was 2060 and the
following formula:
P = R x 100%
be seen as follow:
P1 = = 41.18%
Based on the data, we can concluded that in Cycle 1 there were not
students got maximal scores. Means of students score in Cycle 1 were shown by
Chart 4.1
The Students‟ Score in Cycle 1
Mean Able Unable
Cycle 1
1.2. Cycle 2
There was one meeting in cycle 2. In the third meeting in cycle 1, the
researcher explained about Analytical Exposition Text without giving a test. In the
first meeting in cycle 2, the researcher explained about Anlytical Exposition Text
and gave test of multiple choice in Quipper School Application, the items of the
multiple choice test in this research have indicators of reading comprehension can
Table 4.2
The Students‟ Score of Multiple Choice Test in Cycle 2
X= 86.76
From the table of cycle 2, it could be seen from the mean of the students
score during the research, the researcher applied the following formula:
X = ∑x x 100
In the test of cycle 2, the total score of the students was 2950 and the
following formula:
P = R x 100%
be seen as follow:
P2 = = 100%
Chart 4.2
The Students‟ Score in Cycle 2
. Mean Able Unable
The table and chart above showed that the students who were able 34
students or 100% and the students who were unable 0 student or 0%. From the
data above, it could be concluded that students score in cycle 2 had improved.
The improvement of students‟ score in cycle 1 and cycle 2 could be seen from
Table 4.3
The improvement of Students‟ Score in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
No Students’ Initial The Students’ Score The Students’ Score
in Cycle 1 in Cycle 2
1 AA 60 80
2 AM 40 80
3 AS 70 80
4 AR 70 90
5 AD 50 90
6 AP 70 90
7 AW 70 90
8 BH 60 90
9 DS 20 90
10 DN 70 80
11 DM 90 90
12 FW 70 90
13 FA 60 80
14 FM 70 80
15 FS 60 90
16 FT 70 90
17 HS 70 90
18 HA 60 80
19 IW 60 90
20 IN 70 90
21 JA 60 90
22 KR 60 90
23 MF1 60 80
24 MF2 60 80
25 MH 60 80
26 MA 80 80
27 NA 20 90
28 NS 60 90
29 RM1 70 90
30 RM2 70 90
31 RA 20 90
32 SA 60 90
33 TI 60 90
34 PH 60 90
∑x = 2060 2950
X= 60,58 86.76
Based on the result of cycle 1 and cycle 2 that have done by the researcher,
so there was improvement that seen during teaching and learning process, the
Chart 4.3
The Improvement of Students‟ Score in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Mean Able Unable
From the chart above could be concluded that there was not able students
reading achievement in ycle 1, it could be seen there were 14 students got score
reach score up to 70, and the diagram shown that there was improvement reading
score in cycle 2, all the students got the score more than 70 or 100 %.
Table 4.4
Table of Students‟ Score from the First until Last Meeting
From the table above, in the cycle 1 there were 14 students (41.18%) who
got points up to 70. In cycle 2 there were 34 students (100%) who got points up to
Chart 4.4
Students‟ Reading Comprehension Score in Percentage
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Score up 70 Percentage
From the chart above could be concluded that there was improvement in
SMA Swasta YPK Medan had been improved by applying Quipper School
2. Qualitative Data
The qualitative data was taken from observation sheet. The teacher and
B. Data Analysis
and one meeting in cycle 2. The researcher gave a reading comprehension test
from Quipper School Applicaton to know the student‟s score in reading
cycle 1 to cycle 2.
Table 4.5
The improvement of Students‟ Score in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
No Students’ Initial The Students’ Score The Students’ Score
in Cycle 1 in Cycle 2
1 AA 60 80
2 AM 40 80
3 AS 70 80
4 AR 70 90
5 AD 50 90
6 AP 70 90
7 AW 70 90
8 BH 60 90
9 DS 20 90
10 DN 70 80
11 DM 90 90
12 FW 70 90
13 FA 60 80
14 FM 70 80
15 FS 60 90
16 FT 70 90
17 HS 70 90
18 HA 60 80
19 IW 60 90
20 IN 70 90
21 JA 60 90
22 KR 60 90
23 MF1 60 80
24 MF2 60 80
25 MH 60 80
26 MA 80 80
27 NA 20 90
28 NS 60 90
29 RM1 70 90
30 RM2 70 90
31 RA 20 90
32 SA 60 90
33 TI 60 90
34 PH 60 90
∑x = 2060 2950
X= 60,58 86.76
From the table score above, it could be concluded that there was
In cycle 1, the total score of the students was 2060 and the number of the
X = 2060 = 60.58
In cycle 2, the total score was 2950 and the number of the students was 34,
X = 2950 = 86.76
following formula:
P = R x 100%
P1 = 14 x 100% = 41.18%
P2 = 34 x 100% = 100%
Chart 4.5
Reading Comprehension Score
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Mean Percentage
The improvement of the mean score of the students from the cycle 1 to
cycle 2 was 26.18. It then increased in cycle 2. In the test of cycle 1 there were 14
students (41.18%) who got points up to 70. In the cycle 2 there were 34 students
Observation sheet was used to observe all activities that happened during
the teaching learning process. The activities included teacher and students
activities. The researcher was an observer for the English teacher and the students
of the class that consisted of 34 students. The researcher did formal observation.
There were four meetings in this research. The first meeting in cycle 1, the
researcher explained Analytical Exposition Text without giving a test, and in the
again and gave a test from quipper school application. While doing the test in
cycle 1, there were few students who were not able to comprehend the text in
quipper school application. They keep on looking up the words in a dictionary and
a. Planning
The plan was arranged before doing the research. First of all, the
b. Action
whether they had already learned about Analytical Exposition Text. The
3. After the students read the text, the teacher gave the test to the students
c. Observation
Medan. The students were learning through quipper school application. The
observation report was put on the observation sheet of the students. The problems
d. Reflection
Based on the observation and the result students test, it was known the
teaching and learning reading through quipper school application not yet satisfied
and did not gave improvement, although there was some students got low score or
under the KKM (70). Reflection also was a phase to process the data that taken
applicatiom. After cycle1 had finished, the result of researcher did not effective
a. Planning
1. Preparing lesson plan that related with the study, especially still about
3. The teacher explained analytical exposition text and then the students have
to listen.
4. After teacher explained analytical exposition text, teacher asked the
5. And then, the students did the mutiple choice test in quipper school
b. Action
In this step the researcher done the lesson plan which add arranged in
cycle 1, and also in this cycle improved the weakness before. The questions were
gave was different in cycle 1 and cycle 1, but still about analytical exposition. The
teaching and learning process in action same in cycle 1, it was started from
students‟ mistake in cycle 1. Most of them did same mistake in reading analytical
exposition text. The researcher gave each students each items test in quipper
school application and they more understand and more focused in doing the test. It
could be shown from the different score between cycle 1 and cycle 2. In the test of
cycle 41.18% or 14 students got score more than 70, and after getting maximal
score the researcher gave second test in cycle 2 with different test but still about
analytical exposition text. In cycle 2, 34 students got score more than 70 or 100%.
c. Observation
Observation was done to know the students‟ activities when teaching
2. The students could answer the questions from quipper school application
Thus the researcher collected the data that used as a basic of reflection.
Observation was done together with action in the same time. It was intended
3. Reflection
Based on the observation and students test, it was known that teaching
and learning reading by applying quipper school application was satisfy and
enjoyed in teaching and learning process, and also because the material which
given by teacher more creative, not monotone, fun, and imaginative. The
result of this result was quipper school application could improve students
C. Research Findings
Based on the data analysis, it showed that the students‟ achievement in
Application. It could be seen from the quantitative data. The mean score in
cycle 1 was 60.58, the mean score in cycle 2 was 86.76; the students who got
score more than 70 in cycle 1 was 14 students, the students who got score
more than 70 in cyle 2 was 34 students; and the percentage of the students
who got score more than 70 in cycle 1 was 41.18%, the percentage of the
students who got score more than 70 in cycle 2 was 100. It also could be seen
A. Conclusion
quantitative data. The mean score in cycle 1 was 60.58, the mean score in
cycle 2 was 86.76; the students who got score more than 70 in cycle 1 was
14 students, the students who got score more than 70 in cycle 2 was 34
students; and the percentage of the students who got score more than 70 in
cycle 1 was 41.18%, the percentage of the students who got score more
qualitative data too. The qualitative data got from observation sheet . from
students‟ behaviour.
B. Suggestion
3. The other researchers, this research could be used as the reference to teach
Kamarullah, Qismullah Yusuf, and Cut Intan Meutia. 2016. The Use of Quipper
School with Computer-Assissted Language Learning (CALL) for Teaching
ESL Writing. Malaysia: International Journal. ISSN: 2527-8037
Nunan, David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. First Edition. New
York: The Mc Graw Hill Companies.,%20Abstrak,%20BAB%20I
A. Core Competencies
specific fields of study according to their talents and interests to solve the
KI 4 : Processing, reasoning, and all present in the realm of the concrete and
the abstract realm associated with the development of the learned in school
B. Basic Competency
3.2. Analyzing social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements in
4.2. Responding the meaning in the text of Analytical Exposition about the hot
3.2.1. Students can analyze the social function, the structure of the text, and
4.2.1. Students can respond the meaning from analytical exposition text.
D. Learning Materials
in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that cause illnesses such as
E. Learning Method/Technique
Discussion method
G. Learning Steps
First meeting
Under the quidance and direction
of teachers, students ask
questions about the main idea,
details and specific information
from the analytical information.
1. Exploring
1. Students tried to answer the
questions from the teacher
Associating 15‟
1. The teacher gave the correct
answer for the students.
1. Teacher asked students to
make an account for Quipper
school Application.
Second meeting
Under the quidance and direction
of teachers, students ask
questions about the main idea,
details and specific information
from the analytical information.
2. Exploring
1. Students login into the
Quipper School
2. Students practice finding
the main idea, details and
specific information from
the analytical Exposition
3. Students in groups red
text analytical exposition
by observing the social
function, structure, and
linguistic elements to
4. Students read the text of
the exposition to a friend
by using the appropriate
linguistic elements
Associating 15‟
1. In pairs students analyze
some text exposition
focusing on the social
function, structure, and
language element.
2. Students gain feedback
(feedback) from teachers 20‟
and friends about the
results of the analysis
presented in the working
1. Students create a report in
the form of notes of
2. Flocking, students
exchanged stories about
text exposition with
attention to social
functions, structure and
linguistic elements.
3. Students present in the
4. Make a written self-
evaluation report on their
respective experiences in
the search for text
exposition during the
learning process inside
and outside the classroom,
including constraints
5. Students create 'learning
Third meeting
Under the quidance and direction
of teachers, students ask
questions about the main idea,
details and specific information
from the analytical information.
3. Exploring
- the teacher ask students to
understand about generic
structure of analytical
exposition text.
Associating 15‟
1. Teacher gave the correct
answers to students. 20‟
2. Teacher asked students to
study more about
Anlytical Exposition Text
at home.
H. Appraisal
Known by,
B. Core Competencies
specific fields of study according to their talents and interests to solve the
KI 4 : Processing, reasoning, and all present in the realm of the concrete and
the abstract realm associated with the development of the learned in school
B. Basic Competency
3.2. Analyzing social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements in
3.2.1. Students can analyze the social function, the structure of the text, and
4.2.1. Students can respond the meaning from analytical exposition text.
D. Learning Materials
Reconsidering TV Programs
moral value. Those programs mostly gain a high rate and run in
a prime time. In the prime time, everyone from any level of age,
E. Learning Method/Technique
Discussion method
G. Learning Steps
Fourth meeting
Under the quidance and direction
of teachers, students ask
questions about the main idea,
details and specific information
from the analytical information.
7. Exploring
8. Students login into the 15‟
Quipper School apllication.
9. Students practice finding the
main idea, details and
specific information from the
analytical Exposition text.
10. Students in groups red text 20‟
analytical exposition by
observing the social
function, structure, and
linguistic elements to
11. Students read the text of the
exposition to a friend by
using the appropriate
linguistic elements
12. Associating
1. In pairs students analyze
some text exposition
focusing on the social
function, structure, and
language element.
2. Students gain feedback
(feedback) from teachers and
friends about the results of
the analysis presented in the
working group.
1. Students create a report in the
form of notes of reading.
2. Flocking, students exchanged
stories about text exposition
with attention to social
functions, structure and
linguistic elements.
3. Students present in the
4. Make a written self-evaluation
report on their respective
experiences in the search for
text exposition during the
learning process inside and
outside the classroom,
including constraints
5. Students create 'learning
Medan, 2017
Known by,
I. School Life
Firstly, the children can have great chances to socialize with their
friends. It will build their confidence to work together with people in a team.
They will know how to deal with people with different characters.
Last, it gives the children a lot of fun. Playing together with their
friends, competing in competitions, meeting new friends, are things they
never forget.
a) Climax
b) Thesis
c) Argument
d) Reiteration
e) Introduction
3. The following statements are true based on the text above, except …
a) Sports can help the students to develop their time management skill.
b) Play sports help the students to manage their anger.
c) Extracurricular activities will give bad effect on students‟ academic
d) Joining art club gives so much fun for the students.
e) Joining a sport club gives the students chance to know how to work
together in a team.
5. Parents always encourage their children to play less and study more.
a) Dissuade
b) Stimulate
c) Facilitate
d) Support
e) Help
a) 4-3-1-2
b) 2-1-4-3
c) 4-3-2-1
d) 4-2-1-3
e) 2-1-3-4
8. First, the school committees argue that wearing uniform will remove the
social gap between the rich and the poor students.
The synonym of the underlined word is …
a) pause
b) space
c) intermission
d) slot
e) hole
First, the school committees argue that wearing uniform will remove the
social gap between the rich and the poor students. If they are not forced to
look similar by wearing uniform, it will be easy to find differences in
appearance between them. Hopefully, uniform can prevent the poor to show
off their wealth to the poor.
Second, uniform will make the students look neat. Students are young
generations who like to try new things express themselves, including in
fashion. If the school does not restrict the students‟ freedom in expressing
themselves through fashion, it is possible that the students will come to
school with inappropriate clothes.
a) dilemma
b) obligatory
c) preferential
d) secondary
e) alternative
Answer key
1) a
2) c
3) c
4) c
5) a
6) c
7) d
8) b
9) a
10) b
I. Social Issue
From the paragraph above, we can infer that the purpose of the text is....
2. “Bullying as the act to dominate the subordinate person as a mean to harass and
to belittle the person is an urgent issue to be overcome.”
a) overcoming domination
b) harrassing and belittling someone
c) raising an urgent issue
d) dominating someone
e) finding a subordinate person
3. The victim would perceive the destructive behavior as the acceptable and
normal act. The continuous harassment and physical abuse to a person,
especially children and teenager, will impact on their self-esteem, self-hatred,
and long-term traumatic impact. If the damage grows in the victim is not
seriously taken care under professional therapy, the trauma would destruct the
victim's life. In some cases, the victims of bullying would commit suicide.
From the passage, we know that professional therapy to the victim of bullying
4. “Second reason to take precaution and to stop bullying act is that bullying can
escalate to violence and be considered as a crime. This is not only permanently
damaging the victim‟s psychological aspect, but also has become a criminal
issue. A bullying act leads the children and the teenager to construct
destructive behavior. This is obviously a serious problem for our society.”
The passage contains an irony. The irony emerges in the passage is...
Reconsidering TV Programs
Television has become a widely used electronic device to entertain the
viewer. Almost everyone from different level of age can access various program
of television. However, have we ever considered that the programs in the
television are appropriate for us to watch? Nowadays, many programs in our
television are inappropriate that bring the negative impact to the viewer.
Therefore, we must reconsider TV programs that run today.
The TV programs should be taken under evaluation for its negative impact to our
society, especially for the children. Today, TV program often views the variety
shows that full of slapstick act, the abusive cartoon, and dramas with improper
moral value. Those programs mostly gain a high rate and run in a prime time. In
the prime time, everyone from any level of age, including children, can access the
TV programs. The programs give inappropriate models to the viewer, especially
children. The social problems emerge as the impact of the inappropriate model of
the program such as abusive behavior, ethical issue, life style, etc.
7. “Television has become a widely used electronic device to entertain the viewer.
Almost everyone from different level of age can access various program of
8. Choose correct statement from the following that is in line with the second
Choose from the following statement that completes the passage above.
Answer key
1) d
2) b
3) b
4) a
5) d
6) d
7) d
8) a
9) a
10) a
Subject : English
Class : XI
Number of Students : 34
Observer‟s name : Rahmayani Syafitri
Teacher‟s name : M. Irsyad K. I, S.Ag
Note : 3 = very good, 2 = good, 1 = bad
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
1. The teacher plans effectively
and sets clear objectives that
are understood.
a. Objectives are communicated √ √ √
clearly at the start of the
b. Materials are ready. √ √ √
c. There is structure of the √ √ √
d. The lesson is reviewed at the √ √ √
2. Teacher shows knowledge and
a. The teacher gives thorough √ √ √
knowledge at the subject
content covered in the lesson.
b. Instructional Materials are √ √ √
appropriate for the lesson
c. Knowledge is made relevant √ √ √
and interesting for the students
3. Teaching methods are used
enable all students to learn
a. The lesson is link to previous √ √ √
teaching learning
b. The ideas and experiences of √ √ √
the students are drawn upon.
c. A variety of activity and √ √ √
questioning techniques are
d. Instructions and explanations √ √ √
are clear and spesific.
e. The teacher involves all the √ √ √
students, listen to them and
respond appropriately.
f. High standard of efforts, √ √ √
accuracy and presentation are
g. The teacher uses the √ √ √
interesting media
4. Students are well managed and
high standard of behavior are
insisted upon.
a. Students are praised reqularly √ √ √
for their effort and
b. All students are treated fairly. √ √ √
5. Students work is assesed
a. Students understanding is √ √ √
assesed throughout the lesson
by using of teacher‟s question.
b. Mistakes and misconceptions √ √ √
are recognized and used
constructively to facilitate
6. Homework is used effectively to
reinforce and extend learning.
a. Homework is appropriate. √ √ √
b. Homework is followed up if it √ √ √
is set previously.
7. Medium of instructions.
a. The teacher integrate internet √ √ √
connection devise in the
b. The instructional materials are √ √ √
used to capture the interest
Total Number 35 44 56
Mean =5 = 6.28 =8
Subject : English
Class : XI
Number of Students : 34
Observer‟s name : Rahmayani Syafitri
Teacher‟s name : M. Irsyad K. I, S.Ag
Note : 3 = very good, 2 = good, 1 = bad
Indicators Fourth
1 2 3
1. The teacher plans effectively and sets clear
objectives that are understood.
a. Objectives are communicated clearly at the start of √
the lesson.
b. Materials are ready. √
c. There is structure of the lesson. √
d. The lesson is reviewed at the end. √
2. Teacher shows knowledge and understanding.
a. The teacher gives thorough knowledge at the √
subject content covered in the lesson.
b. Instructional Materials are appropriate for the √
c. Knowledge is made relevant and interesting for the √
3. Teaching methods are used enable all students to
learn effectively.
a. The lesson is link to previous teaching learning √
b. The ideas and experiences of the students are √
drawn upon.
c. A variety of activity and questioning techniques √
are used.
d. Instructions and explanations are clear and √
e. The teacher involves all the students, listen to them √
and respond appropriately.
f. High standard of efforts, accuracy and presentation √
are encourage.
g. The teacher uses the interesting media √
4. Students are well managed and high standard of
behavior are insisted upon.
a. Students are praised reqularly for their effort and √
b. All students are treated fairly. √
5. Students work is assesed thoroughly.
a. Students understanding is assesed throughout the √
lesson by using of teacher‟s question.
b. Mistakes and misconceptions are recognized and √
used constructively to facilitate learning.
6. Homework is used effectively to reinforce and
extend learning.
a. Homework is appropriate. √
b. Homework is followed up if it is set previously. √
7. Medium of instructions.
a. The teacher integrate internet connection devise in √
the lesson.
b. The instructional materials are used to capture the √
interest students.
Total Number 63
Mean =9