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NIM. 108014000052
The objective of this research was to describe the empirical evidence about
the influence of computer assisted language learning on students’ listening skill
for the first grade students at SMK Yaspia Jakarta academic year 2013/2014. The
experimental study applied in X AP 1 class, and for the controlled class used X
AP 2 class. The study had been done in six meetings that were designed; first
meeting was for pre test, 4 meetings were for treatments, and the last meeting was
for post test.
The data of this research were analyzed by using t-test. The result showed
that there was significant influence between the students who was taught with
computer assisted language learning and without computer assisted language
learning. The result of analysis data between variable X and Y using t-test formula
showed that the value of to (t observation) was 8.74. In the t- table, score degree of
freedom 5% is 2.02 so we can conclude that to is higher than tt (to : tt = 8.74 >
2.02). In other words that computers have influence in students listening skill.
Naila Jauhara (108014000052), The Influence of Computer Assisted
Language Learning on Students’ Listening Skill; An Experimental Study at the
First Grade Students of SMK Yaspia Jakarta, Skripsi of Department of English
Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State
Islamic University of Jakarta. 2014.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise is to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds, who has bestowed strength and health upon the writer in
finishing this research paper. Peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad
SAW, his family, companions, and all his followers.
Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah the Highest, the writer could finish
her research paper after long hard effort of writing. Thus, she would like to
express her greatest gratitude to her beloved parents (H. Abdul Hadi and Hj.
Hasanah) who always pray, support, and motivate her in every part of her life
especially in doing this study.
The writer would also like to address her gratitude to her advisors Drs.
Syauki, M.Pd. and Atik Yuliyani, M.A. TESOL for their patient guidance, kindness,
valuable advice, and correction during the development of this research.
She would like to express her deep appreciation and gratitude to:
1. All lecturers of Department of English Education who have taught her new
knowledge and have given her gorgeous experiences in study.
2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. The head and secretary of
Department of English Education.
3. Dra. Nurlena Rifa’i, M.A., Ph.D., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and
Teachers Training.
4. The principal and the English teacher of SMK Yaspia Jakarta for
permitting and helping the writer to conduct the research.
5. Her beloved best friends who have always been in the researcher side in
facing all the laughter and tears during her study, especially for
Murniasih, Isnawati, Raisa Amiyatul Hijriani and Shofwatunnida.
6. All her beloved friends of Department of English Education Class B for
academic year 2008 whose names cannot be mentioned one by one who
always help and motivate her in accomplishing this research paper.
May Allah, the Almighty bless them all. Amin.
Finally, this research paper still has some weakness and shortage. Thus,
she would be grateful to accept any suggestions and corrections from anyone
for better writing.
The Writer
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... i
ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. v
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. viii
CHAPTER III: REASERCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 17
A. The Place and Time of the Study …………. ........................ 17
B. The Method of the Study ...................................................... 17
C. The Population and Sampling .............................................. 17
D. The Technique of Data Collecting ....................................... 17
E. The Technique of Data Analysis ........................................... 19
F. Statistical Hypothesis ............................................................ 22
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 37
APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………….. 39
system which aids learners to improve and practice language skills. It provides a
stress-free environment for learners and makes them more responsible.1
Media of teaching that can be used in language laboratory is using
computer with connection to the internet. Teacher can choose free materials from
computer. The method of teaching that use computer named is computer assisted
language learning. However, the computer alone cannot offer many useful
benefits to the listening as it can do in that of reading or writing. The use of
computers in the area of listening skills depends very much on the type of
hardware, for example the computer with additional peripherals, such as a sound
card and loud speaker. Using multimedia, PC with a sound card, CD ROM or
DVD drive, the internet, and voice recognition technology, can be the best way of
tackling all kinds of listening activities. It is good for students because it allows
the students to interface with the target language in new ways. The students allow
to listen to model pronunciation, repeat and record the same, listen to their
performance and compare with the model, and do self-assessment. Besides that,
students has the privacy to speak and listen.
In other words, by utilizing the computer properly and fully, it is expected
that the teaching learning process can be more effective and finally can also attain
the goal.
According to the explanation, the writer interested to do a research with
the title The Influence of Computer Assisted Language Learning on Students’
Listening Skill. An experimental research at first year students of SMK Yaspia
B. Limitation of Problem
The limitation of this problem is the use of computer assisted language
learning in the teaching learning process especially in listening skill at first year
students of SMK Yaspia, Jakarta.
Shafaei, Azadeh, Computer Assisted Learning: A Helpful Approach in Learning
English, Frontiers of Language and Teaching, 3, 2012
Jeremy Harmer, Op. Cit., p. 228.
Ibid., p. 204.
Ibid., pp. 229 – 230.
are some activities that teachers can do in live listening; reading aloud, story-
telling, interview and conversations.6
c. Intensive listening: the role of the teacher
All activities for listening we need to be active in creating student
engagement through the way we set up the task. We need to build up students’
confidence by helping them listen better than by testing their listening
abilities. In particular, we need the focus on the following roles:
1) Organizer; tell students exactly what their listening purpose is, and give them
clear instruction how to achieve it.
2) Machine operator; when we use tape or disk materoal we need to be as
efficient as possible in the way we use the tape recorder.
3) Feedback Organizer; teacher must give the feedback when the students have
completed the task. Teacher can ask the students to compare their answer in
4) Prompter; teacher ask the students to listen to a tape or disk again to notice a
variety of language and spoken features.7
Students can improve their listening skill through a combination extensive and
intensive listening materials and procedure. Listening of both kinds is especially
important since it provides the perfect opportunity to hear voices than teacher’s,
enables the students to acquire good speaking habits as a result of the spoken
English absorb, and help to improve their own pronunciation and listening skill.
Ibid., pp. 230-231.
Ibid., p. 231.
Michael Rost, Listening in Language Learning, (London: Longman, 1990), p. 28.
presented by the speaker. According to Joseph P. Boyle, there are three factors
that affect listening skill; Listener factors, Speaker factors, Material factors.9
a. Listener Factors
1. Experience/practice in listening to target language
2. General intelligent
3. Physical and educational
4. Intellectual (powers of analysis and selection, memory, etc)
5. Psychological (motivation and sense of purpose while listening,
attitude of listeners to the speaker, listener’s attention and
b. Speaker Factors
1. Language ability of the speaker
2. Speaker’s production: pronunciation, accent, variation, voice, etc.
3. Speed of delivery
4. Prestige and personality of the speaker11
c. Material Factors
1. The language used to convey the message; phonological features,
including stress, intonation, weak forms, syntax, cohesion and etc.
2. Difficulty of content and concepts, especially if the material is
abstract, highly specialized or technical, or lengthy.
3. Amount of support provided by gestures, visuals.12
Listening can cause problems as panic and difficulty. Students often panic
when they see the tape recorder because they know that they are faced with a
challenging task. Two things are guaranteed to increase that panic, the first is to
refuse to play more than once and the second is to expose an individual student’s
Joseph P. Boyle, Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension, English Language Teaching,
XXXVIII, (1984), p. 35.
lack of success in the listening task. Some teachers and students find that listening
to tapes is extremely difficult, especially when tapes are fairly long.13
These are some internal factors that might be faced by the students in
understanding listening process:
a. Intelligence; level of intelligence can influence the students’ listening
comprehension. The students who have a high level of intelligence will
better understand the listening material than the lower level one.
b. Language facility; the ability to segment and analyze speech accurately
and automatically into appropriate units is very important when listening
to spoken language.
c. Vocabulary; the students must have knowledge of vocabulary because
some words not only have one meaning but have many meanings depend
on the context. It can make the students easier in understand the material.
d. Background knowledge; the students who have lack of background
knowledge of the material can influence their comprehension in listening.
e. Speech register; Speech registers refer to the different styles of language a
person uses in a given social context.
A range of internal factors influence listening comprehension. By considering
these factors, people can analyze communication situations. This is an important
step in detecting possible causes of poor listening comprehension.14
4. Teaching Listening
To ensure a success in the teaching of listening, a teacher needs to plan and
implement appropriate procedures and activities for the teaching.
a. Procedures and activities
There are three steps in listening activities. They are pre-listening, while-
listening and post-listening.
Field summarized the format of the 1990’s listening lesson as follows:
Pre-listening : Set context
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching New Edition (New York:
Longman Publishing, 1991), p. 231.
Ina Thomas and Brian Dyer, Op.Ccit., pp. 3–4.
Create motivation
While-listening : Extensive listening (followed by questions
on context attitude)
Pre-set task/pre-set question
Intensive listening
Checking answers
Post-listening : Examining functional meaning
Inferring vocabulary meaning15
In pre listening, the teacher needs to activate students’ knowledge of the topic;
giving them the purpose of the listening material so they can make predictions to
anticipate what they might hear and giving them the new vocabulary. While
listening is the process of listening, the teacher give the material with the support
of visual and clarification questions and then teacher checking the students
comprehension. The last is post listening, in this steps teacher follow up the
activity based on new language.16
There are two types of listening activities according to Richard, they are
noticing activities and restructuring activities.
Noticing activities involve returning to the listening texts that served as
the basis for comprehension activities and using them as the basis for language
awareness. For example, students can listen again to a recording in order to:
1. Identify differences between what they hear and a printed version of the
2. Complete a cloze version of the text.
3. Complete sentences stems taken from the text.
4. Check off entries from a list of expressions that occurred in the text.
Restructuring activities are oral or written tasks that involve productive
use of selected items from the listening text. Such activities could include:
1. Paired reading of the tape scripts in the case of conversational texts.
2. Written sentence-completion tasks requiring use of expressions and other
linguistic items that occurred in the text.
3. Dialog practice that incorporates items from the text.
John field, The Changing Face of Listening, English Teaching Professional, January
1998, p. 245.
Vera Savic, Developing Language Skills in Teaching English to Young Learners:
Listening and Speaking.
4. Role plays in which students are required to use key language from the
There are some activities in language laboratories when teaching and learning
listening skill. They are; repetition, drills, pairing, double-plugging and
telephoning, note taking, dictation, finding differences between a written text and
a taped account of the same events, answering comprehension questions, video
watching activities.18
To develop students’ listening comprehension naturally, the teacher should
always use English as a medium of teaching learning process.
b. Listening Materials
There are two types of listening materials that can be used in the teaching of
listening. They are scripted and non-scripted materials. Scripted materials,
according to Mathews as quoted by Cahyono, one those which have been written
down in advance before being read or acted out, while non-scripted materials are
those spontaneous and natural ones.19
Most classroom in SLTA use scripted materials, either recorded or non-
recorded. The using is considered as more practical in terms of preparation and
easier to modify to meet students’ need and level of ability. The teacher should
prepare the materials, which are appropriate to the topic and suitable for the
There are some materials in listening which is not overt response (the learners
have to do anything in response to the listening; however, facial expression and
body language often show if they are following or not):
1. Stories: tell a job or real life anecdote, retell a well-known story, read a
story from a book, or play a recording of a story. If the story is well
Jack C. Richards, Teaching Listening and Speaking, (New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2008), pp. 16–17.
Jeremy Harmer, Op. Cit., pp. 143–145.
B.Y. Cahyono, Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris: Teknik, Strategi dan Hasil Penelitian,
(Malang: IKIP Malang, 1997), p. 18.
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1996), p. 113.
M. Levy, CALL: context and conceptualization, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997),
p. 1.
packages, guided drill and practice, tutor, simulation, problem solving, games,
multimedia CD-ROM, and internet applications such as e-mail, chat and the
World Wide Web.
Oregon Trail. In this game the learners are challenged to make a series of
decisions to guide their party.
The main aim of computer as game is to create a pleasurable learning
environment and to motivate the language learner. CALL games and simulation
games are similar; they are designed to motivate students to learn through
entertainment. Examples of CALL vocabulary games are Spelling Games,
Spelling Bee and Magic Hat, Word Order, etc.
Another function is computer as tool for teachers and learners; teachers and
learners can use the computer as word processors, spelling and grammar checkers,
concordances to search in huge databases to find all the uses of particular words,
and the last as collaborative writing to help the learner to write collaboratively on
Computers can be connected to the internet and can incorporate interactive
multimedia: text, graphics, audio, video and animation. Electronic mail (E-mail),
file transfer protocol (FTP), World Wide Web (WWW) are the internet
applications that teachers can use for language teaching. In WWW, teacher and
learner can search the materials, such as texts that can be downloaded and save,
pictures, audio and video files, chat and voice chat.
C. Thinking Framework
Listening is one of the skills that are taught in English teaching learning. It
needs good concentration and comprehension of listeners. Without those things,
listening is useless and it means only hearing sounds. Students should have skills
of listening in order to comprehend and understand listening materials.
To help the students in comprehend the message of listening materials,
teachers should provide interesting materials, teaching aids and create positive
classroom environment.
CALL has important potential for English teacher. It can interest and motivate
learners of English. Using effective and suitable software applications, CALL can
provide communicative meaningful language learning environments.
D. Theoretical Hypothesis
To prove the hypothesis, the data obtained from the experiment class and the
control class was calculated by using the t-test formula with the assumption as
t0>tt: the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is
rejected. It means there is a significance influence between the result of
using computer assisted language learning and without computer.
t0<tt: the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null hypothesis (H0) is
accepted. It means there is no significance influence between the result of
using computer assisted language learning and without computer.
were two tests namely pre-test and post-test for the experimental and control
class, both of them are named data. Pre-test was conducted when the writer
entered the class for the first time. The post test was done after the writer finished
presenting the content of material. In post-test, the difference of the result among
experimental class and control class was showed.
Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rajawali Grafindo Persada,
2010), p.206
Suharsimi Arikuno. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2006),
e. Determining X2o:
n Pj 100Pj 2
o 2
Statistic test:
Kadir. Statistika Untuk Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial. (Jakarta: Rosemata Sampurna,
2010), p.111.
( )
Varians: ( )
e. Determining H0 , yaitu:
Jika , maka H0 accepted dan H1 rejected
Jika , maka H0 rejected dan H1 accepted.
H0: Group of sample that have same varians.
H1: Group of sampe that have different varians.
Sudijono, Op.Cit,. p.317.
Standard Error Mean of Variable X
=Standard Deviation of Variable X
Number of the students
f. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable Y, with formula:
Standard Error Mean of Variable Y
=Standard Deviation of Variable Y
Number of the students
g. Determining Standard Error Mean of Difference Mean of variable X and
Mean of Variable Y, with formula:
t observation
Mean of variable X
Mean of variable Y
Standard error mean of difference mean of variable X and
mean of variable Y
i. Determining t- table in significant level 5% and 1 % with df.
( )
Degree of freedom
Number of students (control class)
Number of students (experimental class)
G. Statistical Hypothesis
The statistical hypothesis that was used in this study:
Ho : µe ≤ µc
Ha : µe > µc
Ho: Hypothesis null
Ha: Hypothesis alternative
µe: Mean of the experimental class was taught by using computer assisted
language learning.
µc: Mean of the controlled class was taught without using computer assisted
language learning.
A. The Description of Data
The data of students’ achievement was divided into two kinds, namely the
data in experiment class and the data in controlled class, which was gained from
pre-test and post-test that was applied in both of class. The pre-test was given to
obtain the data about the students’ listening skill, it was held before the lesson
began and the post-test was given after finishing the material teaching.
The result of the test of experiment class will be explained in the following
Table 4.1.
The Score of Individual Students of the Experiment Class (X)
No. Pre-Test Post-test Gained Score
1 60.3 73.7 13.4
2 40.2 53.6 13.4
3 33.5 53.6 20.1
4 46.9 60.3 13.4
5 60.3 73.7 13.4
6 46.9 67 20.1
7 33.5 67 33.5
8 67 93.8 26.8
9 40.2 53.6 13.4
10 53.6 67 13.4
11 46.9 67 20.1
12 40.2 60.3 20.1
13 60.3 80.4 20.1
14 33.5 53.6 20.1
15 33.5 53.6 20.1
16 60.3 67 6.7
17 60.3 67 6.7
As mentioned in the table, it can be clarified that the mean score of pre-test
in experiment class is 48.6, while the mean score of post- test was 66.7. The total
gained score in this class was 361.8. It can be known that there was significant
difference in the pre-test and post-test.
The result of the test of controlled class will be explained in the following
Table 4.2.
The Score of Individual Students of Controlled Class (Y)
The table 4.2. above informs that the mean score of pre-test in controlled
class is 47.9, while the mean score of post-test here is 52. The total gained score is
From the tables presented above the experiment class is the higher score
than controlled class.
B. Analysis of Data
1. Experiment Class
a. Frequency Distribution
From the table score above, the table of frequency distribution were
made. The steps are:
1) Determining the Range
R = Xmaks - Xmin
= 93.8 – 53.6
= 40.2
2) Determing the Size of Class
Class = 1 + 3.3 log (n)
= 1 + 3.3 log 20
= 1 + 3.3 (1.31)
= 1 + 4.29
= 5.29 6
fX f i X i / n
2 2
s i i
n 1
fX i i
94461 (1358) 2 / 20
f i
20 1
1358 94461 92208.2
20 19
67 .9 2252.8
From the data above. mean score of experiment class is 67.9 and standard
deviation is 10.89.
4. Determining 100Pj
Score Bb Ba Zbb Zba Zatab Zbtab Wide 100pj
50-57 49.5 57.5 -1.69 -0.96 0.046 0.17 0.124 12.42
58-65 57.5 65.5 -0.955 -0.22 0.17 0.413 0.243 24.3
66-73 65.5 73.5 -0.22 0.514 0.413 0.696 0.284 28.37
74-81 73.5 81.5 0.514 1.249 0.696 0.894 0.198 19.77
82-89 81.5 89.5 1.249 1.983 0.894 0.976 0.082 8.22
90-97 89.5 97.5 1.983 2.728 0.976 0.997 0.02 2.037
= 67.9 SD =10.89
Table 4.4
100Pj Table
5. Determining X2o with the formula
n Pj 100Pj 2
= 7.322
X2t with degree of freedom 3 at significance 5%= 7.815. Comparing X2
observation and X2 table (X2t), we know that X2o is lower than X2t. The result is as
7.815 > 7.322
Because of X2o is lower than X2t, so the H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. It
means that the distribution data from this population is normal.
fX f i X i / n
2 2
s i i
n 1
fX i i
60815 (1091) 2 / 20
f i
20 1
1091 60815 59514.05
20 19
54 .55 1300.95
From the data above, mean score of experiment class is 54.55 and standard
deviation is 8.28.
d. Determining 100Pj
Score Bb Ba Zbb Zba Zatab Zbtab Wide 100pj
40-46 39.5 46.5 -1.82 -0.97 0.0346 0.1655 0.1309 13.09
47-53 46.5 53.5 -0.97 -0.13 0.1655 0.4495 0.2841 28.41
54-60 53.5 60.5 -0.13 0.72 0.4495 0.7638 0.3143 31.43
61-67 60.5 67.5 0.72 1.56 0.7638 0.9411 0.1773 17.73
68-74 67.5 74.5 1.56 2.41 0.9411 0.922 0.0509 5.092
= 54.5 SD =8.28
Table 4.7
100 Pj Table
e. Determining X2o with the formula
Table 4.8
X2 Table
n Pj 100Pj 2
= 5.089
From the result above, X2o is lower than X2t with degree of freedom 2 at
significance 5%= 5.991, so Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected. It means that the
distribution data in controlled class is normal.
3. Homogeneity Test
After calculating the distribution data of this population is normal, next
step is homogeneity test. This step is to know whether this sample is homogeny or
not. Fisher formula was used with the degree of significance 5% (Ftable = 2.12).
The biggest Varians
The smallest Varians
Fobs < Ftable 1.73 < 2.12
So, from the calculation of homogeneity test with Fisher formula, Fobs <
Ftable. It means that H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected; both of group sample have
same variants or homogeny.
Table 4.9.
Standard Deviation Table
Students X Y x y x² y²
1 13.4 13.4 -4.7 9.38 22.00 87.98
2 13.4 -6.7 -4.7 -10.72 22.00 114.92
3 20.1 13.4 2.0 9.38 4.04 87.98
4 13.4 6.7 -4.7 2.68 22.00 7.18
5 13.4 6.7 -4.7 2.68 22.00 7.18
6 20.1 0 2.0 -4.02 4.04 16.16
7 33.5 6.7 15.4 2.68 237.47 7.18
8 26.8 6.7 8.7 2.68 75.86 7.18
9 13.4 6.7 -4.7 2.68 22.00 7.18
10 13.4 -13.4 -4.7 -17.42 22.00 303.46
11 20.1 -6.7 2.0 -10.72 4.04 114.92
12 20.1 6.7 2.0 2.68 4.04 7.18
13 20.1 0 2.0 -4.02 4.04 16.16
14 20.1 6.7 2.0 2.68 4.04 7.18
15 20.1 6.7 2.0 2.68 4.04 7.18
16 6.7 6.7 -11.4 2.68 129.73 7.18
17 6.7 13.4 -11.4 9.38 129.73 87.98
18 13.4 6.7 -4.7 2.68 22.00 7.18
19 26.8 0 8.7 -4.02 75.86 16.16
20 26.8 0 8.7 -4.02 75.86 16.16
361.8 80.4 0 0 830.91 933.71
18.1 4.02
This table shows that the lowest gained from experiment class (X) is 6.7
and from the controlled class (Y) is -13.4, and the highest gained from (X) is 33.5
and from (Y) is 13.4. While the sum of gained score (X) is 361.8 and (Y) is 80.4.
The sum of squared gained score (X) is 830.91 and (Y) is 933.71.
From data above, the score from the experiment and controlled class by
integrating the results was analyzed into the formula as follows:
a. Determining Mean of variable X. with formula:
= = 1.606
= (20+20)-2 = 38
T table (tt) with degree of freedom 38 at significance 5%= 2.02.
Comparing t-observation (to=8.74) and t-table (tt=2.02), to is higher than tt. The
result is as follow:
8.74 > 2.02
C. Test of Hypothesis
To prove the hypothesis, the data obtained class and the controlled class
was calculated by using the t-test formula with the assumption as follows:
to > tt: The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis
(H0) is rejected. It means there is a significance difference between
the result of using computer assisted language learning in teaching
listening and without using computer assisted language learning in
teaching listening.
to < tt: The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null hypothesis
(H0) is accepted. It means there is no significance difference
between the result of using computer assisted language learning in
A. Conclusion
Based on the results of this research above, it can be sum up that in
variable X (experiment class) there was significant difference in pre-test and post-
test score and its score was higher than controlled class (variable Y) score. After
calculating all data using t-test formula, the value of to (t-observation) is higher
than tt (t-table); to : tt = 8.74 > 2.02. Finally, it was stated that the hypothesis of the
research computer assisted language learning is effective in teaching listening
B. Suggestions
The writer would like to give suggestions to all English teachers in
teaching learning process by using computer assisted language learning in
teaching English especially in listening.
1. Computer is important advance in language teaching efficiency. The teacher
must know something about the physical requirements of computer, how to
operate it, how to orient and train the students to use it, and what preparations
must be made for mechanical use of the computer.
2. The application of technology in teaching is very important for teachers in
teaching English effectively to changes the usual method that teachers used.
In usual method they usually speak in front of the class to explain the
material of learning.
3. The function of computer is as a media of learning that can be used for
listening, speaking and pronunciation. The use of this media can minimize
the problem that students face in learning.
4. CALL cannot replace the teacher although the development of computer
Thomas, Ina and Dyer, Brian. The Problem of Poor Listening Skills. October 28th,
Ur, Penny. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1996.
Appendix 1
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)
Experiment Class
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X/2
Standar kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris setara level
Listening script
1. Woman : I‟d like to speak to Mr. Zakaria, please.
Man : He‟s out at the moment, I‟m afraid. Anything can I do for
Woman : well, please inform him that his order is ready. We need to
know about the method and time of delivery. I‟m calling
from ABC printing house. Thank you.
2. Man : I was in Bandung from 1990, and then I moved to
Semarang and lived there for 15 years before I came here.
Woman : Why did you move to this town?
Man : I had a business opportunity.
3. Andy : Hello, Linda. How are you getting on?
Linda : Fine, thanks. How are you?
Andy : I‟m great.
4. Satria : Hello, Angel.
Angel : Let‟s have breakfast, Satria.
Satria : I think I‟d better be going or I‟ll be late for school. Goodbye.
Angel : Bye, Satria.
You must listen these conversations carefully to understand what the speakers are
1. What does the caller want to know?
a. Confirmation about an order. c. Method and time product delivery.
b. Mr. Zakaria‟s health conditions. d. Information about ABC printing
2. How long did the man live in Bandung?
a. 5 years b. 9 years c. 15 years d. 20 years
3. Andy : Hello, Linda. …………………….. you getting on?
Linda : Fine, thanks. How are you?
Andy : ………………………...
d. Motivasi
e. Membentuk kelompok belajar
f. Melakukan apersepsi dengan menyampaikan pengantar singkat
yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari – hari yang berhubungan
dengan andvertisement.
g. Mengarahkan siswa cara mempelajari materi serta cara
mengerjakan soal – soal latihan.
2. Kegiatan inti (30‟)
a. Eksplorasi
- Mendiskusikan contoh – contoh monolog bertema
„advertisement‟ dalam kehidupan sehari – hari.
- Memprediksi gambaran umum tentang advertisement
berdasarkan gambar, judul, atau pertanyaan yang diberikan.
- Mempelajari kosa kata baru
- Secara individual, menyimak suatu monolog untuk menjawab
pertanyaan – pertanyaan tentang topic/tema/gambaran umum,
informasi tersurat/tersirat.
b. Elaborasi
- Tiap anggota kelompok mendiskusikan jawaban dari monolog
- Perwakilan kelompok mempresentasikan hasil diskusi
kelompok tersebut.
- Tiap kelompok memberikan tanggapan terhadap jawaban
kelompok lain.
- Perwakilan kelompok menceritakan kembali monolog tersebut
dengan kalimat sendiri.
c. konfirmasi
- menegaskan pemahaman isi monolog bertema „advertisement‟
- menegaskan jawaban soal – soal latihan
In this part of the test, you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE.
They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to
understand and remember what is being said.
In your test paper, you will read two questions about each short talk. Each
question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to
each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Text 1
1. What is the purpose of the announcement?
a. To get some customer service
b. To find the women‟s section
c. To persuade the shoppers to buy a purse
d. To informs the shoppers that a purse was found
2. If you want to claim the purse, where should you go?
a. To the shoppers
b. To the customer service counter
c. To someone who turned it in.
d. To the women‟s good department.
Text 2
Hello passengers for ……………. (3) to Caracas. The ………….. (4) gate has
been changed to 30B also there will be a slight departure delay due to inclement
weather. The ………………… (5) is in the process of deicing the wings, in
preparation for departure. We should be boarding soon. Thank you for your
In this part of the test, you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE.
They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to
understand and remember what is being said.
In your test paper, you will read two questions about each short talk. Each
question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to
each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Text 1
a. Korea c. Supermarket
Text 2
Bored of eating the same food day after day? Do you want a change? Try the
Steak House Restaurant. The Steak House Restaurant is on ………………… (3)
of the most famous meeting point in town: The Plaza. Enjoy our salmon steak for
only ten dollars and ………………… (4), or our chicken steak for only eight
dollars and ninety cents, or you might want to taste our saline steak with
………………………… (5). Mmm…. Marvelous! Come with your family and
have a big feast at the Steak House Restaurant on the third floor of Plaza.
Appendix 2
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)
Controlled Class
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X/2
Standar kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris setara level
X : Thank you.
Listening script
1. Woman : I‟d like to speak to Mr. Zakaria, please.
Man : He‟s out at the moment, I‟m afraid. Anything can I do for
Woman : well, please inform him that his order is ready. We need to
know about the method and time of delivery. I‟m calling
from ABC printing house. Thank you.
2. Man : I was in Bandung from 1990, and then I moved to
Semarang and lived there for 15 years before I came here.
Woman : Why did you move to this town?
Man : I had a business opportunity.
3. Andy : Hello, Linda. How are you getting on?
Linda : Fine, thanks. How are you?
Andy : I‟m great.
4. Satria : Hello, Angel.
Angel : Let‟s have breakfast, Satria.
Satria : I think I‟d better be going or I‟ll be late for school. Goodbye.
Angel : Bye, Satria.
You must listen these conversations carefully to understand what the speakers are
1. What does the caller want to know?
a. Confirmation about an order. c. Method and time product delivery.
b. Mr. Zakaria‟s health conditions. d. Information about ABC printing
2. How long did the man live in Bandung?
a. 5 years b. 9 years c. 15 years d. 20 years
3. Andy : Hello, Linda. …………………….. you getting on?
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show you how well you
understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special
directions for each part.
Part I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 3.
There are three items in this part. For each item, you will see a picture and you
will hear four short statements. The statements will be spoken TWICE. They will
not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what
the speakers are saying. When you hear the four statements, look at the picture in
your test paper and choose the statement that the best describes what you see in
the picture. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and your
Look at the picture and listen the four statements.
Choice (B) – “there are four tea cups on the tray” – is the best answer to describe
the picture. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Now let’s begin with the picture number 1.
1. 2. 3.
There are four items in this part of the test. For each item, you will hear a question
or statement in English followed by three responses also spoken in English. They
will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose
the best response to each question or statement and mark it on your answer sheet.
You will hear : Man : Excuse me, is there a bank near here?
Woman : Yes, there is a bank on the corner.
Man : Thank you.
Woman : You‟re welcome.
You will read : Where does the woman want to go?
A. To the corner. C. To the riverbank.
B. To the woman‟s house. D. To the bank.
Answer (D) – „To the bank‟ – is the best answer to the question “Where does the
woman want to go?”. Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
Now let’s begin with question number 8.
8. What does the woman do?
A. She is introducing herself. C. She is introducing the new director.
B. She is introducing her friend. D. She is greeting all the people.
9. What does the woman do ever Saturday night?
A. She goes with the man. C. She is doing anything.
B. She has nothing to do. D. She usually goes with her boyfriend.
10. What does the man imply?
A. He won‟t study in a university. C. He won‟t find a job.
B. He will study in a university. D. He‟s still confused what to do.
11. According to the man, who is the handsome man?
A. Chicco Jerikho. C. Both of them.
B. The man . D. None of them.
Part IV. Short Talks.
Questions: 12 to 15.
In this part you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will
not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what
the speakers are saying.
In your test paper, you will read two questions about each short talk. Each
question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to
each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show you how well you
understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special
directions for each part.
Part I.
For each item, you will see a picture and you will hear four short statements. The
statements will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker says. When you hear the
four statements, look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that
the best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find
the number of the question and mark your answer. Look at sample below
Statement (B), they are having a meeting, best describes what you see in the
picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (B).
Now let’s begin with the picture number 1.
1. 2.
3. 4.
Part II.
In this part of test, you will hear a question spoken in English followed by three
responses also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken two
times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speaker says. You have to choose the best response to each
Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear :
You will also hear :
The best response to the question “how are you?” is answer (A). Therefore, you
should choose (A).
Question 5 – 8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III.
In this part of the test, you will hear four short conversations between two people.
They will not be printed in your test paper. They will hear the conversations two
times so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker says. In your
test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question
and mark it on your answer sheet.
9. How will they get to the airport?
A. Bus B. Car C. Taxi D. Subway
10. Where does this conversation take place?
A. A store B. An office C. A post office D. A bank
11. What will the man are doing at 11:00 tomorrow morning?
A. Talking with Mr. Lee C. Writing a letter
B. Meeting with the accountants D. Eating lunch.
Part IV.
In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken two
times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or
more questions about each short talk. The question will be followed by four
answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your
answer sheet.
Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following announcement.
12. What will happen in five minutes?
A. Passengers will get on the train. C. Tickets will go on sale.
B. The train will leave for New York. D. The store will open.
13. What should passengers do with their luggage?
A. Check it. C. Put it on the overhead rack.
B. Show it to the gate agent. D. Leave it beside the track.
Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following recording.
14. What kind of business is Prescott?
A. Accountants C. Bank
B. Party planning service D. Credit card company
15. What should a caller press to speak to a customer service representative?
A. 3 B. 4. C. 5 D. 6
Now read question number 12 in your test paper and answer it.
Now read question number 13 in your test paper and answer it.
Questions number 14 and 15 refer to following announcement.
Now read question number 12 in your test paper and answer it.
Now read question number 13 in your test paper and answer it.
Now read question number 14 in your test paper and answer it.
Now read question number 15 in your test paper and answer it.
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. D
15. B
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. D
{nΣxy - (Σx)(Σy)}/
nΣxy - (nΣx2)- {(nΣx2)-(Σx)2} [{(nΣx2)(Σx)2}
n Σxy nΣxy Σx (Σx)(Σy) Σx2 nΣx2 (Σx)2 [{(nΣx2)(Σx)2} CRITERION
(Σx)(Σy) (Σx)2 {(nΣy2)-(Σy)2} {(nΣy2)(Σy)2}]1/2
1 20 4803 120075 87 98484 21591 583.6 14590 7569 7021 2436011426 49355.96647 0.43745 VALID
2 20 5028 125700 87 98484 27216 583.6 14590 7569 7021 2436011426 49355.96647 0.55142 VALID
3 20 4579 114475 80 90560 23915 538.7 13467.5 6400 7067.5 2452145101 49519.13873 0.482945 VALID
4 20 3995 99875 74 83768 16107 493.8 12345 5476 6869 2383273392 48818.78114 0.329934 TIDAK VALID
5 20 4444 111100 74 83768 27332 493.8 12345 5476 6869 2383273392 48818.78114 0.559866 VALID
6 20 3905 97625 67 75844 21781 448.9 11222.5 4489 6733.5 2336260210 48334.87571 0.450627 VALID
7 20 4175 104375 67 75844 28531 448.9 11222.5 4489 6733.5 2336260210 48334.87571 0.590278 VALID
8 20 4669 116725 87 98484 18241 583.6 14590 7569 7021 2436011426 49355.96647 0.36958 TIDAK VALID
9 20 4040 101000 67 75844 25156 448.9 11222.5 4489 6733.5 2336260210 48334.87571 0.520452 VALID
10 20 4534 113350 80 90560 22790 538.7 13467.5 6400 7067.5 2452145101 49519.13873 0.460226 VALID
11 20 4220 105500 74 83768 21732 493.8 12345 5476 6869 2383273392 48818.78114 0.445157 VALID
12 20 4175 104375 67 75844 28531 448.9 11222.5 4489 6733.5 2336260210 48334.87571 0.590278 VALID
13 20 3950 98750 67 75844 22906 448.9 11222.5 4489 6733.5 2336260210 48334.87571 0.473902 VALID
14 20 4444 111100 80 90560 20540 538.7 13467.5 6400 7067.5 2452145101 49519.13873 0.42479 VALID
15 20 4175 104375 74 83768 20607 493.8 12345 5476 6869 2383273392 48818.78114 0.423112 VALID
Σy = 1132.3
Σy2 = 65135.39
nΣy2 = 1628385
(Σy)2 =1281424
(nΣy2)-(Σy)2 = 346961
Σ σ i2 = 118
Σy = 1132 n = 20
Σy2 = 65135.9 K = 13
(Σy)2 = 1281414 Σ σ i2/ σ t2 = 0.212
(Σy)2/n = 51256.96 1- Σ σ i2/ σ t2 = 0.7879
Σy2 - (Σy)2/n = 13878.42
σ t2 = 555.1372
k i
r11 1
k 1 t2
13 118
13 1 555.1372
{nΣxy -
1 20 6778 169450 101 134633 34817 673.4 16835 10201 6634 3318036563 57602.40067 0.60444 VALID
2 20 6329 158225 94 125302 32923 628.5 15712.5 8836 6876.5 3439324453 58645.75392 0.56139 VALID
3 20 6958 173950 101 134633 39317 673.4 16835 10201 6634 3318036563 57602.40067 0.68256 VALID
4 20 6958 173950 107 142631 31319 718.2 17955 11449 6506 3254016563 57043.98796 0.54903 VALID
5 20 5791 144775 80 106640 38135 538.7 13467.5 6400 7067.5 3534854297 59454.64067 0.64141 VALID
6 20 5477 136925 80 106640 30285 538.7 13467.5 6400 7067.5 3534854297 59454.64067 0.50938 VALID
7 20 5791 144775 80 106640 38135 538.7 13467.5 6400 7067.5 3534854297 59454.64067 0.64141 VALID
8 20 7048 176200 107 142631 33569 718.2 17955 11449 6506 3254016563 57043.98796 0.58848 VALID
9 20 5342 133550 74 98642 34908 493.8 12345 5476 6869 3435573281 58613.76358 0.59556 VALID
10 20 6150 153750 94 125302 28448 628.5 15712.5 8836 6876.5 3439324453 58645.75392 0.48508 VALID
11 20 6015 150375 87 115971 34404 583.6 14590 7569 7021 3511597031 59258.72958 0.58057 VALID
12 20 6599 164975 94 125302 39673 628.5 15712.5 8836 6876.5 3439324453 58645.75392 0.67649 VALID
13 20 5207 130175 74 98642 31533 493.8 12345 5476 6869 3435573281 58613.76358 0.53798 VALID
14 20 5701 142525 87 115971 26554 583.6 14590 7569 7021 3511597031 59258.72958 0.4481 VALID
15 20 4938 123450 74 98642 24808 493.8 12345 5476 6869 3435573281 58613.76358 0.42325 VALID
Σy = 1333
Σy2 = 91081.8
nΣy2 = 2277045
(Σy)2 =1776889
(nΣy2)-(Σy)2 = 500156
Reliability of Post Test
Σ σ i2 = 148
Σy = 1300 n = 20
Σy2 = 85919.5 K = 15
(Σy)2 = 1689480 Σ σ i2/ σ t2 = 0.202
(Σy)2/n = 67579.2 1- Σ σ i2/ σ t2 = 0.7981
Σy2 - (Σy)2/n = 18340.3
σ t2 = 733.612
r11 1
k 1 t2
15 148
15 1 733.612