Sysmac Studio DS
Sysmac Studio DS
Sysmac Studio DS
• One software for motion, drives and vision
• Fully compliant with open standard IEC 61131-3
• Supports Ladder, Structured Text and Function Block programming with a rich instruction set
• CAM editor for easy programming of complex motion profiles
• One simulation tool for sequence and motion in a 3D environment
• Advanced security function with 32 digit security password
Sysmac is a trademark or registered trademark of OMRON Corporation in Japan and other countries for OMRON factory automation products.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
ATI Radeon is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. in USA.
NVIDIA and the NVIDIA logo, GeForce, and GeForce logo, are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and
other countries.
EtherCAT is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Sysmac Studio
Ordering Information
Automation Software
Please purchase a DVD and licenses the first time you purchase the Sysmac Studio. DVDs and licenses are available individually.
The license does not include the DVD.
Product Number of Model Standards
50 licenses − SYSMAC-SE250L −
Components Details
An introduction about components, installation/uninstallation, user registration and auto update of the Sysmac
Studio is provided.
Setup disk (DVD-ROM) 1
License (SYSMAC-SE2@@L/VE0@@L)
Components Details
License agreement The license agreement gives the usage conditions and warranty for the Sysmac Studio.
License card A model number, version, license number, and number of licenses are described.
User registration card Two cards are contained. One is for users in Japan and the other is for users in other countries.
Sysmac Studio
System Requirements
Item Requirement
Operating system (OS)
Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or higher, 32-bit version)/Vista(32-bit version)/7(32-bit/64-bit version)
*1 *2
Windows computers with Celeron 540 (1.8 GHz) or faster CPU.
Core i5 M520 (2.4 GHz) or equivalent or faster recommended
Main memory *3 2 GB min.
Video memory: 512 MB min.
Recommended video
Video card: Either of the following video cards:
memory / video card for
• NVIDIA GeForce 200 Series or higher
using 3D motion trace
• ATI RadeonHD5000 Series or higher
Hard disk At least 1.6 GB of available space
XGA 1024 × 768, 16 million colors.
WXGA 1280 × 800 min. recommended
Disk drive DVD-ROM drive
Communications ports USB port corresponded to USB 2.0, or Ethernet port *4
Supported languages *5 Japanese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean
*1. Sysmac Studio Operating System Precaution: System requirements and hard disk space may vary with the system environment.
*2. The following restrictions apply when Sysmac Studio is used with Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7.
1) Some Help files cannot be accessed.
The Help files can be accessed if the Help program distributed by Microsoft for Windows (WinHlp32.exe) is installed. Refer to the Microsoft
homepage listed below or contact Microsoft for details on installing the file. (The download page is automatically displayed if the Help files
are opened while the user is connected to the Internet.)
2) The following restrictions apply to some application operations.
Application Restriction
If a new Windows Vista or Windows 7 font (e.g., Meiryo) is used in a project, the font size on labels may be
CX-Designer bigger and protrude from the components if the project is transferred from CX-Designer running on a
Windows XP or earlier OS to the NS/NSJ.
Although you can install CPS files, EDS files, Expansion Modules, and Interface Modules, the virtual store
function of Windows Vista or Windows 7 imposes the following restrictions on the use of the software after
CX-Integrator/Network Configurator
• If another user logs in, the applications data will need to be installed again.
• The CPS files will not be automatically updated.
These restrictions will not exist if application data is installed using Run as Administrator.
*3. The amount of memory required varies with the Support Software used in Sysmac Studio for the following Support Software. Refer to user
documentation for individual Support Software for details.
CX-Designer, CX-Protocol, and Network Configurator
*4. Refer to the hardware manual for your Controller for hardware connection methods and cables to connect the computer and Controller.
*5. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.01 or higher about German, French, Italian and Spanish.
Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.02 or higher about simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese and Korean.
Sysmac Studio
Common Function Specifications
Category Function
You create a configuration in the Sysmac Studio of the EtherCAT slaves connected to
EtherCAT Configuration and Setup the built-in EtherCAT port of the Controller, and setup the EtherCAT masters and slaves
in that configuration.
You can set up devices by dragging slaves from the device list displayed in the Toolbox
Registering slaves
Pane to the locations where you want to connect them.
You set the common parameters of the EtherCAT network (e.g., the fail-soft operation
Setting master parameters
and wait time for slave startup settings).
Setting slave parameters You set the standard slave parameters and assign PDOs (process data objects).
Comparing and merging
The EtherCAT network configuration information in the NJ-series CPU Unit and in the
network configuration
Sysmac Studio are compared and the differences are displayed.
The EtherCAT network configuration information is transferred to the NJ-series CPU
Transferring the network
Unit. Or, the EtherCAT network configuration information in the NJ-series CPU Unit is
configuration information
transferred to the Sysmac Studio and displayed in the EtherCAT Editor.
Importing ESI files ESI (EtherCAT slave information) files are imported.
You create the configuration in the Sysmac Studio of the Units mounted in the NJ-series
CPU Rack and Expansion Racks and the Special Units.
CPU/Expansion Rack Configuration and Setup
You can build a Rack by dragging Units from the device list displayed in the Toolbox
Pane to the locations where you want to mount them.
A Rack is built by dragging Units from the device list displayed in the Toolbox Pane to
Registering Units
the locations where you want to mount them.
Creating Racks An Expansion Rack (Power Supply Unit, I/O Interface Unit, and End Cover) is added.
Switching Unit displays The model number, unit number, and slot number are displayed.
The input time constants are set for Input Units and parameters are set for Special
Setting Special Units
Displaying Rack widths,
The Rack widths, current consumption, and power consumption are displayed based
current consumption, and
on the Unit configuration information.
power consumption
Comparing the CPU/
Expansion Rack configuration When online, you can compare the configuration information in the project with the
information with the physical physical configuration. You can also select the missing Units and add them.
Transferring the CPU/
The Unit configuration information is transferred to the CPU Unit. The synchronize
Expansion Rack configuration
function is used.
Setting Parameters
Printing the Unit configuration
The Unit configuration information is printed.
The Controller Setup is used to change settings related to the operation of the
Controller Setup Controller. The Controller Setup contains PLC Function Module operation settings and
built-in EtherNet/IP Function Module port settings.
The Startup Mode, SD Memory Card diagnosis at Startup, Write Protection at Startup,
Operation Settings
and other settings are made.
Transferring Operation
Use the synchronize operation to transfer the operation settings to the Controller.
Built-in EtherNet/IP Port These settings are made to perform communications using the built-in EtherNet/IP port
Settings of the Controller.
Transferring Built-in EtherNet/ Use the synchronize operation to transfer the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings to the
IP Port Settings Controller.
The Motion Control Setup is used to create the axes to use in motion control
Motion Control Setup
instructions, assign those axes to Servo Drives and encoders, and set axis parameters.
Axis Settings Axes are added to the project.
The Axis Setting Table is a table of all registered axis parameters. You can edit any axis
Axis Setting Table
parameters here just as you can on the Axis Settings Tab Page.
Axes Group Settings You can set up axes to perform interpolated motions as an axes group.
Set the axes group number, whether to use the axes group, the composition, and the
Axes Group Basic Settings
composition axes.
Set the interpolated velocity, the maximum interpolated acceleration and deceleration,
Operation Settings
and the interpolated operation settings.
The curve that defines the relationship between the phases and displacements of the
Cam Data Settings cam data is called the cam profile curve. You can create cam profile curves with the
Cam Editor.
Creating cam data Cam data is added to the project.
Editing cam data The profile data is set.
Transferring cam data You can select to transfer all or part of the cam data.
Importing cam data settings You can import cam data settings from a CSV file.
Exporting cam data settings You can export cam data to a CSV file.
You can export cam data in the data format of the master and slave axes that is used
Exporting cam tables
by the Controller.
Sysmac Studio
Category Function
Transferring cam data from the You can save a cam table that was transferred to the Controller to a file in the data
Cam Data Controller to files format of the master and slave axes.
Settings Transferring cam data from You can transfer the data from a cam data file in the data format of the master and slave
files to the Controller axes to update the contents of the cam data that is already in the Controller.
Programs are executed in tasks in an NJ-series CPU Unit. The Task Settings define the
Task Setup execution period, the execution timing, the programs executed by the task, the I/O
refreshing performed by the task, and which variables to share between tasks.
Registering tasks The tasks, which are used to execute programs, are registered.
Setting task I/O The task I/O settings define what Units the task should perform I/O refreshing for.
Assigning programs Program assignments define what programs a task will execute.
You can specify if a task can write to its own values (known as a refreshing task) or if it
Setting exclusive control of
can only access them (an accessing task) for global variables. This ensures
Setting Parameters variables in tasks
concurrency for global variable values from all tasks that reference them.
The I/O ports that correspond to the registered EtherCAT slaves and to the registered
I/O Map Settings Units on the CPU Rack and Expansion Racks are displayed. The I/O Map is edited to
assign variables to I/O ports. The variables are used in the user program.
I/O ports are displayed based on the configuration information of the devices (slaves
Displaying I/O ports
and Units).
Assigning variables Variables are assigned to I/O ports.
Device variables are created in the I/O Map. You can either automatically create a
Creating device variables
device variable or manually enter the device variable to create.
Checking I/O assignments The assignments of external I/O devices and variables are checked.
You can set and calibrate the Vision Sensor.
Setting Vision Sensor *1
Refer to "Function Specifications of Vision Sensor Functions".
A hierarchy of the instructions that you can use is displayed in the Toolbox. You can
Instruction list (Toolbox)
drag the required instruction to a program in the Ladder Editor to insert the instruction.
Ladder diagram programming involves connecting rung components with connecting
Programming ladder diagrams lines to build algorithms. Rung components and connecting lines are entered in the
Ladder Editor.
Starting the Ladder Editor The Ladder Editor for the program is started.
You can divide your ladder diagrams into smaller units for easier management. These
Adding and deleting sections
units of division are called sections.
Inserting rung components You insert rung components in the Ladder Editor to create an algorithm.
Inserting and deleting function You can insert a function block instruction or user-defined function block into the Ladder
blocks Editor.
Inserting and deleting
You can insert a function instruction or user-defined function into the Ladder Editor.
Inserting and deleting inline You can insert a rung component in a ladder diagram to enable programming in ST.
ST This allows you to include ST in a ladder diagram.
Editing rung components You can copy and past rung components.
Inserting and deleting jump You can insert a jump label in the rung to jump to and then specify that jump label when
labels and jumps you insert a jump.
Inserting and deleting
You can add bookmarks to the beginning of rungs and move between them.
Rung comments You can add comments to rungs.
When you enter a rung component, the format is always checked and any mistakes are
Programming Displaying rung errors displayed as errors. If there are any errors, a red line is displayed between the rung
number and the left bus bar.
When you enter instructions or parameters, each character that you enter from the
Entry assistance
keyboard narrows the list of candidates that is displayed for selection.
Displaying variable A specified variable comment can be displayed with each variable of rung components
comments *1 on the ladder diagrams.
Programming structured text You combine different ST statements to build algorithms.
Starting the ST Editor The ST Editor for programs or for functions/function blocks is started.
Editing ST You combine different ST statements to build algorithms.
Entering calls to functions and You can enter the first character of the instance name of the function or the function
function blocks block in the ST Editor to call and enter a function or function block.
Entering constants You can enter constants in the ST Editor.
Enter "(*" at the beginning and "*)" at the end of any text to be treated as a comment in
Entering comments the ST Editor. If you only want to comment out a single line, enter a double forward slash
(//) at the beginning of the line.
Copying, pasting, and deleting
You can copy, paste, and delete text strings.
ST elements
Indenting You can indent nested statements to make them easier to read.
Moving to a specified line You can specify a line number to jump directly to that line.
Bookmarks You can add bookmarks to any lines and move between them.
When you enter instructions or parameters, each character that you enter from the
Entry assistance
keyboard narrows the list of candidates that is displayed for selection.
Sysmac Studio
Category Function
Finding and replacing You can search for and replace strings in the data of a project.
You can search for the program inputs and the input parameters to functions or function
blocks that use the selected variable if the selected variable is used as a program output
or as the output parameter of a function or function block. Also, you can search for the
Retrace searching *1
program outputs and the output parameters to functions or function blocks that use the
selected variable if the selected variable is used as a program input or as the input
Programming parameter of a function or function block.
Jumping You can jump to the specified rung number or line number in the program.
Building The programs in the project are converted into a format that is executable in the Controller.
Building Rebuilding A rebuild is used to build project programs that have already been built.
Aborting a build operation You can abort a build operation.
You can create functions, function block definitions, and data types in a library file to use
them as objects in other projects.
Reuse Functions *2 You can create library files to enable using functions, function block definitions, and
Creating libraries
data types in other projects.
Using libraries You can access and reuse objects from library files that were created in other projects.
Creating a project file A project file is created.
Opening a project file A project file is opened.
Saving the project file The project file is saved.
Saving a project file under a
File A project file is saved under a different name.
different name
Exporting a project file You can convert a project file to a .smc file and export it.
Importing a project file You can import a project file that was saved in .txs format.
Compares the data for an open project with the data for a project file and displays the
Offline comparison *2
You can cut, copy, or paste items that are selected in the Multiview Explorer or any of
Cutting, copying, and pasting
the editors.
The project file in the computer is compared with the data in the online NJ-series CPU
Synchronize Unit and any differences are displayed. You can specify the transfer direction for any
type of data and transfer all of the data.
File Operations
Printing You can print various data. You can select the items to print.
The Clear All Memory Menu command is used to initialize the user program, Controller
Clear All Memory Configurations and Setup, and variables in the CPU Unit to the defaults from the
Sysmac Studio.
The following procedures are used to execute file operations for the SD Memory Card
SD Memory Cards mounted in the Controller and to copy files between the SD Memory Card and
Formatting the SD Memory
The SD Memory Card is formatted.
Displaying properties The properties of the selected file or folder in the SD Memory Card are displayed.
Copying files and folders in the
The selected file or folder in the SD Memory Card is copied to the SD Memory Card.
SD Memory Card
Copying files and folders
The selected file or folder in the SD Memory Card is copied to the computer. Or, the
between the SD Memory Card
selected file or folder in the computer is copied to the SD Memory Card.
and the computer
Variables are monitored during ladder program execution. You can monitor the TRUE/
FALSE status of inputs and outputs and the present values of variables in the
Controller. You can monitor operation on the Ladder Editor, ST Editor, Watch Tab Page,
or I/O Map.
You can change the values of variables that are used in the user program and settings
Changing present values and TRUE/FALSE to any desired value, and you can change program inputs and outputs to TRUE or
FALSE. This allows you to check the operation of the user program and settings.
You can change the present values of user-defined variables, system-defined
Changing the present values of variables variables, and device variables as required. You can do this in the Watch Tab Page or
I/O Map.
Debugging You select a BOOL variable and make the assigned I/O port or AT specification bit in
memory for CJ-series Units change to TRUE or FALSE to force refreshing with external
devices. The specified value is retained even if the value of the variable is overwritten
Forced refreshing
from the user program.
You can use forced refreshing to force BOOL variables to TRUE or FALSE in the
Ladder Editor, Watch Tab Page, or I/O Map.
Online editing allows you to edit programs on systems that are currently in operation.
Online editing Online editing can be used to edit only POUs and global variables. User-defined data
types cannot be edited with online editing.
Cross references allow you to see the programs and locations where program elements
Cross Reference Tab Page (variables, data types, I/O ports, functions, or function blocks) are used. You can view
all locations where an element is used from this list.
Sysmac Studio
Category Function
Data tracing allows you to sample the specified variables and store the values of the
variables in trace memory without any programming. You can choose between two
continuous trace methods: a triggered trace, where you set a trigger condition and data
is saved before and after that condition is met, or a continuous trace, in which
Data tracing
continuous sampling is performed without any trigger and the results are stored in a file
on your computer. However, you can still display data retrieved on the Sysmac Studio
and save those results to a file even if you use a triggered trace. These same functions
can be used with the Simulator as well.
The interval to perform sampling on the target data is set. Sampling is performed for the
Setting sampling intervals specified task period, at the specified time, or when a trace sampling instruction is
To perform a triggered trace, you set a condition to trigger sampling. A suitable trigger
Setting triggers
condition is set to record data before and after an event.
Setting a continuous trace The method to save the data traced during a continuous trace is set.
The variables to store in trace memory are registered. The sampling intervals can also
Setting variables to sample
Debugging be set.
The data trace settings are transferred to the Controller and the tracing starts. If you
selected Trigger (Single) as the trace type, tracing waits for the trigger to begin
Starting and stopping tracing
sampling. If you selected Continuous, sampling begins immediately and all traced data
is transferred to the computer as it is gathered and saved to a file.
You view the results of the traced data in either a chart or in 3D Motion Trace Display
Mode. After sampling begins, sample data is immediately transferred and drawn on the
Displaying trace results graph. The trace target variable table shows the maximum, minimum, and average
values for each variable.
You can change the line colors on the graph. *1
Trace results are saved within your project automatically when you save the project on
Exporting trace results the Sysmac Studio. If you want to save this data as a separate file, you can export the
data to a CSV file.
Printing trace results You can print out data trace settings along with digital and analog charts.
You can debug the Vision Sensor offline.
Debugging Vision Sensors *1
Refer to "Function Specifications of Vision Sensor Functions".
You can create programs for debugging that are used only to execute simulations and
Programs for debugging
specify virtual inputs for simulation.
You can select the programs to simulate from all of the programs in the Sysmac Studio.
Selecting what to simulate
Programs can be dragged to select them.
Setting breakpoints You can set breakpoints to stop the simulation in the Program Editor.
Executing a Executing and stopping You can control simulation execution to monitor the user program or to check operation
simulation simulations through data tracing. Step execution and pausing are also possible.
Simulation Changing the simulation
You can change the execution speed.
Task period simulation You can display the task periods.
You can create a 3D device model at the control target to monitor with the 3D motion
Creating 3D device models
trace function.
Setting the
virtual You set the axis variables for each element of the 3D device model, and then set the
Displaying 3D motion traces
equipment 3D device into motion according to those axis motions.
Displaying 2D paths You can display the 2D paths of the markers for the projections in the 3D display.
You can display the production information of the Controller and Special Units, including
Displaying unit production information
the models of the Units and unit versions.
You can monitor the execution time of each task when the user program is executed on a
Monitoring task execution times Controller or in the Simulator. When you are connected to the Simulator, you can also monitor the
real processing time of tasks. This allows you to perform a Controller performance test.
You can use troubleshooting to check the errors that occurred in the Controller, display
corrections for the errors, and clear the errors.
Any current Controller errors are displayed. (Observations and information are not
Controller errors
User-defined errors Information is displayed on current errors.
Monitoring You can display a log of Controller events (including Controller errors and Controller
Information Controller event log
information). (You cannot display logs from EtherCAT slaves.)
The log of user-defined events that were stored for the Create User-defined Error (SetAlarm)
User-defined event log
instruction and the Create User-defined Information (SetInfo) instruction is displayed.
The Event Setting Table is used to register the contents displayed on the Sysmac Studio
Event Settings Table and on HMIs for userdefined events that occur for execution of the Create Userdefined Error
(SetAlarm) instruction and the Create Userdefined Information (SetInfo) instruction.
The space that is used by the project file you are editing in the Sysmac Studio is
User memory usage monitor displayed in relation to the size of the Controller's memory. The file cannot be
transferred to the Controller if the files size exceeds the available space.
You can read and set the Controller's clock. The computer's clock information is also
Setting clock information
Sysmac Studio
Category Function
Going online with a Controller An online connection is established with the Controller.
Checking for forced refreshing When you go offline, any forced refreshing is cleared.
There are two operating modes for NJ-series Controllers, depending on if control
Changing the operating mode of the Controller
programs are executed or not. These are RUN mode and PROGRAM mode.
The operations and status when the power supply to the Controller is cycled are
Maintenance Resetting the Controller emulated. This can be performed only in PROGRAM mode. You cannot reset the
Controller in RUN mode.
When you replace an NJ-series Controller, you can back up the retained memory in the
Backing up variables and memory
Controller to a file and restore the backed up data from the file to the new Controller.
Prevention of
Confirming Controller names If the name or the serial ID is different between the project and the Controller when an
and serial IDs online connection is established, a confirmation dialog box is displayed.
You can set five operation authorities (Administrator, Planning Engineer, Maintainer,
Prevention of Operation authority
Operator, and Observer) to restrict the operations that can be performed according to
incorrect verification
the operation authority of the user.
Controller write protection You can prevent rewriting of data in the Controller from the Sysmac Studio.
Authentication of user You can ensure that a user program cannot be operated on another CPU Unit even if
Security Measures
program execution IDs copied.
The program source code is not transferred. If this option is selected, programs are not
User program transfer with no
Prevention of displayed even if uploaded from another computer. However, variables and settings are
restoration information
the theft of transferred even if this option is selected.
assets Password protection for
You can place a password on the file to protect your assets.
project files
You can set passwords for individual POUs (programs, functions, and function block
Data protection *2
definitions) to prohibit displaying, changing, and copying them.
Sysmac Studio help system You can access Sysmac Studio operating procedures.
Information is provided on how to use the instructions that are supported by the NJ-
Instructions reference
series CPU Units.
Online Help You can display a list of descriptions of the system-defined variables that you can use
System-defined variable reference
on the Sysmac Studio.
You can display a list of convenient shortcut keys that you can use on the Sysmac
Keyboard mapping reference
*2. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.02 or higher.
Sysmac Studio
Function Specifications of Vision Sensor Functions
Item Description
Setting Parameters −
General Settings Displays and sets basic information of the sensor.
Changes the connection status of the Sensor, and sets the conditions for communications
Sensor connection
with the Sensor.
Main Edit Sensor control in online Performs various controls for the sensor mode change, data transfer/save, and monitoring.
Sensor error history Displays and clears the error history of an online Sensor.
Restarts and initializes the sensor, updates the firmware of the sensor, reads sensor data
from a file, saves sensor data to a file, prints the sensor parameters, and displays help.
Image condition Settings Adjusts the image condition.
Specifies the calibration
Sets a registered calibration pattern.
Registers the inspection item to use in the measurement.
Registers inspection item You can select from the following inspection items:
Scene data Edit Edge position, Search, Labeling, Shape search
Makes a setting for basic arithmetic operations and function operations using inspection item
Calculation Settings
judgment results and measurement data.
Logging Settings Makes a setting for logging measurement results of inspection items and calculation results.
Output Settings Makes a setting for data to output to external devices.
Run Settings Switch Sensor modes or monitors measurement results.
Trigger condition Settings Sets the trigger type and image timing.
Sets the conditions of output signals.
I/O Settings
You can check the status of I/O signal while online.
Make settings for the encoder such as common encoder settings, ring counter settings, and
Encoder Settings
encoder trigger settings.
Ethernet communication Makes Ethernet communication settings. You can select data communication from no-
Sensor system data Edit
Settings protocol data, PLC link data, and programmable no-protocol data.
EtherCAT communication Makes the EtherCAT communication settings according to the communication settings of
Settings the EtherCAT master.
Logging condition Settings Sets the conditions to log to the internal memory of sensor.
Makes the settings for startup scene control function, password setting function, and
Sensor Settings
adjustment judgment function.
Calculates, views, and edits the calibration parameters. The Vision Sensor supports
Calibration Scene Data Settings
general-purpose calibration and calibration for conveyor tracking.
Simulates measurements offline without connecting to the Vision Sensor. You can use
Offline debugging of
external image files and perform measurements under the conditions set in the offline
sensor operation
settings, then display the results of those measurements.
Debugging Performs a linked simulation between the sequence control of an NJ-series Controller and
Offline debugging of the the operation of an FQ-M Sensor in EtherCAT configuration systems.
sensor control program This allows you to debug operation offline from when measurements and other processing
and sensor operation are performed for control signals such as measurement triggers through the output of
processing results.
Note: Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.01 or higher.
Sysmac Studio
Applicable Models
Unit version of
Series Model
EtherCAT slaves
CPU NJ-series − NJ301-1200/1100
Servo Drives with unit R88D-KN01H-ECT/KN02H-ECT/KN04H-ECT/KN08H-ECT/KN10H-ECT/KN15H-ECT/
Servo Drives G5-series version 2.1 or higher KN20H-ECT/KN30H-ECT/KN50H-ECT/KN75H-ECT/KN150H-ECT
recommended R88D-KN06F-ECT/KN10F-ECT/KN15F-ECT/KN20F-ECT/KN30F-ECT/KN50F-ECT/
Inverters with version 1.1
Inverters MX2-series 3G3MX2-A4004/A4007/A4015/A4022/A4030/A4040/A4055/A4075/A4110/A4150
or higher *1
Vision Sensors FQ-series − FQ-MS120-ECT/125-ECT
Fiber Sensors *2 E3X-HD0 − E3X-HD0
Remote I/O Terminals GX-MD1611/1612/1621/1622/1618/1628/3218/3228
Remote I/O Terminals GX-series with unit version 1.1 or GX-OC1601
higher recommended GX-AD0471
NS system program
version 8.5 or higher
HMIs NS-series NS8-TV01-V2/TV01B-V2
CX-Designer version 3.3
or higher
*1. A communications unit for connecting to EtherCAT network (3G3AX-MX2-ECT with unit version 1.1 or higher) is additionally required.
*2. A communications unit for connecting to EtherCAT network (E3X-ECT) is additionally required.
Related Manuals
Cat. No. Model Manual name Contents
W504 SYSMAC-SE2@@@ Sysmac Studio version 1 An introduction to the Support Software is provided along with information on the
OPERATION MANUAL installation procedure, basic operations, connection procedures, and procedures
for the main features.
V099 − CX-Designer Ver.3.@ USER'S This manual describes how to install the CX-Designer and the user interface. It
MANUAL also describes characteristic functions and application methods.
W464 − CS/CJ/CP/NSJ Series CX- This manual describes CX-Integrator operating methods.
Integrator Ver.2.@
W344 − CX-Protocol OPERATION This manual describes the use of the CX-Protocol to create protocol macros as
MANUAL communications sequences to communicate with external devices.
W506 NJ501-@@@@ NJ-series CPU Unit Built-in This manual describes Network Configurator operating methods.
NJ301-@@@@ EtherNet/IP Port User's Manual
Z314 FQ-MS12@(-M)-ECT FQ-M-series Specialized This manual describes the Sysmac Studio setting procedures for FQ-M-series
FQ-MS12@(-M) Vision Sensor for Positioning Vision Sensors.
User’s Manual