Field Study 01 Episode 01

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Field Study 1

The School Environment


Activity1.1 Exploring the School Campus
Resource Teacher: Ma’am Eljane Cunanan Teacher’s Signature__________________
School: Sta. Maria National High School Grade/Year Level: TVL HE – II
Subject Area: Personal Development Date: September 22, 2022

To realize the Intended Learning Outcome, Work my way through these steps:
- In this observation I sure maintain the safe and secure.

1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, then in the
 The some of facilities is clean
 And, they keep all the student safe.
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
They use the board the to motivate the student.
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
Creative – they use their mind to think a lot of decoration in their school to motivate
some student.
Motivational - they put a lot of motivation for the student and it’s help student to go in
Instructional materials – the student and teacher use gadgets then the student learn more
because of the technology.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
There’s unity and attractiveness because of the bulletin board and the drawing display.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these

a.) Descriptive Paragraph c.) Sketch or drawing

b.) Photo essay d.) Poem, song or rap

As you move around the campus, observations forms are provided for you to document your
observation. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site.
A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheet will
yield better learning result.
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available, and say how each
will contribute to the students’ learning and development
Will it contribute to the
Facilities Description students’ learning and
development? why?

Office of the Principal √ - The office of the principal is - The existence of the principal’s
located on the second-floor office will surely contribute to
building of the school beside the the student's learning and
head teacher’s office. development because it is
There are two tables there: one for responsible for supervising and
the principal, Mr. Raul appraising all the staff and
Dimaculangan, and one for guests employees of the institution and
when they have meetings. There is assessing their performance.
also a flat tv screen, refrigerator,
In doing so, it can help to
water dispenser, one single sofa,
improve and provide a quality of
and a rock display shelf full of
education for students. Aside
piled papers.
from that, the principal’s office
also supports and conducts
research and reviews necessary
for the update of the institution's
curriculum, which will be
beneficial for the learners
because they can have the
opportunity to access challenging
academic experiences.

There are still many duties that

fall under the supervision of the
principal's office, but I have only
selected those that are most
crucial to the education and
growth of the learners.

Library - The school’s library is in a very - When it comes to gaining extra

√ poor physical condition because it knowledge and searching for
has an inadequate and uninviting information, there is nothing
space that makes the library less more reliable and credible than
usable for the students. Considering the school library. The benefit of
the state of the school and the other the library provides students with
facilities that are no longer in use supplementary materials which
due to the flood, I have also noticed they can use for their research
that there are a lot of papers piled activities and for other academic
up in the library area. Perhaps the purposes. It can also serve as an
staff of the school decided to use opportunity for the learners to
the library area as an alternative socialize with others but in a
facility to store important productive manner, instead of
documents. just mindlessly scrolling through
their phones during break hours.
Nevertheless, it is still important to
pay attention to this issue because it
has the potential to impact the
quality of services the school
offers to its students.
Counseling Room - Supposedly the counseling room - In our society, we often neglect
√ at Santa Maria High School has its the importance of checking our
own intended facility; psychological well-being.
unfortunately, due to consistent Students nowadays are
heavy flooding in the area, the vulnerable to depression due to
school staff decided to temporarily the severe stress of complying
move the counseling room to the with academic requirements.
Senior High School ICT facility. That is why it is important, for an
The provided alternative room has institution to provide a
an accessible space that allows counseling facility that has a
learners to have privacy when they licensed guidance counselor to
reach out to talk to the guidance monitor students' emotional,
counselor. It also has its own social, and psychological well-
necessary equipment such as a being.
table and good lighting that is In doing so, it can improve the
necessary to promote a therapeutic learner’s performance; help them
environment. to cope with peer pressure as
they are vulnerable to it, most
especially to high school
students, and enhance the
learner's social and emotional
skills that can be beneficial to
students, learning and
- The school canteen was - Others often overlook the
√ temporarily moved to the importance of the school canteen,
gymnasium of the school because and if we are going to dig deeper
of the intended area for the school we can see a lot of related
canteen is flooded. When we went articles that provide sufficient
to their school canteen they have a evidence on how essential a
variety of foods and snacks that school canteen is not only for
they offer to their students and students but also for the school’s
even a rice meal that only cost staff. School canteens have a
twenty-five pesos, which is not bad huge impact on school life, a
for its price. Their food preparation learner may perform poorly if he
is also well organized, hygienic, or she lacks the proper nutrition.
and safe for the students to One cannot fully function and
consume. may become ineffective in doing
a task if his or her health
condition is not in a good state,
which often leads to serious

Well-planned school canteen

supports the student's learning
and development by providing
sufficient nutrition which gives
students high energy levels and
prevents diseases that are related
to poor health practices.
√ - At Santa Maria High School, their - Although a medical clinic
medical clinic facility is not in use facility's main role in an
because it is heavily flooded. institution is to conduct an
annual physical check-up for
students, it still contributes to the
Medical Clinic learners’ learning and
development because it gives
important health reminders to
students which is essential for
them to be able to perform
actively in class.
Audio Visual/Learning
Resource Center

- The school’s science laboratory at - School laboratory is essential

√ Santa Maria High School is the for students learning and
same room used for the computer development because it makes
laboratory; that is why it does not learning more engaging for them
have any laboratory tools. The through experimental activities
room is simple and organized; it is and observation of specimens,
Science Laboratory an air-conditioned room with tables which helps them to understand
and chairs, which makes the facility and interpret the result of the data
flexible and accessible for learning. they have gathered while
observing. Laboratory
experimentation is also an
effective strategy for the longer
retention of ideas for students.
Gymnasium - The school’s gymnasium also - The existence of a school
√ serves as the school canteen at gymnasium contributes a lot to
Santa Maria High School because the student's learning and
the school canteen facility is development because it helps
heavily flooded, which is why they learners to become physically
use the school gym as an active even for half an hour
alternative area for the school during their PE class, it also
canteen. The school gymnasium encourages learners to learn
only has limited space, and healthy habits such as de-
considering the number of students stressing through the means of
enrolled in the institution, the exercising and lastly, it helps
allotted space cannot fit all of the students to improve their overall
students just in case they will hold academic performance because
a call for an event at the studies have shown that a student
gymnasium that needs the presence who stays active physically will
of all the students. However, the be more alert and attentive in the
good thing about the school classroom.
gymnasium is that it has benches
on both sides, it also has a roof
which makes it still usable even if
it rains heavily, and a center stage
used by the students as well as the
school staff when there is an event.


- The Santa Maria High School - Yes, of course, a home

√ school garden is relatively small economics room contributes to
and is surrounded by water; the learning and development of
however, it was high enough not to the students because it helps
flood. Although it is not as large as them to acquire important life
the gardens at other schools, this skills including how to cook,
garden has a wide variety of prepare food, sew clothes, and
flowers hanging from its roof. It know what it takes to become a
also has a little gate through which knowledgeable consumer. Home
you may enter and enjoy the economics facilities are not only
garden's beauty as well as a Kubo limited to developing students'
house, which I assume acts as a life skills because it goes beyond
hangout for students. teaching learners how to be a
responsible individuals.
√ - Santa Maria High School also - Yes, of course, a home
serves as the student's classroom economics room contributes to
when it is not in use. It has wall the learning and development of
designs including some home the students because it helps
economics symbols; as well as two them to acquire important life
wooden chairs, one flat screen tv, a skills including how to cook,
blackboard, and two wooden prepare food, sew clothes, and
Home Economics Room tables. On the right side of the know what it takes to become a
room, you can find in there their knowledgeable consumer. Home
medical kit, which I suppose is economics facilities are not only
stored for emergency purposes. limited to developing students'
life skills because it goes beyond
teaching learners how to bea
responsible and independent
Industrial Workshop Area

PTA Office

- The comfort room for boys is - Yes, of course, it can help the
√ separated from the girls; it has students when it comes to their
running water in the area where learning and development
male students do their business. It because providing comfort room
Comfort Room for Boys is neat, the floor is not slippery, and for men does not only guarantee
the cubicles provided are sufficient the safe practice of good hygiene,
for the number of male students in but it also contributes to fighting
the institution. the spread of contagious diseases
and parasites such as diarrhea.
√ - There are at least three intended - Yes, of course, it can contribute
comfort rooms for girls in Santa to the students learning and
Maria High School one on the first development because it helps the
floor, the second floor, and the learners to practice good hygiene
third floor. The comfort room on habits that will keep them
the first floor has two cubicles, but, looking presentable at all times
it's slippery and the toilet flush is and help them stay healthy by
not working and it's clogged. preventing the transmission of
infectious diseases like Covid 19
While, on the other hand, the
and other contagious illnesses.
comfort room, which is located on
the second and fourth floors of the
building, is far more hygienic, neat,
Comfort Room for Girls organized, comfortable, and safe to
use, because its floor is not
slippery. The toilet flush is working
and it is not clogged; they also
provided a bidet spray and it has a
mirror where you can check
yourself and do some retouching to
make yourself presentable. The
only thing that I can suggest to the
institution to improve the quality of
women’s comfort rooms is to
provide a sanitary napkin vending
machine for female students.
√ COMPUTER LABORATORY - The existence of a computer
laboratory in an institution
- At Santa Maria High School, their contributes a lot to the student's
computer laboratory is air- learning and development
conditioned which makes the because computer labs serve as
facility accessible and comfortable an instrument in helping learners
for students. It also has a to learn how to use software and
blackboard, plastic chairs, wooden other modern technological
tables, a ceiling fan, and images of application to acquire digital
various ports located on the left skills which are vital to be able to
(Please specify)
side of the room. Students in the catch up with the fast-paced
computer laboratory no longer used environment we live in, wherein
desktops; instead, they used Ipad everything is consumed and
for learning and making purchase with the aid of
presentations. The old desktop that technology.
is no longer in use is stored at the
back of the computer laboratory,
covered in fabric.
An Observational Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space
Guide Question Classroom Observational Report

- The community where the school can be found is a bit

flooded on the side of the road, and there are several
houses that surround the area which I suppose is where
1. Describe the community or
the majority of the students live. Unlike any other school
neighborhood where the
that has a busy road, here at Santa Maria High School,
school is found.
there are only a few vehicles on the road, which is a
good thing for the student’s safety.

- The campus of the school is situated on the low-lying

lands of Macabebe, making the establishment vulnerable
to severe flooding. When you enter the school there is
no free space area for students to hang out, like trees
with some benches on them, because the school campus
area is surrounded by flood; that is why all the school
2. Describe the school
campus. What colors do you buildings' ground floor facilities are no longer usable.
see? What is the condition
However, maybe due to the frequent earthquakes we had
of the buildings?
experienced, the walls of the old rooms in the old school
building have a lot of cracks which makes them unsafe
to use. Luckily, these buildings are no longer in use
because they are heavily flooded and teachers already
conduct their classes in the new school building.

- When we entered the school campus and roamed

around the area, we observed that every office is labeled
accordingly to its usage; like, for example, if a student
3. Pass by the offices. What
wants to go to the principal room, he or she can easily
impression do you have of
these offices? distinguish which room is it because it has its own label
pasted on the front door. They also have a bulletin board
to keep people informed of the latest announcements.

- Based on my observation while roaming around the

school, I have noticed that there are paintings exhibited
in the school halls made by the learners. On the stairs,
you can find some students doing their physical fitness
tests, running, and jumping on the staircase under the
supervision of their teacher. At the center of the school,
4. Walk through the school
halls, the library, the you can find the gymnasium and the cafeteria where the
cafeteria. Look around and
students hang out during their break time, chatting with
find out the other facilities
that the school has. their friends, while the others play some sports like
basketball. The school has a computer laboratory,
counseling room, and library which are all accessible.
The classrooms are well-ventilated and organized which
makes them comfortable for students.
Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus
Resource Teacher: Ma’am Eljane Cunanan Teacher’s Signature__________________
School: Sta Maria National High School Grade/Year Level: TVL HE- II
Subject Area: Personal Development Date: September 22, 2022
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are the visual posted on the walls? What
heroes, religious figure, lessons, visual aids, announcement, do you see posted?
- Based on what we have observed each classroom displays various designs, and information
on their walls including their strand name and section pasted on their front door and on the
upper part of the wall in a decorative manner, list of famous tourist spots in the Philippines,
motivational quotes, bulletin board to keep students updated, religious figure, progress chart,
first aid kit, safety signs and information about COVID-19, and a flat screen tv.

2. Examine how the teacher’s table located? How are the tables and chairs/desks
- Some classrooms have tables for teachers, but some do not. The teacher's table is usually
located in the center of the room, in front of the blackboard. The chairs are arranged in 2
columns with 4 rows on the left and right sides of the room and a 1 meter allotted space in the
center aisle.

3. What learning materials/equipment are present?

- The learning materials or equipment provided in each classroom are lapel mic, blackboards,
chalk, and a flat screen tv used for presentations. Aside from that, there are no other available
learning resources present in each classroom, not unless the teacher will provide for them.
There are also no books present in the classroom, and the students need to visit the library if he
or she wants to read a book or do some research.

4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?

- Each room is occupied by a minimum of 30 students but not more than 45 students. In other
classrooms, learners are seated alphabetically or they follow a seating arrangement made by
the teacher. Students who have vision and hearing problems are usually seated in front of the

5. Is the room well-lit and well ventilated?

- Each room has a glass window and two ceiling fans, but, unfortunately, these are not enough
to reduce the heat entering the classroom, which makes the room less comfortable for the
students. Aside from that, it also has four fluorescent lights, which makes the room well-lit.
Overall, the only problem in every room is that it has poor ventilation which needs to be
improved by the school.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your

Classroom Facilities
(Location, Number, arrangement, Condition)

- At Santa Maria High School, their walls look newly painted and
have decorative images that are captivating and pleasing to the eyes
1. Wall Display of the students, and these include motivational quotes, pasted flowers
and grasses below the wall, a progress chart, and some educational
posters located at the right side of each classroom wall.

- According to my observation of each classroom, I have noticed that

there are old and new tables for teachers, but there are only limited
2. Teacher’s Table tables available in each classroom that can be used by the teachers.
Usually, every classroom has one wooden table located in the front
part of the room.

- The learners’ desk are usually located at the center of each

classroom; it is made up of wood and is attached to the student's
3. Learner’s Desks
chairs. By the looks of it, I can say that it is not in a good condition
because it has loose legs, spindles and rungs.

- In each classroom, there are two blackboards available, located at

the center of the room, and are strongly nailed for safety purposes. I
have also noticed that in every room that we visited their
4. Blackboard
blackboards are unpolished, and it is full of chalk powder all over it,
which makes writing on the board hard for the students as well as for
the teachers.

5. Learning Materials/
- The learning materials available in each classroom are only
Visual Aids
educational posters located on the right side of the wall, wrapped in a
plastic cover which helps to keep the posters in good condition.

Write your observation report here.

Name of the School Observed: Sta Maria National High School

Location of the School: Sta Maria Macabebe Pampanga
Date of Visit: September 22, 2022

The room where we were assigned has poor ventilation, and they only have two available
ceiling fans in every room, which makes it really uncomfortable both for the students as well as for
the teachers. Good thing there are glass windows available in every classroom that somehow
contribute to reducing the heat coming from the sun.

As I was observing the school hallway, I noticed that every room has a bulletin board with
decorative designs that makes it captivating and pleasing to the eyes of the students. Learners'
output, such as paintings, is exhibited in the school hallway, which gives a sense of pride ad
fulfillment on the learners part and serves as an inspiration for the other students to work harder.

Teachers at Santa Maria National High School are innovative teachers because they use the
aid of technology when it comes to their way of teaching, which includes the utilization of a lapel
mic to reduce the risk of loss of information or mishearing information. They also encourage
students to deliver their reports through PowerPoint presentations, which helps in developing the
learners' 21st-century skills.

While students, on the other hand, are very respectful towards us, because they address our
names with a madam and sir attached to them, they are also greeting us with “good morning,
ma’am/sir, and thank you, ma’am/sir, for teaching us”, which we take for a response when they
greet us. This kind of attitude the learners have towards us is very heartwarming on our part as a
student teacher.

1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
- Research study suggests that students are more motivated to go to school and much more
attentive in class if their study area is neat and organized. In short, it must be accessible and
flexible for learning. Disorganized and chaotic environments, however, can lead to worry and
anxiety, which will obviously have a bad impact on the learners' ability to learn. Therefore, it is
very important to consider the best environment for them.

2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/how does
this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
- Based on research studies, the physical environment of a child influences his or her
developmental outcomes, which include his or her academic performance, cognitive, social, and
emotional development. Therefore, it is important that we should consider these things in our
account because the environment where the child grows contributes to how he or she will
develop as a person.

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why
- Despite the fact that the school we picked to monitor lacks adequate facilities to make the
teaching and learning process comfortable  and accessible for both teachers and students.I would
still like to work as a teacher at this institution, because students who attend public schools
require more care and direction when it comes to their educational experiences. I have seen that
it is hard for them to study in that kind of environment wherein everything is limited be it on the
availability of learning materials and facilities, still, learners’ willingness to learn and
perseverance had caught my attention that makes me want to teach in this institution.

2. What kind of school campus is conductive to learning?

- A school campus that is considered conducive to learning must make the students feel a sense
of belongingness and acceptance; it must have complete, safe, organized facilities and provide
learners with comfortable physical space.

3. What kind of classroom is classroom is conductive to learning?

- A conducive classroom must be accessible, comfortable, organized, clean, and well-ventilated.
It must respect students' diversity and allow them to freely express their ideas and promote unity
among the students.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

- In order to accomplish what I have mentioned in question number three, I will seek financial
assistance from our barangay, municipality, and other political institution to help in building
accessible and safe facilities for students, and as for my part as their teacher, I will use teaching
strategy that promotes inclusivity and encourages success among students.

5. Write your additional learning and insight here.

- The school environment where learning takes place plays an important role in motivating our
students to learn. In order to successfully impart knowledge to students and develop their skills,
it is important to take immediate action in building accessible, and comfortable facilities for


Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays

Resource Teacher: Ma’am Eljane Cunanan Teacher’s Signature__________________

School: Sta Maria National High School Grade/Year Level: TVL HE – II
Subject Area: Personal Development Date: September 22, 2022

The display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the
most readily available more versatile learning resources.
To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps: 1.
Examine for bulletin board display. Include samples of those formal at the entrance, lobby,
hallway and classroom 2. Pick one and evaluate the display. 3. Propose enhancement to make the
display more effective.

As you look around and examine the board displays, use observation guide and forms provided
for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAY

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board display. How many board display do you see?

There is a lot f board display like the faculty staff and the art of the student they put this ing h
e hallway and you see also the guidance office.

2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them?

They put in the second floor because all of the student they walk in the second floor because
of the flood in first floor.

3. What are the display about? What key message do they convey? What image and colors do
you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
I a lot of colors because of the drawing and it all about the faculty staff and the drawing
about the environment.

4. What materials were used in making the display? Are borders used?

The glass to protect the board and plastic cover, other materials is paper for the drawing.

5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)

Nothing because before they put that in the wall they check carefully.

6. Are the message clear and easily understood?

Yes, and you understand clearly if you read it.

7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?

The inspirational quotes because they motivate student because of that.

8. Take a photo of the display boards (if allowed).

I captured some of the display board.

Based on the question on the observation guide, write your observation report:
Observation REPORT

When we went to examine the school building, we noticed that in every hallway there were at
least three bulletin boards; even the school staff office, such as the faculty room, and principal’s office, has
its own bulletin board. The bulletin boards are usually placed outside each room that display pictures and
names of the students and some photos of school activities are also posted.

The displays on every bulletin board are color printed, and there are plenty of designs posted on it
which makes it captivating, eye-catching, and interesting to the students. The text and pictures used are
large in size, which makes them readable for learners who have poor eyesight problems.

The materials used in every bulletin board posted in the school hallways are borders that come in
a different color that matches the board display and some printed pictures. All of their written messages
are grammatically correct and easy to understand. What got my attention and captivated my eyes was the
colorful designs posted on the bulletin board that compliments every outline and detail on the bulletin
that makes it aesthetically pleasing.

From among the board display that you saw, pick the one that you got most interested in.
Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.

Topic of the Board Display: National Teacher’s Month

Location of the Board Display in School: 2nd Floor Senior High School Building
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your

4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satistactory 1-Needs

Criteria 1 2 3 4 Comments
Communication √
The information posted is easier for students to
It conveys the
understand because they employ simple language.
message quickly and
Colors and
The information and pictures are well organized.
arrangement catch and √
The color of the bulletin board also matches the
hold interest.
Balance √
Objects are arranged,
There are spaces reserved for other designs that
so stability is
make it look organized.
Repeated shapes or √
There are no repeated shapes or colors used on the
color use of borders
bulletin board.
hold display together
The style and √
It would be better if they put interesting questions
approach entice
on the bulletin board for learning as well.
learners to be
involved and engaged
Legibility √
Letters and illustration
The text and pictures used are large in size, which
can be seen from a
good distance makes them readable for learners who have poor
eyesight problems.

It is free from √
There are no misspelled words or grammatical
grammar errors,
error present on the bulletin board.
misspelled words,
It is well-constructed, √
They didn't use a pin to attach the pictures and
items are securely
decorations so it didn't fall off. It also has a glass
window so the designs are really secured.

Bulletin Board Evaluated By: Jasmin S. Hernandez

Location: 2ND Floor outside of the faculty room

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: The bulletin board has pictures of students and teachers. It
also has designs that fit the event that will be celebrated that month, which is National Teacher's Day.


Strengths Weakness

The arrangement of the designs

Description of the Bulletin
is organized and the content One of the weaknesses I see is
Board layout
that there are spaces without
posted is suited for the occasion
to be celebrated that month.

Evaluation of educational
There is trivia posted on the They should put the pictures of
content and other aspects
bulletin board that helps the people mentioned in their
learners to widen their horizons. trivia so that the children can
familiarize themselves with the
faces of the people.
Recommendations or Suggestion for Improvement.

 They should put interesting questions after the trivia so that the information they read will be
imprinted on the children's minds.
 Put pictures of the people mentioned in the trivia to familiarize the children with their faces.

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name: JASMIN S. HERNANDEZ

Based on your suggestion, make your board display lay-out. You may present your output
through any of these:
 A hand-made drawing or layout
 An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage

My Board Display Lay-out


1. What do you think was the purpose of the board?

- The purpose of the bulletin board I made is for the children to know the people who gave their
lives for the freedom they enjoy today, and also for the children to know the importance of
history in our lives.

2. Did the board display deign reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why

- I think it somehow managed to arouse the children's attention by answering the questions
posted on the bulletin board. But I also think that the same brown color design is not very
pleasing to the eyes of children, so the bulletin board itself does not become eye catching. So all
in all, there is still a need for improvement in the designs and choice of color.

3. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why?
Why not?

- I think that the words I used on my bulletin board are clear and orderly so that students can
easily read and understand them.

4. Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

- The information written on the bulletin board itself is the most effective because it helps to
widen the horizons of the students and also those questions regarding history posted on the
bulletin board provides extra knowledge to the children and help them to develop their critical
thinking skills.

5. What suggestion can you make?

- I suggest adding additional designs that are suitable for the event to be celebrated. In addition,
the bulletin itself should be made colorful to be eye-catching to the students.

Based on your suggestion, purpose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form
My Proposed Board Display

Theme: How Will You Make A Difference? By looking back at the past, the children will have an
idea and more knowledge on how they can apply what they have learned about history to the
current generation.

Board Title: Learn From History


By providing them with information posted on the bulletin board and some trivia about our history,
students can retain the information easily and it makes the learning more fun and engaging. It also
helps students understand history better and have an idea of how important it is to our society.

 To convey to children the importance of studying history.
 To make the study of history more engaging and enjoyable by placing decorative designs on
the bulletin boards that are eye-catching to the students so that it gets their attention.
 To develop students' critical thinking skills by adding trivia and questions to the bulletin

Best features of my proposal bulletin enhancement:

The following are the best features of my proposed board display enhancement:
 Informational - It is informational because it disseminates information to students and helps
to widen their horizons.
 Decorative - It is decorative because it has decorative designs that are pleasing and eye-
catching to the eyes of the students.

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description)
 Stapler - To join pages of paper that are needed on the bulletin board.
 Lights - To make the bulletin board sparkle even when it is dark.
 Water Paint - To make the designs more realistic.
 Carton (from Balik-bayan box) - Here on this recycled paper I will put or stick the pictures
and also to reduce the cost and help the environment

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

The following are the materials to be used for aesthetic enhancement:
 Colored Paper
 Pictures
 Decorative Stickers
 Yarn
 Glue
 Recycled old dry leaves

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board display. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

To be able to come up an effective board display a teacher should possess the following:

 Artistic or Creative - In order for a teacher to make a beautiful and eye catching bulletin
board it is necessary that he is creative, he has the ability to create something out of
nothing and make it pleasing to the eyes of the others.
 Resourceful - It is necessary for a teacher to be resourceful when it comes to creating a
bulletin board because sometimes there is no intended budget for it; therefore, the only
thing a teacher can do is to use the availability of resources that she has in order to create
a creative and eye-catching bulletin board.
 Originality - A teacher must have originality in the designs that she will put on the bullet
board that he will make so that it will be unique from others.
 Good in communication - The messages you want to convey on your bulletin board must
be clear and organized so that students can easily understand them.
 Innovative - It is necessary that the designs that will be used by the teacher are modern
and up-to-date so that they are appealing to the eyes of the students.

2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board display. How do you practice these skills?

- One of the skills I already have from the ones I mentioned in question number 01 is being
effective when it comes to delivering messages. I still remember when I was in high school, our
teacher assigned us to make a bulletin board inside our classroom to post an update or
announcement. At first, I had a hard time organizing those designs as well as how to deliver the
messages. But eventually, I learned, and now I use those skills I had acquired and developed
when doing my projects and school activities.
3. Which skills do you need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you
can improve on or acquire these skills.

- I think one of the skills that I still need to develop is how to be innovative. Because as a
person, I really love classic vintage designs and for sure these kinds of designs are no longer a
passion of students and they prefer the modern and up-to-date ones. That's why now I'm
gradually keeping up with what's trending, but in a moderate way to just have ideas about it, that
I can use and apply not only for making bulletin boards but also for teaching.

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. With the PPST as guide, an Ideal learning environment should have the following
characteristics, EXCEPT____________.

A. The learning environment promotes fairness

B. Is safe and conductive for learning
C. Builds many professional linkages
D. Establishes and maintains consistent standard of learner’s behavior

2. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting school environment?

I. Canteen that sells all kind of food including junk food
II. Comfort rooms common for boys and girls
III. Sanitary drinking fountains
IV. Safe playground

A. II, III and IV C. I and II

B. I, II, III and IV D. III and IV

3. Which physical school environment supports learning?

A. Availability of flexible classroom furniture

B. Presence of spacious classroom
C. Prominence of bulletin boards in every building
D. Tail school buildings

4. Examine the bulletin board display.

This bulletin board fulfills which
primary purpose?

A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative

5. Examine the bulletin board display.

This bulletin board fulfills which
primary purpose?

A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative

6. Examines the bulletin board display.

This bulletin board fulfills which
primary purpose?
A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
My Personal Illustration of an Effective
School Environment

Most people say that today's children are too lazy to study. But what they don't know is
that there are also reasons why they lose motivation to go to school. One of the reasons is because
of the condition of the school institution they attend, sometimes it does not have adequate facilities
to provide for students; there are also some instances that the room where learning occurs is not
well ventilated which makes it really uncomfortable for learners. So, with these reasons we stated,
what do you think makes up an effective school environment?

The photo you see above shows an effective school environment that encourages children
to attend school. As you can see in the picture, the buildings are beautifully constructed and the
facilities are sufficient to meet the number of students. It also has a large space outside the school
that can be used as a hangout area for students during their break hours or as a meeting place when
they have group projects. The teacher can also conduct physical activities here to help students be
strong and fit. Lastly, in order for a school to have an effective school environment, teachers must
also address the physical, social and psychological needs of students. Lastly, in order for a school
to have an effective school environment, teachers must also address the physical, social and
psychological needs of students.

The instructional strategies that should be used by the teacher must help to enhance the
ability of students when it comes to their social, physical, and psychological needs. To promote an
effective school environment, children must be able to freely express their ideas. Learners must
also learn how to respect their fellow students and also accept their differences in religion, culture,
gender, etc. The teacher must address all of this so that she can promote an effective school
EVALUATE Performance Task
Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 1 – The School as a Learning Environment
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics of a school environment that provides social,
psychological, and physical environment supportive of learning.
Name FS Student: Hernandez, Jasmin S. Date Submitted: September 27, 2022
Year and Section: BSED IV-B Course: BSED IV-B
Learning Excellent 4 Very satisfactory 3 Satisfactory 2 Need improvement
Accomplishe All observation 1 or 2 observation 3 observation 4 or more observation
d question/tasks question/task not questions/task not questions/
Observation completely answered/accomplishe answered/accomplished Tasks not
Sheet answered/accompli d answered/accomplished
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four or more observation
answered answered completely; answered completely; question were not answered;
completely; answer answer are clearly answer are not answers are not connected
are with depth and connected to theories; connected to theories; to theories; more than four
are thoroughly grammar and spelling one to three grammatical spelling errors
grounded an are grammatical spelling
theories; grammar free from error errors
and spelling are
free from error
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow; rarely
clear; supported by supported by what shallow; somewhat supported by what were
what were were observed and supported by what observed and analyzed
observed and analyzed were observed and
analyze analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not reflected on
artifacts reflected on in reflected on in the in the context of the
on in the context the context of the context of the learning learning outcomes:
of learning outcomes: outcomes: complete, complete, not organized, not
the learning complete, well not organized, relevant
outcomes: organized, very relevant
complete, well relevant to the to the learning
organized, highly learning outcome outcome
relevant to the
learning outcome
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted2daysormoreafter
the deadline deadline the deadline thedeadline
COMMENT/S Over-all Score Rating:(Based onTransmutation)


score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-

____________________________________ _________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed name Date

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