FS 1 Episode 1

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Learning Episode

My Learning Episode Overview

This Episode 1 provides an opportunity for students to examine and reflect on a school
environment that promotes learning and development.

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to determine the characteristics of a school environment that is
safe, secure, and is supportive of learning.

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:
 quality of my observations and documentation,
 completeness and depth of analysis,
 depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
 completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 time of submission of portfolio.
My Learning Essentials
A physical environment conducive for learning is one that has consistent practices that:
 keep the school safe, clean, orderly and free from distraction;
 maintain facilities that provide challenging activities; and
 address the physical, social and psychological needs of the students.

My Map
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:
My mission is to do the following tasks:

1. Look back on your experiences in BISU

2. Accomplish the checklist as you look
and list the facilities and support learning
back on it.
4. Make
areas a reflection
in the campus, on theincharacteristics
then the classroom. 3. Based on your gathered data in the
of a school environment that promotes checklist, describe the school
learning. environment.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a. Descriptive Paragraph b. Photo Essay
c. Sketch or drawing d. Poem, song or rap

My Tools
As you recall your experiences in BISU, activity forms are provided for you to document your
observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before answering it. A good understanding
of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning results.
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available, and say how each
will contribute to the students’ learning and development.
Facilities Put a check here Description Will it contribute to
the students learning
and development?
Office of the ✓ The office of the dean Yes, because upon
Principal/Dean is located at the second entering the office the
floor of the CTE students pay respects
building beside the since the dean’s desk
school library. The can be easily seen upon
building is facing entering the office. And
towards the activity there are also teachers
center. The office or instructors who are
consists of two inside the office.
different parts in which
the other part of the
office is where the
teacher’s faculty room
is located and beside it
is the dean’s office or
Library ✓ BISU Campus has two School libraries has a
libraries. Those big contribution to the
libraries are located on student’s learning and
the College of development since it is
Engineering & where the students feed
Architecture (CEA) their minds. The
and College of Teacher students can obtain
Education (CTE) information that they
building. Both libraries needed there and they
have enough space for can also study there
the students to study with the absence of the
and it is also well loud noises.
Counselling Room ✓ We call it the guidance This is good for the
office/room. It is student’s learning and
located at the beside development since in
the registrar’s office this room is where
and the office is also everything gets settled.
visible for people Students can open up
passing by unlike its things they wanted to
previous location address, complain, seek
wherein the space is so for help etc. discussions
tight and you could here are free from
hardly find the office. judgments since the
It is also well counselling room is
ventilated and has wide created to lessen the
glass windows. student’s stress and to
somehow know their
Canteen/Cafeteria ✓ The campus cafeteria is A canteen/cafeteria also
located near the exit. It contributes to the
is wide and clean and is student’s learning and
very visible for the development since it is
students passing by. It where the fill their
may be a bit small but empty stomach. Their
at least it is clean and nutritious foods nourish
well ventilated. Also, the brain to help them
the canteen is near the focus on their studies.
entrance where there
are stalls with lots of
delicious snacks and
Medical Clinic ✓ The medical clinic is so The clinic serves as the
small and is located go to hospital for the ill
near the activity center. students. It is the
It is beside the Student support system of the
Council’s office and it health of the students.
has also a big tree The clinic contributes a
standing in front of the lot in terms of
clinic which gives off monitoring the fitness
shade. of the scholars esp. the
Audio Visual/Learning ✓ The facility is located We call it a viewing
Resource Center in the main library. It room and it gives the
has a small space and is students the opportunity
air conditioned. It has to widen their horizon.
also a television with Viewing and listening
sound system and has can also improve the
enough table and chairs ability of a student to
for the students and has visualize their ideas by
a good lighting. listening.
Science Laboratory ✓ The science lab is Science lab supports the
located in the first floor student’s learning in
of the Science & Math terms of
bldg. it has enough experimentation and
tables and chairs for analysis. They develop
the students to use and their abilities by
it has a lot of animal problem solving,
preserves and so on. It analyzing and
also quite dusty. experiment.
Gymnasium ✓ Our gymnasium is in The gymnasium has a
our activity center contribution in student’s
where in PE and school learning and
activities are development since it is
performed. It is wide where the students show
and has a rubberize their talents and skills.
floor and it has also a In which it will help
basketball ring. There them boost their
were benches before confidence which is
but it was removed as helpful when applying
well as the plastic for a job.
chairs. There is also a
big stage where every
year the design of it
Auditorium ✓ We call it the It contributes to the
multimedia. It has a student’s learning and
modernized look yet development because
not that spacious but student’s performance
well ventilated. It has a tasks are all done in
comfort room and at here as well as
the back of it is where conducting a thesis
we can overlook the defense. Showcasing of
grandstand complex of wits and talents are
the city. It has also a done in here with a
mini stage and doors limited number of
and windows are all audiences in which
glasses. students are not that shy
to perform for it has
only a few audiences.
Enough for them to
boost the student’s
moral and confidence.
Outdoor/Garden ✓ We actually don’t have It contributes to the
a garden but we have a student’s learning and
mini garden. It has development by
enough space for us to learning the basic ways
put our vegetables or to take care and plant
any other plants that plants. Which is
can be planted inside beneficial because it can
the campus. Not wide be applied at home or
but safe enough for the make a business out of
plants to grow. it.
Home Economics Room ✓ It is located at the back It is where the
of the College of the technology students
Business Arts and sharpen their skills in
Sciences (CBAS) knowledge. It gives a
building. The rooms big contribution to the
are made of wood student’s learning since
unlike the other the student’s skills are
buildings. It would be hone because they are
hard to find if you’re trained to perform their
new to the school since chosen field.
it was behind a big
Industrial Workshop ✓ It is located in the first The facility contributes
Are floor of the CBAS a lot to the students for
building and in front of they can do hand on
it are round benches activities. It has a
with a jackfruit tree. complete tool that are
The room itself looks necessary for students
dusty and ragged to learn and develop
because of the works their skills in which
done inside the facility. they can also apply it at
PTA Office

Comfort Room for Boys ✓ There are a lot of It is where they will
comfort rooms for release their urine
boys. It is located at the because it will bad for
CTE building (first the health if they don’t
floor), CEA building release it when nature
and CBAS building. calls.
The comforts rooms
are quite spacious and
a bit dirty. It has white
Comfort Room for Girls ✓ The comfort room for Girls often go to
girls is in the first floor comfort rooms to
of the CTE building. It urinate. Releasing the
is small and has two dirt inside us is
comfort rooms with a necessary because it
large bucket. It is a bit will only hurt our
dark inside and scary. uterus. We also need it
to change our napkins.
Others (Please specify.)

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation
report on the provided space.
1. describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found.
2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition of the buildings?
3. What impressions do you have of the offices?
Date of Visit: FEBRUARY 1, 2021

As I visit the campus of BISU-MC last month, I have observed that the campus was quite big but not
that spacious but it is still great. Beside of the campus was the Bohol Cultural Center and behind of it
was the grandstand. And the other areas are accessible for the student’s school supplies, computer
shop, photocopying, small restaurants and boarding houses. It has also big trees and a small space
outside for parking of the motorcycles.

The campus has wide structure and has a lot of big buildings. A big activity center and there are a lot
of shady benches for the students to standby or to study. The buildings are still strong and the colors
are pleasing to the eyes like it screams the pride of the school. There are also a lot of plants which are
refreshing to the eyes and there are enough rooms for the students to use.

The offices are well ventilated and has an intimidating aura since the professor’s there are really great
and intelligent. Some offices are spacious and some are not but most of them has air conditions. The
offices also have bright colors which are relaxing to the sight.
My Analysis
How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to
school? What are your conclusions?

The school and classroom serve as the foundation and one of the support systems for students' learning
and development in school since it serves as their refuge when doing schoolwork. The environment has
a significant effect on students' learning, for example, their concentration may be distracted due to
unnecessary things that they thought are not okay while studying. On the other hand, some students
ignore the negative aspects of a school. As a result, a student's willingness to learn is determined by how
he or she handles the situation on campus.

My Reflections/Insights
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?

Yes, because it tests the student’s determination to learn

regardless of the lack of facility or learning tool. The school is
very well known. Unlike the other universities, the school have a
lot flaws but it has a high-quality education and the school
produces a lot of topnotchers so, I have high hopes in teaching
this school.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

It is having a peaceful and clean surroundings or environment and
complete equipment and facilities which is essential for student’s
learning and bully free.
3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A classroom that is well ventilated and spacious with great

lighting and away from noises.

Integrating Theory and Practice

Direction: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. With the NCBTS as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the following
characteristics, EXCEPT
A. The learning environment promotes fairness
B. Is safe and conducive for learning
C. Builds many professional linkages
D. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner’s behaviour

2. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting school environment?

I. Canteen that sells all kind of food including junk food
II. Comfort rooms common for boys and girls
III. Sanitary drinking fountains
IV. Safe playground
A. II, III and IV C. I and II
B. I, II, III and IV D. III and IV

PS. Di ko khibaw mu encircle ma’am hehehe

Learning Portfolio
My Personal Illustration of an effective School Environment

My own description of an effective School environment is peaceful and away from

distractions outside. Schools should provide a safe environment for students to nurture
and grow emotionally, behaviorally, and academically while also establishing
relationships with others. There are things in the school environment that have a positive
impact on students' achievement. Having good friends at school, believing that teachers
are caring and supportive, believing that discipline is effective and equitable, engaging in
extracurricular activities, being a part of a school, and feeling a sense of belonging are
examples of such things.

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