Essentials of HRM 2b 313

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Ans 1.


For a business to achieve its full potential it needs to be of high-quality and total up. High quality
in the goods manufactured by the company in addition to the adaptability and volume of work
they do, as well as the management of the public corporation. The concept of a time unit is
business's method of ensuring that the top quality and the most quantity are handled. This is
designed to establish an area of character's resources for the management of worker roles.
Benefits for workers ensure that they feel appreciated; scepter and cutting-edge job maintain
their interest. Making sure that the current unit, which has usually been an essential cog in AN
company's machinery it is only one of its primary objectives. It is able to enhance the strength of
the time division system and to force employees to play a calculated responsibility in reaching
company objectives. The company stated that it is likely to face significant difficulties in
locating competent, skilled and technically qualified be released human resources to support the
electronic instrumentation industry.

Concept and Analysis

The investment in human capital is key to achieving an advantage in the market

Competitive advantage can only be achieved by utilizing human resources. Porter believes that
human resources are becoming a great differentiating factor. The best employees are smarter
driven, enthusiastic, and committed. HR experts can detect potential problems by analysing
turnover rates and finding potential problems. This can assist in speedily resolve any issues. The
HR experience of an organization will help it identify the best places to search for qualified
talent. HR experts can give insight into the current market prices for talent and what it might take
to get high-quality hires on board. HR can assist you in determining the best strategy for
remuneration by analyzing the talent market. HR will provide details on the way other businesses
within your industry are structured to help you determine which positions your firm needs to
establish or fill in order to remain competitive.

Role of human department's resources in expanding:

In the case of "Sundaram Ltd" plans to open new branches throughout India which is why they
wish to establish a vibrant human resource department to manage employees' tasks. HR plays a
significant role in business growth. These are the functions that HR has to manage during

Analyzing manpower requirements: Manpower planning is the most significant and crucial
function in every HR department. When planning for the required manpower, they need to look
at the number of available positions in the market, the most suitable number of applicants and
sources for finding them, as well as the different selection criteria. Sundaram Ltd will be opening
additional branches. This will mean more workers will need to manage the branches. The HR
department would assess the number of workers needed to manage the new branches. For
instance, if the company opens 10 branches, approximately 25 people are needed for one branch
therefore HR department plans to hire 250 employees. And for that, HR staff would conduct
interviews with 300-400 candidates in order to identify the best candidates.

Training and training of employees: Employees benefit from efficient development and
training practices that enhance their abilities and capabilities. This increases overall quality,
customer service, productivity and organizational effectiveness. Training and development also
enhance employee-employer relationships that foster teamwork, collaboration, different units,
and create energy within the organization. Employees who are new to the company require
training to help them satisfy their expectations and ensure their goals. HR develops and manages
the employee training programs and other resources. HR is responsible for introduction, training,
and development for newly hired employees in branches. Since the new employees aren't
familiar with the company's history or culture, such as clientele as well as the founders and their
business model, it's vital to implement induction programs. Once they begin their work with a
good foundation, they can learn the work and do it well.
Promoting and developing the culture of your business: Respect is a result respect for the
principles of an organisation as well as its success stories and vision. Culture is a crucial element
to establish a company's image among its employees, stakeholders, customers, and partners.
Culture helps define organisational policies.

HR is a key part of any organization's culture development. Culture-aligned employee behavior

should be rewarded and promoted by HR managers. Every company has its own unique culture.
A certain culture might encourage improvements in business processes, and employees who are
aware will be productive which is beneficial for the business.

Maintain a low turnover at a minimum: Experiential employees are invaluable assets. They
can work hard and aid in the realization of the business goals and objectives. If you continue on
hiring new employees, then you'll have to invest time training them and also pay the high costs
of hiring. It is important to minimize the rate of turnover among employees. This can be
completed by HR experts. Sundaram Ltd could have experienced employees who can assist in
expanding the company. They also have the ability to manage branches early on.


In most cases, your HR department is located at the back of your head. Your dream is to
establish new branches throughout the country and establish connections with people across the
globe. To turn your dream into a reality, the time system is handed over to the person you're
serving. Connecting with your employees and encouraging them in doing well and expeditiously
is the most effective way to guide them towards the right direction. Employees are responsible
for the performance of the company. HR professionals create rules and oversee the organization's
HR. In addition to hiring, choosing or training teams, they'll be able to provide employee
relations experience. They will mentor employees and aid them to grow. Training, tests for
performance as well as incentive schemes as well as other training options could all help. It's
difficult, but it is worth the effort. Human resources can enhance employee productivity while
also advancing goals. The above discussion shows that HR departments play a significant part in
the growth of any company. If Sundaram Ltd expands, HR department will be responsible for the
expansion. Sundaram Ltd, HR department will be in charge of the different roles discussed
Ans 2.


India is home to many FMCG companies. Globally, companies provide services to thousands of
consumers and earn huge amounts of money. The general commerce or conventional trade route
is one of the oldest methods for distributing items circulation. This package also contains the
closest store as well as locations to buy last-minute items. Privately-owned retail establishments
may be run on a smaller scale to cater for specific niches. It is essential to take the right
procedures and techniques to achieve the desired outcomes from this route. Assets are known as
"quick mover" because of their limited duration of service or their increased demand. This covers
food and drink, cleaning up products, as well as cosmetics.

In the case in question in the given scenario, an FMCG firm is planning to revamp the structure
of their HR department and I need to advise them in this regard. There are many activities which
could be carried out within the HR department's new sub divisions. I will discuss about those
tasks, but before that let us know about the shifting role of human resource in India.

Concept and Analysis

There have been a lot of changes in the HR system in India. HR managers aren't just compliance
checkers. They are the key to all business decisions. They are responsible for creating the
organizational structure that meets demands of the market, and attracting top talent, evaluating
the performance of top performers and keeping them. HR departments in India have a myriad of
tasks. There are many HR roles in India: Change agents, counselors and motivators training and
spokesmen for employees.

The success of any business depends on its people. Companies are only as successful as their
staff. Businesses that have found a niche in the market by creating great products don't have to
owe their success to new technology and processes. It's the result of committed and loyal
employees. It's difficult to imagine a successful company without employees. Human capital is
the company's most valuable asset. Employees are responsible for all consumption of resources.
Managers prioritise good staff management.
In deciding the structure of the HR department, it is crucial to pay attention to specific aspects

 To begin, you must identify all issues that may hinder the business's growth. After that, build
the HR structure. The key areas of focus will help you build the future HR company.

 You should also outline the HR processes . For this, you need to document your HR processes
in the present including the responsibilities and pertinent tasks and describe how you intend to
work with other service providers.

 The proper planning of management with the help of management is vital to make sure that
you have enough staff.

Activities in the new HR sub-divisions:

Personal transaction management: Some of the functions covered by this division include
administration of benefits, Centralised timekeeping and centralised timekeeping. The analysis
and tracking of HR metrics. Payroll management. Analysis of HR metrics.

Many organizations use centralized time keeping. This is where top talent can be employed to
automate time and attendance data entry, eliminate payroll errors and ensure high levels of
service. Time keeping is a way to support all employees in managing their time and attendance.
Numerous large corporations such as Amazon, Infosys are having designated time keeping

Organizations provide employee benefits by administering their benefits. Human Resources

manages health insurance and retirement savings, as well as vacations, PTO, as well as parental

The performance of employees is often assessed using HR measures, such as turnover, training,
and return on human capital. Payroll management is a responsibilities of all firms, regardless the
size of their business.
Organizational Development: This sub-division lists the following activities including:
Management of talent. Assistance and referral to employees. Performance management.
Discipline of employees.

Corporates are often involved in activities to manage talent, such as giving employees the
freedom to work, motivating employees, and rewarding all talents. Companies spend a lot of
effort on creating career plans that ensure that employees are given the opportunity to grow

Human resources: This is where the management of staff gets involved in selection, recruitment
and hiring and also in transferring and promoting people.

Above mentioned activities are basic HR functions that can be observed in all organizations.
While every company follows a specific hiring process but the main motive behind it is the
identical. Employees who do well are promoted and then transferred. WIPRO's strategy for
hiring calls for the entire hiring process to take 15 days. The interview process must be
completed three times. Performance is the basis for promotions.

Training and development: This division takes care of numerous tasks like certificate training,
Corporate learning, Leadership conferences, and much more.

All businesses train their employees in training and development. Training for certification is not
required for many businesses. Infosys demands its employees to go through at least five sessions
of training each year to better contribute to the company and help it achieve its strategic goals.

Labour and ethics: The sub-division is responsible for a variety of activities such as Labour
relations, Labour contract administration, ethical conduct, and compliance with Regulatory or
Lawful requirements.

Industrial relations are commonly referred to as employee or labour relations. It addresses issues
related to employment such as collective bargaining , unions, labour laws and labor-management
interactions. Because companies require strong labour relations, unions are created. It is essential
that rules are followed by honest employees.

India's rapid-moving durable goods (FMCG) market has undergone exceptional modifications
over the last twenty years. The reason for this was the rise in revenue, urbanization and shifting
consumer behaviours. Market sentiment is generally positive and bright after the removal and the
implementation of the Goods and Services Tax. Rural consumption has outpaced sector
expectations, and the current retail market is expected to double over the next five years. The
changes in lifestyles and non-reusable revenues are the primary factors behind this expansion.
The market has transformed dramatically, resulting in a variety of goods that people are more
willing to be attentive and to commit to paying to paying attention.

Finally, it can be claimed that there are numerous sub-activities and tasks in HR and every firm
should design the structure so that all activities can be effectively and efficiently performed.

Ans 3a.


Businesses can utilize HR planning in order to build their human capital, and also prepare for the
future. Employers can employ a Human Resource Planning process (HRP) to ensure that their
currently assigned tasks are given to skilled employees. Additionally, it helps companies identify
human resource initiatives for the future to enable them to achieve their goals without cutting the
amount of staff or redundancy. The human resources plan process determines how many
employees are needed.

Concept and Analysis

Human resource planning

Analyzing business goals: If an organization has plans for human resources is to analyze
business objectives. This study will assist the employees to create a list and analyze the HR
activities which are required to meet the defined goals and objectives within the stipulated time.
Business environment scanning: Organizations should take into consideration the following
aspects when creating an HR Plan.

 The political environment of a nation includes its the political system as well as the
government's commercial approach. Stable politics attract investors.

 The economic environment is a crucial element of a nation's external environment. There are a
myriad of indicators available to evaluate the economy of a nation.

 Socially-cultural environments refer to a society's values, beliefs opinions, attitudes and


 The technological environment has a variety of technological advances that impacts the
functioning of an organization. Internet has helped make communication easier and speedier in
the past two decades.

Balance between manpower supply and demand: This step is one of the most important steps
in the HRP process. This step involves bringing demand for manpower and supply to an
equilibrium level. This process is carried out in order to resolve situations such as manpower
shortage or surplus. HR could make use of new hires promotions, overtime, and promotions to
improve quality when there is an absence. In the event of an overstaffing situation or manpower
shortages employees could be dismissed, laid off or choose to retire on their own.

Implementing the HR program and maintaining it: Once demand and supply are levelled, the
program is to be implemented and controlled. The HR-related activities that are that are required
to implement the plan for HR include hiring, selection, training and development, and so on. HR
must review the plan to ensure that it is aligned with the organisation's goals. HR takes corrective
action for deviations. HRP information is recorded for future use.


A-one Solutions has limited the requirements of human resource planning. They first analysed
business goals, including growth goals and expansion plans. If the political climate favors the
industry it will expand and will employ greater numbers of workers. Social, economic as well as
legal aspects all play an important role. In the following step, supply is assessed to make sure
that sufficient workers are available to satisfy demand. The HR plan is then put into place.


The planning of the future is challenging because it's impossible to recognize with assurance
what will happen in the near future, nor to forecast all potential growth. To create specific plans
it is crucial to have a solid understanding of HR dynamics and the aspects.

Ans 3b.


The HR demand forecast is an approach to estimate the future amount and quantity of employees
needed. The forecast is created by analyzing long-term corporate plans, which are then converted
into activity levels for each department and function. The variables that affect demand forecast
include: domestic and international competition political and economic environment budgetary
constraints, and production levels.

Concept and Analysis

Qualitative methods of human resource demand forecasting:

Delphi method: The Delphi technique is one of the most efficient methods to forecast demand
for human resources. In this technique, a select group of experts are responsible for forecasting
demand. They evaluate the HR requirements. The report summarizes experts' answers. This
process is repeated until all experts are in agreement on the requirements for human resources. In
organisations that are subject to frequent technological changes and technological advancements,
the Delphi technique reduces the degree of subjectivity to prediction.

Managerial judgment: The forecasts are reviewed and agreed upon with departmental leaders.
They base their decisions on their experiences and the supervision they perform with employees
currently employed. When they have finished the meeting, they determine the quantity that is
needed, which will give the HR the expected demand for labour. It can be done using a 'bottom-
up' or a top - down approach. The bottom-up approach requires supervisors present an estimate
prior to their line managers. They go through it and submit it to the top management who check
the estimates and decide on company forecasts. Top managers apply the "top-down" approach to
calculate the amount and size of employees that an organization needs.

Expertly forecasts: HR professionals may require input from HR experts about the future
personnel requirements for their businesses. Experts can predict the future requirements of the
human resources department of an organization in addition to the knowledge and experience
needed to achieve its goals. This is the reason it is important to be noted that HR experts may be
either internal or external to an organisation.

Ratio Analysis: It is the most effective method for forecasting. These strategies include
analyzing previous ratios such as the ones between staff members as well as large cash flows.
They look forward to future ratios that take into consideration changes to the structure or the
method. The way they approach the goal.

Regression Analysis: The analysis is able to be compared to an exchange price trend. It is based
on the correlation between sales volume and staff size. It is statistically more complex.


While there are many qualitative ways of forecasting demand However, the Delphi method is the
one that is most commonly used. As given in the question, HR assessment is not working as it
should, so Delphi approach could fulfill the purpose. This method is based on the human
resource requirements as determined by experts. mangers. Human resource experts collect the
information, compile the answers, and finally create a report. The process continues until all
experts have reached an agreement on the estimated amount of human resources.

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