HIRARC Example

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1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Risk Control


Recommended Control

No Work Activity Hazard Consequence/ Effects Exixting Risk Control PIC

1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Risk Control


Recommended Control

No Work Activity Hazard Consequence/ Effects Exixting Risk Control PIC

1 Repair Former/Clean Broken former Finger injury, hand injury 3 2 6 (M) Cotton Glove On Job Training Maintenance
Former Supervisor

2 Cutting using power Flying dust Eye irritation, Eye strain 3 2 6 Goggle On Job Training Maintenance
cutter (M) Supervisor
Hot Spark 3 2 6 Goggle On Job Training
Eye irritation, Eye strain, Skin
3 Welding Flying dust Eye irritation, Eye strain 3 2 6 (M) Welding shield On Job Training

Hot Spark 3 2 6 Welding shield On Job Training

Eye irritation, Eye strain, Skin (M)
irritation Chargeman
Exposed, uncovered Electrical shock 3 3 9 Housekeeping Periodically Electrical
and broken wire (M) inspection
Fire Skin burning 3 3 9 Fire extinguisher, Fire On Job Training
(M) Drill
4 Housekeeping Entanglement of wire Slip trip and Fall 4 NIL 5S
2 2 (L)
Dusty surface Slip trip and fall 2 2 4 NIL 5S Supervisor

5 Using Forklift in Physical hazard from Physical injury to body 2 3 6 Only trained & certified On Job Training
workplace crushing (M) employees allowed to Maintenance
handle this equipment Supervisor

6 Climbing stairway Falling down Physical injury to body 2 3 6 Safety harness On Job Training
6 Climbing stairway Falling down Physical injury to body 2 3 6 Safety harness On Job Training


Most likely The most likely result of hazard/event being realized 5
Possible Has a good chance of occuring and is not unusual 4
Conceivable Might be occur at sometime in future 3
Remote Has not been known to occur after many years 2
Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred 1


Catastrophic Numerous fatalities, irrecoverable property damage and productivity 5

Fatal Approximately one single fatality major property damage if hazard is 4

Serious Non-fatal injury, permanent disability (More than 4 days MC) 3

Minor Disabling but not permanent injury (Less than 3 days MC) 2

Negligible Minor abrasion, bruises, cuts, first aid type injury 1

1 2 3 4 5 High (H)
5 5 10 15 20 25 Medium (M)
4 4 8 12 16 20 Low (L)
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
20th February 2019

1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Risk Control



No Work Activity Hazard Consequence/ Effects Exixting Risk Control PIC
Control Measures

1 Adding chemicals into High temperature of Skin burning, skin laceration 1 3 3 PPE such as On Job Training Production
cleaning/washing tank water (60- 65 ◦C, 70- ( L) goggle,rubber glove Executive/
75◦C) head cap,mask, face Supervisor
Direct eye contact to Eye irritation/damage, 3 3 9 PPE such as On Job Training
Nitric Acid and lachrymation, photophobia (M) goggle,rubber glove and
Pottasium Hydroxide head cap, mask, face
(KOH) shield

Swallowed Nitric Acid Chemical burn to oral cavity, 1 4 4 PPE such as On Job Training
or A100 and Pottasium gastrointestinal tract followed by (M) goggle,rubber glove,
Hydroxide (KOH) ingestion head cap, face shield

2 Adding chemicals into dipping Bad odour of Ammonia Dizziness, fatique 2 3 6 PPE such as On Job Training Production
tank NH3 (M) goggle,rubber glove, Executive/
head cap, face shield Supervisor
Direct eye contact with Skin burning, skin laceration 1 3 3
acid (L)

Swallowed chemicals Skin burning, skin laceration 1 3 3 (L)

3 Manually adding Calcium, Direct eye contact to Eye irritation 1 3 3 (L) PPE such as mask, On Job Training Production
Ammonia, to coagulant tank Ammonia rubber glove, goggles, Executive/
head cap, face shield Supervisor
head cap, face shield Supervisor

Bad odour of Ammonia Dizziness, fatique 1 3 3

NH3 (L)
4 Manual taking sample for lab Direct contact to mixing Skin itchy 1 3 3 PPE such as mask, On Job Training Production
testing chemical (L) rubber glove, goggles, Executive/
head cap Supervisor

5 Replacement water at Exposed to high Dehydration, fatingue, 1 2 2 (L) PPE such as mask, On Job Training Production
Leaching Tank temperature oversweating rubber glove, goggles, Executive/
Pre Leaching (60-70◦C) head cap Supervisor
Post Leaching (70-80◦C)

Poor lighting Slip, trip and fall 2 1 2 (L) Spot light installation Provide more lighting
facility/ equipment

6 Stripping Exposed to high level of Hearing impairment, dizziness 3 2 6 PPE such as Earplug, On Job Training Production
noise (M) Rotation system (Once Executive/
in 2 hours) Supervisor

7 Online Packing Exposed to high level of Hearing impairment, dizziness 3 2 6 PPE such as Earplug On Job Training Production
noise (M) Executive/
Long standing 2 1 2 (L) Rotation system On Job Training
Repetitive work 2 1 2 (L) Rotation system Warming up before
Tiredness start work

Overload manual Backpain 2 1 2 (L) Correct manual handling On Job Training on

loading techniques correct way to manual

High ambient Tiredness, dehydration 3 1 3 (L) Drink a lot of water, On Job Training
temperature Work rest for 15
minutes morning session
and everning session,
Work Rotation

8 Housekeeping Slippery floor Slip, trip and fall cause body 1 2 2 PPE such as rubber On Job Training Production
injury, bruishes (L) boots, buddy system Executive/
Entanglement of water Slip, trip and fall cause body 1 2 2 (L) 5S system On Job Training
pipe injury, bruishes
Direct eye and skin Eye and Skin irritation 1 2 2 (L) PPE such as chemical
contact to chemical glove, rubber boots
waste On Job Training

9 Repairing the production line Exposed to sharp cutting Hand and finger injury 2 2 4 PPE such as cotton On Job Training Chargeman
by maintenance department tools and drill machine (L) glove, only trained and
certified employees can
handle this equipment

Stuck by moving Hand and finger injury 4 3 12 PPE such as cooton On Job Training
equipement or machine (L) glove, only trained and
certified employees can
perform the job

Sharp edges of broken Hand and finger injury 2 2 4 PPE such as cotton On Job Training
former (L) glove,
Only trained and
certified employees can
handle this equipment
10 Glove Tumbling Exposed to high Dizziness, dehydration 2 1 2 Only trained and Drink a lot of water Tumbler Supervisor
temperature (L) certified employees can
work at this area,
Supervision by

Flying powder dust Coughing, flu and itchy eye 2 1 2 Mask, head cap Goggle Tumbler Supervisor


Most likely The most likely result of hazard/event being realized 5
Possible Has a good chance of occuring and is not unusual 4
Conceivable Might be occur at sometime in future 3
Remote Has not been known to occur after many years 2
Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred 1


Catastrophic Numerous fatalities, irrecoverable property damage and productivity 5
Fatal Approximately one single fatality major property damage if hazard is realized 4
Serious Non-fatal injury, permanent disability (More than 4 days MC) 3
Minor Disabling but not permanent injury (Less than 3 days MC) 2
Negligible Minor abrasion, bruises, cuts, first aid type injury 1

1 2 3 4 5 High (H)
5 5 10 15 20 25 Medium (M)
4 4 8 12 16 20 Low (L)
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
20th February 2019

1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Risk Control


Exixting Risk Recommended Control

No Work Activity Hazard Consequence/ Effects PIC
Control Measures

1 Typing/ key in process/ Over work load Finger cramp, 1 2 2 Take 1- 2 minutes chat Correct typing technique,
Computer work Back strain, (L) break Efficient
Eye strain, plan and manage work load

Circuit overload, frayed Electrical Shock 1 2 2 NIL Never use extension cords in
or damaged service and (L) place of permanent wiring,
extension cords, Avoid
Faulty unnecessary use of adapters
equipment and multi-outlets strips

HR Personnel
2 General use of water Heat,sparks, slag which Burn injury 1 2 2 NIL
heater/ electric powered cause by overheat of (L) Appropiate placed fire
electrical appliances extinguisher, remove all
combustibles and fire
hazards from area.
Improper operations and Electrical Shock 1 2 2 Proper switching when Strictly follow
mantainance, improper (L) starting up/shutting manufacturer's instructions
switching device down machine

3 Performing work at the Prolonged usage of Musculoskeletal disorders, 1 2 2 Take 1- 2 minutes chat To adjust screen resolution in
Display Screen Display Screen fatigue, stress, eyesight (L) break order to comfort level.
Equipment Equipment (DSE) problems, facial dermatitis
HR Personnel
Poor Chair set up Fatigue, back pain, poor 1 2 2 Short exercises Adjustment of chair,
posture, neck strain (L) Walking around streching before start work
4 Connection of sockets Defective plugs, sockets Electrical shock, burns, 1 2 2 Electrical equiments Electrical equipment are
or electrical equipment electrical fires and death (L) are switched off and visually checked before each
unplugged before use
making and
adjustments or
performing any
routine maintenance.


Most likely The most likely result of hazard/event being realized 5
Possible Has a good chance of occuring and is not unusual 4
Conceivable Might be occur at sometime in future 3
Remote Has not been known to occur after many years 2
Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred 1


Catastrophic Numerous fatalities,
Approximately oneirrecoverable property
single fatality major damage
propertyand productivity
damage if hazard is 5
Fatal realized 4
Serious Non-fatal injury, permanent disability (More than 4 days MC) 3
Minor Disabling but not permanent injury (Less than 3 days MC) 2
Negligible Minor abrasion, bruises, cuts, first aid type injury 1

1 2 3 4 5 High
5 5 10 15 20 25 Medium
4 4 8 12 16 20 Low
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
20th February 2019

1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Risk Control


Recommended Control

No Work Activity Hazard Consequence/ Effects Exixting Risk Control PIC

1 Preparation of chemical Direct contact to 1 2 2 PPE such as Goggle, Toolbox Meeting Compounding
for latex and Nitrile Dispercure Composite (L) chemical glove, rubber boot Supervisor
Mixing Process (NBR) when stirring Written Work
process Instruction/Procedure,
Chemical Handling
Training,First Aid Training
Direct contact to 1 2 2
Dispercure Composite (L)
(NR)when strirring
Eye and skin irritation

Direct contact to , 1 2 2
Titanium Dioxide,TiO2 (L)
when stiring process

Direct contact to , Zinc 1 2 2

Oxide, ZnO, when (L)

2 Discharging process from Blockage lump cause Skin itchy because of 1 2 2 NIL NIL Compounding
lorry tank to Pure Latex busting because of loosen bursting latex. (L) Supervisor
and Nitrile Latex storage of pump connection
3 Discharging Pure Latex Loosen connection at Skin itchy because of 1 2 2 PPE such as Goggle, Periodic check the Compounding
or Nitrile Latex to Nitrile Latex mixing tank bursting mixing latex (L) chemical glove connection at Nitrile Latex Supervisor
Mixing Tank because of corrosion lead mixing tank.
to spillage from the tank

4 Latex Mixing Direct contact to Skin corrosion/ irritation, 1 2 2 PPE such as Goggle, Toolbox Meeting
Potassium Hydroxide Serious eye damage / (L) chemical glove, rubber boot
(KOH) due to manual irrritation

Direct contact Dispercure Eye and skin irritation 1 2 2 Use pump system for Compounding
Composite (NR) to skin (L) transfering, PPE such as Supervisor
and eye. Goggle, chemical glove,
rubber boot
Written Work

5 Nitrile (NBR) Mixing Direct contact to Skin corrosion/ irritation, 1 2 2 PPE such as Goggle, Toolbox Meeting Compounding
Potassium Hydroxide Serious eye damage / (L) chemical glove, rubber Supervisor
(KOH) due to manual irrritation boot ,Written Work
6 Direct contact Dispercure Eye and skin irritation 1 2 2 PPE such as Goggle, Toolbox Meeting
Composite (NBR) to skin chemical glove, rubber
and eye due to manual boot ,Written Work

Direct contact to , Eye and skin irritation 1 2 2 Use indirect system contact
Titanium Dioxide,TiO2 (L) which is pump system, PPE
Zink Oxide , ZnO, such as Goggle, chemical
glove, rubber boot
Written Work

7 Mixing tank cleaning Direct exposed to Coughing, and nose and 2 2 4 PPE such as Goggle, Toolbox Meeting Compounding
Ammonia odour in long throat irritation. (L) chemical glove, rubber boot Supervisor
period of time. , 3M Respirator


Most likely The most likely result of hazard/event being realized 5
Possible Has a good chance of occuring and is not unusual 4
Conceivable Might be occur at sometime in future 3
Remote Has not been known to occur after many years 2
Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred 1


Catastrophic 5
Numerous fatalities, irrecoverable property damage and productivity
Fatal Approximately one single fatality major property damage if hazard is 4
Serious Non-fatal injury, permanent disability (More than 4 days MC) 3

Minor Disabling but not permanent injury (Less than 3 days MC) 2

Negligible Minor abrasion, bruises, cuts, first aid type injury 1

(L) 1 2 3 4 5 High (H)
5 5 10 15 20 25 Medium (M)
4 4 8 12 16 20 Low (L)
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
20th February 2019

1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Risk Control


Recommended Control

No Work Activity Hazard Consequence/ Effects Exixting Risk Control PIC

1 Lifting by using pallet Overload lifting Back pain, slip dics 1 2 2 NIL On Job Training Store Supervisor
jack materials, wrong (L)

2 Lifting process by Overload lifting Serious body injuries 2 3 6 Forklift handling and On Job Training Store Supervisor
forklift materials cause (M) training, Signage,
overturning Safety helmet,
Safety shoes

Unevenly balanced load Serious body injuries 2 3 6 Forklift handling and On Job Training Store Supervisor
cause overturning (M) training, Signage,
Safety helmet,
Safety shoes
3 Loading process by using Falling object or Serious body injuries 1 2 2 NIL On Job Training Store Supervisor
forklift materials (L)
Unevenly surface cause Serious body injuries 1 2 2
forklift to upside down, (L)
Obstacle materials at the
loading point

Poor arrangement of Material damage 1 2 2

materials (L)

4 Housekeeping Scattered materials on Slip, trip and fall causing body 1 1 1 Designated storage area, On Job Training Store Supervisor
the floor, injury (L) Supersion
by supervisor
Falling object from high Serious head injuries 2 3 6
Most likely The most likely result of hazard/event being realized 5
Possible Has a good chance of occuring and is not unusual 4
Conceivable Might be occur at sometime in future 3
Remote Has not been known to occur after many years 2
Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred 1

SEVERITY (S) EXAMPLE property damage and

Numerous fatalities, irrecoverable RATING
Catastrophic productivity
Approximately one single fatality major property 5
Fatal damage if hazard is realized 4
Non-fatal injury, permanent disability (More than 4
Serious 3
days MC)
Minor Disabling but not permanent injury (Less than 3 days MC 2
Negligible Minor abrasion, bruises, cuts, first aid type injury 1

1 2 3 4 5 High (H)
5 5 10 15 20 25 Medium (M)
4 4 8 12 16 20 Low (L)
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5

1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Risk Control


Recommended Control

No Work Activity Hazard Consequence/ Effects Exixting Risk Control PIC

1 Manual lifting of Awkward posture or Back pain, Back 1 1 1 Buddy system Work Exercise, Rotation system Packing Supervisor
gloves to packing room movement injuries (L) instruction

2 Weighing the gloves Flying powder Sore throat 4 2 8 PPE such as mask NIL Packing Supervisor

3 Packing finished gloves Repetitive motion, Bent Back pain, Back 2 2 4 Rest for 15 minutes in Exercise, Rotation system Packing Supervisor
posture, injuries (L) the morning and
Work instruction
Sharp edges of the Small injuries 1 1 1 NIL NIL
packing materials (L)

Exposed to long Dry skin condition, sleepy 2 1 1 Rest for 15 minutes in NIL
duration of cold (L) the morning and
condition from air everning
conditioner. Work instruction
Long standing Back pain, 2 2 4 Rest for 15 minutes in Exercise, Rotation system
Back injuries (L)the morning and
4 Manual lifting of Overload materials Back pain, tiredness 3 2 6 Rest for 15 minutes in Exercise, Rotation system Packing Supervisor
packed finished product (M) the morning and
to store everning
packed finished product
to store

Repetitive motion, Bent Back pain, tiredness 3 2 6 Rest for 15 minutes in Exercise, Rotation system Packing Supervisor
posture (M) the morning and
Work instruction
5 Housekeeping Scattered floor Slip, trip and fall 1 1 1 5S system Daily Housekeeping Packing Supervisor


Most likely The most likely result of hazard/event being realized 5
Possible Has a good chance of occuring and is not unusual 4
Conceivable Might be occur at sometime in future 3
Remote Has not been known to occur after many years 2
Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred 1


Numerous fatalities, irrecoverable property damage and RATING
Catastrophic productivity
Approximately one single fatality major property damage if 5
Fatal hazard is realized 4
Non-fatal injury, permanent disability (More than 4 days
Serious 3
Minor Disabling but not permanent injury (Less than 3 days MC) 2
Negligible Minor abrasion, bruises, cuts, first aid type injury 1


(L) 1 2 3 4 5 High (H)
5 5 10 15 20 25 Medium (M)
4 4 8 12 16 20 Low (L)
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5

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