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This semester we’ll be together to discuss

yet another important course!

ME 331
Heat & Mass Transfer

Instructor: Asst. Prof. ABDUL NAEEM KHAN

Office: 215 (E) First Floor
Contact: [email protected]
Phone: 9085 6075
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 1
Course Description:
This course aims to provide the basic understanding of heat
and mass transfer principles involved in thermo-fluids and
other related fields. The students are intended to use the
subject matters in analyzing and solving the real life as well
as industrial heat transfer problems.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
Level of
To analyze the basic principles of heat and
1 PLO 2 C4
mass transfer.
To solve the real life/industrial heat transfer
2 problems by applying different modes of heat PLO 2 C3
To apply different techniques of heat
3 PLO 3 C3
exchanger design. Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 2
Text Book
Text Book

Heat and Mass Transfer: A Practical Approach

Yunus Cengel (2nd or later Ed)
Primarily we’ll follow the text book!

Reference Books
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer
Frank P. Incropera (Author), David P. DeWitt (Author) 7th Edition

Heat Transfer
J.P Holman (8th Edition)

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 3

Course Outline
• Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
• Heat Transfer Mechanisms
 Conduction
 Convection
 Radiation


• One-Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation
• General Heat Conduction Equation
• Boundary and Initial Conditions
• Solution of Steady One-Dimensional


• Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls
• Thermal Contact Resistance
• Generalized Thermal Resistance Networks
• Critical Radius of Insulation
• Heat Transfer in Common Configurations
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 4
Course Outline
• Physical Mechanism on Convection
• Classification of Fluid Flows
• Velocity Boundary Layer
• Thermal Boundary Layer
• Laminar and Turbulent Flows


• Distinguish between Internal & External flow.
• Evaluate drag and heat transfer associated with flow over flat plat.
• Flow over tube banks.
• Determine the Pressure drop & Heat transfer coefficient.


• Mean Velocity and Mean Temperature
• The Entrance Region
• General Thermal Analysis

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 5

Course Outline
• Boiling Heat Transfer
• Condensation Heat Transfer
• Film wise & Drop wise Condensation


• Thermal radiations and their properties
• Atmospheric and solar radiations


• Types of Heat Exchangers
• The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
• Analysis of Heat Exchangers
• The LMTD Effectiveness–NTU Method


• Analogy between heat and mass transfer
• Simultaneous heat and mass transfer
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 6
Heat Transfer Course

• The background knowledge we

have related to the topics comes
– Basic Physics
– Thermodynamics
– Fluid Mechanics
• Let’s figure it out and identify their

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Heat Transfer: An Introduction
Difference between thermodynamics and heat transfer

Heat Transfer Complement Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics deals with energy in the form of both heat and

work, and tells us:
• How much heat is transferred (dQ)
• How much work is done (dW)
• Final state of the system
Heat transfer considers the heat energy only and additionally
• The mode involved in transferring heat (dQ)
• The rate at which dQ is transferred
• Temperature distribution inside the body
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 8
Heat Transfer: An Introduction
With Engineering perspective, Heat Transfer problems can be
grouped into:
Rating Problems
Determination of heat transfer from existing system at the
specified temperature difference.

Sizing Problem
To determine the size of the system capable of transferring heat
at specified rate and at the specified temperature difference.

Heat Transfer Problems can be studied:

Testing and taking measurements
Theoretical analysis or calculations
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Heat Transfer: An Introduction
Analytical Analysis of Physical Problems

Physical Problem (2)

(1) Make reasonable
Identify assumptions and
important approximations
Apply relevant
physical laws (4)

Differential Equation/s
(5) Apply applicable Apply boundary and
solution initial conditions

Solution of the Problem
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(Heat & Mass Transfer)

Introductory Concepts

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 11

Heat Transfer: An Introduction
Heat is energy in transit due to differences in temperature
between two systems.

Heat always flows from the system with a higher temperature

towards the system or systems at lower temperature.

System 1 System 2

System in a System in a low

high energy energy density
density state state
Arrow represents heat which
is being transferred from
system 1 (at high temp) to
system 2 (at lower temp)

Heat being dynamic form of energy, before it is transferred, the energy

which remains within the boundary of the system is not heat, but
internal energy or total available energy.
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 12
Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
• Heat Capacity is the ratio of the amount of heat
energy transferred to an object to the resulting
increase in its temperature [kJ/oC].
• Heat capacity is an intrinsic physical property of a
substance that measures the amount of heat required
to change that substance’s temperature by a given
• It is mass dependent that is applicable to any type of
matter, and is the ratio of heat transfer “Q” to change
in temperature “∆T.”
The Specific Heat (C) states how
many kilojoules are required to
increase the temperature of 1 kg of
material by 1 K (or 1oC) [kJ/kg.oC].
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Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
• “Specific Heat” sounds similar to Heat Capacity but the
Specific Heat refers to the needed heat to adjust the
temperature of a single unit of a substance’s mass by one
degree. It makes use of energy / mass / degree units.
• “Heat Capacity” is the extensive variable because the
quantity of a particular matter is directly proportional to
its heat capacity.
• This means that the bigger the matter, the bigger is its
resulting heat capacity
• By contrast, “Specific Heat” is an intensive variable, which
means an attribute belonging to a specific substance and
not to any matter in general.
• Let’s pick-up some practical situations!

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Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity

When both kettles are switched on at the same time, Why the water in
kettle “Q” takes longer time to boil compared to water in kettle “P”???

This is because greater mass of water requires greater amount of heat

to boil. More heat energy is required to increase the temperature of
water in kettle “Q” compared to “P”.

Which kettle have higher heat capacity???

Water in kettle “Q” is said to have higher heat capacity compared to

water in kettle “P”

With the same temperature a drop of tea cause less injury compared to
the full cup of tea. Isn’t it?

Larger the mass of the object, more heat it can store (more heat
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Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
2 kg 4 kg 4 kg
Aluminum Aluminum Copper
Need 1800 J Need 3600 J Need 1540 J
of heat to of heat to of heat to
increase 1oC increase 1oC increase 1oC
of Temp of Temp of Temp

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 16

Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
2 kg 4 kg 4 kg
Aluminum Aluminum Copper
Need 1800 J Need 3600 J Need 1540 J
of heat to of heat to of heat to
increase 1oC increase 1oC increase 1oC
of Temp of Temp of Temp

3 objects with different heat capacities because different amounts

of heat are required to raise their temperature by 1oC.
A and B both are made of aluminum but masses are different, so
will be the Heat Capacities
B and C both have the same mass but material is different, so will
be the Heat Capacities
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Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
1 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Aluminum Aluminum Copper
Need 900 J of Need 900 J of Need 385 J of
heat to increase heat to increase heat to increase
1oC of Temp 1oC of Temp 1oC of Temp

A and B have same material and equal masses so equal

amount of heat is required to raise the temp by 1oC

Different materials are said to have different Specific Heat Capacity

Generally, liquid has more specific heat capacity than
solids. This means that liquids need more heat energy
than solids for the same rise in temperature.
Compare it with your understanding of Specific Heat of a
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 18
Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
Characteristics of objects with Low specific heat:
 Heat up fast
Show faster increase in temperature
 Cool down Fast
Show faster decrease in temperature
 Sensitive to temperature changes
A thermometer is made up of low specific heat capacities

Characteristics of objects with High specific heat:

 Heats up and cool down at the slower rate
Require more heat to raise its temperature by a specific amount
 Absorb large amount of heat

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 19

Heat Transfer: Heat Transfer Rate and Heat Flux
The amount of heat transferred during the process is
denoted by Q.
The amount of heat transferred per unit time is called heat
transfer rate, and is denoted by Q . The over dot stands for the
time derivative, or “per unit time.”
The heat transfer rate Q has the unit J/s, or Watts [W].
When the rate of heat transfer is available, then the total
amount of heat transfer Q during a time interval t can be
determined from: t
Q   Qdt ( J )
The rate of heat transfer per unit area normal to the direction of
heat transfer is called heat flux.
The average heat flux is expressed as: q  Q / A (W / m )

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Fig 1-12



10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 21

First Law of Thermodynamics
The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the conservation of
energy principle, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed;
it can only change forms.

The net change (increase or decrease) in the total energy of the system
during a process is equal to the difference between the total energy
entering and the total energy leaving the system during that process:

 Total energy   Total energy   Change in the 

 entering the    leaving the    total energy of 
     
 system   system   the system 
     
Ein  Eout  Esys
Net energy transfer Changein int ernal energy
by heat , work and masstransfer
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 22
Example 1-2
1.2 kg of liquid water initially at 15°C is to be heated to 95°C in a teapot
equipped with a 1200-W electric heating element inside.

The teapot is 0.5 kg and has an average specific heat of 0.7 kJ/kg·°C.

Taking the specific heat of water to be 4.18 kJ/kg·°C and disregarding

any heat loss from the teapot,

Determine how long it will take for the water to be heated ????/

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Example 1-2-Solution
Given: Find out:
Initial temperature of
The time to heat up water from
water = 15oC 15oC to 95oC
Required final
temperature = 95oC

Mass of Tea pot = 5 kg

Cp_teapot= 0.7 kJ/kg-oC

Cp_water= 4.18 kJ/kg-oC

Heat in put= 1200 W= Assumptions?????

1200 J/s
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Example 1-2
Ein  Eout  Esys Energy Balance of the system

Ein  U sys  U water  Uteapot

Ein  U sys  (mCT )water  (mCT )teapot

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Example 1-3
A 5-m-long section of an air heating system of a house passes
through an un-heated space in the basement.
The cross section of the rectangular duct of the heating system is
20 cm  25 cm.
Hot air enters the duct at 100 kPa and 60°C at an average velocity of
5 m/s.
The temperature of the air in the duct drops to 54°C as a result of
heat loss to the cool space in the basement
Determine the rate of heat loss from the air in the duct to the
basement under steady conditions.

Also, determine the cost of this heat

loss per hour if the house is heated by
a natural gas furnace that has an
efficiency of 80 %, and the cost of the
natural gas in that area is $0.60/therm
(1 therm =100,000 Btu = 105,500 kJ).

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Example 1-3
The rate of heat loss is obtained from:
Q  m c p T [J/s]
Mass flow rate of air= ρVeA=?
Air velocity, Ve = 5m/s

P/ = RT

 = 100/(0.287*(60+273)) Cross-Sectional area of the duct

 =1.046 kg/m3
Mass flow rate of air through duct = ρVA
Such that: ρVA = (5  0.05 1.046) = 0.2615 kg/s
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Example 1-3

Qloss  mC p T
 0.2615*1.007 *(60  54)
Qloss  1.58 kJ / s  kW

( Rateof heat loss)( per unit cos t of elec)

Cost of the heat loss is 
Furnace eff

[(1.58)(0.6/105500)  (0.8)] = 1.1232105 $/S

Cost of heat loss = 1.1232105  3600 = 0.04044 $/hr

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ME 331
Heat & Mass Transfer

Heat Transfer Mechanisms

Instructor: Asst. Prof. ABDUL NAEEM KHAN

Office: 215 (E) First Floor
Contact: [email protected]
Phone: 9085 6075
Heat Transfer Mechanisms
You already have good concept of the modes of Heat Transfer!
Conduction Convection Radiation
Identify these in the following pictures:

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 30

Heat Transfer Mechanisms

Heat flow

Conduction Convection Radiation

Solid Liquid Gaseous Vacuum



10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 31

Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction
Conduction is the transfer of heat through materials by
the direct contact of matter.
Conduction is the transfer of energy from the more
energetic particles of a substance to the adjacent less
energetic ones as a result of interactions between the
Dense metals like copper and aluminum are very good
thermal conductors
Conduction can take place in solids, liquids, or gases.
In gases and liquids, conduction is due to the collisions and diffusion of the
molecules during their random motion
In Conduction
-- Energy transfer is at a molecular level
-- No physical movement of the material
Those materials that conduct heat well are called thermal conductors, and those
that conduct heat poorly are known as thermal insulators.
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction
Every atom is physically
bonded to its neighbors in
some way.
If heat energy is supplied to
one part of a solid, the atoms
vibrate faster.

As they vibrate more, the

bonds between atoms are
shaken more.
This passes vibrations on to
the next atom, and so on

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction

In metals, not only do

the atoms vibrate more
when heated, but the
free electrons charge
move around more as

These transfer the

energy much faster
than just vibrations in
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction
A thermal insulator is a material that conducts heat
Heat flows very slowly through the plastic so that the
temperature of your hand does not rise very much.

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction
The rate of heat conduction through a plane layer is
proportional to the temperature difference across the layer
and the heat transfer area, but is inversely proportional to
the thickness of the layer.


In the limiting case of x  0, the equation above reduces

to the differential form

This is called the Fourier’s law of heat conduction. Here:

• k is proportionality constant called the conductivity of the material
• dT/dx is the temperature gradient (which is the slope of the temperature curve on a T-x
diagram i.e. the rate of change of T with x, at location x)
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction
Consider Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction:

Variables for conduction are: Area (A) is normal to

the heat flow direction

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Thermal Conductivity
Thermal conductivity, κ , is the property of a material's ability to
conduct heat.
Thermal conductivity is measured in watts per meter-oC (W/m.oC)

• A good thermal conductor transmits any heat applied to it throughout the

• The opposite of a thermal conductor is a thermal insulator, which prevents heat
from traveling through it.
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Thermal Conductivity and Specific Heat
Specific Heat capacity
 Specific heat cp as a measure of a material’s ability to store thermal

 For example, cp= 4.18 kJ/kg·°C for water and cp= 0.45 kJ/kg·°C for iron
at room temperature.
 Which indicates that water can store almost 10 times the energy that iron
can per unit mass

Thermal Conductivity
 k = 0.608 W/m·°C for water and k = 80.2 W/m·°C for iron at room
 This indicates that iron conducts heat more than 100 times faster than
water can.
 Thus we say that water is a poor heat conductor relative to iron, although
water is an excellent medium to store thermal energy
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Thermal Conductivity
Engineering Challenge: If we are keeping hot water in a
cup and want to keep the temperature for a long time,
what should be our consideration for the thermal
conductivity and specific heat capacity of the cup???
The heat must not be given out by the cup.
So the thermal conductivity of the material of the cup must have a
low value.
The specific heat capacity of the water is very high.
In comparison with that the specific heat capacity of the material
of the cup must be very low.
Resultantly: the inside of the cup will quickly come to an
equilibrium temperature by taking a small amount of heat
from water and hence it will not cool water quickly.
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Thermal Conductivity
The thermal conductivity of a
substance is normally highest in
the solid phase and lowest in
the gas phase.
Unlike gases, the thermal
conductivities of most liquids
decrease with increasing
temperature, (water is a notable
Like gases, the conductivity of
liquids decreases with
increasing molar mass.
Figure 1–26 (text)

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction Thermal Diffusivity

Thermal Diffusivity () reveals the material’s ability to conduct heat

relative to its ability to store heat; it is expressed as:

Thermal conductivity k represents how well a material conducts heat.

Heat capacity Cp represents how much energy a material stores per unit
Therefore, the thermal diffusivity of a material can be viewed as the ratio
of the heat conducted through the material to the heat stored per unit
The larger the thermal diffusivity, the faster the propagation of heat into
the medium.
A small value of thermal diffusivity means that heat is mostly absorbed by
the material and a small amount of heat will be conducted further.
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction Thermal Diffusivity

• Note that the thermal diffusivity

ranges from  = 0.1410−6 m2/s
for water to 14910−6 m2/s for
silver (a large difference of more than
a thousand times).
• Also note that the thermal
diffusivities of beef and water
are the same.
• This is because meat, fresh
vegetables and fruits are mostly
water, and thus they possess the
thermal properties of water.

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction Example
The roof of an electrically heated home is 6 m long, 8 m wide, and 0.25
m thick and is made of flat layer of concrete whose thermal conductivity
is k = 0.8 W/m·°C

The temperatures of the inner and the outer surfaces of the roof one night
are measured to be 15°C and 4°C, respectively, for a period of 10 hours.


(a) the rate of heat loss through the roof that


(b) the cost of that heat loss to the home

owner if the cost of electricity is
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction Example


1. Steady operating conditions exist during the entire night since the
surface temperatures of the roof remain constant at the specified
2. Constant properties can be used for the roof

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction Example

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Convection

Convection between a solid surface and the

adjacent liquid or gas that is in motion, involves
combined effects of conduction and fluid

The faster the fluid motion, the greater the

convection heat transfer

Heat transfer between a solid surface and the

adjacent fluid is by pure conduction

As the fluids become warmer, they become

less dense and rise away from the body in
respect to the surrounding colder fluids,
allowing the colder fluids to take their place.
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Convection

Convection is called forced

convection if the fluid is forced to
flow over the surface by external
means such as a fan, pump, or the

In contrast, convection is called

natural (or free) convection if the
fluid motion is caused by buoyancy
forces that are induced by density
differences due to the variation of
temperature in the fluid
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Convection

 Convection depends on surface area.

 If the surface contacting

the fluid is increased, the
rate of heat transfer also
 Almost all devices made for
convection have fins for
this purpose.
 Fins increase the surface area
and hence the convection heat
transfer process!
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Convection
The rate of convection heat transfer is observed to be proportional to
the temperature difference, and is conveniently expressed by
Newton’s law of cooling as:
Qconv  hAs (Ts  T ) (W )
Here h is the convection heat transfer coefficient in W/m2·°C.
As is the surface area through which convection heat transfer takes place.
Ts is the surface temperature, and
T is the temperature of the fluid sufficiently far from the surface.

Note that: the convection heat transfer coefficient h is not a

property of the fluid.
It is rather an experimentally determined parameter whose value
depends on all the variables influencing convection such as:
 Surface geometry  Nature of fluid motion
 Fluid properties The bulk fluid velocity

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Radiation

How does heat energy get from There are no particles

the Sun to the Earth?
between the Sun and the
So it CANNOT travel by
conduction or by

It travels through RADIATION

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Radiation

When thermal radiation emitted from

some source falls onto an object, some
combination of THREE things will
• The radiation will be absorbed by
the surface of the object, causing its
temperature to change.
• The radiation will be reflected
from the surface of the body,
causing no temperature change.
• The radiation will pass completely through the object
(transmitted), causing no temperature change.
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Radiation
The maximum rate of radiation that can be emitted from a surface at an
absolute temperature Ts (K) is given by the Stefan–Boltzmann law as:

Qemitted _ max  AsTs4

𝑄 = heat transfer per unit time (W)

σ = 5.6703 10 8 (W/m2K4) - The Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
T = Temperature Kelvin (K)
A = area of the emitting body (m2)

The idealized surface that emits radiation at this maximum rate is

called a Blackbody.
The radiation emitted by a black-body is called Blackbody Radiation.

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Radiation

Black Body
• A black body is an idealized object that absorbs all
electromagnetic radiation it comes in contact with.
• It then emits thermal radiation in a continuous spectrum
according to its temperature.
• Also blackbody refers to an opaque object that emits thermal
• A perfect blackbody is one that absorbs all incoming light and
does not reflect any.
• At room temperature, such an object would appear to be
perfectly black (hence the term blackbody).
• A blackbody is an idealized object which absorbs and emits all

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Radiation
The radiation emitted by all real surfaces is less than the radiation
emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature, and is expressed as:

Qemitted  AsTs4

Where ε is the emissivity of the surface

The emissivity of a material (ε or e) is the relative ability of its surface to

emit energy by radiation.
Emissivity is the ratio of energy radiated by a particular material to
energy radiated by a black body at the same temperature.
A true black body would have an ε = 1; while any real object would have
ε < 1.
Emissivity is a dimensionless quantity.
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Radiation
Another important radiation property of a surface is its
absorptivity .
Absorptivity is the fraction of the radiation energy incident on a surface
that is absorbed by the surface, its value is in the range 0    1
A blackbody absorbs the entire radiation incident on it and is a perfect
absorber (= 1) as it is a perfect emitter

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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Radiation

The rate at which a surface absorbs radiation is

determined from:
Qabs   Qincident

For opaque (non-transparent) surfaces, the portion of

incident radiation not absorbed by the surface is reflected
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Summary

Conduction - Fourier’s law of heat conduction

(Area)(Temp difference)
Rate of heat conduction 
 T2  T1 T
Qcond  kAs  kAs [W]
x x
Convection – Newton’s Law of Cooling
Qconv  hAs (Ts  T ) (W )

Radiation - Stefan–Boltzmann law

Q rad  As Ts4  Tsurr
 [W]
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Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Summary

Absorptivity (α) is a measure of how much of the

radiation is absorbed by the body.
Reflectivity (ρ) is a measure of how much is
Transmissivity (τ) is a measure of how much
passes through the object.
Emissivity (ε) is a measure of how much thermal
radiation a body emits to its environment.

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Typical Problems
Analysis and Solution

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Consider a person standing in a
breezy room at 20°C.
The exposed surface area and
the average outer surface
temperature of the person are
1.6 m2 and 29°C, respectively,
and convection heat transfer
coefficient is 6 W/m2·°C.

Find the total rate of heat transfer from a person by

both convection and radiation to the surrounding air
and surfaces at specified temperatures.

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 61

1. Steady operating conditions exist.
2. The person is completely
surrounded by interior surfaces of
the room.
3. The surrounding surfaces are at the
same temperature as air in room.
4. Heat conduction to the floor
through the feet is negligible

The emissivity of a person is 0.95

(Table 1– 6)
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• Note that the air in the vicinity of the skin or
clothing will warm up and rise as a result of heat
transfer from the body, initiating natural convection
• Therefore, heat transfer between the person and
the air in the room will be by convection, and not
the conduction.
• The person will also lose heat by radiation to the surrounding wall
• We take the temperature of the surfaces of the walls, ceiling, and
floor to be equal to the air temperature in this case for simplicity,
but we recognize that this does not need to be the case
• These surfaces may be at a higher or lower temperature than the
average temperature of the room air, depending on the outdoor
conditions and the structure of the walls
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 63

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Problem 1-84 (2nd Ed)
An ice chest whose outer dimensions are (30 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm) is
made of 3-cm-thick Styrofoam (k = 0.033 W/m·°C).
Initially, the chest is filled with 40 kg of ice at 0°C.
The inner surface temperature of the ice chest can be taken to be 0°C
at all times.
The heat of fusion of ice at 0°C is 333.7 kJ/kg, and the surrounding
ambient air is at 30°C.
Disregard any heat transfer from the 40-cm x 40-cm base of the ice

Determine how long it will take for

the ice in the chest to melt
completely if the outer surfaces of
the ice chest are at 8°C.

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 65

Problem 1-84 (2nd Ed)

I. Steady operating conditions exist.

II. The inner and outer surface temperatures of the ice chest remain
constant at 0oC and 8oC, respectively, at all times.

III. Thermal properties of the chest are constant.

IV. Heat transfer from the base of the ice chest is negligible.

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 66

Problem 1-84 (2nd Ed)
Disregarding any heat loss through the bottom of the ice chest and using
the average thicknesses, the total heat transfer area becomes

A  (40  6)(40  6)  4  (40  6)(30  6)

FromTopof thebox From 4 walls

 4420 cm 2  0.442 m 2
Dimensions are:
(30 cm  40 cm  40 cm)
The rate of heat transfer to the ice chest is Thickness = 3-cm

T (8  0)C
Q  kA  (0.033 W/m.C)(0.442 m 2 )
L 0.03 m
 ??????
4.72 W

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 67

Problem 1-84 (2nd Ed)
The total amount of heat needed to melt the ice
completely is

Q  mhif  (40 kg)(333.7 kJ/kg) 13,348 kJ

The rate of heat transfer by conduction is :

T 2 (8  0)C
Q  kA  (0.033 W/m.C)(0.4420 m )
L 0.03 m
 ?????
4.72 WW
Then transferring this much heat to the cooler to melt the
ice completely will take
Q 13,348,000 J
t    ?????s
2828000 s = 785.6 hrs
Q ?????J/sJ/s
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 68
Problem 1–41 (2nd Ed)

The ducts of an air heating system pass through an un-heated area.

As a result of heat losses, the temperature of the air in the duct
drops by 3°C.
If the mass flow rate of air is 120 kg/min, determine the rate of heat
loss from the air to the cold environment.

The specific heat of air at room 120 kg/min AIR
temperature is Cp = 1.007 kJ/kg·C
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 69
Problem 1–41 (2nd Ed)
• The kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible
• Constant specific heats at room temperature can be used for air.
• This assumption results in negligible error in heating and air-
conditioning applications.
Take the heating duct as the system. This is a control volume since mass
crosses the system boundary during the process.
We observe that this is a steady-flow process since there is no change
with time at any point and thus:
mCV  0 and ECV  0 120 kg/min AIR

Also, there is only one inlet and one exit ·

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 70
Problem 1–41 (2nd Ed)

Energy Balance:

Ein  Eout  Esystem 0  Ein  Eout

Rate of net energy transfer Rate of change in internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential, etc. energies

mh1  Qout  mh2

Qout  mC p (T1  T2 )

Qout  mC p T  120 kg/min 1.007 kJ/kg C  3C 

 363 kJ / min

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 71

Problem 1-71 (2nd Ed)
Consider a person standing in a room maintained at 20°C at all times.
The inner surfaces of the walls, floors, and ceiling of the house are
observed to be at an average temperature of 12°C in winter and 23°C in
The exposed surface area, emissivity, and the average outer surface
temperature of the person are 1.6 m2, 0.95, and 32°C, respectively.

Determine the rates of radiation heat transfer

between this person and the surrounding
surfaces in both summer and winter

σ = 5.6703 10-8 (W/m2K4) - The

Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 72
Problem 1-71 (2nd Ed)

I. Steady operating conditions exist.

II. Heat transfer by convection is not considered.

III. The person is completely surrounded by the interior

surfaces of the room.

IV. The surrounding surfaces are at a uniform temperature.

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 73

Problem 1-71 (2nd Ed)

(a) Summer: Tsurr = 23+273= 296 K

Qrad   As (Ts4  Tsurr
 (0.95)(5.67 108 W/m 2 .K 4 )(1.6 m 2 )[(32+273) 4  (296 K)4 ]K 4
=84.2 W

(b) Winter: Tsurr = 12+273= 285 K

Qrad   As (Ts4  Tsurr
 (0.95)(5.67 108 W/m 2 .K 4 )(1.6 m 2 )[(32+273)4  (285 K)4 ]K 4
= 177.2 W
Note that the radiation heat transfer from the person more than
doubles in winter
10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 74
Problem 1-77 (2nd Ed)
A 50-cm-long, 800-W electric resistance heating element with diameter
0.5 cm and surface temperature 120°C is immersed in 60 kg of water
initially at 20°C.
a) How long it will take for this heater to raise the water temperature to
b) Also, determine the convection heat transfer coefficients at the
beginning and at the end of the heating process.

The specific heat of water at room

temperature is C = 4.18 kJ/kgC

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Problem 1-77 (2nd Ed)

I. Steady operating conditions exist and thus the rate of heat
loss from the wire equals the rate of heat generation in the
wire as a result of resistance heating.

II. Thermal properties of water are constant.

III. Heat losses from the water in the tank are negligible.

10/21/2020 Lecture by Asst. Prof. NAEEM 76

Problem 1-77 (2nd Ed)
When steady operating conditions are reached, we have

Q  Egenerated  800 W
This is equal to the rate of heat gain by water.

Noting that this is the only mechanism of energy transfer, the time it takes to raise
the water temperature from 20C to 80C is determined to be:

Qin  mC (T2  T1 )
Qin t  mC (T2  T1 )
mC (T2  T1 )
t 
(60 kg)(4180 J/kg.C)(80  20)C
  18,810 s  5.225 h
800 J/s

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Problem 1-77 (2nd Ed)
The surface area of the wire is

As  ( D) L   (0.005 m)(0.5 m) = 0.00785 m2

The Newton's law of cooling for convection heat transfer is expressed as:

Q  hAs (Ts  T )
Assuming all the heat loss from the wire to occur by convection, the convection
heat transfer coefficients at the beginning and at the end of the process are
determined to be:
Q 800 W
h1    1020 W / m 2
As (Ts  T1 ) (0.00785 m )(120  20)C

Q 800 W
h2    2550 W / m 2
As (Ts  T 2 ) (0.00785 m 2 )(120  80)C
A larger heat transfer coefficient is needed to dissipate heat through a smaller temperature
difference for a specified heat transfer rate compared to the larger temperature difference
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End of Lecture

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