Urgency of Building Up First Impression To Have Good Living

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TITLE Urgency of Building up First Impression to Have Good Living

NAME Fahmi Adam Hasby Yoga

Greeting Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Good Day, respectable audience
1. Hook Will Roger, American actor once said. “You never have second chance to
make a first impression”
2. Background First impression is a kind of actions, words, illustrations or initial spoken
Information thoughts that are received by other people in their first time
encountering us.
3. Thesis In this special occasion, I would like tell you that building up first
Statement impression is a necessity for every single person who aims successful
achievements in life.
4. Speech Outline To begin my speech, I would like to tell you three reasons why building
up first impression is a good thing to be done. They are due to the
human memory length, fighting people’s indifference, and way it is
defined in workplace.
Then in the very last part of my speech, I will give my summary.

Body 1:
1. Assertion Firstly, first impression becomes a reminiscence and outline of us before
the eyes of the people.
2. Reason Let’s think of someone in our mind when I ask these questions; who was
the tallest person in your high school days? Who is your friend in this
class having such a shrill voice? And last, who was your first love? Okay,
now that you have the answers in your head, those three people are
actually remembered because of their first impression they left for you.
It came from one’s appearance, one’s voice, and one’s behavior to you
that made you fell in love with him or her.
3. Evidence For instance, Researchers have found out that illustration in form image
and voice are likely to be remembered easily and almost eternally. It is
not really surprising to find out that a person would likely to stay in our
memory when they are unique in appearance, having distinguished
sound, and or once conducting good attitude or behavior towards us.
4. Link Back Therefore, having good impression would be a good investment for us in
someone’s respective mind.
Body 2
1. Assertion Eventually, First impression is defined as a crucial starting point of
employees in their workplaces. Everyone obviously wants to be a worker
someday, right? Regarding first impression, Here is the thing.
2. Reason First impression remains to be put in bosses’ and work partners’ mind
until the very end of the day they work in that particular workplace. It
deals with the so-called “Halo effect”. Halo effect in workplace can be
seen in one new worker once comes to a workplace with a messy hair,
stinky smell, and somehow inappropriate dress. Other people in that
same workplace will suddenly judge directly that the workers might not
be a good worker only by seeing the appearance. It also applies in vice
3. Evidence It could be seen by A research news page in NWI times which suggested
that new workers should show their good first impression by their
positive and progressive attitude, also neat and tidy appearance. The
news also informed that this “halo effect” in first impression inside
workplace contributes major prejudice and potential future prediction
from bosses and working partners towards us.
4. Link Back Hence, first impression is truly urgent to be applied properly especially
but not limited to workplaces.

1. Summary Summarizing my speech, I would like to remind you guys that building up
first impression should be put to a Must-Do list in every step we take if it
is possible. First impression is such an urgent course of action we need
to do since it remains in people’s mind for a long time, of course by
having good first impression. It has to be done referring to get a good
tag in people mind instead of being forgotten. Finally, it also is a crucial
thing especially but not limited for workers to have a well flowing carrier
from time on.
2. Closing Jumping back to the first saying I quoted in my speech, we do not have
statement the second time to make our first impression. So why don’t we give it a
shot? Let us make our great first impression from now on.
3. Closing remarks Thank you for your attention,
Have a nice day, respectable audience
Wassalamualaikumsalam warahmatullah wabarakatuh

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