Bole Road Working Program Main Text
Bole Road Working Program Main Text
Bole Road Working Program Main Text
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Section I. General Description of Construction Scheme
1.0 General Information of the Project
2.0 General Introduction of Scheme
3.0 Division of Road Sections and Construction Order
Section Ⅲ Appendices
a. Organization Chart
b. Proposed Overall Program
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
The work consist construction of 4.3 km of urban asphalt road including earth
works, pavement, minor drainage, major structure and incidental works. The
following major construction activities will be carried out:
Earth Works, cut / fill & material (445,000m3)
Sub-base placing (57,000m3)
Base course placing (39,000m3)
Asphalt concrete (157,000 m2)
Drainage Pipe installation ( 12,700m)
Concrete (21,000 m3)
Reinforcement (2,220 t)
Concrete curb (38,000 m)
Foot Path (52,000 m2)
Road lighting, road signs & traffic marking, including junctions (5.5
(Above information is based on the latest quantity calculated in June 2011)
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
6 Km0+000—Km0+380
7 Km 0+980—Km2+320
Period Ⅱ
8 Km2+320—Km3+200
9 Karamara Bridge
Section Ⅱ Construction Program
1.0 Mobilization of Material, Equipments & Personnel,
1.1 Equipment:
Bole Airport Concrete Plant, Bulbula quarry, Kality quarry, Kality asphalt plant,
Jima pipe and tile plant will be used for this project, other mobilization of
resource can be made from the central office following the scheduled
commencement date of individual activities whenever necessary. All
equipment shall be kept in a good working condition and carefully serviced
before using in the central garage at Kality. The contractor will also use its
central laboratory at Kality and some instrument for routine site inspection
purposes shall be arranged on site for common use of the Engineer and the
1.2 Personnel
A strong project management team will be composed soon, for the time being
a team composed of chief engineer, economist, surveyor, ROW cooperator,
and designer is formed to prepare the issues of commencement. All other site
staff and manpower associated with the central and common use plant and
equipment are still on duty. All remaining technical staff and skilled workers to
be assigned for the project specifically shall be increased gradually on the
basis of the construction plan and actual progress.
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
Section, Construction Section, Personnel and Accounting Section, Material
Procurement Section and General Services. The construction section shall be
further subdivided in to different crews as follows: Earth works Crew,
Pavement Crew, Minor Drainage Crews and Major Structure Crews. The
detail organization chart is as shown in Appendix A.
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
3.2.1 Clearing and grubbing
This work will proceed following the setting out works for the remaining
sections started by the previous Contractor. The clearance of the surfacing
shall be carried out using appropriate machinery. The depth of clearing shall
be determined as directed by the Engineer and in accordance of the width
design. Unsuitable materials shall be disposed off to a designated spoil area.
When executing the clearing works, the gravel materials which could be used
afterwards, would be stockpiled in a separate place as will be designated by
the engineer.
Demolition of the existing structures shall be carried out upon the approval of
the engineer. The area shall also be properly backfilled and the recycled
materials after the demolition should be piled at a spot directed by the
engineer, and kept in good condition. The spoiled materials should be
transported to a spoil area as directed by the engineer.
3.2.2 Roadbed excavation
All the road way excavation shall be carried out using bulldozer and
excavators. The excavated material shall be loaded and dumped to the
designated places.
The earth fill roadbed shall be leveled by bulldozers at first, fine leveled by the
graders and rolled by the vibratory rollers. Rock filling shall be leveled by high-
power bull dozers, rolled by heavy vibration rollers.
3.2.3 Roadbed embankment
1. The degree of compaction and the minimum strength of the fill materials
must comply with the requirements of the specifications.
2. The fill shall be completed by layer. Generally the depth of compaction
shall be about 25cm. When the slope of the fill embankment is bigger than
1:5, make the original ground into a step with a width of 2m and tamp it with
smaller size machinery.
3. According to the fill thickness and the width of the roadbed, calculate the
required fill quantity on every cross section, and level it with graders. Sampling
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
will be taken to measure the moisture and compare it with the optimum moisture
4. After each layer is placed, Carry out compaction test following the
interval as specified in the standards and continue the second layer following
the test results.
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
3.4.1 Constructional method of sub-base
1. Prepare the materials for sub-base and make sure the grading and
the quality comply with the specification.
2. Setting out the surface along the centerline at intervals of 20m,
outside the edges using side stakes and clearly mark the levels on
the side stakes.
3. Determine the requirement of loose volume on each section taking
into consideration the shrinkage factor.
4. Check the moisture content and spray it again if the moisture is not
5. Dump the sub-base material at uniform interval on the finished sub-
grade and spread to the required thickness and make sure that the
surface is even and smooth before compaction.
6. Check the road crown and traverse slope and continue compaction
7. During the rolling process keep the surface wet, and examine the
degree of compaction, until it reaches 95% which is specified in the
specification. No traffic will be allowed on the roadbed before the
completion of the wearing courses.
3.4.2 Construction method of base
1. Check up the grading & moisture content of the crushed stones, to
see if they are in accordance with the requirements.
2. Carry out leveling surveying following the data indicated in the
3. Determine the ratio between the layer thickness before and after
4. Dump and spread the material, right after unloaded from trucks.
5. Compact the material to the required density and check grade
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
1. The supervisor is required to give approval on the surface finish
before proceeding with the spray of the penetration asphalt. Some
water should be spread and wait to dry so as to facilitate easy
2. The limits of spray area have to be clearly marked.
3. The surface must be cleaned against any pollutant foreign matter.
4. The penetration asphalt should be 50-90% bitumen and has to be
applied according to the Specification.
5. Spraying of bitumen should not be allowed during time of strong
wind and rain.
3.5.2 Bitumen concrete road surface
1 .Preparation for construction
a. Crushed stone of desired sizes should be stocked separately and
protected against wetting.
b. Mix Proportioning design should send supervisor for approval.
c. Clean the crushed rock base with broom and spray the penetration
d. All instrument and equipment should be checked before 3 days of
start working of paving the test section which will eventually be part
of the permanent work.
2 .Mixing of bitumen mixed material
a. Every aggregate material should be stock piled and has to be mixed
following the appropriate mix design.
b. Heating of bitumen should be controlled to be within the specified
range of temperature from 150—170 0C. Aggregate is from 160—
1800C. Mixed material should be from 140—165 0C, if temperature is
too high when come out from plant, it should be discarded. Mixed
material reached to site should not be lower than 120—150 0C.
Above temperature should be considered according to actual local
c. Mixed material from plant should be uniform.
3 .Transportation of mixed material
a. Arrange transportation trucks according to the production quantity.
b. Keep the Inside of the trucks clean and waterproof.
c. Mixed material inside the vehicle, if it is lower than regulated
temperature or watered by rain, should not be used.
4. Paving of Asphalt mix
a. The paving machine should be checked to ensure good quality
surface finish. Stopping the machine or change speed should be
avoided during paving.
b. Check quality of mix during construction and take suitable adjustment.
Check thickness and altitude so as to tell machine operator.
c. Use manpower on places not reachable by machine.
5. Rolling of mixed material
a. Make use of road roller, which weigh no less than 15 tons.
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
b. Initial rolling: Roll 1 or 2 times with roller machine, immediately
following the paving machine, the temperature should not be less than
1100C. Secondary rolling: 4—6 times, the temperature is controlled in
80—1000C. Final rolling: 1—2 times, the temperature should not be
lower than 800C. Make use of small rollers to compact if the area is not
accessible for big rollers.
c. Rolling should be done uniformly from lower side to higher side and
conform to the specification requirement.
d. The rollers should be equipped with water Sprinkler so as to avoid
sticking of asphalt on the roller surface.
6. Inspection and Testing
a. According to construction technical requirement, all kinds of tests have
to be carried out carefully.
b. Check pavement thickness, level, width and elevation during
c. All tests results for materials should be reported to supervisor for
Setting out survey control points according to the benchmark and traverse point.
2. Foundation Excavation
Foundation Excavation will be started following the design drawings. In rock section,
hydraulic rock drillers will be used up to the designed bottom level, and then the general
geologic situation of the bottom stratum will be checked together with the Engineer. The
next construction will be continued after the confirmation that bearing capacity of the
3. Blinding Concrete
The blinding concrete will be cast for Convenience of setting out formwork after clean out
Set out the foundation accurately on the Blinding layer, according to the drawing and
5. Formwork
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
Steel formwork fabricated on site to the required shape and dimension will be fixed
6. Concrete Cast
Clean out the formwork to start casting as directed by the Engineer; then curing shall
follow accordingly.
7. Foundation backfilling
Remove the formwork after the foundation concrete reaches the strength then backfill to
The Construction Methods include, but not limited to, the following:
1. Setting Out.
Set out the girder and slab accurately and get the comparison point for setting up the
2. Formwork
Special-made steel formwork will be used, for placing reinforcing steel bars. The
formwork will be set out to ensure dimension of the structure and fix up the formwork
The reinforcing steel bars will be placed after setting out the forms accurately, according
to the design.
4. Concrete Casting
Concrete casting will be started after inspection of formwork setting up. Concrete will be
delivered by concrete truck mixer, and cast by concrete pump truck or other approved
5. Formwork removal
The bottom form work will be removed after the time stated in the specification.
1. Bridge Surfacing
2. Parapet
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
3. Expansion joint of bridge
b. All joint will be fixed under specified temperature and confirm the position
accurately. Joint and wearing of bridge will be combined very well and kept smooth. The
Sub-grade tests
Getting engineer’s
CHART 2 Construction Sequences for Sub base
Getting engineer’s
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
Prime Coat
Trail mixing
Maintain paver
Approval by Engineer
Open to Traffic
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
Deepen and widen the trench Fill gravel Material Check level and compact
Install pipe/ bar placing & cast concrete Cast in precast yard
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
The quality for the concrete mixing shall be controlled by experienced technicians in
accordance with the Specification. The casting and vibrating of the concrete shall be in
accordance with the Specification.
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
Set out
Excavation of foundation
Sample Test
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
Erection of scaffolding
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
survey crew, laboratory technicians, construction supervisors and they will jointly
be responsible to carry out internal supervision and quality assurance works.
b. Experienced and well versed construction personnel shall be assigned.
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
equipment must not be used without repair.
i. Lightning arrester must be installed around oil tankers and sensitive devices and
adequate number of fire extinguisher shall be kept around working places, offices
and workshops.
Bole Ring Road RBT –Meskel Square Road Project ·Work program and Methodology
a. Organization Chart
Construction Department
Deputy Manager
Project Manager
Machinery Department
Chief Engineer
Financial Department
Survey Crew