Thermal Performance of Windows Doors and Shading ISO 15099

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Thermal performance of windows, doors and shading devices: detailed


Article · January 2001


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Hakim Elmahdy
National Research Council Canada


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© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO TC 163
Date: 2000-01-12

ISO/DIS 15099

ISO TC 163 /WG 2

Secretariat: BSTI

Thermal Performance of Windows, Doors and Shading Devices — Detailed

Performance Thermique de Vitrages, Portes et francais francais francais — Calculs detaillés


This document is not an ISO International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to change
without notice and may not be referred to as an International Standard.

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which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Document type: International Standard

Document subtype:
Document stage: (40) Enquiry
Document language: E
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ISO/DIS 15099

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This ISO document is a Draft International Standard and is copyright-protected by ISO. Except as permitted
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ISO/DIS 15099


1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................2
3 Symbols and abbreviated terms ..................................................................................................................3
3.1 Symbols and units.........................................................................................................................................3
3.2 Symbols ..........................................................................................................................................................3
3.3 Subscripts ......................................................................................................................................................4
4 Determination of total window and door system properties.....................................................................5
4.1 Thermal transmittance ..................................................................................................................................6
4.1.1 Glazed area thermal transmittance..............................................................................................................6
4.1.2 Frame area/edge-glass thermal indices ......................................................................................................7
4.1.3 Alternate approach ........................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Total solar energy transmittance .................................................................................................................8
4.2.1 Vision area total solar energy transmittance..............................................................................................8
4.2.2 Frame total solar energy transmittance ......................................................................................................9
4.3 Visible transmittance.....................................................................................................................................9
5 Vision area properties ...................................................................................................................................9
5.1 Glazing layer optics.......................................................................................................................................9
5.1.1 Solar ................................................................................................................................................................9
5.1.2 Long-wave ....................................................................................................................................................10
5.2 Glazing system optics.................................................................................................................................10
5.2.1 Spectral quantities.......................................................................................................................................10
5.2.2 The solar spectrum......................................................................................................................................11
5.2.3 Absorbed amounts of solar radiation........................................................................................................11
5.2.4 Solar transmittance .....................................................................................................................................12
5.2.5 Visible transmittance...................................................................................................................................12
5.3 Vision area heat transfer.............................................................................................................................13
5.3.1 Glazing layer energy balance .....................................................................................................................13
5.3.2 Interaction with the environment ...............................................................................................................14
5.3.3 Convective heat transfer coefficient - glazing cavities............................................................................14
5.3.4 Properties of fill gas mixtures ....................................................................................................................17
6 Frame effects ...............................................................................................................................................19
6.1 Area and lineal thermal transmittance ......................................................................................................19
6.2 Governing equations for calculating thermal transmittance ..................................................................19
6.3 Geometric representation and meshing....................................................................................................20
6.3.1 Geometric representation ...........................................................................................................................20
6.3.2 Meshing ........................................................................................................................................................21
6.4 Solid materials .............................................................................................................................................22
6.5 Effective conductivity - glazing cavities....................................................................................................22
6.6 Effective conductivity - frame cavities ......................................................................................................22
6.6.1 Heat flow downward ....................................................................................................................................23
6.6.2 Heat flow upward .........................................................................................................................................23
6.6.3 Horizontal heat flow.....................................................................................................................................24
6.6.4 Radiant heat flow .........................................................................................................................................28
7 Shading devices ..........................................................................................................................................30
7.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................30
7.1.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................30

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved iii

ISO/DIS 15099

7.1.2 Principle of the calculations .......................................................................................................................30

7.2 Optical properties; general .........................................................................................................................31
7.3 Slat type of shading.....................................................................................................................................32
7.3.1 General..........................................................................................................................................................32
7.3.2 Optical properties ........................................................................................................................................33
7.4 Ventilation.....................................................................................................................................................38
7.4.1 General..........................................................................................................................................................38
7.4.2 Main heat balance equations......................................................................................................................38
7.4.3 Temperatures in the cavity .........................................................................................................................42
7.4.4 Air flow and velocity....................................................................................................................................44
7.4.5 Gas filled cavity with air circulation...........................................................................................................48
7.4.6 Air permeability of slat types of shading devices ....................................................................................48
7.5 Total solar energy transmittance and thermal transmittance.................................................................48
8 Boundary conditions...................................................................................................................................49
8.1 Reference boundary conditions.................................................................................................................49
8.1.1 Winter conditions.........................................................................................................................................49
8.1.2 Summer conditions .....................................................................................................................................50
8.2 Convective heat transfer.............................................................................................................................50
8.2.1 Convective heat transfer coefficient - indoor side ...................................................................................50
8.2.2 Convective heat transfer coefficient - outdoor side.................................................................................52
8.3 Longwave radiation heat transfer ..............................................................................................................54
8.3.1 Mean radiant temperature...........................................................................................................................54
8.3.2 Longwave radiation heat transfer calculation ..........................................................................................55
8.4 Combined convective and radiative heat transfer ...................................................................................57
8.5 Prescribed density of heat flow rate ..........................................................................................................58
8.6 Alternate method for projecting products ................................................................................................58
Annex A (informative) Solution technique for the multi-layer solar optical model ..........................................59
Annex B (normative) Thermophysical fill gas property values ...........................................................................62
Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................................64

iv © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a world-wide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

International Standard ISO 15099 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 163, Thermal Insulation,

 Part [n]:

 Part [n+1]:

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved v

ISO/DIS 15099

This standard describes a procedure to calculate indices of merit of many window and door products. The method
provided in this standard will allow the user to determine total window and door product indices of merit: thermal
transmittance (Ut), Total solar energy transmittance (g-value) and visible transmittance (τt).

Traditionally, windows have been characterised by separately calculating the “dark” or “night-time” Thermal
transmittance and the solar energy transmittance through the fenestration system. The Thermal transmittance
without the effect of solar radiation, is calculated using the procedures in ISO 10292 (equivalent EN 673) (for the
vision portion) and the total solar energy transmittance, without taking into account the actual temperatures of the
various panes, is obtained using ISO 9050. These calculations require the use of reference conditions that are not
representative of actual conditions. The approach taken in ISO/DIS 15099 is different. In this standard the energy
balance equations are set up for every glazing layer taking into account the solar absorptance and actual
temperatures. From these energy balance equations the temperatures of the individual layers and gaps are
determined. The ISO/DIS 15099 is the only standard that takes into account these complex interactions. This
more detailed analysis provides results that can then be expressed as thermal transmittance and g-values and
these values can differ from the results of simpler models.

Individual indices of merit obtained using fixed reference boundary conditions are useful for comparing products.
However, the approach taken in ISO/DIS 15099 is the only way of calculating the energy performance of window
systems for other environmental conditions including those conditions that may be encountered during hot box

Finally it must be emphasized that this standard is intended for use in computer programs. It was never intended
as a “simplified calculation” procedure. Simplified methods are provided in other ISO standards. It is essential that
these programs produce consistent values and that they are soundly based on a standard methodology. Although
more complicated than the formulas used in the simplified standards, the formulas used in ISO/DIS 15099 are
entirely appropriate for their intended use.

It is the intention of this working group to make use of other ISO standards which provide complementary
information and data required for the execution of the algorithms involved. These ISO documents and other
relevant documents are referenced herein.

vi © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved


Thermal Performance of Windows, Doors and Shading Devices —

Detailed Calculations

1 Scope
This standard specifies detailed calculation procedures to determine the thermal and optical transmission
properties (e.g., Thermal transmittance, total solar energy transmittance) of window and door systems based on the
most up-to-date algorithms and methods, and the relevant solar and thermal properties of all components.

Products covered by this standard include windows and doors incorporating:

a) single and multiple glazed fenestration products with or without solar reflective, low-emissivity coatings and
suspended plastic films;

b) glazing systems with pane spacing of any width containing gases or mixtures of gases;

c) metallic or non-metallic spacers;

d) frames of any material and design;

e) fenestration products tilted at any angle;

f) shading devices;

g) projecting products.

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 1

ISO/DIS 15099

2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions, which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

ISO 6946: Building components and elements -Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - Calculation method.

ISO 7345: Thermal insulation Physical quantities and definitions.

ISO 8301: Thermal insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties - Heat flow
meter apparatus.

ISO 8302: Thermal insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties - Guarded
hot plate apparatus.

ISO 8990: Thermal insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties - Calibrated
and guarded hot box.

ISO 9050: Glass in building – Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar energy
transmittance, ultraviolet transmittance and related glazing factors.

ISO 9251, Thermal Insulation - Heat Transfer Vocabulary.

ISO 9288: Thermal insulation - Heat transfer by radiation – Physical quantities and definitions.

ISO 9845-1: Solar energy – Reference solar spectral irradiance at the ground at different receiving conditions - Part
1: Direct and normal hemispherical solar irradiance for air mass 1.5.

ISO/DIS 10077-1 Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters – Calculation of thermal transmittance -
Part 1: Simplified method.

ISO/DIS 10077-2: Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters – Calculation of thermal transmittance -
Part 2: Numerical method for frames.

ISO 10211-1 Thermal bridges in building construction – Heat flow and surface temperatures, Part 1. General
calculation methods.

ISO 10292: Glass in building – Calculation of steady state U-values (thermal transmittance) of multiple glazing.

ISO/DIS 12567: Thermal performance of doors and windows – Determination of thermal transmittance by hot box

ISO/CIE 10526: CIE standard colorimetric illuminats.

ISO/CIE 10527: CIE standard colorimetric observers.

2 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

3 Symbols and abbreviated terms

3.1 Symbols and units

Symbols and units used are in accordance with ISO 7345 and ISO 9288. The quantities, which are specific to this
standard, are defined in table 3.2.

3.2 Symbols

Table 3.2 Symbols

Symbol Definition Units
A area m2
or aspect ratio
Cp specific heat at constant pressure
d thickness (dg= thickness of glazing cavity) m
Es(λ) solar spectral irradiance function (ISO 9845)
Ev(λ) colorimetric illuminance (CIE D65 function, ISO 10526)
g total solar energy transmittance: the portion of radiant solar energy incident
on the projected area of a fenestration product or component that becomes
heat gain in the indoor conditioned space
or acceleration due to gravity m2/s
G irradiance W/m2
or parameter defined in Equation (45)
h film heat transfer coefficient W/(m2·K)
H distance (height of glazing cavity) m
th th
I i+ (λ ) , spectral flux of radiant solar energy between i and i+1 glazing layers
travelling in the external or i internal direction, respectively.
I (λ )

I total flux of incident solar radiation W/m2

J radiosity W/m2
L height of glazing cavity m
U thermal transmittance W/(m2·K)
I length m
n number of glazings + 2
M$ molecular mass mole
Nu Nusselt number
P pressure Pa
q density of heat flow rate W/m2
Q heat flow rate W
ℜ universal gas constant
R thermal resistance m2·K/W
Ra Rayleigh number
Rax Rayleigh number based on length dimension x
R(λ) photopic response of the eye (ISO/CIE 10527)
Si flux of absorbed solar radiation at ith glazing layer W/m2
t thickness m
tperp largest dimension of frame cavity perpendicular to heat flow m
T temperature K
V free-stream air speed near window m/s
x,y dimensions in a Cartesian co-ordinate system
Z pressure loss factor

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 3

ISO/DIS 15099

α absorptance
β thermal expansion coefficient of fill gas K-1
∆Ti temperature drop across ith glazing cavity, ∆Ti = Tf,i–Tb,i+1
ε total hemispherical emissivity
θ temperature °C
or angle degree
σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5 6693x10-8 W/(m2·K4
ϕ function defined in equation (65)
λ thermal conductivity W/(m·K)
or wavelength m
µ dynamic viscosity g/(m·s)
ρ density kg/m3
or specular reflectance: portion of incident radiation reflected such that the
τ transmittance
Ψ linear thermal transmittance W/(m⋅K)

3.3 Subscripts

The subscripts indicated in table 3.3 are used.

Table 3.3 Subscripts

Abbreviation Name
ave average
air air
b backward
c convection
cold condition on the cold side
crit critical
d divider
de divider edge glass
diff diffuse
dir direct
eff effective
e edge of glass
f frame
f front
fr frame (using the alternate approach)
g glass or vision portion
h hot
h horizontal
hot condition on the hot (warm) side
in indoor
j counter
mix mixture
n counter
ne environmental (outdoor)
ni environmental (indoor)
out outdoor
p panel
r radiation
r,m mean radiant
red reduced radiation
s solar
s source or sink

4 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

s surface
surf surface
t total
v vertical
x at distance x
Ψ perimeter
2D coupling

4 Determination of total window and door system properties

This standard presents procedures by which detailed computations can be used to determine the thermal
transmission properties of various product components, which are then used to determine the thermal transmission
properties of the total product. Where national standards allow, test procedures may be used to determine
component and total product properties.

The total properties for window and door products are calculated by combining the various component properties
weighted by either their respective projected areas or visible perimeter. The total properties are each based on
total projected area occupied by the product, At. The projected component areas and the visible perimeter are
shown in Figure 1.


ly= perimeter
length at Ag
sight line
( )


Figure 1 - Schematic diagram showing the window projected areas and vision perimeter

Clause 5 contains the procedure for calculating the required center-glass properties, Ug, gg and τg . Clause 6
contains the procedure to calculate the corresponding frame properties, Uf and gf , as well as the linear thermal
transmittance, Ψ, which accounts for the interaction between frame and glazing or opaque panel. Clause 4
contains the procedure to calculate thermal transmittance, total solar transmittance and visible transmittance for the
complete product. Clause 4.1 contains the procedure to calculate thermal transmittance. The effect of three-
dimensional heat transfer in frames and glazing units is not considered. Clause 4.1.3 contains an alternate
procedure to calculate edge of glass and frame thermal indices Ue, Ud, Ude, and Ufr, which are used in area-based
calculations. Clause 7 contains the procedure for dealing with shading devices and ventilated windows. Clause 8
contains the procedure to determine and apply boundary conditions.

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 5

ISO/DIS 15099

4.1 Thermal transmittance

The thermal transmittance of the fenestration product is:

Ut =
∑ A U + ∑ A U + ∑l
g g f f ψ Ψ

where, Ag and Af are the projected vision area and frame area, respectively. The length of the vision area
perimeter is lΨ. Ψ is linear thermal transmittance and can account for the interaction between frame and glazing or
the interaction between frame and opaque panel (e.g., a spandrel panel).

The summations included in equation (1) are used to account for the various sections of one particular component
type. For example, several values of Af must be used to sum the contributions of different values of Uf
corresponding to sill, head, dividers and side jambs.

4.1.1 Glazed area thermal transmittance

The thermal transmittance can be found by simulating a single environmental condition involving indoor/outdoor
temperature difference - with or without incident solar radiation. The thermal transmittance is the reciprocal of the
thermal resistance.

Ug = (2)

Rt is found by summing the thermal resistances at the outdoor and indoor boundary, and thermal resistances of
glazing cavities and glazing layers. See Figure 2.


… …
h c , in
Tout Tin Trm,in
hc ,out

G ap 1 i i+1 n +1
G lazin g 1 i- 1 i i+ 1 n

Figure 2 - Numbering system for glazing system layers

6 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

n +1 n
Rt = ∑ Ri + ∑ Rg ,i (3)
i =1 i =1

where the thermal resistance of the ith glazing is:

t g,i
Rg,i = (4)
λ g,i

and the thermal resistance of the ith space, where the 1st space is outdoor environment, the last space is
indoor environment, and the spaces in between are glazing cavities, is:
Tni − Tne
Ri = (5)

Where the environmental temperature is a weighted average of the ambient air temperature and the mean radiant
temperature, Trm, which is determined for outdoor and indoor environment in boundary conditions Clause 8.3.1.

T and Trm are weighted, respectively, according to the relative magnitudes of the convective and radiative heat
transfer coefficients (hc and hr) that exist between the surfaces of the fenestration system and the environment.
Thus, Tn is:

hc Tair + hr Trm
Tn = (6)where hc and hr are determined according to the procedure given in Clause 8.
hc + hr

4.1.2 Frame area/edge-glass thermal indices

In order to convert the results of a 2-D numerical analysis to thermal transmittances, it is necessary to record the
rate of heat transfer from the indoor environment to the frame and edge-glass surfaces (in the absence of solar
radiation). The linear thermal transmittance Ψ-values and frame thermal transmittances shall be calculated
according to the following equations.

Ψ = L2 D − U f lf − U glg (7)

where L 2D is thermal coupling coefficient determined from the actual fenestration system.

L2D − U p ⋅ l p
Uf = (8)

where Lp2D is thermal coupling coefficient determined from the frame/foam insert system. Up is the thermal
transmittance of foam insert, lp is the indoor side exposed length of foam insert (minimum 100 mm), lf is the indoor
side projected length of the frame section and lg is the indoor side projected length of the glass section (see
ISO 10077-2, figures C1 and C2, for further details on the definition of lf and lp). The detailed procedure for
determining L2D is also given in ISO 10211-1.

4.1.3 Alternate approach

An alternate method is available for calculating frame thermal transmittance, Ufr. Using this method it is
unnecessary to determine the linear thermal transmittance, Ψ . Instead, the glass area, Ag, is divided into center-
glass area, Ac, plus edge-glass area, Ae, and one additional thermal transmittance, Ue, is used to characterize the
edge-glass area. If dividers are present then divider area, Ad and divider thermal transmittance, Ud are calculated,
as well as corresponding divider edge area, Ade and thermal transmittance, Ude. The following formula shall be
used to calculate the total thermal transmittance:

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 7

ISO/DIS 15099

Ut =
∑U A + ∑ U
c c fr Af + ∑U e Ae + ∑U d Ad + ∑U de Ade

where, Ufr, and Ue can be determined from the following equations:

U fr = (10)
lf (Tin − Tout )

Ue = (11)
le (Tin − Tout )

and where lf is projected length of frame area and le is the length of edge of glass area and is equal to 63.5 mm.
These lengths are measured from indoor side. The quantities Qfr and Qe are heat flow rates through frame and
edge-glass areas (indoor surfaces), respectively, including the effect of glass and spacer, and both are expressed
per unit length of frame or edge-glass (i.e., W/m).

The summations included in equation (9) are used to account for the various sections of one particular component
type. For example, several values of Af must be used to sum the contributions of different values of Ufr
corresponding to sill, head, and side jambs.

NOTE 1 It should be noted that the two different approaches entail different definitions of frame thermal
transmittance, denoted Uf and Ufr. The comparison of frame properties for two different products is only meaningful
if the same calculation procedure has been used in both cases.

NOTE 2 The Ut values for windows calculated by the two methods may differ because of differences in the way
frame and edge heat transfer is treated at the corners - particularly because three dimensional effects are
neglected. This difference is more pronounced for smaller windows. The choice of le = 63.5 mm is made to reduce
the discrepancy between the two alternate approaches.

4.2 Total solar energy transmittance

The total solar energy transmittance of the total fenestration product is:

gt =
∑g g Ag + ∑ g f Af

where, gg and gf are the individual total solar energy transmittance values of the vision area and frame area,
respectively. The summations are included for the same reason that they appear in equation (1) and shall be
applied in the same manner to account for differing sections of one particular component type.

4.2.1 Vision area total solar energy transmittance

The total solar energy transmittance can be determined for conditions involving internal/outdoor temperature
difference and any level of incident solar radiation. It is found by summing the directly transmitted solar gain and
the absorbed/redirected solar gain.

N S 
g g = τ s +∑  i i  (13)
i =1  I s 

Ni is the portion of Si that finds its way to the indoor space (1).

8 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

i i −1
∑ Rj + ∑ Rgl, j +
j=1 j=1 2
Ni = (14)

NOTE Rj and Rtot are determined using the actual temperatures of the various glazing layers.

The relationship between Si and Is is given by equation (18).

For vented cavities, see Clause 7.

4.2.2 Frame total solar energy transmittance

The frame total solar energy transmittance shall be calculated using the approximate formula:

gf = α f ⋅ (15)

The outdoor surface heat transfer coefficient (combined convective/radiative) at the frame, hout, is hout=hc,out + hr,out.

NOTE If the alternate method of calculating Ut is being used, Ufr should be used instead of Uf in equation (13).

4.3 Visible transmittance

The visible transmittance of the total fenestration product is:

τt =
∑τ v Ag

5 Vision area properties

NOTE 1 For glazing units only, ISO 9050 and ISO 10292 should be used.

NOTE 2 Clause 7 contains the extensions needed to model vented windows.

5.1 Glazing layer optics

5.1.1 Solar

The solar optical properties needed to describe the ith glazing are (1) the front (outdoor side) spectral reflectance,
ρf,i(λ), (2) the back (indoor side) spectral reflectance, ρb,i(λ), and (3) the spectral transmittance, τi(λ). See
Figure 3.

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 9

ISO/DIS 15099

ρ f ,i (λ ) ρ b ,i ( λ )
O u td oor In d o o r
S id e S id e
τ i (λ )

i t h G l a z in g L a y e r

Figure 3 - Out-door and indoor spectral transmittance of a glazing layer

The solar optical data are to be measured in accordance with ISO 9050. Intermediate values of ρf,i(λ), ρb,i(λ) or
τi(λ) are found by linear interpolation.

5.1.2 Long-wave

The long-wave optical properties needed to describe the ith glazing are (1) the front (outdoor side) hemispheric
emittance, εf,i, (2) the back (indoor side) hemispheric emittance, εb,i and (3) the hemispheric-hemispheric
transmittance, τi. These total optical properties apply to wavelengths from 5 to 40 µm.

The long-wave reflectance data are to be measured in accordance with ASTM E1585-93 (3) or prEN 12898. Values
of the normal emittance resulting from this procedure are to be converted to hemispherical emittance using ASTM
E1585-93 (3) or prEN 12898.The integration needed to convert measured spectral data to the required total
longwave optical properties, εf,i , εb,i and τi are also to be carried out in accordance with ASTM E 1585-93 (3) or
prEN 12898.

Some windows are constructed with suspended or stretched layers of thin plastic film between glass panes to
make triple or quadruple glazing. When these layers are covered with a low-emittance coating they are generally
opaque in the infrared, so that τi=0 and hemispherical emittance can be calculated as in ASTM E1585-93 (3). For
partially transparent films such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) both specular transmittance and reflectance
should be measured. Using the bulk model the optical indices of the material can then be calculated and used to
derive the hemispherical properties (4).

5.2 Glazing system optics

5.2.1 Spectral quantities

The path of incident solar radiation within the various layers of the glazing system shall be modelled by the
methods provided in ISO 9050 or any other exact method. Depending on future modifications of ISO 9050, specific
additions may be added to this standard covering the effects of optical properties of products (shading devices,
diffusing panes, etc.) not adequately covered by ISO 9050.

10 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

αi (λ )
τ s (λ )

……. …….

Glazing Layer = 1 i n

Figure 4 - Absorptance of the ith glazing layer and solar spectral transmittance

Figure 4 shows how a window with n glazing layers together with the outdoor (i=0) and indoor (i=n+1) spaces can
be treated as an n+2 element array. It is necessary to determine the portion of incident solar radiation, at a given
wavelength, that is absorbed at each of the glazing layers. This quantity is denoted αi(λ) at the ith glazing layer.
Similarly, it is necessary to determine the solar spectral transmittance of the glazing system, τs(λ).

These quantities, αi(λ) and τs(λ), shall be calculated in accordance with ISO 9050 while setting the reflectance of
the conditioned space to zero. Any other method that can be shown to be exact (e.g., (5) is acceptable). The
solution technique described by (5) is summarized in Annex A.

5.2.2 The solar spectrum

The spectral distribution of the incident solar radiation, E(λ), is needed to calculate total optical properties and
various total energy fluxes. Values of E(λ) are reported at Ns values of λ (denoted here as E(λj) and λj,
respectively). Intermediate values of E(λ) shall be found by linear interpolation of the tabulated values.

5.2.3 Absorbed amounts of solar radiation

The total flux of solar radiation absorbed at the ith glazing layer, Si, is determined by numerical integration over the
solar spectrum according to equations (17) and (18).

N s −1

∑ α (λ
i j/j+1 ) E s (λ j/j+1 )∆λ j
Ai = N s −1
∆λ j = λ j+1 − λ j (17)

∑ E (λ
s j/j+1 )∆λ j

S i = Ai ⋅ I s (18)

where αi(λj/j+1) is the value of αi that is representative of the wavelength band from λj to λj+1 and is given by,

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 11

ISO/DIS 15099

α i (λ j/j+1 ) = 12 α i (λ j ) + 12 α i (λ j+1 ) (19)


Es (λ j ) + Es (λ j+1 )
Es (λ j/j+1 ) = (20)
Values of Es(λ) are given in ISO 9845.

5.2.4 Solar transmittance

The solar transmittance of the glazing system is:

N s −1

j =1
s (λ j/j+1 ) E s (λ j/j+1 )∆λ j
τs = N s −1
∆λ j = λ j+1 − λ j (21)

s (λ j/j+1 )∆λ j

where Es(λj/j+1) is given by equation (20) and

τ s (λ j/j+1 ) = 12 τ s (λ j ) + 12 τ s (λ j+1 ) (22)

5.2.5 Visible transmittance

Visible transmittance, τv, is calculated using a weighting function that represents the photopic response of the eye,
R(λ). R(λj) is tabulated for Nv values of λj. τv is given by:

N v −1

s (λ j/j+1 ) E v (λ j/j+1 ) R(λ j/j+1 )∆λ j
τv = N v −1
∆λ j = λ j+1 − λ j (23)
j =1
v (λ j/j+1 ) R(λ j/j+1 )∆λ j


R(λ j ) + R(λ j+1 )

R(λ j/j+1 ) = (24)

Ev ( λ j / j +1 ) = 12 Ev ( λ j ) + 12 Ev ( λ j +1 ) (25)

Values of Ev(λ) are given in ISO 10526.

and τs(λj/j+1) is given by equation (22).

12 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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5.3 Vision area heat transfer

5.3.1 Glazing layer energy balance

Radiative heat exchange between glazing layers and conductive heat transfer within each glazing layer can be
described using fundamental relations. Calculations dealing with convective heat transfer depend on correlations
based on experimental data.

S i-1 Si S i+1
qi qi+1

J f,i J b,i
… …
J b,i-1 J f,i+1

Tf,i Tb,i θ

Glazing Layer = i-1 i i+1

Control Volu me

Figure 5 - Energy balance on the ith glazing layer

Figure 5 shows the ith glazing in a sloped multilayer array. The values of four variables are sought at each glazing.
These are the temperatures of the outdoor and indoor facing surfaces, Tf,i and Tb,i , plus the radiant fluxes leaving
the front and back facing surfaces (i.e., the radiosities), Jf,i and Jb,i. In terms of these variables qi, is:

qi = hc,i [Tf,i − Tb,i −1 ] + J f,i − J b,i −1 (26)

The solution is generated by applying the following four equations at each glazing:

qi = S i + qi +1 (27)

J f,i = ε f,iσTf,4i + τ i J f,i +1 + ρ f,i J b,i −1 (28)

J b,i = ε b,iσTb,4i + τ i J b,i −1 + ρ b,i J f,i +1 (29)

t gl,i
Tb,i − Tf,i = [2qi+1 + S i ] (30)

A by-product of the analysis is the temperature profile through each glazing.

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 13

ISO/DIS 15099

 − S i  2  Tf,i _ Tb,i S 
Ti ( x ) =  x +  + i  x + Tb,i (31)
 2k gl,i t gl,i   t gl,i 2k gl,i 

[DC: Hakim, note change in equation 31; first Si term has “–“ sign] where x is the distance from the indoor
surface of the glazing.

Equation (27) describes an energy balance imposed at the surfaces of the ith glazing. Equations (28) and (29)
define the radiosities at the ith glazing.

NOTE ρ f,i = 1 − τ i − ε f,i and ρ b,i = 1 − τ i − ε b,i . The temperature difference across the ith glazing is given
by equation (30). It is assumed that the solar energy is absorbed uniformly through the thickness of the glazing.
More detail regarding equations (26) through (31) is given by Wright (5).

5.3.2 Interaction with the environment

The effect of boundary conditions imposed by the environment on the window must be specified. The indoor and
outdoor temperatures, Tf,n+1 and Tb,0, are:

Tf,n +1 = Tin (32)

Tb,0 = Tout (33)

The effect of long-wave irradiance at the glazing surfaces is included by setting

J f,n +1 = Gg,in (34)and J b,0 = Gg,out


where Gg,in and Gg,out are given by equations (133) and (131) in Section 8, respectively.

The effect of the convective heat transfer coefficients at the glazing surfaces is included by setting

hc,n +1 = hc,in and (36)

hc,1 = hc,out (37)

5.3.3 Convective heat transfer coefficient - glazing cavities

Convective heat transfer coefficients for the fill gas layers are determined in terms of the dimensionless Nusselt
number, Nui;

 λg,i 
hc,i = Nu i   (38)
d 
 g,i 

where dg,i is the thickness of the ith fill gas layer (or pane spacing) and λg,i is the thermal conductivity of the fill
gas. Nui is calculated using correlations based on experimental measurements of heat transfer across inclined air
layers. Nui is a function of the Rayleigh number, Rai, the cavity aspect ratio, Ag,i, and the cavity slope, θ.

NOTE It should be recognised that deflection of the panes in high aspect ratio cavities can occur. This
deflection may increase or decrease the average cavity width 'd'. This deflection can be caused by changes in the

14 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

cavity average temperature, changes in the cavity moisture content, nitrogen absorption by the desiccant or
changes in the barometric pressure (due to elevation and/or weather changes) from the conditions during
assembly. Reference (6) discusses the effects of glass pane deflection and methods to estimate the change in the
thermal transmittance due to this deflection.

The Rayleigh number can be expressed as (omitting the "i" and "g" subscripts for convenience):

ρ 2 d 3 gβC p ∆T
Ra = (dimensionless) (39)

Treating the fill gas as a perfect gas the thermal expansion coefficient of the fill gas, β, is:

β= Tm= fill gas mean temperature (K) (40)

The aspect ratio of the ith fill gas cavity is:

Ag,i = (41)
d g,i

where H is the distance between the top and bottom of the fill gas cavity which is usually the same as the height of
the window view area.

Correlation to quantify convective heat transfer across glazing cavities is presented in the following clauses. Each
of these clauses pertains to one particular value, or range, of tilt angle, θ.

NOTE This categorization, as a function of θ, is based on the assumption that the cavity is heated from the
indoor side (i.e., Tf,i>Tb,i-1). If the reverse is true (Tf,i<Tb,i-1) it is necessary to seek the appropriate correlation on
the basis of the complement of the tilt angle, 180°-θ, instead of θ and to then substitute 180°-θ instead of θ when
the calculation is carried out. Cavities inclined at 0 ≤ θ < 60° (7)

( )
• •
1708 sin 1.6 (1.8θ )    Ra cos(θ )  
1/ 3
 1708  
Nu i = 1 + 1.44 1 −  1 −  +   − 1
 Ra cos(θ )   Ra cos(θ )    5830  
Ra < 10 and Ag,i > 20 (42)

[ ] = (x + x ) / 2

where x (43) Cavities inclined at θ = 60° (8)

Nu = Nu1 , Nu2 max


  0.0936Ra0.314  7 

where Nu1 = 1 +    (45)

  1+ G  

 0.175  0.283
Nu 2 = 0.104 +  Ra (46)
 Ag,i 

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 15

ISO/DIS 15099

G= 0.1
  Ra  20.6 
1 +   
  3160   Cavities inclined at 60° < θ < 90° (8)

For layers inclined at angles between 60° and 90°, a straight line interpolation between the results of equations (42)
and (46) is used. These equations are valid in the ranges of

10 2 < Ra < 2 × 107 and 5 < Ag,i < 100 Vertical cavities (9)

Nu = [Nu1 , Nu 2 ]max (48)

Nu1 = 0,0673838Ra
5 × 10 4 < Ra < 10 6 (49)

Nu1 = 0,028154 Ra 0, 4134 10 4 < Ra ≤ 5 × 10 4 (50)

Nu1 = 1 + 1,7596678 × 10 −10 Ra 2, 2984755 Ra ≤ 10 4 (51)

0 , 272
 Ra 
Nu2 = 0,242   (52)
 Ag,i 

[DC: Hakim, note editorial changes in equations 49-52. periods converted to comas] Cavities inclined from 90° to 180° (10)

Gas layers contained in downward facing windows are modelled using:

Nu = 1 + [Nu v − 1]sin θ (53)

Nu is the Nusselt number for a vertical cavity given by equation (48).

v Fill gas properties

The density of fill gases in windows is calculated using the perfect gas law.

ρ= (54)

P= 101 300 Pa and Tm =293 K.

The specific heat capacity, Cp, and the transport properties µ and λ are evaluated using linear functions of
temperature. For example, the viscosity can be expressed as:

µ = a + bTm (55)

16 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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Values of the a and b coefficients appropriate for calculating Cp, µ and λ for a variety of fill gases are listed in
Annex B.

5.3.4 Properties of fill gas mixtures

The density, conductivity, viscosity and specific heat of gas mixtures can be calculated as a function of the
corresponding properties of the individual constituents (11). Molecular mass

∧ v ∧
M mix = ∑ xi M i (56)
i =1

where xi is the mole fraction of the ith gas component in a mixture of υ gases. Density

PMˆ mix
ρ= (57)
ℜTm Specific heat

Cˆ p mix
C p mix = (58a)
Mˆ mix

Cˆ p mix = ∑ x i Cˆ p,i (58)
i =1

[DC: Hakim, note the change in equation 58 and addition of equation 58a]

where, the molar specific heat of the ith gas is

Cˆ p,i = C p,i Mˆ i (59) Viscosity

µ mix = ∑ (60)
i =1  υ

 xj 
1 + ∑ φ i, j 

 jj=≠1i xi 
 

   

 Mˆ j
1 4
µ 

1 +  i
   
  µ j   Mˆ i  

φµ i, j = 1 (61)
  Mˆ 

2 2 1 +  i ˆ 
  M j 

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 17

ISO/DIS 15099 Thermal conductivity

λ mix = λ ′mix + λ ′mix

′ (62)

where λ ′ is the monatomic thermal conductivity and λ ′′ is included to account for additional energy moved by the
diffusional transport of internal energy in polyatomic gases.

′ =∑
λ mix (63)
i =1  
 υ xj 
1 + ∑ψ i, j 
 jj=≠1i xi 
 

  
 Mˆ
1 4

1 +  λ ′ 

  
 i

ψ i, j =
  λ j′  

Mˆ j   
 
• 1 + 2.41
( )(
Mˆ i − Mˆ j Mˆ i − 0.142Mˆ j ) (64)
  Mˆ
2 2 1 +  i

 ( )
Mˆ i + Mˆ j

  Mˆ j 


λ ′i′
′ =∑
λ ′mix (65)
i =1  
 υ xj 
1 + ∑ φ i, j 

 jj=≠1i xi 
 

where, the previous expression for φ i, j can also be written as

  ′  12  ˆ  
λ M
1 +  i
  i  
  λ ′j   Mˆ j  

φλ i, j = 1 (66)
  Mˆ 

2 2 1 +  i ˆ 
  M j 

[DC: Hakim, note revisions to equations 60, 61, 65 and 66]

To find λmix, use the following steps:

1. calculate λi′

15 ℜ
λi′ = µi (67)
4 Mˆ i

2. calculate λi′′

18 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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λi′′ = λi − λi′ λi is the conductivity of the ith fill gas component (Annex B) (68)

3. use λi′ to calculate λmix

4. use λi′′ to calculate ′′

λ mix

5. ′ + λ mix
λ mix = λ mix ′′

6 Frame effects
Frame regions of the fenestration system consist of opaque areas that may or may not contain air cavities. Frames
can be made from a variety of materials, but most common materials are wood, vinyl, aluminium and combinations
of those (.e.g., vinyl clad wood)

6.1 Area and lineal thermal transmittance

Frame areal thermal transmittance (Thermal transmittances) and lineal thermal transmittance (ψ-factor) shall be
determined using two-dimensional (2-D) numerical modelling. This 2-D analysis shall provide the rate of heat
transfer through each unique frame section. See National standards for the required cross sections to be
considered. Details regarding the required 2-D numerical analysis are provided in clauses 6.2 through 6.6 (also
see ISO/DIS 10077, part 2).

6.2 Governing equations for calculating thermal transmittance

The governing equation shall be developed by imposing an energy balance describing steady-state heat transfer by
conduction. The governing equation shall be discretized using a conservative formulation (i.e., The evaluation of
an energy flow between two specific nodes or across any given control volume face must be done in a consistent
manner throughout the analysis.) The frame/edge-glass geometry and the corresponding thermal conductivity for
each of the various materials, λfe , must be specified. The numerical solver shall be able to generate the 2-D heat
flow and temperature patterns that satisfy the governing equation. In Cartesian co-ordinates this equation is:

∂ 2T ∂ 2T q' ' '

+ 2 = − source (69)
∂x 2
∂y λ
The density of heat flow rate, q, must be conserved across any surface where two materials meet and is given by:

 ∂T ∂T 
q = −λfe  ex + e y  (70)
 ∂ x ∂ y 
where ex and ey are the components of the normal vector to the surface.

At the boundary, the density of heat flow rate, q, is equal to:

q = q c + q r + qs (71)

where, qc is convective component, and qr is radiative component of the density of heat flow rate, which shall be
determined in accordance with clause 7.2 and 7.3 respectively. Quantity qS is prescribed density of heat flow rate
at the boundary (source or sink).

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ISO/DIS 15099

6.3 Geometric representation and meshing

6.3.1 Geometric representation

A two-dimensional representation or model of each frame, sash and edge-glazing assembly shall be made. The
dimensions of all parts shall be the nominal values as given on the manufacturer's drawings provided that these
drawings are an actual representation of the fenestration product. Small radii and minor variations in material
thicknesses due to manufacturing tolerances or strengthening/attachment requirements can be ignored.
Reinforcing or operating hardware that is essentially continuous, assembly screws or bolts that extend from the
indoor to the outdoor side or bridge a thermal break, including incompletely de-bridged thermal break, shall be
included in the model. These thermal-bridging elements may be modelled with 3-D calculational tools when
available, otherwise they shall be modelled using the procedure outlined below (34):

Calculate the effective conductivity of thermal bridging elements (e.g., bolts, screws, etc.)

λ eff = Fb ⋅ λ b + (1 − Fb )λ n


s = size of thermal bridging element (e.g., size of a bolt head)

d = spacing of thermal bridging elements

λb = conductivity of thermal bridging material

λn = conductivity of the cross-section without the thermal bridge

Use the following criteria to determine if it is necessary to apply the above procedure:

a) If Fb ≤ 1%, ignore thermal bridge

b) If 1% < Fb ≤ 5%, model using the above method providing that λb > 10٠ λn

c) If Fb > 5%, always model using the above method.

Components in the window assembly that are compressed or deformed from their original shape once installed in
the window (e.g. weather-stripping) shall be modeled in the compressed or deformed configuration. Adjustments to
the dimensions of the geometric model are allowed only if they have no significant influence to the calculation (ISO
10211-1, 1996). More specifically, those segments of the actual cross section that are made up of vertical and
horizontal surfaces shall be represented by similar straight lines that preserve the nominal thickness and relative
position of the segment. Sloped lines shall be represented by (a) similar sloped lines that preserve the nominal
thickness and relative position of the segment or by (b) a series of horizontal and vertical lines, which meet criteria
1-4 below. Curves shall be represented by (a) similar curves that preserve the nominal thickness and relative
position of the segment or by (b) a series of horizontal, vertical, and sloped lines or a series of horizontal and
vertical lines which meet criteria 1-4 below (See Figure 6).

1) The thickness of the representation (t) is equal to the average thickness +/- manufacturing tolerances.

2) All points on the represented line are within 5 mm of the actual line/curve. The averaged distance (for all
points) between the represented line and the actual line/curve is less than 2.5 mm.

3) For conductive materials (materials where the conductivity is 10 times or more that of any surrounding
material), the path length shall be maintained to within 5%. If this condition is not possible then the
product of web thickness x conductivity shall be replaced by web thickness x conductivity x (cos(γ) +
sin(γ)) where γ is the angle of inclination of the sloped web. The same result is obtained whether γ is
measured from the vertical or the horizontal reference.

20 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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4) When sloped materials are represented by a series of rectangles, the contact length between adjacent
rectangles or polygons (l) is equal to the average actual thickness (t) +/- manufacturing tolerances.

Some windows have nailing flanges that are used to help secure the window in the rough opening. If these flanges
are intended to be covered up by the exterior cladding (e.g., siding or brick) the portion of the flange extending
outside the rough opening shall be ignored.

In most cases the indoor and outdoor boundaries shall follow the frame profile. In the case where there are exterior
and interior open frame profile cavities, the external and/or internal boundary conditions should only be applied to a
depth that has the same dimension as the cavity width (12). For the remainder of the open frame profile cavity, an
equivalent thermal conductivity determined in the same manner similar to that which is specified for internal
enclosed frame cavities (see Clause 6.6).

Actual Preferred Acceptable Acceptable

Actual Preferred Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Figure 6 - Examples of possible approximations of the actual cross section

6.3.2 Meshing

The two-dimensional (2-D) geometric model shall be divided or meshed into a series of small elements in order to
provide an accurate representation of the heat flow patterns and temperature distributions. Mesh resolution shall
be sufficient to ensure that the combined frame/edge thermal transmittance for each cross-section, obtained by
solving the governing 2-D heat transfer equation given in Clause 6.2, shall be within 1% of the combined
frame/edge thermal transmittance obtained from an ideal (i.e., infinitely fine) mesh. Acceptable meshing schemes
include the following:

1. Successive Refinements: The governing heat transfer equation is solved for thermal transmittance for a given
meshing arrangement. The mesh is made finer either uniformly or in regions of high 2-D heat flow and a new
Thermal transmittance determined. An extrapolation is made to the thermal transmittance with an infinite number
of nodes. The mesh is fine enough when the calculated thermal transmittance is within 1% of the extrapolated
thermal transmittance.

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 21

ISO/DIS 15099

NOTE This requirement is more stringent than that specified in ISO 10211-1 (1996) which requires that the
number of subdivisions be doubled until the change in heat flow through the object is reduced to a prescribed
tolerance. The more stringent criteria, specified above, is now possible with the increase of computing power.
Finite element and finite volume methods, with unstructured (non-rectangular) meshes, can also meet this more
stringent criteria using error estimation methods such as the one given in (2) below.

2. Energy Error Norm (13 and 14) applied so that the calculated frame/edge thermal transmittance is within 1% of
the thermal transmittance determined with an ideal mesh.

3. Any other approach documented in refereed publications applied so that the calculated frame/edge thermal
transmittance is within 1% of the thermal transmittance determined with an ideal mesh.

6.4 Solid materials

The thermal conductivity values are usually taken from National standards. Where this is not the case the values
listed in ISO 10077-2 may be used, but only if they directly match the materials used in the window construction. If
neither of these sources is used, the thermal conductivity values are to be determined in accordance with ISO 8302
(guarded hot plate) or ISO 8301 (heat flow meter) at a mean temperature appropriate to National standards. It is
assumed that all material thermal conductivity values are constant with respect to temperature.

The surface emissivity values of frame materials are usually taken from National standards. Where this is not the
case surface emissivity values shall be determined in accordance with ISO 10077-2, but only if they directly match
the materials used in the window construction.

6.5 Effective conductivity - glazing cavities

Cavities shall be treated as if they contain an opaque solid with an effective conductivity. The effective conductivity
of a given cavity shall be calculated using the results of the vision area analysis. At the ith cavity:

 d g,i 
λeff,i = qi   (72)
 Tf,i − Tb,i −1 

6.6 Effective Conductivity – Unventilated Frame Cavities

A frame cavity shall be treated as though it contains an opaque solid which is assigned an effective conductivity.
This effective conductivity accounts for both radiative and convective heat transfer and shall be determined as

λeff = (hc + hr ) ⋅ d (73)


λeff is the effective conductivity;

hc is the convective heat transfer coefficient;

hr is the radiative heat transfer coefficient (hr=0 in the case when detailed radiation procedure is used);

d is the thickness or width of the air cavity in the direction of heat flow.

The convective heat transfer coefficient, hc, is calculated from the Nusselt number, Nu, which can be determined
from various correlations, depending on aspect ratio, orientation and direction of heat flow.

λ air
hc = Nu (74)

22 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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[DC: Hakim, note change in equation 74]

There are three different cases to be considered, depending on whether the heat flow is upward, downward, or

6.6.1 Heat flow downward

Nu = 1,0 (75)

q=0 q=0

Tcold Lh
Figure f1 – Illustration of Rectangular Frame Cavity Downward Flow Direction

6.6.2 Heat flow upward

This situation is inherently unstable and will yield a Nusselt number that is dependent on the height-to-width aspect
ratio, Lv/Lh, where Lv and Lh are the largest cavity dimensions in the vertical and horizontal directions.


q=0 q=0 Lv


Figure f2 – Illustration of Rectangular Frame Cavity Upward Flow Direction

a) for ≤ 1 convection is restricted by wall friction, and

Nu = 1,0 (76)

b) for 1 < ≤ 5 the Nusselt number is calculated according to the method given by (15).

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 23

ISO/DIS 15099

 
 Ra 1 
+   3
− 0.95  crit  −1 
 Ra  3   
 Ra 
Nu = 1 + 1 − crit  k1 + 2(k 2)1−ln k 2 +  ]
 − 1 1 − e
  Ra 

 (77)
 Ra   5380    
 
Ra 3 x+ x
k1 = 1.40 k 2 = [x ]+ =
450,5 2

and Racrit is a critical Rayleigh number, which is found by least squares regression of tabulated values (15)

 L 
 0.721 h  + 7 , 46
 
Ra crit = e  

Ra is the Rayleigh number for the air cavity:

ρ air
L3v gβC p ,air (Thot − Tcold )
Ra =
µ air λair

c) for > 5 the Nusselt number is:(7):

 Ra  3 
 1708 
Nu = 1 + 1,44 1 − +   − 1 (78)
 Ra   5830  

6.6.3 Horizontal heat flow


Thot Tcold
or or Lv

Tcold Thot


Figure f3 – Illustration of Rectangular Frame Cavity Horizontal Flow Direction

Lv 1
a) for < the Nusselt number is: (15)
Lh 2

24 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

 8 − 0 , 386
 
5 

  L     L   
Nu = 1 +  2,756 ⋅10 Ra  
+ 0,623Ra  
2 1
v h

 (79)

  Lh     Lv   

where Ra is Raleigh number and is defined as:

ρ air2 L3h gβC p,air (Thot − Tcold )

Ra =
µ air λair

b) for > 5 the following correlation, also from (15), gives Nu as the maximum of:

   
3 3

   
  0,104 Ra 0, 293  
Nuct = 1 + 
1, 36  
  1 +  6310    
    Ra    
     

0 , 273
 L 
Nul = 0,242 Ra h  (81)
 Lv 
Nu t = 0,0605 Ra 3

1 Lv
c) for < < 5 the Nusselt number is found using a linear interpolation between the endpoints of (a) and (b)
2 Lh

For jamb frame sections, frame cavities are oriented vertically and therefore the height of the cavity is in the
direction normal to the plane of the cross section. For these cavities it is assumed that heat flow is always in
horizontal direction with Lv/Lh > 5, and so correlations in equations (80) to (82) in clause 6.6.3.b shall be used.

The temperatures Thot and Tcold are not known in advance, so it is necessary to estimate them. From previous
experience it is recommended to apply Thot=10°C and Tcold=0°C. However, after the simulation is done, it is
necessary to update these temperatures from the results of the previous run. This procedure shall be repeated
until values of Thot-Tcold from two consecutive runs are within 1°C. Also, it is important to inspect the direction of
heat flow after the initial run, because if the direction of the bulk of heat flow is different than initially specified, it will
need to be corrected for the next run.

For unventilated irregularly shaped frame cavity, the geometry shall be converted into equivalent rectangular cavity
according to the procedure in ISO/DIS 10077-2 (see also figure f4). For these cavities, the following procedure
shall be used to determine which surfaces belong to vertical and horizontal surfaces of equivalent rectangular
cavity (see also figure f5). If the shortest distance between two opposite surfaces is smaller than 5 mm then the
frame cavity shall be split at this "throat" region.

a) any surface whose normal is between 270° and 45° a is left vertical surface

b) any surface whose normal is between 45° and 135° a is bottom horizontal surface

c) any surface whose normal is between 135° and 225° a is right vertical surface

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 25

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d) any surface whose normal is between 225° and 315° a is top horizontal surface

L1 L
= 1' t ≤ 5mm
H1 H1

L2 L
= 2'
H2 H2

Figure f4. Illustration of the Treatment of Irregularly shaped frame cavities

26 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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Figure f5. Illustration of how to select surface orientation for frame cavities-dashed lines indicate direction of the
normal to surface with cut of angles at 45°, 135°, 225° and 315°.

Temperatures of equivalent vertical and horizontal surfaces shall be calculated as the mean of the surface
temperatures according to the classification shown above. The direction of heat flow shall be determined from the
temperature difference between vertical and horizontal surfaces of the equivalent cavity. The following rule shall be
used (see also figure f6):

a) heat flow is horizontal if the absolute value of the temperature difference between vertical cavity surfaces is
larger than between horizontal the cavity surfaces,

b) heat flow is vertical heat flow up if absolute temperature difference between horizontal cavity surfaces is larger
than between vertical cavity surfaces and temperature difference between the top horizontal cavity surface and
bottom horizontal cavity surface is negative,

c) heat flow is vertical, heat flow down if absolute temperature difference between horizontal cavity surfaces is
larger than between vertical cavity surfaces and temperature difference between the top horizontal cavity
surface and bottom horizontal cavity surface is positive.

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 27

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Tleft Tright


a) Tright − Tleft ≥ Ttop − Tbottom heat flow is horizontal;

b) Tright − Tleft < Ttop − Tbottom and Ttop < Tbottom heat flow is vertical, heat flow up;

c) Tright − Tleft < Ttop − Tbottom and Ttop > Tbottom heat flow is vertical, heat flow down.

Figure f6. Illustration of how to select heat flow direction

6.6.4 Radiant heat flow

The radiative heat transfer coefficient hr shall be calculated using (16):

4 σ Tave
hr = (83)
1 1 1 m2 K
+ −2+
ε cold ε hot  1

1  Lh 2  2 Lh 
 (1 + ( )  − + 1
2  Lv  Lv 
 

Tcold + Thot
Tave =
NOTE Above notation assumes radiant heat flow in the horizontal direction. If the heat flow direction is vertical
then the inverse of the ratio Lh/Lv shall be used (i.e., Lv/Lh)

28 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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6.7 Ventilated air cavities and grooves

6.7.1 Slightly ventilated cavities and grooves with small cross section

Grooves with small cross sections (see Figure f6) at the external or internal surfaces of profiles and
cavities connected to the exterior or interior by a slit greater than 2 mm but not exceeding 10 mm are to
be considered as slightly ventilated air cavities. The equivalent conductivity is twice that of an
unventilated air cavity of the same size according to 6.6.

λeq b ≤ 10 b ≤ 10

d d≥b

Figure f6: Examples for slightly ventilated cavities and

grooves with small cross section

6.7.2 Well ventilated cavities and grooves with large cross section

In cases not covered by 6.6 and 6.7.1, in particular when the width b of a groove or of a slit connecting a
cavity to the environment exceeds 10 mm, it is assumed that the whole surface is exposed to the
environment. Therefore, the surface heat transfer coefficients, hi and ho, calculated according to section 8,
are to be used at the developed indoor and outdoor surfaces, respectively.

In the case of a large cavity connected by a single slit and a developed surface exceeding the width of
the slit by a factor of 10 the detailed radiation model shall be used for radiative portion of a surface heat
transfer coefficient.

RS b > 10 b > 10

Figure 5: Examples for well ventilated cavities and grooves

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7 Shading devices

7.1 Definitions

7.1.1 Introduction

This clause 7 provides the necessary equations for the effects of shading devices on the thermal and optical
properties of a window system.

The scope is restricted to those kinds of shading devices which are or which may by proper approximation be
treated as a layer parallel to the pane(-s) of the window.

The introduction of shading devices in the model of the window system leads to modifications of the main thermal
and optical equations. In order not to complicate the presentation of equations given in clause 5, the necessary
changes to those equations are not integrated in clause 5 itself, but given as amendments in this clause 7.

Information on calculation procedures and measurement techniques on shading devices can be found in
references such as (17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,and 25). In general, these references concern ongoing work. The
contents of this clause are based on the most up-to-date procedures, with simplifying approximations where
needed due to practical limitations with respect to modelling and computational efforts and availability of product

NOTE Shading devices can be divided into two basic types:

 Layer type of shadings, such as screens, curtains and venetian blinds which are located parallel to the pane(s), with
intimate thermal-optical contact.

 Extra-fenestrial type of shadings, such as awnings and overhangs which are located less close to the panes, with limited
thermal-optical interaction.

Although there is no sharp cut distinction between the two types of shadings, the extra-fenestrial types of shadings
may be regarded as part of the window’s environment, because of the limited thermal interaction. They have
mainly an effect on the temperature and radiation conditions outside the window. In specific cases, however, the
conditions and properties of the window itself may also influence the condition of this ‘environment’ (e.g. reflection
of solar radiation, hot air pockets).

This standard does not deal with the extra-fenestrial type of shading.

7.1.2 Principle of the calculations

The thermal-optical interaction of a layer type of shading devices is, to a greater extent, similar to the panes and
films. In this regard, the layer type of shading device may be defined in the model as a layer between two gaps.
This thus defined layer exchanges heat with the other components and/or the environment by conduction and
convection and by thermal radiation. It also absorbs, reflects and transmits solar radiation.

But due to its porous structure (open weave, slats,) the shading device is not only partially transmittant for solar
radiation, but also for thermal (long wave) radiation. It shares this characteristic with some suspended thin films.
This phenomenon is already covered in the equations by introducing in the equations transmittance for thermal

But the shading device is usually also permeable for air, either due to its porous structure or due to openings at its
perimeter. Air may cross the shading device and thus move from one gap to the other or from the environment into
the gap behind the shading device and vice versa. This phenomenon has not been previously covered by the
equations in the previous clauses and will therefore be introduced in this clause.

Because the layer type of shading device is modelled as a one-dimensional layer similar to a pane or film, the two-
or three-dimensional characteristics have to be translated into one-dimensional numbers. This is in particular the
case for the optical properties. For instance, the optical properties of a shading device are a function of the

30 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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geometry of the device and the position in the assembly. To consider a slat type of shading device such as a
venetian blind, information on the optical properties of the slat material, together with the geometry of the slats and
their positions is used to determine the overall transmittance, reflectance and absorptance of the layer.

7.2 Optical properties; general

A particular characteristic of a shading device compared to ‘normal’ glazings or films is, that the incident solar
radiation may change direction while being transmitted or reflected at the layer.

For the evaluation of thermal effects the following approximation is considered to be sufficiently accurate:

Beam radiation transmitted or reflected by the solar shading device is considered to be split into two parts:

• a undisturbed part (specular transmission and reflection)

• a disturbed part

The disturbed part is approximated as anisotropic diffuse (Lambertian).

Diffuse radiation transmitted or reflected by the solar shading device is assumed to remain diffuse.

NOTE An exact description of the way solar radiation travels through the system would require a full three-
dimensional calculation using the full matrix of the transmission, absorption and forward and backward reflection for
each angle of incidence at each component. For the evaluation of the spatial distribution of daylighting this would
be the necessary way to proceed.

Consequently the following solar properties of the solar shading device are required:

For transmittance, for beam radiation, for each angle of incidence:

τdir,dir(λj) direct to direct transmittance

τdir,dif(λj) direct to diffuse transmittance

for diffuse radiation:

τdif,dif(λj) diffuse to diffuse transmittance

Similarly for the reflectance:

for beam radiation, for each angle of incidence:

ρdir,dir(λj) direct to direct reflectance

ρdir,dif(λj) direct to diffuse reflectance

for diffuse radiation:

ρdif,dif(λj) diffuse to diffuse reflectance

and finally, for the absorptance:

αdir(λj) = (1 - τdir,dir(λj) - ρdir,dir(λj) - τdir,dif(λj) - ρdir,dif(λj))

αdif(λj) = (1 - τdif,dif(λj) - ρdif,dif(λj))

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Resulting amendments to the equations in clause 5:

For a window system incorporating layer type of shading devices the optical equations given in clause 5 remain the
same, with the following extension:

1) each spectral flux equation in clause 5.2 shall be split into three: a ‘dir,dir’, ‘dir,dif’ and ‘dif,dif’ flux, with
corresponding transmittance τ and reflectance ρ.

In the sum of the spectral fluxes the ‘dir,dir’, ‘dir,dif’ and ‘dif,dif’ parts shall be summed.

2) The transmittance shall be split, similar to the reflectance, into a forward and a backward value.

3) The sum of τ dir,dir and τ dir,dif is equal to the direct to hemispherical transmittance τdir,h; similarly for the

For slat type of shadings equations to calculate these properties are given in the next clause, on the basis of optical
properties and the geometry of the slats.

NOTE 1 There is no existing standard for the measurement of these optical properties. Until such testing
standard is available, the calculation method of this clause shall be considered as provisional and is provided for
information purposes only, except for slat types of shading devices for which the next clause provides a calculation

NOTE 2 Once a beam transmitting through or reflecting at a solar shading device is split into a direct and a
diffuse part, the diffuse part continues its route through the system. This implies that even for normal incidence
solar radiation, for all other panes, films and shading layers in the window the τdif,dif and ρdif,dif values are required:
consequently, in that case the values for normal incidence provide insufficient information.

NOTE 3 Due to the redirection of the radiation the forward transmittance is not necessarily equal to the backward
transmittance, as illustrated in Figure 7.

τ > τ
f ,dif,dif b,dif,dif

Figure 7 - Illustration of different values for forward and backward solar transmittance
(slats with different colour at both surfaces)

7.3 Slat type of shading

7.3.1 General

32 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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For a shading device consisting of parallel slats the optical properties can be determined as function of slat
properties, geometry and position (see figure 8).

Slat angle

outdoor indoor
Slat width

gap width

Figure 8 - Slat geometry

The air permeability can also be determined as function of slat geometry and position.

7.3.2 Optical properties

This clause gives the procedure to calculate the solar optical properties of a slat type of shading device provided:

• that the slats are non-specular reflecting;

• effects of the window edges may be neglected (two-dimensional situation, with each slat the same irradiation);

The procedure is to consider two adjacent slats and to subdivide the slats into five equal parts (see figure 9):


3f 6f
E f,1 τ b,3 ,
o u tsid e 2f in sid e
E f,6
E b,2
J f,0 1b
E f,4
E f,0

τ f,3 , ρ f,3 4b

τ b,2 ,

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Figure 9 - Discretization used in the model

Every slat is divided into five elements (the improvement of considering more elements is negligible). Notice that
different properties can be assigned to every element, in particular to every side of the slat. The process described
below has to be solved for every wave length band required by the properties of the elements or by the rest of the
transparent system where the shading device is installed.

Due to the assumption of non-specular reflection a slight curving of the slats may be neglected.

34 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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NOTE These equations have a more general application, if the allocation of the layer numbers is generalised.

For each layer f,i and b,i, with i from 0 to n (here: n=6) and for each spectral interval λj, (λÆλ+∆λ):

Ef,i = ∑ (Pf, k + τ b, k )Ef, k Ff, k → + (ρ b, k + τ f, k )Eb, k Fb, k → f,i
f, i
} (84)

Eb,i = ∑ (Pb, k + τ f, k )Eb, k Fb, k → + (ρf, k + τ b, k )Ef, k Ff, k →
b, i b, i
} (85)


Ek is the irradiation on surface k

FpÆq is the view or shape factor from surface p to surface q.


Ef,0 = J0(λj)

Eb,n = Jn(λj) = 0


J0 is the radiosity from the outdoor environment (incident solar radiation)

Jn is the radiosity from the internal environment (room reflection)

Diffuse-diffuse transmission and reflection:

Due to the assumption of non-specular reflection the values for the view factors FpÆq can be calculated by
conventional view factor calculation methods for diffuse radiation exchange.

NOTE For calculation methods on view factors, see for instance (26)

For diffuse incident radiation, the view factor between external environment and the other layers is also determined
by the view factors for diffuse radiation exchange.

After solving the set of equations, the diffuse/diffuse transmission coefficient is found as the radiation reaching the
internal environment Ef,n (n=6), divided by the incident solar radiation, J0 :

τ dif,dif (λ j ) = Ef,n (λ j ) J o (λ j ) (86)

Similarly, for the diffuse/diffuse reflection coefficient.

ρ dif,dif (λ j ) = Eb,o (λ j ) J o (λ j ) (87)

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Direct-direct transmission and reflection:

By straightforward geometric calculation from the angle and aspect ratio of the slats (see figure 10) the beam
radiation which passes the slats without touching can be calculated for given angle of incidence φ .


Figure 10 - Direct-direct transmission

This part of the transmission is wavelength independent.

This is the direct/direct transmission: Edir,dir.(φ)

Consequently, the direct-direct transmittance for incidence angle φ amounts:

τ dir,dir (φ ) = E dir,dir (λ j , φ ) J o (λ j , φ ) (88)

for any wavelength λj.

There is no reflected radiation to the outside without reflecting on one or more parts of the shading device, so:

ρ dir , dir (φ ) = 0 (89)

Direct-diffuse transmission and reflection:

Firstly: calculate, for the given angle of incidence φ, which parts of the shading device k are directly irradiated by Jf,0
(see figure 11).

36 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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outside 2f inside

J0 1f



Figure 11 - Directly irradiated parts of the shading device

The view factors between the incident radiation J0 and those directly irradiated parts k are:

Ff,0Æf,k = 1

Ff,0Æb,k = 1

The view factor between the internal and outdoor environment is zero, to exclude the direct-direct transmittance:

Ff,0Æb,n = 0 and Fb,0Æf,n = 0

After solving the set of equations we find the direct-diffuse transmission and reflection coefficients:

τ dir,dif (λ j , φ ) = E f,7 (λ j , φ ) J o (λ j , φ ) (90)

ρdir,dif (λ j ,φ ) = Eb,7 (λ j ,φ ) J o (λ j ,φ ) (91)


That part which is not transmitted, nor reflected, is the part which is absorbed in the slats. Per wavelength band:

α dir (λ j ) = (1 − τ dir,dir (λ j ) − ρ dir,dir (λ j ) − τ dir,dif (λ j ) − ρ dir,dif (λ j )) (92)

α dif (λ j ) = (1 − τ dif,dif (λ j ) − ρ dif,dif (λ j ))

Thermal transmittance and reflectance:

The blinds are also semi-transparent for infrared (thermal) radiation. In order to obtain the IR transmittance and
reflectance of the shading device for given (IR) slat properties, the same model is used as for the calculation of

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 37

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diffuse-diffuse transmission and reflection of solar radiation, replacing the slat’s solar optical properties by its
thermal radiation properties.

NOTE The normal emissivity of the surfaces may be measured according to prEN 12898. There is no existing
standard for the measurement of the hemispherical emissivity of opaque materials. Usually an emissometer is used
for this purpose.

7.4 Ventilation

7.4.1 General

For a ventilated cavity the set of equations given in clause 5.3 shall be extended in the way described in clause

7.4.2 Main heat balance equations


Air spaces may be connected to the exterior or interior environment or to other spaces. For a ventilated gap, the
heat balance in the gap requires an extra term, the amount of heat supplied to or extracted from the gap air. This
implies that it is no longer sufficient to describe, as in clause 5.3, the conductive/convective heat exchange in a gap
as the heat transfer from one surface to the other. It is necessary to make a split between the
conductive/convective heat transfer from one surface to the air and from the air to the other surface as illustrated in
Figure 5. In the heat balance equations for the gap the heat extracted from or supplied to the gap by ventilation is
added to this air gap node.

The mean temperature of the air in the gap is given by equations for the heat exchange between the air flowing
through the gap and the adjacent surfaces.

NOTE There is no existing standard for measurement of these properties. Until this testing standard is
available, the calculation method of this clause shall be considered as provisional and is provided for information
purposes only.


Non-vented gap:

For the non-vented case (clause 5.3) the heat exchange by conduction/convection across a gap from one layer to
the adjacent layer (pane, film or shading device) as given in 5.3.1: q c ,i = hc ,i ( T f i − Tbi +1 ) , is split into two parts
(see figure 12), with the mean temperature of the air in the gap as variable:

38 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

Pane Tb i T f I+1
or Tb i T f I+1 Pane
shading or
q c,b i T q c,f i+1
q c,i ga p i

h c,i split 2h c,i 2h c,i

Figure 12 - Split convective heat transfer across gap; non-vented gap

qc,f_i = 2hc,i (Tf_i − Tgap_i ) = qc,b_i+1 = 2hc,i (Tgap_i − Tb_i+1 ) (93)


qc,f_i is the convective heat transfer from the one surface to the gap, in (W/m2);

qc,b_i+1 is the convective heat transfer from the gap to the other surface, in (W/m2);

hc,i is the surface-to-surface heat transfer coefficient by conduction/convection for non-vented cavities, given
by the equations in clause 5.3, in (W/(m2K))

Tgap_i is the equivalent mean temperature of the air in the cavity i, given in the next clause, in (°C)

Tf_i is the temperature of the surface of layer (pane, film or shading) i, facing the cavity i, see clause 5.3, in

Tb_i+1 is the temperature of the surface of layer (pane, film or shading) i+1, facing the cavity i, see clause 5.3, in
( °C).

Ventilated gap:

Amendments to equations in clause 5.3:

In a ventilated gap, due to the air movement, the convective heat exchange coefficient is increased (see figure 13).

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 39

ISO/DIS 15099

Tga p_i,out si
Pane Li
or Pane
shading or
Tb_i Tf_I+1 shading
Tga p i

hcv,i hcv,i

q v,i

Tga p_I,,in

Figure 13 - Model of mean air- and outlet temperature and main dimensions

This increased coefficient is written as hcv,i :

qc,b_i = hcv,i (Tb_i − Tgap_i ) qc,f_i +1 = hcv,i (Tgap_i − Tf_i +1 ) (94)

with hcv,i given by the equation:

hcv,i = 2hc,i + 4vi (95)


qc,b_i is the convective heat transfer from the one surface to the gap, in (W/m2);

qc,f_i+1 is the convective heat transfer from the gap to the other surface, in (W/m2);

hcv,i is the surface-to-air heat transfer coefficient by conduction/convection for vented cavities, given by eq.
7.12, in (W/(m2K));

hc,i is the surface-to-surface heat transfer coefficient by conduction/convection for non-vented cavities, given
by the equations in clause 5.3, in (W/(m2K));

vi is the mean air velocity in the gap, see clause 7.4.4, in (m/s);

and with (same as for the non-vented case):

Tgap_i is the equivalent mean temperature of the air in the cavity i, given by eq. (90) in the next clause, in (°C)

Tb_i is the temperature of the surface of layer (pane, film or shading) i, facing the cavity i, see clause 5.3, in (

Tf_i+1 is the temperature of the surface of layer (pane, film or shading) i+1, facing the cavity i, see clause 5.3, in
( °C).

NOTE For zero velocity, the equations for the ventilated cavity reduce to the equations for the non-vented case.

Amendments to equations in clause 5.3:

40 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 15099

Due to the ventilation, an extra term is added to the heat balance equations of the gap given in clause 5.3. Extra

q v,i = ρ i ⋅ c p ⋅ ϕ v,i (Tgap_i,in − Tgap_i,out ) /( H i × Li ) (96)

NB: with the equations in the next clause it can be shown that this equation is equal to: q v,i = q cv,b_i + q cv,f_i +1

NOTE The heat transfer is normalised to 1 m2 of (the transparent part of) the window area.


qv,i is the heat transfer to the gap by ventilation, in (W/m2);

ρi is the density of the air in cavity k at temperature Tgap_i , in (kg/m3);

cp is the specific thermal capacity of air, in (J/(kg½K) (i.c.: 1008);

ϕv,i is the air flow rate in cavity i, see clause 7.4.4, in (m3/s);

Tgap_i,in is the temperature at the inlet of the gap, in ( °C);

The value of Tgap_i,in depends on where the air comes from: either the indoor or outdoor air temperature or the outlet
temperature Tgap_k,out of the gap k with which the gap i exchanges air;

Tgap_i,out is the temperature at the outlet of the gap, see eq. 7.18 in next clause, in ( °C);

Li is the length of the cavity i, see Figure 13, in (m);

Hi is the height of the cavity i, see Figure 13, in (m).

Heat transfer to indoor environment

Extension of equations of clause 5:

The heat transfer to the indoor environment shall be extended in a similar way with a term q v,k for the heat transfer
by ventilation by air coming from cavity k.

Following the convention from clause 5, with i = n is the indoor environment:

for all cavities k with air flow to the indoor environment n:

q v,n = ∑ ρ i ⋅ cp ⋅ ϕ v,i (Tgap_i,out − Tair n ) /( H i ⋅ Li ) (97)


NOTE The heat transfer is normalised to 1 m2 of (the transparent part of) the window area.


ρi is the density of the air in cavity iat temperature Tgap_i , in (kg/m3);

cp is the specific thermal capacity of air, in (J/(kg½K) (i.c.: 1008);

ϕv,i is the air flow rate in cavity i , see clause 7.4.4, in (m3/s);

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 41

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Tgap_i,out is the temperature of the air at the outlet of the gap from where

the air originates, see eq. 7.18 in next clause, in ( °C);

Tair,n is the temperature of the air at the indoor environment, in ( °C);

Li is the length of the cavity i, see Figure 13, in (m);

Hi is the height of the cavity i, see Figure 13, in (m).

7.4.3 Temperatures in the cavity

Assuming the mean velocity of the air in the space is known (see next clause), the temperature profile and the heat
flow may be calculated by a simple model.

Due to the air flow through the space, the air temperature in the space varies with height (see Figure 14).

O utlet air
tem perature, T gap i _ o u t

A ir flow ϕ v,i
A verage air
tem perature, T gap i

A verage surface
tem perature, T ave i

H 0 ,i

Heigh t h

In let air
A ir tem perature T gap i (h) tem perature, T gap i _ i n

Figure 14 - Air flow in the gap of a window system

The temperature profile depends on the air velocity in the space and the heat transfer coefficient to both layers.
The air temperature profile in the space i is given by:

− h / H 0 ,i
Tgap_i (h) = Tav,i − (Tav,i − Tgap_i,in ) ⋅ e (98)


42 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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Tgap_i(h) is the temperature of the air in gap i at position h, in (m);

H0,i is the characteristic height (temperature penetration length), see eq. (97), in (m);

Tgap_i,in is the temperature of the incoming air in gap i, in ( °C);

Tav_i is the average temperature of the surfaces of layers i and i+1, given by equation:

Tav_i = (Tb_i + Tf_i +1 ) 2 (99)


Tav_i is the average temperature of the surfaces of layers i and i+1, in ( C);

Tb_i is the temperature of the surface of layer (pane, film or shading) i, facing the cavity i, see clause 5.3, in
( C);

Tf_i+1 is the temperature of the surface of layer (pane, film or shading) i+1, facing the cavity i, see clause 5.3, in
( C).

The characteristic height of the temperature profile is defined by:

ρ i ⋅ cp ⋅ si
H 0 ,i = ⋅Vi (100)
2 ⋅ hcv,i


H0,i is the characteristic height (temperature penetration length), in (m);

ρi is the density of the air at temperature Tgap_j , in (kg/m3)

cp is the specific heat capacity, in (J/(kgK)) (i.c.: 1008)

si is the width of the cavity i, in (m);

vi is the mean velocity of the air flow in the cavity i, see clause 7.4.4, in (m/s);

hcv,j is the heat transfer coefficient for ventilated cavities, see eq. (92) in clause 7.4.2, in (W/(m2K)).

The leaving air temperature is given by:

− Hi
Tgap_i,out = Tav_i − (Tav_i − Tgap_i,in ) ⋅ e
H 0, i


Tgap_i,out is the temperature of the air at the outlet of the gap i, in ( C)

Tav_i is the average temperature of the surfaces of layers i and i-1, given by eq. (96), in ( C);

Tgap_i,in is the temperature of the incoming air in the cavity i;

H0,i is the characteristic height (temperature penetration length), given by eq. (97), in (m);

Hi is the height of the space i, in (m).

The thermal equivalent (average) temperature of the air in the space i is defined by:

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 43

ISO/DIS 15099

(Tgap_i,out − Tgap_i,in )
1 H 0,i
Tgap_i = ∫ Tgap_i (h ) ⋅ dh = Tav_i − (102)
Hi 0 Hi


Tgap_i is the equivalent mean temperature of the air in the cavity i, in ( °C);

Tgap_i,out is the temperature of the air at the outlet of the gap i, in ( °C);

Tgap_i,in is the temperature of the incoming air in gap i, in ( °C);

Tav_i is the average temperature of the surfaces of layers i and i+1, given by eq. (96), in ( °C);

H0,i is the characteristic height (temperature penetration length), given by eq. (97), in (m);

Hi is the height of the space i, in (m).

7.4.4 Air flow and velocity Forced ventilation

If the air flow within the air layer has a known value (for example due to mechanical ventilation), the equations
given in 7.4.2 and 7.4.3 shall be applied as such, with the air velocity (m/s) given by:

ϕ v,i
vi = (103)
si ⋅ Li


vi is the mean velocity of the air flow in the cavity i, in (m/s);

si the width of the cavity i, in (m);

Li is the length of the cavity i, see Figure 13, in (m);

ϕv,i air flow rate in cavity i, in (m3/s);

NOTE ϕv,i is the air flow rate for the whole area, not normalised per m2. Wind induced ventilation

For external shading devices, the thermally induced ventilation is mixed with wind-induced ventilation.

The heat exchange by ventilation between the shading and the next layer (pane) can be described on the basis of
an appropriate value for the air flow or velocity. An appropriate value is to be determined on the basis of
experiments or calculations (CFD modelling).

For conservative design calculations one may treat the cavity flow as forced convection (see clause, with
the value for the air velocity vi set to extreme low respectively extreme high values respectively, thereby giving two
values for the total solar energy transmittance. Thermally driven ventilation

The velocity of the air in the space caused by the stack effect depends on the driving pressure difference and the
resistance to the air flow of the openings and the space itself (see Figure 15).

44 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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Tgap_i,out = Tgap_k,in

space i space k h

Tgap_i Tgap_k
vi vk h0

si sk

Ai,in p

Tgap_i,in = Tgap_k,out

Figure 15 - Schematic presentation of the stack effect. The height of the neutral zone h0 depends
on the flow resistances of the inlet and outlet openings

The air velocity is known by solving the set of equations given in this clause.

The pressure difference results from a temperature difference between the space j and the connected space k,
which is the exterior air, the interior air or another space. The temperature profile in the spaces is represented by
the thermal equivalent temperature (eq. 93). The driving pressure difference ∆pT may be written approximately as:

(Tgap_i − Tgap_k )
∆p T,i,k = ρ 0 ⋅ T0 ⋅ g ⋅ H i ⋅ cos ϕ i ⋅ (104)
Tgap_i ⋅ Tgap_k


∆pT,i,k is the driving pressure difference between space i and space k, in Pa;

Hi is the height of the space i (same as space k), in m;

Tgap_i is the equivalent (mean) temperature of the air in the space i, see eq (99), K;

Tgap_k is the equivalent temperature of the connected space, which may be another gap k or the indoor or
outdoor environment, K;

ϕi is the tilt angle of the space i in degrees from vertical;

ρ0 is the density of the air at temperature T0, in (kg/m3);

g is the gravity constant = 9.81 (m/s2);

T0 is reference temperature, (e.g.) T0 = 283 K.

The air flow in the space is described as a pipe flow. Therefore, the following effects have to be taken into account:

Acceleration of the air to the velocity v (Bernouilli’s law):

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 45

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ρi 2
∆p B,i = vi (105)
Steady laminar flow (Hagen-Poiseuille law):

∆pHP,i = 8 ⋅ µ i ⋅ V
2 i

Pressure loss in the inlet and outlet openings:

∆p Z,i =
(Z in,i + Z out,i ) (107)

∆pB,i is the pressure loss B in space i, in Pa;

∆pHP,i is the pressure loss HP in space i, in Pa;

vi is the mean velocity of the air flow in the cavity i, to be solved with eq. (108), in (m/s); (same for k);

µi is the viscosity of the air at temperature Tgap_j , in (Pa½s);

ρi is the density of the air at temperature Tgap_j , in (kg/m3);

Hi is the height of the space i, in (m);

si the width of the cavity i, in (m);

Zi the pressure loss factors Z of cavity i, according to eq.(109)below;

The same equations apply to space k, where vk = vi ½ si / sk.

But if the space k is the exterior or interior, vk = 0 is assumed, in which case the pressure loss terms ∆pB,k and
∆pHP,k are zero.


∆pZ,i,k is the pressure loss Z between space i and k, in Pa.

The total pressure loss shall be equal to the driving pressure difference and this results in the velocities vi and vk by
solving the equation:

∆p T,i,k = ∆p B,i + ∆p HP,i + ∆p Z,i,k + ∆p B,k + ∆p HP,k (108)


∆pT,i,k is the driving pressure difference between space i and space k, according to eq. 7.21, in Pa;

∆pB,i is the pressure loss B in space i, according to equation (102), in Pa;

∆pHP,i is the pressure loss HP in space i, according toequation (103), in Pa;

∆pZ,i,k is the pressure loss Z between space i and k, according toequation (104), in Pa;

46 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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∆pB,k is the pressure loss B in space k, according to equation (102), in Pa;

∆pHP,k is the pressure loss HP in space k, according to equation (103), in Pa.

Pressure loss factors

The pressure loss factors Z for openings may be estimated from the ratio of the equivalent area of an opening Aeq
to the cross section of the space As (see Figure 16) according to:

F r o n t v ie w s id e v ie w
A to p A to p

Ah i k


A bot A bot
A s ,i A s ,k

Figure 16 - Openings in a ventilated gap

 As  As
Z in =  − 1 Z out = ( − 1) 2 (109)
 0,66 ⋅ A  0,6 ⋅ A
 eq,in  eq,out


As,i is the cross section of the space i; As,i = s i × Li ;

si is the width of the cavity i, in (m);

Li is the length of the cavity i, in (m);

Aeq,in,i is the equivalent inlet opening area of the cavity i, according to equation (110), in m2;

Aeq,out,i is the equivalent outlet opening area of the cavity i, according to equation (110), in m2.

If the temperature Tgap_i (resp. Tgap_k ) of the cavity i respectively k is higher than the temperature of the connected
space k respectively i :

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 47

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1 Atop 1 Abot
Aeq,in = Abot + ⋅ ( Al + Ar + Ah ) Aeq,out = Atop + ⋅ ( Al + Ar + Ah ) (110)
2 Abot + Atop 2 Abot + Atop


1 Atop 1 Abot
Aeq,out = Abot + ⋅ ( Al + Ar + Ah ) Aeq,in = Atop + ⋅ ( Al + Ar + Ah ) (111)
2 Abot + Atop 2 Abot + Atop


As is the cross section of the space, in m2;

Abot is the area of the bottom opening, in m2;

Atop is the area of the top opening, in m2;

Ah is the total area of the holes in the surface (homogeneously distributed holes), in m2;

Al is the area of the left side opening, in m2;

Ar is the area of the right side opening, in m2;

(side openings homogeneous from top to bottom)

all for both i and k.

NOTE All these areas are total areas for (the transparent part of) the window, not normalised to values per m2
area as the heat fluxes.

7.4.5 Gas filled cavity with air circulation

In those cases of a closed cavity containing a gas mix and other component of the fenestration, e.g. an
incorporated blind, the gas mix may flow from one side of the component (blind) to the other. In that case the
equations given above remain valid, if ‘air’ is replaced by ‘gas-mix’, with the corresponding gas-mix properties.

7.4.6 Air permeability of slat types of shading devices

The air permeability of slat types of shading devices can be described with an appropriate value for the equivalent
air permeability of the surface, Ah. An appropriate value is to be determined on the basis of experiments or
calculations (CFD modelling).

For conservative design calculations the value for the equivalent air permeability of the surface, Ah, can be set to
extreme low and extreme high values respectively, thereby giving two extremes for the total solar energy

7.5 Total solar energy transmittance and thermal transmittance

Due to the non-linearity, for instance due to thermally induced air circulation, the total solar energy transmittance
and the thermal transmittance change with local temperatures. The local temperatures change with incident solar
radiation and absorption. Consequently, if incident solar radiation enters the equations, in order to calculate the
total solar energy transmittance it must be recognised that the thermal transmittance also changes simultaneously.
This makes it virtually impossible to separate the two effects.

By definition the thermal transmittance is assumed to be the thermal transmittance without solar radiation. As a
consequence, the total solar energy transmittance is calculated as the difference in net heat loss between the
situation with and without solar radiation.

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In equation:

U= (112)
Ti − Te

q in − qin,no_sun
g= (113)


g is the total solar energy transmittance, dimensionless;

qin is the total heat transfer through the transparent part of the window, resulting from the overall heat
balance, in W/(m2K);

qin, no sun is the total heat transfer through the transparent part of the window, without solar radiation, resulting from
the overall heat balance, in W/(m2K);

Is is the intensity of incident solar radiation, in W/(m2).

8 Boundary conditions
The various thermal properties can be determined using a standard calculation method but each will also be
affected, to some extent, by the boundary conditions (i.e., the environment) to which the product is exposed.

The boundary conditions consist of:

a) Indoor and outdoor air temperatures, Tin and Tout, respectively.

b) Indoor and outdoor surface convective heat transfer coefficients, hc,in and hc,out , respectively.

c) Solar spectral irradiance distribution, E(λ), and a function describing the photopic response of the eye, R(λ).
Both E(λ) and R(λ) consist of a set of function values listed for a set of discrete wavelength values. Function
values at intermediate wavelengths can be found by linear interpolation.

d) The longwave irradiance on the outdoor and indoor glazing surfaces, Gg,out and Gg,in, respectively as well as
the longwave irradiance at the outdoor and indoor frame surfaces, Gf,out and Gf,in, respectively. It is assumed
that outdoor longwave irradiance depends on the clearness of the sky factor, fclr.

8.1 Reference boundary conditions

Unless a specific set of boundary conditions is of interest (e.g., to match test conditions, actual conditions or satisfy
a national standard) the following standard boundary conditions shall be used. In each case the following spectra
shall be used.

Es(λ) = ISO 9845 (hemispherical solar spectral irradiance tabulated at Ns values of λ)

Ev(λ) = ISO 10526 (colorimetric illuminance tabulated at Nsv values of λ)
R(λ) = ISO/CIE 10527, CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer (photopic response for the 2° observer tabulated at
Nv values of λ)

8.1.1 Winter conditions

Tin = 20°C

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 49

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Tout = 0°C
hc,in = 3,6 W/m2K
hc,out = 20 W/m2K
Is=300 W/m2

8.1.2 Summer conditions

Tin = 25°C
Tout = 30°C
hc,in = 2,5 W/m2K
hc,out = 8 W/m2K
Is=500 W/m2

8.2 Convective heat transfer

Convection heat transfer is energy transfer between a surface and a moving fluid. Heat is transferred by natural
convection (i.e., convection driven by temperature gradient) when the air velocity is sufficiently small (i.e., less than
0,3 m/s). On the other hand, heat is transferred by forced and mixed convection for velocities above 0.3 m/s.
Accurate determination of this convective heat transfer on both indoor and outdoor boundary surfaces is extremely
difficult and can only be done by careful measurements and computer simulation. From these reasons, surface
heat transfer coefficient correlations had been developed and are given in the following clauses.

8.2.1 Convective heat transfer coefficient - indoor side

The convective heat transfer on indoor side primarily occurs by natural convection, and rarely by mixed and forced
convection. Standard boundary conditions assume natural convection on indoor side. The density of convective
heat flow on the indoor boundary is defined as:

q c, in = h c, in (T s, in − T in ) (114)

where Ts,in is used here to denote the temperature of any indoor fenestration surface (i.e., Tb,n or the temperature of
the indoor frame surface). The convective heat transfer coefficient, hc,in is determined from heat transfer
correlations given in following clauses. Heat transfer by natural convection

The natural convection heat transfer coefficient for the indoor side, hc,in is determined in terms of the Nusselt
number, Nu.

hc,in = Nu  

where λ is the thermal conductivity of air

Nu is calculated as a function of the corresponding Rayleigh number based on the height, H, of the whole
fenestration system, RaH.

50 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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ρ 2 H 3 gC p Tb,n − Tin
Ra H = (dimensionless) (116)
Tm,f µλ

where the various fluid properties are those of air evaluated at the mean film temperature:
Tm,f = Tin + 14 (Tb,n − Tin )

Correlations to quantify the indoor side convective heat transfer coefficient for still air (27)are presented in the
following clauses.

NOTE The indoor convective heat transfer coefficient is a function of indoor glazing layer surface temperature,
Tb,n, for the case of natural convection so it is necessary to update the value of hc,in as the solution of the glazed
area heat transfer model proceeds.

Each of the following clauses pertains to one particular value, or range, of tilt angle, θ. Note that this
categorization, as a function of θ, is based on the assumption that the indoor environment is warmer than the
indoor glazing surface (i.e., Tin>Tb,n). If the reverse is true (Tin<Tb,n) it is necessary to seek the appropriate
correlation on the basis of the complement of the tilt angle, 180°- θ, instead of θ and to then substitute 180°-θ
instead of θ when the calculation is carried out.

a) Windows inclined from 0° to 15° (0°≤θ<15°)

Nu in = 0,13Ra H (117)

b) Windows inclined from 15° to 90° (15°≤θ≤90°)

Nu in = 0,56(Ra H sin θ )
RaH ≤ Rac (118)

Nuin = 0,13 Ra H
− Ra c
)+ (0,56Ra sin θ)
1/ 4
RaH ≥ Rac (119)

 e 0,72 θ 
Ra c = 2,5 × 10 5
 θ in degrees (120)
 sin θ 

c) Windows inclined from 90° to 179° (90°<θ≤179°)

Nuin = 0,56( Ra H sin θ)1 / 4 105≤ RaHsinθ≤ 1011 (121)

d) Windows inclined from 179° to 180° (179°<θ≤180°)

Nu1 = 0,58Ra H5 RaH ≤ 1011 (122)

[DC: Hakim, note revisions of equations 119, 120, and 121] Forced convection (any tilt)

The following relation is to be used for the case of forced air flow on the indoor side of a fenestration system
(ISO 6946):

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 51

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hc,in = 4 + 4V W/m2k (V in m/sec) (1

8.2.2 Convective heat transfer coefficient - outdoor side

The convective heat transfer on the outdoor side primarily occurs by forced convection. The density of convective
( )
heat flow on the outdoor boundary is defined as: qc,out = hc,out Ts,out − Tout

where Ts,out is used here to denote the temperature of any outdoor fenestration surface (i.e., Tf,1 or the temperature
of the outdoor frame surface).

The following is the calculational procedure 28) of the convective heat transfer coefficient on the outside surface
derived from the experimental work of Ito, 29)


V= wind velocity [m/s]

θ = wind direction (angle measured clockwise from north - see figure 17.)

ε = wall azimuth (positive degrees westward from south and negative eastward - see

figure 17)


Θ ε


Figure 17 - Determination of wind direction and wall azimuth

n = wall normal direction

N = north
S = south

52 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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u = air velocity near the outside surface [m/s]

hc,out = convective heat transfer coefficient [W/m2K]

Calculation sequence:

(1) Calculate wind direction relative to the wall surface γ:

γ = ε+180 - θ

If γ>180 then γ = 360-γ

If -45 ≤γ≤ 45 the surface is windward and otherwise the surface is leeward.

(2) Calculate the air velocity near the outside surface u:

a. If the surface is windward:

u = 0,25v V>2 (124)

u = 0,5v V≤ 2 (125)

b. If the surface is leeward:

u = 0,3 + 0,05v (126)

(3) Calculate the outside convective heat transfer coefficient:

hc,out = 4,7 + 7,6v (127) Heat transfer by natural convection

The natural convection heat transfer coefficient for the outdoor side, hc,out, is determined in terms of the Nusselt
number, Nu.

hc,out = Nu   (128)
where λ is the thermal conductivity of air.

Nu is calculated as a function of the corresponding Rayleigh number based on the height, H, of the glazing cavity,

ρ 2 H 3 gC p Ts,out − Tout
Ra H = (dimensionless) (129)
Tm,f µλ

where the various fluid properties are those of air evaluated at the mean film temperature:
Tm,f = Tout + 1
s,out − Tout )

Correlations to quantify the outdoor side convective heat transfer coefficient are identical to the ones for indoor side
(27) and are presented in clause

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 53

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NOTE The tilt angle θ, under standard conditions, needs to be replaced by its complement angle 180°- θ. Forced convection (any tilt)

The following relation is to be used for the case of forced air flow on the indoor side of a fenestration system
(ISO 6946):

hc,out = 4 + 4V W/m2k (V in m/s) (130)

NOTE WG2 is considering a variety of correlations to quantify forced convection heat transfer for use at
indoor and/or outdoor surfaces.

8.3 Longwave radiation heat transfer

8.3.1 Mean radiant temperature

Outdoor mean radiant temperature will depend on the application, whether it is for field conditions or for product
rating and comparison (i.e., controlled laboratory conditions).

Gout = σTrm,out

For field conditions, outdoor irradiance can be defined through the use of outdoor mean radiant temperature, Trm,out:

It is assumed that outdoor fenestration surfaces are irradiated by the outdoor surfaces and the sky vault which
consists of two areas - one cloudy and the other clear. The cloudy portion of the sky is treated as large enclosure
surfaces existing at the outdoor air temperature. The mean radiant outdoor temperature can then be defined as:

 (Fground + (1 − f clr )Fsky )σTout 4 + f clr Fsky J sky

1/ 4

Trm,out =  (132)
 σ 
 
where Fground and Fsky are view factors form the outdoor surfaces of the fenestration system to the ground (i.e., the
area below the horizon) and sky, respectively. The factor fclr is the fraction of the sky that is clear.

Fground = 1 - Fsky

1 + cosθ
Fsky =
Jsky is determined using the emissivity and temperature of the clear sky.

J sky = ε skyσTsky

Alternatively, if actual sky data is unavailable, model from Swinbank [?] can be used:

J sky = ε skyσTout

ε sky =
σTout 4

54 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

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Rsky = 5,31x10 −13 T 6

Indoor irradiance is defined as:

Gin = σTrm,
in (133a)

where, Trm,in is determined from temperatures and shape factors of surrounding indoor surfaces.

If it is assumed that indoor fenestration surfaces are irradiated only by the indoor room surfaces, which are treated
as a large enclosure existing at the indoor air temperature. Indoor irradiance then becomes:

Gin = σTrm,
(133)NOTE The procedure outlined in this clause can be adapted to account for conditions that exist in a hot
box test apparatus by determining the radiosities of the surfaces to which the window is exposed and the
corresponding shape factors.

8.3.2 Detailed Radiation Heat Transfer Calculation

For fenestration systems whose ratio of total to projected boundary surface area on outdoor side is greater than
1,25 are called projecting, or non-planar fenestration systems. For these systems, individual fenestration surfaces
(i.e., frame and glazing surfaces) are self-radiating and the assumption of large black body enclosure radiating at
each fenestration surface with the view factor equal to 1.0 is invalid.

The net radiation heat transfer on fenestration boundaries, qr, of non-planar products shall be calculated using
procedure outlined in section or using the alternative procedure given in section Two-Dimensional Element To Element View Factor Based Radiation Heat Transfer Calculation

The emissivity of both indoor and outdoor environments is set to unity.

The net radiation heat transfer at any surface "i" is the difference between emitted radiation and absorbed portion
of incident radiation. The temperatures of the surfaces do not differ appreciably so, using Kirchoffs law:

q r,i = ε iσ Ti − ε i G i

where, Gi is irradiance at surface i from all other surfaces.

Gi = ∑ Fi − j J j (135)

and Fi-j is the view factor from surface i to surface j. The radiosity of surface j, Jj, is given by:

J j = ε jσT j + ρ jG j

Assuming all surfaces are grey: ρj = 1- εj. Substituting ρj and Gj and using subscript i for convenience, equation
(135) becomes:

J i = ε iσTi + (1 − ε i )∑ Fi − j J j

The equation (137) represents a system of N linear algebraic equations for the N unknown radiosities, Jj, which are
determined from the solution of this system of equations. The system of equation (137) when expressed in matrix
form becomes:

© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 55

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[C ]{J } = {F } (138)


δ ij − (1 − ε i )Fi − j
Cij = (139)

Fi = σTi

Ti in equation (140) is known temperature from previous iteration k, (i.e., Tik). For the first iteration, the values for
Ti are initial guesses).

NOTE Temperatures are calculated from the solution to the conduction problem given by equation (67), while
net radiation heat flux (see equation 134) is calculated using Ji values from equation (137) and linearized term Ti4,
by using the first two terms of its Taylor series expansion about Tik.

Ti = 4 Ti ( )T k 3
k +1
( )
− 3 Ti
k 4

This procedure is repeated until the following condition is satisfied:

k +1
k +1
≤ tol (142)

where tol is solution tolerance, whose value is typically less than 10-3. denotes the norm or root mean square
value of the temperature vector, as defined in (30).

View factors Fi-j can be calculated using Hottel's cross-string rule (26)If the view between two radiating surfaces is
obstructed by a third surface, the effect of this obstruction shall be included. Three-Dimensional Macro Surface Isothermal Method

The U-factor for projecting products must be reduced because of the self-viewing nature of the window. The
alternate method presented here can be used instead of the multi-element method prescribed in clause

The indoor side of the projecting product is treated as a single surface with uniform temperature and emissivity εg.
The ratio of indoor-side surface area to indoor-side-opening area is denoted As/Ap. The opening area, Ap, will be
similar to, but marginally less than, the projected area of the product, At. Using grey enclosure analysis it can be
shown that the ratio of radiant heat flux at the surface of the projecting product versus the radiant heat flux at the
surface of a similar non-projecting product is given by the following expression. More detail is provided by (31).

Frad = (149)
A 
1 + ε g  s − 1
A 
 p 
The indoor surface emissivity shall be set equal to the emissivity of indoor glazing surface (εg=εb,n).

In the analysis of individual window glazing segments, the radiant exchange from the indoor glazing surface can
most readily be reduced by substituting a reduced emissivity for the indoor surface, εred, in place of the true surface
emissitivity, εb,n.

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ε red = Frad ε b,n (150)

Similarly, in the analysis of frame and sash sections, the emissivity of the indoor surfaces shall also be reduced
using the factor Frad.

8.3.3 Simplified Radiation Heat Transfer Calculation

For fenestration systems whose ratio of total to projected boundary surface area is less than 1,25, the view factor
from the fenestration system surfaces to the outdoor or indoor environment can be considered to be equal to 1.0
(i.e., no self radiating). In addition, it is reasonable to linearize radiation heat transfer contribution and express it in
terms of surface heat transfer coefficient hr as shown in Clauses and Indoor surfaces

All indoor surfaces are denoted by subscript “s,in”, including frame surfaces. Although it is customary to consider
radiation heat transfer on glazing boundary surfaces in terms of radiosities, as shown in clause 5.3.1, the following
equation can be used for simplified radiation heat transfer calculations on both glazing and frame surfaces.

qr,in = hr,in (Ts,in − Tin ) (143)


hr,in =
ε s,inσ Ts,in 4 − Tin 4 ) (144)
Ts,in − Tin Outdoor surfaces

All outdoor surfaces are denoted here by subscript f,1, including frame surfaces. As with indoor surfaces, outdoor
glazing boundary surfaces are typically dealt with in terms of radiosities, but the following equation can be used for
simplified radiation heat transfer calculations on both glazing and frame surfaces.

q r,out = hr,out (Ts,out − Tr,m ) (145)


hr,out =
ε s,out σ Ts,out 4 − Tr,m 4 )
Ts,out − Tr,m

8.4 Combined convective and radiative heat transfer

q = h(Ts,in − Tne ) (146)

where h = hr + hc

For boundary surface whose geometry is approximated using rules detailed in Clause 6.3.1, the following
adjustment to the combined surface heat transfer coefficient shall be applied:

hadjusted = h (147)

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8.5 Prescribed density of heat flow rate

The frame/wall interface shall be treated as adiabatic. Also see ISO/DIS 10077 -2.

Even though approximate correlation in equation (13) is used for frame total solar energy transmittance calculation,
the alternative method is to use density of heat flow boundary condition, which is equal to absorbed quantity of
solar radiation on frame surfaces.

q s = αI s (148)

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Annex A

Solution technique for the multi-layer solar optical model

A window with n glazing together with the outdoor (i=0) and indoor(i=n+1) spaces form an n+2 element array. The
glazing system optical analysis can be carried out by considering the spectral fluxes of radiant energy flowing
between the i-1th and ith glazings, I (λ ) and I (λ ) . The + and - superscripts denote radiation flowing toward
+ −
i i
the outdoor and indoor side, respectively, as shown in Figure A.1.


− −
I i +1 I n−+1

… …
Ii I i++1 I n++1

ρ f ,i ( λ ) ρ b ,i ( λ )

τi (λ )

1 i-1 i i+1 n

Fígure A.1 - Analysis of solar flux in multi-layer glazing system

Equations (A.1) and (A.2) are applied while setting the reflectance and transmittance of the conditioned space to
zero, ρ f,n +1 (λ ) = 0 and τ n +1 (λ ) = 0 .

I i+ (λ ) = τ i (λ ) I i++1 (λ ) + ρ f,i (λ ) I i− (λ ) i=1 to n+1 (A.1)

I i− (λ ) = τ i −1 (λ ) I i−−1 (λ ) + ρ b,i −1 (λ ) I i+ (λ ) i=2 to n+1 (A.2)

It can be shown that the ratio of I i+ (λ ) to I i− (λ ) is given by:

I i+ (λ ) τ i2 (λ )ri +1 (λ )
= ri (λ ) = ρ f,i (λ ) + (A.3)
I i− (λ ) 1 − ρ b,i (λ )ri +1 (λ )

and the ratio of I i−−1 (λ ) to I i− (λ ) is given by:

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I i−+1 (λ ) τ i (λ )
= t i (λ ) = (A.4)
I i (λ )

1 − ρ b,i (λ )ri +1 (λ )

Edwards (32) gives the development of equations (A.3) and (A.4) by the net radiation method. Wright (5) uses ray
tracing to reproduce this derivation.

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Now all values of I i (λ ) and I i (λ ) can be found using the following steps. First, use equation (153)as a
− +

recursion relationship to calculate all values of ri ( λ ) by working from rn +1 (λ ) = ρ f,n +1 (λ ) = 0 to r1 ( λ ) . Second,

use equation (A.4) to obtain t i (λ ) from i=1 to i=n. The rest of the solution follows by first calculating the flux
reflected from the glazing system to the outdoor side ( I1+ (λ ) = r1 (λ ) I1− (λ ) ) and then marching toward the indoor side
from i=2 to i=1 calculating the remaining fluxes ( I i− (λ ) = ti −1 (λ ) I i−−1 (λ ) and I i+ (λ ) = ri (λ ) I i− (λ ) ).

Finally, the desired portions of incident radiation at each of the glazing layers are given by:

I i− (λ ) − I i+ (λ ) + I i++1 (λ ) − I i−+1 (λ ) (A.5)

Ai (λ ) =
I 1− (λ )

and the portion transmitted to the conditioned space is,

I n−+1 (λ )
τ s (λ ) = (A.6)
I 1− (λ )

NOTE I1− (λ ) can be set equal to unity for the purpose of solving these equations.

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Annex B
Thermophysical fill gas property values
The following tables present linear equation coefficients with which the conductivity, viscosity and specific heat at
constant pressure can be calculated for four (air, argon, krypton, xenon) glazing cavity fill gases. The least square
linear curve fit equations were derived from thermophysical property data given in (33) Note that the molecular
weights are listed in separate Table B.4.

The heat transfer calculations are based on the assumption that the fill gas is not an emitting/absorbing gas. Since
SF6 violates this condition it has not been presented in these tables.

Table B.1 - Thermal conductivity

Coefficient a Coefficient b λ @ 0 ºC
W/(M⋅K) W/(m⋅K2) W/(m⋅K)

Air 2,8733×10-3 7,76×10-5 0,024

Argon 2,2848×10-3 5,1486×10-5 0,016

Krypton 9,4429×10-4 2,8257×10-5 0,0087

Xenon 4,5381×10-4 1,7229×10-5 0,0052

Where λ = a+b*T(K)

Table B.2 - Viscosity

Coefficient a Coefficient b µ @ 0 ºC
N*s/m2 N*s/(m2⋅K) N*s/m2

Air 3,723×10-6 4,94×10-8 1,72×10-5

Argon 3,379×10-6 6,451×10-8 2,1×10-5

Krypton 2,213×10-6 7,777×10-8 2,4×10-5

Xenon 1,069×10-6 7,4143×10-8 2,1×10-5

Where µ = a+b*T(K)

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Table B.3 - Specific heat at constant pressure

Coefficient a Coefficient b Cp @ 0 ºC
J/(kg·K) J/(kg⋅K²) J/(kg*K)

Air 9,693×102 1,192×10-2 972,5559

Argon 521,9285 0 521,9285

Krypton 248,0907 0 248,0917

Xenon 158,3397 0 158,3397

Where Cp = a+b*T(K)

Table B.4 - Molecular weights

Gas kg/Kmol

Air 28,97

Argon 39,948

Krypton 83,80

Xenon 131,30

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