Final Exam in Religion and Belief

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Republic of the Philippines

Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
R.T. Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City

Name:______________________________________ Year & Section:_________________ Date:__________________

I. Choose the correct answer that best completes each of the following items. Shade the letter in the space provided.

1. It often takes many lifetimes for a Hindu to use up all of his/her karma.
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
2. Mandalas are an integral part of Tibetan Buddhism.
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
3. Gandhi's religious awakening began in London while he was in law school.
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
4. Shinto is uniquely Chinese.
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
5. Buddhism is considered the world's "oldest living religion."
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
6. The atman creates karma in Hinduism.
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
7. Which of these is the feminine divine in Hinduism?
A. Ganesh
B. Shiva
C. Shakti
D. Brahma
8. Which of these men is not considered a father of modern sociology?
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Peter Berger
C. Karl Marx
D. Max Weber
9. Which of the following was not one of the Four Sights that Siddhartha Gautama saw when he snuck
away from his father's palace?
A. Children playing
B. A funeral
C. An old man
D. A sick man
10. The solution in Buddhism, Awakening, occurs when one's consciousness is freed from the suffering of
the present life. This is called:
A. Moksha
B. Brahman
C. Nirvana
D. Dukkha
11. The blending of beliefs, rituals, and practices of two or more religious traditions is called:
A. Religious switching
B. Animism
C. Heresy
D. Syncretism
12. The explanations of why an all-powerful, all-loving God would allow bad things to happen are called:
A. Anomie
B. Parables
C. Theodicy
D. Legitimation
13. Who is the creator God in Hinduism?
A. Vishnu
B. Brahma
C. Ganesh
D. Shiva
14. Which of the following is a reason why Hinduism is considered unique among the world's religions?
A. It has a founder
B. It has no date of founding
C. Its beliefs are very rigid
D. It is monotheistic
15. Which of these forms of Buddhism emphasizes using all of the body's energies in the pursuit of
A. Mahayana
B. Zen
C. Tibetan
D. Theravada
16. This sacred text of Hinduism, which is an excerpt of the Mahabarata, is one of the most popular tests
among Hindus, including Gandhi.
A. The Upanishads
B. The Ramayana
C. The Rg Vega
D. The Bhagavad Gita
17. Which of the following Hindu gods/goddesses is not included in any conception of the Trimurti?
A. Ganesh
B. Shakti
C. Brahma
D. Shiva
18. Ultimate reality, that which is eternal and eternally present in all of the creation is called ______ in
A. Jivatman
B. Atman
C. Brahman
D. Karma
19. Ritual devotion or worship in Hinduism is called:
A. Puja
B. Kumbh Mela
C. Diwali
D. None of the above
20. The selfish desires that Buddhism believes to be the cause or origin of suffering are called:
A. Tanha
B. Karma
C. Anicca
D. Dukka
21. According to Prothero, the problem in Hinduism is this process of reincarnation.
A. Moksha
B. Karma
C. Brahman
D. Samsara
22. The laws, ethics, and/or duties to which all Hindus should aspire are called:
A. Karma
B. Dharma
C. Artha
D. Kama
23. Which of the following is not one of the three marks of existence in Buddhism?
A. Atman
B. Anicca
C. Anatta
D. Dukkha
24. Kung fu and which form of Buddhism developed alongside each other in the Shaolin monasteries of
A. Mahayana
B. Zen
C. Tibetan
D. Theravada
25. When all of a person's karma has been used up, the atman is reunited with the Brahman. This is called:
A. Moksha
B. Brahman
C. Nirvana
D. Dukkha
26. Buddhism denies the presence of a soul. This is called:
A. Atman
B. Anicca
C. Anatta
D. Dukkha
27. Acknowledgment of multiple deities while giving preference to one over the others is called:
A. Polytheism
B. Pantheism
C. Henotheism
D. Monotheism
28. In Mahayana Buddhism, a bodhisattva is:
A. One who helps others achieve enlightenment
B. A god or goddess
C. One who follows the Eightfold Path
D. None of the above
29. Which god, regarded as the remover of obstacles and the god of prosperity, is famous for his elephant
A. Shakti
B. Ganesh
C. Shiva
D. Vishnu
30. Much of the history of both Tibetan and Zen Buddhism was destroyed during what event?
A. The Cultural Revolution
B. The Tibetan uprising
C. The Communist Revolution
D. The Tiananmen Square Massacre
31. Which of the following were the first Hindu scriptures?
A. The Vedas
B. The Madabarata
C. The Bhagavad Gita
D. The Upanishads
32. All religions have roughly the same conception of God
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above

33. There are over 500 million devas or gods in Hinduism.

A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
34. The Ramayana contains 24000 verses in 6 books.
A. True
B. False
C. None of the above
35. _____ believed that in order to find the source of evil we must not look into man's nature, but rather
into his environment.
A. Tung Chung-su
B. Confucius
C. Hsun-tzu
D. Mencius
36. According to the ethics of Confucianism, someone who has the moral power to say no to evil and
temptation possesses _____.
A. Li
B. Te
C. Ren
D. Jen
37. The strict moral code and lack of spiritual elements of early Confucianism:
A. were augmented by a greater interest in metaphysical concepts by Neo-Confucianism.
B. gained momentum with the ascent of China's Song Dinasty.
C. were widely accepted by the Chinese nobility throughout history.
D. gave rise to the theory of the Great Ultimate.
38. Who was the most important interpreter of Confucius' teachings?
A. Hsun-tzu
B. Mencius
C. Tung Chung-shu
D. Chang Ling
39. What kind of moral code did Confucius propose for righteous rulers?
A. A code based on moral virtue and deep respect for elders and ancestors
B. A code based on fasting and the performance of strict ceremonies and rituals
C. A code based on humility, orderly life and suppression of the ego
D. A code based on loyalty, diligence and devotion to all things divine
40. The idea that elements of nature, such as trees and rocks, have unseen spirits, is known as _____.
A. Animism
B. Nature-worship theory
C. Syncretism
D. Shamanism

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