Iwrbs-2nd Summative Test

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NAME: ______________________________________________ SCORE: ______________

GRADE & SECTION: __________________________ DATE: ________________

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions/statements before deciding on the

best answer.

A. Write the letter of your answer in your answer sheet. Use capital letters.

1. Where did Christianity originate?

A. Saudi Arabia B. Jerusalem C. Canaan D. Palestine

2. Which is the correct arrangement of the hierarchy of Catholic church?

A. Pope, archbishop, cardinal, priest
B. Archbishop, bishop, pope, cardinal
C. Pope, cardinal, bishop, priest, deacon
D. Cardinal, pope, bishop, deacon, priest

3. Why did the Catholic leaders come up with the doctrine of the Holy Trinity?
A. To follow Christ’s teaching that He has three persona
B. To liberate the early Christians from slavery of the Babylonian Empire
C. To end the controversy generated by Arianism that Jesus was not a God
D. None of the above

4. Which is NOT included in the sacrament of initiation?

A. Baptism B. Confirmation C. Holy Communion D. Confession

5. Which signals the start of the season of Lent?

A. Black Friday C. Palm Sunday
B. Ash Wednesday D. Holy Saturday

6. Where is the prophecy that God will send His only begotten son to save humanity
from eternal damnation written?
A. Apostle’s Creed C. New Testament
B. Gospel of St. John D. Old Testament

7. In which month of the Islamic calendar do able-bodied Muslims perform the hajj or
pilgrimage to Mecca?
A. Dhu al-Hijja C. Muharram
B. Shawwal D. Rabi al-Awai
8. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar wherein Muslims are expected to observe the
sawm or fasting
A. Muharram C. Ramadan
B. Dhu al-Hijja D. Shawwal

9. The most important festival in the Muslim calendar marking the end of the pilgrimage
A. Id al-Adha C. Id al-Fitr
B. Rabi al-Awai D. Yawn Arafat

10. Why do Muslims slaughter a live animal on the tenth day of the hajj?
A. To celebrate the Festival of Breaking the Fast
B. To celebrate the first revelation to the prophet
C. To commemorate the assassination of the Imam Husayn at Karbala
D. To commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael and his
obedience to God

11. The special day of worship for the Muslims as commanded by Muhammad
A. Sunday B. Monday C. Friday D. Saturday

12. The following are forbidden while Muslims are wearing their ihram EXCEPT
A. wash themselves C. kill anything (even a fly)
B. sleep D. clip nails

13. The most sacred site of Islam, which literally means “House of Allah”
A. Kaaba B. Masjid C. Tawaf D. Zamzam

14. What is the alternative to fasting for those who are very old or with long-term illness?
A. Sponsor a street party after Ramadan
B. Give charity to poor Muslims
C. Organize an activity for small children
D. All of these

15. The collection of deeds and sayings of Muhammad and his followers
A. Quran B. Hadith C. Surah D. Ayah

B. Pick your answer from the choices inside the box. Write the letter only.

A. Roman Emperor E. Holy Trinity

B. Pentecost F. Three Sacraments
C. Advent G. Eight Beatitudes
D. Lent H. Pope

_________16. Considered as Peter’s successor by the Catholics

_________17. This refers to the eight sayings of Jesus at the beginning of the “Sermon on
the Mount”
_________18. The season of waiting for the birth of the Messiah, which lasts for four
_________19. Refers to God having three persona – God the Father, God the Son and God
the Holy Spirit
_________20. Celebrated as a holiday to commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit to
the early Christians
A. Hadith E. Quran
B. Hafiz F. Hijra
C. Allah G. Jihad
D. Islam H. Ilah

_________21. Literally means “recitation” or “reading”

_________22. Means to “surrender or submit oneself for obedience to God”
_________23. “the one who is God”
_________24. The flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina
_________25. A person who is able to memorize the Quran in its entirety

A. Confirmation E. Confession
B. Holy Communion F. Matrimony
C. Baptism G. Holy Orders
D. Anointing of the Sick H. Holy Ghost

_________26. The fourth sacrament, which is meant to reconcile Christians with God by
confessing their sins
_________27. Meant to remove the guilt and effects of Original Sin
_________28. Considered as the continuation of Christ’s priesthood which He passed on
to His apostles
_________29. Entails the reception of Christ’s body and blood which helps Christians
grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ
_________30. The sacrament administered to those who are seriously ill or are on the
verge of death

A. Sawm E. Shawwal
B. Mahram F. Shahada
C. Salat G. Shari’a
D. Hajj H. Zakat

________31. Asserts that Allah is the only divinity and that He has relayed His will
through Muhammad
________32. Given by well-off Muslims to aid their underprivileged brothers
________33. Performed by all Muslims during the entire 30 days of Ramadan
________34. Visitation to Holy Places
________35. Obligatory prayer done for Muslim’s spiritual development

C. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

_________36. The Apostle’s Creed is written by the apostles themselves.

_________37. The Catholic Church has ten sacraments which are considered as signs of
inner kindness given by God for Christians to live a genuine human life.
_________38. Quran is arranged based on the length of the surah or chapter in ascending
_________39. Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country with
almost 87% of the population practicing Islam.
_________40. Islam began with the Arabian desert people around early 2 nd century CE.
_________41. Muhammad ibn Abdullah worked as a camel driver across the Arabian
_________42. The longest surah has 268 ayahs.
_________43. Zayd ibn Thabit wrote on leather scraps, stone pieces, ribs of palm leaves,
and shoulder blades of animals.
_________44. The zakat must be 2.5% of a person’s entire asset.
_________45. Ritual washing or wudu is required before praying.
_________46. The Quran is binding, continuous and supreme.
_________47. Muslims whose concern mainly dwell for a mystical union with God belong
to Shi’ite Islam.
_________48. Majority of Muslims belong to the Sunni denomination.
49. Jihad means “effort” or “struggle” to convince unbelievers to pursue the Muslim way
of life.
50. Salat is done before sunset, noon, mid-afternoon, after sunset and after midnight.

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Subject Teacher Master Teacher I School Principal III

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