Midterm Exam WRBS 20192020

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Maloco, Ibajay, Aklan

Senior High School Department
Midterm Examination in Humanities I
(Introduction to World Religions and Belief System)
S.Y.2019 - 2020
General Directions: Read and analyze carefully each item. Encircle the letter of your chosen answer.
1. Which concept was defined as an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies and rules used to worship a god or a
group of gods?
A. Spirituality B. Religion C. Belief D. Theology
2. Which concept was termed as a collection of beliefs about life and universe being held by people?
A. Spirituality B. Religion C. Worldview D. Philosophy
3. What kind of belief system disbelief or denies the existence of a personal god?
A. Monism B. Polytheism C. Monotheism D. Atheism
4. Which belief system asserts that there is no genuine distinction between God and the universe?
A. Monism B. Polytheism C. Monotheism D. Atheism
5. Which social scientist viewed religion as a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things?
A. E. B. Taylor B. J. G. Frazer C. D. E. Durkheim D. B. K. Malinowski
6. He was English anthropologist and the founding figure of the science of social anthropology that viewed religion as
the belief in spiritual beings
A. E. B. Taylor B. J. G. Frazer C. D. E. Durkheim D. B. K. Malinowski
7. Which of the following theorists explained Animistic theory and found that the Melanesian people believed in
A. Robert Henry Codrington B. Wilhelm Schmidt
C. Ludwig Andreas Von Feuerbach D. Sigmund Freud
8. Which theory of the origin of religion does James George Frazer proposed?
A. Magic Theory B. Wish Fulfillment Theory C. Animistic Theory D. Theory of Monotheism
9. Which concept defines as relating or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things?
A. Spirituality B. Religious C. theology D. Philosophy of religion
10. Which of the following concepts involves in the systematic study of the existence and nature of the divine?
A. Spirituality B. Religious C. theology D. Philosophy of religion
11. Which of the following is not included in ancient polytheistic religion?
A. Egypt B. Rome C. Greece D. China
12. Which of the following statements is NOT a common characteristic of religion?
A. Belief in a deity’s relationship with the world
B. Places and people believed to be holy and sacred
C. Rules followed as a result of beliefs
D. Ideas have helped inflame animosity
13. Animistic beliefs include the idea that ____
A. No clear boundaries exist between the natural and the supernatural
B. Nature is superior to the supernatural
C. Animals once existed as human beings
D. There is one creator who intervenes in both the natural and the supernatural
14. Karl Heinrich Marx explained Wish Fulfillment theory. Which of the following statement includes his explanation?
A. Religion developed by few as a means to control the masses and suppress revolution.
B. There were no gods and that belief in gods was simply wish fulfillment.
C. Religion originated from guilt that individuals supposedly feel in hating their fathers.
D. All of the above.
15. Philosophy of religion is one of the basic concepts in understanding religion. What is the focus of this study?
A. Emphases on the relationship of man to the spiritual world
B. It is a branch of theology and studies about the divinity
C. It deals on the issues of religion and analysis on the existence of a divine being.
D. All of the above.
16. The comparative analysis of major religions reveals that an important characteristics of their belief system. How
these affect the quality of life of man?
A. Man can understand the power of the divine.
B. Man can have better understanding about their faith.
C. Man can value the life they have.
D. None of the above.
17. Which of two religions share the first five books of the Old Testament?
A. Islam and Judaism B. Islam and Christianity
C. Christianity and Judaism D. None of the above
18. What is the order of Abrahamic faiths from youngest to oldest?
A. Islam, Christianity and Hinduism B. Islam, Christianity and Judaism
C. Judaism, Christianity and Islam D. Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism
19. Who were the prophet and patriarch that played a major role in the establishment of the three monotheistic
religions in West Asia?
A. Mohammad B. Moses C. Abraham D. Jesus
20. For the Muslims, who was the last prophet or Seal of Prophets?
A. Mohammad B. Moses C. Abraham D. Jesus
21. What religion can be considered as a museum of religions because of innumerable gods and goddesses?
A. Sikhism B. Buddhism C. Hinduism D. Jainism
22. What separates the two Buddhism, the Mahayana and Theravada?
A. Worshiping many gods
B. Worshiping Buddha as God
C. Worshiping the nature
D. None of the above
23. Which of two religions work for the Japanese people?
A. Shintoism and Confucianism B. Shintoism and Taoism
C. Shintoism and Buddhism D. Confucianism and Buddhism
24. What is reincarnation?
A. Coming back as something else after you dies
B. Never dying
C. Not being able to live
D. The inability to breathe
25. What is the main difference between Buddhism and many of the major religions?
A. Salvation through one’s own efforts
B. Life after death
C. Renunciation of the material world
D. One supreme god
26. What are the supreme virtue representing human qualities and the cornerstone of Confucian ethics?
A.Xin B. Hsiao C. Jen D. Li
27. Which class in ancient Indian society does the Vedas believed had come?
A. Brahman B. Indra C. Agni D. Vishnu
28. Who was regarded as China’s greatest philosopher and teacher?
A. Zhang Daoling B. Kung Fu Tzu C. Lao tzu D. Siddharta Gautama
29. What is the sacred text for both Confucianism and Taoism?
A. I Ching B. Mandate of Heaven C. Analects D. Tao te Ching
30. Japanese people believed that their emperor were descendants of their sun goddess. What do they call their god?
A. Agni B. Kami C. Son Goku D. Amaterasu
31. What mountain was believed to be the site of sacrifice of Isaac by his father Abraham?
A. Mount Sinai B. Mt. Ararat C. Mt. Moriah D. Mt. Tabor
32. From the Books of Exodus, it narrates that Israelites escaped from Egypt by crossing the Yam Suph. What is the
modern day name of this body of water?
A. Black Sea B. Mediterranean Sea C. Red Sea D. Caspian Sea
33. How does geography affects religion in India?
A. Indian religion spread throughout the world.
B. Hindu gods were based on the ecological setting.
C. Most of the people create rituals for their harvest.
D. All of the above
34. Where was the place where Siddhartha delivered his first sermon about the principle of Buddhism?
A. Varanasi B. Samath C. Nepal D. China
35. The Chaukandhi Stupa is a monument commemorated by Buddhist. What is the significance of this monument?
A. Buddha reaches enlightenments here
B. Buddha met his first followers
C. Buddha delivers his final sermon
D. Buddha was killed in this place
36. In Hinduism, what could dharma mean?
A. duty B. righteousness C. ethics D. all of the above
37. Which of the following is NOT included in the five basic social relationships according to Confucius?
A. Ruler and Subject B. father and son C. husband and wife D. peers and colleages
38. What mountain in Japan believed to have abode of gods according to Shintoism?
A. Mt. Tate B. Mt. Everest C. Mt. Fuji D. Mt. Moriah
39. Which of the following group of religions considered as Dharmic religion?
A. Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism
B. Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and Sikhism
C. Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism
D. Hinduism, Confucianism, Buddhism and Sikhism
40. A name given by the Hebrews to their god
A. Allah B. Varuna C. Yahweh D. Amaterasu
41. What type of Buddhism developed in Japan?
A. Zen B. Kami C. Li D. Xin
42. In ancient Philippine society, what do they call their spiritual leaders whose functions were to intercede between
the deities and the people?
A. Shaman B. Babaylanes C. manugbulong D. timawa
43. Which Confucianism significant aspect promotes social harmony?
A. Xi B. Li C. Xiao D. Zen
44. In Jainism, which key concept helps encourages social solidarity?
A. Kami B. ahimsa C. dharma D. Dao
45. Which of the following examples does NOT relates to the positive effects of religion that provides social change?
A. US Churches campaigns for civil liberties
B. Catholic Church in the Philippines was successful during People Power Revolution
C. People conduct rituals before planting crops
D. None of the above
46. Which concept advocates by Gandhi which means passive resistance?
A. Ahimsa B. filial piety C. satyagraha D. nirvana
47. What concept in Hinduism that they follow which means moral and social obligations?
A. Brahma B. dharma C.ahimsa D. Dao
48. Which of the following best describe karma?
A. struggle against the believers
B. life after death
C. moral consequences of one’s act
D. immortal life acquired after good deeds
49. The Muslims believed that by doing struggles against believers they can guarantee a place in heaven. What do the
call this struggles against unbelievers?
A. sakat B. jihad C. hajj D. pilgrimage
50. In what way does religion gives positive goals in life?
A. Through stories of different prophets, people can relate it to their everyday life.
B. The rituals that they conduct can help them view life positively.
C. The missionary’s experiences can give people a sense of acceptance.
D. The people give alms to the poor member of the community.
51. He gave up his wealth and power to find solution for sickness, poverty, old age and death. Who is he?
A. Mohammed B. Moses C. Siddharta Gautama D. Mohandas Gandhi
52. in Sikhism faith, believers follows a selfless sacrifice which gives them sense of belonging. What do they call it?
A. Sati B. hajj C. Sewa D. nirvana
53. What is moksha?
A. A prosperous life after resurrection
B. Union of universal soul and individual soul
C. Moral and social obligations
D. Struggle against the unbelievers
54. According to Karl Marx, religion is the opium of the masses. What can you infer to this?
A. Religion makes people believe and do what the leaders are teaching them to do.
B. Religion gives people a sense of belongingness as they have contract with God.
C. Religion protects people from negative influences of science.
D. Religion creates a feeling of peace and kindness.
55. Religion also has some aspects which make it susceptible to be a source of conflict and war. Which of the situations
depicts the statement?
A. The Jews were in conflict with the Muslims.
B. The Muslims should at least once in their life pilgrim to Mecca.
C. The Christian followers should follow appropriate dress inside the church.
D. The Japanese should never wear white kimono during wedding rituals.
56. In what country does the conflict between Sinhalese Buddhist and the Tamil Hindu occurred?
A. India B. Maldives C. Pakistan D. Sri Lanka
57. In Islam, the Muslims women practice of wearing the hijab especially in public. Which negative effects of religion
does the situation denote?
A. Religion causes discrimination
B. Religion triggers conflicts and fights
C. Religion as an economic tool for exploiting the masses
D. Religion affirm social hierarchy
58. What concept refer as the killing of oneself as a form of sacrifice?
A. Baptism B. Hazing C. Self-immolation D. Confession
59. What was the main reason why Thich Quang Duc sets himself on fire?
A. To reach the enlightenment
B. To protest against the religious discrimination
C. To surrender his life to his god
D. To show his love to his decease wife
60. The word “Inquisition” becomes associated with the word ____.
A. exploration B. war C. torture D. suicide
61. What incident in 2002 has killed 59 people in India?
A. Inquisiton B. Godhra Train C. Widow burning D. Buddhist monk suicidal
62. What was the source of the Ayodha disputes?
A. Temple B. Babri Masjid C. Catholic discrimination D. torture
63. In Inquisition period, what common torture procedure where the hands bound behind the back with a rope and
dislocating the joints?
A. sati B. jihad C. strappado D. trepanning
64. What term refers to the ancient practice of boring holes in the human skull?
A. sati B. jihad C. strappado D. trepanning
65. The origin of the Jewish people and the beginning of Judaism are recorded in the first five books of Hebrew bible
called ___.
A. covenant B. Pentateuch C. Torah D. Tanakh
66. Jacob changed his name to Israel as merited by the angel to him. What is the meaning of the name Israel?
A. God is with us B. the one receives enlightenment
C. the one who wrestled with God D. reunited with God
67. What do the Jewish call the event where Israelites escapes from Egypt through crossing the Red Sea?
A. Genesis B. Revelations C. Exodus D. Leviticus
68. What is the single most important scripture for the Jewish people?
A. Pentateuch B. Mishnah C. Ketuvim D. Nevi’im
69. Apart from being a book of law, what is this book similar to Pentateuch with a fountain of religious thought and
A. Mishnah B. Talmud C.Torah D. Ketuvim
70. Aside from Exodus 20:2-17, where the Ten Commandments were written, it is also written in ____.
A. Deut. 5:6-30 B. Deut. 5:6-21 C. Lev. 6:5-21 D. Lev. 5:6-30
71. What was stipulated on the twelfth of the Jewish Principles of Faith?
A. The dead will be resurrected
B. God will reward the good and punish the wicked.
C. The Messiah will come
D. There will be no other Torah
72. Who proposed the acceptable creed of Judaism?
A. Abraham B. Moses C. Rambam D. Jacob
73. Jewish people observed Sabbath. This ritual usually ends through a symbolic ritual called ___.
A. Yamim B. havdalah C. shofar D. Shavuot
74. What is the seventh month in the ecclesiastical year of the Jewish?
A. Yom Kippur B. Rosh Hashanah C. Tishri D. Shofar
75. The Jewish observed the kashrut or dietary laws. What is the term refers to the foods that confirms to kashrut?
A. treif B. kosher C. tebah D. bimah
76. Why was the Ark of Covenant so important to the Hebrews?
A. It contained the original Ten Commandments written by God Himself
B. It was an idol, the physical representation of God used by the Hebrews for worship
C. It served as a tool in the sacrifice of Abraham’s son
D. It contained the written version of the hundreds of laws Moses created while wandering the desert for 40
77. What makes Judaism unique from other religion in the world?
A. the largest religion in the world B. an ethnicity as well as a religion
B. the fastest growing religion in the world D. the last remaining monotheistic religion
78. Judaism and Christianity both monotheistic religions share many beliefs. Which of the following Jewish beliefs do
they not share?
A. Ultimately reality - one God, Jehovah, the God of Abraham
B. Nature of God – unity, one substance, one person
C. The Old Testament – Canonical
D. Status of Biblical prophets – true prophets
79. According to Talmud, which of the following, out of respect for their parents is something Jewish children must not
A. Contradicts their parents word
B. Sit in their parents places in the house or at the dinner table
C. Leave their parents to feed and the clothe themselves if they are unable to do so
D. All of the above
80. Through God, the Torah tells Jews about Israel that ___
A. The land of Israel was part of the covenant made between God and the Jewish people at Mount Sinai
B. They should visit at some time during their life
C. They should visit and make pilgrimage to Mount Sinai where the Ten Commandments were received
D. They should always keep Israel in their minds

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