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UNIT I introduction

2-mark question with


1. Differentiate Electric and hybrid vehicles?


 The only mode of driving the wheels is  Hybrid vehicles combine two or more
by electric motor and the source is by sources of power to drive the wheels.
plug-in charge of battery.
 Electric vehicle operate at Zero  As it is a Hybrid vehicle, the ICE will
emission or pollution free. produce emission depending on type
 It requires a intermediate charging of engine.
station for long drive
 It is very much suitable for the long

2. Define battery swapping?

 Battery Swapping is another way to "refuel" electric vehicles.

 Instead of recharging them from electric socket, batteries could be
mechanically replaced on special stations just in a couple of minutes (battery
 Silicon-air, aluminum-air and other metal-air fuel cells look promising candidates
for swap batteries.

3. List out the advantages of electric vehicles?

 Electric vehicles locally produce less noise and Zero emissions.

 They create a calmer and cleaner local environment.
 It is very efficient.

4. What are the different types of hybrid vehicles and give one example?

 Series hybrid vehicle. Eg: Renault Kangoo

 Parallel Hybrid vehicle. Eg:Honda civic
 Combined Series and Parallel hybrid vehicle. Eg: Toyota Prius,Auris.

5. Explain series hybrid vehicle in brief?

 Any vehicle which combines two or more sources of power.

 The two power sources found in hybrid vehicles may be combined in different ways,
either in parallel or series.
 Either one will allow the gasoline engine to shut down when it is not needed.
6. Draw the layout of Series hybrid vehicle?

7. State the advantages and disadvantages of S-HV?


 There is no mechanical link between the combustion engine and the wheels. The
engine-generator group can be located everywhere.
 Series hybrids are relatively the most efficient during stop-and-go city driving


 The total weight, cost and size of the powertrain can be excessive.
 The power from the combustion engine has to run through both the generator
and electric motor. During long-distance highway driving, the total efficiency is
inferior to a conventional transmission, due to the several energy conversions.
8. Explain Parallel hybrid vehicle in brief?

 Parallel hybrid systems have both an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electric
motor in parallel connected to a mechanical transmission.
 Most designs combine a large electrical generator and a motor into one unit
 The battery can be recharged during regenerative breaking, and during cruising,as there
is a fixed mechanical link between the wheels and the motor (no clutch).

9. Draw the layout of Parallel hybrid vehicle?

10. State the advantages and disadvantages of P-HV?


 Total efficiency is higher during cruising and long-distance highway driving.

 Large flexibility to switch between electric and ICE power


 Rather complicated system.

 The ICE doesn’t operate in a narrow or constant RPM range, thus efficiency drops at low
rotation speed.
11. Explain combined hybrid vehicle in brief?

 Combined hybrid systems have features of both series and parallel hybrids.
 There is a double connection between the engine and the drive axle: mechanical and
 Power-split devices are incorporated in the powertrain.
 The power to the wheels can be either mechanical or electrical or both.

12. Draw the layout of Combine hybrid vehicle?

13. State the advantages and disadvantages of C-HV?


 Maximum flexibility to switch between electric and ICE power

 Decoupling of the power supplied by the engine from the power demanded by the
driver allows for a smaller, lighter, and more efficient ICE design.


 Very complicated system, more expensive than parallel hybrid.

The efficiency of the power train transmission is dependent on the amount of power
being transmitted over the electrical path.
14. Explain magnetic track vehicle in brief?

 It is also known as Maglev Vehicle.

 Maglev is a transport method that uses magnetic levitation to move vehicles without
touching the ground.
 With maglev, a vehicle travels along a guideway using magnets to create both lift and
propulsion, thereby reducing friction and allowing higher speeds.

15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Maglev vehicles?


 Maglev allows higher top speeds than conventional rail

 Vehicle maintenance is also minimal (based on hours of operation).


 Maglev trains are not compatible with conventional track, and therefore require custom
infrastructure for their entire route.
 Maglev trains are little affected by snow, ice, severe cold, rain or high winds.

16. What is Flexible Fuel cell?

 A flexible-fuel vehicle (FFV) or dual-fuel vehicle or flex-fuel vehicle is an alternative fuel

vehicle with an internal combustion engine designed to run on more than one fuel,
usually gasoline blended with either ethanol or methanol fuel, and both fuels are stored
in the same common tank.
 Modern flex-fuel engines are capable of burning any proportion of the resulting blend in
the combustion chamber as fuel injection and spark timing are adjusted automatically
according to the actual blend detected by a fuel composition sensor.

17. List out the features of flexible fuel cells?

 Conventional fuel economy is more as they are used in various blended proportions.
 No separate fuel tanks is need for the conventional fuel and the fuel to be blended as
like in dual fuel injection
 Nox emissions is less as compared to conventional diesel engine.

18. What is Fuel cell?

 A Fuel cell is a electrochemical device that converts chemical energy into electrical
 A fuel cell consists of two electrodes namely an anode and a cathode and sandwiched
around an electrolyte.
 In all types of fuel cell, hydrogen is used as fuel and can be obtained from any source of
19. List the different types of fuel cells?

 Alkaline fuel cells (AFC)

 Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC)
 Molten carbonate fuel cell (MFFC)
 Phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC)
 Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC)
 Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC)

20. List out the advantages and limitations of Fuel cells?


 Zero Emissions
 High efficiency
 High power density


 It is very expense as compared to battery

 It is difficult to manufacture and stores a high pure hydrogen

21. Define photovoltaic effect?

 Sunlight is composed of photons, or "packets" of energy.

 These photons contain various amounts of energy corresponding to the different
wavelengths of light.
 When photons strike a solar cell, they are absorbed and when a photon is absorbed, the
energy of the photon is transferred to an electron in an atom of the solar cell.
1. List the features of HCCI.
 Higher efficiency than the conventional SI engine.
 Cleaner and lower emissions.
 Greater Fuel Flexibility.
 30% of fuel savings (Fuel economy).

2. What are the possible ways to increase the concentration and temperature of
 Variable compression ratio
 Variable induction temperature
 Variable exhaust gas%
 Variable valve actuation
 Variable fuel ignition quality.

3. What are the disadvantages of using HCCI engine?

 Fast heat release and pressure rise leads to engine knock.
 The auto ignition is difficult to control.
 It has certain constraint at low speed due to lean flammability limits.

4. List the features of surface ignition engines.

 Greater Fuel economy
 Greater Fuel flexibility
 Brake thermal efficiency increases
 Engine is allowed to run smoothly by using the ethanol as surface ignition.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Hydrogen engines?

 High power output.
 Used as alternate fuel.
 It has backfire and premature characteristics.
 Gaseous hydrogen cannot be stored in same vessel as liquid hydrogen,
which has low density.

6. What is the purpose of VCR engine?

 Due to advancement, there is a need for developing high specific power

output engine with respect to SFC and Emissions.
 The engine must have high reliability and longer life.
7. Name a few high energy and power density batteries?
 Lead acid battery
 Nickel metal hydride
 Lithium ion
 Lithium ion phosphate
 Lithium polymer.

8. Explain the concept of lean burn engines?

 Lean burn engine is used to reduce the throttling losses.
 It is specially designed for providing required power for given acceleration.
 It must be operated under or below the normal steady speed operation.

9. Draw a solar panel and name the parts?

10. List the important features of Lean burn engines?

 Reduced exhaust emission of both CO and UHC.

 Better Fuel economy.
 It reduces the throttling losses.

11. What are the advantages of low heat rejection engines?

 To minimize the heat loss to coolant by providing the heat resistance heat
flow to coolant.
 Higher thermal efficiency

12. List the advantages of VVTI in engines.

 Better fuel economy.

 Improved emission control and power output.
 High torque in low to medium speed range.
 At low speed, valve overlap is reduced or eliminated, so high engine
13. Explain briefly about the stratified charge ignition engine or charge
 SI engine have good full load and poor part load efficiency, CI engine has
good part load efficiency-so in order to get the advantage of both the
engine stratified charge engine is designed.
 It is the midway between the homogenous charge SI engine and
Heterogeneous charge CI engine.
 It provides different A/F mixture strength at various places by providing
the rich mixture near the spark plug zone and lean mixture In the
combustion chamber.
14. List out the advantages and disadvantages of stratified charge engines?

 Higher thermodynamic efficiency
 Low exhaust emission
 Greater fuel flexibility.
For the given engine size, charge stratification results in reduced power
 Manufacturing cost is higher.

15. What are the different methods for the charge stratification?

Depending on formation of mixture in engine,

 Fuel injection and positive ignition
 Using carburetor.

16. Define energy density and power density?

Energy density:
 It is the measure of how much energy a battery can hold.
 Higher the energy density the longer it will last before needing to be
Power density:
 It is the measure of how much power is delivered by battery on demand.
 By how quickly it can release its energy or can be recharged.

17. List out the combustion properties of hydrogen?

 Wide range of flammability

 Low ignition energy is needed.
 Small quenching distance.
 High auto ignition temperature.
High flame speed, high diffusivity, very low density.

1. Why computer (ECU) is used for pollution and noise control in a vehicle?

 When the system is controlled by ECU (computer), the vehicle will have a
precise timing control or response time.
 When the fuel injects at correct timing with accurate metering, then
the emission of UHC can be reduced and leads to complete combustion.
 Depending upon the exhaust gas pressure contribution, the vehicle noise
is also controlled by ECU

2. Name some of the possible ways to reduce the emission and noise?
 Secondary Air injection
 Catalytic convertor (2-way/3-ǁay) etc…
 Muffler/Resonator
 Insulation of Mechanical linkages etc.

3. Define transducers?
 Transducer is a device that is capable of converting the physical quantity
into a proportional electrical quantity such as voltage or current.

Eg.Pressure voltage

4. What are the components of transducers?

 Sensing Element (sensor): It is a device used for producing the measurable

response to change in physical conditions.
 Transduction Element: It is used to convert the sensor output to suitable
voltage (electrical) form.

5. List the characteristics of transducers.

 Linearity and Repeatability
 Accuracy
 Sensitivity
 High stability and Reliability.
6. Write the classifications of Transducers?
 Active and passive transducers
 Primary and secondary transducers
 Transducers and inverse transducers
 On the basis of transduction principle.

7. Explain the concept transducer and inverse transducer?

 Transducer converts a non electrical quantity into electrical quantity.

 Inverse transducer converts electrical quantity into non electrical

8. What do you mean by Accuracy and Sensitive?

 Accuracy is a measured value found to be true.
 Minimum magnitude of input signal is required to produce a specified
output signal.

9. Write the difference between Active and passive transducers?

Active Passive

 The deǀice doesŶ’t Ŷeed aŶy  The devices need an external

external source of power for source (DC) of power for their
their operation. operation.

 Hence they are called as Self  Hence they are not a Self
generating device which operate generating device.
under energy conversion
 Eg: Thermistor,Strain guage
 Eg: Piezo electric

10. Write a brief note on Primary and secondary Transducers?

 Primary: The some of transducer contains both the mechanical and

electrical device. The mechanical device converts the physical quantity
into mechanical signal called as Primary Transducer.
 Secondary: The electrical device then converts the mechanical signal into
corresponding electrical signal called as secondary transducers.
11. What do you mean by linearity and repeatability?
 Linearity by mathematical or graphical represents the straight line.
For.Eg: Voltage and current in RLC circuit.

 It is a measure of a system to achieve the same or identical results across a
multiple test.
12. List out the various types of sensors used to control the vehicle motion?
 Coolant Temperature sensor
 Knock sensor
 MAF sensor and Throttle position sensor
 Oxygen sensor etc...

13. Write a brief note on Actuator?

 Depending upon the commandant signal from transducer, Actuator is
activated for accurate timing or metering, For example: Fuel injector.
 It is also a type of transducer in which actuator also convert the one form
of signal into another.

14. List out the advantages and disadvantages of Transducer and actuator?
 Accurate timing control
 High performance and accurate.
 Improved efficiency
 Simplicity and low cost.
 Due to involvement of electronics, it will leads to environmental

15. How the vehicle does attain the optimum speed and direction?
Optimum Speed:
 Cruise control
 Adoptive cruise control
 Automatic braking system
 Lane departure warning system etc…

1. List out the requirements for the preparation of proper road network?

 Short
 Safe
 Easy
 Economic

2. Name the role of transportation of in national development?

 Economic development Eg. Land, labour etc.,

 Social development Eg. Education, health etc.,
 Spatial development Eg. Housing, industrial etc.,
 Cultural and political.

3. List out the factors for controlling the proper road network?

 Controlling points (hill points,bridge)

 Potential for traffic generation
 Geometric design.
 Economics
 Environmental consideration
 Engineering feasibility.

4. What are the stages of development made in AHS?

 Safety and warning system (SWS)

 Driver assist system (DAS)
 Fully automated highway system (FAHS).

5. List out the objectives of maintenance and its types for proper road network?

 Safety
 Economics of transport
 Routine maintenance- Filling and repairing
 Periodic maintenance-renewal coating
 Rehabilitation and strengthening- Reconstruction or overlaying.
6. Explain automated highway system (AHS) in brief?

 The AHS is a vehicle and road based system that can drive the vehicle
 This can be achieved with the help of sensor and actuator for controlling
the steering, braking, acceleration.
 AHS vehicle will often communicate to other vehicles for data collection.

7. List out the purpose of AHS?

 The main purpose is safety.

 Analysis showed that accident could be reduced between 31-85% by using
Electronic collision avoidance system and fatal crashes by 50%.
 The efficiency is higher for reducing the driver error, so that
the vehicle runs safer.

8. Explain the working and uses of SWS?

 Assist route guidance/navigation
 Warning of dangerous situation or collision
 Warning of obstacles which driver cannot see.
 Useful and reliable
 70% of drivers said, it is useful on unfamiliar jouney, at night and in traffic.

9. Explain the working and uses of DAS?

 It prevents from exceeding the max. speed
 Keeps the driver at a safe distance from vehicle in front.
 Stop and park the vehicle safely.
 Increased driver confidence
 Increased feeling of safety and diver comfort.

10. Explain the working and uses of FAHS?

 Vehicle is fully automatic neither such that the driver operates neither
steering nor braking nor acceleration.
 The entire vehicle will travel at same speed.
 No delay
 Ability to schedule the journey batter and speed uniformity.
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of AHS?
 Using automation increases the safety.
 Investment is main problem which we can’t justify.
 The cost to benefit ratio is too low.

12. What is the development made for fast and safe travel using the satellite

 The one of the best method for obtaining the fast and safe travel is ITS
(intelligent transportation system).
 It has been developed mainly to mitigate traffic congestion problem
because the road space and infrastructure have not been improved as per
 It has been mainly reflected in economic losses.

13. What are the objectives of ITS?

 Evaluate, develop, analyze and integrate the new technology

 Concept to achieve traffic efficiency.
 Improved environmental quality.
 Save energy, conserve time and enhance safety.
 Comfort for driver and pedestrians.

14. List out the general classification of ITS?

Vehicle level:
 It includes sensors, information process and display information to driver.
Infrastructure level:
 Sensors on and side of vehicle will collect information about the traffic in
order to manage them better.
Co-operative level:
 Communication between vehicle and infrastructure and vehicle involves
the safety and easy travel.
15. Write a brief note on GPS?

 GPS is a space based radio navigation system consists of 24 satellites and

ground support.
 GPS is available in two forms-
 Standard positioning system (SPS) –civilian signal
 Precise positioning system (PPS)-military signal.

16. List out the advantages of GPS?

 Each GPS continuously monitors the broadcast ranging signals which

contains the wealth of information.
 The information contained in GPS signals includes the carrier frequency
range and data.
 These allow the user to measure the pseudo ranges and to estimate the
position in active and passive ways.

UNIT V suspension, brakes, aerodynamics and safety

1. List out the advantages of air suspension?

 The bounce frequency of spring decreases as the sprung weight increases

and increases as the weight is reduced.
 It plays a vital role in quality of ride especially for heavy goods.
 The springs withstand the high operating temperature as it is made from
butyl rubber.

2. Explain in brief about the compensator in air suspension?

 The compensator consists of control arm and link rod and lifting bellow.
 The axles can be simply or rapidly raised or lowered to the ground
without having to make major structural changes in sir spring
 This can be achieved by raising the rear most of two axles from ground by
tilting the balance beam anticlockwise.

3. List out the advantages and disadvantages of ABS?

 It prevents the wheel locking while braking, so that the vehicle will tends
to steer easily.
 Reduce the risk of multiple crashes by 18%
 It decreases the stopping distance in slippery surfaces.

 ABS tends to increase the braking distance in gravel, sand, deep snow.

4. Explain Retardars?

 The retarder is a device used to replace some of the Primary braking

system which is used to slow the vehicle or maintain the steady speed.
 It prevents the vehicle from running away from decelerating.
 They are not capable of bringing the vehicle to standstill as it can only
lower the speed.

5. List out the different types of retarders?

 Exhaust compression vehicle retarder

 Engine compressed air type
 Hydraulic type
 Electric type retarder.
6. Differentiate retarder from brakes?

Brake Retarder

 It is used a primary braking  It is used along with primary

system which is used to stop the braking system in order to slow
vehicle in emergency. the vehicle.

 It is used in all vehicle like light  It is mainly used in heavy duty in

duty, heavy duty, passenger etc order to slow in case of vehicle
over run.

7. Explain the regenerative braking system?

 In conventional braking system, the brake converts the kinetic energy into
heat energy via friction which in turn it is wasted.
 In Regenerative braking system, it is reclaimed and stored as tic energy in a
reusable manner.
 Many electric vehicle and hybrid vehicle are using this type of system.

8. List out the advantages and disadvantages of Regenerative braking system?


 Provide better fuel economy.

 Provide power for sudden acceleration
 Enhance overall efficiency and act as energy saver


 Controlling is somewhat difficult.

9. What is the basic requirement in order to design the air bag?

 Occupant size
 Seat position
 Seat belt use of occupant
 Crash severity
10.Explain the working of air bag?

 Air bag is safety device, which is activated by sudden deceleration or crash

happens as it is sensed by crash sensor placed in steering gear box.
 They are gas inflated cushions built into steering wheel, dashboard, door,
roof etc.
 The nitrogen gas helps to inflate the air bag with reaction between the
sodium azide and potassium nitrate.

11. What are the advantages of good Aerodynamics?

 Better fuel economy

 Greater vehicle performance and vehicle stability
 Reduction in wind noise level
 Improved road handling characteristics.

12. Define Aerodynamics?

 It is defined as the study of solid body moving through the atmosphere

and the interaction which take place between the body surface and
surrounding air with varying relative speed and wind direction.

13. What is aerodynamic Drag?

 When the viscous air flows over and past a solid form (car), vortices are
created at the rear causing the flow to deviate smooth streamline.
 The air flow pressure in front of vehicle will be higher than atm. Pressure
and behind will be lower tends to drag the vehicle in the direction of air

14. Define Aerodynamic drag coefficient?

 It is defined as the measure of the effectiveness of the streamline

aerodynamic body shape in reducing the air resistance to forward motion
of vehicle.
 The low aerodynamic drag coefficient will allow the vehicle to move easily.
 For eg. Saloon vehicle:0.22-0.4, sports car: 0.28-0.4
15. What is aerodynamic lift?

 When a car travel along a road, the air stream moving over the upper
surface of body from front to rear has to move further than underside of
air stream.
 If it exceeds the vertical air pressure generated between the upper and
under surface produce an up trust force cause an lift.

16. Define Aerodynamic lift coefficient?

 It is defined as the measure of the difference in pressure created above or

below the vehicle body as it moves through the surrounding viscous air.
 The up trust or down trust depends upon the body shape.
 The down trust improves the tyre road handling and up trust causes the
vehicle to lift.

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