Synopsis G-B

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The need of HYBRID VEHICLES is very high on nowadays by the cause we can
decrease the emissions and increase the fuel efficiency at the same time. By
making these can have a good riding experience and good echo friendly
nature to us and to the world by the 2 power resources of electricity and
heat . And we believe it can change the shape of the future.

Group B members

• Amay Krishna P - 2101050333

• Ahmad Shamil O - 2101050332
• Amir EP - 2101050334
• Anurag P -2101050336
• Arun krishna PK -2101050338
• Arunjith P -2101050339
• Ashif Sha AP- 2101050340


Abstract : A Gasoline-Electric Hybrid Engine Vehicle’ is a vehicle which

works on electrical poweras well as fuel like petrol. It has many benefits over
its predecessors, which developed power using only fuel. The thought is to
design and construct a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) powered by battery as
well as petrol. The vehicle is made dynamic in nature by making use of
electrical power from battery and fuel power. It consumes less fuel and
creates comparatively less pollution as compared to conventional vehicles.
Hybrid electric vehicles consists of a battery, to drive the electric motor and
power system with an IC engine to increase fuel economy reduce harmful
emissions from the exhaust. Also there is a provision for recharging the
battery using a generator which is run using a turbine, which runs on the
exhaust of the IC engine. In HEV, the battery single handedly provides power
for driving at low speeds where the efficiency of IC engine is least. In cruising
and high load conditions like moving up the hill, the electric power assists the
engine by providing additional power. Thus the HEV is the best alternative in
areas with high traffic like urban metropolitan cities.

A well-knit and coordinated transportation provides Mobility to people and

goods. The transportation sector Mainly consists of road, railway, ships and
aviation, where Road transportation consumes 75% of the total energy
spent On transportation. The automobile industry plays a significant role in
economic growth of the world and hence Affects the entire population.
Since vehicles mostly run on Internal combustion engine (ICE), the
transportation Industry is accountable for 25%–30% of the total green-
House gases emission [1]. ICE works in the process of fuel Combustion
resulting in the production of various gases Like CO2, NO2, NO and CO [2]
which cause environmental Degradation in the form of greenhouse effect
and are Responsible for their adverse effect on human health. To Overcome
this, the transportation industry is trying hard to Manufacture vehicles that
can run on alternate power Sources. Electric vehicles (EVs) were tried as a
solution in 1881 where battery alone propelled the vehicle and there- Fore
required a bulky battery pack. Absence of an ICE Handicapped these
vehicles with a short driving range [3]. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) were
conceptualized to Bridge the power of ICE and the emission-free nature of

HEVs offer better fuel efficiency over ICE-based Vehicles and generally work
in charge-sustaining (CS) Mode where the state of charge (SOC) of battery
is maintained throughout the trip. The issue with CS mode is that Its
charging efficiency relies mainly on regenerative braking and gasoline, so
plug-in HEVs (PHEVs) were conceptualized as a possible solution. Unlike
HEVs, PHEVs Have the additional facility to be charged externally Through
power outlets. Most of the power in a PHEV is Derived from an electric
motor (EM) which acts as a primary source, while ICE acts as a backup. As
the battery SOC reaches a particular threshold, the PHEV behaves like A
regular HEV, and the ICE kicks in and acts as a primary Power source. The
PHEVs mainly work in charge depletion (CD) mode where SOC is depleted
up to a threshold level. PHEVs extend the all-electric range, improve local
air Quality and also may have grid connection capability.

According to the design of the power flow from the sources of energy,
HEV’s configurations can be classified as hybrid and parallel hybrid (Chau and
Wong, 2002; Gazelle and Scarlett, 2007). The power flow in the series HEV is
passed down to the transmission over a single path (electrical path); whereas
parallel HEVs allow power flow through two paths (electrical and mechanical
path) from the energy sources to the transmission (Husain, 2010).

Different Types


The series HEV is composed of ICE, generator, power converter, motor,

and battery (Fig. 2.3). There is no direct mechanical connection between the
ICE and the transmission. Consequently, the ICE can be controlled
independently of the vehicle power demand and close to its peak-efficiency
region. The series HEV could thus be described as being powered primarily by
the electric motor and secondarily by the ICE.


The parallel HEV allows both the electric motor and ICE to deliver
power in parallel to drive the vehicle, that is, both the engine and the electric
motor are able to work independently or cooperatively to provide traction.
Different from the series HEV, the engine is mechanically connected to the
driving wheels via a gearbox, while the electric motor is used to support the
engine during accelerations. Depending on the power of the motor, it could
also be used as the sole power source of the vehicle while idling and during
start-ups. The engine used in the parallel HEV configuration is usually bigger
than those used in the series configuration, while the electric motor is
comparatively smaller and less powerful (Fig. 2.4). Parallel HEVs come in two
sub configurations: the pretransmission parallel and the post transmission


A hybrid engine typically refers to a propulsion system that combines

two or more power sources, often an internal combustion engine (usually
gasoline or diesel) and an electric motor. These systems are commonly used in
hybrid vehicles to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Hybrid
engines can operate using both power sources independently or in
combination, depending on driving conditions, to optimize efficiency and
performance. Is there something specific you’d like to know about hybrid

Hybrid engines aim to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions by
utilizing the electric motor during low-speed or stop-and go driving, while the
internal combustion engine is employed for higher speeds and heavy loads.
This combination allows hybrid vehicles to achieve better gas mileage and
reduce their environmental impact compared to traditional vehicles with only
internal combustion engines.

A hybrid engine typically refers to a propulsion system that combines

two or more power sources, often an internal combustion engine (usually
gasoline or diesel) with an electric motor. Here’s a brief explanation of how a
hybrid engine works:


Internal Combustion Engine

(ICE): The traditional gasoline or
diesel engine is one component
of a hybrid system. It operates
similarly to a standard car
engine, burning fuel to generate

Electric Motor: The second

component is an electric motor
powered by a high-voltage battery
pack. This motor can provide
additional power to assist the
vehicle's movement.

Regenerative Braking: Hybrid
vehicles use regenerative braking to
capture and store energy that is
typically lost as heat during braking.
This energy is converted into
electricity and used to recharge the

Control System: A sophisticated

control system manages the
interaction between the ICE and
the electric motor. It determines
when to use each power source for
maximum efficiency and

Battery: The high-voltage

battery stores electricity for the
electric motor and is recharged
through regenerative braking
and the ICE, when necessary.


The feasibility of hybrid engines depends on various factors, including

technology advancements, market demand, and specific applications. As of
my last knowledge update in September 2021, hybrid engines were already
quite feasible and had gained significant popularity. Here are some key points
regarding their feasibility:

1. Environmental Benefits: Hybrid engines are feasible from an

environmental standpoint as they typically offer improved fuel efficiency
and reduced emissions compared to traditional internal combustion
engines. This can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
dependence on fossil fuels.

2. Fuel Savings: Hybrid vehicles can provide cost savings over time due to
their improved fuel efficiency. However, the actual savings depend on
factors like fuel prices, driving habits, and the price difference between
hybrid and non-hybrid models.

3. Technological Advancements: Hybrid technology has continued to

advance, making it more feasible. Manufacturers have been investing in
research and development to enhance the performance and efficiency of
hybrid powertrains.

4. Market Demand: Consumer demand for hybrid vehicles has been

increasing, which contributes to their feasibility. This demand has driven
competition among automakers to produce more hybrid models and
improve their affordability.

5. Government Incentives: In many regions, governments offer incentives
and tax benefits to promote the adoption of hybrid vehicles, further
enhancing their feasibility.
6. Application Specificity: Feasibility can vary depending on the
application. Hybrid engines are commonly used in passenger cars, but
they are also increasingly being adopted in commercial vehicles, such as
buses and trucks, for their potential to reduce fuel consumption and

7. Battery Technology: The feasibility of hybrid engines is closely tied to

advancements in battery technology. More efficient and longer lasting
batteries can make hybrid vehicles more practical and affordable.

It’s worth noting that the feasibility of hybrid engines may have evolved
since my last update in 2021. As technology continues to advance and
environmental concerns become more critical, hybrid engines are likely
to become even more feasible and attractive for a broader range of
applications. However, the specific feasibility of hybrid engines for your
needs may depend on factors such as your location, driving habits, and
the availability of charging infrastructure.


In conclusion, hybrid engines represent a viable and promising

technology that offers several advantages, including improved fuel efficiency,
reduced emissions, and potential cost savings for consumers. The feasibility of
hybrid engines has been established and continues to grow, driven by
advancements in technology, increasing market demand, and environmental
concerns. Hybrid vehicles have become more widespread, and they are being
applied to various transportation sectors, from passenger cars to commercial

The success and acceptance of hybrid engines are closely tied to ongoing
developments in battery technology, government incentives, and a
commitment to reducing the environmental impact of transportation. As a
result, hybrid engines are likely to remain an integral part of the automotive
industry’s efforts to create more sustainable and efficient vehicles. However,
the feasibility of hybrid engines for individual consumers may depend on
factors like their driving habits, local infrastructure, and market availability, so
it’s essential to consider these factors when evaluating the suitability of hybrid
vehicles for specific needs.



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