ME Dissertation Review Card For New Course (Effective From 2018-19) - 636824

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Gujarat Technological University Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Master of Engineering (Dissertation Review Card)

Applicable from 2019 onwards for New Syllabus - effective from Academic year 2018-19.
Internal Review -1
Semester: 3 Subject Name & Code: IR-1
Student’s Enrollment:
Name of Student :
Student’s Mail ID:- Branch Code
Students Contact No. Branch Name
Theme of Title :

Title of Thesis :

Sr. Comments given by Internal review panel Modification done

No. (Please write specific comments) based on Comments

Guide’s Signature
Note : Approved Please tick on any one.
Above suggestions/modifications/comments must be
Not Approved If approved, then put marks ≥ 50 %.
fulfil/accommodate by the student in DP 1
Internal Review Panel
Expert 1 Expert 2
Institute code & Name:
Mobile No.:

Internal Guide’s Details

Supervisor Co-supervisor
Institute code & Name:
Mobile No.:
Gujarat Technological University Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Master of Engineering (Dissertation Review Card) Hall No: ______
Applicable from 2019 onwards for New Syllabus - effective from Academic year 2018-19.
Dissertation Phase 1 -
Semester: 3 Subject Name & Code: DP-1
Student’s Enrollment:
Name of Student :
Student’s Mail ID:- Branch Code
Students Contact No.
Theme of Title :

Title of Thesis :

1. Appropriateness of title with proposal. (Yes/ No) ________________
2. Whether the selected theme is appropriate according to the title ? (Yes / No ) ______________
3. Justify rational of proposed research. (Yes/ No) __________________
4. Clarity of objectives. (Yes/ No) _______________
Sr. Comments given by External Examiners (DP-I) Modification done
No. (Please write specific comments) based on Comments

Guide’s Signature
Note : Approved Please tick on any one.
Above suggestions/modifications/comments must be
Not Approved If approved, then put marks ≥ 50 %.
fulfil/accommodate by the student in IR-2
Details of External Examiner
Expert 1 Expert 2
Institute code & Name:
Mobile No.: (optional)
Email Id:
Gujarat Technological University Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Master of Engineering (Dissertation Review Card)
Applicable from 2019 onwards for New Syllabus - effective from Academic year 2018-19.
Internal Review -2 –
Semester: 4 Subject Name & Code: IR-2
Student’s Enrollment:
Name of Student :
Student’s Mail ID:- Branch Code
Students Contact No. Branch Name
Theme of Title :

Title of Thesis :

Comments given by Internal Examiners (IR-2)

(Please write specific comments)
Sr. i) The appropriateness of the major highlights of work done; State here itself if Modification done
No. work can be approved with some additional changes. based on Comments
ii) Main reasons for approving the work.
iii) Main reasons if work is not approved.

Guide’s Signature
Note : Approved Please tick on any one.
Above suggestions/modifications/comments must be
Not Approved If approved, then put marks ≥ 50 %.
fulfil/accommodate by the student in DP-2
Details of Internal Examiner
Internal Review Panel Internal Review Panel
Institute code & Name:
Mobile No.:
Email Id:
Gujarat Technological University Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Master of Engineering (Dissertation Review Card) Hall No : ______
Applicable from 2019 onwards for New Syllabus - effective from Academic year 2018-19.
Dissertation Phase-2
Semester: 4 Subject Name & Code: DP-2
Student’s Enrollment:
Name of Student :
Student’s Mail ID:- Branch Code
Students Contact No. Branch Name
Theme of Title :

Title of Thesis :

Comments given by External Examiners (DP-II)

Sr. (Please write specific comments) Modification done
No. i) Main reasons for approving the work. based on Comments
ii) Main reasons if work is not approved.

Guide’s Signature
Approved Please tick on any one.
Not Approved If approved, then put marks ≥ 50 %.
Details of External Examiner
Expert 1 Expert 2
Institute code & Name:
Mobile No.: (Optional)
Email Id:

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