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Certification of the competence of a laboratory

Asst. Professor


JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysore

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NABL Accreditation

Laboratory accreditation  NABL provides laboratory accreditation

 This to provide a means for third-party services to laboratories that are
certification of the competence of performing tests and calibrations in
laboratories to perform specific type(s) of accordance with ISO/ IEC 17025: 1999
testing and calibration. (General requirements for the competence
of Testing and Calibration Laboratories).
 Laboratory Accreditation provides formal
recognition of competent laboratories, thus  NABL has established its accreditation
providing a ready means for customers to system in accordance with ISO IEC Guide
find reliable testing and calibration 58, which is followed internationally.
services in order to meet their demands.  NABL is signatory to APLAC (Asia
 Laboratory Accreditation enhances Pacific Laboratory Accreditation
customer confidence in accepting testing / Cooperation) & ILAC (International
calibration reports issued by accredited Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation)
laboratories. Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA)
National Accreditation Board for Testing since October 2000 & November 2000
and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) respectively. Current APLAC and ILAC
MRAs is valid till October 2012.
 NABL accreditation is a formal
recognition of the technical competence of  MRA is essential for mutual acceptance of
a testing, calibration or medical laboratory test results and measurement data amongst
for a specific task. 52 accreditation bodies representing 45
countries. NABL accredited laboratories
 This is to check the compliance of the
have therefore emerged as a member of
laboratory to ISO/IEC 17025:2005, ISO
global family of accredited laboratories.
15189:2007 Standards.
 WTO recognizes non-acceptance of test  Based on mutual evaluation and
results and measurement data as Technical acceptance of other country’s laboratory
Barrier to Trade (TBT). accreditation systems, international
agreements called Mutual Recognition
 Accreditation is considered to be the first Arrangements (MRA) have been
essential step towards removing such established for realizing the ideal of
technical barriers. having products “tested once and accepted
NABL everywhere”.
 National Accreditation Board for Testing  Such agreements are crucial in enabling
and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) has test data by an accredited laboratory to be
been established with the objective to accepted in overseas markets and facilitate
provide Government, Industry trade.
Associations and Industry in general with
a scheme for third-party assessment of the  NABL has also extended its services to
quality and technical competence of Clinical and Food testing laboratories
testing and calibration laboratories. having strong relevance to the society.
 NABL is an autonomous body under the  NABL provides an efficient and
aegis of Department of Science & transparent mechanism to the laboratories
Technology, Government of India, and is and their users.
registered under the Societies Act.  Accredited laboratories have the
 Government of India has authorized responsibility of satisfying the criteria of
NABL as the sole Accreditation body for laboratory accreditation at all times, which
Testing and Calibration laboratories in are verified during Surveillance and Re-
India. assessment visits by NABL.

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 The accredited laboratories should prove  In case of repeated failure or gross failure
their technical competence by satisfactory indicated by Z factor, En ratio etc. scope
participation in recognized Proficiency of accreditation is reduced by NABL.
Testing programmes.  Annual Surveillance are carried out to
 The accredited laboratories can be ensure that the accredited laboratories are
suspended or its scope of accreditation can continuing to comply the accreditation
be reduced or even withdrawn in cases of criteria.
negligence and gross non-compliance of  NABL conducts One-day Awareness
ISO/IEC 17025:2005, ISO 15189:2007 Programmes on key issues such as
standard detected during routine or Uncertainty in Measurement, Proficiency
surprise Surveillance or Re-assessment. Testing, Validation etc., at different parts
 NABL provides laboratory accreditation of India so that applicant and accredited
services to laboratories that are performing laboratories can take the appropriate
tests / calibrations in accordance with action.
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ISO 15189:2007  Information regarding NABL accredited
for medical laboratories. laboratories (status and their scope of
 These services are offered in a non- accreditation) is available in the NABL
discriminatory manner and are accessible website (www.nabl-india.org)
to all testing and calibration laboratories in  The list of laboratories which are either
India and abroad, regardless of their suspended or their scope of accreditation
ownership, legal status, size and degree of is partially or fully withdrawn is also
independence. available.
 NABL has established its Accreditation Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA)
System in accordance with ISO/IEC
17011:2004, which is followed  Many countries around the world have a
internationally. formally recognized organization
responsible for the accreditation of their
 NABL has to also comply with the laboratories. Most of these accreditation
requirements of APLAC MR001, which bodies are presently following ISO/IEC
requires the applicant and the accredited 17025 as the basis for accrediting their
laboratories to take part in recognized country's testing and calibration
Proficiency Testing Programmes in laboratories.
accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 43.
 Adoption of international standards has
 An applicant laboratory has to helped countries employ a uniform
satisfactorily participate in at least one approach to determine laboratory
Proficiency Testing programme. competence. It has also encouraged
 The accredited laboratories are expected to laboratories to adopt internationally
cover the major scopes of accreditation in accepted testing and measurement
a cycle time of four years. practices.
 NABL has been conducting Proficiency  This uniform approach allows
Testing with the help of selected accreditation bodies to establish
accredited laboratories as nodal arrangements between themselves through
laboratories in different fields. APLAC and ILAC (International
 The performance remains confidential Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation),
between NABL and each participating based on mutual evaluation and
laboratory by using laboratory code acceptance of each other's laboratory
numbers. accreditation systems. Such international
arrangements, called Mutual Recognition
 In case of unsatisfactory performance, Arrangement, are crucial in enabling test
laboratory is expected to investigate and data to be accepted between countries.
take the necessary corrective actions.

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Advantages of laboratory accreditation  Savings in terms of time and money due to
 Provides formal recognition to competent reduction or elimination of the need for re-
laboratories and ensures that they perform testing of products.
their work in accordance with  Better control of laboratory operations and
international criteria. feedback to laboratories as to whether they
 Minimises the risk of unreliable results have sound Quality Assurance System and
which, in turn, reduces the risk for are technically competent.
manufacturers or suppliers to produce or  Increase of confidence in Testing /
supply a faulty product. Calibration data and personnel performing
 Minimises the chances of retesting and work.
hence reduces chances of additional  Customers can search and identify the
financial burden and time delays. laboratories accredited by NABL for their
 Enhances Customer confidence and specific requirements from the Directory
Satisfaction. of Accredited Laboratories.
 International acceptability of test results.  Users of accredited laboratories will enjoy
greater access for their products, in both
 Laboratory Accreditation provides formal domestic and international markets, when
recognition of competent laboratories, thus tested by accredited laboratories.
providing a ready means for customers to
find reliable testing and calibration What types of laboratories can seek
services in order to meet their demands. accreditation...?
 Laboratory Accreditation enhances The laboratories should be legally identifiable
customer confidence in accepting testing / & appropriately registered.
calibration reports issued by accredited They can be a part of a big organization or an
laboratories. independent entity. NABL can provide
 The globalisation and the liberalisation accreditation to:
policies initiated by the Government in  Laboratories undertaking any sort of
reducing trade barriers and providing testing or calibration in the specified
greater thrust to exports makes it fields.
imperative for Accredited Laboratories to  Private or government laboratories.
be at international level of competence.
 Small operations to large multi-field
 Potential increase in business due to laboratories.
enhanced customer confidence and
satisfaction.  Site facilities, temporary field operations
and mobile laboratories.

NABL Accreditation given to

Testing laboratories Calibration laboratories Medical laboratories
Biological Electro-Technical Clinical Biochemistry
Chemical Mechanical Clinical Pathology
Electrical Fluid Flow Haematology and
Electronics Thermal & Optical Immunohaematology
Fluid-Flow Radiological Microbiology and
Mechanical Serology
Non-Destructive Histopathology
Photometry Cytopathology
Radiological Genetics
Thermal Nuclear Medicine
(in-vitro tests only)

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Accreditation to a laboratory  All applications for accreditation shall
have to be in accordance with ISO/IEC
 Accreditation is given on the basis of its
17025 or ISO 15189 Standard.
capability to perform test(s) /
calibration(s) and provide accurate and
Evaluating the competence of a laboratory
reliable results.
Methods used by Accreditation Body for
 A laboratory may apply for accreditation evaluating the competence of a laboratory
from as little as one to as many tests /  On the spot assessment of the laboratory
calibrations provided it is performing by the experts for its technical
these in accordance with NABL criteria. competence and its adherence to quality
system practices.
 The accreditation granted to a laboratory
is valid for a period of 2 years subject to  By analysing the test data of a particular
satisfactory periodical (annual) test/measurement as a result of its
surveillance. participation in a proficiency testing
 Laboratory also has an option to widen
the scope of accreditation in terms of Management requirements of ISO/IEC 17025
specific tests and calibrations.  Organization
 Documentation
 NABL has established policies and
procedures for granting, suspending and  Review of requests and sub-contracting
withdrawal of accreditation of  Purchasing services
accreditation in accordance with
ISO/IEC 17011:2004.  Service to the client & Complaints
 Control of non-conforming work
 The laboratories seeking accreditation
are assessed in accordance with ISO/IEC  Corrective & preventive action
17025:2005 for testing and calibration  Records
laboratories and ISO 15189:2007 for
medical laboratories.  Internal audit & Management review etc.

 A laboratory wishing to be accredited by Technical requirements of ISO/IEC 17025

NABL must have a Quality Manual on  Knowledge of the laboratory personnel
its Quality System satisfying the
requirements.  Technical validity of the methods
 Adequacy and calibration of equipment
 Quality System documentation and its
implementation by the laboratories shall  Sampling and handling of test items
be verified by the Assessors for its  Environmental factors
compliance with standard.
 Traceability of measurements
 The laboratory management shall  Uncertainty in measurement
demonstrate to the NABL Assessment
 Assuring the quality of tests
Team that all requirements as laid down
(participation in proficiency testing
in the standard, Specific Criteria and
programmes, use of certified reference
other Guidelines / Requirements of
materials, retesting etc)
NABL are being followed.

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Pre-requisites for laboratories seeking  Procure all relevant NABL documents
NABL accreditation from NABL Secretariat and get fully
acquainted with each of these.
 Laboratory or the organisation of which
it is part shall be legally registered so  Laboratory needs to ascertain the status
that it can be held responsible for the of its existing Quality System and
testing and / or calibration activities it Technical Competence with regards to
carries out. requirements for NABL Accreditation.
(like - Is the system documented and
 Laboratory should have adequate effective or does it need modification?
facilities and technically competent Does it need to build the Quality
qualified staff to carry out the testing and System of the laboratory from scratch?)
/ or calibration for which it wishes to
seek accreditation.  Prepare a Quality Manual: This is a
policy document, which has to be
 Laboratory must comply with all the supplemented by a set of other
requirements as laid down in the documents like Procedural Manuals,
Standard ISO/IEC 17025, relevant Work Instructions etc., to align the
Specific Criteria and other NABL Quality System in accordance with
documents. NABL Criteria. The laboratory must
 Laboratory to ensure that all test ensure that the procedures described in
equipment in the laboratory are properly the Quality Manual and other
calibrated and have traceability to documents are being implemented.
National / International standards.  For preparing Quality Manual or
 Laboratory must have completed one verifying its contents, the laboratory
Internal Audit covering all clauses of may take help of “Guide for Preparing
ISO/IEC 17025 and a Management Quality Manual" (NABL 160). The
Review. laboratory may also get its personnel
trained in NABL's training programme
 Laboratory must have satisfactorily on Laboratory Quality System,
participated in at least one Proficiency Management and Internal Audit.
Testing Program conducted by NABL or
 Relevant requirements for NABL
other reputed national or international
accreditation should be discussed
organizations in accordance with the
amongst concerned staff of the
international standard ISO/IEC Guide
laboratory. This will enable them to
understand their weaknesses and
Preparations before applying for strengths.
accreditation  Quality Manager must conduct an
Internal Audit and take corrective
 Laboratory management should first
actions before applying for
decide about getting accreditation for its
laboratory from NABL.
Process of accreditation at NABL
 The laboratory should make a definite
Stage I
plan of action for obtaining
accreditation and nominate a  Prepare application for NABL
responsible person to coordinate all accreditation, giving all desired
activities related to seeking information and enlisting the test(s) /
accreditation. The person nominated calibration(s) along with range and
should be familiar with laboratory's measurement uncertainty for which the
existing Quality System and should be laboratory has the competence to
formally designated as the Quality perform. Laboratory can apply either for
Manager. all or part of their testing / calibration

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 Laboratory has to take special care in  A copy of Pre-Assessment Report will be
filling the scope of accreditation for provided to Laboratory for taking
which the laboratory wishes to apply. In necessary corrective action, if any.
case, the laboratory finds any clause (in  The laboratory shall submit Corrective
part or full) not applicable to the Action Report to NABL.
laboratory, it shall furnish the reasons.
 After laboratory confirms the completion
 Laboratories are required to submit three
of corrective actions, Final Assessment
sets of duly filled in application forms
of the laboratory shall be organised by
for each field of testing / calibration
along with two sets of Quality Manual
and Application Fees. Stage III
 NABL Secretariat on receipt of  NABL Secretariat shall appoint an
application will issue acknowledgement assessment team for the Final
to the laboratory. After scrutiny of Assessment at the laboratory site(s) for
application for it being complete in all its compliance to NABL Criteria.
respects, a unique Customer Registration
 The Assessment Team shall comprise of
Number will be allocated to laboratory
a Lead Assessor and other Technical
for further processing of application.
Assessor(s) in the relevant fields
 NABL Secretariat shall then nominate a depending upon the scope to be assessed.
Lead Assessor for giving Adequacy
 Assessors shall raise the Non-
Report on the Quality Manual /
Conformance(s), if any, and provide it to
Application submitted by the laboratory.
the laboratory in prescribed format so
A copy of Adequacy Report by Lead
that it gets the opportunity to close as
Assessor will be provided to Laboratory
many Non-Conformance(s) as they can
for taking necessary corrective action, if
before closing meeting of the
any. The laboratory shall submit
Corrective Action Report.
 After satisfactory corrective action by  The Lead Assessor will provide a copy
the laboratory, a Pre-Assessment audit of of consolidated report of the assessment
the laboratory will be organised by to the laboratory and send the original
NABL. Laboratories must ensure their copy to NABL Secretariat.
preparedness by carrying out its internal  Laboratory shall take necessary
audit before Pre-Assessment. corrective action on the remaining Non-
Stage II Conformance(s) / other concerns and
shall submit a report to NABL within a
 NABL will organise the Pre-Assessment maximum period of 2 months.
audit, which shall normally be carried by
Lead Assessor at the laboratory sites. Stage IV
 Pre-assessment of the laboratory is  After satisfactory corrective action by
conducted to: the laboratory, the Accreditation
Committee examines the findings of the
o check the preparedness of the
Assessment Team and recommend
laboratory to undergo Final
additional corrective action, if any.
 Accreditation Committee determines
o have better understanding of
whether the recommendations in the
documentation and operations of the
assessment report is consistent with
NABL requirements as well as
o ascertain number of assessor / man- commensurate (match with) with the
days required for Final Assessment claims made by the laboratory in its
commensurate with the Scope of application.
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 Laboratory shall have to take corrective and NABL Observer. Sometimes, NABL
action on any concerns raised by the may at its own cost depute a newly
Accreditation Committee. trained Technical Assessor as
 Accreditation Committee shall make the
appropriate recommendations regarding Stage V
accreditation of a laboratory to NABL  Accreditation to a laboratory shall be
Secretariat. valid for a period of 2 years and NABL
 Laboratories are free to appeal against shall conduct periodical Surveillance of
the findings of assessment or decision on the laboratory at intervals of one year.
accreditation by writing to the Director,  Laboratory shall apply for Renewal of
NABL. accreditation to it at least 6 months
 Whenever possible NABL will depute its before the expiry of the validity of
own technical personnel to be present at accreditation.
the time of assessment as Coordinator

NABL accreditation Vs ISO 9000 certification

NABL Secretariat & Registered office

NABL Secretariat administers and co-ordinates all activities of NABL including accreditation
related activities for Testing and Calibration laboratories.

NABL Secretariat office situated at 3rd Floor, NISCAIR, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Mehrauli
Road – New Delhi 110067.

Registered Office of NABL is located in Department of Science & Technology, Technology

Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110016.

(Courtesy: NABL website)

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