Adaptive Teaching Guide#6

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Most Essential Topic # 6: Media and Information Languages

Prerequisite Content-knowledge:
Types of Media
classifies contents of different media types
Media and Information Sources
compares potential sources of media and information

Prerequisite Skill:
Types of Media
discusses to class on how a particular individual/ or society is portrayed in public using a different type of
Information Literacy
demonstrates ethical use of information

Prerequisites Assessment:

Selective Response: Multiple Choice

The learners will answer the following questions related to the previous topic:

1.This kind of knowledge is local which is shared within a society and culture
a. Indigenous c. Internet
b. library d. Digital
2. These are library sources in forms of CDs, tapes, and even films.
a. Newspaper c. Digital
b. Websites d. Modern
3. It was named as the best search engine and was developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
a. Bing c. Google
b. Yahoo d. WebCrawler
4. Artifacts, Letters, and photographs are examples of _________sources.
a. Primary c. Tertiary
b. Secondary d. Indefinite
5. ___________ sources are designed for the public.
a. popular c. periodical
b. scholarly d. books
Pre-lesson Remediation Activity:
1. For Students with Insufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):
• reading activities (limited access to digital resources)

This article can be printed: The Social Media Revolution: Exploring the Impact on Journalism and News Media
• audio-visual materials (explainer videos, tutorials, etc.)
• descriptive essay on Media and Information Sources

Allow the learners to describe the various known media and information source in a paragraph.
2. For Students with Fairly Sufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):
• reading activities (limited access to digital resources)
• audio-visual materials (explainer videos, tutorials, etc.)
• basic symbols interpretation
The learners will ask to give and interpret three (3) basic symbols (street signs, poster symbols, etc.) they usually
encounter every day.
1.Time frame a student is expected to finish learning the lesson (and where to contact the teacher when concerns
The first three (3) hours will be dedicated to the delivery of content about media and information languages. The
next two (2) hours will be allotted for the completion of the media
analysis and preparation for the PAA/EAA.

Online and Distance (Online + Offline remote)

Learners can communicate with their teacher via text or call, LMS, or social media messenger.

Blended (Online + In-person On-campus)

Learners can communicate with the teacher during the on-campus meeting and utilize the channels for Distance
Learning during off-campus days.

2.The knowledge (RUA) the student is expected to gain from learning the topic/lesson
• understand codes, conventions, and messages and how they affect the audience, producers, and other
• identify how the same information is being conveyed in different media
• present information appropriately through codes, conventions, and messages

3.Context where the student is going to apply his/her learning (In what PAA/EAA and personal use?)
• EAA/PAA: Thumbnail Poster
• Interpretation of the codes, conventions and messages through a sketch/poster

4.Overview of the Lesson

Media and Information Languages explores how media, and the audience is effectively bridged and how the
right knowledge on codes and conventions must be properly understood.
Student's Experiential Learning: (Note: Use the Flexible Learning Activity Identified for the topic/lesson relative to
the General Enabling Teaching Strategy).

CHUNK 1: Media Codes and Conventions

Formative Question
What are codes and conventions?

The teacher may deliver this topic using pictures that will help the learners interpret it and with the use also of
guide questions that promote active learning.

The following are the guide questions that the teacher may give to the learners:
1.How are symbols usually being presented?
2.What is the importance of using symbols to convey a message or information?
3.How are these symbols presented in terms of fonts, images, colors, design and others?

At the end of the lesson the teacher may give an activity wherein the learners will discuss the different concepts
and examples using a mind map.

CHUNK 2: Media Messages

Formative Question
What specific messages do you typically acquire from the media?

This topic may be discussed with the aid of motive questions:

1.What form/s of media do you usually use?
2.Why do you use such form/s of media?
3.How do you perceive these messages?

The teacher will gather answers from the learners and execute the content of the topic by providing its definitions
and asking examples from the learners.
The teacher will facilitate an interactive discussion or group sharing that will state a report on an incident that was greatly
affected and triggered by the media. The learners have to indicate the factors wherein media became an integral part of
executing the incident. It may be local or international.

CHUNK 3: Media and the Audience and Media and the Producers/Stakeholders

Formative Question
How do you react to any form of media that you consume?

The discussion of this topic will revolve around this given scenario, and it will be facilitated through an online forum
(for the learners who have access to digital tools) and a persuasion map (for
the learners who do not have access to digital tools).

A local government official was charged with graft and corruption and was suspended from his office. The
government officially announced that the charges were all fabricated and that he would not step down from his
office. A large group of supporters is present to protest. They barricaded the building where the official had once
taken office. A struggle seems to start breaking out between the protesters and the police.

The learners will answer the following questions based on the given scenario:
1.Predict how this event will be covered by television, radio, print, and Internet?
2.How does the presentation of facts vary from medium to medium?
3.How do the codes and conventions vary from medium to medium?
4.How much of these differences will be based on the unique characteristics of the medium?

The teacher must facilitate discussion given the guide questions:

1.If you will be a reporter, are you going to use the conventional way of how each media will broadcast the
given scenario?
2.What will you do to not make your report boring? Elaborate on your answer.
3.Would you exaggerate some elements in your report to make it interesting? Why?
4.For the learners' activity they will form groups with five members and create their own media and
information presentation/poster about the latest trends in technology: (ex.,postcards, collages,
advertisements, infomercials, stories, etc.), and they will analyze how codes, conventions, and messages are
delivered in their presentation.

The discussion of media and information languages; codes, conventions, formats, symbols, and narrative
structures indicate the meaning of media messages to an audience that will critically
analyze media.

RUA of a Student's Learning:

Media Analysis
The class will form groups with five members and create their own media and information presentation/poster
about the latest trends in technology: (ex postcard, collage, advertisement,infomercial, story, etc.) and let the
learners analyze how codes, conventions, and messages are delivered in the presentation of the other groups

Post-lesson Remediation Activity:

• additional reading materials
• group discussion

The learners will discuss their answers on the question: In your favorite scene in your favorite film, what specific
codes or symbols were used to intensify the emotions expressed?

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