Conversations With... Faction Contacts in The Moonsea: Greg Marks

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Conversations With...

Contacts in the Moonsea
“Conversations With” is a regular column written by Delwyn Ilar of the Podal Prophet broadsheet of
Phlan, bringing you Out-Of-Character knowledge of important NPCs in the Moonsea region from the
Adventurers League campaign, so that you might better portray them and their organizations in
your games. This volume contains interviews with Olisara Lightsong (Harpers), Zern Xerkstil (Order
of the Gauntlet), Seranolla the Whisperer (Emerald Enclave), Dornal Whitebeard (Lords' Alliance),
and Chaab (Zhentarim), along with descriptions and statistics of these notable NPCs (including
Delwyn himself) and a few suggestions on how you might use them in your game.

Greg Marks

Credits: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Claire Hoffman, Alan Patrick, Travis Woodall

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Delwyn Ilar
Delwyn Ilar is a reporter for the Podal Prophet, the Medium humanoid (human), neutral good
broadsheet with the largest market share in the town
of Phlan. As such he has taken it upon himself to track Armor Class 10
down and interview the five faction representatives Hit Points 9 (2d8)
in the Moonsea region. Speed 30 ft.
In this product you will fine edited and updated
version of those previously released interviews in STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
addition to stats for each representative and Delwyn 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 13 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
himself, along with suggestions for using the in your
Saving Throws Dex +2, Int +3, Cha +2
game or how to role-play them when they come up in
Skills Insight +2, Investigation +5, Perception +2,
Adventurers League adventures you might be playing.
Persuasion +5
Senses passive Perception 12
For Your Game: Delwyn Ilar Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Goblin
Delwyn Ilar is an unassuming human male of average Challenge 1/8 (25 xp)
height and a slight build. A pair of spectacles perch
upon his hawkish nose and his brown hair is Charmed Life. When Delwyn fails a saving throw or
beginning to recede. He is rarely seen with a scroll ability check, he may roll the check again. He must keep
and quill in hand as he dashes from one story to the the result of the second roll regardless of whether he
next. succeeds or fails.
Delwyn has a an overly developed expectation that Keen Ear. Delwyn has advantage on Wisdom (Insight)
others will respect the press and as such often gets checks to determine if he is being lied to.
himself into trouble in search of a story. He means
well, but sometimes needs someone to protect him Actions
from his own poor decisions. He's also likely to hire
adventurers, sometimes with money he doesn't yet Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
have, to help him bring home a story, particularly if it reach 5 ft. or 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing
involves travel into an obvious exotic or dangerous damage.
local. Delwyn makes a good comic motivator for your

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Conversations with
the northern Moonsea. I was born in Waymoot in
Cormyr where my parents owned a bakery for a time
that supplied bread to The Moon and Stars. I suppose

Olisara Lightsong it was at that inn that where I developed a love of

listening to stories. Travelers from distant lands were
always stopping by and telling tales of their travels. I
I began my efforts to bring enlightenment to you, dear could sit for hours, listening to their exciting stories
reader, by delving into the seedy underworld of the and marveling at their strange appearances.
factions that seek to manipulate the citizens of Phlan.
And who better to investigate than the original DL: So it was at The Moon and Stars that you decided
meddlers themselves, the Harpers. Through contacts to become a member of the Harpers? Can you tell my
developed during my misspent youth, I was able to readers a little bit about that and what the Harpers
get word to “Those Who Harp” that I was hoping to stand for?
have a conversation. As luck would have it, I received
a message to meet at the Laughing Goblin Inn. Upon OL: Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of The Moon and
arriving at this frequent stop of sailors and ne’er-do- Stars. Ever since it appeared in a Volo’s Guide, it
wells, I was directed to a shadowy back room by an has only become busier. It’s always been a center for
annoyingly talkative and grossly rotund waiter with a clandestine meetings and for all manner of strange
stained apron. As I passed through the rough looking folk to rest and mingle. In the end, though, it always
crowd, hand on my purse, I couldn’t have expected an seemed like good things were being done, and done
atmosphere any less disreputable from this secretive by those having exciting adventures. Without going
group of spies and busybodies. into details, I wanted to be a part of that. As for
In the back room, I met my contact, and she whom the Harpers are and what we are about… I
couldn’t have been further than what I suppose you would say that we simply wish to gather
expected. Olisara Lightsong is a pale-skinned moon and preserve knowledge in all its forms, and free
elven woman with white hair and piercing, blue eyes. people from tyrants in-so-doing.
Clad in a fetching dress cut in the Cormyrian style, she
invited me to sit at an ample feast that including the DL: The Harpers have been accused of being
Goblin’s famous cabbage soup among other delicacies. meddlers. What do you say to that?
I was instantly at ease.
OL: We believe strongly in gathering information,
Delwyn Ilar: I want to thank you for agreeing to preserving knowledge, and protecting art. For
speak with me Lady Lightsong. I imagine it can’t be those that love a good story, myself included, it’s
easy for a spymaster such as yourself to speak freely perfect. But to answer your question, yes; we
with the press. watch those with power and should they succumb to
corruption, we act. We prefer to do so subtly,
Olisara Lightsong: I take offense to the title however. I wouldn’t say we are meddlers so much as
spymaster; I simply collect interesting stories. Please, we try to watch out for those who are unable to watch
call me Olisara. I can call you Delwyn, can I not? out for themselves. It is a great wrong to wield too
Delwyn Ilar of the Podal Prophet who lives in the red much power, just as it is a great wrong to force others
two-story on Lilly Way, a scant two blocks from to wield too little.
Scholar’s Square. I’m sure you only seek to archive
this meeting for the preservation of knowledge and DL: As the representative of your faction in Phlan and
wouldn’t risk anyone’s identity for fame or fortune. the northern Moonsea, what do you hope to do in the
DL: Umm… quite. Yes. *cough*
OL: That’s a big question and it’s not something I’m
OL: Do please ask your questions Delwyn. The soup is certain it would be safe for you to know.
getting cold.
DL: If not the whole story, how about a nugget of your
DL: Would you like to start by introducing yourself to plans then?
my readers and giving us a little about
your background? OL: The Moonsea region provides two particular
opportunities for the Harpers, both due in part to
OL: Well, as you already know, my name is Olisara the region’s wild and dangerous past. There are ruins,
Lightsong, and I represent the Harper’s interests in lost items of power and historical significance,
and some unusual sources of magical power. As the

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faction contact in this region it is my hope that Olisara Lightsong
my agents explore, catalogue and gather as many of Medium humanoid (moon elf), chaotic good
these secrets as is possible. We need to rediscover
and understand these many mysteries so that we can Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
decide how to best use them to aid the people and not Hit Points 41 (5d8 + 5)
to be used against them. Second, the area is rife with Speed 30 ft.
unstable governments and oppression. The
common folk need heroes, and my agents are just that. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
We stand up for those that need us, and stand 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
against those that would force their will upon others.
Saving Throws Dex +4, Cha +5
Unlike some of the other factions, we are less likely to
Skills Arcana +3, Deception +5, Diplomacy +5, Insight +3,
use direct force, and more likely to listen and watch
Investigation +5, Nature +3, Perception +5, Stealth +5,
so that we might apply just the right amount
pressure to direct events. Survival +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
DL: You mention the other factions. Why have the Languages Common, Elvish, Orcish
Harpers agreed to ally with the other factions, Challenge 1 (200 xp)
in particular, the Zhentarim who have traditionally
been seen as your enemies in the past? Favored Enemy (humans and orcs). Olisara has
advantage on Wisdom (Survival) and Intelligence checks
OL: We have natural connections to many of the other related to humans and orcs.
factions. For example, though their methods Fey Ancestry. Olisara has advantage on saving throws
may differ from our own, the Order of the Gauntlet is against being charmed and magic cannot put her to
concerned about protecting the weak and the sleep.
Emerald Enclave seeks balance in the world. We have
Keen Hearing and Sight. Olisara has advantage on
many connections with the Lords’ Alliance in the
North and have worked together in the past. However, Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
you can imagine how difficult it is for me, coming sight.
from Cormyr, to work with the Zhentarim. I wouldn’t Spellcasting. Olisara is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Her
go so far as to say we are allies, but the current spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to
threats in this region have forced us together. It’s an hit with its spell attacks). Olisara knows the bard
uneasy truce but one that benefits us both, so far. We following spells:
are learning a great deal about our friends that may
have cost us many lives in the past. Rest assured that Cantrips (at will): friends, vicious mockery
if they attempt to regain their former domination of 1st level (4 slots): comprehend languages, cure wounds,
the region, the relationship will end. detect magic, sleep
2nd level (2 slots): detect thoughts, invisibility
DL: Well, thank you again for agreeing to speak with
me. Actions

OL: My pleasure. Oh, and please do take some of this Multiattack. Olisara makes three melee attacks or three
trout for your cat, the white one that frequently sits ranged attacks.
on the reading chair in your bedroom. There’s simply
too much for me to finish. Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
DL: Umm… quite. Yes.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range

For Your Game 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Olisara Lightsong is the leader of the Harpers in the Inspiration (recharges after a long or short rest).
Moonsea region and she has no shortage of rumors or Olisara chooses a creature within 60 feet of her isn't
potential adventures. She makes a good patron for already affected by Inspiration. Until the end of Olisara's
good aligned parties that want to take an active role next turn, the target, provided it is able to hear and
in guiding the development of the region. Olisara understand Olisara, adds a d6 to its attack rolls and
prefers those that work subtly and often dispatches saving throws.
adventures on information gathering missions.

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Conversations with
Zern Xerkstil
ZX: I am from Impiltur and it was there where that I
fought the devils that infest my home.

DL: I thought that since the Sundering, Impiltur had

My attempts to contact the Order of the Gauntlet trouble with demons, not devils?
representative were much more straightforward than
my previous efforts with the Harpers. The Order ZX: Devils twist words, spread lies and further
makes no secret about who they are, and so I was mischief. That is what they want you to believe. The
quickly directed to the town streets near Kuto’s Well. demons, we have those too, but they are easy to find.
As usual, this busy area put on a diverse showing of They rage across the landscape and any good hearted
Phlan’s citizenry, but one of them clearly stood apart. soul knows their approach. The fiends from the Hells
To one side was a rough looking man with the taint of are a different breed.
orcish blood on his face. His white enameled plate
mail scarred with the signs of frequent battle and a DL: So how did this lead to being called the Hammer
silver bladed battle axe strapped to his back, he of Impiltur?
stared intently at each of the passersby, as if
searching for something in their faces. The crowd ZX: I had just taken my paladin vows when I heard
parted around him like boulder in the Stojanow. For a tale of demons rampaging nearby. I rode out and
moment, I questioned whether I really wanted to indeed found the monsters, slaying them in Helm’s
approach this formidable warrior, but fear not gentle name. But the misery in the area did not end. In fact it
reader, I braved his terrible countenance to bring you seemed to spread: disease, malaise, and despair.
this interview! Along with two other newly minted warriors of Helm,
I tracked it to its source and found them; a band from
Delwyn Ilar: Excuse me, are you Zern Xerkstil? the infernal Hells. They had attracted the demons and
used them to terrify the common folk, so that the
Zern Xerkstil: I am he. You are the reporter. Stand simple farmers might be tempted to entreating the
aside and ask your questions. devils for aid at the cost of the farmers’ souls. I rode
into their hideaway and crushed them; thus ending
DL: Umm… before we begin, might I ask what you are their power in the region. . It is from those deeds that
doing? my brothers chose to call me the Hammer of Impiltur.
ZX: Hunting. Many evils hide in plain sight and must DL: Does this have something to do with joining the
be sought out. Be ever watchful and never stop less Order, or was this before that.
an innocent pay the price for your lack of vigilance.
ZX: Standing in their lair, covered in their hot blood,
DL: Is there evil here? I see some children at play, a reeking of brimstone, I choose to dedicate myself to
man selling apples and a woman drawing water. hunting the fiends of Hell and right after joined the
Order of the Gauntlet to bring retribution to those
ZX: Evil is everywhere. Any of them could be a fiend who perform evil deeds.
in disguise.
DL: That’s quite a tale. Can you tell us about your
DL: Maybe if you could tell me more about yourself I faction? Are the other members like you?
would better understand. Can you introduce yourself
and tell my readers about where you hail from? ZX: We are faithful followers of the gods of light that
have chosen to watch for those that practice evil, that
ZX: I am Zern Xerkstil, called by some the Hammer of we might intervene and protect those in need of our
Impiltur. I follow Helm, the Vigilant One. aid. Evil must be met in the field and smashed, or it
will swiftly overcome all.
DL: How did you come by that appellation, the
Hammer of Impiltur? DL: So you kill those who are evil?
ZX: Honestly. ZX: We watch those who might harbor vile thoughts
or inclinations, but we are not murderers. We visit
DL: I see… could you expound upon that? justice only upon those who commit evil acts, be they

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fiend or man. We are brothers in faith and arms, who you decide ally with the other factions, many of whom
work together to make Faerûn a better place. do not share your ideas or methods?

DL: A noble goal. Who is in charge of your faction? ZX: Many swords make for a stronger defense, and it
is even better to have many eyes so that harm may
ZX: After Helm, I serve the Order of the Gauntlet. The never fall to test that defense. The Harpers are
Order was founded by Kleef Kenric of Marsember, natural watchers and obvious allies. They help us
who has stepped back from leading us but is still one watch those who might fall to corruption and we give
of our most honored members. Now the honor of them a stiffer spine that they might act when action is
providing our vision is for Ontharr Frume, who called for. The corruption of the lizardfolk, the rise of
watches from rebuilt Elturel. hags and other evils of the forest are all natural
concerns for both the Emerald Enclave and the Order.
DL: You say provides a vision. How do you decide on In addition the corruption of men harms the land as
your missions? Are you given orders? much as it harms other men, so it is no surprise that
we might find common cause. The Lords' Alliance was
ZX: No, Helm guides my heart and my sword. The once a strong force for good in the North, though they
Order and those who lead it give us direction… may have fallen some in their zeal to civilize those
goals… Sometimes our leaders, the most esteemed of lands. We still share many efforts to protect those
our brothers and sisters, will hear of an evil that beacons of light in seas of chaotic darkness.
needs to be brought to justice and they will send
word to us, but it is our choice to proceed and how. DL: That’s only three of the other factions. What of
the Zhentarim?
DL: Can you be more specific about what you and
your brothers in arms hope to do in the northern ZX: We watch everyone that might fall to corruption
Moonsea? and vice.

ZX: The Moonsea is rife with unchecked corruption! DL: Does that mean you do not approve of working
All evil doers must be punished; starting with with the Zhentarim?
ZX: You have an infernal way of twisting words to
DL: So you are here to kill devils? cause mischief little man.

ZX: I shall punish all those who prey upon the DL: I’ll take that as a no for my readers. Thank you for
innocent; devil or not. Though I am sure the Infernals your time.
are close, there are other dangers. The people of
Phlan suffer under the depredations of bandits just as
much as they twist under the corrupt Banites who For Your Game
run this town. The Order will to seek out all injustice Zern Xerkstil is the leader of the Order of the Gauntlet
and set things right! We will make the roads safe. We in the Moonsea region. His is straightforward and
will see that the common folk are treated with justice honest to the point of blunt and he is always on the
and we will stop those who traffic with evil from lookout for additional muscle to bring justice to the
encroaching on the peace. region. In particular, he is always looking for the
involvement of devils and dislikes working with
DL: That’s not very focused, are there any specific tieflings.
foes or dangers you see now?
Zern Xerkstil
ZX: At the moment the Cult of the Dragon rears its Medium humanoid (half-orc), lawful good
head, bolstered by the Dragon Queens legions from Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hell, but we still watch Red Wizards and followers of Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
other evil gods who prowl at the edges of the Speed 30 ft.
Moonsea. If they cross the line to wicked action, the
Order will be there to meet them as well. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 (+4) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 13 (+1)
DL: Your faction is dedicated to concepts like justice,
honor and protecting the innocent from evil. It seems Saving Throws Wis +3, Wis +2
like you and your fellows are also very direct, and Skills Athletics +6, Insight +3, Intimidation +3,
concerned with spreading the “good” faiths. Why did Perception +3, Religion +2

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Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Orcish
Challenge 4 (1,100 xp)

Brave. Zern has advantage on saving throws against

being frightened.
Relentless Endurance (recharges on a long rest). If Zern
is dropped to 0 hit points, he is instead dropped to 1 hit
Blessed Weapons. Zern's weapon attacks are magical
and silver.
Smite. As a bonus action, Zern can expend a spell slot to
cause his melee weapon attacks to magically deal an
extra 9 (2d8) radiant damage to a target on a hit. This
benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If Zern expends a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage
increases by 1d8 for each level above 1st.
Spellcasting. Zern is an 8th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit
with its spell attacks). Zern has prepared the following
paladin spells:

1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, detect evil and

good, protection from evil and good, sanctuary,
thunderous smite
2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, magic weapon,
zone of truth

Multiattack. Zern makes two melee attacks.

Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage or 14 (2d8 +
5) on a critical.

Heavy crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,

range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing

Divine Sense. Zern detects the presence of celestials,

fiends, or fey within 60 feet.

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Conversations with
Seranolla the
S (whispering): The people of Elmwood were
clearing trees to expand their fields with
indiscriminate use of fire, disrupting the land and

Whisperer driving the wildlife deeper into the forest. I

accompanied some of the elves who went to treat
with the farmers who had grown concerned about the
As unsettling to my nerves as my last two interviews danger of the villagers’ actions. My friends explained
were, I was looking forward to a nice stroll in the why the village’s actions posed a danger to the rest of
woods outside of Phlan for my third. Notoriously shy, the forest and eventually we were able to help the
the contact for the Emerald Enclave was unwilling to people of Elmwood strike a balance between the
enter the town, so I had to go to her. Strolling through needs of the wood and their fields. As we left
lonely sun dappled forest paths just past the fields Elmwood, my elven friends told me that they were
that surround Phlan, a faint breeze lent its comfort to members of a group called the Emerald Enclave and it
an already pleasant day. If not for my keen reporter’s was their duty to preserve the natural order,
eye, I might have walked right past her without even preventing civilization and the wilderness from
knowing it. destroying each other. I decided to leave my home
A forest gnome, she was hiding behind a leafy bush, and join them.
her green dress and dark brown skin blended into the
foliage with only her bright smile and attentive gaze DL: So the Emerald Enclave is about protecting
giving her away. Seeing that I had spotted her, she nature?
noiselessly slipped onto the path, the branches
parting for her passage. Smiling up at me, still silent, S (whispering): Yes, to a point, though really we are
she bowed low in greeting. more about maintaining equilibrium. Sentient life is
part of nature and has a place in it. We strive to
Delwyn Ilar: Hello, are you Seranolla the Whisperer? balance the needs of humanoids to civilize the lands
around them with the needs of the wild to be kept in
Seranolla: *bows its natural state.

DL: Can you introduce yourself for my readers? DL: Are not they in direct opposition to each other?

S: *nods S (whispering): Not always, and when they are we

seek a middle ground.
DL: I’ll need you to speak if we’re to have an
interview. DL: So you are all about a balance between man and
nature? Do you do anything else?
S (whispering): I am Seranolla. Sorry, I rarely speak S (whispering): Of course. We prevent the unnatural
with people, so it takes some getting used to. from spreading, close elemental rifts that might
disrupt the natural order, hunt undead or planar
DL: It is a pleasure to meet you Seranolla. If you creatures that taint the land, protect travelers from
please, could you tell my readers a little about the dangers of the wilderness, and watch over those
yourself? Where are you from? How did you come to who might try to pillage the land for their own gain.
be part of the Emerald Enclave?
DL: You have been around for a long time compared
S (whispering): I was born before the Sundering in to some of the other faction representatives. Do you
the forest of Cormanthor, near the River Lis. By your still have any goals for the Moonsea region?
standards I might be quiet, but among my people I am
thought of as extroverted and outgoing, so it was only S (whispering): Gnomes live for quite a while. I’m
natural that I would be the one to speak with the barely middle aged.
elves. It was with them that I first considered that
there might be those that would abuse the gifts of DL: My apologies. What I meant to say was that most
nature. of the other faction representatives are members of
the shorter lived races and they struggle to make
DL: How so? I sense a story here. some progress with their faction’s goals in the short

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time they have. What goals do you have for the believe themselves our allies rather than those we are
Emerald Enclave that you haven’t already completed? at war with.

S (whispering): Well, a particular hobby of mine is DL: That about wraps up my questions. Is there
charting the stars and watching weather patterns. I’ve anything else you would like to say?
noticed a number of strange occurrences at work in
the region and I wonder if there are any S (whispering): *shakes her head
connections. I am always on the lookout for more on
this subject and I hope my operatives will also watch DL: Thank you so much for meeting with me.
for strange occurrences in the natural world and
share them with me.
However, a more pressing subject is the influx of For Your Game
draconic activity. As unnatural apex predators, Seranolla the Whisperer is the leader of the Emerald
dragons are inherently disruptive to the region and in Enclave in the Moonsea region. As a druid in service
addition they often seek to alter the land: building to the Forest Queen Mielikki, she is devoted to
lairs, conquering cities, and burning forests. At the protecting the natural world and employs
moment I am hoping that we will be able to adventurers on related missions. Seranolla is quiet
understand their goals and blunt any damage the and generally prefers to observe from hiding. She has
dragons might cause to the region’s natural order. an interest in charting the stars and weather patterns
One of the ways we might approach this problem is to and might be befriended by offering rare information
treat with the fey folk of the region. In the past the concerning these areas of interest.
faeries have been powerful allies and if convinced
that it is in their interest, they may be of aid.
Seranolla the Whisperer
Small humanoid (forest gnome), neutral good
DL: So your forces are marshaling together to fight Armor Class 11 (16 with barkskin)
this threat? Hit Points 39 (7d8 + 7)
Speed 25 ft.
S (whispering): The Emerald Enclave does not really
work that way. We tend to work alone towards a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
common goal. Sometimes we might come together 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0)
against a dire threat, but normally we pass
information on to each other and seek our own Saving Throws Int +3, Wis +5
solutions based upon the teachings of the Emerald Skills Nature +3, Perception +5, Stealth +3, Survival +3
Enclave. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Gnomish
DL: Your faction is dedicated to balance and Challenge 3 (700 xp)
protecting nature but yet you have allied yourself
with the other factions, some of whom, such as the Gnomish Cunning. Seranolla has advantage on all
Lords’ Alliance or the Zhentarim, have been known to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws
be covetous of natural resources, or the Harpers who against magic.
frequently meddle and rarely respect a balance if it
Land's Stride. Seranolla moves through difficult terrain
doesn’t suit their purposes. How do you rationalize
expended additional movement and does not take
damage from moving through hazardous nonmagical
S (whispering): Our numbers are not great and while plants.
we can bring great power to bear in the natural world, Spellcasting. Seranolla is a 6th-level spellcaster. Her
our ability to function in urban locales is impaired. spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit
The Cult of the Dragon frequently hides amongst the with its spell attacks). Seranolla has prepared the
masses of humanity and the Harpers, Lords’ Alliance following druid spells:
and Zhentarim all excel in this arena. The Order of
the Gauntlet and the Harper’s, while maybe not Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, mending, produce flame,
seeking the same balance the Emerald Enclave does, shillelagh
have worked among the warriors of nature in the past 1st level (4 slots): beast sense, cure wounds, entangle,
and have the best of intentions. I know some of my longstrider, speak with animals
allies have concerns about the Lords’ Alliance and the 2nd level (3 slots): animal messenger, barkskin,
Zhentarim, but I believe we will make more progress moonbeam, spider climb
with those concerns by bringing them to those who

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3rd level (3 slots): call lightning, dispel magic, plant
growth, speak with plants

Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit (+4 with
shillelagh), reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6)
bludgeoning damage or 4 (1d8) with shillelagh or is
wielded with two hands.

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Conversations with
Dornal Whitebeard
You’ll know it when I bribe you. This is just a simple

DL: Well, I suppose a glass of wine couldn’t hurt.

Before I could set out on my next interview, a courier,
dressed in fine livery, appeared at the offices of the DW: And perhaps try one of the Bouqthi pastries.
Podal Prophet with an invitation to the Velvet They are dreadfully hard to import ever since Luiren
Doublet: submerged into the gulf. Still halflings are a hardy folk
To my dearest friend Delwyn Ilar, please do me the and I know a gentleman who knows an incredibly
pleasure of being my guest at eight bells this evening at talented baker who’s family survived the catastrophe
a banquet to celebrate your superb literary and has passed the recipe down ever since. You’ve
accomplishments. A carriage will appear at your never tasted its equal.
residence in time to deliver you in the style you so richly
deserve. DL: Mmmm… you’re right! It’s amazing. While I finish
–Dornal Whitebeard this, perhaps you could introduce yourself to my
readers and tell us a little about yourself.
The faction contact for the Lords' Alliance clearly
knew how to make an impression. The Velvet Doublet DW: Well, as you have already surmised, my name is
is the most luxurious feasthall in Phlan and not Dornal Whitebeard and I am in the Moonsea region as
something a humble reporter often has the coin to a representative of the Lords' Alliance. I am originally
visit. I prepared myself accordingly and met the from Waterdeep where my family has been
carriage at the appointed time only to be delivered on successfully involved in the import/export business
the Doublet’s doorstep as eight bells tolled. Once for four generations. Have you ever been to
inside, I was directed to the largest ballroom in the Waterdeep? You should definitely go if you get the
hall. Inside, a dais was erected in the center of the chance. There is a restaurant in the Sea Ward, Brill’s,
vast room with a well-appointed appointed table and with streetside seating. They have the best selection
two chairs upon it. No one else beyond my dwarven of ale’s to be found in the city and it’s only a few
host was present, though the table was certainly set blocks from the Field of Triumph. There are those
for a banquet. that will tell you to go straight to the arena and see
the games, but I prefer to sit on the street outside
Dornal Whitebeard: Welcome Delwyn, welcome. Can Brill’s with a tankard of the local Black Grog and wait
I call you Delwyn? Please join me. I have arranged this for the opening. When the crowd cheers, the sound
small meal so that we might have a moment to chat. reverberates down the street and washes over you.
There’s nothing like it.
Delwyn Ilar: Thank you very much Mr. Whitebeard.
This is very different from my usual interviews. DL: That’s quite an image you’ve painted. As I
understand the Lords' Alliance, it’s about protecting
DW: Of course it is my boy, because the others don’t the civilizations of the North. Did you join up because
know what I know. of places like Brill’s? What do you most empathize
with in the Lords' Alliance?
DL: What’s that sir?
DW: Another glass of wine? I suppose in a way I did.
DW: That you are an important, no, key, member of The Lords' Alliance is about joining together,
civilized Phlan society and you deserve to be treated protecting what’s yours, and helping your allies
appropriately. succeed. I have always been proud of my city and I am
devoted to her, just as my allies in the Alliance are to
DL: Why thank you, but I might almost be inclined to theirs. Everyone has enemies, but together we can be
think you are trying to bribe me for a favorable article strong enough to defend each other, and prosperous
on you and your faction. enough for all of us to flourish. Those that join with us
will be protected, cared for, and enjoy the fruits of our
DW: Is it a bribe if you give a coin to a poor orphan in collective labors.
need? Is it a bribe if you donate to a temple that does
good works? Is it a bribe if you acknowledge the DL: Lord Neverember and some of your other leaders
successes of others? No, Delwyn, this isn’t a bribe. do not have the best reputations. What would you say

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to those that have suggested that the Lords' Alliance representative of the Lords' Alliance I hope to offer a
is a bit aggressive in securing its peaceful existence? stabilizing voice through trade. The region has rare
woods, furs, gems and an abundance of metals and
DW: I remember when I was a boy and every Ninth- the forges that go with it, but it lacks in sufficient food
Day my father would give me a silver piece to buy to feed its peoples and the textiles to cloth them. This
rock candy from the Aurora’s Emporium down the drives the different cities into conflict as they fight for
street from our house. It’s not the original one where resources. By opening up lines of diplomacy and trade
the Whole Realms Catalogue started. That’s in we can bring everyone together.
Westgate, but to a young lad with money to burn, it There are also a wide assortment of criminals,
might have well been a temple filled with wonder and thugs, and dictators in the region. Fortunately, the
joy. In my first attempt to spend my father’s coin, a Lords' Alliance has ample resources and can afford to
group of young street ruffians poured from an alley to train and equip our operatives like no one else.
accost me. They made a habit of pushing me to the Where necessary, we can take direct action to pacify
ground and taking the coin every tenday when I tried these divisive elements. Right now one of the largest
to acquire that sweet treat. I didn’t want to tell my threats to security and civilization are these Cult of
father for fear he would deem me unfit for his future the Dragon fellows, but fear not, we’ll wrap this up
generosity, so instead I looked for an alternative and be home in time for a pint.
Jako Velderbrunt was a monster of a boy; well over DL: Who decides who needs pacification? If I didn’t
five feet tall at the age of ten with legs like tree trunks know better I might think that sounds a bit tyrannical.
and arms of steel. Sadly what Jako had in build, his
family lacked in good fortune. His parents could not DW: Come now Delwyn, the Lords' Alliance is not
afford sweets, or even shoes for him, and where I some all-powerful boogeyman. We are not judge, jury,
went to school, he was forced to work as a smith’s or executioner. We are simply helping the local
apprentice so that his family might make ends meet. populace by eliminating any threats to their safety
One day I offered to buy Jako a candy and so when the and bringing them prosperity. A lack of security does
hoodlums can out of the alley that last time, I was not no one any good. If a family can’t be safe in their own
alone. Jako beat those boys bloody and they never home, how can they be productive? And if they do
bothered me again. I bought Jako candy every tenday succeed because of the safety and civilization we
for the rest of my childhood. That’s the Lords' Alliance. bring them, they will be fruitful enough to help their
We protect our allies, reward our friends and bloody neighbors and then everyone wins.
those that would force themselves on those that can’t
protect themselves. DL: What do you say to those “highwaymen,
rampaging monsters, or rogue city-states” of the
DL: Are you more like a business, a government, or a Moonsea that stand opposed to the Lords' Alliance
family? and threaten your views of civilization?

DW: Yes. All of those things are a part of the Lords' DW: I’m sure there are very few individuals that
Alliance. The various cities of the North: Neverwinter, might fall into that category, but to those that do, I
Waterdeep, Mithral Hall, Silverymoon, among several would try to convince them of the manifest rightness
others, have banded together for mutual benefit, so of our view and of all the benefits we can offer them if
there are governments involved. They do not always they join us. However if they persist in opposing us, I
agree on everything but in general all of them seek to would say to them: we will come for you. And we will
make the world a safer, more comfortable place. This come with the best agents, armies, and equipment;
means a solid infrastructure, free and open trade, and anything and everything to complete what needs to
public safety. Just like you would protect your sibling be done to protect and expand civilization.
from the bully on the block, we do the same whether Superiority is our security.
its highwaymen, rampaging monsters, or rogue city-
states. What’s good for civilization is good for all and DL: Speaking of potential conflicts, can you speak as
nothing will stop us from ensuring that that to why the Lords' Alliance has agreed to ally with the
civilization will be brought to everyone that needs it. other four factions?

DL: Can you speak about what you hope to do DW: We are natural allies of everyone who sees the
specifically in the Moonsea? rightness in our world view. As you know the Harpers
have always been an active force for good in the
DW: As you know, the Moonsea, especially the North, and many of our longer-lived members have
Northern Moonsea, has seen a lot of turmoil. As the been Harpers in the past. The Order of the Gauntlet

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also is strongly motivated to bring good and order to Dornal Whitebeard
the world, making them natural partners as well. Medium humanoid (shield dwarf), lawful neutral
The Zhentarim is less of stretch than you might think.
They are simply the Lords' Alliance without the Armor Class 15 (breastplate)
moderating guidance we had in our infancy. They Hit Points 17 (3d8 + 3)
want to civilize the Moonsea and surrounding area. Speed 25 ft.
They want to protect their own. And they want to
prosper. They want all the same things we do, and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
like us, once they commit to a course of action, they 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
will spare nothing to see to their success. Some of our
Saving Throws Str +3, Con +5
other allies might balk at what needs doing, but not
Skills Deception +7, Insight +4, Persuasion +7
the Zhentarim. We are not so different.
Damage Resistances Poison
DL: What about the others, the Emerald Enclave? Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Dwarvish
DW: We have had our disagreements with the Challenge 1 (200 xp)
Emerald Enclave, it’s true, but I would point out that
they are not against the spread of civilization; they Action Surge (recharge on a long or short rest). Dornal
simple wish to temper it. We appreciate the caution of takes an additional action.
our green brethren. After all if you clear-cut the forest, Dwarven Resilience. Dornal has advantage on all saving
it will not regrow, and then where will you get your throws against poison.
lumber? There is a place at our side for the
Magic Weapons. Dornal's weapon attacks are magical.
temperance of the Emerald Enclave, just as there is
for all the other factions. Actions
DL: Is there anything you’d like to add? Multiattack. Dornal makes two attacks.

DW: Only that if any of your readers are interested in Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
success, safety, or prosperity, come to the Lords' one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6)
Alliance. We have everything they need or want and cold damage.
we would be happy to share it with our friends, and
we are always hiring. Hand crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
DL: That’s quite a nice sentiment. Thank you for the damage.
Cunning Leader (recharge 5-6). Dornal chooses an ally
DW: And of course it applies to you as well, my dear within 30 feet of him. That ally makes a single attack
Delwyn. Indeed please continue to eat and enjoy. The adding 1d8 to it's to hit and damage rolls.
fifth course has only just arrived and the
entertainment hasn’t even begun. You need not be in
any hurry. I have retained a carriage for your return
home. In the Lords' Alliance, we know how to reward
our friends.

For Your Game

Dornal Whitebeard is the leader of the Lords' Alliance
in the Moonsea region. He seeks to bring safety,
stability, and trade to the Moonsea. Dornal makes a
good patron for adventurers who are more
mercenary in nature, particularly if they prize wealth
over pesky morals. He frequently rewards his
operatives with the best food, fine clothing, or ornate
jewelry. For himself, he is never found without
several potions and other consumable magic items
that compliment his plan.

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Conversations with
C: Never heard of you. What do you want? I don’t
have a lot of time for chin-wagging. I’ve got lots to do
before everyone gets here.

Finding my final interviewee in order to complete my DL: Could I walk with you while you continue on to
series on the Faction representatives in the Moonsea your next appointment and ask a few questions for
region proved harder than I expected. Exhausting all my readers back in Phlan?
my contacts and spreading some gold among the
common rumormongers, I eventually learned that the C: You can ask, don’t mean I’ll answer.
Zhentarim representative wasn’t in Phlan anymore,
but had relocated to Mulmaster. Convincing my editor DL: Fair enough. Could you introduce yourself?
of the importance of this interview, I booked passage
across the Moonsea to the City of Danger. DL (raising a balled fist): Is this a trick? 'Cause I will
Arriving in Mulmaster, a place that I have never throw you a beatin’ if you keep askin’ for it!
been, I was struck by how large and how different it
was from my native Phlan. Nestled in the C (shaken): Uh, no… sir. I was just hoping you could
northernmost edge of the Earthspur Mountains, tell my readers who you are.
Mulmaster is a cold, windswept city surrounded by
grim walls that rise up before the fury of the Moonsea. C: You already know my name. You called me by it.
Where Phlan is surrounded by farms and greenery,
Mulmaster is walled away from the sea, penned in by DL: I mean to say, could you tell my readers a little
mountains. Much is grey with the occasional red about yourself, your background, who you are and
highlights and while some parts of the city are in good how you got here?
repair, such as those near the centers of power and
wealth, others suffer from neglect. It was in these C: Why didn’t you just say that then? Wait, are you a
worst parts of Mulmaster where I found my quarry. Hawk? You don’t look like Watch; too bright for that.
What the locals affectionately refer to as the Zhent But those Hawks are always sticking their nose in and
Ghettos is a dangerous near-ruin on the southern end asking questions of honest business men such as
of the city populated by those residents of Zhentil myself.
Keep who fled here when it was destroyed by
Netheril so long ago. Having lived here for three DL: No sir, I’m a reporter. From Phlan. Definitely not a
generations, they are denied citizenship in both Hawk or member of the Watch.
Mulmaster and the city of their ancestry. They are
heavily taxed and persecuted by the Mulmaster's C: Alright then, I suppose no harm then. Folks call me
government and city services in this ward are few Chaab on account that’s my name. I was born in
and far between. It is rather like the ruined Zhentil Keep, or at least what has been rebuilt of it.
neighborhoods on the edge of Phlan, but with more Where I grew up there aren’t a lot of options for a boy.
taxes and less hope of renewal. In this cesspit I found If your family is rich, you might learn a trade. My
Chaab, standing up for an elderly man surrounded mom wasn’t rich and I never knew my dad. If you are
four young toughs. Chaab might not look like much, religious or political, you might join the church of the
but there is a menace in his stare and carefully chosen Black Lord. I ain’t never been all that religious. You
words that led the toughs to tuck tail and run before could become a merc. I thought about that, but I have
he helped the old man to his feet and pressed a coin trouble fighting for somebody else when I don’t care
into his palm. Truly not at all what I expected for the nothing ‘bout their cause. You could always just let
representative of the feared Zhentarim. others take what you got and not join anything, but I
never been no sucker either. So that leaves me one
Delwyn Ilar: Excuse me, are you Chaab, the choice. Find an in with the Zhentarim. I done that and
representative of the Zhentarim? turns out, I’m pretty good at it.

Chaab: Who wants to know? DL: Can you tell my readers a bit more about what the
Zhentarim believes and how they work?
DL: I’m Delwyn Ilar, of the Podal Prophet?
C: You keep saying I should talk to your readers.
There someone here besides you?

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his family when they can’t find enough to eat. Those
DL: Er… not really no, but I mean tell them in spirit. I kids didn’t know that. Now they do. If they make that
am transcribing your words and will be using them mistake again it will not go well for them.
for my story in the Prophet.
DL: They were kids though, shouldn’t you let them off
C: You sure talk funny. You bes’ be careful or folks will easy if they make a mistake.
think you’re an easy mark and that’s trouble you
don’t need. Course if you were part of the family you C: They's old enough push a geezer to the ground,
wouldn’t have to worry. they's old enough to take a cobblestone to the head if
they don’t listen when they's told to knock it off. See,
DL: How so? that’s another thing you need to know about the
Zhentarim. We don’t needs to fight you if you pay
C: See lots of folks think of the Zhentarim as the attention to our reputation, but if you question our
secret agents of Zhentil Keep or the Church of Bane. reputation and we don’t respond, well that’s the end
While we have some connections, that really hasn’t of that hard earned reputation and that means a
been true for over a century. Other folks think we whole lot more fight and blood. Trust me, if you cross
market the best mercenaries that money can buy. us, we will come for you and our response will not be
That is true. We are the best, cheapest, fastest, and like anything you could imagine. It will be swift, it will
most secure source of sword arms you gonna find. be bloody, and it will end any question as to which
But that’s not all there is to us. See if you are one of us, one of us shoulda listened to the other. You get a
you are part of a family and family helps each other. reputation by defending your reputation.
With us you get resources, you get protection, and
you get the chance to advance yourself. You can DL: Alright, I think I understand the Zhentarim now.
pursue your own interests as long as they don’t come Since you are the representative of your faction in
before the Network. If you find a good or service that Phlan, can you tell my readers, er tell me, what you
needs providing, we are happy to help you see that it hope to do in the region? What are your goals?
gets to the buyer as long as you remember to send a
taste back to the bosses that help you get it there. See C: Well see, it’s not too good an idea to just go
members of the Zhentarim believe that people should blabbing all over about you plan to do, but let's say
have whatever they want, and we don’t believe that Phlan is pretty hot right now and I don’t think
others: governments, city watch, temples and the like, much of anyone is gonna wanna stay there much
should be able to tell a man what he can and can’t longer. I think most folks is moving to Mulmaster for
have. So says a crumb wants a particular herbal the time being and so I am here making ready. See
remedy for his sick grandmother that some despot those from Phlan that don’t got lots of coin, they ain’t
says his people can’t have. You wouldn’t deny a sick gonna be welcome here and they ain’t gonna have no
old lady, would ya? I didn’t think so. So being stand- place to stay when they get here. That’s okay see,
up guys, we Zhentarim would help the crumb get 'cause the Zhentarim knew to expect that and we look
what he needs. But those kind of favors could cost us out for folks. I’m here now getting the place ready:
a lot in effort and manpower, so it’s only right that we finding beds, arranging food, making it safe so that
be should get the proper gratitude. And if you were others know the people coming from Phlan are with
shown that gratitude by the guy wit the sick me. And if those refugees wanna show the Zhentarim
grandmother, it would only be right that you some gratitude? Who am I to refuse? And if they don’t
remember to pass a small gratuity along to your have any coin, well, they can always sign up and
bosses. become one of us. We always need more folks. We
like a big family; real big.
DL: Is that what you were doing with the old man
when I walked up? Was he one of your bosses? DL: Speaking of a big family, the Zhentarim has
agreed to work with the other factions, many of
C: Him? No way. But like I said, we’re a family. We whom have been your enemies in the past. Why?
don’t prey on our own. That’s something a lot of these
Mulman kids around here have forgotten being as C: Well, that’s simple. They owe us now, and that
they haven’t had the right kinds of influence. The makes things profitable. You advance yourself by
Zhentarim looks after their own. We protect our being an earner. If you earn for the Zhentarim, the
family and our family’s families. You respect those Zhentarim looks out for you. So if I got to help some
that deserve it and you earn coin off those that don’t. dirty Harper find out some secret about the Cult of
That fella has been helpful to me in the past, so he is the Dragon, now he owes me a favor. He’s gotta help
one of mine. I help him out. I protect his streets. I feed me when I need it. Not only that, but I bet he’s not the

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only one that wants to know that secret. I bet Chaab
somebody else is gonna pay for that. Then you got Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
those Order of the Gauntlet guys. Bunch o’stiffs, but
they like protecting people. You wanna protect Armor Class 13 (studded leather)
someone. I know a guy who needs some help. Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Apparently someone’s threatening to burn down his Speed 30 ft.
business. You go keep that from happening and he’ll
be real grateful to me; one way or the other. The STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Emerald Enclave, well we don’t cross paths much. But 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
those guys can get a lot of green food. You ever been
Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +3
to the Moonsea? It’s mostly cold, wet rocks. We could
Skills Athletics +6, Acrobatics +3, Deception +2,
sure use that food. Then there’s the Lords Alliance.
Intimidation +4, Perception +2
These guys I can understand. They want the best and
they will pay for it, especially if they don’t have to Senses passive Perception 12
dirty their hands. They don’t care how it gets done as Languages Common, Thieves' Cant
long as it’s done right and nobody splashes any blood Challenge 2 (450 xp)
on their nice robes. They pay extra if you are fast and
Pack Tactics. Chaab has advantage on attack rolls
quiet. I like extra and I know when to keep my mouth
against a creature if at least one of Chaab's allies is
shut. Now a lot of my brothers will complain about
working with these factions, but it don’t matter, the within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't
Pereghost, that’s our boss, he says we do. So you do. incapacitated.
Or you don’t work with anybody no more. Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Chaab deals an extra 9 (3d6)
damage when he a target with a weapon attack and has
DL: I see. advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is
within 5 feet of an ally of the assassin that isn't
C: No you don’t, but you will. incapacitated and Chaab doesn't have disadvantage on
the attack roll.
DL: Well, thank you anyway. I think my readers are
really going to enjoy your explanations once I get Actions
back to Phlan.
Multiattack. Chaab makes two attacks.
C: Hey, you need a ride back across the Moonsea? I
know a guy who knows a guy. His ship is leaving the Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
docks tonight after dark. See he’s got some one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6)
paperwork issues so he’s gotta go tonight. If you need poison damage.
a spot, I can get you one. Cheap, if you got coins right
now. Heavy crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing
DL: I think I should be okay. damage.

C: Suit yourself. Reactions

Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker hits Chaab with an
For Your Game attack, he can use his reaction to halve the damage.
Chaab is the leader of the Zhentarim in the Moonsea
region. He's not especially cultured, but he's got street
smarts and he's loyal. Chaab is rarely alone, and if you
side with him, you won't be either. If your character is
willing to do just about anything to make a name and
earn some coin, Chaab has a job for you. It won't be
pretty and you won't be moving in high society but it
will pay well. Just don't ask any questions.

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