The Survivor

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Many raiders sail into the dangers of the serpent sea in THE HORDRHAR CLAN
seek of wealth, glory and adventure, but not you. What The Hordhar was an isolated raiding clan, that wanted
made you take into the great ocean was instead Tragedy. to keep themselves hidden from the rest of the clans on the
You were born and grew up on a secretive and isolated Unexplored Depths, while preparing for Ragnarok. Aside
clan, the Hordhar. Hidden on the south seas of Grimnir, from this, you can come up with whatever customs the
the most unexplored and treacherous waters of this land, clan had, as well as being form by whatever razes you
the clan made a living raiding and attacking dose brave want. Just make sure your DM is ok with your decision.
enough to venture into the Unexplored Depths. Despite Know that the clan massacre took place between 10 to 50
their isolation, your clan was strong and prosperous, years before the start of the campaign. Here’s an example:
preparing in their own way for Ragnarok. Or so they were The Hordhar was a clan formed by tiefling and Tuss that
until that day came. wanted to be free from the scorn of raider society. They
traveled to the south, and against all odds, managed to
Under the cover of a vicious winter storm during the claim a place of their own in the most treacherous of seas.
night, your entire clan was targeted by a surprise attack Bellow, there is how the clan shield looks like by default.
from an unknow force. When you woke up, half of the
clan was already in flames. Barely being more than a kid at
Joining another clan.
the time, you were forced by your clan brethren to
When using this background, know the intention of
escape. The warriors tried to defend their homeland, be it making it so that your original clan was destroyed, is to
by cold steel or by powerful magic, but they were all slain, give the PC a reason to search for revenge, not to lock
including the Jarl Karra Eindaskr. All they could do was the PC from being part of a clan. An example could be
give the noncombatants a few minutes to escape, but it that after their original clan death, the pc traveled in
was all futile. When you arrived to port you found all of search of their quarry, just to find another clan where
the longships on fire, with the only remaining vessels being they feel like they belong and decided to join them. But
a few fearing boats. You got into one of this ships and even so, you could not forget what has happen in the
sailed to the sea. This was the last time you saw your past, so you took to the sea again, now fueled not just
for revenge, but also by the fear that your quarry may
homeland, now a burning pyre of wood, blood and
will target your new home.
screams. You never saw what was attacking the village.
The only thing you knew is that it was not alone. On that
day, you made an oath: you would find whatever or
whoever did this to your clan, and you would make them
all pay.
Player Interest: Kratos, Thorfinn(Vindland saga) and
Percival de Rolo (Crítical Role)
Restriction: Most be born in Grimnir.
Proficiencies: Survival
Tools Proficiencies: 2 artisan tools of your choice. Can
replace one of this with navigator’s tool prof of water
vehivles prof.
Languages: One of your choices
Equipment: A set of traveler’s clothes, a wooden
figurine with the insignia of the Hordhar clan(you
choose how it looks), and a pouch with 5 gp
While searching for your quarry, you encountered a
D6 Ideal
runethrower who insisted on tattooing a rune on you. Said
1 Spite. My enemies deserve the worst this word
rune was a reverse , a rune that signifies the loss of loved can offer, and any that stand in my way will suffer
one, and the scorn one feels toward the enemies that took the same fate. (evil)
them. At certain moments in the story additional runes 2 Challenge. My life is a constant challenge of fate
will be drawn, adding to your story, your abilities, and and the Gods, and they will have to work hard to
your penultimate reason for existing. stop me. (Neutral)
3 Equality. I will never discriminate anyone for
FEATURE: MEMORY OF THE LOST what they are, but who they are. Is not the raze
When you find yourself having to accomplish a task that you were born as what defines you, but your
actions and believes. (good)
you are not too familiar with, sometimes you find yourself
4 Loneliness. There is nothing left to me but to
thinking back to the teachings and experiences of your complete my task and live far away from the
clan, the Hordhar. Occasionally you recall useful and affairs of other. (Any)
valuable information for the task in front of you. Other 5 Honor. Doing my job well makes me an
times, you remember the flames and screams. As a honorable man, worthy of being proud of where I
reaction of having to a roll a skill check or tool check that come from. (Lawful)
you are not proficient with, you may roll 1D20. If the 6 Self-destructive. If my own suffering and death
result is 11 or more, you recall a useful piece of is what it takes to accomplish my goal, so be it
information that adds you in the task: you add prof.
modifier to the skill check or tool check. If you roll a 10 or
D6 Bond
less on the 1d20, you roll the check with disadvantage.
1 I keep track of people like me, so that one day I
You can use this reaction once per short rest.
may rebuild my clan with them
2 I have found a new family in those I meet in my
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS: travels, I’m always eager to encounter them again
3 I will suffer so that others will not
The tragedy you lived has mark you forever, but it is not
4 I have learned all I know from my clan and the
everything that defines you. You grew up in a happy
people I met on my travel, and I will pass this
community, and when you started your quest for revenge, knowledge to anyone that requires it
you traveled the land, meted all sorts of new people and 5 I long for the life I lost and often return to my
you even found some places you thought of staying and original homestead.
calling it home. All of this thing also affected you, not just 6 A memento from my original clan is the greatest
revenge. treasure I will ever have
D6 Personal Trait
1 When sailing at sea, I’m extremely paranoid of D6 Flaw
any strange occurrence that happens. 1 I feel I don’t have the rights to be happy until
2 I have a very dark sense of humor, and the worst the day my clan has when avenged
the situation, the darker my jokes are 2 I believe myself to be the most tragic story in
3 Drinking and eating is the things that brings me Grimnir, and I cannot stand when others
the most joy, and I love sharing the experience complain about their own life circumstances.
with others 3 I believe myself to bring misfortune, and tend to
4 Never having left my community before, I blame myself for anything bad that happens
sometimes find the word too big, and prefer the around me
little things for that reason 4 I’m willing to risk everything to get what I want,
5 I know death can suddenly arrive at anywhere at even innocents and loved ones.
any time, I try to live my life at its fullest, and 5 I have a purpose to fulfill, and if I need to, I will
encourage others to do the same flee from battle to save myself
6 I have an honorable attitude, as I consider 6 I am extremely sensitive about my fallen clan, and
it correct, despite of the unjust condition anyone how talk badly about it will suffer by my
in which I find myself hand
Having found no leads on how or what destroyed your
clan, you decided to turn your efforts into getting the help
of the Volv. You join the expedition to kekkel, in hopes of
getting in the volv good favor, and maybe even be granted
access to the well of wisdom.

 Discover the Culprit. Discover what devastated
your land and how to track them. Reward: You can
now use memory of the lost 2 times per short rest
 Hunt Your Quarry. You have a means to hunt your
foes. Find and kill those that helped in the massacre of
your clan.
 The Final Preparations. Thers only one remaining
from the ones that attacked your home. The main
perpetrator of the massacre, more powerful than the
others. Find a weapon capable of leveling the plain
field. Reward: Choose one of the following items:

 Oathbow
 +2 Mace of Smiting(any melee weapon)
 Staff of power(Druids can attune to it)
 Staff of Striking
 Instrument of the bards(Anstruth harp)

 The End of your Revenge. You are prepared, and

there’s only one thing left to do. Kill your target.


You have prevailed over your foe and avenged you clan.
All that remains is to rebuild and fight in Ragnarok.
Reward: Your glory increases by 2, and now use memory
of the lost 3 times per short rest, and it always success.

Carlo Russo

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