Intelligent Transportation Systems Using External Infrastructure: A Literature Survey

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Intelligent Transportation Systems Using External

Infrastructure: A Literature Survey
Christian Creß∗ , Zhenshan Bing, Alois C. Knoll

Abstract—The main problems in transportation are accidents,

increasingly slow traffic flow, and pollution. An intelligent Intelligent Transportation System
transportation system (ITS) using external infrastructure can
arXiv:2112.05615v4 [cs.RO] 25 Aug 2022

overcome these problems. For this reason, the number of such

systems is increasing dramatically, and therefore requires an
adequate overview. To the best of our knowledge, no current V2X
systematic review of existing ITS solutions exists. To fill this
knowledge gap, our paper provides an overview of existing
ITS that use external infrastructure worldwide. Accordingly,
this paper addresses current questions and challenges. For this
purpose, we performed a literature review of documents that
describe existing ITS solutions from 2009 until today. We cate-
gorized the results according to technology levels and analyzed
its hardware system setup and value-added contributions. In
doing so, we made the ITS solutions comparable and highlighted
past development alongside current trends. We analyzed more
than 357 papers, including 52 test bed projects. In summary,
current ITSs can deliver accurate information about individuals
in traffic situations in real-time. However, further research into
ITS should focus on more reliable perception of the traffic
using modern sensors, plug-and-play mechanisms, and secure
real-time distribution of the digital twins in a decentralized
manner. By addressing these topics, the development of intelligent
transportation systems will be able to take a step towards its
comprehensive roll-out.
Index Terms—Intelligent Transportation Systems, Intelligent Fig. 1. Intelligent transportation systems are distributed worldwide. In par-
Infrastructures, Distributed Systems, Autonomous Driving, C- ticular, many developments can be seen in North America, Europe, and Asia.
ITS, Test Field, Test Bed The Providentia++ project in Germany shown in the picture is an excellent
example of such a system. This survey paper gives a detailed overview of the
global ITS solutions using external infrastructure and discovers trends and
I. I NTRODUCTION open research questions.

I T has been reported that more than two million traffic

accidents occurred in just the United States from 2005 to
2007. About 94 % of those accidents were caused by human
to 44 % and for trucks by up to 18 % [2]. This would
result in a reduction of around 15 % greenhouse gases [8].
error [1], [2]. Other problems include traffic jams and exhaust
Furthermore, ITS could on the one hand implement a real-time
pollution [3]. Furthermore, 50 % of the world’s population
synchronization of individual traffic with the public transport
lives in cities, where the problems mentioned are worse.
system with the support of ‘Park and Ride’-Parking, and on
Unfortunately, this situation will become even more critical as
the other hand exchange data with vehicles that are equipped
the urban population is set to increase by two-thirds by 2050.
with intelligent driver assistance systems. This Vehicle-to-
Therefore, the need to further investigate more advanced traffic
Everything technology (V2X) would provide further foresight
optimization solutions is vital [4].
resulting in an accurate warning of hazards and obstacles.
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) using external in-
For the manufacturers of ITS and the automotive industry
frastructure are a possible solution for tackling these problems
there is also a business opportunity: in 2014, the worldwide
[2], [3], [5]–[7]. As estimated, these systems could prevent
annual turnover was around 30 billion euros for connected
approximately 400,000 to 600,000 accidents per year coupled
driving applications, which increased to 170 - 180 billion euros
with an in-parallel reduction in travel time of around 42 %
in 2020. Considering the application ‘Collaborative Cruise
in the United States alone. In addition, modern ITS could
Control’ as an example, it enables continuous information
reduce the fuel consumption for passenger vehicles by up
exchange between vehicles and the infrastructure and has
All authors are with the Technical University of Munich, Department of already been used by Tesla for its feature AutoPilot over a
Informatics, Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems, distance in excess of 4 billion miles on the road. Moreover,
Munich, Germany.
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] personalized onboard entertainment, fleet management, and
∗ Corresponding author. platooning [9] are other influential value-added services of

ITS. Thus, these systems could make a valuable contribution TABLE I

to the transportation segment. D EVELOPMENT STAGES OF ITS.
To the best of our knowledge, there exists no systematic
literature survey of existing intelligent transportation systems Category Definition
using external infrastructure that provides details about hard- Early Days This category summarizes the concepts,
challenges, and successes of the first ITS.
ware and software, and their value-added contributions. Papers Situation-Related Analy- ITS in this category can analyze and inter-
[10]–[13] and [14] list ITS in general. However, they do sis pret individual traffic situations. Therefore,
not give technical details nor the exact selection criterion of they can improve safety and traffic flow.
Creation of Digital Twins These systems can create complex digital
their listed systems. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to twins of all traffic participants. They are
provide a systematic literature review of the last decade. Fur- characterized by high accuracy and real-
thermore, to improve understanding, we provide a historical time capacity. Such systems can have a
high impact on autonomous and connected
summary of such systems. While this review does not cover driving.
the specific topics in the field of ITS (e.g. communication,
architecture, object detection, or tracking) in depth, it provides
an overview of existing ITS solutions, trends in terms of the
sensors and software features used, and the current outstanding published in English. We also consider the related work
research questions in the field. of the collected publications. With this strategy, we
This paper covers documents relating to ITS from 2009 get a pyramid scheme in our research. Unfortunately,
until the present day. In addition, documents published prior a lot of intelligent transportation system projects do not
to this date have been considered where they relate to the first publish their results in peer-reviewed papers. Therefore,
use of ITS. Then, we categorize the test fields according to we accept in our literature survey both papers and gray
their general functionalities. To make the systems comparable, literature, e.g. official websites about projects.
we extract the relevant characteristics in terms of sensors and 2) Study selection: We follow several rules for the assess-
value-added contributions. Lastly, we highlight and visualize ment or the filtering of collected sources. We select
the results and show the trends of the development in the ITS from 2009 to today. For the historical background,
area of ITS. As shown in Figure 1, ITS are located in North we choose exceptionally important first-known test field
America, Europe, and Asia. projects. As an additional criterion, the ITS in this paper
The paper is organized as follows: firstly, section II explains has to use external sensors or other infrastructure. The
the methods used for collecting and reviewing papers on intel- systems must have been implemented in a real-world
ligent transportation systems that use external infrastructure. scenario, systems involving only a conceptual idea were
Section III shows the results of the literature survey. This not included in the literature survey.
section also includes a detailed analysis of each listed ITS. 3) Study quality assessment: After the assessment of all
Section IV discusses the results, the requirements, and the documents, we categorize the ITS solutions according to
trends of modern ITS. Lastly, a conclusion and outlook for their stage of development. The authors of [8] proposed
further research are given in Section V. the categories ‘Semi-intelligent infrastructure’, ‘Intelli-
gent or semismart infrastructure’ and ‘Smart infrastruc-
II. M ETHODOLOGY ture’ in 2017. Here, the categories of the ITS are based
on real-time behavior, accuracy, and independent oper-
This section describes how we categorized the collected ITS ation without human intervention. However, we suggest
systems according to their features, analyze their hardware and in our work the three categories ‘Early Days’, ‘Situation-
software properties, and discuss their scientific contributions. Related Analysis’ and ‘Creation of Digital Twins’. These
First, we inspect unsystematically the literature to get an categories should describe the stage of development
overview of the growing field of ITS. Here, we noticed according to the general features and functionalities of
numerous developments in the English, German and Chinese- the system. The definition of the categories is described
speaking countries. Then, to achieve the highest possible cov- in detail in Table I.
erage of existing literature, we performed a systematic review 4) Data extraction: The ITS projects focus on different
according to the systematic review method of Kitchenham aspects. For instance, some test fields focus on commu-
[15]: nication between vehicles and infrastructure, other test
1) Identification of research: We collect documents with fields focus on data fusion or object detection. To make
the known databases and search engines, namely, IEEE the test fields comparable, we analyze the used sensors,
Xplore, Google Scholar, and Google with multilingual the length of the test stretch, the overall architecture,
keywords. We use ‘Test Field ITS’, ‘Testbed ITS’ and and the scientific novelty of each ITS. In doing so, we
‘C-ITS’. Furthermore, we used the German keyword extract the purpose and the technical details of every
‘Testfeld ITS’ (Engl.: Test Field ITS) and the Chinese project from the last decade.
keyword ‘ ’ (Pinyin: Zhı̀néng wǎng 5) Data synthesis: In the last step of our method, we
lián jiāotōng xı̀tǒng shı̀yàn chǎng, Engl.: Intelligent Con- highlight and visualize the qualitative and quantitative
nected Transportation System Test Site). This enables results of the collected ITS. We summarize the derived
us to achieve higher coverage, especially if it was not data in Table III and Table IV and indicate the trend of

past development in diagrams. Therefore, this synthesis traffic flow. For this purpose, the highways were equipped
gives a sufficient impression of the current development with sensors and control units. For instance, in the year 1992,
in the area of ITS as well as anchor points for open the first vehicle platooning experiments with Doppler radar
research questions. systems were successfully. However, it was recognized at the
time that implementation turn of the millennium would not be
III. R ESULTS possible. The reasons were technical deficiencies and a lack
Based on our proposed method, we analyzed 357 papers of political acceptance by the population [18], [19].
about intelligent transportation systems using external infras- After the first generation of concepts and prototypes, the
tructure, which we found using the search engines of IEEE ‘next-generation ITS’ partially controlled and partially op-
Xplore, Google Scholar, and Google with the mentioned timized the general traffic flow. Instead of influencing the
keywords. Since there were more than one million hits for traffic participants directly as before, they attempted to control
searches performed using Google and Google scholar, only vehicles with intelligent traffic light logic [20] or with gantries
the first 30 search results were taken into account. The number displaying electronically generated messages. The necessary
of useful documents for each keyword for each search engine data was collected using induction loops in the road paving.
used is listed in Table II. The first ITS of this type came into being in the late 1990s.
For instance, in the year 1998, researchers in the DynaMIT
TABLE II (Dynamic Network Assignment for the Management of Infor-
mation to Travelers) project in Los Angeles created a concept
Search Engine Keyword Number of results and simulation for an ITS, which was aimed at improving the
Test Field ITS 78 traffic flow in the event of accidents or other emergencies.
Test Bed ITS 14
IEEE Xplore∗ In 2006, the concept was implemented using counting loops
C-ITS 180
Testfeld ITS 0 on the freeway. The sensors sent the data to a computer for
0 further analysis. In summary, the system could measure the
Test Field ITS 0 traffic load and generate forecasts in real-time. Based on this,
Test Bed ITS 1
Google Scholar the system offered dynamic route guidance, which improved
Testfeld ITS 12 the traffic flow [21], [22].
3 In 2006, the SAFESPOT project researched the interaction
Test Field ITS 17
Test Bed ITS 7 between ITS and vehicles with the aim of increasing road
C-ITS 6 safety (e.g. warning about ‘black spots’) and optimizing the
Testfeld ITS 25 traffic flow. ITS were deployed in the following places: 1.)
Sweden: Stockholm and Goteborg. 2.) Germany: Dortmund.
∗ With topics filter ‘intelligent transportation systems’. 3.) Italy: Torino and Brescia-Padova Freeway. 4.) France
and Spain: West Europe Test Site. 5.) Netherlands: Corridor
Rotterdam-Brabant-Antwerp. Therefore, the locations covered
In the next step, we give details about the ITS found which city center, country road and freeway scenarios. In this huge
fulfill our mentioned requirements. The feature categories European project, infrastructures were equipped with Road
‘Early Days’, ‘Situation-Related Analysis’ and ‘Creation of Side Units (RSU), and dynamic cooperative networks were
Digital Twins’ are described in the respective sections. Table created. These systems enabled communication between ve-
III gives a complete overview of the results. hicles and infrastructure. Based on the shared information,
vehicle drivers received achieved enhanced perception of the
A. Early Days surrounding vehicles. The ITS created a ‘local dynamic map’
The first evidence of the use of external infrastructure in and a ‘safety margin assistant’, which detected critical situa-
intelligent transportation systems is found in the 80s and 90s. tions in advance [23], [24].
Here, the projects PROMETHEUS and PATH were decisive
in starting development of ITS. In 1988, the PROMETHEUS
project was aimed at significantly increasing the safety of B. Situation-Related Analysis
future road traffic, as well as improving traffic efficiency The ITS discussed in this section was able to analyze
and comfort. The subproject Pro-Road concentrated on com- specific traffic situations. Furthermore, the ITS allowed in-
munication between infrastructure and vehicles with the aim teraction with the individual participants. This circumstance
of optimizing road traffic. The aim of relevant sensors (e.g. gave definitive a strong value in comparison to the ITS
radar, laser scanner, ultrasonic, and cameras) in the cars of which gave a rough statement about the general traffic flow.
the period was to provide information about the conditions In the year 2013, the European cities Bordeaux (France),
in the environment. The first ideas on hazard warnings (e.g. Copenhagen (Denmark), Helmond (Netherlands), Newcastle
traffic jams, accidents, ice) arose. It should be noted that the (England), Thessaloniki (Greece), Verona (Italy), and Vigo
aim of the project was not to dominate drivers’ activities with (Spain) were installed with ITS as part of the project Com-
autonomous driving [16], [17]. pass4D. A total of 147 Road Side Units and 5 backend
In contrast, the PATH project was aimed at influencing offices were set up. The aim was to develop a system to
the control of vehicles on highways for optimization of the provide warnings for road hazards. The hazards considered

were road building sites, slippery roads, wrong-way drivers, RSU, local data processing is implemented as edge computing.
and red light violations. In addition, the ITS should optimize Furthermore, a cloud system receives the results from the
fuel consumption in intersection areas to maximize energy RSU. The main purposes of the cloud system are to store,
efficiency. The ITS introduced a situation-adapted traffic light. analyze and predict test bed wide data. Based on this ITS,
As soon as cars arrived the traffic light, they were given a the researchers focus on the development of services and ap-
speed recommendation [25]. plications to increase traffic safety for automated driving. For
In the year 2012, the project INSIGHT (Intelligent Synthesis instance, the applications evaluate parking space utilization,
and Realtime Response using Massive Streaming of Heteroge- analyze the road conditions, and determine traffic situations
neous Data) set up an ITS in Dublin, Ireland. Here, numerous [26], [33], [34].
cameras in certain sections, as well as the GPS data of public In 2016, the ConVeX project created two ITS solutions. The
transport provided information about the current traffic situa- first ITS was located on the A9 Freeway near Nuremberg,
tion in real-time. The information was bundled with messages Germany. Over a length of 30 km, it was equipped with 6
from Twitter, radio, and possible callers. The purpose of this RSUs. The second ITS was located in Rosenheim, Germany,
big data application was to automate the resource management and had two RSUs. The data inputs of the systems were
to enable efficient actions in intelligent and networked cities in induction loops from existing infrastructure and the sensor
the event of a disaster [26]–[28]. In 2015, the follow-up project information of the connected cars. Data processing took place
VaVel (Variety, Veracity, VaLue: Handling the Multiplicity of in the RSUs and in a traffic control center. The research focus
Urban Sensors) extended the INSIGHT system in Dublin and of the project was value-added services, as well as the V2V
also implemented it in Warsaw, Poland. The ITS collected the and V2X communication. The project implemented the value-
same data, as well as data from trams and bicycles. The project added services “Emergency Electronic Brake Light”, “Do Not
had the same goal as the already referred to INSIGHT project Pass Warning”, “Blind Spot Warning” and “Vulnerable Road
[26], [27], [29]. User Collision Warning”. To influence the traffic flow, the
In the 2016 European project ICSI (Intelligent Cooperative system sent the relevant information directly to the road user
Sensing for Improved Traffic Efficiency), an ITS was imple- or to the electronic message gantries. Furthermore, the ITS
mented in the cities of Lisbon, Portugal, and Pisa, Italy. The notified vulnerable groups (e.g. cyclists, pedestrians) with a
research goal was to find a highly scalable distributed ITS smartphone app [35].
for data acquisition and analysis. The objective of its use The ITS DRIVE-Testfeld Hessen (Dynamic Road Infras-
were traffic flow optimization and reduction of emissions. On tructure Vehicle Environment) is located close to Frankfurt,
an 8 km long section of the A5 freeway in Lisbon, three Germany. The overall goal is the intelligent management of
measuring stations with cameras analyzed the traffic flow, traffic and construction sites. Furthermore, the ITS focuses
and also detected anomalies (e.g. construction sites, traffic on new techniques for traffic data acquisition with the use
jams, accidents). In parallel in the city center of Pisa, the of V2V and V2X communication as well as data fusion
focus of the project was on a parking guidance system and between vehicles and infrastructure. The DRIVE-Testfeld Hes-
reducing air pollution. For this purpose, on a stretch of 1 km, sen implemented intelligent applications which should support
5 measuring stations with sensors were set up. The advantage automated driving as well as the general traffic flow. Therefore,
of these systems is the decentralized horizontal architecture the test bed has more than 120 RSUs. The applications
which ensures a high level of scalability [30]. have been traffic hazard warnings, shockwave damping, and
Within the scope of the project FED4FIRE+, the “Smart Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSAR) [26], [33],
Highway: V2X Testbed” was created in the year 2018. The [36], [37]. The mentioned ITS was a platform for several
ITS had 7 RSUs over a length of 3 km on the E313 highway projects. The project simTD set up many RSUs and an ITS
in Antwerp, Belgium. The system was also part of the CityLab Central Station. The value-added services of this project were
test bed. The research area of the project was communication obstacle warning, electronic brake lights, and warnings of
between vehicles and other vehicles or infrastructures (V2X). approaching emergency vehicles and construction sites [38].
For this, the system used direct antennas and a cloud solution Then, the project CVIS (Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure
connected via 4G/5G internet. The system achieved latency Systems) focused on V2V and V2X communication issues
times of 10-15 ms. Instead of using a variety of external for enhanced driver awareness in an inter-urban environment
sensors, this infrastructure only depended on the data of the [12], [24], [39]. Last, but not least, the project DRIVE C2X
vehicle. For data-intensive applications, the ITS used high- performed a comprehensive assessment of cooperative systems
performance computers. The FED4FIRE+ project presented based on field tests [12], [40].
a new approach for the collocation of ‘multi-access edge Another ITS exists in the city center of Kassel, Germany.
computing’ platforms with the support of RSUs. This has Here, the traffic lights are equipped with 15 RSUs, and an
improved the Quality of Service in infotainment services for existing traffic management center is used. The system allows
vehicles on the highway [31], [32]. priority treatment of public transport and emergency vehicles
The current Diginet-PS test field in Berlin, Germany, covers at traffic lights. Furthermore, the ITS warns road users about
the scenarios of federal roads and secondary roads in city approaching emergency vehicles. For this purpose, the sys-
areas. The ITS uses cameras, weather sensors, and other traffic tem uses the so-called DENM (Decentralised Environmental
sensors (e.g. for measurement of the traffic flow, parking Notification Messages) for V2V and V2X communication. As
spaces, pollution) for detection of the environment. On the value-added services, the researchers have developed a forecast


Year Name Place Length Camera Radar Lidar Ind. V2X Special Inputs Architecture
1986 PROMETHEUS EU N/A - - - - X - N/A
1986 PATH US N/A - - - - X - N/A
1998 DynaMIT US N/A - - - X - - Centr.
2006 SAFESPOT EU > 20 km X - X - X Weather/RFID/IR Cloud
2013 Compass4D EU > 10 km X - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2012 INSIGHT IE N/A X - - - X Social Networks Cloud
2015 VaVeL PL N/A X - - - X Social Networks Cloud
2016 ICSI EU 9 km X - - - - - Decentr.
2018 Fed4Fire+ BE 3 km - - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2017 DIGINET-PS DE 3.7 km X - - - X Weather/road/parking Edge-Cloud
2016 ConVeX DE 30 km - - - X X - Cloud
2017 DRIVE Hessen DE 200 km X - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2012 Testf. Kassel DE 9 km - - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2018 Mid. Future Mobility UK 300 km - - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2016 ECo-AT AT N/A - - - - X - Centr.
2016 InterCor EU > 100 km - - - - X - Cloud-Edge
2017 Safe Strip EU 79 km - - - X X - Edge-Cloud
2016 AUTOCITS EU > 17 km - - - - X Internet Edge-Cloud
2019 C-Roads CZ CZ > 100 km - - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2014 SCOOP@F FR 2000 km - - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2017 SAFARI DE 16 km - - - - X - Cloud-Edge
2018 Testf. Friedrichshafen DE > 5.5 km - - - - X - N/A
2019 ZalaZONE HU > 100 km - - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2016 CARISSMA DE N/A - - - - X - N/A
2014 AstaZero SE 7.4 km - - - - X - N/A
2015 Mcity US 1 km X - X - X - Edge
2014 GoMentum Station US 30 km X - - - X - Edge
2014 Virginia Smart Roads US > 100 km - - - X X - Edge
2016 Chongqing CN N/A - - - - X - N/A
2016 Shanghai Lingang CN > 10 km X - - - X - Edge
2018 Chang’an University CN 3.5 km X X X - X - Edge
2018 Veh. Application North CN 3 km - - - - X HD-Map N/A
2018 Changsha CN 12 km - - - - X - N/A
2021 Sino-German CN N/A - - - - X HD-Map N/A
2018 Beijing-Hebei CN > 10 km - - - - X - N/A
2017 Wuxi CN > 100 km - - - - X - N/A
2018 Zhejiang CN 3 km X - - - X - N/A
2017 MEC-View DE < 1 km X - X - X Stereo Cam./Las. Scan. Edge-Cloud
2019 Testf. Ger.-Fran.-Lux. EU > 100 km X - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2017 KoRA9 DE 225 m - X - - X - Edge-Cloud
2018 5GMOBIX EU/Asia > 100 km X X X - X Weather/road/pedestrian Edge-Cloud
2017 Providentia DE 3.5 km X X X - X HD-Map/Event-b. Cam. Edge-Cloud
2014 AIM Braunschweig DE 7 km X X X - X Stereo Cam./Las. Scan. Edge-Cloud
2016 Testf. Niedersachsen DE 280 km X - - - X Stereo Cam. Edge-Cloud
2017 Testf. Düsseldorf DE 24 km X - X - X - Edge-Cloud
2016 Testf. Bad.-Württem. DE > 100 km X - - - X Weather Edge-Cloud
2009 Ko-PER DE < 1 km X - X - X - Cloud
2017 ALP.Lab AT 23 km X X X - X - Edge-Cloud
2020 SMLL London UK 24 km X - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2021 IN2Lab DE 2 km X X X - X - Edge-Cloud
2016 Testfeld Dresden DE 20 km X - - - X - Edge-Cloud
2019 HEAT DE 1.8 km - X X - X - Edge-Cloud
∗ Note: N/A means the information could not be found.

for the green phase and alternative route control [26], [33], results on the ITS have been achieved in the area of cooper-
[41], [42]. ative perception for 3D object detection using infrastructure
The Midlands Future Mobility test field in the United King- sensors [43], [44].
dom is used to research connected and autonomous vehicles. In the context of the European Cooperative ITS Corridor of
Over a length of 300 kilometers, the ITS is located between 2013, vehicles communicated with the support of the infras-
the cities Coventry, Birmingham, and Solihull. Therefore, the tructure on the Rotterdam-Frankfurt-Vienna route. The Eco-AT
ITS covers city center, country road, and motorway scenarios. project (2016) in Austria, a follow-up project of Telematik, set
The test field use RSU, which offers various value-added up a central ITS station as well as a number of RSUs. The
services. For instance, the services could be in-vehicle signage, architectural approach was more centralized. The researchers
warnings of roadworks as well as GLOSAR. Current research generated the necessary specifications. The applications were

decentralized environmental notification message applications vehicle information, slow and stationary vehicles, traffic jam
(e.g. road works warnings), aggregation of cooperative aware- ahead warning, hazardous location notification). For testing
ness messages, in-vehicle information (e.g. speed restrictions), under real conditions, seven test fields have been built in the
and intersection safety (e.g. red light detection) [7], [45]. Czech Republic. All these ITS solutions have been equipped
In 2016, the overall goals of the European project InterCor with RSUs which communicate with vehicles and a central
(Interoperable Corridors) were improving the safety, the traffic processing system [57].
flow as well as increasing the cybersecurity of the ITS system In the project SCOOP@F, an ITS was deployed on a
itself. The project aimed to link several ITS corridors to nationwide scale in 2014. For this, the project equipped 2000
exchange innovation and best practices in solving common km of road with RSUs as well as 3000 vehicles with onboard
problems. Hence, the project included ITS operations in Bel- units for V2X communication. The RSUs were connected
gium, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. The to traffic management centers. The main data sources of
environments of the ITS in Belgium, the Netherlands, and the test field were the vehicles themselves. They delivered
France were freeways. Furthermore, the ITS in France was data about their position, speed, and direction. Furthermore,
an extension of the SCOOP@F project, which is introduced vehicles received information about unexpected events (e.g.
below. The environment in the United Kingdom was urban construction, slippery road, reduced visibility) from external
roads and motorways. The project involved the installation sources. The main goals of the ITS were to increase safety
of RSUs which allowed V2X communication. For instance, and to improve travel quality. The researchers implemented
the project achieved the value-added services of road works a decentralized communication system to alert road users
warnings, in-vehicle signage, onboard signaling of hazardous about unexpected events. In addition, the enhancement of
and unexpected events, multi-modal cargo optimization, green the coverage of VANETs, a secure cloud environment for
light optimization, probe vehicle data, parking information connected vehicles as well as a novel detailed security protocol
services for trucks, and tunnel management [46]–[49]. were achieved [58]–[63].
The project SAFE STRIP (SAFE and green Sensor Tech- Another important test bed is SAFARI in Berlin. The ITS
nologies for self-explaining and forgiving Road Interactive covers the scenarios main road, secondary road, and a junction
aPplications) implements an unconventional new approach of a freeway. The overall goal of the project is the exchange
for increasing traffic safety. The ITS consists of intelligent of information and the dynamic update mechanism of the
infrastructure sensors in the form of strips with networking dynamic maps, which are basic requirements for automated
capabilities. They are installed the road pavement surface and driving. In detail, the project researched the handling of
analyze the individual situations. For instance, the system mea- construction sites and unexpected events for automated and
sures environmental parameters (e.g. temperature, ice, ambient connected driving. The test field uses cloud platforms as well
light), passing vehicles (speed, lateral position, vehicle type) as mobile edge computing for the V2X processing [26], [33],
as well as pedestrian crossings. Furthermore, these sensors [64].
communicate bidirectionally with vehicles as well as external In the test bed Friedrichshafen, traffic lights are equipped
infrastructure (e.g. traffic management centers). For test and with RSUs and V2X. Overall, the ITS covers the traffic
implementation, the project has installed an ITS in a 9 km scenarios of federal roads, country roads, city centers, and
section near Rovereto on the A22 freeway in Italy as well pedestrian zones. The research topic is the information ex-
as in a 70 km section in the Attiki Odos urban freeway in change between vehicles and infrastructure, as well as between
Athen, Greece. Here, the project has placed sensors on 39 toll vehicles themselves. The current research project on the test
barriers in Athens and several strip sensors as well as 5 RSUs field is Alfried [26], [33], [65].
in Rovereto [50]–[52]. The project ZalaZONE in Hungary has a cordoned-off
The deployment of ITS solutions in Europe was aimed at in proving ground as well as an ITS up to the border with Austria.
the European Project AUTOCITS in the year 2016. The overall The ITS is applied to a highway scenario. In the cordoned-off
goal of the project is to boost the role of ITS as a catalyst for proving ground, it covers the scenarios of smart cities, high
the implementation of autonomous driving. Therefore, several and low-speed handling as well as high-speed freeways and
ITS in Lisbon (Portugal), Madrid (Spain), and Paris (France) rural roads. The objectives are testing and research in the field
were created. The test bed in Madrid consisted of 15 RSUs of autonomous and connected vehicles. For this, the test field
which were set up on a busy freeway over a length of 10 km. is equipped with V2X communication technology [66].
Over a total length of 8 km on the freeway and urban road, the Another cordoned-off test facility for re-enacting and sim-
ITS in Lisbon used 5 RSUs. Last, but not least, on an urban ulating traffic scenarios is implemented in the CARISSMA
highway near Paris, the ITS consisted of 1 RSU. The project project in Ingolstadt. The test facility offers 4000 square me-
has achieved various day 1 services. For instance, road works ters for researching V2X communication, accident detection,
warning, slow or stationary vehicle warning, as well as the accident consequences reduction as well as the automated
providing of information about weather conditions has been driving functions [67].
implemented [53]–[56]. The next cordoned-off ITS is AstaZero (Active Safety Test
In the year 2019, the project C-Roads CZ focused on Area). It was set up in 2014 in Sweden, and it is an open
the implementation of ITS units as well as the testing and environment where vehicle OEMs, research institutes, and
evaluation of their functionalities. The features of the ITS universities perform development and research. The research
were situated-related analysis (e.g. road works warning, in- topics are new active safety functions for road vehicles. The

test field contains a city area, 700 m multilane road, 5.7 km munication, and positioning capability tests. For example,
long rural road, and 1 km high-speed area [68]. the actual tests are blind-spot warning, emergency vehicle
Further cordoned-off ITS are Mcity and GoMentum Station, approaching warning and prioritization, pedestrian collision
located in Michigan and California, United States. The proving warning, and traffic light optimization (GLOSAR) [75].
grounds include highway scenarios, rural roads with tunnels, Some test beds in China are set up on public roads, in
and urban settings, for example, roundabouts, intersections, addition to the cordoned-off area. For example, the Beijing-
and railroad crossings. The sensors used, e.g. cameras or Hebei Demonstration Zone contains the cordoned-off test
lidars, are connected to Road Side Units via 5G, V2X technol- beds in Shunyi and Haidian as well as a public road test
ogy, or fiber optics. These setups allow testing of autonomous bed in Yizhuang. The purpose is to test autonomous driving
and connected driving [69]–[71]. functions. The test bed in Haidian has a length of 4.8 km, and
The system Virginia Smart Roads is a cordoned-off test bed in Yizhuang of 8 km. The test beds offer V2X communication
that provides advanced-vehicle testing with Roadside Units via LTE and 5G network. The scenarios covered are urban
(DSRC). The highlights are V2X communication, use of roads and expressways [74], [79].
paving sensors, and differential GPS broadcast. Furthermore, Huge activities relating to intelligent transportation systems
the test bed provides 75 weather-making towers, which can are located in Wuxi. First, a cordoned-off test bed was opened
generate snow, fog, and rain. The closed test bed covers in 2017: over a stretch of 3.53 km, the test bed includes urban
highway as well as rural road sections. For testing under roads, rural roads, and highways. The focus is on intelligent
real conditions, the Virginia Smart Roads are extended by traffic management with connected vehicles [75]. Second, the
the Virginia Automated and Connected Corridors with 70 public roads in Wuxi are equipped with V2X technology. For
miles of interstate highways. There are 56 RSUs for V2X this, general vehicles and public transportation systems are
communication [69], [72]. connected with intelligent traffic lights and electronic message
In addition to the test beds in Europe and the U.S., there gantries via LTE. The overall goal is increased efficiency in
are also numerous cordoned-off test beds in China. There the transportation segment [74], [80].
is a cordoned-off test bed for connected and autonomous Another facility on public roads is in Zhejiang. There, the
driving up to Level 4 in Chongqing. The test bed covers test bed provides high-definition cameras and V2X technology.
expressways and urban areas. Here, the test bed generates The real-time communication between vehicles and a com-
weather scenarios like rain and fog. The research focus is mand center is realized with 34 infrastructure-based LTE-V
V2X communication with 5G for autonomous driving and or 5G units. Its purpose is also to increase efficiency [74],
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems [73]–[76]. [75].
The cordoned-off test bed in Shanghai Lingang covers more
than 10 km of highways and urban roads. It provides special
scenarios, such as rainfall and tunnels. The main points are C. Creation of Digital Twins
V2X communication and perception for autonomous driving. Autonomous vehicles are being developed by Google [81],
The test bed uses 1 GPS differential base station, LTE-V, Tesla [82] as well as many other automotive manufactur-
DSRC Units, intelligent traffic lights, and cameras [73]–[75], ers. They can tackle some of the known problems in the
[77]. transportation segment. According to the current approaches
The cordoned-off test bed at Chang’an University covers in autonomous driving, the primary responsibility, which is
a length of more than 3.5 km. The setup enables perception associated with replacing human perception and control, lies
testing with a camera, radar and lidar. The V2X communi- on vehicle manufacturers. However, the ITS on the infras-
cation is realized with LTE, LTE-V, Wi-Fi, and EUHT. The tructure can create high-precision digital twins. The vehicles
purpose of the test bed is the development of autonomous can use this data as ground truth information. Therefore,
driving functions, e.g. emergency collision warning, blind-spot the responsibility can be re-balanced between vehicles and
warning, or identification of traffic lights [73], [78]. infrastructure. Thus, high precision ITS can be an essential
The National Intelligent Connected Vehicle Application enabler for autonomous driving [83]. This section presents
North is another cordoned-off test bed in China. On a length several ITS solutions which are aimed at achieving the referred
of 3 km, the proving ground covers urban expressways, inter- to properties above.
sections, tunnels, and a rain-fog generator. Furthermore, the In the year 2017, the MEC-View project implemented an
facility contains HD maps as well as communication with 5G. ITS in the city center of Ulm, Germany. Across roads and an
Another cordoned-off test field is in Changsha. The test bed intersection, the system contained 8 cameras, 4 stereo cameras,
has a length of 12 km. The communication in the scenarios’ 4 laser scanners as well as 8 lidars. For object prediction and
highway, urban area, and rural road are realized with 5G data fusion, the sensors were connected to a server. Vehicles
network [74]. communicate with the server via 5G. In addition, a 3D-HD
The cordoned-off test bed Sino-German aims to be 200 map of the relevant road sections was created. The project
square kilometers of a huge smart city for testing intelligent aimed to create a digital twin of road traffic in real-time [84],
connected driving. The facilities contain an HD map and 5G- [85].
based V2X technology. With this equipment, the test bed The digital test bed “Germany-France-Luxembourg” was
enables more than 116 test scenarios in the categories of safety, created in 2016. The focus was on the testing of automated
efficiency, information service, new energy applications, com- and connected driving functions. The highlight of this project

Cameras / Lidars 360° Camera Lidars Cameras /

Event-based cameras Event-based cameras
Directional radio Directional radio

Radars Radars


Fig. 2. The ITS Providentia++ has 7 measuring stations with 75 sensors over a length of 3.5 km. The overall goal of the system is to create a digital twin of
each traffic participant in real-time. The intersection shown is a measuring station in an urban area. It contains an RSU and includes the sensor types camera,
360° camera, event-based camera, radar, and lidar. Data exchange with the other measuring points is realized via directional radio.

was the challenges of national border crossing. As part of the jam warnings [33], [88].
mentioned test bed, the project ITeM (ITS Testfeld Merzig) With the European Project 5GMOBIX (5G for cooperative
in Merzig, Germany, covered the environments of city and & connected automated MOBIlity on X-border corridors),
rural roads. The research on this ITS was on connected several ITS in Europe and Asia were created or reused in
driving functions via C2V and C2X. For traffic perception, the 2018. The project showcased the benefits of 5G technology for
infrastructure was extended with an RSU, C2X technology, cooperative, connected, and automated mobility. The Spain-
and cameras. The RSU communicated with vehicles and a Portugal cross-border ITS between Vigo and Porto focused
centralized server. The project has implemented applications on automated driving maneuvers. It was equipped with 2
for hybrid access technologies and safety functions [26], [33], MEC nodes, 2 center clouds, 5 RSUs, 4 traffic radars, and
[86], [87]. 2 pedestrian detectors. The ITS Greece-Turkey researched
In 2017 on freeway A9 in Germany, researchers of the platooning and the use of external sensors. The external in-
project KoRA9 (Kooperative Radarsensoren für das digitale frastructure contains 6 edge computers, 2 clouds, 4 RSUs and
Testfeld A9. English: Cooperative radar sensors for the digital 2 lidars. The ITS in Eindhoven-Helmond in the Netherlands
test field A9) installed 10 novel 77 GHz radar sensors on five focused on cooperative collision avoidance with extensive
masts along the freeway at separations of 45 m. Furthermore, 2 use of cameras. Therefore, the ITS used 2 MEC servers,
Road Side Units were installed in a gantry bridge for the V2X 2 cloud systems, and more than 50 cameras. The ITS in
communication. The project goal was to evaluate the potential France were located in Versailles and Paris. They focused on
of seamless sensory recording of traffic with radars. For this infrastructure-assisted driving with 4 MEC nodes, 1 cloud, 2
purpose, the infrastructure sensors performed automotive radar lidars as well as 3 cameras. The ITS in Berlin and Stuttgart,
applications. The obtained data streams were merged into a Germany, researched RSU-assisted platooning and surround-
digital twin. The researchers have analyzed the digital twin view generation. Therefore, the system used 9 RSUs, 1 cloud
and have made it available to third parties via the developed system, 18 cameras, and 10 environmental condition sensors.
cloud platform. Furthermore, they have developed services for The ESPOO urban ITS in Finland focused on extended sensor
infrastructure support during overtaking maneuvers and traffic processing as well as remote driving. The ITS was set up

with 2 MEC nodes, 1 cloud system, 1 lidar, and 1 camera. 7.5 km long section, the ITS has 71 measuring stations for
The researchers of the Jinan ITS in China focused on cloud- high-precision recording of traffic situations. The test bed is
assisted advanced driving, cloud-assisted platooning as well equipped with stereo cameras and 3 RSUs which provides
as remote driving. The equipment used was 5 RSU nodes, 1 V2X communication as well as a backend server. The ITS aims
cloud, 5 lidars, 6 cameras, and 5 radars. Last, but not least, to offer an open research platform that delivers ground truth
the cordoned-off ITS Yeonggwang in South Korea focuses on data for autonomous and connected driving. The overall goals
remote driving as well. The system used 1 cloud system [89], are reduction of accidents, improvement of perception, and
[90]. optimization of the traffic flow. The researchers have realized
With the support of external infrastructure, the Providentia the value-added services’ maintenance vehicle warning, in-
project created a digital twin of each traffic participant in vehicle signage as well as lane management [99]–[102].
real-time in the year 2017. This digital twin should provide The digital test bed “Düsseldorf” in Germany runs on a
distant view for autonomous vehicles as well as vehicles with length of 20 km on the A57 freeway from the Meerbusch
conventional driver assistance systems. For this purpose, an junction near Krefeld via the Kaarst junction onto the A52
ITS was built on the A9 freeway in Munich, Germany. The into downtown Düsseldorf. Therefore, the ITS covers the
ITS contained 2 measurement stations on gantry bridges which scenarios of freeway, tunnel, bridge, city center, and parking.
collected data on the traffic. Each station was equipped with a The test bed is expanding with several projects. The project
RSU, 4 cameras, and 4 radars. Furthermore, a backend com- KoMoD researched the interaction between infrastructure and
puter realized the global data fusion as well as the connection vehicles in the scope of connected and automated driving
to the 5G network and the internet. The sensors could detect functions. The ITS used vehicles as mobile sensors for the
the individual traffic participants and sent the data to the RSU. detection of obstacles on the road (e.g. pedestrians, wrong-way
Then, the RSU tracked the detections over several time steps. drivers). The project has developed the value-added services of
The tracks were merged into a local digital twin for each RSU. autonomous parking, prioritization of public transport systems
In the end, the backend receives the local twins of the RSU and cooperative traffic light [103]. Then, the follow-up project
and has combined them again into a global digital twin across KoMoDnext should prepare numerous sections of the ITS
all measuring points. With this, the ITS of Providentia has for autonomous driving (level 4). The project has designed
created digital twins which combine the advantages of radar and implemented a high-resolution environment detection on
and camera from different perspectives [91]–[93]. In 2020, the the A57. This component has merged stationary and vehicle-
follow-up project Providentia++ extended the ITS into urban generated data [33], [104]. Last, but not least, the project
areas. This enabled the analysis of complex traffic scenarios in ACCorD expanded the corridor for New Mobility Aachen-
intersections and pedestrian crossings. In total, the test bed had Düsseldorf by an additional 4 km. The central component of
a length of 3.5 km and contained 7 measuring stations with the project activity was the generation of a digital twin. The
75 sensors (e.g. cameras, event-based cameras, radars, and highlight was the extensive usage of the lidar technology: The
lidars). Figure 2 shows the hardware setup of Providentia++ ITS contained 68 measurement stations. Each station has 2
on a public road intersection in an urban area. At the time cameras and 2 lidars so 136 lidars were set up. This data
of writing this paper, the researchers of Providentia++ have has was processed in various RSU and a central database,
established a stable data stream of the high-precision digital which offered the collected data to other research activities
twin for the general public.1 To the best of our knowledge, and simulation [105].
this feature is unique in the current development of ITS [94]. The ITS Testfeld Autonomes Fahren Baden-Württemberg
In 2014, the ITS AIM (Application Platform for Intelli- (English: Test Bed Autonomous Driving Baden-Württemberg),
gent Mobility) started in Braunschweig, Germany. The ITS which is located in Karlsruhe and Heilbronn, uses cameras,
infrastructure is designed as a long-term platform for research several RSUs and a backend server. The test bed allows a
projects in the area of autonomous and connected driving sensor extension with radars and lidars. Based on camera
in an urban environment. The test bed has a length of 7 object tracking, the ITS aims to generate digital twins of the
km and is equipped with RSUs for V2X communication traffic. With this low-cost sensor setup, real-time recording in
across 35 intersections with traffic lights. The ITS enables various traffic situations (e.g. traffic with a vehicle, bicycle,
information sharing between traffic lights, vehicles as well and pedestrian) is implemented. The purpose of the infras-
as other infrastructure. For perception, the several RSUs are tructure is the testing of vehicle systems for automated and
connected with radar, camera, stereo-camera, and lidars or connected driving under real traffic conditions [33], [106],
laser scanners. The goal of the overall system is the delivery of [107]. For instance, current research on the test field is the
digital twins with corresponding video scenes under real-time CARAMEL project. The project researched the challenges in
conditions [26], [95]–[98]. the cybersecurity of modern vehicles. For this, CARAMEL
The project Testfeld Niedersachsen (Englisch: Lower Sax- applies advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning
ony test bed) in Germany is an extension of the mentioned techniques [108], [109].
AIM test bed in Braunschweig. The test bed runs over a In the year 2009, the project Ko-PER of the research
total length of 280 km of freeways and connects the cities initiative Ko-FAS aimed to increase road safety. The goal was
Hannover, Hildesheim, Braunschweig, and Wolfsburg. On a a precise creation of a digital twin of the traffic participants in
real-time. Therefore, intersections in Germany were equipped
1 Livestream: with cameras and lidars. The intersection in Ulm contained 2

Stage of Development

Cumulative Number of ITS

Total ITS
30 Early Days
Situation-Related Analysis
20 Creation of Digital Twins




















Fig. 3. In this paper, we have categorized intelligent transportation systems according to their stage of development. It is noticeable that there has been a
large increase in ITS systems since 2015. Nevertheless, the development of systems for Situation-Related Analysis seems to have slowed down significantly
since 2019. In addition, there is still a lot of potential for development of digital twin systems.

laser scanners and 2 cameras, in Alzenau 8 laser scanners and is researching and testing autonomous vehicles [116], [117].
7 cameras, and last, but not least, the intersection in Aschaf- In the scope of the project Testfeld Dresden (English:
fenburg contained 14 laser scanners and 10 cameras. The data Dresden test bed), a cooperative ITS is deployed in the
streams of the sensors on each intersection were combined urban and suburban areas of Dresden, Germany. The test
locally. Then, the fusion result was combined with vehicle field provides various driving scenarios (e.g. urban roads,
information. Therefore, V2X communication technology was connection to freeways, complex junctions, tram tracks, bus
implemented too. In doing so, the researchers created a digital lanes, and separate cyclists lanes) over a 20 km road section.
twin of the traffic [110]–[112]. Therefore, the test bed contains several camera systems, 10
As part of the project ALP.Lab - Austrian-Public Test Track RSUs for research and 25 RSUs for day-to-day measurements.
Highway A2, an ITS near Graz was implemented in 2017. The Furthermore, the ITS has a backend that hosts a centralized
test bed covered a distance of 23 km and was equipped with cloud service. The overall goal is the testing of automated
more than 100 sensors. For the creation of digital twins, the and connected driving in a realistic traffic environment. The
ITS used cameras, radars, and lidars. The goals of the ITS were project has proposed a reference platform for heterogeneous
an extension of the vehicles’ perception range and to offer ITS communication as well as several value-added services
ground truth data for plausibility checks of vehicle sensor data. (e.g. GLOSAR, probe vehicle data, and a cooperative lane
With this, the ITS offers comprehensive testing functions for change) [118]–[120].
automated driving and driver assistance systems. Interestingly, In addition, further ITS solutions for connected and au-
the researchers have achieved tracking of vehicles for more tonomous driving were implemented in numerous cities in
than 2 km [113], [114]. Germany. For instance, the project HEAT (Hamburg Electric
Autonomous Transportation) installed 2019 a test bed with a
The Smart Mobility Living Lab in London is a real-
length of 2 km in Hamburg. The ITS contained several RSUs,
world environment for testing and developing future mobility
radars, and lidars. The purpose of the sensors was to support
solutions. For this purpose, the 24 km long test bed has 276
the environment perception of an autonomous electric minibus
cameras, 40 RSUs, and 2 data centers, which are connected via
in a real-world scenario. Therefore, the research goal of the
fiber optics. The RSU provides a V2X communication service.
HEAT project was the networking of an automated fleet of
With this hardware, the ITS collects high resolution and high
minibusses with traffic infrastructure. The researchers on this
confidence information about the road traffic. The overall goal
project successfully achieved this goal [26], [121], [122].
is supporting the development of autonomous vehicles up to
a market-ready stage [115].
As an extension of the already referred to cordoned-off test
facility CARISSMA, the project IN2Lab offers a real-world Intelligent transportation systems using external infrastruc-
test bed in Ingolstadt, Germany. The ITS has a total length ture offer great potential and the possibility to advance con-
of approximately 2 km. There is a measurement station with nected and autonomous driving. To provide these future uses,
a 4.5 m high mast every 200 m. 13 measuring stations are the sensors, and services of ITS are becoming more demanding
connected to a central computing unit via optical fiber. Each and complex. To achieve political acceptance, the ITS must
measuring station has an RSU, cameras, lidars, radars as well also take privacy and security aspects into account. Based
as V2X communication modules. The purpose of the test field on the presented literature survey, the following research

The Diversity of Sensors

Cumulative Number of ITS

40 Camera
30 Lidar
Induction Loop
20 Special Inputs



















Fig. 4. To ensure the optimal perception of the traffic, modern systems rely on various types of sensors in addition to V2X technology. In particular, cameras
and lidars are becoming increasingly important. Interestingly, classic induction loops are hardly considered for current systems.

questions are identified: 1.) What is the general purpose trend main impact on the precision and quality of the services. In
of ITS? 2.) What is the necessary sensor setup? 3.) Which the first test beds, the sensors for analyzing the traffic flow
value-added services already exist, and where is there still a were induction loops. Unfortunately, induction loops on their
need for research? 4.) Which non-functional requirements for own do not allow an individual situation analysis. Therefore,
ITS have to be considered? These questions have not yet been cameras have been used in most ITS since 2006. Cameras can
adequately answered, and so we would like to discuss them create a bird’s-eye view of what is happening on the road so
in this section. that they allow complex situation analysis. The weak points are
obvious: the camera does not deliver reliable data at night or
A. General Purpose Trend in extreme weather conditions (e.g. strong rain, fog, or snow).
The complexity of the tasks of ITS has increased signifi- For compensation, the modern ITS for creating digital twins
cantly. In the Early Days, ITS systems improved the safety and more and more frequently uses a combination of cameras with
efficiency of the traffic flow. Therefore, the systems allowed a radars, lidars, or other special inputs (e.g. IR cameras, stereo
general statement to be made about the current traffic flow. cameras, event-based cameras, weather sensors, or external
Furthermore, prototypes of the first V2X were developed. sources from the internet). These hardware setups can perceive
This development started in 1986 and ended in the noughties. the environment in any weather conditions. Interestingly, since
In the next step, the ITS of the category Situation-Related the beginning of ITS development, V2X technology has been
Analysis analyzed and interpreted individual traffic situations. constantly present. Figure 4 includes the full trend of sensor
Furthermore, these ITS solutions could share their results setups in ITS.
with other traffic participants. Consequently, these systems Modern vehicles contain cameras, radars, and lidars too.
contributed to more safety and better traffic flow. This category Strictly speaking, the moving vehicles could be part of the
grew exponentially from 2010 to 2018 and then stagnated. ITS sensor setup. However, the ITS uses extensive V2X
Presumably, the functional scope of these systems is now no technology, and the sensors of vehicles receive too little
longer sufficient. Since 2012, more and more test beds have attention in the overall fusion for generating digital twins. The
been developed which can generate highly accurate digital integration of such ‘mobile sensor stations’ into modern ITS
twins of road traffic. They allow a complete, high granularity needs further research. In particular, the early sensor fusion
analysis of the traffic. So far, there is no sign of stagnation. As with vehicles should be more considered.
future ITS solutions should give control recommendations to
autonomous vehicles, this current development is necessary. C. Value-Added Services
Figure 3 shows the cumulative number of test beds in each The capture of traffic data and the creation of digital twins
category. The trend of ITS is more and more in the creation must not become an end itself. Otherwise, ITS would be
of high-precision digital twins. The development of test beds useless to society. Instead, ITS has to offer meaningful services
in the category of Situation-Related Analysis appears to be which support people in their daily life. For instance, an ITS
stagnating. can decrease maintenance costs, reduce pollution, improve
transfer speed and protect human life [4], [8]. Additionally,
B. Sensor Setup to cover the high costs of installation and maintenance, ITS
The first step in the process chain of ITS is the sensors. They services also have a potential for high sales [9], [123]. Table
collect information about the real world. Thus, they have the IV shows the value-added services in the mentioned test beds.


Value-added service Warning in opera- Warning in Warning in Controlling of Controlling of

tional maneuvers road conditions traffic situations vehicles traffic flow
Parking guidance,
alternative route
Platooning, remote control, speed
Wrong-way driver,
Black spot, driving, cooperative advisory on traffic
Construction sites, traffic jams,
emergency electronic lane change, lights, in-vehicle
slow or stationary accidents, red light
brake light, do not optimize overtaking signage, shockwave
vehicle, slippery road violation, emergency
pass, road collision maneuvers, damping, priority for
vehicles arriving
autonomous parking public transport or
emergency vehicles,
lane management
PATH - - - X -
DynaMIT - - - - X
Compass4D - X X - X
INSIGHT - - - - -
VaVeL - - - - -
ICSI - X X - X
Fed4Fire+ - - - - -
ConVeX X - - - -
DRIVE Hessen X X X - X
Testfeld Kassel - - - - X
Midlands Future Mobility - X - - X
ECo-AT - X X - X
InterCor - X X - X
Safe Strip - - - - -
AUTOCITS - X - - -
C-Roads CZ - X X - X
SCOOP@F - X X - -
SAFARI - X X - -
Testfeld Friedrichshafen - - - - -
ZalaZONE - - - - -
CARISSMA - - - - -
AstaZero - - - - -
MCity X - - X -
GoMentum Station X - - X -
Virginia Smart Roads X N/A N/A X N/A
Chongqing X - - X -
Shanghai Lingang X - - X -
Chang’an University X - - X -
Vehicle Application North N/A - - N/A -
Changsha N/A - - N/A -
Sino-German X - X X X
Beijing-Hebei X - - X -
Wuxi X X X - X
Zhejiang X X X - X
MEC-View - - - - -
Testfeld Ger.-Fran.-Lux. - - - - -
KoRA9 - - X X -
5GMOBIX - - - X -
Providentia - - - - -
AIM Braunschweig - - - - -
Testfeld Niedersachsen - X - - X
Testfeld Düsseldorf - - X X X
Testfeld Bad.-Württem. - - - - -
Ko-PER - - - - -
ALP.Lab - - - - -
SMLL London - - - - -
IN2Lab - - - - -
Testfeld Dresden - - - X X
HEAT - - - X -
∗ Note: N/A means the information could not be found.

The Cumulative Trend of Value-Added Services

Cumulative Number of ITS

12 Warning in operational maneuvers
10 Warning in road conditions
Warning in traffic situations
Controlling of vehicles
6 Controlling of the traffic flow


















The Absolute Trend of Value-Added Services
Absolute Number of ITS per Year

Warning in operational maneuvers

4 Warning in road conditions
Warning in traffic situations
Controlling of vehicles
2 Controlling of the traffic flow



















Fig. 5. Intelligent transportation systems can generate meaningful Value-Added Services for the general public. From 2015 in particular there has been a
sharp increase in systems that have warned of bad road conditions and dangerous traffic situations. However, this trend declined significantly from 2018
onwards. The trend for systems that offer support in controlling vehicles has grown steadily since 2012. The growth continues today. However, a similarly
strong development trend with systems for warning of road conditions or other hazards cannot be identified.

Unfortunately, Table IV and the Fig. 5 highlight a deficiency as natural disasters. Therefore, ITS are critical infrastructure
in the development of operational maneuvers and controlling and needs several mechanisms for safety and cybersecurity.
vehicle services. We noticed that this area is mainly covered To fulfill the safety requirement, the systems must-have self-
by the cordoned-off testbeds in China and the United States. diagnostic and self-healing functionalities. In such circum-
Unfortunately, these areas are not covered in the modern sys- stances, the ITS would still be safe to operate if malfunctions
tems on public roads. For this reason, further research should occurred [3], [8], [124].
focus on the development of these services on public roads. In addition, mechanisms are needed to protect the ITS
However, ITS projects [88], [104], [107], [113], [115], [116] against cyberattacks. In particular, with potentially fatal con-
create digital twins to support the development of autonomous sequences, the RSU is very exposed to this kind of attack.
driving, there are still gaps in using this information in market- Research gaps still exist. For instance, communication between
ready products. This step is a necessity to cover the high costs vehicles and test beds is largely unencrypted. This makes
of such systems, as well as to provide real added value to the the system very vulnerable. To tackle these problems, the
users of ITS solutions. researchers have developed communication encryption with
cloud support [2], priority-based authentication techniques
[9] and real-time secure communication without overloading
D. Non-functional Requirements the network with a security overhead [125]. Fortunately,
To help the decision-making process of specific maneuver some test bed projects have addressed cybersecurity too: the
actions of traffic participants, the ITS must be extremely reli- project InterCor has introduced a cyber-physical blockchain
able throughout its operation, even in extreme scenarios such cryptographic architecture [47] and the project SCOOP@F a

secure cloud environment as well as a novel security protocol ACKNOWLEDGMENT

[59], [62]. Furthermore, the project CARAMEL using the This research was funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital
Baden-Württemberg ITS includes activities relating to ad- and Transport of Germany in the project Providentia++, FKZ:
vanced artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques O1MM19008A. We would like to express our gratefulness for
to fulfill cybersecurity requirements [108]. However, it seems making this paper possible.
the cybersecurity challenges have not yet been definitively
solved. In particular, the secure transmission of high volumes R EFERENCES
of data, as occurs with detailed digital twins, still seems to
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[107] Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund GmbH, “Test area autonomous driving
baden-württemberg,” 12/11/2021. [Online]. Available: https://taf-
[108] CARAMEL, “Caramel – artificial intelligence based cybersecurity for
connected and automated vehicles,” 22/11/2021. [Online]. Available:
[109] Jordi Casademont, Bruno Cordero, Daniel Camps-Mur, Luis Alexandre
Morais da Conceição, Aris Lalos, Christian Vitale, Christos Laoudias,
and Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, “Multi-radio v2x communications
interoperability through a multi-access edge computing (mec),” in
2020 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks
(ICTON), 2020, pp. 1–4.
[110] Andreas Rauch, Felix Klanner, and Klaus Dietmayer, “Analysis of v2x
communication parameters for the development of a fusion architecture
for cooperative perception systems,” in 2011 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles
Symposium (IV). IEEE, 062011, pp. 685–690.
[111] Andreas Rauch, Felix Klanner, Ralph Rasshofer, and Klaus Dietmayer,
“Car2x-based perception in a high-level fusion architecture for coopera-
tive perception systems,” in 2012 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium.
IEEE, 062012, pp. 270–275.
[112] Forschungsinitiative Ko-FAS – Verbundprojekt Ko-PER, “Fahreras-
sistenz und präventive sicherheit mittels kooperativer perzeption: Christian Creß joined the Chair of Robotics, Ar-
Partnerübergreifender schlussbericht,” 2013. [Online]. Available: tificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
[113] ALP.Lab GmbH, “Public test track highway a2,” 16/03/2021. [Online]. in 2020 as a Research Assistant and Ph.D. student,
Available: where he is currently researching computer vision
[114] Siegfried Seebacher, Bernd Datler, Jacqueline Erhart, Gerhard Greiner, and data fusion for multi-modal sensor systems. He
Manfred Harrer, Peter Hrassnig, Arnold Prasent, Christian Schwarzl, completed his M.Sc. in Applied Computer Science
and Martin Ullrich, “Infrastructure data fusion for validation and at the University of Applied Sciences Kempten in
future enhancements of autonomous vehicles’ perception on austrian 2016. The Master’s thesis was in the area of com-
motorways,” in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Connected puter vision and machine learning. Before starting as
Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE). IEEE, 112019, pp. 1–7. Research Assistant at TUM, he worked as a software
[115] SMLL Limited, “Smart mobility living lab london,” 22/03/2021. developer in the industry. His further research interests include computer
[Online]. Available: vision, artificial intelligence, and software architecture.

Zhenshan Bing received his doctorate degree in

Computer Science from the Technical University of
Munich, Germany, in 2019. He received his B.S
degree in Mechanical Design Manufacturing and
Automation from Harbin Institute of Technology,
China, in 2013, and his M.Eng degree in Mechanical
Engineering in 2015, at the same university. Dr.
Bing is currently a post-doctoral researcher with
Informatics 6, Technical University of Munich, Mu-
nich, Germany. His research investigates the snake-
like robot which is controlled by artificial neural
networks and its related applications.

Alois Knoll (Senior Member) received his diploma

(M.Sc.) degree in Electrical/Communications Engi-
neering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany,
in 1985 and his Ph.D. (summa cum laude) in Com-
puter Science from Technical University of Berlin,
Germany, in 1988. He served on the faculty of the
Computer Science department at TU Berlin until
1993. He joined the University of Bielefeld, Ger-
many as a full professor and served as the director
of the Technical Informatics research group until
2001. Since 2001, he has been a professor at the
Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany.
He was also on the board of directors of the Central Institute of Medical
Technology at TUM (IMETUM). From 2004 to 2006, he was Executive
Director of the Institute of Computer Science at TUM. Between 2007 and
2009, he was a member of the EU’s highest advisory board on information
technology, ISTAG, the Information Society Technology Advisory Group, and
a member of its subgroup on Future and Emerging Technologies (FET). In this
capacity, he was actively involved in developing the concept of the EU’s FET
Flagship projects. His research interests include cognitive, medical and sensor-
based robotics, multi-agent systems, data fusion, adaptive systems, multimedia
information retrieval, model-driven development of embedded systems with
applications to automotive software and electric transportation, as well as
simulation systems for robotics and traffic.

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