D-101 Master Standing Orders

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These standing orders shall not be construed to indicate a departure from the COLREGS, overriding the
law and regulations, good seamanship or the exercise of sound judgment.
All new joining watchkeepers, including watchkeeping ratings must read, understand, sign and comply
with the standing orders.
All watchkeeping officers when taking over a watch on Bridge, must read, understand and comply with
the Bridge Order Book and acknowledge same by initialling on that page.
Attach a copy of the Standing Orders to the Bridge Order Book and readily available on chart table.

Each Master to make his/her own Standing Orders basis below ‘SAMPLE’ guidelines.

1. Duties and Responsibilities

All officers must read the following:
 Bridge Team Management by NI.
 ICS Bridge Procedures Guide.
 Company SMS Manuals, Procedures and recommended guidelines.
Bridge Watch System (Including Anchor Watches) are as follows:
Officer of the Watch
0000 - 0400 and 1200 - 1600 hours. 2nd Officer
0400 - 0800 and 1600 - 2000 hours. Chief Officer
0800 - 1200 and 2000 - 2400 hours. 3rd Officer
 OOW must comply with all navigation laws, COLGREGs, Standing Orders and
Company procedures.
 OOW must carry out the necessary Equipment Tests.
 OOW must familiarise with Company procedures, vessel, vessel operations
and its manoeuvring characteristics including ME manoeuvring controls.
 OOW is responsible for the conduct, actions, safety and performance of the
personnel on his watch.
 Helmsman must acknowledge and execute steering instructions from the
OOW (or Pilot). He / she must advise the OOW and/or Pilot of any steering
 Lookout must keep an all-round lookout by sight and hearing. He / she must
report all sightings and/or sound signals to the OOW (and Pilot)
The 2 nd Officer is responsible for planning the navigational passage of the vessel
in accordance with my instructions and Company procedures. Plan the intended
voyage taking into consideration all pertinent information. Plot and check courses
before the voyage commences. Enter all relevant information in the Passage Plan
as per Company procedures.

2. Calling Master
 If in doubt or debating ‘Should I inform Master’, it is time to immediately call
me. I would rather be called a number of times unnecessarily, than be called
too late once !
 In the event of an emergency, if you cannot locate me, page me on the P.A
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 Despite the requirement to notify me immediately, do not hesitate to take

immediate action to protect the ship from any danger / hazard .
 In addition to above, call me under following circumstances:
When Underway
 Breakdown of the main engines, steering gear, engine control systems
 Failure of essential navigational equipment, sensors, alarms or indicators such as
ECDIS, loss of GPS signals etc.
 Restricted visibility reduces to 3 NM or as stated in Master’s standing orders,
whichever is greater
 Concerns due to traffic conditions or the movement of other vessels
 Difficulty in maintaining the course due to heavy traffic, adverse weather or currents
 When crossing the XTL and it is causing any concerns for safe navigation
 Failure to sight land, navigation marks or obtain soundings by the expected time
 Unexpected sighting of land, navigation mark or change in soundings
 Encountering hazard to navigation such as ice or a derelict
 Passage plan requires immediate amendment and approval
 Malfunction of any GMDSS or other communication equipment
 Vessel is shipping seas, pounding or rolling heavily or speed drops by 25% below
engine speed
 In doubt of the possibility of weather damage
 Barometric pressure drops by more than 3 mb below the expected pressure
 Development of conditions associated with a tropical revolving storm
 Sudden change in the sea, swell, or discolouration, which may indicate shoals or
other danger
 Navigation or weather warnings affecting vessel’s safety
 Receipt of distress alert or message, or sighting a distress signal
 Any security concerns
 Unwell, fatigued or unable to stay alert for any reason
 In any other emergency or doubt

 If the movement of ship is causing concern
 If the vessel is dragging anchor
 When expecting adverse weather or experiencing wind above Beaufort Force 5/6
and swell height over 2 meters, keep engines ready
 If restricted visibility is encountered or expected
 On the approach of any unidentified craft attempting to come alongside
 In any other emergency or doubt

3. Master’s Presence on Bridge

 My presence on the bridge does not automatically relieve the OOW of the
conn until I specifically and verbally inform of taking over con.

4. Challenge, Enquiry and Response

 If you are in doubt of my appraisal and handling / manoeuvring of the
particular situation, please inform me with your concerns without any fear of
 All Bridge Team members are encouraged to:
 Challenge, enquire and seek respond
 Practice thinking aloud by openly discussing their actions
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5. Managing Distractions on Bridge

 Restrict the conversation on Bridge to the requirements of safe navigation and
vessel operations. Keep the social conversations to minimum.
 Do not use mobile phones on Bridge / wheelhouse, during navigation. Use of
mobile phones on Bridge will be considered as a serious breach of the policy
and can lead to disciplinary action.
 Restrict vessel’s internet access and email on Bridge to:
 Updates for nautical charts and publications, licenses and permits
 Navigational and weather information
 Information relevant to the vessel's operations and safe passage

6. Red State of Alertness

When the vessel is at ‘Red State of Alertness’ (Bridge levels 4 or 5), take the following
additional precautions:
 Define the areas of ‘Red State of Alertness’ in passage plan.
 Inform engine room the beginning and end of the ‘Red State of Alertness’.
 Post the ‘Red status’ posters on all the bridge entrances.
 Do not allow non-essential persons, including supernumeraries, in or near the
immediate vicinity of the wheelhouse.
 Do not engage in any activity not related to navigation, including loose talks and
 Do not allow any repair work on navigational or associated equipment. If urgent
and immediate attention is required, obtain my permission.
 Stop noisy work in and around the wheelhouse.

7. General Watchkeeping Requirements

 OOW is in charge of the vessel during the watch period and responsible to me
for the safety of the vessel, crew, cargo and the protection of the marine
 The safe navigation of the ship must take precedence over maintenance or
any other considerations. Keep all distractions to a minimum.
 OOW must never leave Bridge any time when the vessel is underway unless
property relieved.
 OOW has unrestricted access to all navigation / communication equipment
and engines at all times. Do not hesitate to use them as required.
 Update all charts affected by NAVTEX / EGC warning messages or Coast
Radio Station broadcasts received. These warnings should then be remarked
as “Plotted on Chart…” and initialled by the OOW and filed for documentary
 Only books and publications required for the safe navigation and control of the
vessel are permitted on Bridge.
 Only persons having direct responsibility for the immediate navigation of the
vessel are permitted on Bridge.
 Switch on and monitor the UKC whenever in soundable depths as per
Company procedures.
 Test ‘hand steering’ for at least 10 minutes once every watch and record in
Deck Logbook.
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 Frequently compare gyro and compass headings. Compare Master gyro and
its repeaters at the time of taking over watch.
 Test and record compass error at least every watch.
 Take weather faxes including Surface Analysis and Prognosis for 24, 48 and
72 hours, respectively as per schedule for the area of concern.
 While underway, keep at least 1 radar under use in all conditions of visibility.
Use radar and ARPA having due regard to its limitations, particularly when a
target is within a very short range.
 Beware of limitations of AIS. Do not rely solely on it. Ensure the Static &
Voyage Data is always updated. Remember other vessels may not have
updated theirs. Check for any Tx / Rx safety-related messages and
acknowledge accordingly.
 Display all lights and shapes as per COLREG’s. Keep navigation lights ‘ON’ at
all times when vessel is underway and check at least once per watch,
especially between sunset and sunrise and during low visibility.

8. Handing Over / Relieving Watch at Sea

 Relieve watches punctually and in strict conformity with vessel-specific
 Carry out the handover preferably under the VDR microphone, proving that
you are doing your job correctly.
 The Relieving Officer should satisfy himself that the members of his watch are
fully capable of carrying out their duties efficiently.
 Prior to assuming the watch, the Relieving Officer must ensure that his vision
is fully adjusted to the light conditions.
 OOW must ensure his relief is able and in condition to relieve and thoroughly
acquainted with the necessary facts before allowing himself to be relieved.
 If a manoeuvre or other action to avoid any hazard is taking place at the time
the OOW is to be relieved, the relief of the officer should be deferred until
such action has been safely completed.
 At noon 3 rd Officer to handover only after 2 nd Officer has completed his Noon
Report Duties & clearly indicated his intention to take over.

9. Watchkeeping Duties at Sea

 Maintain a proper & efficient lookout at all times by sight, hearing, radar, AIS
& all available means. If facing any difficulty in doing so, inform me
 Do not hesitate to call for an additional lookout person anytime you feel so.
 When underway, monitor vessel progress at all times to ensure that the
intended track is maintained as per the passage plan. Fix the vessel’s position
at intervals mentioned in the passage plan or more frequently if necessary.
 The course and speed of the ship must conform to the requirements of the
voyage plan. Inform me immediately if deviation from voyage is required.
Adjust the course to keep the vessel on intended track; however, you have the
full authority to deviate from the charted track to avoid close quarter situations
developing, for avoiding fishing vessels or any other dangers. The safety of
the vessel must not be compromised in trying to keep the vessel on the
charted track.
 Use hand steering mode whenever deemed necessary or when instructed by
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 Monitor the steering at all times to ensure that wheel orders are correctly
repeated and executed. Make regular checks to ensure that the ‘Autopilot’ or
the Helmsman is steering the correct course.
 Fix the vessel’s position by most reliable method available at the time.
Whenever possible, employ at least 2 independent methods of position fixing.
Whenever available, give first priority to visual bearings and radar distances.
 In heavy weather conditions, do not let the vessel pound or slam. If the
vessel starts pounding, reduce speed immediately with the coordination of the
duty Engineer and call me. Record the time of reduction of speed in the Deck

10. Collision Avoidance

 Always comply with the COLREGs. When taking action as prescribed by the
Rules ensure the action is timely and sufficient, and that it has the desired
 In clear visibility, the OOW must take frequent and accurate compass
bearings of approaching vessels as a means of early detection of risk of
 Take early and positive action in compliance with the applicable regulations to
allow a wide berth.
 Monitor the effectiveness of the action until the other vessel is finally past and
 Do not hesitate to use large helm orders, whenever needed.
 As far as possible in the traffic conditions, without endangering your vessel,
maintain following minimum CPA and TCPA:
Situation Minimum CPA Minimum TCPA
Open Ocean 2 miles 15 minutes
Coastal Passage 1 mile 15 minutes
Heavy Traffic Areas 0.5 mile 15 minutes

Use the VHF Radio with caution. Any avoidance action to be agreed upon only after
positive identification. Never use VHF to agree on any action, which is contrary to

11. Navigation in Pilotage Waters

 Pilot’s presence on board does not relieve the OOW from his/her duties and
obligations for the safety of the ship.
 OOW must cooperate closely with the pilot and maintain an accurate check on
the vessel’s position and movement.
 If in doubt as to the action or intentions of the pilot, OOW must seek
clarification from the pilot, preferably under a VDR microphone. Notify me
 OOW to monitor the vessel position to ascertain a safe passage.
 Prepare and present the ‘Pilot Card’ to the Pilot. Exchange information as per
the vessel-specific Master-Pilot exchange checklist.
 If the safety of the ship is endangered, we have the full authority to take
appropriate action to ensure the safety of the ship. The Pilots are only
assisting in the capacity of an advisor.

12. Navigation in Restricted Visibility

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 Call me any time when visibility drops to less than 3nm.

 When encountering / expecting restricted visibility, comply with vessel-specific

13. Arrival and Departure Port

 Carry out pre-arrival and pre-departure checks as per vessel-specific
 If notice any defect / face any problem, inform me immediately.
 Ensure passage plan is prepared and available for departure.
 Check availability of largest scale of chart for the intended voyage. If not,
inform me immediately.
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14. Watchkeeping Duties at Anchor

 Ensure GPS and ECDIS anchor watch alarm in ON. Also acquire nearby
vessels on ARPA & adjust your CPA/TCPA Alarm to warn you against
dragging by own vessel or other vessels.
 Ensure that the state of readiness of main engine & anchor windlass are in
accordance with my instructions.
 Strictly comply with vessel-specific checklist.
 Maintain an efficient lookout. Do not let your guard down just because you are
at anchor.
 Monitor vessel position frequently to ensure that she is remaining securely at
anchor. Do not rely on beam bearings, far off distances from land and
positions of other vessels.
 Monitor appropriate VHF channels.
 Ensure appropriate lights and shapes are exhibited.

15. Navigational and Communication Equipment

 OOW must know the use of all nav-aids carried on board, including their
capabilities and limitations.
 Comply with the company procedures on navigational alarm management in
 2nd Officer to carry out daily checks of bridge equipment as per ship-specific

 All officers must familiarise themselves with the following:
 Operation and limitations of ECDIS equipment.
 Other equipment inter-phased with ECDIS, especially the input of 3 mandatory
sensors (positon, speed and heading). All officers should know the procedures to
switch the secondary source of these mandatory sensors in case primary source
 Safety alarm settings of ECDIS.
 Comply with company procedures available in NMM chapter ‘Electronic Chart
Display and Information System’.
 Make full use of the alarm and warning systems for a proper appraisal of the
situation through quick and early warnings. E.g. spot soundings, contours,
cross track, cross-chart etc.
 Do not disable any alarm without my permission.
 2nd Officer will be responsible for care and maintenance of ECDIS equipment.
If you notice any defect / failures, inform me immediately.
 Ensure the entire passage from berth to berth is available on the back up
ECDIS and information on the ENC’s should be appropriate for the intended
 Always enable watch vector (safety frame) settings for early warnings of
hazardous situation.
 Set the safety settings in accordance with various legs of voyage mentioned
in the passage plan. Do not deviate from the planned setting without my
 Exercise caution when using Radar Overlay as the picture on the ECDIS and
radar may not always match.
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 In case of ECDIS failure during the voyage, refer to ‘Contingency Procedures’

and remaining part of the voyage should be made safely till both ECDIS are
made fully operational.

17. GMDSS and Communication Equipment

 Ensure that the GMDSS equipment are set and functioning properly.

18. Security Duties

 Ensure SSP followed and precautions taken as required.
 All persons aware of security level and security risks prevalent in the area.
 When navigating in waters known as piracy areas, comply with the manning
level as set up in the ‘Piracy Watch Schedule’.
 In case of breach of security, sound the General Alarm.

19. Logbook
 Maintain a record of relevant data in Deck Logbook, GMDSS Logbook, Bridge
Movement Book and other applicable logbooks as per the instructions in the
front cover of these logbooks.
 Ensure all entries are signed, legible and accurate. Do not overwrite or use
correction fluid / ink. Any mistake or error should be crossed through once
and initialled.
 These will be verified and signed by me at the end of the day or end of the
month as relevant.
 Maintain a separate Port Log for detailed record of port operations.

Each watchkeeper, including watchkeeping ratings to comply with the requirements

of the above listed Standing Orders.

Each officer must read and sign these Standing Orders. Your signature will indicate
that you have read these orders and are aware of your responsibilities.

Chief Officer :

2/O :

3/O :

Cadet :

Each watchkeeping rating has been briefed by Master on the relevant sections of
the standing orders. Your signature will indicate that you have understood these
orders and are aware of your responsibilities.

Watch Keeping Ratings :

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