(INT) The Seeker

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The seeker is a magical expert class guided by signs from the divine to accomplish tasks. They have skills to infiltrate places and overcome challenges through a combination of fast and slow magic.

The seeker is infiltrating the home of a heretic to kill them, as their dreams and the interpretation of burnt bones and stars had shown them where to find their target.

The seeker has the ability to perform magical rites to cast spells more often slowly. They also have the destined strike ability to cast a cantrip or make an attack during battle.

The Seeker

A flexible, intelligence-based magical expert for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Through deep
study of signs from the divine, they are guided to a goal. Blessed with magic empowerment, they have
the skills to accomplish any task. The Seeker uses a combination of fast and slow magic to be the
ultimate utility caster.
Image: Two of Swords, Anna Chrisenson
The Seeker

nder the cover of darkness, her picks dance
through the lock in the blink of an eye with
fingers deft from a prior enchantment. 'Only
your light can snuff out the dark' were the
words that brought her here, guided by her
dreams. Recognizing and avoiding the
pressure plate immediately behind the door
was easier than she thought, infiltrating the Skyway in Sharn
was the hard part, but she did her best work in the shadows.
Sorcery bars the last door between the woman and her prey;
a quick word and a gesture and the heretic's barrier spell is
ravaged. The burnt bones and stars had shown her his
home. The words that guided her blade ringed clearly in her
head as she crept towards the heretic's sleeping form. Her
knife pulsed with energy, poised high above the false
prophet, the spell of silence would handle her next problem...
A dream stirs the elf to waken, “a storm is coming and our
quarry’s tracks will be lost” they announce as the hint of
clouds begin to form in the east. The group grumbles as they
begin to break camp, but know better than to question the
visions of their elf companion.
Having built a barricade, the bloodied warrior catches their
breath while the harried priest tends to the unconscious
mage, the fourth adventurer, as battered as he is, pulls out
his teapot. “Is this really the time for that?” the warrior says,
a slight tremble to their voice. Lighting a fire, the seeker
doesn’t look up as he continues to rummage in his bag, “if
you prefer to get out of this in one piece, then just keep them Find a Path or Make One
at bay, this brew will fix everything.” The tea leaves glow with A seeker moves through the world with ease, adept at
a brilliant green light as the water comes to a boil. A smirk traveling quickly over the roughest of terrain. As such, a
comes across the seeker’s face “I just wish we could see the seeker needs to be an expert at infiltrating the toughest to
look on their faces...” reach places; they spring locks, recognize traps, and can
work with the tools around them to get past the clockwork
Divine Guidance mechanisms common to this world. Not nearly to the level of
To be a seeker is to be on a mission given out by a higher an artificer’s mastery over all things mechanical and crafted,
being. Maybe an angel appears in visions or the seeker is but similar to their other skills, seekers use magic to make up
able to hear the whispers of a Prince of Hell, seekers follow a for their lack in certain areas.
divine path. Although a seeker’s mission varies, most
commonly they are looking for someone, a person of Mind Over Matter
importance to their deity such as a prophet, muse, or even an The skills a seeker possesses are minor compared to what
avatar of another god. Unlike a paladin or cleric who may they have trained for. A seeker uses their body as a vessel for
follow the tenets of a god and lead others in that religion, a empowering magics, allowing their spells to change how their
seeker is given guidance by their deity. Through study of own form functions. Because of this training, they more often
subtle signs and interpretation of omens and symbols that rely not on talent, but instead on the use of magic to make up
most would miss, a seeker’s path is laid before them. The what is lacking. Continuing this line of thinking, seekers often
tasks that seekers are given may be devoid of how to rely on others to get through difficult situations, a wise
complete them, thus a seeker must be adept at gathering seeker is aware that they cannot handle every situation
intelligence. Seekers care not where their information comes thrown their way. Seekers should be able to work well with
from, whether guidance gifted by the divine, the knowledge their fellow companions to accomplish the goals set before
still held by the dead, or simply by charming those that would them by their patron, as such a seeker’s spells lean towards
otherwise hoard secrets; by any means will they uncover the improving their gifts and the group rather than blatantly
path laid before them. destructive magics.

Image: Oracle by Even Amundsen

The Seeker

Level Bonus Features Rites Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting and Rites, Mavenhood, Tea Leaves 1 2 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Premonition, Sixth Sense 2 2 3 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 Magical Adaptation, Maven Feature 3 2 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 — 5 3 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 Destined Strike, Maven Expertise 6 3 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 Ill Omen 7 3 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8 3 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 — 9 4 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Holdfast, Maven Feature 10 4 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 — 11 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 12 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 — 13 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Maven Feature 14 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 — 15 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 16 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 — 17 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Endless Pursuit 18 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Divine Blessing 20 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Creating a Seeker Proficiencies

When creating a seeker, consider what kind of deity you Armor: Light armor, shields
follow and quest for. What kind of training did you go through Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longbows,
to become a seeker? How does your patron or god longswords, rapiers, shortswords
communicate with you and how do you read their omens? Tools: Thieves' tools, one type of artisan's tools of your
Will you aid your allies in combat with supportive magics or choice
empower your own abilities to take down your foes? Be sure Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
to work with the DM about your background. Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception,
History, Investigation, Medicine, Religion, Perception,
Quick Build
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival
You can make a Seeker quickly by following these Equipment
suggestions. First, make either Dexterity or Intelligence your You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, equipment granted by your background:
choose the Outlander background.
a rapier, shortsword, or longsword
Hit Points shortbow and 20 arrows, shortsword, a dagger, or a shield
Hit Dice: 1d8 per seeker level leather armor
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Thieves’ or tinkerers’ tools and a dungeoneer’s pack
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your One fortune telling device such as tarot cards, a crystal
Constitution modifier per seeker level after 1st ball, various teas, etc.

This class was created by u/FriskyRisque

Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your seeker spells,
since you learn your spells through dedicated Maven and
memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell
refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
seeker spell you cast and when making an attack roll with
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier
Ritual spells
You can cast any seeker spell you prepare as a ritual if that
spell has the ritual tag.
Spellcasting Focus
You can use a divine focus as a spellcasting focus for your
seeker spells. This divine focus can be your fortune telling
For any seeker spell prepared of 5th level and below, you are
able to cast those spells as a Rite instead of using a spell slot.
The cast time for these spells follows the format of rituals
and equals the standard casting time plus 10 minutes. You
regain all expended Rites when you finish a long rest.
Spells cast using a Rite have an associated cost depending
on what spell is being cast, as seen in the table below.
Spell Level Rites Used
Through your studies and connection with the divine, you
are able to use magic spells. As a seeker, your magic is 1st & 2nd 1
generally slower than others, but creativity is your true 3rd & 4th 2
power. See Spells Rules for the general rules of spellcasting.
5th 3
At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the Mavenhood
seeker spell list. At higher levels, you learn additional seeker Choose one Mavenhood related to how you best will serve
cantrips of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips Known your patron: Cunning Eye, Bitter Heart, Brightened Spirit,
column of the Seeker table. Cutting Tongue, Lurking Hand, Roaming Steps, Rotting
Preparing and Casting Spells Voice, and Shifting Flesh. Each Maven is detailed at the end
The seeker table shows how many spell slots you have per of the class description. Your choice grants you Maven spells
spell level to cast your seeker spells. To cast one of your and features when you choose it at 1st level and additional
seeker spells of 1st level or higher at the regular casting time, benefits at 3rd, 10th, and 14th level.
you must expend a spell slot of the spell’s level or higher. You
regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. Maven Spells
You prepare a list of spells at the end of each long rest Each Mavenhood has a list of spells, its Maven spells, that
from the seeker spell list. When you do so, choose a number you gain at the Seeker levels noted in the Maven description.
of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your Once you gain a Maven spell, you always have it prepared,
seeker level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can
spells must be of a level for which you are able to cast. These prepare each day.
If you have a Maven spell that doesn't
spells count as Seeker spells for purposes of spellcasting appear on the Seeker spell list, the spell is nonetheless a
and rites. Seeker spell for you.
You can change your list of prepared spells when you
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of seeker spells
requires time spent in studying omens from the divine and Manifesting Your Powers
interpreting the meaning of these signs: at least 1 minute per See the Reading The Weave section on the final page
spell level for each spell on your list. for optional ideas of how your Seeker reads fortunes,
casts your spells, and traverses the world!

Image Credit: The Magician from The Marigold

Tarot by Amrit Brar
Tea Leaves
At 1st level, you have studied the greater arcanum enough to
know which omens should receive attention and what can be
cast aside. You have advantage on ability checks to read
signs of good and ill omens.
Tea Leaves
At 1st level, you have studied the greater arcanum enough to
know which omens should receive attention and what can be
cast aside. You have advantage on ability checks to read
signs of good and ill omens.
Through study of the subtle signs woven by the Weave,
you may guide others. You learn the guidance cantrip, which
doesn’t count against the number of seeker cantrips you
know. When you cast guidance the range is 60 feet instead of Hold Fast
touch and does not require concentration.
Beginning at 10th level, you've trained your body to go
Premonition withstand certain area effects, such as a white dragon's
freezing breath or a cloudkill spell's poison gases. When you
Starting at 2nd Level, your connection with the divine gives are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a
you a brief premonition allowing you to evade foes and find Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, you
what others would miss. You can use your bonus action to instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw,
take the Disengage, Hide, Search, or Steady Aim action. and only half damage if you fail.
Sixth Sense Endless Pursuit
Also at 2nd level, you can enter a state prescience and are At 18th level, magic suffuses your every step. Your speed
able to add a d4 to all ability checks and saving throws until cannot be decreased by difficult terrain, spells, being
the end of your next turn. You may use this feature a number underwater, or other effects and you cannot be restrained.
of times equal to your proficiency bonus plus your By spending 5 feet of movement, you can automatically
Intelligence modifier per long rest. escape from being grappled.
Additionally, if you pass beyond this mortal veil and die,
Magical Adaptation your deity wills you back from death with 1 hit point; this can
At 3rd level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can replace occur no more than once per week.
one seeker cantrip you know with another cantrip from the
seeker spell list. Divine Blessing
When you reach 20th level, you are able to forsee how best to
Ability Score Improvement serve your deity by choosing a blessing. At the end of a long
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and rest, choose from one of the blessings below, you carry this
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice blessing until you finish your next long rest.
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by Dragon's Strength: You have advantage on three Strength
1. You can’t increase an ability score past 20 with this ability checks or saves of your choice, cannot be knocked
feature. prone or disarmed, and add 2 damage to each melee or
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this ranged attack.
feature to take a feat of your choice instead. Fey's Grace: You have advantage on three Dexterity ability
checks or saves of your choice, gain 10 feet of movement
Destined Strike speed, and do not take fall damage when falling from 100 feet
or less as long as you aren't incapcitated.
At 6th level, while Sixth Sense is active during your turn, you Old One's Endurance: You have advantage on three
may modify a seeker cantrip with casting time of one action. Constitution ability checks or saves of your choice, and gain
After casting your cantrip you can either make one weapon 30 temporary hit points.
attack or, if applicable, roll an additional damage dice from Lich's Cunning: You have advantage on three Intelligence
that cantrip and add it to the total damage. ability checks or saves of your choice, and gain resistance to
psychic damage.
Ill Omen Angel's Wisdom: You have advantage on three Wisdom
Starting at 7th Level, you portend harm to yourself and see ability checks or saves of your choice, and you have
how to suffer the least harm. When an attacker that you can Truesight out to 10 feet.
see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to Devil's Charm: You have advantage on three Charisma
expend one Rite to halve the attack's damage against you. ability checks or saves of your choice, and can ignore the
verbal and somatic components of a spell once when casting
a spell.
Fortune Teller
Mavenhood At 3rd level, showing others your abilities can sometimes be
Early on, Seekers choose a Mavenhood that helps them best as important as the omens you portend you may cast the
listen to their patron, reveal the arcanum, travel safely to cantrip thaumaturgy without using components once per
your goal, and complete your quest. Here are the short rest.
Mavenhoods you can choose at 1st level. You also gain an additional way to use augury, twice per
day you can cast augury by expending a Rite instead of a
Maven of the Cunning Eye spell slot. When you cast augury this way there is no
cumulative casting effect that causes a random outcome and
Glimpse the future and see the world as it truly is with this you get a sense of the next hour instead of the next 30
Maven. Gazing into a crystal ball, visualizing auras, and minutes.
seeing patterns in burned incense are standard fortune Depending on the outcome of the augury spell cast using
telling methods for this Mavenhood. this feature, you gain a different boon:
Weal: Your confidence is bolstered! Once in the next hour,
Cunning Eye Spells you can use your reaction to have an ally reroll any attack roll,
When choosing this Mavenhood, you gain access to spells saving throw, or ability check.
that help you see your path and reveal what is hidden. At 1st, Woe: You’re ready to face oncoming foes! Once in the next
3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the following hour, you can use your bonus action to impose disadvantage
spells. on the next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check by a
Seeker Level Maven Spell
creature you can see.
Weal/Woe: Steel yourself for whatever comes next! Once
1st detect evil and good, detect magic, faerie fire in the next hour, you can give yourself advantage on any
3rd augury, detect thoughts attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.
Neither: Decide your own fate! Roll a d20 and record the
5th dispel magic, gaseous form number rolled. Once in the next hour, you can replace any
7th arcane eye, divination attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a
9th commune, dream, scrying
creature that you can see with this foretelling roll. You must
choose to do so before the roll.
Bonus Proficiencies Second Sight
When you choose this Mavenhood at 1st level, you gain At 10th level, your powers of seeing beyond the ordinary
proficiency in Arcana and Investigation. Choose one of these grow, making you the vessel for otherworldy visions. When
two skills, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks casting a divination spell, you may avoid the material
you make with it. At 6th level, you can choose a second skill component, consumed or not, of that spell by using a Rite
that you are proficient with to add double your proficiency once per long rest. Additionally, you can use an action to
bonus to checks you make with it. increase your powers of perception. When you do so, choose
one of the following benefits, which lasts until you are
incapacitated, or you take a short or long rest. You can’t use
the feature again until you finish a rest or spend a Rite as an
action to change the ability.
Tremorsense: You gain tremorsense out to a range of 60
Ethereal Sight: You can see into the Ethereal Plane within
60 feet of you.
Greater Comprehension: You can read any language.
See Invisibility: You can see invisible creatures and
objects within 10 feet of you that are within line of sight.
Unforeseen Circumstances
At 14th level, by expending a Rite and meditating for 1
minute, you may replace one spell from your prepared spells
with a spell of an equal level from the seeker spell list. After
finishing a long rest, you may use this feature again.
Additionally, when you cast augury per your Fortune Teller
feature, you may expend two Rites as an action, bonus
action, and reaction at the same time instead of taking one

Image: Githyanki Gish from Mordenkainen's

Tome of Foes ©WOTC
Maven of the Bitter Heart
Most often mistaken for witches, due to their pension for
curses and animal companions. Seekers within this
Mavenhood use their summoned companions to predict the
future such as by staring into their eyes or listening to the
chirps and chitterings.
Bitter Heart Spells
When choosing this Mavenhood, you gain access to spells
that let you commune with nature and spite your foes. At 1st,
3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the following
Level Maven Spell
1st animal friendship, find familiar, hex
3rd beast sense, blindness/deafness, locate animal
or plant
5th bestow curse, motivational speech
Wild Hatred
Also at 3rd level, when a creature is under the effect the
7th charm monster, phantasmal killer effect of your Spite feature, you may cast the spell summon
9th commune with nature, contagion beast without using a spell slot once per short rest. When
you use this feature, instead of casting the spell at its lowest
Bonus Proficiencies
level without using a spell slot, you may cast this spell using
When you choose this Mavenhood at 1st level, you gain a spell slot of a higher level using your spell slots.
proficiency in two of the following skills: Animal Handling, Coven
Arcana, Medicine, or Nature. Choose one of these two skills, By 10th level, trust is built through actions, there is great
you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make power in being bound to others. A number of times per long
with it. At 6th level, you can double your proficiency bonus rest equal to your proficiency bonus, choose a humanoid ally
with the other skill you chose at 1st level. that you can see and cast a spell with a casting time of one
action using a spell slot; that creature may use their reaction
At 3rd level, woe to those that harm you or yours. When you to allow the magic to flow through them as if they had cast it,
or an ally take damage from a creature you can see, you may following all the other rules of spell casting and Intelligence is
use a reaction to place a curse on either the attacking the casting stat for your ally. If that spell requires
creature or one of their allies. concentration, the chosen ally will be the one that
For the next minute, you know their exact location and concentrates on the spell.
your Sixth Sense rolls are doubled when rolling an opposed Additionally, once per week, by using 10 Rites and using
ability check or save against the target of Spite. You can’t use 10 hit dice, you may cast the spell awaken without using
Spite again until you finish a long rest or spend a Rite as components.
reaction to use this ability again. While Spite is active, on Hag’s Hold
your turn choose one of the following effects against the At 14th level, you may call upon more unusual friends. Once
cursed: per long rest, you may cast any spell with the word
Bewilder. The first attack they make is done with "Summon" in its title at spell level 6. The chosen spell must
disadvantage. normally take an action to cast and you must fulfill all other
Bleed. The target takes twice your Intelligence modifier in requirements of that spell such as components.
necrotic damage from the next source of damage. Additionally, when a creature under the effects of a curse
Hunted. If the target is hidden from you, you can see you placed, such as hex or your Spite feature, you may spend
where they are until the start of your next turn unless they two Rites to have either any attack made against them with
are behind full cover. advantage or have the cursed target take double the damage
Rust. If the target would normally be immune to a type of rolled by you.
damage, until the start of your next turn they instead have
resistance to that damage.
Image: The Seer of Saterioh Aurore Folny
Maven of the Brightened Spirit
Bringers of hope and renewal, the Mavens of the Brightened
Spirit help lighten the darkest of times. Although all seekers
tend towards darkness to hide their movements, Seekers
that follow this Mavenhood focus on supporting the group. In
this Mavenhood, many seekers gain their power and divine
the future through seeing visions in a burning fire or by
attaining a meditative state through energetic activities such
as repetitive dances or deep breathing.
Brightened Spirit Spells
When choosing this Mavenhood, you gain access to spells
that bring the light to those around you, be them friend or
foe. At 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the
following spells.
Seeker Level Maven Spell
1st bless, ceremony, healing word
3rd calm emotions, healing spirit
5th daylight, revivify
7th aura of life, guardian of faith
9th dawn, greater restoration, hallow

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this Mavenhood at 1st level, you gain
proficiency in medium armor. Additionally, you gain
proficiency in the Medicine and Religion skills. Choose one of
these two skills, you add double your proficiency bonus to
checks you make with it. At 6th level, you can choose a
second skill that you are proficient with to add double your
proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
Blessed Warmth
Spirit of the Light At 10th level, you are able to call on your deity for additional
At 3rd level, you are blessed with a beneficent spirit from aid in the form of an avatar. As the sun rises, whether you
your patron. When casting healing spirit, either with a spell are able to see it or not, choose a target to be blessed. This
slot and using a Rite or by casting the spell as a Rite, healing target has advantage on saves against blindness and
spirit changes, as below: deafness as well as being poisoned and frightened.
The spirit appears in a form you choose that represents Additionally, you learn the dancing lights cantrip which
your deity. does not count against your cantrip total. When you cast this
This spell doesn’t require concentration; it ends either cantrip, you may spend two Rites to end the cantrip early
after a minute has passed since casting it, when you and cast either mass cure wounds or destructive wave
choose (as a free action), or you fall unconscious. centered on your dancing lights. You may not use this feature
When you cast this spell, choose either a skill or a save, again until you have finished a long rest.
when you heal someone with this spell, the healed target
has advantage on that skill or save you chose until the Gift of the Martyr
spirit heals another target or the spell ends. At 14th level, when healing an ally using magical means, you
Hostile creatures within a 10 foot radius of the Spirit can choose to spend your own hit dice to increase the healing
cannot benefit from advantage on attacks or ability you impart. Choose a number of your hit dice up to your
checks. Intelligence modifier to increase the healing of one target you
heal by 5 hit points for every hit dice spent this way.
Also at 3rd level, you may choose to reroll any 1 rolled once Also at 14th level, you become a vessel for the light of your
per use Sixth Sense. When you reroll, you may also choose to patron! Once per long rest, you may spend three Rites to
create a burst of light that blinds foes within 10 feet who fail cast either divine word, heal, or sunbeam. When the spell
a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC until ends, you cannot move or take actions until after your next
the end of your Sixth Sense. turn, as you experience the elation of your diety's force
moving through you.

Image: Darkdawn, Jason Chan

Maven of the Cutting Tongue Know Thy Enemy
By asking the right questions, you can get to higher truths. At 10th level, you can prepare a target for how best to deal
By taking this Mavenhood, your questions carry more weight. with a type of foe. By spending a Rite and using an action,
Studying animal entrails and reading fire or ashes all lend touch a target and pick one type of creature: Aberrations,
themselves to omen reading for this Mavenhood. Celestials, Dragons, Elementals, Fey, Fiends, Humanoid, or
Undead. For 1 minute, any attacks on the target of this
feature by creatures of the chosen type have disadvantage.
Cutting Tongue Spells The target also can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by
When choosing this Maven, you gain access to spells to stop them. If the target is already charmed, frightened, or
your foes and find the truth between the lies. At 1st, 3rd, 5th, possessed by such a creature, the target has advantage on
7th, and 9th level you gain access to the following spells. any new saving throw against the relevant effect.
If you use
Seeker Level Maven Spell this feature while it is active, the first casting of this effect
1st command, searing smite
3rd flameblade, zone of truth Holy Hand, Divine Voice
5th speak with dead, tongues When you reach 14th level, you become an instrument of
your divine patron, their will carried out through your hands.
7th compulsion, locate creature After finishing a long rest, choose a damage type: radiant,
9th dominate person, holy weapon necrotic, cold, fire, lighting, or poison. The damage type you
choose should reflect an aspect of your patron. When you
Bonus Proficiencies deal damage to a creature, add your Intelligence modifier to
the damage of the chosen type. If you are attacking your
When you choose this Mavenhood at 1st level, you gain Blessed Bond target, you may change all of your weapon
proficiency with martial weapons and medium armor. damage to the chosen type of damage.
Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Insight and Additionally, you learn the cantrip friends which does not
Intimidation skills. At 6th level, choose one of these skills, you count against your cantrip total. When friends ends, the
add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with target does not realize they have been ensorcelled by this
it. cantrip.
Blessed Bond
At 3rd level, you become adept at finding the truths within
the lies and seeing what makes your enemies tic. By using a
bonus action, you can magically mark a sentient creature you
can see within 60 feet, gaining insight into their mind. The
target makes a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to your
spell save DC. A creature can willingly choose to fail this
save. On a successful save, you discern that this magic failed
but the target is unaware of the attempt. On a failed save, for
the next 10 minutes you gain the following bonuses against
this target:
You know what the creature is known as commonly, such
as how the creature would introduce themselves to a
friendly acquaintance.
You know their exact location. If the creature travels to a
different plane, you know which plane they went to.
You have advantage on Insight checks against the target.
Once before the end of this effect, if the creature is
brought to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to have
your deity stabilize the creature. Instead of dying, the
creature is at 1 hit point and paralyzed until the end of
your next turn. After stabilizing a creature in this way, you
have advantage on Charisma ability checks against the
creature until they have taken a rest.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Image: Caswen by Montjart

Maven of the Lurking Hand
Those that are tasked with the subtle finding and removal of
threats to their patrons are part of this Mavenhood. The
magic that is given to a Maven of the Lurking Hand is
channeled through their fingertips into their weapon to
better carry out the will of their deity. Reading palms,
throwing finger bones, and studying handwriting are
examples of common omen reading by this Mavenhood.
Lurking Hand Spells
When choosing this Mavenhood, you gain access to spells
that help you move without being sensed and strike hard
when needed. At 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain
access to the following spells.
Seeker Level Maven Spell
1st fog cloud, wrathful smite
3rd branding smite, pass without trace
5th blinding smite, nondetection
7th greater invisibility, staggering smite
9th banishing smite, passwall

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this Mavenhood at 1st level, you gain
proficiency in Sleight of Hand and Stealth. Choose one of
these two skills, you add double your proficiency bonus to
checks you make with it. At 6th level, you can choose a
second skill that you are proficient with to add double your
proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
Hard Lurker
At 3rd level, your premonitions help you move quicker in
danger. Add your proficiency bonus to your initiative roll.
Additionally, you can gain a blessing of invisibility from
your deity briefly. After using the Hide action, you may
become invisible. Your invisibility ends at the start of your
next turn, cast a spell, or make an attack. You may use this
ability a number of times per long rest equal to your
Intelligence modifier.
You may empower this ability by spending a Rite to have Striking From The Shadows
the invisibility last until the end instead of the start of your You are your deity's divine weapon, the harm you carry out is
next turn. While empowered in this way, you move at your even greater by their blessing. Starting at 14th level, when
normal walking speed. ending a concentration spell by causing damage with that
spell, such as ensnaring strike or staggering smite, you may
Quickened Hand roll one extra damage die from that spell's damage.
Starting at 10th level, magic comes even quicker to your Also at 14th level, you may cast the spell invisibility at its
fingertips. When you cast a concentration spell that uses a lowest level using a Rite. You always have Invisibility
bonus action, you can instead use your reaction to cast that prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells
spell. When you use this feature, unless the components for you can prepare each day.
casting the spell were associated with a consumed cost, the
components are now just somatic. You can use this feature a
number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence

Image: Inquisitor Art from Pathfinder, ©Paizo

Maven of the Roaming Steps
Getting there is half the battle, but a seeker who is a part of
this Maven can make the journey easier and quicker.
Reading the movement of stars, weather patterns, and
swirling waters all lend themselves as divining tools for this
Roaming Steps Spells
When choosing this Mavenhood, you gain access to spells
that help you travel your path and get there safely. At 1st,
3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the following
Seeker Level Maven Spell
1st goodberry, longstrider
3rd find steed, misty step, spider climb
5th fly, thunder step, tiny hut
7th dimension door, polymorph
9th far step, teleportation circle

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this Mavenhood at 1st level, you gain
proficiency in Perception and Survival. Choose one of these
two skills, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks
you make with it. At 6th level, you can choose a second skill
that you are proficient with to add double your proficiency
bonus to checks you make with it.
At 3rd level, you are able to move yourself and your allies
quickly through danger. You have advantage on ability checks
related to navigating and traveling to a distant destination.
Additionally, movement across shorter distances becomes
your forte. As a bonus action, you can teleport 10 times your
proficiency bonus feet away or teleport a creature 5 times
your proficiency bonus feet to a location you can see; if the
creature you are teleporting is unwilling, they must make a
Charisma save against your spell DC to avoid being
teleported. You can use this feature a number of times per
long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Safe Haven
When you reach 10th level, you are able to find a safe haven
no matter where you go. By using a Rite and your reaction on
your turn, you can instantly return to where you started your
turn as long as you are still on the same plane of existence.
After you have returned to that starting position, your
movement drops to 0 and you have resistance to damage
until the start of your next turn.
Also at 10th level, your uses of Transporter resets after a
short or long rest.
Going The Distance
At 14th level, by expending a Rite and meditating for 10
minutes, you are able to cast either find the path, teleport, or
phase shift once. For the purposes of spellcasting, you do not
need the material components for using this feature.

Image: Pyromancer Art by Chad King via

Maven of the Rotting Voice Hypnotic Whispers
Dark words come from dark hearts, the Mavens of the At 14th level, your voice vibrates with magic. Pick one
Rotting Voice are magically enhanced orators. Whether creature that is rolling to save against a spell you cast, you
sweet or acidic, their spellbinding words carry so much may spend a use of Sixth Sense to roll a d4 and add that to
weight that they can even talk the dead into walking with the your spell save DC against that creature.
You can choose to
living. Listening to ambient spirits, burning bones, and using use this feature only before the DM determines whether the
a ouija board are regular practices within this Mavenhood. spell succeeds or fails.

Rotting Voice Spells

When choosing this Mavenhood, you gain access to spells
that help you control your foes and enlist new friends. At 1st,
3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the following
Seeker Level Maven Spell
1st charm person, dissonant whispers
3rd gentle repose, phantasmal force, suggestion
5th bestow curse, summon undead
7th charm monster, death ward
9th geas, raise dead

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this Mavenhood at 1st level, you gain
proficiency in two of the following skills: Deception,
Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion. Choose one of
these two skills, you add double your proficiency bonus to
checks you make with it. At 6th level, you can choose a
second skill that you are proficient with to add double your
proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
The Right Words
At 3rd level, you are blessed with just enough foreknowledge
to understand the right thing to say and how to act in any
social setting. Once per turn you may use one of these Right
Words. When you use this feature a number of times equal
to your proficiency bonus, you may not use this feature again
until you either finish a long rest or by spending a Rite.
Thoughtful Words Instead of using your Charisma
modifier, you may use your Intelligence modifier for a
Charisma ability check or save.
Whispered Words When casting an Enchantment,
Illusion, or Necromancy spell that has a verbal component, if
you do so, the spell doesn’t require verbal, somatic, or
material components that lack a gold cost.
Piercing Words When forcing a creature to make an
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, if they
would normally roll with advantage, instead that creature
rolls that save without advantage.
Turn of Phrase
By 10th level, you've learned to undo your gaffes and
blunders. When you cast a spell with a spell slot that fails
due to the target being immune to the effect, you may use
your reaction and a Rite to not expend that spell slot.
Additionally, once per short rest, you may use your
reaction to skillfully reshape the memories of listeners in
your immediate area, so that each creature of your choice
within 5 feet of you forgets everything you said within the
last 6 seconds.

Image: Tarmiyo from MTG via ©WOTC

Maven of the Shifting Flesh Bonus Proficiencies
Focused on enhancing and changing their own bodies. These When you choose this Mavenhood at 1st level you gain
Mavens use transformative magics to adapt to whatever proficiency in the Acrobatics and Athletics skills. Choose one
situation is thrown at them. By reading facial lines, palms, of these two skills, you add double your proficiency bonus to
irises, or even blood dripped onto paper, Mavens of the checks you make with it. At 6th level, you can choose a
Shifting Flesh read the subtle signs of the future. second skill that you are proficient with to add double your
proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
Reactive Adaptation
At 3rd level, during a time of stress, you gain a moment of
clarity, knowing just what you need to do to overcome the
challenges before you.
A number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency
bonus, by spending a Riteyou may use a reaction to being
attacked, making a saving throw, or when asked to roll an
ability check, you may use a Rite to morph your body and
hone your senses to meet the challenges before you for the
next 10 minutes.
Bending Bones If you are not wearing armor when you
activate this ability, you may choose to have your AC equal 10
+ your Intelligence modifier + either your Strength or
Dexterity modifier (your choice).
Steeled Mind Add your intelligence mod to Strength and
Dexterity ability checks and saving throws.
Hardened Shell Gain temporary hit points equal to your
seeker level, these temporary hit lasts until your adaptation
By spending a second Rite, you can cast a transmutation
spell using the appopriate spell slot. The spell must be range
of Self or Touch with a casting time of one action.
Hearty and Healthy
At 10th level, you can magically morph your body to make
yourself more resilient and impart that hardiness onto
others. When you use the 7th level seeker feature Ill Omen,
you negate all non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage taken as your body shifts to absorb the
force of the attack.
Additionally, when the target of your guidance uses the
bonus imparted by this cantrip to make a Strength or
Dexterity ability check, they gain temporary hit points equal
to the number on the d4 rolled if the target succeeds at the
Shifting Flesh Spells ability check.
When choosing this Mavenhood, you gain access to spells
that allow you to adapt your physical body. At 1st, 3rd, 5th, Shed Your Shell
7th, and 9th level you gain access to the following spells. When you reach level 14, magical transformations are
second nature, allowing you to find new ways to use them.
Seeker Level Maven Spell When you cast a transmutation spell of 1st level or above on
1st absorb elements, jump, longstrider yourself using a spell slot, you may choose to have one of the
3rd alter self, enlarge/reduce
following affects occur:
5th haste, tongues As your body changes, it repairs itself. Recover hit points
equal to twice the level of spell cast.
7th death ward, polymorph Maladies fall away as you are magically enhanced.
9th greater restoration, skill empowerment Remove a disease, poison, or the status of being blinded
or deafened.
You may immediately move 10 feet without without
provoking opportunity attacks as your body feels renewed
Also at 14th level, when you use a Sixth Sense, roll an
extra d4 when making Strength or Dexterity ability checks.

Image: Insect Plague from DNDBeyond.com, via

Seeker Spell List
Cantrips Sanctuary Intellect Fortress Telepathic Bond
Booming Blade Shield Magic Circle Teleportation Circle
Chill Touch Silent Image Major Image Temporal Shunt
Control Flames Unseen Servant Nondetection Transmute Rock
Firebolt Zephyr Strike Phantom Steed Wall of Stone
Friends Remove Curse
Frostbite 2nd Level Sending 6th Level
Green-Flame Blade Alter Self Speak with Dead Arcane Gate
Gust Arcane Lock Speak with Plants Contingency
Light Arcanist's Magic Aura Spirit Shroud Disintegrate
Lightning Lure Augury Thunder Step Find the Path
Mage Hand Beast Sense Tiny Hut Forbiddance
Mending Blindness/Deafness Tiny Servant Heroes' Feast
Message Branding Smite Tongues Move Earth
Mind Sliver Darkness Water Breathing Otherwordly Guise
Minor Illusion Darkvision Water Walk Scatter
Mold Earth Detect Thoughts Soul Cage
Prestidigitation Enhance Ability 4th Level Transport via Plants
Ray of Frost Enlarge Reduce Arcane Eye True Seeing
Resistance Find Traps Aura of Purity Wind Walk
Sacred Flame Fortune's Favor Banishment Word of Recall
Shape Water Immovable Object Control Water
Shocking Grasp Invisibility Death Ward 7th Level
Spare the Dying Knock Dimension Door Dream of the Blue Veil
Thaumaturgy Lesser Restoration Divination Etherealness
True Strike Levitate Fabricate Forcecage
Locate Animals or Plants Freedom of Movement Plane Shift
1st Level Locate Object Greater Invisibility Sequester
Absorb Elements Mind Spike Hallucinatory Terrain Simulacrum
Alarm Mind Whip Locate Creature Symbol
Animal Friendship Misty Step Private Sanctum Teleport
Bless Pass without Trace Speedy Courier Temple of the Gods
Comprehend Languages Prayer of Healing Stone Shape
Detect Evil and Good See Invisibility 8th Level
Detect Magic Silence 5th Level Antimagic Field
Detect Poison and Disease Spider Climb Commune Antipathy/Sympathy
Disguise Self Suggestion Commune with Nature Demiplane
Dissonant Whispers Wristpocket Contact Other Plane Glibness
Ensnaring Strike Control Winds Holy Aura
Entangle 3rd Level Creation Maze
Feather Fall Bestow Curse Dispel Evil and Good Mighty Fortress
Find Familiar Clairvoyance Greater Restoration Telepathy
Gift of Alacrity Counterspell Legend Lore
Guiding Bolt Create Food and Water Modify Memory 9th Level
Hunter's Mark Dispel Magic Passwall Foresight
Identify Fly Reincarnate Gate
Inflict Wounds Galder's Tower Scrying Shapechange
Longstrider Gaseous Form Seeming Time Stop
Purify Food and Drink Glyph of Warding Skill Empowerment True Polymorph
Haste Telekinesis

Image: Kamala Khan by Valerio Schiti

Optional Rule: Multiclassing
If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in
Player’s Handbook (p. 163), here’s what you need to
know if
you choose seeker as one of your classes.
Ability Score Minimum: As a multiclass character, you
must have at least an Intelligence score of 13 to take a
in this class.
Proficiencies Gained: If seeker isn’t your initial class,
here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your
level as a seeker: light armor, shields, thieves’ tools, and one
fortune telling device/set.
Extra/Destined Strike: The Destined Strike feature at
level 6 is a separate action from Extra Attack, thus cannot be
used interchangeably.
Spell Slots: Add your levels in the
seeker class to the
appropriate levels from other
classes to determine your
available spell slots.
Rites: Only spells that appear on the seeker spell list and
that are prepared may use Rites as a method of casting

Seeker Feats As a reaction, when you see a creature making an ability

Pass yourself as a prophet that the world needs, see hints of check or saving throw, decide if they will have good or ill
the future and change the outcome, let the work you put in fortune prior to the roll. Until the start of your next turn,
truly speak show the world what you can do, or find what you choose whether that creature has a d4 added to or
have been hunting for with these feats! subtracted from all ability checks and saving throws they
make. After changing fortunes twice, you cannot use this
feature again until you complete a short or long rest.
False Prophet
Your words can carry weight to those susceptible enough to Seeker's Practice
your fraudulent ways. You can even be so convincing that To be good is not good enough. You trained harder and that
fate itself twists to meet your false prophecies. practice shows.
You gain proficiency in the Deception skill. If you are You gain proficiency in a skill and the ability score
already proficient in the skill, you add double your associated with that skill increases by 1 to a maximum of
proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. 20.
You learn the cantrip thaumaturgy and can cast it without When you use the ability score chosen in the first part of
using components. this feat to make either an ability check or a saving throw
As an action, choose one creature who can hear you and you may choose to add a d4 bonus prior to making your
prophesize either good or bad fortunes. Make a Charisma roll. You may use this feature a number of times equal to
(Deception) check contested by the target's Wisdom your proficiency modifier before needing to take a long
(Insight) check. You make your roll with disadvantage if rest to recover.
the target does not understand the language you speak
your fortune in. If your check succeeds, your target is Seeker's Quarry
convinced by your words and treats the next 1 that they No matter the odds, the gentle breath of fate can guide you to
roll as a 20 if you predicted good fortunes or the next 20 that which you seek.
that they roll as a 1 if you predicted bad fortune. Whether
or not the target is convinced, once you use this feature, You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation),
you cannot use this again until you finish a short or long Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) checks
rest. made to follow or track a creature.
You learn the hunter's mark spell and can cast it without a
Oracle spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can
You see brief glimpses of what is to come and how to twist cast it in this way again. You can also cast hunter's mark
fate. using any spell slots you have.
By spending 1 minute performing a magical ceremony (as
When you finish a long rest, roll a d20 and record the if you were concentrating on a spell) name a specific
number rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving creature or object that is familiar to you. You sense the
throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you direction to your target's location, as long as that target is
can see with the foretold roll; you must choose to do so within 5 miles of you. If the creature or object you named
before the roll and must wait until the end of your next is in a different form, such as being under the effects of a
long rest to roll a new foretelling roll. polymorph spell, this ability doesn’t locate the target.

Image: Hand of the Gods: Prescience, Eksafael

Subclasses updated to add the feel of using magic to
Reading The Weave enhance one's body: Seer now Cunning Eye, Inquisitor
Each Seeker manifests their magic in a different way, now Cutting Tongue, Wayfarer now Roaming Heart.
usually specific to their specialty. Players are Tiny tweaks to skills for subclasses.
encouraged to create a manifestation that feels right
for their character. version 3.1-3.3
It is common for Mavens of the Cunning Eye to
show their third eye when using Divination
Cantrips known across class decreased by 1 to better be
in line with other full casters.
Animal noises can be heard faintly when a Maven No longer able to cast 6-9th level spells using Rites, in line
of the Bitter Heart uses cursing magic. with other casters who have additional spell casting
A warming glow that does not cast shadows can mechanisms.
be seen when a Maven of the Brightened Spirit No longer able to use spell slots to use Endure, just Rites.
heals those they care for. Added Lurking Hand and Rotting Voice subclasses.
Mavens of the Cutting Tongue might have a Changed name of Roaming Heart subclass to Roaming
glowing mouth when using a spell with just Steps, changed 3rd level ability to be able to move
verbal components. unwilling creatures, not just allies.
Lurking Hand Seekers might have fingers that Added regular methods of divination to each Mavenhood.
seem to twist with extra joints when empowering Reading the Weave ribbon added.
their weapons with smiting magic. Added version log, too meta?
Shifting constellation tattoos have been seen on
the skin of Roaming Step Seekers when they are version 3.4.0-3.4.1
journeying from one destination to another.
If you look close, the words of a Seeker of the https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/BZGWSstiDSZu
Rotting Voice can be seen faintly floating in the Updated the Rites wording to be only usable for seeker
air when they are casting Enchantment magic. spells.
Mavens of the Shifting Flesh have roiling and Added more higher level spells to the spell list.
undulating skin and joints that make one feel Added flavor and a ribbon for the 3rd level Cunning Eye.
uncomfortable, generally, when they use Changed the 14th level Cutting Tongue feature Holy Hand,
Transmutation magics. Divine Voice to be simpler and synergize with Blessed
Updated and increased uses of the 3rd level Roaming
Steps feature Transporter.
Change Log
For all versions: many small tweaks for the sake of version 4.0.0-4.0.1
keeping the theme, flavor, and usability of this class https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/AEJJNTA6VlxJ
unique and playable. For versions marked #.#.1, the Added an additional effect to the 10th level Cunning Eye
updates are almost purely grammatical or clarifications. feature.
Added the Mavenhood of the Brightened Spirit.
version 1.0
https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/jYnL3rZ9jGE0 version 4.1
version 2.0 Changed the title of the 7th level seeker feature from
https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/WV3K40p7- 'Endure' to 'Ill Omen'
K6w 4 new feats added!
Updated fluff (a ton) to be less artificer and more rogue. version 4.2
Spell progression changed from half/full caster with spell
points to full caster with spell slots. https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/bWB_TIF6QCXU
Rites progression increased to 1 per level and expanded Added Mavenhood of the Shifting Flesh.
use to class and subclass features. Design Decisions section added
An upgraded Guidance cantrip granted from Tea Leaves.
Divine Inspiration upgraded from a resource consuming
Cunning action to a limited increase to ability/saves and
unique version of Cunning Action.
Updated 18th level class feature, now called Unstoppable.
Added Inquisitor and Wayfarer subclasses.
version 3.0
Better defined and expanded Divine Inspiration.
Endure changed to use a Rite.
Subclass name changed from 'Practices' to 'Mavenhoods.'

version 4.3 This list does not include options for damaging baddies
directly, but there are some amazing combos with haste,
Art update! spirit shroud, and otherworldly guise along with the class
Rite usage changed to increase cost for 3rd and 5th level feature Destined Strike that can give your character some
spells ability to really help you be a front line fighter if you wish it.
Alright! I did it! I added some damaging spells and a few Along with this, yes you might have to drop concentration
extra damaging cantrips. during combat, but with your ability to cast spells as Rites
Divine Inspiration split into Premonition and Sixth Sense out of combat, that should help make up for the dropped
for readability and with an update to amount of uses. concentration.
Enhanced Attack is now Destined Strike and changed to
only be useable while under the effect of Sixth Sense and Destined Strike
to allow for a damaging cantrip option. Full casters get options to do two attacks in the same round
The 18th level feature Unstoppable changed to Endless through certain subclasses, think bards, hexblades,
Pursuit and 2nd effect changed to make you more bladesingers, etc. Destined Strike allows for seekers to
unstoppable. choose whether they want to cast a cantrip, whether
Mavenhood of Bitter Heart added. damaging like BB or chill touch, or a non-damaging one like
minor illusion or mold earth. It is supposed to be a limited
Design Decisions and flexible version of a 2nd attack and akin to the Cleric’s
Divine Strike. I believe that the combination of having access
Why the heck did I do the things I did? In an attempt to to spells that increase damage of strikes, like hunter’s mark
address some of the things that are coming up, I will start and spirit shroud, can allow for characters to play as a gish-
posting some thoughts: lite that has awesome utility options, a utility/support caster
that buffs and protects the party, or even be a main front line
Rites fighter with the Cutting Tongue, Lurking Hand, and Shifting
Bards get bardic inspiration, clerics get divine channeling, Flesh subclasses. Thematically, the seeker is a class that
druids get wild shape, sorcerer’s get sorcery points, wizards uses magic to enhance its own physicality, Destined Strike
get arcane recovery, Warlocks are different, we don’t talk helps reflect that.
about them here.
The seeker’s rites fill a role as a consumable resource and a special thanks to:
allow one to cast magic more often but slowly, something that
is unique to the class. This is partially thematic as well as My lovely partner! Thank you for letting me pour my covid-
useful: a class with a focus on divination prepares for what stress energy into something so damn useless! I know this
comes next with a short ritual casting of a spell that will won't help my patients directly, but the decrease to my stress
hopefully be useful. Subclasses that are heavy utilizers of is huge and your support made that possible XoXoXo!
Rites tend to have access to more quicker results and don’t Those Redditors (apologies if I skipped anyone!) who read
have as much left for slower casting spells. through the work and gave awesome feedback:
SamuraiHealer, PTSD-mimic, Thrashlock, belithioben, Nel-
Spell List Ninja, LadyMonochrome, Pennarin, Ogskive, Antisuperman,
This spell list focuses on utility, as the seeker itself is VincentIV, DeeSharkman, and kittyabbygirl.
supposed to fulfill the class role of The Expert, the one that And to the DM who contributed huge amounts of time and
can reliably crush skill tests and has an answer to non- thought into helping balance this beast!
fighting situations. With the flavor of this class, I chose to
draw from all spell lists. With each spell, I asked a few
Will this help the character move easily through the world?
Examples include misty step, passwall, tree stride
Will this help the character acquire information or lock
down a target? examples include detect magic, hunter’s
mark, ensnaring strike, and locate creature/object*
Will this directly add to the character’s ability to overcome
skill tests? Examples include enhance ability, knock, skill
Does this indirectly fall into the category of 1 or 2?
Examples are a bit more difficult but include suggestion, tiny
hut, tongues, water breathing, fabricate and disintegrate for
traversing the world; find familiar, mind spike, spirit shroud,
true sight, and maze for learning info or sequestering a
Is it utility or supportive? Examples are darkness, intellect
fortress, aura of purity
Is it a slow cast spell that feels in the realm of categories 1-
5? Examples include prayer of healing, plant growth, and
wind walk.

Created using naturalcrit.com by FriskyRisque


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