h2 Production Cost Pem Electrolysis 2019

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DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Record

Record: 19009 Date: February 3, 2020

Title: Hydrogen Production Cost From PEM Electrolysis - 2019
Originators: David Peterson, James Vickers, Dan DeSantis
Peer Reviewed by: Kathy Ayers, Monjid Hamdan, Kevin Harrison
Approved by: Katie Randolph, A Date: February 3, 2020
Eric Miller, and Sunita Satyapal a

Rigorous stakeholder-vetted technoeconomic analysis was performed to assess the cost of hydrogen
produced using state-of-the-art polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzers if manufactured at
scale. Projected high-volume, untaxed hydrogen costs can range from approximately $2/kg-H2 to $7/kg-H2
based on industry input on PEM system performance as well as on capital, operational and feedstock costs.
The total uninstalled capital cost, for example, ranged from approximately $230/kW to $600/kW for
different analysis scenarios.
Analysis Summary
The projected high-volume, untaxed cost of hydrogen production from polymer electrolyte membrane
electrolysis ranges from ~$2.16 to $7.22/kg1, based on case study results using the Hydrogen Production
Analysis model2, version 3.2018 (H2A v3.2018). Four cases were analyzed, comprising two technology
years (Projected Current [2019] and Projected Future [2035]), and two production capacities (Distributed
[1,500 kg/day] and Central [50,000 kg/day])3. The case studies assume an electrolyzer manufacturers’
annual production capacity of 700MW/yr in order to model a robust and mature production scenario. For
reference, industry’s production capacity at the time of publication is approximately 10MW/yr. The
analysis presented in this Record supersedes the 2014 H2A PEM cases studies4, and uses recent input
from, and reviews by, four independent manufacturers of PEM electrolysis systems to ensure the
relevance and accuracy of the study parameters and results.
Table 1- H2 production high-volume cost projections for the PEM Electrolysis cases.5
Low Value Baseline High Value H2 cost at
Case Study ($/kg H2) ($/kg H2) ($/kg H2) 3₵/kWhelectric
Distributed: Projected Current Case6 $2.93 $4.98 $7.22 $2.54
Projected Future Case7 $2.16 $4.48 $6.07 $1.92
Central: Projected Current Case8 $2.67 $4.83 $6.99 $2.31
Projected Future Case9 $2.16 $4.48 $6.14 $1.86

1 Costs per kg of produced hydrogen using 2016 dollars as the cost basis (i.e., reported as 2016$/kg H2)
2 H2A is a discounted cash-flow model providing transparent reporting of process design assumptions and a consistent cost
analysis methodology for H2 production at central and distributed facilities
3H2A v3.2018 PEM Electrolysis Cases published at: http://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/h2a_prod_studies.html: See Table 2 for a

summary of case input parameters

4 Record #14004, https://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/pdfs/14004_h2_production_cost_pem_electrolysis.pdf; See Supplemental

Information for further details

5 All costs reported in 2016$/kg, consistent with H2A v3.2018 methodology which utilizes data from the Energy Information

Administration (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) 2017 Report (where 2016$ is the standard cost basis)
6 For this case, the effective electricity price over the life of the plant is 7.27 ₵/kWh
7 For this case, the effective electricity price over the life of the plant is 7.87 ₵/kWh
8 For this case, the effective electricity price over the life of the plant is 7.35 ₵/kWh
9 For this case, the effective electricity price over the life of the plant is 7.91 ₵/kWh

Table 1 summarizes the cost projection results for hydrogen production (untaxed, delivery, & dispensing
not included) for the four cases. The baseline projections shown in the table capture representative system
cost and performance based on averages of the manufacturer-supplied input incorporated into the
technoeconomic analysis. Electricity prices for these baseline projections were taken from EIA AEO Reports
with averages >$0.07/kWh. The Low and High Values are included to reflect an expected cost spread (with
90% certainty) as determined by Monte Carlo multi-variable analysis. Special assessment of the system
assuming a constant electricity price of $0.03/kWh, in line with the recent development of low cost
electricity from renewable energy, is also shown in Table 1 and highlights the importance of electricity
price on electrolysis-based H2 production.

Analytical Basis
Four case studies centered on PEM-based electrolysis were performed using the H2A v3.2018 model.10 The
four cases comprise two technology years: Projected Current (2019) and Projected Future (2035); and two
production capacities: Distributed (1,500 kg H2/day) and Central (50,000 kg H2/day). Technology year is
defined as the year in which a system design and electrolyzer cell/stack performance level have been
demonstrated in the laboratory with high confidence that it can be translated to and developed into a full-
scale system able to achieve the stated performance, durability, and cost targets. Projected Current cases
reflect demonstrated state-of-the-art 2019 technology but manufactured at high production volume. This
differs from the existing commercial systems which are manufactured at significantly lower production
rates using slightly older technology. Projected Future cases use advanced electrolyzer systems that will be
technology-ready in 2035, with market entry assumed in 2040. Compared with the Projected Current
cases, the Projected Future cases incorporate expected reductions in capital cost, electricity usage, and site
preparation cost as well as increases in the stack replacement interval.

Relevant technoeconomic data and information for the cases were solicited from four independent
electrolyzer companies via questionnaire. Requested data included H2A input parameters needed for
developing the cases as well as supplemental information for the documentation and vetting of the
underlying technology assumptions. Data collected fell into five primary categories: (1) engineering system
definition; (2) capital costs; (3) operating costs; (4) variable and fixed expenses; and (5) replacement costs.

The data and information were used as inputs for the four H2A case studies. For each case study, an
engineering system performance model was developed from the baseline inputs to create a generalized
electrolyzer system engineering design consistent with the diverse industry input from electrolyzer
manufacturers. The engineering model was supplemented with a detailed ASPEN® based model including
economic analysis. The generalized electrolyzer system schematic is shown in Figure 1.

Based on the manufacturer inputs, literature review, and ASPEN design model, generalized system designs
were developed for the Projected Current baseline cases that model electrolyzers operating at 2,000
mA/cm2 with a H2 outlet pressure of 300 psi. The generalized system designs developed for the Projected
Future baseline cases were based on technologically-advanced electrolyzers operating at 3,000 mA/cm2
with a H2 outlet pressure of 700 psi. Capital costs11 for each case assume a production rate of 700 MW/yr

10 H2A is a discounted cash-flow model providing transparent reporting of process design assumptions and a consistent cost
analysis methodology for hydrogen production at central and distributed facilities. H2A addresses cost scenarios where sufficiently
high annual and cumulative volumes have been reached so that economies of scale for capital and unit costs have been achieved.
Additional information can be found at: http://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/h2a_production.html
All capital costs in this record are inclusive of markup
and were developed through a combination of questionnaire responses, quoted equipment costs, and
ASPEN model economic adviser. The ASPEN Economic Adviser projects costs for single item purchases of
equipment. To align these equipment costs with manufacturing economies of scale of PEM operation
(building enough production sites to handle a sum total of 700 MW/yr of input power), a cost reduction
formula was applied to lower cost of equipment. For equipment in which 2-5 units are purchased in
achieving the annual production rate, a 5% discount is applied to the single unit cost. For any equipment in
which more than 5 units would be purchased to achieve the annual production rate, a cost reduction
equation was used, lowering cost 10% for every 10x unit purchases. A high production rate is critical for
achieving stack and balance of plant (BoP) cost reductions necessary for electrolyzers to achieve cost-
competitiveness with other H2 generation technology. The four companies vetted the generalized inputs
and designs for all H2A baseline cases, and participated in selection of reasonable parameter limits for H2A
sensitivity analysis.

Figure 1- Generalized PEM Electrolyzer System.12

H2A v3.2018 specifies a standard outlet H2 pressure of 300 psi to allow cost comparisons across different
production technologies. Since the electrolyzer system Projected Future case outlet pressure is 700 psi, a
“credit” is applied to the H2 cost to account for the higher outlet pressure compared to the nominal H2A
value (300 psi). The credit is based on the power and capital cost of a notional compressor conducting

KO: Knock-out pot, generally used for separation of water from H2
TSA: Temperature Swing Adsorption
The rectifier-transformer equipment quote includes internal cooling equipment for heat rejection

added compression. Compressor cost was calculated based on the compressor cost equations in Hydrogen
Delivery Scenario Analysis Model13 and compressor power was calculated based on flow rate, pressure
ratio (700 psi/300 psi), and efficiency (75%). The compressor credits amounted to $0.09/kg H2 and
$0.05/kg H2 for the distributed and central cases, respectively. Using the generalized inputs and designs
vetted by manufacturers, four baseline H2A v3.2018 case studies were performed (i.e., Projected Current
Distributed, Projected Current Central, Projected Future Distributed, and Projected Future Central), to
project baseline hydrogen production costs. In addition, H2A sensitivity analysis was performed for each
case, and illustrated in tornado charts, based on the vetted parameter limits.

Baseline Input Parameters

The major parameters used to develop the four H2A v3.2018 baseline case studies are shown in Table 2 (all
other H2A input parameters not cited in the table used standard H2A v3.2018 default values14).

13 Hydrogen Delivery Scenario Analysis Model website: https://hdsam.es.anl.gov/index.php?content=hdsam

14 Default values described at: http://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/h2a_analysis.html#assumptions
Table 2 - Input parameters for H2A Production cases for PEM electrolysis (costs in 2016$).
Parameter Current Future Current Future
Distributed Distributed Central Central
1,500 kg/day 1,500 kg/day 50,000 kg/day 50,000 kg/day
Technology Year 2019 2035 2019 2035
Start-up Year 2015 2040 2015 2040
Total Uninstalled Capital (2016$/kW) $599 $379 $460 $233
Stack Capital Cost (2016$/kW) $342 $143 $342 $143
BoP CapEx (2016$/kW) $257 $236 $118 $91
Mechanical BoP Cost (2016$/kW) $136 $140 $36 $23
Electrical BoP Cost (2016$/kW) $121 $97 $82 $68
Total Electrical Usage (kWh/kg) 55.8 51.4 55.5 51.3
[% LHV] (% HHV) [59.7%] (70.6%) [64.8%] (76.6%) [60.1%] (71.0%) [65.0%] (76.8%)
Stack Electrical Usage (kWh/kg) 50.4 47.8 50.4 47.8
[% LHV] (% HHV) [66.1%] (78.2%) [69.8%] (82.4%) [66.1%] (78.2%) [69.8%] (82.4%)
BoP Electrical Usage (kWh/kg) 5.4 3.66 5.04 3.54
Stack Current Density (A/cm2) 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0
Cell Voltage (V) 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8
Electrolyzer Power Consumption
3.56 3.53 119 118
at Peak Production (MW)
Effective Electricity Price over Life of
7.27 7.87 7.35 7.91
Plant17 (2016¢/kWh)
Outlet Pressure from Electrolyzer (psi) 300 700 300 700
Installation Cost
12% 10% 12% 10%
(% of uninstalled capital cost)
Stack Replacement Interval (years) 7 10 7 10
Stack Replacement Cost Percentage
15% 15% 15% 15%
(% of installed capital cost)18
Plant Life (years) 20 20 40 40
Stack Degradation Rate (mV/khrs) 1.5 1 1.5 1
Cell Active Area (cm2) 700 700 1,500 1,500
Capacity Factor (%) 97% 97% 97% 97%

15 All capital costs in this table assume manufacturing at volumes such that economies of scale have been achieved.
Mechanical BoP costs increase slightly between the Projected Current and future cases due to increased system operating
pressure. Costs between the Distributed and Central cases decrease substantially due an assumption of increased reliability
leading to decreased number of Mechanical BoP modules and hence increased unit size with benefit from economies of scale.
17 Effective electricity price over life of plant (20 years for Distributed cases and 40 years for Central cases)
18 Stack Replacement Cost Percentage is estimated at 15% of the installed capital cost based on questionnaire responses. This cost

is meant to capture the net expense of stack replacement, inclusive of old stack residual value and installation cost.
Baseline Cost Projection Results
The hydrogen production cost breakdown for the four H2A v3.2018 PEM electrolysis baseline cases is
shown in Table 3. As shown in the table, the primary cost driver for H2 production is the electricity cost.
The system electrical efficiency increases between the Projected Current and Projected Future cases (as
seen in Table 3), while the average electricity price between the Projected Current case and Projected
Future case rises. As a result of these two changes between the cases, the overall electricity cost
contribution to the price of H2 is slightly lower for the Projected Future than the Projected Current cases in
Table 3. The cost contribution of electricity on the cost of H2 from Central production sites is slightly
higher than the cost contribution of electricity in Distributed production sites due to the longer life of the
Central plants. The electricity price during the last 20 years of the Central plants is higher than the
electricity price of the life of the Distributed plants, which raises the overall effective electricity price of the
plant over the course of its life. Overall, there is only a small cost reduction in moving from small
Distributed plants to large Central plants, and only a modest (~10%) cost reduction between Projected
Current and Projected Future plants.

Table 3- H2 production cost breakdowns in 2016$/kg H2 for PEM electrolysis baseline cases.

Current Future Current Future

Component Distributed Distributed Central Central
1,500 kg/day 1,500 kg/day 50,000 kg/day 50,000 kg/day
Capital Costs $0.55 $0.31 $0.40 $0.23
Decommissioning Costs $0.01 $0.01 $0.00 $0.00
Fixed O&M $0.35 $0.19 $0.24 $0.15
Electricity Feedstock $4.09 $4.06 $4.18 $4.15
Credit for outlet pressure>300psi $0.00 -$0.09 $0.00 -$0.05
Total H2 Production Cost19 $4.98 $4.48 $4.83 $4.48

While the above projections correspond to state-of-the-art electrolysis systems produced at 700MW/year,
existing commercial systems available for sale rationally have higher costs as they are produced with
slightly older manufacturing technology (due to the engineering design cycle) and lower rates of
production. Currently available commercial systems are approximately $800/kW-$1,500/kW with a
10MW/year production capacity. The analysis is meant to illustrate the potential cost, should these
advanced technologies be implemented in fully-functional integrated systems at full-scale production; they
should not be interpreted to represent pricing in today’s limited PEM market.

Sensitivity Analysis
Table 4 details the range of parameter values used within the H2A v3.2018 sensitivity analysis. The
parameters and the upper and lower limits of each parameter were selected by the analysis team, and are
meant to capture the potential range of parameter variation rather than to report company-sensitive
minimum and maximum values from the four participating electrolyzer manufacturers.

The summations in Table 3 may vary slightly from the Total H2 Production Cost listed due to small rounding differences between
the subcategory costs listed in the table and the actual H2A projected total costs
Three sensitivity analyses were conducted:

1) Single Variable Tornado Charts in which one parameter was varied, all others were held fixed at
the baseline case values, and the new cost was recorded (Table 4, Figure 3 and Figure 5).

2) Two Variable Contour Plots in which electricity cost and stack electrical usage were varied
within the bounded ranges and the resulting hydrogen cost plotted in a contour graph (Figure 4
and Figure 6).

3) Monte Carlo Analysis in which all Table 2 parameters were stochastically and simultaneously
varied over their full range to create a probability distribution function of potential hydrogen costs
(Table 1).

Tabular results of the Monte Carlo results appear in Table 1 as the upper and lower bounds of the
projected H2 production cost. The Monte Carlo analysis uses the same high and low parameter values as
those found in the single parameter sensitivity analysis20 (shown in Table 4), a sampling size of 10,000
iterations, and reports the middle 90% range (α = 0.90) of cost results (i.e. there is a 90% chance of H2 cost
falling between the low and high cost estimates).

Table 4- Sensitivity Analysis Results for the four PEM electrolysis cases.
Parameter Production Parameter Parameter Production
Projected Current Distributed
Low21 Cost Baseline High22 Cost
Baseline H2 Production Cost=$4.98
Value (2016$/kg H2) Value Value (2016$/kg H2)
Electricity Price ($/kWh) $0.015 $1.70 $0.0727 $0.12 $7.65
Stack Electrical Usage (kWh/kg H2) 40.3 $4.20 50.4 60.5 $5.77
Stack Cost23 ($/cm2) $1.00 $1.30 $2.20
$4.87 $5.32
[$/kW] [$263] [$342] [$579]
Electrical BoP Cost($/kW) $94.4 $4.95 $121 $282 $5.22
Mech. BoP Cost ($/(kg H2/day) $231.2 $4.95 $286 $347 $5.02
Stack Replacement Cost Percentage
10% $4.97 15% 75% $5.13
(% per 7 years)
Capacity Factor 98% $4.98 97% 40% $6.17
Stack Replacement Interval 11 $4.96 7 3 $5.13

An exception to this statement occurs in that the Capacity Factor lower bound for the Monte Carlo analysis was restricted to
85% rather than 40%, as a 40% capacity factor is unlikely to occur with a fully operational plant operating on grid electricity.
However, a 40% capacity factor is selected for the single variable sensitivity analysis as it is a practical value when considering
intermittent plant operation using low-cost renewable (wind) electricity.
21 “Low” reflects the most optimistic parameter value, resulting in a lower H production cost
22 “High” refers to the least optimistic parameter value, resulting in a higher H production cost
23 While stack cost is frequently listed in ($/kW), the various industry respondents had very different power densities. In order to

decouple stack cost from the stack operating point, the stack cost was converted to $/cm2 where cm2 is square centimeters of
stack membrane active area. To convert from $/cm2 to $/kW, the following formula can be used:
$ $ 𝑊
$ 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 ( 2 ) 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 ( 2 ) ∗ 1000 ( )
𝑐𝑚 𝑐𝑚 𝑘𝑊
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 ( )= =
𝑘𝑊 𝑘𝑊 𝐴 1𝑊
𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 ( 2 ) 𝐶𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐵𝑂𝐿 (𝑉) ∗ 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦𝐵𝑂𝐿 ( 2 ) ∗ (𝑉 ∗ 𝐴)
𝑐𝑚 𝑐𝑚

Table 4 cont. - Sensitivity Analysis Results for the four PEM electrolysis cases
Parameter Production Parameter Parameter Production
Projected Future Distributed
Low24 Cost Baseline High25 Cost
Baseline H2 Production Cost=$4.48
Value (2016$/kg H2) Value Value (2016$/kg H2)
Electricity Price ($/kWh) $0.015 $1.14 $0.0787 $0.12 $6.63
Stack Electrical Usage (kWh/kg H2) 40 $3.82 47.8 57.4 $5.26
23 2
Stack Cost ($/cm ) $0.21 $0.77 $0.90
$4.35 $4.51
[$/kW] [$38.9] [$143] [$167]
Electrical BoP Cost($/kW) $75 $4.45 $97 $226 $4.62
Mech. BoP Cost ($/(kg H2/day) $243 $4.45 $278 $365 $4.50
Stack Replacement Cost
10% $4.47 15% 75% $4.54
Percentage (% per 10 years)
Capacity Factor 98% $4.46 97% 40% $5.08
Stack Replacement Interval 15 $4.46 10 5 $4.51

Projected Current Central

Baseline H2 Production Cost=$4.83
Electricity Price ($/kWh) $0.015 $1.45 $0.0735 $0.12 $7.50
Stack Electrical Usage (kWh/kg H2) 40.3 $4.04 50.4 60.5 $5.62
Stack Cost23 ($/cm2) $1.00 $1.30 $2.20
$4.74 $5.09
[$/kW] [$263] [$342] [$579]
Electrical BoP Cost($/kW) $66 $4.81 $82 $197 $4.96
Mech. BoP Cost ($/(kg H2/day) $61 $4.81 $76 $91 $4.84
Stack Replacement Cost Percentage
10% $4.82 15% 75% $5.06
(% per 7 years)
Capacity Factor 98% $4.83 97% 40% $5.65
Stack Replacement Interval 11 $4.80 7 3 $4.94

Projected Future Central

Baseline H2 Production Cost=$4.48
Electricity Price ($/kWh) $0.015 $1.07 $0.0791 $0.12 $6.66
Stack Electrical Usage (kWh/kg H2) 40 $3.82 47.8 57.4 $5.27
Stack Cost23 ($/cm2) $0.21 $0.77 $0.90
$4.37 $4.50
[$/kW] [$38.9] [$143] [$167]
Electrical BoP Cost($/kW) $53 $4.46 $66 $158 $4.57
Mech. BoP Cost ($/(kg H2/day) $37 $4.47 $46 $55 $4.48
Stack Replacement Cost Percentage
10% $4.47 15% 75% $4.55
(% per 10 years)
Capacity Factor 98% $4.46 97% 40% $4.92
Stack Replacement Interval 15 $4.47 10 5 $4.50

24 “Low” reflects the most optimistic parameter value, resulting in a lower H2 production cost
25 “High” refers to the least optimistic parameter value, resulting in a higher H2 production cost
Cost Plots and Tornado Charts
Figure 2 plots the H2 production cost breakdown results for the four baseline cases. Vertical bars around
each of the baseline total costs reflect the 90% confidence limits of the Monte Carlo analysis.26 Since
electricity price is key driver of hydrogen cost, results are also shown for a constant electricity price of
$0.03/kWh, representative of a low-cost electricity source.

Figure 2 - PEM electrolysis H2 production cost contributions (2016$/kg) for four case studies with effective electricity
prices listed for each case. Further, a cost is listed for each case study at a reduced electricity price of $0.03/kWh.

Tornado charts based on the parameter spreads summarized in Table 4 were developed for the four cases
to examine the impact of individual parameters on hydrogen cost in a single variable sensitivity analysis.
These tornado charts, shown in Figure 3 and Figure 5, plot the projected hydrogen cost variations on the x-
axis against different single input parameters arranged along the y-axis. Specifically, the plots illustrate the
H2 production cost sensitivities to variations in: (1) average electricity price over life of plant; (2) electricity
usage; (3) stack cost; (4) stack replacement interval; (5) electrical BoP cost; (6) mechanical BoP cost; (7)
stack replacement cost percentage; and (8) capacity factor. Each tornado chart is organized from top to
bottom to represent the most to least sensitive input parameters, respectively. The colored shading
indicates either an increase (red) or a decrease (blue) in the baseline hydrogen cost from the change in
input parameter.

Important input parameters influencing hydrogen cost include the electricity usage of the electrolyzer
(which is proportional to electrolyzer net system electrical efficiency) and the capital cost of the
electrolyzer (including stack and BOP). For all four cases over the range of values and parameters
investigated, the tornado charts clearly show that the most sensitive input parameter impacting hydrogen
cost is the electricity price.

The provided contour plots (Figure 4 and Figure 6) can be used to determine the cost of H2 resulting from
various combinations of the input parameters highlighted in the single parameter sensitivity study. Two

Sensitivity studies were not run for the $0.03/kWh cases. As such, these cases do not have vertical bars displayed for bounding
contour plots are provided for each case study. One plot shows the cost relationship of H2 to electricity
price and the uninstalled system capital cost ($/kW) while the other contour plot shows the cost
relationship of H2 to electricity price and stack electrical usage (stack efficiency). The contour plots provide
a quick and efficient way to target H2 price for a system with a given electrical price.

Figure 3 - Tornado chart showing parameter sensitivities for Projected Current and Projected Future Distributed PEM
Electrolysis cases.



Figure 4 - Contour plots depicting cost variation for H2 production with changes to electrolyzer system capital cost and
electricity price and for: (A) Projected Current and (B) Projected Future Distributed PEM cases. Contour plots depicting
cost variation for H2 production with changes to stack electrical usage and electricity price for: (C) Projected Current
and (D) Projected Future Distributed PEM cases.

Figure 5 - Tornado chart showing parameter sensitivities for Projected Current and Projected Future Central PEM
Electrolysis cases.



Figure 6 - Contour plots depicting cost variation for H 2 production with changes to electrolyzer system capital cost and
electricity price for: (A) Projected Current and (B) Projected Future Central PEM cases. Contour plots depicting cost
variation for H2 production with changes to stack electrical usage and electricity price for: (C) Projected Current and
(D) Projected Future Central PEM cases.

Pathway to reduced H2 cost

In order to meet the goal of producing H2 for less than $2.00/kg H2 and to be competitive with H2
production from steam methane reforming, further cost reductions are needed.27 To expand on the
previous sensitivity studies, Figure 7 highlights a possible pathway to reduce production costs of H2 to
below $2.00/kg. Given the significant dependence of H2 cost on electricity price, a low electricity price is
the key aspect of the pathway to reduced H2 cost. With the continued decrease in electricity cost from
renewable energy sources, power purchase agreements at ≤$0.03/kWh are becoming more common. The
next step in the pathway to reducing H2 cost is to use the capital cost, stack lifetime, and improved stack
efficiency, as well as the other assumptions for the Projected Future case with an electricity price of
$0.03/kWh.28 The combination of cost reductions then predicts a H2 cost of less than $2.00/kg H2. One final
scenario examined in Figure 7 predicts the cost of H2 if the price of electricity were reduced to $0.02/kWh

Includes the $0.05/kg H2 pressure credit discussed in the Analytical Basis

while the electrolysis operation is run with an intermittent schedule that amounts to a 40% capacity factor
on the plant. In this case, the projected cost of producing H2 drops to $1.77/kg H2. This last scenario is a
good example of how the price of H2 could be reduced by using an electrical source that has a variable
pricing schedule during periods when the electricity is inexpensive. A real world example would be running
the electrolyzer from a grid supply while the local grid is underutilized.

Figure 7- Waterfall chart describing a pathway towards low cost H2 production via PEM electrolysis. The analysis
presumes a Central size facility. A Distributed facility is likely to see similar reductions in cost.

Supplemental Information
There were many changes between the previous 2014 H2A PEM case studies (Record 14004) and this
update from both the H2A model revision as well as the input parameters. Table 5 provides a summary
comparison of the differences. The change in reference year from 2007$ to 2016$ alone resulted in an
increase in the hydrogen production cost of approximately $0.85/kg H2 between the 2014 and 2019 cases.

Table 5 – Supplemental Information: Key differences between 20144 and 2019 H2A Case Studies for H2 production via PEM Electrolysis
Parameter Units Current Future
Production Scale Distributed Central Distributed Central
Case Publication 2014 Case 2019 Case 2014 Case 2019 Case 2014 Case 2019 Case 2014 Case 2019 Case
Year Study Study Study Study Study Study Study Study
H2 Production Cost $/kg H2 $5.14 $4.98 $5.12 $4.83 $4.23 $4.48 $4.20 $4.48
H2A Version29 - H2A v3.1 H2A v3.1 H2A v3.1 H2A v3.1
v3.2018 v3.2018 v3.2018 v3.2018
Assumed plant
- 2010 2015 2010 2015 2020 2040 2020 2040
startup year
Current Density A/cm2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.6 3 1.6 3
Cell Voltage V/cell 1.84 1.9 1.84 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8
Total Uninstalled
2016$ $1,053 $599 $504 $460 $1,008 $379 $448 $233
Capital Cost30
H2 Outlet Pressure psi 450 300 450 300 1,000 700 1,000 700
Compression Credit - No No No No No Yes No Yes
Stack Degradation
mV/khrs 2 1.5 2 1.5 1 1 1 1
Effective Electricity
2016₵/kWh 7.25 7.27 7.36 7.35 7.25 7.87 7.90 7.91
Electrical Efficiency kWh/kg H2 54.6 55.8 54.3 55.5 50.3 51.4 50.2 51.3

29 The change from H2A v3.1 to v3.2018 includes: Increasing the basis dollar year from 2007 to 2016, reducing the equity financing from 100% to 40%, lowering the After Tax Real IRR from 10%
to 8%, switching from a declining debt balance to a constant debt balance, specifying a 3.7% interest rate on debt, and reducing the federal tax rate from 35% to 21%
30 All 2014 capital costs and electrical efficiencies are taken from the results of the questionnaires submitted to industry experts. All 2019 capital costs and electrical efficiencies are taken from

the results of the questionnaires submitted to industry experts, as well as internal engineering design and analysis


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