Renewable Energy Technologies Cost Analysis Series - 2011

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International Renewable Energy Agency


Volume 1: Power Sector

Issue 1/5
Issue 5/5

Wind Power
Biomass for
Power Generation

June 2012
Copyright (c) IRENA 2012
Unless otherwise indicated, material in this publication may be used freely, shared or reprinted,
but acknowledgement is requested.


The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation dedicated

to renewable energy.

In accordance with its Statute, IRENA's objective is to "promote the widespread and increased
adoption and the sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy". This concerns all forms of
energy produced from renewable sources in a sustainable manner and includes bioenergy,
geothermal energy, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy.

As of May 2012, the membership of IRENA comprised 158 States and the European Union (EU), out
of which 94 States and the EU have ratified the Statute.


This paper was prepared by the IRENA Secretariat. The paper benefitted from an internal IRENA
review, as well as valuable comments and guidance from Suani Coelho (CENBIO), Margaret Mann
(NREL) and Martin Zeymer (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige).

For further information or to provide feedback, please contact Michael Taylor, IRENA Innovation
and Technology Centre, Robert-Schuman-Platz 3, 53175 Bonn, Germany; [email protected].

This working paper is available for download from

The designations employed and the presentation of materials herein do not imply the expression
of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the International Renewable Energy
Agency concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or con-
cerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The term “country” as used in this material
also refers, as appropriate, to territories or areas.
Renewable power generation can help countries meet their sustainable development goals
through provision of access to clean, secure, reliable and affordable energy.

Renewable energy has gone mainstream, accounting for the majority of capacity additions in
power generation today. Tens of gigawatts of wind, hydropower and solar photovoltaic capacity
are installed worldwide every year in a renewable energy market that is worth more than a
hundred billion USD annually. Other renewable power technology markets are also emerging.
Recent years have seen dramatic reductions in renewable energy technologies’ costs as a result
of R&D and accelerated deployment. Yet policy-makers are often not aware of the latest cost

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Member Countries have asked for better,
objective cost data for renewable energy technologies. This working paper aims to serve that
need and is part of a set of five reports on biomass, wind, hydropower, concentrating solar
power and solar pholtovoltaics that address the current costs of these key renewable power
technology options. The reports provide valuable insights into the current state of deployment,
types of technologies available and their costs and performance. The analysis is based on
a range of data sources with the objective of developing a uniform dataset that supports
comparison across technologies of different cost indicators – equipment, project and levelised
cost of electricity – and allows for technology and cost trends, as well as their variability to be

The papers are not a detailed financial analysis of project economics. However, they do provide
simple, clear metrics based on up-to-date and reliable information which can be used to
evaluate the costs and performance of different renewable power generation technologies.
These reports help to inform the current debate about renewable power generation and assist
governments and key decision makers to make informed decisions on policy and investment.

The dataset used in these papers will be augmented over time with new project cost data
collected from IRENA Member Countries. The combined data will be the basis for forthcoming
IRENA publications and toolkits to assist countries with renewable energy policy development
and planning. Therefore, we welcome your feedback on the data and analysis presented in these
papers, and we hope that they help you in your policy, planning and investment decisions.

Dolf Gielen
Director, Innovation and Technology


1.1 Different Measures of Cost and Data Limitations
1.2 Levelized Cost of Electricity Generation


2.1 Biomass Combustion Technologies
2.2 Anaerobic Digestion
2.3 Biomass Gasification Technologies



4.1. Current Installed Capacity and Generation
4.2 Future Projections of Biomass Power Generation Growth
4.3 Feedstock Market


5.1 Feedstock Prices
5.2 Biomass Power Generation Technology Costs
5.3 Operation and Maintenance Expenditure (OPEX)
5.4 Cost Reduction Potentials for Biomass-fired Electricity Generation


6.1 The LCOE of Biomass-fired Power Generation


Key findings
1. The total installed costs of biomass power generation technologies varies significantly by
technology and country. The total installed costs of stoker boilers was between USD 1 880
and USD 4 260/kW in 2010, while those of circulating fluidised bed boilers were between
USD 2 170 and USD 4 500/kW. Anaerobic digester power systems had capital costs
between USD 2 570 and USD 6 100/kW. Gasification technologies, including fixed bed
and fluidised bed solutions, had total installed capital costs of between USD 2 140 and
USD 5 700/kW. Co-firing biomass at low-levels in existing thermal plants typically requires
additional investments of USD 400 to USD 600/kW. Using landfill gas for power generation
has capital costs of between USD 1 920 and USD 2 440/kW. The cost of CHP plants is
significantly higher than for the electricity-only configuration.


investment costs LCOE range

Stoker boiler 1 880 – 4 260 0.06 – 0.21
Bubbling and circulating fluidised boilers 2 170 – 4 500 0.07 – 0.21
Fixed and fluidised bed gasifiers 2 140 – 5 700 0.07 – 0 24
Stoker CHP 3 550 – 6 820 0.07 – 0.29
Gasifier CHP 5 570 – 6 545 0.11 – 0.28
Landfill gas 1 917 – 2 436 0.09 – 0.12
Digesters 2 574 – 6 104 0.06 – 0.15
Co-firing 140 – 850 0.04 – 0.13

2. Operations and maintenance (O&M) costs can make a significant contribution to the
levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) and typically account for between 9% and 20% of the
LCOE for biomass power plants. It can be lower than this in the case co-firing and greater
for plants with extensive fuel preparation, handling and conversion needs. Fixed O&M costs
range from 2% of installed costs per year to 7% for most biomass technologies, with variable
O&M costs of around USD 0.005/kWh. Landfill gas systems have much higher fixed O&M
costs, which can be between 10% and 20% of initial capital costs per year.

3. Secure, long-term supplies of low-cost, sustainably sourced feedstocks are critical to the
economics of biomass power plants. Feedstock costs can be zero for wastes which would
otherwise have disposal costs or that are produced onsite at an industrial installation (e.g.
black liquor at pulp and paper mills or bagasse at sugar mills). Feedstock costs may be
modest where agricultural residues can be collected and transported over short distances.
However, feedstock costs can be high where significant transport distances are involved due
to the low energy density of biomass (e.g. the trade in wood chips and pellets). The analysis
in this report examines feedstock costs of between USD 10/tonne for low cost residues to
USD 160/tonne for internationally traded pellets.

List of tables
Table 2.1: Biomass feedstocks 4
Table 2.2: Thermo-chemical and bio-chemical conversion processes for biomass feedstocks 5
Table 2.3: Steam turbine types and characteristics 7
Table 2.4: Appropriate anaerobic digesters by waste or crop stream 10
Table 2.5: Operational parameters of a representative anaerobic digester using energy crops 11
Table 2.6: Advantages and disadvantages of fluidised bed gasifiers 15
Table 2.7: Examples of producer gas contaminants 16
Table 3.1: Heat content of various biomass fuels (dry basis) 17
Table 3.2: Biomass power generation technologies and feedstock requirements 20
Table 4.1: Details of fossil-fuel fired power plants co-firing with biomass in the Netherlands 23
Table 5.1: Biomass and pellet market prices, January 2011 27
Table 5.2: Biomass feedstock prices and characteristics in the United States 28
Table 5.3: Biomass feedstock costs including transport for use in Europe 30
Table 5.4: Feedstock costs for agricultural residues in Brazil and India 31
Table 5.5: Estimated equipment costs for biomass power generation technologies by study 32
Table 5.6: Fixed and variable operations and maintenance costs for biomass power 35
Table 5.7: Long-run cost reduction potential opportunities for bioenergy power generation technologies 36
Table 6.1: Assumptions for the LCOE analysis of biomass-fired power generation technologies in Figure 6.4 43

List of figures
Figure 1.1: Renewable power generation costs indicators and boundaries 1
Figure 2.1: Biomass power generation technology maturity status 6
Figure 2.2: An example of efficiency gains from CHP 8
Figure 2.3: Different biomass co-firing configurations 9
Figure 2.4: Schematic of the gasification process 12
Figure 2.5: Gasifier size by type 13
Figure 2.6: Small-scale updraft and downdraft fixed bed gasifiers 14
Figure 3.1: Impact of moisture content on the price of feedstock cost on a net energy basis 18
Figure 4.1: Global grid-connected biomass capacity in 2010 by feedstock and country/region (MW) 21
Figure 4.2: Share of global installed biomass capacity in 2010 by feedstock and country/region 22
Figure 4.3: Biomass power generation projects with secured financing/under construction (GW) 24
Figure 4.4: Projected biomass and waste installed capacity for power generation and annual investment,
2010 to 2030 24
Figure 5.1: Breakdown of biomass and waste availability by cost in the United States, 2012/2017 29
Figure 5.2: Biomass feedstock preparation and handling capital costs as a function of throughput 30
Figure 5.3: Installed capital cost ranges by biomass power generation technology 33
Figure 5.4: Capital cost breakdown for biomass power generation technologies 34
Figure 5.5: Biomass feedstock cost reduction potentiaL to 2020 in Europe 36
Figure 6.1: The LCOE framework for biomass power generation 39
Figure 6.2: LCOE ranges for biomass-fired power generation technologies 40
Figure 6.3: Share of fuel costs in the LCOE of bioenergy power generation for high and low feedstock prices 41
Figure 6.4: Breakdown of the LCOE of selected bioenergy-fired power generation technologies 42

1. introduction
R enewable energy technologies can help countries meet their policy goals for secure, reliable and
affordable energy to expand electricity access and promote development. This paper is part of a series
on the cost and performance of renewable energy technologies produced by IRENA. The goal of these papers
is to assist government decision-making and ensure that governments have access to up-to-date and reliable
information on the costs and performance of renewable energy technologies.

Without access to reliable information on the relative 1.1 DIFFERENT MEASURES OF COST
costs and benefits of renewable energy technologies, AND DATA LIMITATIONS
it is difficult, if not impossible, for governments to
arrive at an accurate assessment of which renewable Cost can be measured in a number of different ways,
energy technologies are the most appropriate for and each way of accounting for the cost of power
their particular circumstances. These papers fill a generation brings its own insights. The costs that
significant gap in information availability because can be examined include equipment costs (e.g. wind
there is a lack of accurate, comparable, reliable turbines, PV modules, solar reflectors), financing
and up-to-date data on the costs and performance costs, total installed cost, fixed and variable operating
of renewable energy technologies. There is also a and maintenance costs (O&M), fuel costs and the
significant amount of perceived knowledge about the levelised cost of energy (LCOE), if any.
cost and performance of renewable power generation
that is not accurate, or, indeed, is even misleading. The analysis of costs can be very detailed, but for
Conventions on how to calculate cost can influence comparison purposes and transparency, the approach
the outcome significantly, and it is imperative that used here is a simplified one. This allows greater
these are well-documented. scrutiny of the underlying data and assumptions,
improved transparency and confidence in the analysis,
The absence of accurate and reliable data on the cost as well as facilitating the comparison of costs by
and performance of renewable power generation country or region for the same technologies in order
technologies is therefore a significant barrier to to identify what are the key drivers in any differences.
the uptake of these technologies. Providing this
information will help governments, policy-makers, The three indicators that have been selected are:
investors and utilities make informed decisions about
the role renewables can play in their power generation » Equipment cost (factory gate FOB and
mix. This paper examines the fixed and variable delivered at site CIF);
cost components of biomass power, by country
and by region, and provides the levelised cost of » Total installed project cost, including fixed
electricity from biomass power given a number of key financing costs 2; and
assumptions. This up-to-date analysis of the costs of
generating electricity from biomass will allow a fair » The levelised cost of electricity LCOE.
comparison of biomass with other power generating
technologies.1 The analysis in this paper focuses on estimating
the cost of biomass power from the perspective of
an investor, whether it is a state-owned electricity
generation utility, an independent power producer or

1 IRENA, through its other work programmes, is also looking at the costs and benefits, as well as the macro-economic impacts, of renewable
power generation technologies. See WWW.IRENA.ORG for further details.
2 Banks or other financial institutions will often charge a fee, usually a percentage of the total funds sought, to arrange the debt financing of a
project. These costs are often reported separately under project development costs.

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 1

Site prepraration
Operation &
Grid connection maintenance
Working capital Cost of finance
auxiliary resource quality
Transport cost Capacity factor
import levels Life span

Factory gate On site

Project cost LCOE
Equipment Equipment

LCOE: Levelized Cost of Electricity

(Discounted lifetime cost divided by discounted lifetime generation)

FiGU rE 1 .1 : rEn EWaB LE POWEr GEn EraTiO n COSTS i n DiCaTOrS an D BOU n DariES

an individual or community looking to invest in small- The data used for the comparisons in this paper come
scale renewables (Figure 1.1). The analysis excludes from a variety of sources, such as business journals,
the impact of government incentives or subsidies, industry associations, consultancies, governments,
system balancing costs associated with variable auctions and tenders. Every effort has been made to
renewables and any system-wide cost-savings from ensure that these data are directly comparable and
the merit order effect. Further, the analysis does not are for the same system boundaries. Where this is not
take into account any CO2 pricing, nor the benefits the case, the data have been corrected to a common
of renewables in reducing other externalities (e.g. basis using the best available data or assumptions.
reduced local air pollution and contamination of It is planned that these data will be complemented
the natural environment). Similarly, the benefits of by detailed surveys of real world project data in
renewables being insulated from volatile fossil fuel forthcoming work by the agency.
prices have not been quantified. These issues are
important but are covered by other programmes of An important point is that although this paper tries
work at IRENA. to examine costs, strictly speaking, the data available
are actually prices, and not even true market average
It is important to include clear definitions of the prices, but price indicators. The difference between
technology categories, where this is relevant, to costs and prices is determined by the amount above,
ensure that cost comparisons are robust and provide or below, the normal profit that would be seen in a
useful insights (e.g. biomass combustion vs. biomass competitive market. The rapid growth of renewables
gasification technologies). Similarly, it is important markets from a small base means that the market for
to differentiate between the functionality and/ renewable power generation technologies is rarely
or qualities of the renewable power generation well-balanced. As a result, prices, particularly for
technologies being investigated (e.g. ability to scale- biomass feedstocks, can rise significantly above costs
up, feedstock requirements). It is important to ensure in the short-term if supply is not expanding as fast as
that system boundaries for costs are clearly set and demand, while in times of excess supply losses can
that the available data are directly comparable. Other occur and prices may be below production costs.
issues can also be important, such as cost allocation This makes analysing the cost of renewable power
rules for combined heat and power plants and grid generation technologies challenging and every effort
connection costs. is made to indicate whether costs are above or below
their long-term trend.

2 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

The cost of equipment at the factory gate is often it is not possible to robustly populate the model with
available from market surveys or from other sources. assumptions, or to differentiate assumptions based on
A key difficulty is often reconciling different sources real world data, then the “accuracy” of the approach
of data to identify why data for the same period can be misleading.
differ. The balance of capital costs in total project
costs tends to vary even more widely than power The formula used for calculating the LCOE of
generation equipment costs, as it is often based on renewable energy technologies is3:
significant local content, which depends on the cost
n It + Mt + Ft
structure of where the project is being developed. Σ t=1
Total installed costs can therefore vary significantly (1+r)t
by project, country and region, depending on a wide n Et
range of factors. Σ t=1 (1+r)t

LCOE = the average lifetime levelised cost of
1.2 LEVELISED COST OF ELECTRICITY electricity generation;
GENERATION It = investment expenditures in the year t;
Mt = operations and maintenance expenditures in
The LCOE of renewable energy technologies the year t;
varies by technology, country and project, based Ft = fuel expenditures in the year t;
on the renewable energy resource, capital and Et = electricity generation in the year t;
operating costs and the efficiency/performance of r= discount rate; and
the technology. The approach used in the analysis n= life of the system.
presented here is based on a discounted cash flow
(DCF) analysis. This method of calculating the All costs presented in this paper are real 2010 USD,
cost of renewable energy technologies is based unless otherwise stated, 3 that is to say after inflation
on discounting financial flows (annual, quarterly or has been taken into account.4 The LCOE is the price
monthly) to a common basis, taking into consideration of electricity required for a project where revenues
the time value of money. The weighted average would equal costs, including making a return on
cost of capital (WACC), often also referred to as the the capital invested equal to the discount rate. An
discount rate, is an important part of the information electricity price above this would yield a greater
required to evaluate biomass power generation return on capital while a price below it would yield a
projects and has an important impact on the LCOE. lower return on capital or even a loss.

There are many potential trade-offs to be considered As already mentioned, although different cost
when developing an LCOE modelling approach. The measures are useful in different situations, the LCOE
approach taken here is relatively simplistic, given of renewable energy technologies is a widely used
the fact that the model needs to be applied to a measure by which renewable energy technologies
wide range of technologies in different countries can be evaluated for modelling or policy development
and regions. However, this has the additional purposes. Similarly, more detailed DCF approaches,
advantage that the analysis is transparent and easy to taking into account taxation, subsidies and other
understand. In addition, more detailed LCOE analysis incentives, are used by renewable energy project
results in a significantly higher overhead in terms of developers to assess the profitability of real world
the granularity of assumptions required. This often
gives the impression of greater accuracy, but when

3 Note that for biomass CHP, a credit is allocated for the steam produced. The methodology used for allocating costs between
electricity and heat production can have an important impact on the estimated LCOE (Coelho, 1997)..
4 The 2010 USD/Euro exchange rate was 1.327 and the USD/GBP exchange rate was 1.546. All data for exchange rates and GDP
deflators were sourced from the International Monetary Fund’s databases or from the World Bank’s “World Economic Outlook”.
5 An analysis based on nominal values with specific inflation assumptions for each of the cost components is beyond the scope of
this analysis. Project developers will develop their own specific cash-flow models to identify the profitability of a project from their
Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 3
2. Biomass power
T his paper examines biomass power generation technologies but also touches on the technical and economic
characterisation of biomass resources, preparation and storage. There can be many advantages to using
biomass instead of fossil fuels for power generation, including lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy
cost savings, improved security of supply, waste management/reduction opportunities and local economic
development opportunities. However, whether these benefits are realised, and to what extent, depends critically
on the source and nature of the biomass feedstock.

In order to analyse the use of biomass for power The source and sustainability of the biomass
generation, it is important to consider three critical feedstock is critical to a biomass power generation
components of the process: project’s economics and success. There are a wide
range of biomass feedstocks and these can be split
» Biomass feedstocks: These come in a variety into whether they are urban or rural (Table 2.1).
of forms and have different properties that
impact their use for power generation. A critical issue for the biomass feedstock is its energy,
ash and moisture content, and homogeneity. These
» Biomass conversion: This is the process by will have an impact on the cost of biomass feedstock
which biomass feedstocks are transformed per unit of energy, transportation, pre-treatment
into the energy form that will be used to and storage costs, as well as the appropriateness of
generate heat and/or electricity. different conversion technologies.

» Power generation technologies: There is a Bioenergy can be converted into power through
wide range of commercially proven power thermal-chemical processes (i.e. combustion,
generation technologies available that can use gasification and pyrolysis) or bio-chemical processes
biomass as a fuel input. like anaerobic digestion. (Table 2.2).


rural Urban
Forest residues and wood waste Urban wood waste (packing crates,
pallets, etc.)
agricultural residues (corn stovers, wheat stalks, etc.) Wastewater and sewage biogas
Energy crops (grasses or trees) Landfill gas
Biogas from livestock effluent municipal solid waste
Food processing residues

4 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation


Thermo-Chemical Process
Combustion The cycle used is the conventional rankine cycle with biomass being burned (oxidised)
in a high pressure boiler to generate steam. The net power cycle efficiencies that can
be achieved are about 23% to 25%. The exhaust of the steam turbine can either be
fully condensed to produce power or used partly or fully for another useful heating
activity. in addition to the exclusive use of biomass combustion to power a steam
turbine, biomass can be co-fired with coal in a coal-fired power plant.
Direct co-firing is the process of adding a percentage of biomass to the fuel mix in
a coal-fired power plant. it can be co-fired up to 5-10% of biomass (in energy terms)
and 50-80% 6 with extensive pre-treatment of the feedstock (i.e. torrefaction) with only
minor changes in the handling equipment. For percentages above 10% or if biomass
and coal are burning separately in different boilers, known as parallel co-firing, then
changes in mills, burners and dryers are needed.

Gasification Gasification is achieved by the partial combustion of the biomass in a low oxygen
environment, leading to the release of a gaseous product (producer gas or syngas). So-
called “allothermal” or indirect gasification is also possible. The gasifier can either be
of a “fixed bed”, “fluidised bed” or “entrained flow” configuration. The resulting gas is
a mixture of carbon monoxide, water, CO 2, char, tar and hydrogen, and it can be used
in combustion engines, micro-turbines, fuel cells or gas turbines. When used in turbines
and fuel cells, higher electrical efficiencies can be achieved than those achieved in
a steam turbine. it is possible to co-fire a power plant either directly (i.e. biomass and
coal are gasified together) or indirectly (i.e. gasifying coal and biomass separately for
use in gas turbines).

Pyrolsis Pyrolsis is a subset of gasification systems. in pyrolysis, the partial combustion is

stopped at a lower temperature (450°C to 600°C), resulting in the creation of a liquid
bio-oil, as well as gaseous and solid products. The pyrolysis oil can then be used as a
fuel to generate electricity.

Bio-Chemical Process
Anaerobic Digestion anaerobic digestion is a process which takes place in almost any biological material
that is decomposing and is favored by warm, wet and airless conditions. The resulting
gas consists mainly of methane and carbon dioxide and is referred to as biogas. The
biogas can be used, after clean-up, in internal combustion engines, micro-turbines,
gas turbines, fuel cells and stirling engines or it can be upgraded to biomethane for

Sou rce: BaSed on ePrI, 2012

Power generation from biomass can be achieved with at commercial scale (e.g. gasification). There are
a wide range of feedstocks and power generation other technologies that are at an earlier stage of
technologies that may or may not include an development and are not considered in this analysis
intermediate conversion process (e.g. gasification). (Figure 2.1). In addition, different feedstocks and
In each case, the technologies available range from technologies are limited or more suited to different
commercially proven solutions with a wide range scales of application, further complicating the picture.
of technology suppliers (e.g. solid fuel combustion) The following sections discuss each of the major
through to those that are only just being deployed technology groups and their technical parameters.

6 See for example,

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 5

Biomass Gasification
anticipated Cost of Full-Scale application

Torrefied Pellet Production

Refuse-Derived &
Process-Engineered Fuels
Gasification 100% Biomass Repowering Options

Hybrid Biomass-Solar/
Geothermal Medium-Rate Cofiring

Biorefineries Incineration Stoker/FBC
Bio-Hydrogen CHP Combustion
Anaerobic Digestion
Integrated Biomass Low-Rate
Gasification – Fuel Cell Cofiring

research Development Demonstration Deployment mature Technology


FiGU rE 2.1 : BiOm aSS POWEr GEn EraTiO n TECH nOLOGy m aTU riTy STaTUS

Sou rce: ePrI, 2011

2.1 BIOMASS COMBUSTION larger plants. However, this is very project-specific

TECHNOLOGIES and pre-treatment (e.g. torrefaction) to achieve higher
energy densities can help to reduce this impact and
Direct combustion of biomass for power generation is allow larger-scale plant.
a mature, commercially available technology that can
be applied on a wide range of scales from a few MW There are two main components of a combustion–
to 100 MW or more and is the most common form of based biomass plant: 1) the biomass-fired boiler that
biomass power generation. Around the globe, over produces steam; and 2) the steam turbine, which is
90% of the biomass that is used for energy purposes then used to generate electricity.
goes through the combustion route. Feedstock
availability and costs have a strong influence on The two most common forms of boilers are stoker and
project size and economics, since with increasing fluidised bed (see Box 1). These can be fuelled entirely
scale the increased transport costs for the biomass by biomass or can be co-fired with a combination of
feedstock may outweigh economies of scale from biomass and coal or other solid fuels (EPA, 2008).

6 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

Box 1

Stoker boilers burn fuel on a grate, producing hot circulating-bed units; the fundamental difference
flue gases that are then used to produce steam. between bubbling-bed and circulating-bed boilers
The ash from the combusted fuel is removed is the fluidisation velocity (higher for circulating).
continuously by the fixed or moving grate. There Circulating fluidised bed boilers (CFB) separate
are two general types of stokers. Underfeed and capture fuel solids entrained in the high-
boilers supply both the fuel and the air from under velocity exhaust gas and return them to the bed
the grate. Overfeed boilers supply the fuel from for complete combustion. Pressurised CFB are
above the grate and the air from below. available, although atmospheric-bubbling fluidised
bed boilers are more commonly used when the
Fluidised bed boilers suspend fuels on upward fuel is biomass. They can also be a more effective
blowing jets of air during the combustion process. way to generate electricity from biomass with a
They are categorised as either atmospheric or higher moisture content than typical in a stoker
pressurised units. Atmospheric fluidised bed boiler (UNIDO, 2009).
boilers are further divided into bubbling-bed and

The steam produced in the boilers is injected into generation of electricity. There are three major types
steam turbines. These convert the heat contained in of turbines with each one having its own specific
the steam into mechanical power, which drives the characteristics (Table 2.3).

TaB LE 2.3: STE am TU rBi n E TyPES an D CHaraCTEriSTiCS

Condensing Steam Turbine Extraction Steam Turbine Backpressure Steam Turbine

These are designed to obtain This is a variation of a straight This design is mostly used when a
the maximum amount of shaft condensing turbine. it is designed constant supply of heat is required
work out of a given steam input to allow steam to be extracted to provide steam to an industrial or
in order to maximise electrical from the turbine at intermediate commercial process. Backpressure
efficiency. This is the default choice pressures in the middle part of turbines discharge steam at high
for a standalone steam electric the turbine. This is desirable for temperatures and pressures. Due
generating plant. combined heat and power systems, to the higher pressure discharge, a
as the heat and power generation backpressure turbine will produce
levels can be adjusted to the lower amounts of shaft power and
different requirements. This type have a lower electrical efficiency.
of turbine offers a high flexibility Commonly used in Brazil in the
of operation but at the expense of sugar cane industry, they are
electrical efficiency. cheaper but less flexible than
condensing and extraction steam

Sou rce: M c Hale, 201 0.

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 7

Box 2

Combined heat and power (CHP), also known as The viability of biomass CHP plants is usually
a co-generation, is the simultaneous production governed by the price of electricity and the
of electricity and heat from one source of availability and cost of the biomass feedstock.
energy. CHP systems can achieve higher overall Although many sources of biomass are available
efficiencies than the separate production of for co-generation, the greatest potential lies in the
electricity and heat when the heat produced is sugar cane and wood processing industries, as the
used by industry and/or district heating systems feedstock is readily available at low cost and the
(Figure 2.2). Biomass-fired CHP systems can process heat needs are onsite (UNIDO, 2008).
provide heat or steam for use in industry (e.g. the
pulp and paper, steel, or processing industries) or
for use for space and water heating in buildings,
directly or through a district heating network.

Conventional generation Combined heat and power

Losses (60)

Power station Losses (5)

fuel (115) Gas power
50 Combined
Efficiency: 48% heat and
215 CHP 170
– CHP –
Efficiency: 80%

Heat 80 Heat
Boiler fuel (100)

boiler Losses (20) Losses (40)

T O TA L E F F I C I E n C y 6 0 % T O TA L E F F I C I E n C y 76 , 5 %

FiGU rE 2. 2: an Ex am PLE OF EFFiCiEnCy Gai nS FrOm CH P

Sou rce: BaSed on Iea, 2008.

The co-firing of biomass with coal in large coal-fired biomass fuel content. The advantage of biomass
power plants is becoming increasingly common. co-firing is that, on average, electric efficiency in
Around 55 GW of coal-fired capacity is now co-fired co-firing plants is higher than in dedicated biomass
with biomass in North America and Europe (IEA combustion plants. The incremental investment costs
Bioenergy, 2012). In Europe, approximately 45 GW of are relatively low although they can increase the cost
thermal power generation capacity is co-fired with of a coal-fired power plant by as much as a third.
biomass with from as little as 3% to as much as 95%

8 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

2.2 ANAEROBIC DIGESTION needs to be strictly checked and usually needs
some form of pre-treatment to maximise methane
Anaerobic digestion (AD) converts biomass production and minimise the possibility of killing the
feedstocks with a relatively high moisture content into natural digestion process. Co-digestion of multiple
a biogas. Anaerobic digestion is a naturally occurring feedstocks is most commonly practised to achieve the
process and can be harnessed to provide a very best balance of biogas yield and process stability. The
effective means to treat organic materials, including two main products of AD are biogas and a residue
energy crops (although this is often at the R&D digestate, which, after appropriate treatment, can be
stage, depending on the crop), residues and wastes used as a bio-fertiliser. Biogas is primarily a mixture
from many industrial and agricultural processes and of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), as well
municipal waste streams (Table 2.4). AD is most as some other minor constituents including nitrogen,
commonly operated as a continuous process and thus ammonia (NH3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide
needs a steady supply of feedstock. The feedstock (H2S) and hydrogen.

TaB LE 2.4: aPPrOPriaTE anaErOBiC DiGESTErS By WaSTE Or CrOP STrEam

Type of Waste Liquid Waste Slurry Waste Semi-solid Waste

appropriate digester Covered lagoon digester/ Complete mix digester Plug flow digester
Upflow anaerobic sludge
blanket/Fixed Film

Description Covered lagoon or sludge Complete mix digesters Plug flow digesters are
blanket-type digesters work best with slurry used for solid manure
are used with wastes manure or wastes that or waste (generally
discharged into water. are semi-liquid (generally, when the waste’s solids
The decomposition of when the waste’s solids composition is 11% or
waste in water creates composition is less than greater). Wastes are
a naturally anaerobic 10%). These wastes are deposited in a long,
environment. deposited in a heated heated tank that is
tank and periodically typically situated below
mixed. Biogas that is ground. Biogas remains
produced remains in the in the tank until use or
tank until use or flaring flaring.

Sou rce: cenTr e for clIMaTe an d en ergy SoluTIonS, 2012.

Biogas is readily used as a fuel in power or combined MW/year. Landfill gas and digesters are proven
heat and power units and has the potential to be technologies, but they can be limited in scale by
used as a substitute for natural gas after appropriate feedstock availability. Table 2.5 provides an indication
cleaning and upgrading (IEA Bioenergy, 2011). Large- of the quantities of three different crop feeds that
scale plants using municipal solid waste (MSW), would be required to power a 500 kW electrical prime
agricultural waste and industrial organic wastes mover and its electrical and thermal output.
require between 8 000 and 9 000 tonnes of MSW/

10 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

TaB LE 2.5: OPEraTiO naL Param ETErS OF a rEPrESEnTaTivE anaErOBiC DiGESTEr USi nG En ErGy CrOPS

per year
input of maize silage (tonnes) 5 940
input of grass silage (tonnes) 2 181
input of clover silage (tonnes) 1 374
Total feedstock (tonnes) 9 495
Biogas production (million m3) 1.88
Electricity produced (mWh) 4 153
Thermal energy produced (mWh) 4 220
Own electricity consumption (mWh) 161
Own thermal energy consumption (mWh) 701
Electricity available for sale (mWh) 3 992
Thermal energy available for sale (mWh) 1 697

Sou rce: M u rPHy eT al., 201 0.

In Europe in mid-2011, Germany, with 7 090 digesters, require further R&D include improving fuel flexibility,
was the leading country for both the number and removing particulates, alkali-metals and chlorine; and
installed capacity of AD’s (Linke, 2011). The total the removal of tars and ammonia (Kurkela, 2010).
installed electrical capacity of these plants is From an economic perspective, reducing complexity
2 394 MW. Virtually all of this capacity is located and costs, and improving performance and efficiency
in the agricultural sector where maize sillage, other are required.
crops and animal slurry are used. This important
contribution is driven by a feed-in tariff in Germany There are three main types of gasification technology7:
that supports electricity generation from biogas from
AD. » Fixed bed gasifiers;

» Fluidised (circulating or bubbling)

bed gasifiers; and
TECHNOLOGIES » Entrained flow gasifiers.8

Gasifier technologies offer the possibility of However, there are a wide range of possible
converting biomass into a producer gas, which can configurations, and gasifiers can be classified
be burned in simple or combined-cycle gas turbines according to four separate characteristics:
at higher efficiencies than the combustion of biomass
to drive a steam turbine. Although gasification » Oxidation agent: This can be air, oxygen,
technologies are commercially available, more needs steam or a mixture of these gases.
to be done in terms of R&D and demonstration to
promote their widespread commercial use, as only » Heat for the process: This can be either
around 373 MWth of installed large-scale capacity direct (i.e. within the reactor vessel by the
was in use in 2010, with just two additional projects combustion process) or indirect (i.e. provided
totaling 29 MWth planned for the period to 2016 from an external source to the reactor).
(US DOE, 2010). The key technical challenges that

7 One additional option is the use of air as the reactive agent, but this yields a very low energy content gas, albeit suitable for use in boilers
or internal combustion engines.
8 Entrained flow gasifiers are not discussed in detail in this paper, as their main advantage is the possibility to work at large scales (from
100 MW to over 1 000 MW), which aren’t common for biomass-fired power generation projects.

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 11

» The pressure level: Gasification can occur at Air-based gasifiers are relatively cheap and typically
atmospheric pressure or at higher pressures. produce a hydrogen/carbon monoxide “producer gas”
with a high nitrogen content (from the air) and a low
» Reactor type: As already discussed, these can 3
energy content (5–6 MJ/m on a dry-basis). Gasifiers
be fixed bed, fluidised bed or entrained flow. using oxygen or steam as the reactive agent tend to
produce a syngas with relatively high concentrations
Gasification comprises a two-step process. The first of CO and H 2 with a much higher energy content
step, pyrolysis, is the decomposition of the biomass (9–19 MJ/m ), albeit at greater cost than an air-blown
feedstock by heat. This yields 75% to 90% volatile gasifier
materials in the form of liquids and gases, with the
remaining non-volatile products being referred to The gasification process is a predominantly
as char. The second step is the gasification process, endothermic process that requires significant
where the volatile hydrocarbons and the char are amounts of heat. The producer gas, once produced,
gasified at higher temperatures in the presence of will contain a number of contaminants, some of
the reactive agent (air, oxygen, steam or a mixture of which are undesirable, depending on the power
these gases) to produce CO and H 2 , with some CO2 , generation technology used. Tars, for example,
methane, other higher hydrocarbons and compounds can clog engine valves and accumulate on turbine
including tar and ash. These two steps are typically blades, leading to increased maintenance costs and
achieved in different zones of the reactor vessel decreased performance. Some producer gas clean-
and do not require separate equipment. A third up will therefore usually be required. After cleaning,
step is sometimes included: gas clean-up to remove the producer gas can be used as a replacement for
contaminants, such as tars or particulates. natural gas and injected in gas turbines or it can
produce liquid biofuels, such as synthetic diesel,
ethanol, gasoline or other liquid hydrocarbons via
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.

Reactive Biomass
Gas without treatment Co-
Air Low energy gas generation
Step 1: – Producer gas
Pyrolisis Cyclone filters Boilers

~500 °C
Steam Wet scrubber
or oxygen Internal
or a mixture Catalytic
engines – ICE
of air, cracking
and Step 2: Gas turbine
energy gas
oxygen Gasification Thermal – Syngas Stirling motor
Fuel cell
~1000 °C cracking

Conversion Mehanol
Reform of syngas Gasoline
Fischer-Tropsch Methane
Synthsis Ammonia

Commercial Pilot or Lab concept Near commercialisation

* note: commercial is defined as the equipment available for sale with emission and performance guarantees and
currently in commercial operation with an availability equivalent to commercial generation equipment by a party other
than the manufacturer or developer of the technology.

FiGU rE 2.4: SCH Em aTiC OF TH E GaSiFiCaTiO n PrOCESS

Sou rce: BaSed on Sadaka, 201 0; BelgIor no, 2003; an d McHale, 201 0.

12 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

One of the key characteristics of gasifiers, in addition reaction conditions (Lettner, 2007). Fixed bed updraft
to the producer gas they produce, is the size range gasifiers have fewer restrictions on their scale while
to which they are suited. Fixed bed downdraft atmospheric and pressurised fluidised bed and
gasifiers do not scale well above around 1 MWth circulating bed, and entrained flow gasifiers can
in size due to the difficulty in maintaining uniform provide large-scale gasification solutions.9

Pressurised Entrained Flow

Pressurised BFB and CFB

Atm, BFB and CFB

Updraft Fixed Bed

Downdraft Fixed Bed

10 kW 100 kW 1 mW 10 mW 100 mW 1000 mW

FiGU rE 2.5: GaSiFiEr SizE By TyPE

Sou rce: r enSfelT, 2005.

Fixed bed gasifiers remove the relatively high levels of tar and
Fixed bed gasifiers typically have a grate to support other impurities to allow electricity generation
the gasifying biomass and maintain a stationary or CHP, albeit with increased capital costs.10
reaction bed. They are relatively easy to design and Slagging problems can also arise if high-ash
operate and generally experience minimum erosion of biomass is used.
the reactor body.
» In a downdraft fixed bed gasifier, the biomass
There are three types of fixed bed designs: and the reactive agent are introduced at the
top of the reactor and the tars pass through
» In an updraft fixed bed gasifier, biomass the oxidation and charcoal reduction zones,
enters at the top of the reactor and the meaning levels of tar in the gas are much
reactive agent (i.e. air, steam and/or oxygen) lower than in updraft gasifiers. They tend to
below the grate. The producer gas, together require a homogenous feedstock to achieve
with tars and volatiles, exits from the top the best results.
while chars and ashes fall through the grate
(at the bottom). These gasifiers are often » Cross-draft fixed bed gasifiers are similar to
used for direct heating, but gas clean-up can downdraft gasifiers and are often used to

9 The entrained flow gasifier is based on even higher velocities in the reactor where the material is picked up and carried off in the airflow.
They aren’t considered here, as there principle benefits of larger scale-up make feedstock sourcing problematic. Other options provide the
scale required for biomass power generation
10 See for instance

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 13

gasify charcoal, but the reactive agent enters power around 25 000 households in more than 250
at the side, low down in the reactor vessel communities. Investment costs are low (USD 1 000 to
and parallel to the biomass movement. They USD 1 500/kW) and overall efficiencies are between
respond rapidly to load changes, are relatively 7% and 14%, but they are labour-intensive in O&M as
simple to construct and the gas produced there is significant fouling. One of the keys to their
is suitable for a number of applications. success has been the recruitment of reliable staff with
However, they are more complicated to a vested interest in the ongoing operation of the plant
operate and if a fuel high in volatiles and to ensure this regular maintenance.
tars is used, very high amounts of tar and
hydrocarbons will be present in the producer Although they do not meet OECD air pollution
gas. standards and some developing country standards
as well, they can be an important part of off-grid
Fixed bed gasifiers are the preferred solution for electricity access in rural areas. These systems
small- to medium-scale applications with thermal are being promoted by The International Finance
requirements up to 1 MWth (Klein, 2002). Updraft Corporation (IFC) and HPS in Kenya and Nigeria.
gasifiers can scale up to as much as 40 MWth . In Benin, GIZ (Germany) is promoting biomass
However, down-draft gasifiers do not scale well gasification for combined heat and power (CHP)
beyond 1 MWth . generation in decentralised settings as an economic
alternative to grid extension in remote areas of the
Biomass gasification is successfully applied in India, country.
and rice-husk gasification is a widely deployed
technology. To produce electricity, piles of rice husks The critical factors for these gasification systems
are fed into small biomass gasifiers, and the gas are the reliability of the gasifier and the cost of the
produced is used to fuel internal combustion engines. biomass supply. While feedstock may be free when
The operation’s by-product is rice-husk ash, which the first plant begins operating, prices can quickly
can be sold for use in concrete. Several equipment rise if the technology takes off and competition for
suppliers are active and one, Husk Power Systems feedstock arises. This often places a limit on the
(HPS), has installed 60 mini-power plants that potential of waste-based power generation.

Biomass Biomass
Storage Storage

Producer gas

Biomass Biomass

Producer gas


FiGU rE 2.6: Sm aLL-SCaLE U PD raFT an D DOWn D raFT FixED B ED GaSiFiErS

Sou rce: Bran dIn, eT al. 2011 .

14 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

Fluidised bed gasifiers the feedstock and the gasification process. These
There are two main types of fluidised bed gasifiers: contaminants are not usually a major problem
bubbling fluidised bed (BFB) and circulating fluidised when the gas is combusted in a boiler or an internal
bed (CFB), which can be either atmospheric or combustion engine.12 However, when used in turbines
pressurised.11 In fluidised bed gasification, the to achieve higher electric efficiencies, some form
gasification process occurs in a bed of hot inert of gas clean-up will be required to ensure the gas
materials (usually sand or alumina) suspended by an reduces contaminant concentrations to harmless
upward motion of oxygen-deprived gas. As the flow levels (Table 2.7). However, the economics of this
increases, the bed of these materials will rise and approach need to be carefully examined for each
become “fluidised”. project, as the removal of these impurities and
contaminants increases the capital (the gas clean-up
The use of inert materials in the bed increases the equipment) and operating costs.
rate of reaction of the biomass with the fluidised bed
compared to fixed bed reactors, thereby improving Different technologies have different tolerances to
performance. In addition to improved performance contaminants, so the correct design and selection of
over fixed bed systems, they can accept a wider range feedstocks, gasifier and the generating technology
of feedstocks, achieve larger scales and potentially can help minimise gas clean-up requirements.
yield a production gas with a higher energy content.
However, fluidised bed systems cost more and are A range of technologies are available to clean
significantly more complex. The main advantages and up producer gas streams. Cyclones can remove
disadvantages of fluidised bed gasifiers are presented up to 90% of larger particles at reasonable cost,
in Table 2.6. but removing smaller particles will require high-
temperature ceramic or sintered metal filters, or the
Gas clean-up use of electrostatic precipitators.
The gasification process yields a producer gas that
contains a range of contaminants, depending on

TaB LE 2.6: aDvanTaGES an D DiSaDvanTaGES OF FLUiDiSED B ED GaSiFiErS

advantages Disadvantages

Fluidised bed gasifiers BFB CFB

Creates a homogenous, good quality Complicated control needs

producer gas
Can accept a range of feedstocks Slow response to load changes
and particle sizes
Excellent heat transfer performance increased cost and complexity
through contact with bed materials
Large heat storage capacity Less efficient heat exchange than BFB
Good temperature control Temperature gradients in the reactor vessel
Fuel particle size can be an issue
High velocities can accelerate erosion

11 In BFB gasifiers, the reactive gases pass through the reactor bed at the minimum velocity required to achieve a bubbling effect where the
“bubbles” flow upwards through the bed material. At the top of the inert material, the bubbles burst and the bed material falls back into the
bed. In CFB gasifiers, the gas velocities are higher than the minimum fluidisation point, resulting in the circulation of the inert bed materials
in the gas stream. The bed particles thus exit the top of the reactor with the producer gas and must then be separated in a cyclone to be re-
circulated to the reactor.
12 This is not always the case, and some gas clean-up may be required even in these circumstances.

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 15

TaB LE 2.7: Ex am PLES OF PrOD UCEr GaS CO nTam i nanTS

Contaminants Examples Potential problem

Particles ash, char, fluid bed material Erosion in gasifier and prime mover
alkali metals Sodium and Potassium compounds Hot corrosion
nitrogen compounds nH3 and HCn Local pollutant emissions
Tars refractive aromatics Clogging of filters and other fouling
Sulphur, chlorine H 2S and HC1 Corrosion, emissions

Sou rce: WIanT, eT al. 1998.

Tars 13 are a major problem, as they can build up Pyrolysis

on turbine blades and/or foul turbine systems. Pyrolysis is a subset of the gasification system.
One solution to this problem is to “crack” the tars. Essentially, pyrolysis uses the same process as
Cracking can be either thermal or catalytic. Another gasification, but the process is limited to between
option is wet scrubbing of the gas to remove up to 300°C and 600°C. Conventional pyrolysis involves
half the tar and, when used in conjunction with a heating the original material in a reactor vessel in
venturi scrubber, can remove up to 97% of the tar. The the absence of air, typically at between 300°C and
disadvantage of simple scrubbing systems is that they 500°C, until the volatile matter has been released
cool off the biogas and create a waste stream that from the biomass. At this point, a liquid bio-oil is
has to be disposed of. However, the OLGA tar removal produced, as well as gaseous products and a solid
process is based on multiple scrubbers and effectively residue. The residue is char – more commonly known
recycles almost all of the tar to the gasifier to be as charcoal – a fuel which has about twice the energy
eliminated.14 density of the original biomass feedstock and which
burns at a much higher temperature. With more
Biomass integrated combined cycle gasification sophisticated pyrolysis techniques, the volatiles can
Biomass integrated combined cycle gasification be collected, and careful choice of the temperature at
(BIGCC), or biomass integrated gas turbine which the process takes place allows control of their
technology (BIG-GT), as it is sometimes referred to, composition. The liquid bio-oil produced has similar
has the potential to achieve much higher efficiencies properties to crude oil but is contaminated with acids
than conventional biomass-powered generation and must be treated before being used as fuel. Both
using steam cycles by creating a high quality gas in a the charcoal and the oil produced by this technology
pressurised gasifier that can be used in a combined could be used to produce electricity (although this is
cycle gas turbine. Significant R&D was conducted and not yet commercially viable) and/or heat.
pilot-scale plants were built in the late 1990s and the
early 2000s. Several demonstration plants were also
built. However, performance has not been as good as
hoped for, and the higher feedstock costs for large-
scale BIGCC and the higher capital costs due to fuel
handling and biomass gasification has resulted in a
cooling of interest.

13 Tars are the name given to the mostly poly-nuclear hydrocarbons, such as pyrene and anthracene, that form as part of the gasification
14 For a description of the process see

16 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

Biomass’ chemical composition is comprised of slurry, the solids content can be 15% or less.15 The
a generally high (but variable) moisture content, key problem with a high moisture content, even
a fibrous structure, which is comprised of lignin, when it is destined for anaerobic digestion, is that
carbohydrates or sugars and ash. Ligno-cellulose is it reduces the energy value of the feedstock. This
the botanical term used to describe biomass from increases transportation costs and the fuel cost on an
woody or fibrous plant materials. It is a combination energy basis, as more wet material is required to be
of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose polymers transported and provide the equivalent net energy
interlinked in a heterogenous matrix. The chemical content for combustion.16 Figure 3.1 presents the
composition of the biomass feedstock influences its impact of moisture content on the price per unit of
energy density. Table 3.1 presents the energy density energy (net) of a wood feedstock for a range of prices
on a dry basis of different feedstocks. Hardwoods of the wet feedstock per tonne.
tend to have higher energy densities but tend to grow
more slowly. Improving the energy density of the feedstock
helps to reduce transportation costs and can
The main characteristics that affect the quality of improve combustion efficiency. The principal means
biomass feedstock are moisture content, ash content of achieving this is through drying by natural or
and particle size, and density. accelerated means. Other options include torrefaction,
pelletising or briquetting, and conversion to charcoal.
Moisture content The trade-off is that these processes increase
The moisture of biomass can vary from 10% to 60%, feedstock prices, and the energy balance decreases
or even more in the case of some organic wastes. significantly due to the energy consumption used for
Stoker and CFB boilers can accept higher moisture the pre-treatment of the biomass. However, although
content fuel than gasifiers. In anaerobic digestion, this increases the costs per tonne of feedstock, it can
several options are available, including high solids- sometimes reduce the price of the feedstock per unit
dry, high solids-wet or low solids-wet. In the case of of energy.
a low solids-wet configuration, such as with manure

USD 160 per tonne

USD 140 per tonne

USD 120 per tonne
2010 USD / GJ

20 USD 100 per tonne

15 USD 80 per tonne

10 USD 60 per tonne

5 USD 40 per tonne

0 USD 20 per tonne

10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 %

moisture content (%)

FiGU rE 3.1 : i m PaCT OF m OiSTU rE CO nTEnT O n TH E PriCE OF FEEDSTOCK COST O n a n ET En ErGy BaSiS

15 Although virtually any organic material can be used as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion, the more putrescible (digestible) the
feedstock the higher the potential gas yield.
16 That is to say the remaining energy of the fuel after the energy required to evaporate the water contained in the feedstock.

18 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

Ash content and slagging The type of handling equipment is also determined
An important consideration for feedstocks is the by the size, shape, density, moisture content and
ash content, as ash can form deposits inside the composition of the fuel. The wrong design will have
combustion chamber and gasifier, called “slagging” an impact on the efficiency of the combustion/
and “fouling”, which can impair performance and gasification process and may cause damage to the
increase maintenance costs. Grasses, bark and field handling system.
crop residues typically have higher amounts of ash
than wood. Biogas from anaerobic digestion and landfill gas
In anaerobic digestion and landfill gas, the presence
Slagging occurs in the boiler sections that are of non-fuel substances reduces the amount of gas
directly exposed to flame irradiation. Slagging produced. The biogas is primarily methane and CO2 ,
deposits consist of an inner powdery layer followed and more methane means more energy content of
by deposits of silicate and alkali compounds. Fouling the biogas. The methane formation is influenced
deposits form in the convective parts of the boiler, by parameters like moisture content, percentage of
mainly due to condensation of volatile compounds organic matter, pH and temperature. Hence, control of
that have been vaporised in previous boiler sections these characteristics is a crucial prerequisite to having
and are loosely bonded (Masiá, 2005). a good quality gas for electricity generation.

Slagging and fouling can be minimised by keeping Overview of biomass power generation technologies
the combustion temperature low enough to prevent and biomass feedstock characteristics
the ash from fusing. Alternately, high-temperature Table 3.2 gives an overview of biomass technology,
combustion could be designed to encourage the feedstock and the requirements on particle size and
formation of clinkers (hardened ash), which could moisture content. Co-firing in coal-fired power plants
then be more easily disposed of. has the most stringent requirements for moisture
content and feedstock size if efficiency is not to be
Some types of biomass have problems with the ash degraded.
generated. This is the case for rice husks that need
special combustion systems due to the silica content
of the husks.17

Feedstock size
The size and density of the biomass is also important
because they affect the rate of heating and drying
during the process (Ciolkosz, 2010). Large particles
heat up more slowly than smaller ones, resulting in
larger particles producing more char and less tar
(Sadaka, 2010). In fixed bed gasifiers, fine-grained
and/or fluffy feedstock may cause flow problems
in the bunker section, resulting in an unacceptable
pressure drop in the reduction zone and a high
proportion of dust particles in the gas. In downdraft
gasifiers, the large pressure drop can also reduce the
gas load, resulting in low temperatures and higher tar

17 For experience in Brazil, see Hoffman et al.(undated)

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 19


Biomass Commonly Particle moisture average

conversion used size content capacity
technology fuel types requirements requirements range
(wet basis)

Stoker grate boilers Sawdust, non-stringy bark, 6 – 50 mm 10 – 50% 4 to 300 mW

shavings, end cuts, chips, hog many in 20 to
fuel, bagasse, rice husks and 50 mW range
other agricultural residues
Fluidised bed Bagasse, low alkali content < 50 mm < 60% Up to 300 mW
combustor (BFB or CFB) fuels, mostly wood residues (many at 20 to
with high moisture content, 25 mW)
other. no flour or stringy
Co-firing: pulverised Sawdust, non-stringy bark, < 6 mm < 25% Up to 1500 mW
coal boiler shavings, flour, sander dust
Co-firing: stokers, Sawdust, non-stringy bark, < 72 mm 10 – 50% Up to 300 mW
fluidised bed shavings, flour, hog fuel,
Fixed bed (updraft) Chipped wood or hog fuel, rice 6 – 100 mm < 20% 5 to 90 mWth, +
gasifier hulls, dried sewage sludge up to 12 mWe
Downdraft, moving bed Wood chips, pellets, wood < 50 mm < 15% ~ 25 – 100 kW
gasifier scrapes, nut shells
Circulating fluidised most wood and chipped 6 – 50 mm 15 – 50%
~ 5 – 10 mW
bed, dual vessel, agricultural residues but no
gasifier flour or stringy materials
anerobic digesters. animal manures & bedding, na 65% to 99.9%
food processing residues, mSW, liquid depen-
other industry organic residues ding on type
(i.e. from 0.1 to
35% solids)

Sou rce: uS ePa, 2007.

20 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

4. Global Biomass Power
market Trends
4.1 CURRENT INSTALLED CAPACITY England and Germany. Together these four countries
AND GENERATION account for 67.5% of European wood-fired biomass
power generation capacity. Landfill gas capacity is
In 2010 the global installed capacity of biomass power concentrated in England with 45% of the European
generation plants was between 54 GW and 62 GW total, while biogas capacity is concentrated in
(REN21, 2011 and Platts, 2011). The range suggests that Germany with 37% of total European capacity. In
power generation from biomass represents 1.2% of North America wood accounts for 65% of total
total global power generation capacity and provides installed capacity and landfill gas 16% (Platts, 2011).
around 1.4% to 1.5% of global electricity production In South America, Brazil is the largest producer of
(Platts, 2011 and IEA, 2011). biomass electricity as a result of the extensive use of
bagasse for co-generation in the sugar and ethanol
Europe, North America and South America account industry.
for around 85% of total installed capacity globally.
In Europe, 61% of total European installed capacity Despite the large biomass resources in developing
using solid biomass (excluding wood chips) is in and emerging economies, the relative contribution
England, Scotland and Sweden. Wood-fired biomass of biomass is small, with the majority of biomass
power capacity is concentrated in Finland, Sweden, capacity located in Europe and North America. The



16000 woodgas


landfill gas

sewage gas
liquid fuel

0 biomass





rest asia /


rest South

rest world

FiGU rE 4 .1 : GLOBaL GriD -CO n n ECTED BiOm aSS CaPaCiTy i n 201 0 By FEEDSTOCK an D COU nTry/rEGiO n (mW)

Sou rce: PlaTTS, 2011 .

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 21

rest South america 2%
rest World 2%
Woodgas 1%
Brazil 9%
Wood 44% Europe 34%
Biomass 20%

rest asia /
Oceania 10%
Producer gas

india 5%
Biomass Biomass
Bagasse 20%

China 4% Producer gas

africa 3%

Biogas 3%

Landflll gas 8% north america 30 %

Liquid fuel 3%
Sewage gas 1%

Capacity installed by feedstock Capacity installed by country

FiGU rE 4 . 2: SHarE OF GLOBaL i nSTaLLED BiOm aSS CaPaCiTy i n 201 0 By FEEDSTOCK an D COU nTry/rEGiO n

Sou rce: PlaTTS, 2011 .

combustion of bagasse is the dominant source of Table 4.1 presents examples of the co-firing of
electricity from bioenergy in non-OECD countries. biomass in coal-fired power plants in the Netherlands.
In Brazil, the combustion of bagasse from the large The level of co-firing ranges from 5% to 35% and there
sugar cane industry accounted for around 4.4 GW of is a range of technologies and feedstocks being used.
grid-connected capacity in 2010 (Figure 4.1)

Around 84% of total installed biomass power gene- 4.2 FUTURE PROJECTIONS OF BIOMASS
ration today is based on combustion with steam POWER GENERATION GROWTH
turbines for power generation, with around half of Biomass currently accounts for a significant, but
this capacity also producing heat (combined heat declining share of total renewable power generation
and power) for industry or the residential and service capacity installed worldwide, but significant growth is
sectors. expected in the next few years due to support policies
for renewable energy in Europe and North America.
The co-firing of thermal plants with biomass is In addition to the environmental and energy security
becoming increasingly common. By the end of 2011, benefits all renewables share, biomass has the
around 45 GW of thermal capacity was being co- additional advantage that is a schedulable renewable
fired with biomass to some extent in Europe. In North power generation source and can complement the
America, around 10 GW of capacity is co-firing with growth in other variable renewables. Biomass for
biomass (IEA Bioenergy, 2012 and Platts, 2011).18 CHP can also greatly improve the economics of

18 The Platts data identifies power plants with the capacity to co-fire, unfortunately no statistics are available on the amount of biomass
used in co-firing. Another source of data is the co-firing database, created by IEA Bioenergy, which can be found at

22 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

TaB LE 4 .1 : D ETaiLS OF FOSSiL-FU EL FirED POWEr PLanTS CO -Firi nG WiTH BiOm aSS i n TH E n ETH ErLan DS

Power plant Type of combustion mW Co-firing

Gelderland 13 Direct co-combustion with separate milling, 635 5%

injection of pulverised wood in the pf-lines and
simultaneous combustion
amer 8 Direct co-combustion: separate dedicated 645 20%
milling and combustion in dedicated biomass
amer 9 Direct co-firing: biomass is milled separately 600 35%
in dedicated mills and combusted in separate
amer 9 indirect co-firing : gasification in an 33 n/a
atmospheric circulating bed gasifier and co-
firing of the fuel gas in the coal-fired boiler
Borssele 12 Practice 1: direct co-firing by separate milling 403 16%
and combustion
Practice 2: direct co-firing by mixing with the
raw coal before the mills
maasvlakte 1&2 Practice 1: direct co-firing of biomass, 1040 12%
pulverised in a separate hammer mill, injection
into the pf-lines and simultaneous combustion.
Practice 2: liquid organics fired in separate oil
Willem alexandre Direct co-gasification 253 30%
maasbracht Direct co-firing of palm-oil in dedicated burners 640 15%
Sou rce: eu BIa, 2011 .

biomass power generation, particularly when there In the longer term, biomass and waste19 power
are low cost sources (e.g. residues from industry or generation could grow from 62 GW in 2010 to 270
agriculture) located next to industrial heat process GW in 2030 (BNEF, 2011). The expected annual
heat needs. Another important synergy for biomass investment to meet this growth would be between
power generation is with the biofuels industry, as the USD 21 billion and USD 35 billion (Figure 4.4). This
residues from biofuels feedstock (e.g. bagasse, corn would represent around 10% of new renewables’
stover and straw) and biofuels process residues can capacity and investment until 2030. China and Brazil
be used as raw material for co-generation systems. appear to have the largest potential: growth in Brazil
will be based on the continuing development of the
The total capacity of proposed biomass power biofuel industry and the possibilities for using the
generation projects that are either under construction resulting bagasse for electricity generation, while
or have secured financing and will be completed by in China better utilisation of the large quantities of
2013 is 10 GW. The vast majority of these projects agricultural residues and waste produced is possible.
(87%) are for combustion technologies, but plans for In Europe, Germany and the United Kingdom are likely
new biogas capacity in Germany (due to its feed-in to be the largest markets for biomass technologies,
tariff schemes for biogas) and the United States are especially co-firing. The United States and Canada
also in the pipeline (BNEF, 2011). However, when co- will be important sources of biomass feedstock,
firing plans are also considered, projects based on particularly wood chips and pellets (BNEF, 2011).
biomass combustion account for 94% of the projects
that will be built by 2013.

19 Considering biogas combustion from agriculture animal waste and landfill gas; energy from waste in solid municipal waste facilities,
including incineration and gasification; combustion of biomass pellets, either in dedicated facilities or co-firing in coal plants; and combustion
of bagasse in sugar-cane producing plants

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 23




0 Heat

Combustion Gasification Co-firing aD Landfill gas

FiGU rE 4 .3: BiOm aSS POWEr GEn EraTiO n PrOJ ECTS WiTH SECU rED Fi nanCi nG/U n D Er CO nSTrUCTiO n (GW)

Sou rce: BaSed on Bn ef, 2011

300 40

rest of World

200 Brazil
USD billion

Japan & Korea


150 20

100 China

10 Canada
5 USa

0 0 Europe

2010 2015 2020 2025 2011–15 2016–20 2021–30

Biomass and waste installed average annual investment in

capacity biomass and waste

FiGU rE 4 .4: PrOJ ECTED BiOm aSS an D WaSTE i nSTaLLED CaPaCiTy FOr POWEr GEn EraTiO n an D
an n UaL i nvESTm EnT, 201 0 TO 2030

Sou rce: BaSed on Bn ef, 2011 .

24 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

The main assumptions driving the scenario to 2030 However, a small but growing trade is emerging in
are: pellets and wood chips. The support policies for
renewable power generation in many regions will
» The abundance of forest residues and their support further growth in these markets. First used
proven exploitation in Scandinavian countries; for district and household heating, wood chips and
pellets are increasingly being used to co-fire fossil
» The supportive policy environment for fuel power plants or to displace them entirely. In the
biomass-fired power generation, for instance first nine months of 2010, the EU 27 imported 1.7
from the EU directives on the promotion of million tonnes of wood pellets, which does not include
renewable energy; intra-EU trade (Forest Energy Monitor). Currently, the
Netherlands is the largest EU importer of wood pellets
» The targets adopted by the China’s with 0.77 million tonnes (Mt) imported in 2010 (Forest
Government to incentivise waste-to-energy Energy Monitor, 2011).
capacity due to a need to dispose of
agricultural residues and waste; and The trade in wood chips is much larger than that of
pellets for the moment and tends to be more regional
» The future increase of co-firing, especially in and international. Japan is the main market for wood
Europe and North America. chips and accounted for 77% of the 19.4 million oven
dry tonnes (ODT) shipped in 2008 (Junginger, 2011).
Although data exist for the wood chip and pellets
4.3 FEEDSTOCK MARKET trade, limited data on the amount that is being burned
in co-fired coal power plants are available.
With some notable exceptions, there are few formal
price markets for biomass. The biomass market China appears as an important forest biomass
is primarily focused on the trade of wood chips importer from North America. In 2010 it imported
and pellets. However, the vast majority of biomass 29 Mt, twice that of in the previous year (14 Mt), but
feedstock is not traded, as it is used for domestic the primarily use of this biomass is for heating and
cooking, heating and lighting. In addition, the low charcoal production as co-firing and direct burning of
energy content of biomass, its bulky nature and biomass is still in the commencement stage.
the costs of handling and transporting biomass
feedstocks also tends to mean that local markets An analysis of the world market estimates that 8 Mt
often are not integrated. of pellets was traded internationally in 2008, as well
as 1.8 Mt in the United States and 1.4 Mt in Canada
The majority of the biomass used for power for a total of 11.2 Mt. Canada, the United States and
generation therefore comes from non-traded sources, Western Russia are the major exporters to Europe.
such as wastes and residues from agricultural and The largest consumers are Sweden, Denmark, the
industrial processes, forestry arisings, etc. that are Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Italy. Scenarios
consumed locally. In certain regions, this may not for development of supply and demand for power
be the case, and significant commercial markets for production until 2015 suggest that pellet demand for
biomass feedstocks may exist. However, in general, the electricity market will be approximately 8 Mt in
the local nature of feedstock sources means that 2015 although this is highly dependent on support
biomass power generation plants tend to be small in policies, logistics and the possible introduction of
scale (up to 50 MW is typical), as securing enough sustainability criteria. The British and Dutch markets
low-cost feedstock for large-scale plants once will experience the strongest expected growth
transportation is taken into account is challenging. between 2011–2015, growing to 1.5 Mt per year in the
Netherlands and 4.5 Mt per year in the UK (Junginger,

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 25

For non-traded biomass, the only costs for the depends on the ethanol and sugar markets. This
raw material are often the transport, handling and makes it difficult to negotiate long-term contracts
storage required to deliver the biomass wastes or that are designed to reduce price risk and guarantee
residues to the power plant. Some local markets security of feedstock supply that will be required to
do exist, but these are based on bilateral contracts allow access to financing. The same issues can often
and data are often not available on prices paid. For occur with other waste and residue streams, such
instance, prices in Brazil for bagasse can range from as sawdust, bark, chips, black liquor, etc. This is one
USD 7.7 to USD 26.5/tonne. The problem with low- of the reasons why many biomass power projects,
cost feedstocks that are associated with agricultural particularly for CHP, are promoted by the industry
production is that, in the case of an independent which controls the process that produces the wastes
power producer, the amount of bagasse available and residues.

26 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation


Tyical Heat value Price Price Cost structure

moisture mJ / kg (USD / GJ) (USD / tonne)
content (LHv)

Forest residues 30% – 40% 11.5 1.30 – 2.61 15 – 30 Collecting, harvesting,

chipping, loading,
transportation and
unloading. Stumpage
fee and return for profit
and risk.
Wood waste (a)
5% – 15% 19.9 0.50 – 2.51 10 – 50 Cost can vary from
zero, where there
would otherwise be
disposal costs, to quite
high, where there is an
established market for
their use in the region.
Aricultural 20% – 35% 11.35 – 11.55 1.73 – 4.33 20 – 50 Collecting, premium
residues (b) paid to farmers,
Energy crops (c)
10% – 30% 14.25 – 18.25 4.51 – 6.94 39 – 60 not disclosed.
Landfill gas 18.6 – 29.8 (d)
0.94 – 2.84 )
0.017 – 0.051 (d)
Gas collection and


(a) Sawmills, pulp and paper companies (bark, chip, sander dust, sawdust). Moisture content is often low because they have
already been through a manufacturing process. In cases where disposal is required, prices can be zero as the avoided costs
of disposal can make it worthwhile to find a productive use for the feedstock.

(b) corn stover and straw.

(c) Poplar, willow and switchgrass. disadvantages of energy crops are higher overall cost than many fossil fuels, higher-value
alternative land uses that further drive up costs.

(d) for landfill gas the heat value and price is in MJ/m3 uSd/m3.

Sou rce: BaSed on uS ePa, 2007.

This analysis for the United States is based on detailed representing the important impact that the best crop,
geographic simulations and includes supply curves for land and climate conditions can have on feedstock
the different biomass feedstocks by region. Detailed costs.
analysis of this nature helps to give policy-makers
confidence in resource availability and costs when Other important cost considerations for biomass
developing support policies for biomass. Significant feedstocks include the preparation the biomass
quantities of bioenergy feedstocks are available from requires before it can be used to fuel the power
forestry arisings and other residues while significant plant. Analysis suggests that there are significant
residues and wastes from corn production are economies of scale in biomass feedstock preparation
available at USD 55/tonne and above. Dedicated and handling (Figure 5.2). 20 The capital costs fall from
energy crop availability is strongly related to cost, around USD 29 100/tonnes/day for systems with 90

20 The fuel preparation systems analysed (receiving, processing, storage and fuel metering conveyors, meters and pneumatic transport)
were based on three separate systems: 100 tons/day, manual handling, 50% moisture content; 450 tons/day and 680 tons/day, automatic
handling, 30% moisture content; which allowed drawing a trend line of the handling costs system based on the quantity of fuel being
prepared per day (ton/day).

28 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation




Million tonnes


USD / tonne

40 44

20 55

0 66
Forest arising and

mill residues

Urban wood waste

Primary – Corn

oats and wastes

Secondary residues
and wastes

Perennial grasses – low

Perennial grasses – high

Primary – Wheat, barley,

Other energy crops – low

Other energy crops – high

Forest biomass Agricultural residues Energy crops
and residues and wastes

note: “Secondary residues and wastes” include rice field and husk residues, cotton field residues and gin trash, sugarcane
residue, orchard and vineyard prunings, wheat dust and animal manure. “other energy crops” include woody crops and
annual energy crops. energy crop data are for 2017, all other data for 2012.

FiGU rE 5.1 : B rEaKDOWn OF BiOm aSS an D WaSTE avaiLaBiLiTy By COST i n TH E U niTED STaTES, 2012/2017
Sou rce: uS doe, 2011 .

tonnes/day throughput to USD 8 700/tonnes/day for In Europe, recent analysis of four biomass sources and
systems with 800 tonnes/day. The capital costs for supply chains identified feedstock costs of between
preparation and handling can represent around 6% USD 5.2 and USD 8.2/GJ for European sourced
to 20% of total investment costs of the power plant woodchips (European Climate Foundation et al.,
for systems above 550 tonnes/day. Assuming a heat 2010). Local agricultural residues were estimated to
value of forest residue with 35% moisture content cost USD 4.8 to USD 6.0/GJ. Imported pellets from
to be 11 500 kJ/kg, the handling capital costs could North America are competitive with European wood
therefore range from a low of USD 772/GJ/day to as chips if they must be transported from Scandinavia
high as USD 2 522/GJ/day. to continental Europe. 21 These are representative
examples, and there will be significant variation in
actual feedstock costs, depending on the actual
project details. 22

21 According to the report, at present forest residues and agricultural residues are only utilised to a significant extent in Scandinavia and
Denmark respectively and there are only two pellet mills in the world with a production capacity of 500 000 tons per year or more.
22 For pellets the heat value considered was 16 900 kJ/kg and moisture content of 10%.

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 29

Capital Cost (USD / tonnes / day)






100 300 500 700 900

Biomass feedstock (tons / day)

FiGU rE 5. 2: BiOm aSS FEEDSTOCK PrEParaTiO n an D Han D Li nG CaPiTaL COSTS aS a FU nCTiO n OF TH rOUGH PUT

Sou rce: uS ePa, 2007.


Feedstock Transport Total costs

USD / GJ USD / tonne USD / GJ USD / tonne USD / GJ USD / tonne

Woodchips from local 5.2 – 8.2 60 – 94 – – 5.2 – 8.2 60 – 94

energy crops
Woodchips from 5.6 – 6.7 64 – 77 3.0 – 3.4 34 – 38 8.6 – 10.1 98 – 115
Scandinavian forest
residues to continental
Local agricultural residues 4.8 – 6.0 55 – 68 – – 4.8 – 6.0 55 – 68
imported Feedstock 3.0 – 3.7 50 – 63 – – 3 – 3.7 50-63
(from U.S. to Pelletising 3 – 3.4 50 – 56 – – 3.0 – 3.4 50-56
Europe) Total 6.0 – 7.1 100 – 119 3.4 – 3.7 56 – 63 9.3 – 10.8 157-182

Sou rce: eu roPean clIMaTe fou n daTIon eT al., 201 0.

Prices for feedstocks in developing countries are power plants with other feedstocks extremely
available but relatively limited. In the case of Brazil, challenging, except where a captive feedstock exists
the price of bagasse23 varies significantly, depending (i.e. in the pulp and paper industry). As a result, most
on the harvest period. It can range from zero to of the other bioenergy power generation projects in
USD 27/tonne 24 with the average price being around Brazil rely on black liquor and woodwaste for co-
USD 11/tonne, where a market exists. These low generation in industry with the surplus electricity sold
bagasse prices make the economics of bioenergy to the market. 25

23 Which is a residue from process and has no transportation costs if used in the same alcohol/sugar plant for electricity generation
24 1 USD = 1.80 R$

30 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

TaB LE 5.4: FEEDSTOCK COSTS FOr aGriCU LTU raL rESiD U ES i n B razi L an D i n Dia

USD / GJ Typical moisture Heat value USD / GJ USD / tonne

content (kJ/kg)
Bagasse 40% – 55% 5 600 – 8 900 1.3 – 2.3 11 – 13 (Brazil)
1.4 – 2.5 12 – 14 (india)
Woodchip 7 745 9.30 71 (Brazil)
Charcoal mill 18 840 5.31 95 (Brazil)
Rice husk 11% 12 960 … 22 – 30 (india)
Sou rce: rodrIgu eS, 2009; an d u n fccc, 2011 .

In India, the price for bagasse is around USD 12 For landfill gas, the cost of the feedstock is simply
to USD 14/tonne, and the price of rice husks is the amortised cost of the investment in the gas
around USD 22/tonne (UNFCCC, 2011). The biomass collection system. However, the economics of these
resources are multiple as rice straw, rice husks, projects can be greatly enhanced if credits for the
bagasse, wood waste, wood, wild bushes and paper avoided methane emissions are available. The United
mill waste26. In India, small-scale gasifier systems for States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
off-grid, mini-grid and grid-connected applications Landfill Methane Outreach Program undertook an
are relatively successful and as much as 28 MW were economic assessment for 3 MW landfill gas electricity
installed by mid-2008 in industry and up to 80 MW in project using an internal combustion engine (ICE).
rural systems (Winrock International, 2008). The costs related to gas collection and flare are
around USD 0.9 to USD 2.8/GJ. Biogas has relatively
Anaerobic digestion biogas systems typically low energy content (from 18–29 MJ/m3) and hence
take advantage of existing waste streams, such as significant volumes are required to produce a useful
sewage and animal effluent, but it is possible to biogas output. The efficiency can be improved by
supplement this with energy crops. They are therefore finding customers for the heat produced; in Germany,
well-suited to rural electrification programmes. In Denmark and Austria, it is becoming popular to use
developed countries, costs tend to be higher and digesters for heat and power (Mott MacDonald, 2011).
significant economies of scale are required compared
to developing countries to make biogas systems
economic. 27 In the United States, AD systems to 5.2 BIOMASS POWER GENERATION
produce biogas were identified as interesting options TECHNOLOGY COSTS
for dairy farms with 500 cows or more, pig farms
with at least 2 000 pigs and where the manure The cost and efficiency of biomass power generation
management system collects and stores manure in equipment varies significantly by technology.
liquid, slurry or semi-solid form. Equipment costs for an individual technology type
can also vary, depending on the region but also
depending on the nature of the feedstock and how
much feedstock preparation and handling is done on-

25 A study that looked at the economic feasibility of a small CHP plant identified woodchip and charcoal mill prices of USD 9/GJ and
USD 5.3/GJ if these were to be bought from the forestry and charcoal industries (Rodrigues, 2009)
26 According to Shukala, Nearly 55 MW of grid connected biomass power capacity is commissioned and another 90 MW capacity is under
construction. There are estimates of 350 million tons of agricultural and agro-industrial residues produced annually in India.
27 An additional complication is that systems in hot climates will have faster reaction rates, improving the “efficiency” of the process.

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 31




2010 USD / kW







Stoker CHP

Gasifier CHP



FiGU rE 5.3: i nSTaLLED CaPiTaL COST ranGES By BiOm aSS POWEr GEn EraTiO n TECH nOLOGy

The total investment cost – capital expenditure includes any in-line elements, such as particulate
(CAPEX) – consists of the equipment (prime matter, filters etc. As can be seen, the prime mover,
mover and fuel conversion system), fuel handling feedstock conversion technology and feedstock
and preparation machinery, engineering and preparation and handling machinery account for
construction costs, and planning (Figure 5.3). It can between 62% and 77% of the capital costs for the
also include grid connection, roads and any kind biomass power generation technologies presented.
of new infrastructure or improvements to existing
infrastructure required for the project. Different The total installed cost range, including all balance
projects will have different requirements for each of of plant equipment (e.g. electrical, fuel handling, civil
these components with infrastructure requirements/ works), as well as owners costs including consultancy,
improvements in particular being very project- design and working capital is presented in Figure 5.3.
The contribution of the prime mover to the total
Figure 5.4 presents a breakdown of the typical cost costs is very low and ranges from 5% to 15% (Mott
structure of different biomass power generation MacDonald, 2011). The converter system (e.g. stoker
technologies28. The feedstock conversion system boiler, gasifier) usually accounts for the largest
comprises boilers (stoker, CFB, BFB, etc.), gasifiers share of capital costs, although fuel handling and
and anaerobic digesters with a gas collection system, preparation is also an important contributor to total
as well as the gas cleaning systems for gasifiers and costs (Figure 5.4).
gas treatment systems for AD systems. The prime
mover is the power generation technology and

28 Transmission lines, road and any kind of infrastructure are not being considered in the costs breakdown as they are site/location specific

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 33



Prime mover
Converter system

60% Electrical/
balance of plant

40% Fuel handling/


20% Civils

0% design
Food waste



Energy Crops

Gasifier iC

Stoker (wood)

(waste wood)
note: “electrical/balance of the plant” includes grid connection and control and monitoring systems, but not any cost for
extending transmission lines. ad = anaerobic digester and Ic = Internal combustion.


Sou rce: MoTT Macdonald, 2011 .

For co-combustion, the costs quoted are incremental 5.3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE
costs only. These will raise the installed cost of a EXPENDITURE (OPEX)
new coal-fired power plant from around USD 2 000
to USD 2 500/kW to USD 2 100 to USD 3 100/ Operation and maintenance (O&M) refers to the fixed
kW, depending on the configuration. Another and variable costs associated with the operation of
consideration is that high co-combustion rates will biomass-fired power generation plants. Fixed O&M
also start to significantly reduce the capacity of the costs can be expressed as a percentage of capital
coal-fired plant with a consequent impact on the costs. For biomass power plants, they typically range
LCOE. from 1% to 6% of the initial CAPEX per year (Table
5.6). Fixed O&M costs consist of labour, scheduled
In developing countries, some small-scale manure maintenance, routine component/equipment
and wastewater systems associated with electricity replacement (for boilers, gasifiers, feedstock handling
generation have been installed under Clean equipment, etc.), insurance, etc. The larger the
Development Mechanism projects – 42 manure and 82 plant, the lower the specific (per kW) fixed O&M
wastewater projects – most of them with capacities costs, because of the impact of economies of scale,
between 1 MW and3 MW and investments between particularly for the labour required. Variable O&M
USD 500 and USD 5 000/kW. costs depend on the output of the system and are
usually expressed as a value per unit of output
(USD/kWh). They include non-biomass fuels costs,
ash disposal, unplanned maintenance, equipment
replacement and incremental servicing costs. The

34 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

TaB LE 5.6: FixED an D variaB LE OPEraTiO nS an D m ai nTEnanCE COSTS FOr BiOm aSS POWEr

Technology Fixed O&m (% of installed cost) variable O&m (USD / mWh)

Stokers / BFB / CFC boilers 3.2 – 4.2 3.8 – 4.7
Gasifier 3 3.7
AD systems 2.1 – 3.2 4.2
2.3 – 7
LFG 11 – 20 n.a.
Sou rceS: uS doa, 2007; uS ePa, 2009; an d MoTT Macdonald, 2011 .

data available will often combine fixed and variable oxygen as a reactive agent, gas clean-up and gas
O&M costs into one number so a breakdown between turbines to scale-up this technology to larger power
fixed and variable O&M costs is often not available. plants still requires more demonstration, especially
because it requires expensive gas clean-up, which is
Care should be taken in comparing the O&M costs currently the main focus of gasification technology
of gasifiers with other bioenergy power generation improvements. In anaerobic systems (AD), the main
technologies since gasifiers have less commercial technological development needed is linked to the
experience and are not as mature as the other digesters (as better control of the process: enzymes,
solutions. pH, temperature) and the clean-up of the biogas
before combustion.

The main question regarding the viability of biomass

power plants lies in the development of a reliable
FOR BIOMASS-FIRED ELECTRICITY feedstock supply chain, especially because long-term
GENERATION feedstock agreements are essential for financing any
biomass project. Predicting biomass cost reduction
Analysing the potential for cost reductions in biomass potentials is challenging because many factors are
power generation equipment is complicated by the involved, such as the local supply chain, resource
range of technologies available, from the mature to potential, land availability, competitive industrial uses
those still at the pilot or R&D stage, and by the often (e.g. biochemical), risks of deforestation, sustainability
significant variations in local technology solutions. criteria, etc.
However, some analysis has examined potential cost
reductions in the future. Research into cost saving processes is currently
underway. For example, it has been shown that
There is currently little discussion about learning denser fuel pellets can offer LCOE savings, but the
curves for biomass power generation. This is in part drawback is that often the pelletisation process
due to the range of technologies available and to their results in significant feedstock loss and increased
different states of commercialisation but also due to a cost. At the same time, the storage and transportation
lack of authoritative time series cost data. costs of denser pellets are significantly lower than
other densification options, such as baling. Efforts
Combustion technologies are well-established and to integrate biomass with traditional agriculture,
are generally bankable if the project economics for example through the use of crop rotation and
are solid. Gasification with low gas energy content agricultural intensification, may lead to yield increases
and internal combustion engines are an established and price reductions. Sustainable harvesting
niche technology in India, but shifting from these techniques, such as one-pass harvesting, can reduce
simple gasifiers to ones with greater efficiency, using harvest site fuel consumption significantly. Further,

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 35

Wood chips Wood chips from Local Imported pellets
from local Scandinavian agricultural from South-East US
energy crops forest residues residues

– 20%
– 2%
8–10 8–10
2010 USD / GJ


5–8 Feed-
– 20% Feed- stock
4–7 stock 5–6
– 25%

Feed- Feed-
stock stock Long-
range range
trans- trans-
port port

Current 2020 Current 2020 Current 2020 Current 2020


Sou rce: eu roPean clIMaTe fou n daTIon eT al., 201 0

TaB LE 5.7: LO nG-rU n COST rED UCTiO n POTEnTiaL OPPOrTU niTiES FOr BiOEn ErGy POWEr GEn EraTiO n

Cost reduction potential

Consultancy/design limited
Civils small
Fuel handling and preparation significant especially for CFB and BFB
Electrical and balance of the plant small
Converter system medium
Prime mover small

36 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

6. Levelised Cost of
Electricity from Biomass
T he boundary of analysis and the key assumptions are presented in Figure 6.1. The critical assumptions
required to derive the LCOE from biomass-fired power generation systems are:

» equipment costs and other initial capital

costs; The economic life of biomass plants is assumed to be
20 to 25 years. Minor equipment refurbishment and
» discount rate; replacement is included in O&M costs.

» economic life; The range of feedstock costs is assumed to be from

USD 10/tonne for local waste feedstocks (around
» feedstock costs; USD 1/GJ) to USD 160/tonne (around USD 9/GJ) for
pellets (with transportation included in the case of
» O&M costs; and pellets). A typical moisture content on a lower heating
value basis was assumed for each feedstock type in
» efficiency. order to calculate feedstock consumption.
Ash disposal costs are assumed to be USD 132/tonne,
For the analysis of biomass-fired power generation, for an average 1% of feedstock throughput by weight
certain exceptions have been made to what might be (Obernberger). 30
considered a standard approach. They are that:
Biomass-fired power plants are assumed to operate
» The CAPEX costs do not include grid at an 85% capacity factor although the generation of
connection, distribution systems and a specific power plant will depend on its design and
transmission line costs if required. These costs feedstock availability, quality and cost over the year.
are very project-specific and cannot be easily Power plants designed to take advantage of low-cost
generalised. agricultural residues may experience periods where
insufficient feedstock is available or periods where
» O&M does not include insurance or grid the necessary transportation costs to get similar or
charges. equivalent feedstocks from other markets are too
Key assumptions
The discount rate used to represent the average The assumed net electrical efficiency, after
cost of capital for bioenergy power generation is accounting for feedstock handling) of the prime
assumed to be 10%. The LCOE of a bioenergy plant is mover is assumed to average 35% and varies between
generally sensitive to the discount rate used; however, 31% for wood gasifiers and a high of 36% for stoker/
it is generally less sensitive to the discount rate than CFC/BFB and AD systems (Mott MacDonald, 2011).
wind, hydropower and solar due to the impact of the BIGCC systems should achieve higher efficiencies
bioenergy fuel costs. than this but will require higher capital costs.

30 This was a simplifying assumption, as ash levels vary significantly depending on the feedstock type and conversion process used. Ash disposal costs also vary significantly
by region, depending on the qualities of the ash and whether there is a local market for ash or not.

38 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

auxiliary Costs Equipment Costs

(Overnight Costs)

Construction time – 2 years

investment Costs

Efficiency (Heat rate)

O&m Costs LCOE Feedstock Costs

and loses 7%
ash disposal 1% Capacity factor 85%
For combusion
& gasification

Lifetime 20 years Discount rate 10%

non local

Transport Costs
3% – 5%

FiGU rE 6.1 : TH E LCOE Fram EWOrK FOr BiOm aSS POWEr GEn EraTiO n

To account for the value of the heat from biomass- 6.1 THE LCOE OF BIOMASS-FIRED
fired CHP, the IEA’s methodology was used. 31 POWER GENERATION
This assumes a credit for heat based on IPCCC
assumptions and ranges from between USD 10 and The range of biomass-fired power generation
45/MWhth . 32 technologies and feedstock costs result in a
large range for the LCOE of biomass-fired power
The capital cost assumptions for different biomass- generation. Even for individual technologies, the
fired power generation technologies are summarised range can be wide as different configurations,
in Figure 5.3. They range from as little as USD 1 325/ feedstocks, fuel handling and, in the case of
kW for stoker boiler systems to almost USD 7 000/ gasification, gas clean-up requirements can lead to
kW for stoker CHP. very different installed costs and efficiencies for a
“single” technology.

31 See IEA, 2010 for further details.

32 Although not discussed in detail here, CHP plants with their high capital costs represent a niche power generation application. This is
due to the fact they require high load factors and a nearby heat demand to make them economic. Industrial process needs are the perfect
match, as they are large and generally stable loads. However, for district heating, sizing CHP to meet more than the year round base load
demand (typically water heating) can be a challenging economic proposition as low load factors significantly increase annual energy costs
compared to simply using boilers to meet space heating demands.

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 39


assumes a 10% cost of capital
2010 USD / kWh







Stoker CHP

Gasifier CHP



FiGU rE 6. 2: LCOE ranGES FOr BiOm aSS-FirED POWEr GEn EraTiO n TECH n OLOGiES

Figure 6.2 summarises the range of costs that is facilities are available to keep feedstock and capital
possible for the core biomass power generation costs low. The development of competitive supply
technologies when the low and high estimates of chains for feedstocks is therefore very important
investment costs (Table 5.8) and feedstock costs are in making bioenergy-fired power generation
examined. 33 Assuming a cost of capital of 10%, the competitive.
LCOE of biomass-fired electricity generation ranges
from a low of USD 0.06/kWh to a high of USD 0.29/ When low-cost stoker boilers are available and fuel
kWh. costs are low (e.g. agricultural, forestry, pulp and
paper residues), stoker boilers producing steam to
Where capital costs are low and low-cost feedstocks power a steam turbine offer competitive electricity
are available, bioenergy can provide competitively at as low as USD 0.062/kWh. However, where
priced, dispatchable electricity generation with an capital costs are high and only imported pellets are
LCOE as low as around USD 0.06/kWh. However, available to fire the boiler, the LCOE can be as high as
with higher capital costs and more expensive fuel USD 0.21/kWh. Combustion in BFB and CFB boilers
costs, power generation from bioenergy is not likely has a slightly higher LCOE range than stoker boilers
to be able to compete with incumbent technologies due to their higher capital costs.
without support policies in place. Many of the low-
cost opportunities to develop bioenergy-fired power The LCOE range for gasifiers is very wide, in part
plants will therefore be in taking advantage of forestry due to the range of feedstock costs, but also due to
or agricultural residues and wastes (e.g.from the pulp the fact that fixed bed gasifiers are a more proven
and paper, forestry, food and agricultural industries) technology that is cheaper than CFB or BFB gasifiers.
where low-cost feedstocks and sometimes handling The LCOE for gasifiers ranges from USD 0.065/kWh

33 For CHP technologies, the value of the heat produced is fixed at USD 15/MWhth.

40 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation













Stoker CHP

Gasifier CHP



for a fixed bed gasifier with low-cost bioenergy fuel Landfill gas, anaerobic digesters and co-firing have
to USD 0.24/kWh for a small-scale gasifier with an narrower cost ranges. For landfill gas, this is because
internal combustion engine as the prime mover (600 of the narrow capital cost range and the fact that this
kW) that would be suitable for off-grid applications also determines the fuel cost. For anaerobic digestion,
or mini-grids. However, although this is expensive the capital cost range is relatively narrow, but the
compared to grid-scale options, it is more competitive feedstock can vary from free for manure or sewage
than a diesel-fired solution. up to USD 40/tonne for energy crops for digestion.
For co-firing, the incremental LCOE cost is as low
CHP systems are substantially more expensive than USD 0.044 and USD 0.13/kWh. 34
an equivalent electricity-only generating system.
However, they have higher overall efficiencies, and the The share of fuel costs in the LCOE
sale or opportunity value of heat produced can make of biomass-fired power
CHP very attractive, particularly in the agricultural, Figure 6.3 presents the impact of the high and low
forestry and pulp and paper industries; where low- ranges for the feedstock costs on their share of the
cost feedstocks and process heat needs are located LCOE. Excluding co-firing, which is a special case,
together. The LCOE of stoker CHP systems ranges feedstock costs typically account for between 20%
from USD 0.072 to USD 0.29/kWh, including the and 50% of the LCOE of power generation only
impact of the credit for heat production. Gasifier options. The range is significantly wider for gasifier-
CHP systems have a higher but narrower range from based CHP projects, where the feedstock cost can
USD 0.12 to USD 0.28/kWh due to the higher capital account for as little as 14% of the LCOE but up to 85%
costs. in the case of using imported wood chips.

34 Analysis of the average LCOE of the power plant with and without biomass co-firing is another way of comparing the overall value of co-firing.

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 41




2010 USD / kWh



Heat revenue

–0.05 Feedstock


–0.15 Total
Stkr 50 mW, Fr

Stkr 40 mW, Bgss

CFB 20 mW, Pellets

BFB 40 mW, Ecrops local

Stkr 20 mW, ar local

Gsfr 50 mW, Wchip

Gsfr 4mW, Wchip

LFG 5 mW

Digestor 1 mW

Digestor 1 mW

Digestor 1 mW

Stker CHP 5 mW, EC local

Stkr CHP 25 mW, ar local

Gsfr CHP 600 kW, Wchip local

Co-firing, Wchip

Co-firing, Pellets


Breakdown of the LCOE of biomass-fired power technology. Table 6.1 presents the assumptions for
generation equipment, feedstock and installed capital costs for
Figure 6.4 illustrates the impact of the different each of the chosen examples presented in Figure 6.4.
cost components on the LCOE of a range of specific
bioenergy power generation technologies and Assuming a 10% discount rate, results in the LCOE
feedstock cost assumptions. 35 These have been of stoker boilers varying from a low of USD 0.062/
selected as examples and are not necessarily kWh to a high of USD 0.21/kWh. A stoker boiler using
indicative of typical or average costs for each forest residues has an LCOE of USD 0.14/kWh with

35 These are indicative examples and are not meant to be average or median values for the ranges presented in Figure 6.2. They are designed to give an indication of the
relative importance of the various components that make up the LCOE of a biomass power plant.

42 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

TaBLE 6.1 : aSSU m PTiOnS FOr TH E LCOE anaLySiS OF BiOmaSS-FirED POWEr GEn EraTiOn TECH nOLOGiES in FiGU rE 6.4

Equipement type Feedstock type and Total investment costs

cost (2010 USD/tonne) (2010 USD/kW)
Case 1 Stoker, 50 mW Forest residues @ 25/tonne 4 264
Case 2 Stoker boiler, 40 mW Bagasse @ 11/tonne 3 280
Case 3 CFB boiler, 20 mW Pellets @ 110/tonne 3 118
Case 4 BFB boiler, 40 mW Energy crop @ 50/tonne 4 400
Case 5 Stoker boiler, 20 mW agricultural residue local @ 50/tonne 2 296
Case 6 Gasifier GT, 50 mW Woodchip local @ 80/tonne 5 255
Case 7 Gasifier iCE, 4mW Woodchip EC local @ 60/tonne 2 470
Case 8 LFG iCE, 5mW Biogas @ 0.030/tonne 2 460
Case 9 Digester, CT 1mW Biogas @ zero 3 580
Case 10 Digester iCE, 1 mW manure slurry @ zero 5 053
Case 11 Digester iCE, 1 mW Energy crops @ 40/tonne 6 603
Case 12 Stoker CHP, 5 mW Energy crop @ 40/tonne 4 920
Case 13 Stoker CHP, 25 mW agricultural residue local @ 40/tonne 5 904
Case 14 Gasifier CHP 600 kW Woodchip local @ 70/tonne 7 560
Case 15 Co-firing, separated feed Woodchip local @ 60/tonne 984
Case 16 Co-firing, mixed injection Pellets @ 110/tonne 820

around half of this accounted for by the investment The chosen gasifier examples achieve an LCOE of
cost and 35% by the fuel costs. A stoker boiler fired between USD 0.09 and USD 0.16/kWh. In a simple,
by bagasse with lower capital and fuel costs has an fixed bed gasifier with an internal combustion engine
LCOE of USD 0.098/kWh. In this case, the capital and relatively low capital costs, the share of capital
expenditure accounts for a slightly higher proportion costs in total LCOE is 45% and that of fuel costs 40%.
(57%) of the LCOE and fuel costs for just 27%. A low- In a more sophisticated BFB/CFB gasifier with gas
cost stoker boiler using agricultural residues that cost clean-up for use in a gas turbine, capital costs are
USD 50/tonne delivered has an LCOE of USD 0.10/ significantly higher and account for 55% of the LCOE
kWh, with 39% of the total cost attributable to the with fuel costs accounting for 30%.
capital expenditure and around half coming from the
fuel cost. There is a range of possible digester solutions with
significant differences in capital costs and feedstock
CFB and BFB boilers driving steam turbines have an costs, but capital costs dominate. Capital costs
LCOE of USD 0.17 and USD 0.15/kWh when using account for between 66% and 81% of the three
pellets and local energy crops, respectively. The examples analysed.
capital costs account for 31% and 51% of the LCOE
of the CFB and BFB systems, respectively, with the The LCOE of the large-scale CHP systems (stoker
use of pellets doubling the absolute cost of fuel and gasifier) is between USD 0.12 and USD 0.15/kWh.
from USD 0.05/kWh to around USD 0.10/kWh and Capital costs account for around half of the total
increasing the share of fuel costs in LCOE from 36% to LCOE with the feedstock accounting for around one-
61%. third of the total costs.

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 43

The cost of the feedstock plays an important role in Operations and maintenance costs make a significant
determining the overall generation cost. contribution to the LCOE of biomass plants and
typically account for between 9% and 20% of the
The feedstock accounts for a low of 27% in a stoker LCOE for biomass power plants. However, in the case
boiler and steam turbine combination when low-cost of landfill gas power generation systems, the share is
bagasse is available. In contrast, the LCOE of co-firing much higher and can reach 40% of the total LCOE.
with biomass, with its low capital costs, is dominated Efforts to improve fuel handling and conversion
by feedstock costs. systems to help reduce O&M costs will help to
improve the competitiveness of biomass power

44 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

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48 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

AD – Anaerobic digestion

BFB – Bubbling fluidised bed (gasifier)

BIGCC – Biomass integrated combined cycle gasification

BIG-GT – Biomass integrated gas turbine technology

CAPEX – Capital expenditure

CDM – Clean Development Mechanism

CFB – Circulating fluidised bed (gasifier)

CHP – Combined heat and power

CIF – Cost, insurance and freight

DCF – Discounted cash flow

EPA – Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.)

FOB – Free-on-board

GHG – Greenhouse gas

ICE – Internal combustion engine

IFC – International Finance Corporation

IGCC – Integrated gasification combined cycle

IPCC – Inter-govermental Panel on Climate Change

LCOE – Levelised cost of energy

LFG – Landfill gas

LHV – Lower heating value

MC – Moisture content

MSW – Municipal solid waste

NREL – National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation 49

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52 Cost Analysis of Biomass for Power Generation

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