Health Mam Ivy Final

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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH

(Health Education ) Grade V Quarter 3 Lesson 1

At the end of the 40-minutes discussion the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the concept of gateway drugs.
b. explains the effects of using gateway drugs (Caffeine,Tobacco and Alcohol)
c. value the importance of protecting one’s health and refusing to consume
gateway drugs.
Topic: “Gateway Drugs”
III. Learning Materials Reference
1. Textbook Pages: The 21st Century MAPEH in Action, pp. 245-246
2. Additional Materials from LR Portal: Curriculum Guide
3. GuideDroga: Maling Gamit, Masamang Epekto, A&E, NFE Accreditation and
Equivalency , Learning Material, DepEd. 1998
IV. Other learning materials: Ppt, pictures, cartolina and video
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Prayer
Goodevening class
Good evening maam!

Alright I am so happy to see you all tonight,

please stand and bow our heads for our

B. Greetings


How are you tonight?

We’re fine maam

I’m glad to know that all of you are fine this

Before you settle down please pick up some
pieces of paper or garbage under your chairs.

Can you do it please?

Yes maam

C.Checking of Attendance
Okay so now, I want to call our class secretary
who is absent for tonight. Ara? I want you to know maam that we are all present

Wow! You are making me proud and because

of that,
D. Motivation
Yes Maam!
Do you want to play a game?

We will call it “Puzzle Letters Game”

Okay so, the class will be divided into 4

groups, each of the group will pick their
leader.You are going to arrange the puzzle
letters according to the clues that is given
paste it our board. If your group is done all of
the members will stand and shake their hips.
Yes Maam!
Alright did you get it?

Let’s do it.

1. L-U-N-E-N-G-R-A-C-C
Damaging the cells that line the

2.R-O-K-E-T-S (the four groups will arrange the assigned scrambled

Increases blood pressure and reduces letters )
oxygen in the blood ________


_________ is characterised by a
decrease in bone mass, and damage in bone
tissue and skeletal structure.

Triggered because of cigarette smoking

one,two,three(clap) one,two,three (stamp feet)
Alright group 1 you just won in this Master,Master,Master
Puzzle Letters Game and because of that
the 2nd group will give you


I noticed maam that all of that words are scary

Too much for that,
Okay I want to ask about the words that you horrible diseases.

What did you notice of the words that you

Yes maam my Grandfather got stroke because of
completed? Yes Maria non-stop smoking.

Did you know someone who have this kind of

disease? Yes mia?

We are sad to hear that I think maam because of the product that we used.

What do you think why people got this kind of

horrible diseases?

Alright, you have a brilliant idea

Yes maam!
But class , we are going to tackle widely later
on. Why some people get this terrifying
diseases .

Are you excited to listen class?

E. Classroom Rules
Alright, so this is our classroom rules

Rule number 1: Listen to the teacher.

Yes maam.
Rule number 2: Follow directions.

Rule number 3: Be kind to others.

Rule number 4: Do your best.

Can I trust you to follow this 4 rules? All about Health and Less Health Foods maam!


Before we begin to our new lesson, I would like Yes maam!

to ask if who among you here can recaptulate
what was the last topic that we discussed in
our previous meeting ?

Precisely! Im amazed that you can still

remember our topic that we discussed last
meeting .


A. Presentation
Different Alcoholic Drinks
At this point class, I want you to look at the Tanduay,etc.
pictures flash on the tv screen.
Raise your hand if you are familiar with it and
state the name of the product. If you can give a
background ideas about the product you can
also share it to our class.

Chocolate Snickers
Marlboro,Fortune,Winston and etc.

Dark Chocolate Hershey.

Energy drink,Coffee,
Tea and Soft drink

Me maam!

I want to eat more maam

Alright I just think everyone of you here are

familiar with this prooducts. It feels good maam and it taste so good .

Who among you here has already consumed

this type of chocolate?

Alright, if you eat one chocolate bar did you For me maam .I think because cigarette contains
chemical that can make you addictive.
notice that you really want to eat more?

What do you think class why people cannot

resist eating chocolates?
Maam it is an opening of something or introduction

Precisely , Thankyou for that.

A chemical substance maam
Also the cigarette, what do you think is the
reason why a smoker person can hardly stop
his/her bad habit?:

Alright you have an idea class, All of the

pictures I have showed are GATEWAY

Gateway means?

Drugs Means?
At the end of the 40-minute discussion the pupils
should be able to:
Very good! you are very smart class you get it a. identify the concept of gateway drugs.
right. b. explains the effects of using gateway drugs
3. PRESENTATION OF THE LESSON (Caffeine,Tobacco and Alcohol)
I know you have a lot of questions in your head c. value the importance of protecting one’s health
class what is gateway drugs .That is why and refusing to consume gateway drugs.
without further a do,
All together please read our topic

“ Gateway Drugs”

Before anything else let us read our objective

for this lesson.

4. DISCUSSION Yes maam

Gateway Drugs - are milder drugs that can Maam I just noticed that ,that drunk person can
open the door to exposure to or harm another innocent person.
experimentation with stronger substances.

In Gateway Drugs we have three classification

Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine Yes maam

Alcohol - Alcohol is a psychoactive substance,

which means it alters how the brain responds
to emotions and stimuli.
driving,Physical Violence,Child maltreatment,poor
Did you already saw someone who get drunk? work performance,teenage pregnancy and many

Okay Ramboo, what did you notice.


Alright, Alcoholic person is one of a major

problem in today’s society. Do you agree

So I want to hear your own response about this

so who can give .Why Alcoholic person affects
our society? Yes maam.

Absolutely all that you have mentioned can

affect our society it is only because of ?


That is why Grade 6 pupils class, I know that

sooner you will become open to that
substance. I am hoping that you all will never
be a burden to our family and society because
you already know my dear children what are Maam The effect of this is that it can cause
the bad effects of this gateway drugs. Are we sickness for the entire family.

Okay so let us proceed to

Money maam
Tobacco- there is no safeplace in exposure to
tobacco it contains nicotine a stimulant drug
that speeds up the messages travelling
between the brain and body.
What is an example of this class?

Alright class what do you think is an effect of The pupils are listening.

Who can give an example? Maria

Okay very good Maria. Tobacco can cause a

lot of sickness and what else?

can cost a lot of ? She is transformed into a totally different person

Imagine you will spend 7 pesos per stick x 10
pcs/per day= 70 pesos per day
Imagine how big amount you will waste to a It’s because of the nicotine a chemical substance
product that can’t give you good benefits or from tobacco maam!
else it will just might kill you .

Okay I will show you the look of a person of is

a smoker .Terrie Hall she is a cheerleader
captain and diagnosed with cancer at the age
of 40 and died at the age of 53

What did you notice in her before and after

That is right. But not just her ,Did you notice Yes maam
that smoker have a bad mouth and body -Coffee ,chocolates softdrinks and etc.
odor?Why do you think?

Alright class you really get my point that this For me maam, We will consume moderately or just
products containing gateway drugs can lead drink milk instead maam.
you into vain.

Lastly is the
Caffeine- keeps you awake! It's that zippy
chemical found in coffee, tea, and sodas. In
fact, it comes from the German word for

This is very known to us and I think all of us

here is consuming caffeine. Right? an example
of this are ?

And we already know that that is bad for our

health so now what do you think can we do as Avoid using products with caffeine, alcohol and
individual? tobacco because we already know the bad effects
they have on our health.

Exactly we should try to control not to consume

because this might lead into sickness class.

Talk to family members maam and talk about the
Life is important , it is God's most important gift problem and help eachother
to us. We ourselves represent the temple of
God because he created it.
We should only appreciate it and not waste it.
Lung cancer,Stroke,Osteoporosis and
Leave and abandon the activities that are used
to doing if it damages our body. Have self-
discipline class and check the food that should
be served on the dinner table.

and we should avoid what?

It is necessary to learn to make the right

decision and not listen to what others or friends
And if you might have problems with a family
you shoould not rely to consume nicotine or
alcohol you can what?

Yes my dear students you are right.

Maam we don’t like it.
Did you still remember the four disease awhile

Alright so I will now tell you why this diseases

are connected to the gateway drugs

Cigarette smoking is linked to about 80% to

90% of lung cancer deaths

High blood pressure is the most

important risk factor for stroke,
contributing to over 50% of all strokes in
the UK. Drinking too much alcohol raises
your blood pressure.

Tuberculosis also because of the consumption

of nicotine and any kinds of tobacco

and lastly caffeine to kids too much caffeine

can cause issues such as increased anxiety,
increased heart rate and blood pressure, acid
reflux and sleep disturbance. Too much
caffeine is dangerous for kids, and in very high
doses, can be toxic.

High doses of caffeine (800 mg) can double Avoid maam and refuse to consume maam.
the amount of calcium lost in theurine.
University of South Australia researchers have
a bone to pick when it comes to drinking too
much coffee as new research finds that excess Yes maam!
caffeine may be linked to an increased risk of

Yes maam!

You already know that Gateway Drugs can

really affect your health so what you will do
again class?

Yes maam!
Can we really tell that you understand our

I am so happy to hear that my kids and I am

expecting that you will apply all the lesson that
you have learned this night.

Because you understand our lesson really well,

prepare youself because we are going to have
an activity.
Are you excited?

I have prepared a song for you, I will sing first

and you will also answer me “Oh oh yes” and
“No No No”
You will sing “Oh oh yes if it is not a gateway
drugs”and you will sing “No no no” If it is a
gateway drugs.

Are we clear?
Gateway Drugs Are not good in your health.
Very well maam
Coke is good? “No no no”
Apple is good? “Oh,oh yes”
Eggplant is good? “Oh oh yes” -Clap
Hershey is good?”no no no”
Milk is good? “Oh oh yes”
Coffee is good “No no no”
Tanduay is good? ”No,no,no”
Redhorse is good?” No,no,no” Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine
Corn is good? “Oh oh yes”
Smoke is good “No no no”
Society problems maam , health problems and
Gateway drugs? “No no no” many more.
Thankyou class for participating .

You are truly amazing class! You did I will advice them to get a conversation to their
understand our lesson for today, because all family instead of drinking because it can never give
your answer are correct you did distinguish the solution to problems maam.
gate way drugs.

How was your activity did you enjoy it? I will refuse mam and tell him/her that it is not good
for our health it will just give a negative impact.
Can we give a clap for that?

“Health is wealth and God created our body to
So again kids what are the three classification appreciate not waste it”
of gateway drugs?

What are the effects of gateway drugs again


Some people say that drinking alcohol can

make them feel better what advice can you
give them?

If someone will give a glass of alcoholic drinks

what will you do?

Amazing you are all correct.

All together

“Health is wealth and God created our body to

appreciate not waste it”

I.Direction: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is defined to be a regular and excessive use of a substance in spite of


a. Use
b. Abuse
c. Addiction
d. Dependence

2.What is defined to be a condition in which a person develops intense cravings for the
substance and the inability to control their behaviors in regards to obtaining and using

a. Use
b. Abuse
c. Addiction
d. Dependence

3.What does the common liability to addiction hypothesis postulate?

a. Addiction is attributed to underlying biological processes

b. Addiction is attributed to social class and family life
c. Addiction is attributed to previous use of softer drugs
d. Addiction is attributed to a predisposition to risk taking behavior

4.The three classification of Gateway Drugs.

d.Alcohol,Tobacco and Caffeine
5. Bad effects of gateway drugs

a. Social problems and Health problems


II.Direction: Make an essay about “Bad effects of gateway drugs in human health “
minimum of 100 -150 words.

Make a Slogan or Poster about campaigning “how to refuse Gateway Drugs”You
can put it in a ¼ illustration board or cartolina

Prepared by:
Cynicarel Mae Gestopa

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