Engineering Catalogue
Engineering Catalogue
Engineering Catalogue
College of Engineering
& Technology
Information Director y
All inquiries and correspondence concerning the following areas should be addressed to:
Academic Offices
Dean’s Office
College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science and Technology,
P.O. Box 1029, Abu Qir Campus,
Alexandria, Egypt.
Tel: +203-562-1785 +203-562-2366 Ext. (1311)
Fax: +203-562-2915
Academic Departments
Architectural Engineering & Environment Design +203-562-2366 Ext. (1416) +203-562-0751
Basic and Applied Science +203-562-2366 Ext. (1248) +203-562-2578
Computer Engineering & Computer Science +203-562-2366 Ext. (1221) +203-562-0751
Construction & Building Engineering +203-562-2366 Ext. (1143) +203-561-0755
Electrical & Control Engineering +203-562-2366 Ext. (1444) +203-562-2586
Electronics & Communications Engineering +203-562-2366 Ext. (1200) +203-562-1477
Industrial & Management Engineering +203-562-2366 Ext. (1258) +203-561-0755
Marine Engineering +203-562-2366 Ext. (1238) +203-562-2586
Mechanical Engineering +203-562-2366 Ext. (1246) +203-562-2586
Further directory assistance for other offices is available through the main switchboard at +203-562-2366 or +203-562-2388.
The Academy’s web site address is:
President’s Word 3
The world is witnessing a new era that reflects all the massive
changes and developments caused by technological advancement
in all aspects of science. We believe that for the Arab World
to obtain power and glory, it has to resort to scientific and
technological development. The Academy plays a major national
role in raising generations of youths who can deal with the outside
world using modern tools of technology. Such role encourages
youths to comprehend and master sciences of the future which
in all will enhance their creativity.
As we are on the threshold of a new era, the Academy - being a house of expertise and a successful example of
mutual Arab co-operation - takes on a new distinguished role of development on he Arab countries and using the latest
techniques to implement those requirements , which will lead the Arab youths to a powerful position through discipline,
morals, technology, and harmless knowledge.
We thank God Almighty for the success and grace He granted us. We pray that the Almighty upholds the Arab nation and
guide its youths to always support the Arab World.
Table of Message
Contents– Current Status and Future Prospectus
College Message –
Current Status and Future Prospectus
Introduction 8
Accreditation 9
Academic Programs 11
Academic Regulations 12
Architectural Engineering & Environmental Design 17
Libraries 240
All programs offered by the College are acknowledged by the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities (SCU) and fully accredited
from the British Professional Institutes (IMechE), (IMarEST), (IET), (ICE), (IStructE), and (IHT), beside the accreditation from the
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) parts 1 and 2 for the architectural engineering program. Also all college programs,
except Architecture & Environmental Design, are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
AASTMT college of Engineering and Technology has got the certificate of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and
Accreditation in Education (NAQAAE) in 2014 where this certificate valid for 5 years.
The core objective of the college is achieving Excellency in all provided educational services, throughout the effective implementation
of continuous improvement concept, as well as the success in obtaining and renewal of all local and international accreditations.
Number of qualified and competent faculty members have increased drastically during the last five years resulting in huge
developments in research activities whether to obtain research funds from local and international entities or to publish in the highly
ranked and prominent scientific journals. Also, higher admission requirements combined with a competitive system of scholarships
have been applied to attract high quality students. Furthermore, continuous development of educational resources, lab facilities,
and campus infrastructure has been a constant activity in the College to maintain delivery of its quality services to students and
faculty members.
As a step forward towards the enhancement of the relationship between the industrial and academic communities, the Industrial
Advisory Committee was holding meetings on a semi-annual basis. These meetings discuss the opportunities of students’ practical
training, market needs in the college’s graduates and finally the industrial problems that may be treated in the research projects.
In the future, the COE is strategically targeting to efficiently integrate all of our facilities, and resources to prepare young
generations for the requirements of the knowledge based societies and to proactively provide competitive, intellectual and market
divan academic programs, research, and community services and pledges strong collaboration between our Faulty, staff members,
students, researchers, alumni and industrial and business leaders.
College of Engineering
Vision/Mission Statements
Our Vision is to excel as one of the best engineering
colleges locally and regionally and to maintain
internationally recognized programs with an advanced
academic rank. We also envision to provide the
highest quality educational programs, research, and
community services and to play a leading role in, all
our engineering activities, as a foremost engineering
school in the Arab world.
Our mission is to efficiently integrate all of our
facilities, and resources to prepare young generations
for the requirements of the knowledge based societies
and to proactively provide competitive, intellectual,
and market-driven academic programs, research, and
community services and pledges strong collaboration
between our faculty, staff members, students,
researchers, alumni, and industrial and business leaders.
Further to maintain and develop long term and lasting
partnerships with Arab institutions, and internationally
acknowledged bodies.
The roots of the College of Engineering and Technology In September 1998, the College of Engineering Cairo
extend back to the date of the establishment of the Branch started its first Intake. The expansion that led to
Academy in 1972, when the Marine Engineering the establishment of the Cairo campus was consistent
Department started to offer a two-year program of with the mission of the The Arab Academy for Science
basic studies for engineering cadets, as well as upgrading and Technology and Maritime Transport to serve the
courses for marine engineers. The Department of whole region. Campuses have separate Deans and
Academic Studies was also established to conduct Heads of Departments but are run under the same
courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English umbrella. The campuses follow the same syllabus,
Language. and coordination between branches allows sharing
strategies and decisions. This special relation allows
In October 1975, the Radio and electronics automatic acceptance of students in either campuses
department was established to offer a two-year and a transparent transfer of credits and hours
program leading to the competency certificate of between campuses. Students are free to attend terms
second-class program radio officer. in Alexandria or Cairo.
In 1977, following the adoption of the Credit Hour The College of Engineering and Technology, at Port
system for all undergraduate studies, the year of 1978 Said, was established in 2013 to serve the Sues Canal
witnessed the beginning of the Bachelor of Engineering region .It overlooks the Mediterranean Sea, which gives
(B. Eng.) program plans in two major areas: Marine students a special and unique college life. The college
Engineering and Electronic Engineering. In 1984, both offers Bachelor’s degrees in the areas of architectural
degrees were acknowledged by the Supreme Council engineering and environmental design, and construction
of Egyptian Universities to be equivalent to similar and buildings engineering, that lasts for 5 academic years
degrees offered by the Egyptian Universities. (a minimum of 10 semesters). The college adopts an
innovative approach to engineering education. Instead
In 1987, the Radio and electronic department of just learning the theory of engineering from a text
was renamed as the Electronics and Computer book or a lecture, we are turning engineering education
Department to reflect the recent technological trends on its head to ensure that our graduates master needed
towards computerization and information technology. workplace skills. The campus in Port Said is affiliated to
Renaming this department, however, was accompanied Alexandria campus; all campuses share the same syllabi,
by major changes in curriculum design and course strategies and decisions which ensures excellency in all
contents. provided educational services.This special relation allows
automatic acceptance of students in other campuses
In November 1990, the formal decree to establish the and a transparent transfer of credits and hours between
College of Engineering and Technology was issued. The campuses. Moreover, Students are allowed to attend
preliminary structure comprised the four departments terms in other campuses.
of Electronics, Marine Engineering, Electrical and
Control Engineering, Basic and Applied sciences. Recently, through its current eight departments, the
In 1994, it was decided to introduce two more fields College of Engineering and Technology offers eight
of study namely; Construction and Building Engineering Bachelor of Science programs (B. Sc.) that take a
and Industrial and Management Engineering. In 1997, minimum of 10 semesters (5 academic years) to
the Department of Architectural Engineering and
Environmental Design was also established. complete.
College of
Engineering & Technology 9
The Arab Academy for Science and Technology and The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and
Maritime Transport is a fully accredited member of Technology (IMarEST) accredited the undergraduate
both the Association of Arab Universities and the program of Marine Engineering on March, 13, 2007.
International Association Universities. The Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
accredited the undergraduate program of Mechanical
The Arab Academy for Science and Technology
Engineering and the undergraduate program of
and Maritime Transport has been awarded the ISO
Industrial and Management Engineering on November,
9001:2000 certificate for its educational processes
22, 2005. The Institution of Electrical Engineers
in September 1999, after following formal quality
(IEE) now named the Institution of Engineering and
assurance procedures to maintain the educational
Technology (IET) accredited the undergraduate
quality level received by students and renewed on
program of Computer Engineering, the undergraduate
2002, and 2008.
program of Electrical and Control Engineering,
Undergraduate Programs offered by the College of and the undergraduate program of Electronics and
Engineering and Technology are accredited by the Communications Engineering on April, 27, 2005. The
Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities (SCU) Joint Board of Moderators JBM: The Institution of Civil
according to the decree number 135 dated on August Engineers ICE, the Institution of Structural Engineers
27, 1996 and renewed according to the decrees (IStructE) accredited the undergraduate program of
number 3 dated on February 5, 2002, number 118 Construction and Building Engineering and recognized
dated on July 10, 2007, number 36 dated February 24, by the Institution of Highways and Transportation IHT
2011, and number 284 dated on December 10, 2012. on December, 14, 2005.
Postgraduate Programs offered by the College of
Engineering and Technology are accredited by the
Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities (SCU)
according to the decree number 30 dated on April 28,
2001 and renewed according to the decrees number
70 and 79 dated on June 19, 2006, number 97 dated
on July 24, 2006, number 164 dated on September 8,
2009, number 224 dated October 17, 2010, number
84 dated December 26, 2013, and numbers 105, 106,
and 107 dated April 22, 2014.
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) validated the program of undergraduate Architectural Engineering and
Environmental Design effective from 2005/6, and renewed on October 2014 for 5 years.
The Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET accredited all engineering programs delivered on the AbuKir campus
and Cairo campus (except for the program of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design).
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of education (NAQAAE) accredited the undergraduate and
postgraduate programs dated on March 10, 2014 for 5 years.
The College of Engineering and Technology has many international agreements and programs with highly noticeable
universities that support our students and faculty members.These programs extend from Lincoln University, Northumbria
University, and Staffordshire University in UK; UTM University in Malaysia; Fatih University in Turkey; to University of
Central Florida, and University of Missouri and Tennessee Tech University in USA; and to University of Waterloo, Carleton
University, and Concordia University in Canada.
The College of Engineering and Technology also has protocols regarding graduate studies with national universities including
Alexandria University, Ain Shams University, Cairo University, and Helwan University.
College of
Engineering & Technology 11
Academic Programs
The programs are in the areas of:
u Marine Engineering.
u Mechanical Engineering.
u Computer Engineering.
The College of Engineering and Technology in The The college maintains sound relationships with a
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime number of universities in USA, UK, Canada and
Transport offers Bachelor of Science degrees as well Egypt for joint supervision of undergraduate and
as Master of Science in the following fields: postgraduate studies and research work. Agreements
uArchitectural Engineering and Environmental Design with University of Nottingham (UK), Carlton University
(Alexandria, Cairo, PortSaid and Aswan) (Canada) are based on major activities such as: the
u Computer Engineering. twinning of programs of study, as jointly taught Masters
(Alexandria, Cairo and Lattekia – Syria)
Program, programs of research leading to PhD degree
u Construction and Building Engineering. and regular visits by academic staff.
(Alexandria, Cairo, PortSaid and Aswan)
u Electrical and Control Engineering.
(Alexandria and Cairo)
The College of Engineering and Technology maintains
u Electronics and Communications Engineering. an array of laboratories, workshops and computing
(Alexandria, Cairo and Aswan) facilities to secure the practical aspects and hands-on
u Industrial and Management Engineering. experience of the technology education in many areas.
(Alexandria) These areas include diesel and steam power plants,
u Marine Engineering. automation, measurements, heat transfer, hydraulics,
(Alexandria) electric machines, electric marine installation auxiliaries,
u Mechanical Engineering. radar,electronics,telecommunications,microprocessors,
(Alexandria and Cairo) microcomputers, computer applications, marine
pollution, surveying, construction materials, metrology,
These programs are accredited by the supreme Council computer integrated manufacturing, electronic design
of Egyptian Universities (SCU) according to the decree automation, antennas and microwaves, work analysis,
number 135 dated on August 27, 1996 and renewed internal combustion engines, and refrigeration and air
according to the decrees number 3 dated on February, conditioning.
5, 2002 and number 118 dated on July10, 2007.
Academic Regulations
Graduation Requirements
To be qualified for Bachelor of Science the candidate
uComplete 180 credit hours of approved work
Course Grade
Course grades are set according to the following
Evaluation Sign Evaluation Points Percentages (%)
A+ 12/3 = 4 From 95 to 100
u I In Complete
u W Withdrawn
u U Un Graded
u AU Audit
u TR Transferred
u P Pass
u F Fail
Academic Probation
Students are placed on academic probation if their
accumulative the GPA is less than 2.00 at the end of
any semester on the credits hours attempted at the
Engineering & Environmental Design 17
The main aims of the program include: public enterprises, consulting firms, governmental
uIntroducing students to the theoretical and scientific or local authorities, etc., whether in Arab or foreign
bases. countries. The graduates live up to the standards and
uEnabling students to acquire professional competency requirements of the GAT Agreement such that they
which meets future needs and job opportunities. can compete on the highest levels.
uPreparing graduates capable of imagination, creative
thinking, problem solving and critical thinking. Architects are qualified to work as Architectural
uHelping the architect to understand the relationship designers and can gain further qualifications to
between people and buildings, and between buildings become planners, landscape architects or conservation
and their environment. specialists.They can also work in the field of contracting,
execution, tender preparation & evaluation, and/
A set of goals are adopted by the department such as: or the field of research & studies, feasibility studies
u Prepare graduates specialized in architectural and project management as well as maintenance &
engineering and environmental design. restoration of buildings.
u Enable students to organize livable environments on
Compulsory Courses
Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
BA 113 Physics 1 BA 114 Physics 2
BA 123 Mathematics 1 BA 141 Engineering Mechanics 1
CC 111 Introduction to computer CC 112 Structured Programming
ME151 Eng. Drawing & Descriptive Geometry BA 118 Chemistry
AR 111 Visual Studies (1) AR 114 Visual Studies (2) Theory of Colours
AR 130 Hist. of Arch. & Technology AR 131 Hist. & Theory of Architecture (1)
LH XXX Semester 1 Electives LH XXX Semester 2 Electives
Year 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
AR 210 Architectural Drawing CB 240 Theory of Structures
AR 215 Visual Studies (3) Shade & Persp. AR 211 Architectural Design (1)
AR 232 Hist. & Theory of Architecture (2) AR 233 Hist. & Theory of Architecture (3)
AR 251 Building Technology (1) AR 252 Building Technology (2)
AR 283 Computer Aided Drafting AR 284 3D Modelling
AR XXX Semester 3 Electives AR XXX Semester 4 Electives
Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
CB 350 Building Mat. & Testing CB 351 Reinf. Con. & Metallic Struc.
CB 370 Surveying AR 313 Architectural Design (3)
AR 312 Architectural Design (2) AR 335 Hist. & Theory of Architecture (5)
AR 334 Hist. & Theory of Architecture (4) AR 354 Building Technology (4)
AR 353 Building Technology (3) AR 362 Environmental Studies (1)
AR XXX Semester 5 Electives AR XXX Semester 6 Electives
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
CB 460 Soil Mech. & Foundations CB 410 Quant. Surv. & Cost Estim.
AR 414 Architectural Design (4) AR 415 Architectural Design (5)
AR 441 Int. to City & Regional Planning AR 416 Interior Design (1)
AR 455 Execution Design (1) AR 442 Introduction to Urban Design
AR 464 Environmental Studies (2) AR 456 Execution Design (2)
AR XXX Semester 7 Electives AR XXX Semester 8 Electives
Year 5 (Architectural Design Branch)
Semester 9 Semester 10
AR 500 Research & Programming CB 510 Project Management & Sched.
AR 516 Architectural Design (6) AR 501 Arch. Design Graduation Project
AR 543 Intro. to Site Planning & Housing AR 541 Professional Practice & Law
AR 544 Landscape Architecture AR XXX Semester 10 Electives
AR 557 Execution Design (3)
AR XXX Semester 9 Electives
Year 5 (Interior Design Branch)
Semester 9 Semester 10
AR 500 Research & Programming CB 510 Project Management & Sched.
AR 512 Interior Design (2) AR 501 Interior Design Graduation Project
AR 543 Intro. to Site Planning & Housing AR 541 Professional Practice & Law
AR 544 Landscape Architecture AR XXX Semester 10 Electives
AR 553 Interior Details
AR XXX Semester 9 Electives
College Electives
Semester 1 Semester 2
LH 131 ESP 1 LH 132 ESP 2
LH 133 Langue Française 1 LH 134 Langue Française 2
Engineering & Environmental Design 21
Department Electives
Semester 3 Semester 4
AR 222 Presentation Techniques AR 224 Workshop & Arch. Models
AR 223 Arch. of Egypt Time & Place AR 225 Introduction to Painting
AR 226 Creativity & Innovation AR 227 Int. to Arch. Photography
Semester 5 Semester 6
AR 324 Introduction to Sculpture AR 323 Music & Civilization
AR 325 Rendering & Animation AR 326 Comp. Graphic Design
AR 327 Interior Design Principles AR 328 Furniture Design
AR 321 Documentation of Hist. Buildings
Semester 7 Semester 8
AR 421 Architectural Criticism AR 422 Medit. City Urb. & Arch. Hist.
AR 424 Functional Req. in Interior Env. AR 423 Topics in Sustainability
AR 426 Comp. App. In Architecture: BIM1 AR 425 Int. Environmental Systems
AR 427 Introduction to Web Design AR 428 Comp. App. In Architecture: BIM2
Semester 9 Semester 10
AR 521 Comparative Urbanism AR 523 Hist. Preservation & Conservation
AR 522 Design with Light AR 524 EIA in Urban Planning
AR 526 Vernacular Architecture AR 527 Conceptual Interiors
AR 529 Comp. App. In U.P.G.I.S. AR 528 Finishing Materials
Graduation Requirements
College Requirements
A total of 26 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 22 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 BA 113 Physics (1) 3 None
2 BA 114 Physics (2) 3 BA 113
BA 2 BA 118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA 123 Mathematics (1) 3 None
2 BA 141 Engineering Mechanics (1) 3 None
1 CC 111 Introduction to computer 3 None
2 CC 112 Structured Programming 3 CC 111
ME 1 ME 151 Eng. Drawing and Descriptive Geometry 2 None
College Electives
At least four credit hours (4 cr. hr.) from the following list of the college electives
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
1 LH 131 ESP(1) 2 None
2 LH 132 ESP (2) 2 LH 131
1 LH 133 Langue Française (1) 2 None
2 LH 134 Langue Française (2) 2 LH 133
Engineering & Environmental Design 23
Department Requirements
A total of 154 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u138 credit hours of compulsory courses.
The required compulsory and restricted elective courses are listed in the following table.
College Requirements
A total of 26 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 138 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 AR 111 Visual Studies 1 3 None
1 AR 130 Hist. of Arch. & Technology 2 None
2 AR 114 Visual Studies 2 Theory of Colors 3 None
2 AR 131 Hist. & Theory of Architecture (1) 2 None
3 AR 210 Architectural Drawing 4 ME 151
3 AR 215 Visual Studies 3 Shade & Perspective 3 ME 151
3 AR 232 Hist. & Theory of Arch. (2) 3 None
3 AR 251 Building Technology (1) 3 None
3 AR 283 Computer Aided Drafting 3 ME 151
AR 4 AR 211 Architectural Design (1) 4 AR210/AR114
4 AR 233 Hist. & Theory of Architecture (3) 3 None
4 AR 252 Building Technology (2) 3 AR 251
4 AR 284 3D Modeling 3 AR 215/AR283
5 AR 312 Architectural Design (2) 4 AR 211/ AR 215
5 AR 334 Hist. & Theory of Architecture (4) 3 AR 131
5 AR 353 Building Technology (3) 3 AR 252
6 AR 313 Architectural Design (3) 4 AR 312
6 AR 335 Hist. & Theory of Architecture (5) 3 AR 334
6 AR 354 Building Technology (4) 3 AR 353
College Requirements
A total of 26 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 138 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
6 AR 362 Environmental Studies (1) 3 None
7 AR 414 Architectural Design (4) 4 AR 313
7 AR 441 Int. to City & Regional Planning 3 None
7 AR 455 Execution Design (1) 3 AR 354
7 AR 464 Environmental Studies (2) 3 AR 362
8 AR 415 Architectural Design (5) 4 AR 414
8 AR 416 Interior Design (1) 3 AR 312
8 AR 442 Introduction to Urban Design 3 AR 441
8 AR 444 Introduction to Manage., Practice & Law 3 AR 455
8 AR 456 Execution Design (2) 3 AR 455/AR 464
9 AR 516 Architectural Design (6) 4 AR 415
9 AR 543 Introduction to Site Planning & Housing 3 AR 442
9 AR 544 Landscape Architecture 3 None
9 AR 557 Execution Design (3) 3 AR 456
9 AR 500 Research & Programming 3 None
9 AR 553 Interior Details 3 AR 456
9 AR 512 Interior Design (2) 4 AR 416/ AR 415
10 AR 501 Architectural Design Graduation Project 12 AR 516/ AR 500
10 AR 501 Interior Design Graduation Project 12 AR 512/ AR 500
10 AR 541 Professional Practice & Law 2 AR 444
Engineering & Environmental Design 25
College Requirements
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
4 CB 240 Theory of Structures 3 BA 141
5 CB 350 Building Materials & Testing 3 CB 240
6 CB 351 Reinf. Concrete & Metallic Structures 3 CB 350
CB 5 CB 370 Surveying 3 BA 123
8 CB 410 Quant. Surv. Cost Estimation 3 CB 351
7 CB 460 Soil Mechanics & Foundations 3 CB 351
10 CB 510 Project Management & Scheduling 2 AR 444
Department Restricted Electives
At least eight courses (16 Cr. Hr.) from the following list of the college electives
3 AR 222 Presentation Techniques 2 None
3 AR 223 Arch. Of Egypt Time & Place 2 None
3 AR 226 Creativity & Innovation 2 None
4 AR 224 Workshop & Arch. Models 2 None
4 AR 225 Introduction to Painting 2 None
4 AR 227 Introduction to Arch. Photography 2 None
5 AR 324 Introduction to Sculpture 2 None
5 AR 325 Rendering & Animation 2 AR 215/AR 284
5 AR 327 Interior Design Principles 2 None
6 AR 323 Music & Civilization 2 None
6 AR 326 Comp. Graphic Design 2 AR 283
6 AR 328 Furniture Design 2 None
7 AR 421 Architectural Criticism 2 None
7 AR 424 Functional Req. in Interior Env. 2 None
College Requirements
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
7 AR 426 Comp. App. In Architecture: BIM 1 2 AR 283
7 AR 427 Introduction to Web Design 2 AR 326
8 AR 422 Med. City Urban & Arch. History 2 None
8 AR 423 Topics in Sustainability 2 None
8 AR 425 Int. Environmental Systems 2 None
8 AR 428 Comp. App. In Architecture: BIM 2 2 AR 426
9 AR 521 Comparative Urbanism 2 None
9 AR 522 Design with Light 2 AR 114
9 AR 526 Vernacular Architecture 2 AR 334
9 AR 529 Comp. App. In U.P.G.I.S. 2 AR 283/AR 441
10 AR 523 Hist. Preservation & Conservation 2 None
10 AR 524 EIA in Urban Planning 2 AR 441
10 AR 527 Conceptual Interiors 2 None
10 AR 528 Finishing Materials 2 None
Engineering & Environmental Design 27
AR 213 – Visual Studies 3: Shade and Perspective AR 223 – Architecture of Egypt: Time & Place
Cr.3. Prerequisite: ME 151 Cr.2. Prerequisite: None
This course is intended to teach the principles of This summer course introduces students to the
architectural representation and develop the student’s architecture of Egypt, covering keystone buildings
perceptive skills. Student should acquire an ability to and sites ranging from antiquity to the 21st century.
communicate simple forms graphically by transforming The course depends mainly on site excursions.
visual information into a two-dimensional image with Accompanied by lecturers throughout the course,
shade and shadow. The course examines the language students are encouraged to sketch, take photographs
of architectural form and deals with the techniques and have on-site arguments and discussions. The
of analyzing and representing it by different means of course also includes visits to museums and exhibitions,
rendering. as well as a number of meetings with guest lecturers,
Topics include: (a) Shade and Shadow: Fundamentals; conservation architects and design professionals.
shade of points, lines, planes, volumes. Exercises on Finally a studio work is held on the light of the lessons
shade and shadow of different architectural elements; learned throughout the trip. Each student is required to
arches, stairs, curves, etc… prepare and submit a portfolio that comprises his/her
(b) Perspective: Fundamentals of perspective; plane sketches and photographs. Attendance on excursions
of image, position of the observer, cone of vision, is mandatory.
angles of vision, vanishing points ( one point, two
points), Architectural perspective. Shade and shadow AR 224 – Workshops & Architectural Models
in perspective. (The course includes lectures, problem Cr.2. Prerequisite: None
solving and exercises.) Fundamentals of architectural models (definition,
analysis, concepts, development and presentation).
AR 222 – Presentation Techniques Students are trained to build abstract and architectural
Cr.2. Prerequisite: None forms by using different materials: Wood, paper, plaster
The course is a journey through various manual ….etc.
presentation techniques. The course is based on
advanced architectural presentation techniques, the
observation of color, materials, relationship between
architectural elements and its environment. Trial is
encouraged through studio sessions, evaluations and
group discussions.
information technology.
AR 501 – Architectural Design Graduation Project
Cr.12. Prerequisite: AR 516 & AR 500 AR 516 – Architectural Design 6
The student proceeds to design the project of his Cr.4. Prerequisite: AR 415
choice.The program and location has been prepared in Studies of architectural project related to realistic
the previous semester.This comprehensive architectural problems with the integration of structure, mechanical
project is the culmination of the student’s architectural systems, environmental aspects and application of
education. The student must present new concepts construction laws. Students learn how to analyze and
and imaginative solutions based on real problems taking then synthesize the various issues of space and form
into consideration the environmental, social, cultural with special emphasis on environmental requirements
and structural systems. The project is presented in a and landscaping. (Studio work includes lectures,
series of drawings, perspectives, models, etc. perspectives and workshop models.)
the main element to achieve form and space through AR 526 – Vernacular Architecture
the relation with materials and colors. Cr.2. Prerequisite: AR 334
AR 523 – Historical Preservation and Conservation This course will provide an introduction to the field of
Cr.2. Prerequisite: None vernacular architecture, research in different countries,
Introduction to historic preservation in an architectural describing and defining basic building types, focusing on
context with concentration on building materials interpretive concerns such as how to read a building,
properties and technologies of conservation and the social functions of architecture and the hidden
restoration. Review of preservation and conservation intentions in the built form.
Also demonstrating how material, culture can be
as social attitudes. Emphasis will be given to historic
analyzed to provide a broader, richer account of the
preservation within the general context of the built human past ,while reaching out for cross cultural
environment. Contemporary methods and process of comparisons. The course will concentrate on African
historic preservation considering technical, economic and Arabian countries vernacular architecture with
and aesthetic problems of assessing, restoring particular intention to regional formation.
and adapting historical buildings for alternatives
occupancies. AR 527 – Conceptual Interiors
Cr.2. Prerequisite: None
AR 524 – Environmental Impact Assessment in Urban This course offers an introduction to the map of
Planning design process, Problem solving as it applies to interior
Cr.2. Prerequisite: AR 441 architecture and design. The student will learn concept
This course introduces the environmental dimension finding and concept visualization through quick
as an integral part of urban planning. Environmental sketches and study models, Exploration of design
measures are to be taken to minimize adverse effects alternatives and source of design inspiration will be
of urbanization prior planning for a new development. studied. Students will study the relationship between
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) establishes a concept as stimulus and visual equivalent to determine
sound environmental tool to identify, predict, evaluate their appropriate use.
and present mitigation measures for key impacts of a
Engineering & Environmental Design 41
uOffering advanced and applied courses for B. Eng., B.
BA 118 – Chemistry
Cr.3. Prerequisite: None
Introduction – Electrochemical Reactions, Electro
chemical cells, Introduction, Electrochemical Reactions,
Electro chemical cells, Electrochemical Series,
Polarization, Passivity, Definition of Corrosion, Metals
and Corrosive Environments, Forms of corrosion,
uniform, Galvanic and D.A.C., Pitting corrosion ,
S.C.C and I.G.C., Atmospheric Corrosion Erosion
Corrosion, Coating protection and Inhibitors, Cathodic
Protection, Classification of Fuel, Properties of liquid
fuel, Combustion of fuel, Purpose of Lubrication,
Classification of Lubricants, Properties of Lubricating
Oils, choice of Lubricant, Additives, Introduction to
Impurities in Water, Purification and Treatment of
BA 141 – Engineering Mechanics 1 Statics NE 465 – Aesthetic Education & Art Appreciation
Cr.3. Prerequisite: None Cr.3. Prerequisite: None
Introduction to mechanics: general principles. Force Introduction to fine Arts – Art in our lives – The
system: rectangular components of a force, parallelogram Basic Meaning of Art- Design elements: Shape and
law. Equilibrium of a particle: springs and cables. Force Form – Design elements: Space – Design elements:
system resultant: moment of a force, transbility of a force, Texture and pattern – Design elements: Color – Color
free body diagram. Equilibrium of a rigid body: condition theory – The Principles of Design: Balance – Emphasis-
of rigid body equilibrium, equation of equilibrium, two and Contrast –Repetition – The Principles of Design :
three force member. Structural analysis: simple trusses, the Proximity – Proportion- Harmony – Unity & Variety
method of joint, zero force members, method of sections, – Ethics of engineering
frames and machines. Friction. Moment of inertia.
NE 466 – Environmental Science & Technology
Cr.3. Prerequisite: None
BA 142 – Engineering Mechanics 2 Dynamics Environmental sciences and engineering and
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA 141 definitions of Physical, chemical, biological, and social
Kinematics of particles: rectilinear kinematics, general environments and environmental studies – Ecology
curvilinear motion, motion of projectile. Kinetics of a and ecological system, formations, functions and
particle: Newton’s laws of motion, equations of motion. limiting factors, energy transfer and materials cycling
Work and energy of a particle: principle of work and in ecosystem – Population and population growth
energy, work and energy for a system of particles. Motion and resources depletion and pollution – Air pollution
of a rigid body: translational and rotational motion. General sources, types and control, smoke, fogs and smog
plane motion. Relative motion analysis: relative motion phenomena – Greenhouse gases and impacts on the
analysis using rotating axis. Kinetics of a rigid body: rotation environment – Climate changes and sea level rise and
about a fixed axis: translation, general plane motion. management – Acid rains and its effects on soil, water
and biological systems- Tropospheric and stratospheric
ozone sources, roles and effects in the environment –
NE 264 – Scientific Thinking Sustainable developments and preventive technology
Cr.3. Prerequisite: None – Green technology and sustainable communities –
Introduction about Nature of Scientific Thinking pollution types, sources and treatments – Radiation
&Thinking Patterns Development; Meaning & Green and radioactivity and health hazards and
Construction of Science + Scientific Values & attitudes; radiation protection – Waste sources, types and
Science, non-science & other-than science +Science, management – Environmental auditing, impacts
Engineering & Technology; Properties of science; Mental assessment and methodology- Risk types , sources,
operations used in science and Scientific Guessing;Types characterization and management – Environmental
of deductions and Representation; Research methods in management
natural sciences, definitions; Experiments, Observations,
Scientific postulates and their conditions; Verification
of scientific postulates; General methods of problems
solving; Creative and critical Thinking; Fluency types;
Flexibility, Originality and Basics of Brain Storming.
Basic & Applied
S c i e n c e 49
The course aims at enabling students to decode
technical discourse in English with ease and precision.
The course is designed to provide students with the
required knowledge, skills and attitude to express
themselves orally using general and technical English
meaningfully and accurately. Students are trained on
skimming and scanning relevant technical texts and on
listening for gist and specific information. In addition, the
writing component of the course focuses on making
students produce academic essays and employment
correspondence effectively and summarize technical
texts. By the end of the course, students will be able to
take part in an interview.
Engineering Depar tment 51
In this specialization, the student will learn to: uAbility to design and conduct experiments, as well as
uSpecifying the most suitable computer equipment for engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
certain functions. uClearly defined career objectives, and be able to
uDesigning and implementation of software packages market themselves via an effective, professional resume
for various computer and inter-network applications. and behavior-based interview techniques.
uDesigning and implementing Web-based systems for
different applications.
uDesigning and implementation Mobile Applications
This Program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation
for various mobile platforms Commission of ABET.
uWorking in the area of embedded systems http://www.abet .org
uDesigning and implementing database and
information systems in market place applications The program educational objectives and student outcomes are
listed in the (CET) site.
uOffering opinion and consultation in the field,
The Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s): uPursue lifelong learning through such activities as
hardware systems.
uThe ability to make significant contributions to
uSpecial-purpose processor design and
control applications
uRobotic systems
Software-based applications
uAnalysis, design and implementation of Web-
based Applications
uSmart electronic systems
uIntelligent Systems analysis and design
uMicrocontroller programming
Networking-oriented applications
uData communication and Internet protocols
uNetwork Security
Engineering Depar tment 55
Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
BA 113 Physics 1 BA 114 Physics 2
BA 123 Mathematics 1 BA 118 Chemistry
BA 141 Engineering Mechanics 1 BA 124 Mathematics 2
CC 111 Introduction to computer BA 142 Engineering Mechanics 2
IM 111 Industrial Relations CC 112 Structured Programming
LH 131 English for Special Purposes 1 IM 112 Manufacturing Technology
ME151 Eng. Drawing & Descriptive Geometry LH 132 English for Special Purposes 2
Year 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
BA 223 Mathematics III BA 224 Mathematics IV
CC 213 Programming Applications CC 215 Data Structure
CC 218 Discrete Mathematics CC 216 Digital Logic Design
EE 231 Electrical Circuits I EC 218 Measurements & Instrumentations
LH 231 Technical Report Writing EC 238 Electronics I
NE XXX 1 College elective course EE 232 Electrical Circuits II
Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
BA 323 Mathematics V BA 326 Mathematics VI
CC 317 Digital Systems Design CC 311 Computer Architecture
CC 319 Advanced Programming CC 316 Object-Oriented Programming
EE 328 Electrical Power & Machines CC 331 Data and Computer Communications
EC 339 Electronics II CC 341 Digital Electronics
EC 320 Communications Theory NE 364 Engineering Economy
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
CC 410 Systems Programming CC 415 Data Acquisition Systems
CC 413 Numerical Analysis CC 416 Computer Graphics
CC 414 Database Systems CC 418 Operating Systems
CC 421 Microprocessors Systems CC XXX Department Restricted Elective
CC XXX Department Restricted Elective CC 431 Computer Networks
EE 418 Automatic Control Systems IM 400CC Practical Training
IM 423 Operations Research
Year 5
Semester 9 Semester 10
CC 501 Project I CC 503 Project II
CC 511 Artificial Intelligence CC 513 Computing Systems
CC 531 Advanced Networks CC XXX Department Restricted Elective
CC XXX Department Restricted Elective CC XXX Department Restricted Elective
CC XXX Department Restricted Elective IM 535 International Operations Mgt.
NE XXX 1 College elective course
Engineering Depar tment 57
College Electives
NE 264 Scientific Thinking
NE 465 Aesthetic Education and Art Appreciation
NE 466 Environmental Science and Technology
Graduation Requirements
College Requirements
A total of 66 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 23 Courses (60 Cr. Hr.) of the following compulsory courses
1 BA113 Physics (1) 3 None
2 BA114 Physics (2) 3 BA 113
2 BA118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA123 Mathematics (1) 3 None
2 BA124 Mathematics (2) 3 BA 123
BA 1 BA141 Engineering Mechanics (1) 3 None
2 BA142 Engineering Mechanics (2) 3 BA 141
3 BA223 Mathematics (3) 3 BA 124
4 BA224 Mathematics (4) 3 BA 223
5 BA323 Mathematics (5) 3 BA224
6 BA326 Mathematics (6) 3 BA224
1 CC111 Introduction to Computers 3 None
2 CC112 Structured Programming 3 CC 111
1 IM111 Industrial Relations 2 None
2 IM112 Manufacturing Technology 2 None
IM 8 IM400CC Practical Training 0 90 Cr. Hr.
8 IM423 Operations Research 3 90 Cr. Hr.
10 IM535 International Operations Management 3 108 Cr. Hr.
Engineering Depar tment 59
College Requirements
A total of 66 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 23 Courses (60 Cr. Hr.) of the following compulsory courses
1 LH131 English for Special Purposes (1) 2 None
LH 2 LH132 English for Special Purposes (2) 2 LH 131
3 LH231 Technical Report Writing 3 LH 132
ME 1 ME151 Eng. Drawing and Descriptive Geometry 2 None
NE 6 NE 364 Engineering Economy 3 54 Cr. Hr.
Department Requirements
A total of 114 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u96 credit hours of compulsory courses.
The required compulsory and restricted elective courses are listed in the following table.
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 31 Courses (96 Cr. Hr.) of the following compulsory courses
3 CC213 Programming Applications 3 CC 112
3 CC218 Discrete mathematics 3 CC 111
4 CC215 Data Structure 3 CC 213
4 CC216 Digital Logic Design 3 CC 111
5 CC317 Digital Systems Design 3 CC 216
5 CC319 Advanced Programming 3 CC 215
6 CC311 Computer Architecture 3 CC 317
6 CC316 Object-Oriented Programming 3 CC 319
6 CC341 Digital Electronics 3 EC 238
CC 6 CC331 Data and Computer Communications 3 EC 320
7 CC410 Systems Programming 3 CC 319
7 CC421 Microprocessors Systems 3 CC 311
(CC 112 or CC114)
7 CC413 Numerical Analysis 3
and BA 224
7 CC414 Database Systems 3 CC 319
8 CC415 Data Acquisition System 3 CC 421
8 CC416 Computer Graphics 3 CC 319
8 CC418 Operating Systems 3 CC 410
8 CC431 Computer Networks 3 CC 331
Engineering Depar tment 61
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 31 Courses (96 Cr. Hr.) of the following compulsory courses
GPA 2.0 and Senior
9 CC501 Project I 3
Standing (Cr. Hrs. 138)
9 CC511 Artificial Intelligence 3 CC 218 and CC 319
9 CC531 Advanced Networks 3 CC 431
10 CC503 Project II 6 CC 501
10 CC513 Computing Systems 3 CC 418 and CC 421
4 EC238 Electronics I 3 EE 231
4 EC218 Measurements & Instrumentation 3 EE 231
5 EC320 Communications Theory 3 BA 224 and EE 231
5 EC339 Electronics II 3 EC 238
3 EE231 Electrical Circuits I 3 BA124
4 EE232 Electrical Circuits II 3 EE 231
5 EE328 Electrical Power & Machines 3 EE 232
7 EE418 Automatic Control Systems 3 EE328 , BA323
CC 523 – Computer Design and Performance Evaluation CC 527 – Computer Aided Design
Cr.3. Prerequisite: CC 311 Cr.3. Prerequisite: (CC 311 and CC 341) or CC 312
Comparison between the two major design To introduce fundamental algorithms and techniques
methodologies based on ISA (Instruction Set for computer aided integrated circuit design. It
Architecture) and ASA (Application Specific covers aspects of design flow, physical design, logic
Architecture).The course covers the topics of queuing optimization, timing analysis and verification, synthesis
theory and Markov processes as a tool for computer for testability
system performance evaluation. Moreover, the students
are introduced to operational analysis techniques CC 528 – Computer Systems Performance Analysis
regarding performance of computer systems. Cr.3. Prerequisite: Senior Standing credits 138
The purpose of this course is to introduce the student
CC 524 – Neural Networks to the principles and techniques of performance
Cr.3. Prerequisite: CC 112 and BA 323 measurement in the analysis of computer systems.
Introduction to basic concepts of neural networks. Such techniques are used to detect bottlenecks,
The basic neuron. The multiplayer perception. Artificial measure the efficiency of computer systems and
neural networks: applications, learning, and architecture. applications
Competitive neural networks. Kohonen self-organizing
networks. Adaptive reasoning theory (ART). Hop field CC 529 – Distributed and Parallel Systems
neural networks. Neural networks implementation. Cr.3. Prerequisite: CC 431 and CC418
Neural networks applications. Introduction to MATLAB This course studies the fundamental aspects of
environment. Single perception, Multiplayer perception, distributed systems and applications. Early foundations
Competitive networks, Kohonen networks, ART and recent developments in distributed systems
networks, And Hop field networks using MATLAB. will be investigated. Both client-server and peer-to-
peer application designs will be discussed. Other
topics include sockets, reliability, replication, group
CC 525 – Intelligent Robotics membership protocols, clock synchronization, and
Cr.3. Prerequisite: CC 319 and EE 418 logical timestamps.
Introduction, History, Applications, Object rotation,
General transformations, Forward Kinematics, Inverse
kinematics, Static’s, Forward Dynamics, Inverse
Dynamics, trajectory generation, Control, Applications
and practical Considerations.
Graduates of the Construction and Building Following are some of the job opportunities that can
Engineering degree program design and manage be pursued by the program graduates:
construction processes that create living and working uField engineer: implements and coordinates
environments such as office buildings, industrial engineered construction processes.
buildings, airports, housing, roads, bridges, utilities, uDesign engineer: develop conceptual and detailed
water resources and coastal engineering projects. designs for many construction projects such as
Graduates fill positions in construction companies, office buildings, industrial buildings, airports, housing,
engineering consulting firms, government agencies, and roads, bridges, hydraulic structures, coastal structures,
large construction corporations. The positions usually utilities, and dams.
involve the planning, design, and management of the uSurveying engineer: perform surveying activities for
Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
BA 113 Physics 1 BA 114 Physics 2
BA 123 Mathematics 1 BA 118 Chemistry
BA 141 Engineering Mechanics 1 BA 124 Mathematics 2
CC 111 Introduction to computers BA 142 Engineering Mechanics 2
IM 111 Industrial Relations CC 114 Introduction to Programming
LH 131 English for Special Purposes 1 IM 112 Manufacturing Technology
ME 151 Eng. Drawing & Descriptive Geometry LH 132 English for Special Purposes 2
Year 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
CB 221 Construction Engineering Drawings BA 224 Mathematics 4
CB 241 Structural Analysis 1 EE 218 Measurements & Instrumentation
CB 251 Testing of Materials CB 242 Strength of Materials
EE 238 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals CB 271 Construction Surveying 1
BA 223 Mathematics 3 CB 281 Hydraulics for Civil Engineers
LH 231 Technical Report Writing NE XXX Non Engineering Elective 1
Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
BA 329 Probability & Statistics CB 311 Introduction to Construction Management
CB 382 Water Resources Engineering CB 354 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 1
CB 343 Structural Analysis 2 CB 362 Soil Mechanics
CB 352 Construction Materials CB 313 Quality Control in Construction
CB 361 Engineering Geology CB 312 System Analysis for Construction Engineers
ME255 Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) CB 322 Building Construction
and Building Engineering 79
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
CB 472 Transportation and Traffic Engineering CB 431 Technical Installations in Buildings
Design and Construction of Earth Structures &
CB 455 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 2 CB 463
CB 483 Irrigation & Drainage CB 474 Highway Design and Construction
AR 411 Architectural Design & Urban Landscape CB 444 Design of Metallic Structures
Quantity Surveying, Cost Estimating &
CC 413 Numerical Analysis CB 415
NE XXX Non Engineering Elective 2 CB 485 Design & Construction of Coastal Structures
IM 400 CB Practical Training
Year 5
Semester 9 Semester 10
CB 514 Construction Contracts and Law CB 524 Methods & Equipment for Construction 2
CB 523 Methods & Equipment for Construction 1 CB 533 Environmental Control & Energy in Buildings
CB 516 Construction Project Management 1 CB 519 Construction Project Management 2
CB 532 Environmental & Sanitary Engineering CB 503 Project 2
CB 501 Project 1 CB 5XX Department Restricted Elective
CB 5XX Department Restricted Elective
College Electives
Non-Engineering Elective 1 Non-Engineering Elective 2
NE 266 Creativity and Innovation NE 465 Aesthetics Edu. & Art Appreciation
NE 264 Scientific Thinking IM 531E Human Resource Management
IM 539 International Business Management NE 466 Environmental Science and Technology
Graduation Requirements
College Requirements
A total of 60 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 54 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 BA 113 Physics (1) 3 None
2 BA 114 Physics (2) 3 BA 113
2 BA 118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA 123 Mathematics (1) 3 None
2 BA 124 Mathematics (2) 3 BA 123
3 BA 223 Mathematics (3) 3 BA 124
4 BA 224 Mathematics (4) 3 BA 223
5 BA 329 Probability & Statistics 3 BA 224
1 BA 141 Engineering Mechanics (1) 3 None
2 BA 142 Engineering Mechanics (2) 3 BA 141
1 CC 111 Introduction to Computer 2 None
CC 2 CC 114 Introduction to Programming 3 CC 111
7 CC 413 Numerical Analysis 3 CC 114 & BA 224
1 IM 111 Industrial Relations 2 None
IM 2 IM 112 Manufacturing Technology 2 None
8 IM 400 CB Practical Training 0 None
College Requirements
A total of 60 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 54 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
Eng. Drawing and Descriptive
ME 1 ME 151 3 None
1 LH 131 English for Special Purposes (1) 2 None
LH 2 LH 132 English for Special Purposes (2) 2 LH 131
3 LH 231 Technical Report Writing 3 LH 132
3 EE 238 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 3 BA 124
4 EE 218 Measurements & Instrumentation 3 EE 238
College Electives
At least six credit hours (6 cr. hr.) from the following list of the college electives
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 54 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
4 NE 264 Scientific Thinking 3 None
4 NE 266 Creativity and innovation 3 None
Environmental Science and
NE 7 NE 466 3 None
Aesthetic Education and Art
7 NE 465 3 None
4 IM 539 International Business Management 3 None
7 IM 531E Human Resource Management 3 126 Cr. Hr.
and Building Engineering 83
Department Requirements
A total of 120 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u 114 credit hours of compulsory courses.
The required compulsory and restricted elective courses are listed in the following table.
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 114 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
6 CB 311 Introduction to Construction Management 3 BA 224
6 CB 312 System Analysis for Construction Engineers 3 BA 329
6 CB 313 Quality Control in Construction 3 BA 329
Quantity Surveying, Cost Estimating &
8 CB 415 3 CB 322 & CB 354
9 CB 514 Construction Contracts and Law 3 CB 311 & CB 415
9 CB 516 Construction Project Management 1 3 CB 311 & CB 322
10 CB 519 Construction Project Management 2 3 CB 415 & CB 516
3 CB 221 Construction Engineering Drawings 3 ME 151
6 CB 322 Building Construction 3 CB 221
9 CB 523 Methods & Equipment for Construction 1 3 CB 322
10 CB 524 Methods & Equipment for Construction 2 3 CB 523
8 CB 431 Technical Installations in Buildings 3 CB 322
9 CB 532 Environmental & Sanitary Engineering 3 CB 382
Environmental Control & Energy in
10 CB 533 3 CB 431
3 CB 241 Structural Analysis 1 3 BA 141
4 CB 242 Strength of Materials 3 CB 241 & CB 251
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 114 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
5 CB 343 Structural Analysis 2 3 CB 242
8 CB 444 Design of Metallic Structures 3 CB 343
3 CB 251 Testing of Materials 3 None
5 CB 352 Construction Materials 3 CB 251
6 CB 354 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 1 3 CB 343
7 CB 455 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 2 3 CB 354
5 CB 361 Engineering Geology 3 None
6 CB 362 Soil Mechanics 3 CB 361
Design & Const. of Earth Structures &
8 CB 463 3 CB 362 & CB354
CB Foundation
4 CB 271 Construction Surveying 1 3 BA 124
7 CB 472 Transportation Engineering 3 CB 271
8 CB 474 Highway Design and Construction 3 CB 472
4 CB 281 Hydraulics for Civil Engineers 3 BA 114
5 CB 382 Water Resources Engineering 3 CB 281
7 CB 483 Irrigation & Drainage 3 CB 382
9 CB 485 Design & Construction of Coastal Structures 3 CB 281
9 CB 501 Project 1 3 138 Cr. Hr.
10 CB 503 Project 2 6 CB 501
AR 7 AR 411 Architectural Design & Urban Landscape 3 CB 221
CC 7 CC 413 Numerical Analysis 3 CC 114 & BA 224
IM 8 IM 400 CB Practical Training 0 None
ME 5 ME 255 Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 3 CB 221
and Building Engineering 85
At least two courses (6 Cr. Hr.) from the following list of the college electives
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
9 – 10 CB 518 Financial Management & Accounting in const. 3 CB 516
9 – 10 CB 525 Special Topics in Construction Engineering 3 CB 523
9 – 10 CB 534 Special Topics in Environmental Engineering 3 CB 532
9 – 10 CB 545 Structural Dynamics 3 CB 343
9 – 10 CB 557 Inspection, Maintenance. & Repair of Structures 3 CB 444 or CB 455
9 – 10 CB 546 Special topics in Steel & Composite structures 3 CB 444
CB 9 – 10 CB 556 Concrete Technology 3 CB 352
9 – 10 CB 558 Special topics in Reinforced Concrete Structures 3 CB 455
9 – 10 CB 564 Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering 3 CB 463
9 – 10 CB 573 Construction Surveying 2 3 CB 271
9 - 10 CB 575 Special Topics in Transportation Engineering 3 CB 474
9 – 10 CB 576 Special Topics in Railway Engineering 3 CB 472
9 – 10 CB 584 Special Topics in Hydraulic & Coastal Structures 3 CB 483
CB 558 – Special Topics in Reinforced Concrete Structures CB 474 - Highway Design and Construction
Cr.3. Prerequisite: CB 455 Cr.3. Prerequisites: CB 472
The design of concrete structures for special tasks - Highway classification & process of location selections;
These structures include bridges, halls, and storage Horizontal Alignment and details of geometric design;
structures - The design of contemporary R.C. bridges is Vertical alignment and details of geometric design;
achieved through learning the theory and basics behind Principles of traffic flow; Highway level of service
restressed concrete and the design of pre-stressed (LOS); Capacity of highway segments ; multi-lane and
bridges - In addition, the design of halls in buildings or two lanes ; At grade intersection , types , Channelization;
factories is applied through the design of saw-tooth Intersection Control and traffic Signal Design ;
(north light) structures, shell roof structures, and arched Interchanges, types, principles of design examples ; Soil
frame structures - Moreover, the design of special engineering for highway design ; Bituminous Material;
structures for storage such as elevated circular tanks, traffic load transformation , Equivalent Single Axle
ground tanks, and silos are covered in the course. load Concept (ESAL) ; Design of flexible Pavements ,
AASHTO method of design , BCBR method of design;
Highway construction ; Highway Maintenance.
CB 576 - Special Topics in Railway Engineering CB 584 – Special Topics in Hydraulic & Coastal Structures
Cr.3. Prerequisites: CB 472 Cr.3. Prerequisite: CB 483
Railway dynamics, Tractive effort and resistances, Overview of environmental design parameters
Acceleration and braking ; Railway Alignment, related to ambient water, soil and air; Design
Longitudinal and cross sections, Vertical and horizontal criteria and construction aspects of major river and
curve design ; Structural design of track, Jointed and estuary structures which include lined open channel,
welded rail design, Sleeper and ballast design ;Turnouts river training, bridge piers, flow control structures,
and switches, Switch, Crossover, Diamond crossing, submerged tunnel and storm surge barriers; Design
Scissor crossover, slip, Double junction ; Stations and criteria and construction methods of some selected
yards, Passenger and freight stations, Locomotive and coastal structures are presented which embrace
stabling yard, Sorting and marshalling yards ; Signalling pile-supported structures, bulkheads & quay walls,
; Train traffic management, Automatic block system breakwaters and submarine pipelines.
(ABS), Centralized traffic control (CTC), Automatic
control system (ATC) ; Railway capacity ; Railway cost, CB 485 - Design and Construction of Coastal Structures
Price and subsidy ; Railway renewal and maintenance Cr.3. Prerequisites: CB 281
management. Ocean environment; wind, tides, wave mechanics
- Coastal processes; surf-zone dynamics & coastal
sediment transport - Wave & current forces on coastal
CB 575 – Special Topics in Transportation Engineering structures - Port planning and technology - Functional
Cr.3. Prerequisite: CB 574 design of coastal structures - Construction aspects
Airport classification & site selection; Wind data of major coastal structures - breakwaters, seawalls,
analysis; Airport Configuration and main components; docking facilities, ocean outfalls and submarine pipelines
Determination of runway basic length & corrections; - Field visits to local coastal protection projects.
Aircraft characteristics components of airport
system; Overall airport site; Classifications of Airport CB 501 - Project 1
supporting soil; Design of Airport flexible pavements; Cr.3. Prerequisites: 138 Cr. Hr.
Design of Airport Rigid Pavements; Airport lighting; Selection of Project discipline - Assignment of Project
Aircraft refuelling, electrical power, navigation discipline - Lecture in advanced topics - Term Project -
marking; Airport safe surfaces; Airport Air traffic, Group presentation.
Control System; Instrument landing System, Railway
engineering,railway system, Railway alignment, track
elements, Cross section, Platform, length, switching,
signalling, Transportation Management System,
Transportation Software.
and Building Engineering 95
CB 503 - Project 2
Cr.6. Prerequisites: CB 501
Evaluation of students will follow college requirements
- Action plan preparation - Project preparation, Final
review - Project binding - Project submittal
Construction and Building Engineering (CB) Offered
to Other Departments
CB 240 - Theory of Structures
Cr.3. Prerequisites: BA141
Basic concept of structural analysis, types of structures,
loads, supports and reactions. Free-body diagram
- Equations of equilibrium - Analysis of statically
determinate structures, internal force diagrams in
beams, frames and trusses - Properties of areas -
Normal stress distribution - Shear stress distribution
- Elastic deflections of structure.
CB 351 - Reinforced Concrete and Metallic Structures CB 460 - Soil Mechanics and Foundations
Cr.3. Prerequisites: CB 350 Cr.3. Prerequisites: CB 351
Planning and selection of R.C. structural systems Soil formation and identification - Physical and
- Planning and selection of steel structural systems - mechanical properties of soils - Soil description and
Analysis and design of R.C sections - Design of R.C. classification - Exploration, sampling and in situ soil
one-way slabs - Design of R.C. two- way slabs -Design measurements - Soil report - Bearing capacity of
of R.C. beams - Design of R.C. columns - General soils - Shallow and deep foundations - Improving site
arrangement and bracing of steel structures- Design soils for foundation use - Earth slopes and retaining
of steel beams - Design of steel tension members structures - Seepage and dewatering - Impact of
- Design of steel compression members- Design of geotechnical considerations on architectural design
steel columns and supports - Steel bolted connections and landscaping.
-Steel welded connections - Selection of construction
material and main systems of structures.
CB 510 - Project Management & Scheduling
CB 370 - Surveying Cr.3. Prerequisites: AR 444
Cr.3. Prerequisites: BA 124 Introduction to construction management - relationship
Standards - Unit calibration - Measurement of distance and responsibilities of project participants - project life
- Linear surveying technique - Bearing calculation and cycle and management functions - Introduction to the
measurement - Compass Traversing - Rectangular principles of time analysis and scheduling practices in
coordinates calculation -Application of practical the project planning and control process - including
surveying problems - Measurement of horizontal and network planning - CPM scheduling - resource
vertical angles -Theodolite Traversing - Profile levelling levelling - cash flow analysis - project life cycle -
- Contouring - Computation of earthwork - Layout of design construction interface - computer program
construction engineering projects. applications. The course is organized around a series
of exercises geared to simulate the management of
the various stages of an architectural project.
developing countries and peak demand forecast of electrical power for public and private sectors to
doubling every ten years, there is a pressing need secure both continuous and emergency demands.
for expert generation, transmission and distribution uElectrical power feeding for civil, military, marine and
linking all nations from Iraq in the east to Morocco in uRenewable stand-alone generation systems for
the west and from North Africa across the continent isolated communities.
to South Africa across with eventual interconnection uAutomated industrial systems where computer
with Europe.The scope of electrical power engineering controlled systems are applied such as paper industry,
is thus very wide indeed and power engineers are steel production and fabrication industries, chemicals,
required to be knowledgeable in both conventional petrochemicals & medicine production industries,
and frontline topics. spinning & weaving, food production industries…
uTraction and lifting utilities.
E l e c t r i c a l
&Control Engineering 99
Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
LH 131 English for Special Purposes (1) LH 132 English for Special Purposes (2)
BA 123 Mathematics (1) BA 124 Mathematics (2)
BA 113 Physics (1) BA 114 Physics (2)
CC 111 Introduction to Computers CC 112 Structured Programming
ME 151 Eng. Drawing & Projection IM 112 Manufacturing Technology
BA 141 Engineering Mechanics (1) BA 142 Engineering Mechanics (2)
IM 111 Industrial Relations BA 118 Chemistry
Year 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
LH 231 Technical Report Writing BA 224 Mathematics (4)
CC 216 Digital Logic Design EE 331 Electrical and Magnetic Fields (1)
BA 223 Mathematics (3) EE 232 Electrical Circuits (2)
ME 274 Material Science EC 238 Electronics (1)
CC 213 Programming Applications EE 211 Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation (1)
EE 231 Electrical Circuits (1) NE 264 Scientific Thinking
Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
BA 323 Mathematics (5) BA 327 Statistics & Numerical Methods
EC 339 Electronics II EE 311 Fundamentals of Control Engineering
EE 312 Electrical Measurements & Inst. (2) EE 333 Electrical and Magnetic Fields (2)
EE 321 Electrical Machines (1) EE 322 Electrical Machines (2)
EE 341 Introduction to Power Engineering EE 342 Power Systems (1)
EE 332 Network Analysis EE 421 Power Electronics (1)
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
CC 411 Intro. to Microprocessors ME 425 Power Plant Technology
EE 422 Electrical Machines (3) NE 364 Engineering Economy
EE 423 Power Electronics (2) EE 412 Control Systems (2)
EE 411 Control Systems (1) EE 413 Microprocessor Based Process Control
EE 441 Power Systems (2) EE 424 Electrical Drives (1)
ME 234 Thermo-fluids EE 442 Power Systems Protection (1)
IM 400EE Practical Training
Year 5
Semester 9 Semester 10
EE501 Project (1) EE503 Project (2)
EE XXX Department Restricted Elective Group A EE XXX Department Restricted Elective Group A/B
EE XXX Department Restricted Elective Group A EE XXX Department Restricted Elective Group A/B
EE XXX Department Restricted Elective Group B EE XXX Department Restricted Elective Group A/B
EE XXX Department Restricted Elective Group B IM\NE XXX Department Restricted Elective Group C
IM\NE XXX Department Restricted Elective Group C
E l e c t r i c a l
&Control Engineering 101
Graduation Requirements
College Requirements
A total of 51 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
Compulsory Courses
A total of 51 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 BA 113 Physics (1) 3 None
2 BA 114 Physics (2) 3 BA 113
2 BA 118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA 123 Mathematics (1) 3 None
2 BA 124 Mathematics (2) 3 BA 123
3 BA 223 Mathematics (3) 3 BA 124
4 BA 224 Mathematics (4) 3 BA 223
1 BA 141 Engineering Mechanics (1) 3 None
2 BA 142 Engineering Mechanics (2) 3 BA 141
8 IM 400EE Practical Training - None
1 CC 111 Introduction to computer 3 None
2 CC 112 Structured Programming 3 CC 111
1 IM 111 Industrial Relations 2 None
2 IM 112 Manufacturing Technology 2 None
1 LH 131 English for Special Purposes (1) 2 None
LH 2 LH 132 English for Special Purposes (2) 2 LH 131
3 LH 231 Technical Report Writing 3 LH 132
ME 1 ME 151 Eng. Drawing and Projection 2 None
4 NE 264 Scientific Thinking 3 None
8 NE 364 Engineering Economy 3 54 Cr. Hr.
E l e c t r i c a l
&Control Engineering 103
Department Requirements
A total of 129 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u102 credit hours of compulsory courses.
uA minimum of 27 credit hours of department restricted electives that are selected from the three main course groups
:as follows
uSeven courses equivalent to 21credits from Group A & Group B.
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 31 Courses (102 Cr. Hr.) of the following compulsory courses
5 BA 323 Mathematics (5) 3 BA 224
6 BA 327 Statistics & Numerical Methods 3 None
3 CC 213 Programming Applications 3 CC 112
3 CC 216 Digital Logic Design 3 CC 111
CC 216 & EE211
7 CC 411 Intro. to Microprocessors 3
or CC312
4 EC 238 Electronics I 3 EE 231
5 EC 339 Electronics II 3 EC 238
3 EE 231 Electrical Circuits (1) 3 BA 124
4 EE 232 Electrical Circuits (2) 3 EE 231
4 EE 211 Electrical Meas. & Instrumentation (1) 3 EE 231
4 EE 331 Electrical and Magnetic Fields (1) 3 BA 223 & EE231
5 EE 312 Electrical Meas. & Instrumentation (2) 3 EE 211
EE 5 EE 321 Electrical Machines (1) 3 EE 232
5 EE 341 Introduction to Power Engineering 3 EE 232
5 EE 332 Network Analysis 3 EE 232
6 EE 311 Fundamentals of Control Engineering 3 BA 224
6 EE 333 Electrical and Magnetic Fields (2) 3 EE 331
6 EE 322 Electrical Machines (2) 3 EE 321
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 34 Courses (96 Cr. Hr.) of the following compulsory courses
6 EE 342 Power Systems (1) 3 EE 341
6 EE 323 Power Electronics (1) 3 EC 339
7 EE 422 Electrical Machines (3) 3 EE 322
7 EE 423 Power electronics (2) 3 EE 421
7 EE 411 Control Systems (1) 3 EE 311
7 EE 441 Power Systems (2) 3 EE 342
8 EE 412 Control Systems (2) 3 EE 411
8 EE 413 Microprocessor Based Process Control 3 CC 411
8 EE 424 Electrical Drives (1) 3 EE 422 & EE423
8 EE 442 Power Systems Protection (1) 3 EE 441
9 EE 501 Project (1) 3 S.S.*
10 EE 503 Project (2) 6 EE 501
3 ME 274 Materials Science 3 BA 114 & BA 142
8 ME 520 Power Plant Technology 3 ME 234 or ME 333
7 ME 439 Thermo-fluids 3 None
8 ME 520 Thermal Plant Technology 3 ME 439
E l e c t r i c a l
&Control Engineering 105
EE 513 – Control Applications in Power Engineering EE 515 – Computer Control of Dynamic Systems
Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 412 Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 411
Control problems in electrical power system. An Review state-space description of discrete time
introduction to Modelling of turbines and synchronous systems. Solution of discrete time state equations.
machine using state space approach. Linearized Derivation of transfer function from state-space model.
simulation on model in the s-domain of one machine Controllability and observability of discrete time
connected to infinite-bus system. Dynamic performing systems. Realization theory. Minimal representation
of the controlled one machine / infinite - bus system digital redesign of continuous time controllers. Digital
Excitation control problem : definition and control implementation of the PID controller. Pole assignment
configuration of classical and modern systems. of discrete systems. Implementation of state observers
Transfer function model excitation system Excitation for the use with state feedback control.
system compensation (power system stabilizer). Effect
excitation system on generator steady – state stability EE 516 – Modern Control Systems
limit and dynamic stabilization. Generation control Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 412 or EE418
problem: definition and element modelling. Power Further state-space analysis: Linear systems with multiple
factor-control of isolated system using PID controller. eignvalues, Non linear state-space representation,
Power factor-control of two-area system. Linearization, Jacobian matrices, Decomposition of
system into controllable and uncontrollable parts,
EE 514 – Robotics Deadbeat response-pole assignment with state and
Cr.3. Prerequisite: CC 411 and EE 412 with output feedback. Use of observer. Introduction
What is a robot’s components / Classification and to advanced control topics: optimal control. Adaptive
Applications Kinematics for manipulators, joints, links control systems. System identification of dynamic
and gripper. Coordinate frames and transformation. systems, least squares, Theory and implementation for
Determination of coordinate frames – Orientation of system estimation.
end – effector. Inverse solution to Kinematics equations
Calculation of inverse transformation between EE 517 – Optimal and Adaptive Control
coordinates an inverse solution Kinematic solution Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 412
Generalized velocity and torque relations. Velocity and Review of modern approach of control system. Calculus
acceleration in fixed and rotating coordinates Jacobean of extremes and single stage decision constrained
matrix /rotational and transnational acceleration extremes and lag range multipliers. Variational calculus
Dynamic models of manipulators State variable and Euler-Lagrange Eq. Mathematical Modelling
representation for robot dynamic models Motion of optimization problem. The maximum principle.
control and controller design for gross & fine motion The Hamiltonian – Jacobi theory. Linear regulator
of robot manipulators. Design specifications based problems. Minimum time problem. The discrete
on second - order linear system Controller design maximum principle discrete linear quadratic problem.
(using optimum control) for robot manipulators and Adaptive control systems. Model reference adaptive
discussion survey on sensors and actuators control. Self-tuning adaptive control systems. Stability ,
problem in adaptive control systems
E l e c t r i c a l
&Control Engineering 117
EE 518 – Automated Industrial Systems (2) EE 541 – Power Systems Protection (2)
Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 512 Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 442
Building blocks of automation. Automatic production Introduction: static/ digital vs. electromechanical
and assembly.Additional topics regarding programmable relays. Relaying practices. Components, detectors and
logic controllers (PLC’s). Analogue signals processing. applications. Hardware of digital relay. Mathematical
Integral blocks. Communications capabilities: Data background for digital protection. Digital O.C. relay.
interchange, local area network (LAN), communication Digital distance relay. Digital protection of rotating
protocols, Different communications. Industrial machines. Digital protection of transformers. Digital bus
application examples. bar protection. Integration of protection and control in
substations. Travelling wave based protection. Recent
EE 521 – Special Electrical Machines topics in digital protection.
Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 422
Two phase induction motor. Single phase induction
motor, Starting of single phase induction motor, Single EE 542 – Electrical Power Stations
phase commutator series motor, Energy convention Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 441
in doubly salient machines, Three phase conventional Introduction to power stations. Loads and load curves.
reluctance machines Salient pole, synchronous Power plant economies - Tariffs and power factor
reluctance machine , Stepper motor operation improvements. Selection of plants. Types of power
principles. Permanent magnet stepper motor, Variable stations: Gas turbines, thermal, hydro, steam and
reluctance stepper motors, Switched reluctance nuclear power stations. Hydrothermal coordination.
motors, linear induction motors, Induction generators, Parallel operation of alternators. Major electrical
Permanent magnet DC motor, Brushless DC motors. equipments in power plants. System inter connections.
New energy sources.
EE 522 – Electric Drives (2)
Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 424
Elements of electric drive systems. Matching between EE 543 – Electrical Power Distribution
motor and loads characteristics. Concept of travelling Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE 441
time and drive dynamics. Drive control techniques. Distribution systems – Distribution substation service
Drive applications. Introduction to matrix analysis of areas. Distribution configurations. Primaries design.
electric machine. D-Q modelling of electric machines. Secondary design. Voltage profiles and regulators.
Speed control of DC motors based on D-Q model. O.H.T.L. and equipment’s - types of power transformers,
Vector control of 3 phase induction motor. Speed types of regulators. Underground distribution lines
control of variable reluctance motor based on and switchgear – design of distribution substation,
generalized torque matrix representation. Introduction design of service area Capacitors and reactive power
to design of electric machines. Material selection and compensation - Methods of improving P.F. - sizing
factors affecting the machine design. Design of single and locating of P.F. VARS. Motor control centres.
phase transformer. Design of three phase transformer. Distribution substation operation.
Design of DC machines.
The Electronics and Communication Engineering Several goals are targeted by the department that
department program is oriented towards several includes:
objectives: uImpart to students advanced technical and
u Fundamental knowledge in mathematics, physical engineering knowledge.
sciences, and electrical engineering. uPrepare electronic and communication engineers
u The opportunity to specialize in specific areas of who are capable of making a positive contribution to
interest or career aspiration. their communities.
u Intensive training in problem solving, laboratory skills, uSatisfy the growing need of the national industries
Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
LH131 ESP (1) LH 132 ESP (2)
BA123 Mathematics(1) BA124 Mathematics(2)
BA113 Physics (1) BA114 Physics (2)
CC111 Introduction to Computer CC112 Structured Programming
BA118 Chemistry IM111 Industrial Relations
BA141 Engineering Mechanics (1) BA142 Engineering Mechanics (2)
IM112 Manufacturing Technology ME151 Engineering Drawing & Projection
Year 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
LH231 Technical Report Writing BA224 Mathematics (4)
BA223 Mathematics (3) NE264 Scientific Thinking
EC210 Solid State Electronics EC233 Electronic Devices (1)
CC213 Programming Applications EC217 Measurements & Instrumentation
NE465 Aesthetic Edu & Art Appreciation CC111 Digital Logic Design
EE231 Electrical Circuits (1) EE232 Electrical Circuits (2)
Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
BA323 Mathematics (5) EC341 Electromagnetics
EC334 Analog and Digital-Circuit Analysis EC333 Electronic Amplifiers
EC328 Electrical Power & Machines BA325 Mathematics (6)
CC312 Computer Organization EC322M Introduction to Communication Systems
EC332 Electronic Devices (2) CC413 Numerical Analysis
EC321M Signals and Systems EC311 Electronic Materials
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
EC432 Microelectronic Circuits EC434 Analog Signal Processing
EC421M Statistical Communication Theory EC422 Introduction to Digital Communications
EC442 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation EC443 Electromagnetic Transmitting Media
CC411 Introduction to Microprocessors NE364 Engineering Economy
IM423 Operation Research EE419 Modern Control Engineering
EE418 Automatic Control Systems EC410 Electronic Measurements
IM400EC Practical Training
Year 5
Semester 9 Semester 10
EC523M Advanced Communication Systems EC546 Microwave Technology
EC544 Antennas Engineering EC533 Digital Signal Processing
EC501 Project ( 1 ) EC503 Project ( 2 )
ECXXX Elective Course ECXXX Elective Course
ECXXX Elective Course ECXXX Elective Course
ECXXX Elective Course
& Communications Engineering 123
Graduation Requirements
College Requirements
A total of 60 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table
Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
1 BA113 Physics (1) 3 None
2 BA114 Physics (2) 3 BA113
1 BA118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA123 Mathematics (1) 3 None
BA 2 BA124 Mathematics (2) 3 BA123
1 BA141 Engineering Mechanics (1) 3 None
2 BA142 Engineering Mechanics (2) 3 BA141
3 BA223 Mathematics (3) 3 BA124
4 BA224 Mathematics (4) 3 BA223
1 CC111 Introduction to Computer 3 None
2 CC112 Structured Programming 3 CC111
3 EE231 Electrical Circuits 1 3 BA124
4 EE232 Electrical Circuits 2 3 EE231
2 IM111 Industrial Relations 2 None
1 IM112 Manufacturing Technology 2 None
1 LH129 English for Special Purposes (0) 0 None
1 LH131 English for Special Purposes (1) 2 None
2 LH132 English for Special Purposes (2) 2 LH 131
3 LH231 Technical Report Writing 3 LH 132
ME 2 ME151 Engineering Drawing & Projection 2 None
4 NE264 Scientific Thinking 3 54 Cr. Hr.
NE 3 NE465 Aesthetic Education& Art Appreciation 3 None
8 NE364 Engineering Economy 3 54 Cr. Hr.
Department Requirements
A total of 120 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u33 credit hours of compulsory courses from other departments.
Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory EC Courses
A total of 75 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory EC courses
3 EC210 Solid State Electronics 3 BA114&BA118
4 EC217 Measurements & Instrumentation 3 EE231
Group 1
6 EC311 Electronic Materials 3 EC210
8 EC410 Electronic Measurements 3 EC432
5 EC321M Signals and Systems 3 BA224 &EE231
6 EC322M Introduction to Communication Systems 3 EC321M
Group 2 7 EC421M Statistical Communication Theory 3 EC322M &BA325
8 EC422 Introduction to Digital Communications 3 EC421M
10 EC523M Advanced Communication Systems 3 EC422
4 EC233 Electronic Devices 1 3 EC210
5 EC332 Electronic Devices 2 3 EC233 &EE232
6 EC333 Electronic Amplifiers 3 EC332
Group 3 5 EC334 Analog & Digital Circuit Analysis 3 EE232& EC233
7 EC432 Microelectronic Circuits 3 EC333
8 EC434 Analog Signal Processing 3 EC432
9 EC533 Digital Signal Processing 3 EC434
Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
6 EC341 Electromagnetics 3 BA114 &BA224
7 EC442 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation 3 EC341
Group 4 8 EC443 Electromagnetic Transmitting Media 3 EC442
9 EC544 Antennas Engineering 3 EC443
10 EC546 Microwave Technology 3 EC443
9 EC501 Senior Project 1 3 135 Cr. Hr.
10 EC503 Senior Project 2 6 EC501
IM 8 IM400EC Practical Training 0 None
Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Department Electives
A total of 15 Cr. Hr. of the following elective courses
9 – 10 EC530 Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) 3 EC434
9 – 10 EC535 Digital VLSI Design 3 EC432 &CC216
9 – 10 EC536 VLSI Fabrication& Testing 3 EC432
Group 1
9 – 10 EC537 Biomedical Electronics 3 EC434
9 – 10 EC538 Selected Topics in Electronics 3 EC434
9 – 10 EC560 Modern Electronic Circuits 3 EC434
9 – 10 EC539 Opto Electronics 3 EC233
9 – 10 EC520 Satellite Communications 3 EC422
9 – 10 EC521 Communication Networks 3 EC422
9 – 10 EC522 Acoustics 3 EC341
9 – 10 EC525 Information Theory & Coding 3 EC422
9 – 10 EC526 Mobile Communications 3 EC422
Group 2
9 – 10 EC527 Applied Telecommunications Systems 3 EC322M
9 – 10 EC528 Data Communication 3 EC422
9 – 10 EC529 Modern Wireless Communications 3 EC422
9 – 10 EC550 Selected Topics in Communications 3 EC422
9 – 10 EC551 Telecommunication Systems Engineering 3 EC422
9 – 10 EC524 Optical Communications 3 EC422
Group 3 9 – 10 EC545 Advanced Antennas Systems 3 EC443
College Electives
CC 9 – 10 CC524 Neural Networks 3 BA323 &CC112
EE 9 – 10 EE512 Automated Industrial Systems (1) 3 EE419
IM 9 – 10 IM535 International Operations Management 3 108 Cr. Hr.
EE 9 – 10 EE514 Robotics 3 EE419
EC 522 – Acoustics **
Cr.3. Prerequisite: EC 341
Acoustic wave and velocity of sound - The one-
dimensional wave equation - Impedance of mediums
- Three-dimensional wave equation and spherical wave
- Sound intensity and power - Energy density and
levels - Multiple sources and loudness - Environmental
acoustics - Equivalent sound pressure level and
assessment of noise - Analogy between acoustical and
electrical circuits - Transducers and sensitivity of MICs
and loudspeakers - Hi-fi system and introduction of
underwater acoustics - Velocity profiles and SONAR.
EC553 – Media & Entertainment Eng. ** EC238– Electronics I (Computer Eng. Program +
Cr.3. Prerequisite: EC322M Electrical & control Eng. Program) *
Stereophonic broadcasting systems - TV scanning Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE231
and broadcasting - Detailed block diagram of a TV Semiconductors - p-n junction - diode current
transmitter and receiver - Color TV fundamentals - components - junction capacitance – Si and Ge
NTSC,PAL, and SECAM systems - Digital TV - HDTV junction diodes - special p-n junctions - bipolar junction
and Satellite TV - Audio recording analog and digital transistor - BJT as a switch- Regions of operation: Cut-
- Compact disc and CD player - Reflection and ray off, saturation, reverse- and forward active regions
tracing theory - Acoustical treatment and studio design - field effect transistor: structure, operation – I-V
characteristics - large and small analysis - MOSFET as
EC134 – Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics a switch.
(Computer Science Program) *
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA113 EC331 – Electronics (Mechatronics Eng. Program) *
This course introduces the basic concepts of Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE328
electricity and electronics concepts. This is useful P-N junction diode. Special P-N junctions- bipolar
in understanding the operations of robotics. The junction and field effect transistors- Transistor
topics of interest include the basics of electricity and amplifiers. Cascaded amplifiers. Voltage and power
electrical circuit’s components. It covers also the basic amplifiers. Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR).
DC and AC circuits’ analysis, power and resonance,
and transformers. The electronic topics include EC332– Electronic Devices (2)
semiconductors diodes and transistors. The course Cr.3. Prerequisite: EE232 – EC233
covers practical and applications of the studied topics Operation of BJT - DC Analysis - BJT Base Width
in the operations of amplifiers and oscillators. Modulation - AC Analysis of BJT - Common Emitter,
Collector, and Base Amplifiers - BJT as a Switch
EC233 – Electronic Devices (1) - Operation of JFET - DC and AC Analysis - MOS-
Cr.3. Prerequisite: EC210 Structure - Operation of MOSFET - Depletion/
P-N junction diode, current components, junction Enhancement Mode MOSFETs - DC Analysis of
capacitance, junction diode as a circuit element, special MOSFET - Channel Length Modulation - Body Effect
types of P-N junctions. P-N junction diodes, current - MOSFET Capacitances - AC Analysis of MOSFET
components, junction capacitance, junction diode as a - Common Source, Drain, and Gate Amplifiers -
circuit element. MOSFETs Amplifiers using Active Loads - Shockley,
DIAC, SCR, TRIAC, UJT, and PUT Circuits.
& Communications Engineering 135
amplifiers. Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs): Construction, EC442 – Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
types, characteristics and applications. In-line Cr.3. Prerequisite: EC341
amplifiers: Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), and Wave equation, Uniform plan waves, Wave
waveguide amplifiers: semiconductor optical amplifier propagation in free space, perfect dielectric, lossy
(SOA) comparisons, operations, characteristics and and good conductors, skin effect, surface impedance.
applications. Normal incidence, reflection coefficient and standing
wave pattern. Input impedance, Oblique incidence
EC560 – Modern Electronic Circuits ** reflection coefficients for horizontal and parallel
Cr.3. Prerequisite: EC434
polarization Brewster angle, and types of polarization.
A course that integrates electronic courses with
Fundamental parameters of antennas, Linear wire
communication courses to give students the overall
antenna (infinitesimal, small, finite length dipole, and
picture of different communications systems. This
half-wavelength dipole). Ground wave propagation.
includes the design, analysis, testing and troubleshooting
Troposphere propagation. Ionosphere wave
methods to be carried in these systems.
EC341 – Electromagnetics EC443 – Electromagnetic Transmitting Media
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA114 – BA224
Cr.3. Prerequisite: EC442
Review of vector analysis, electromagnetic fields:
Transmission Lines: Types, parameters, equations,
Coulombs law, electric field and flux density, Gauss’s
voltage and currents, matched and mismatched lines,
law, electric potential, conductors and semi –
Use smith chart; single, double, and triple stub matching,
conductors, dielectric and capacitance, polarization,
quarter wave length transformers, Baluns. Multiple
magnetic field and flux density, BiotSavart law, Ampere’s
reflection of EM waves between infinite parallel
law, magnetic potential. Maxwell’s equations, and
plates, rectangular waveguides. TE and TM modes.
magnetization vectors, analogy between electrostatics
Cutoff frequency and propagation parameters. Power
and magnetostatic, boundary conditions.
transmitted, wall losses, and dielectric losses. Circular
waveguides, TE and TM modes. Cutoff frequency and
propagation parameters. Power transmitted, wall
losses, and dielectric losses. Cavity resonators, modes
quality factor, effect of dielectric loss. Circular cavity.
Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
BA 113 Physics I BA 114 Physics II
BA 123 Mathematics I ME151 Eng. Drawing & Projection
BA 141 Engineering Mechanics I BA 124 Mathematics II
CC 111 Introduction to computer BA 142 Engineering Mechanics II
IM 111 Industrial Relations CC 114 Introduction to Programming
LH 131 ESP I IM 112 Manufacturing Technology
BA 118 Chemistry LH 132 ESP II
Year 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
BA 223 Mathematics III BA 224 Mathematics IV
IM 221 Introduction to Industrial Engineering EE 236 Electrical Engineering I
LH 231 Technical Report Writing IM 213 Material Removal Processes
ME 252 Mechanical Eng. Drawing ME 231 Thermodynamics
ME 274 Materials Science ME 241 Experimental Methods
NE 264 Scientific Thinking ME 277 Strength of materials
Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
EE 326 Electrical Engineering II IM 315 Materials Technology
IM 314 Material Forming Processes IM 316 Advanced Manufacturing Systems
IM 341 Engineering Statistics IM 342 Statistical Analysis
ME 355 Theory of Machines ME 454 Machine Design
ME 361 Fluid Mechanics NE 365 Accounting and Finance
NE 364 Engineering Economy NE 465 Aesthetic Edu. & Art Appreciation
I n d u s t r i a l
& Management Engineering 143
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
ME 455 Computer Aided Design IM 400IM Practical Training
IM 422 Work Design and Measurements IM 417 Failure Analysis
IM 423 Operations Research IM 424 Production Planning and Control
IM 432 Operations Management IM 425 Management Science
IM 433 Industrial Data Systems Management IM 426 Industrial Facilities Planning
IM 443 Quality Engineering IM 434 Engineering Project Management
IM 444 Reliability Engineering
Year 5
Semester 9 Semester 10
IM 501 Senior Project I IM 502 Senior Project II
IM XXXE Department Restricted Elective IM 535 International Operations Management
IM XXXE Department Restricted Elective IM XXXE Department Restricted Elective
IM XXXE Department Restricted Elective IM XXXE Department Restricted Elective
IM XXXE Department Restricted Elective IM XXXE Department Restricted Elective
IM XXXE Department Restricted Elective
Graduation Requirements
College Requirements
A total of 60 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 60 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 BA 113 Physics I 3 None
2 BA 114 Physics II 3 BA 113
1 BA 118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA 123 Mathematics I 3 None
BA 2 BA 124 Mathematics II 3 BA 123
3 BA 223 Mathematics III 3 BA 124
4 BA 224 Mathematics IV 3 BA 223
1 BA 141 Engineering Mechanics I 3 None
2 BA 142 Engineering Mechanics II 3 BA 141
1 CC111 Introduction to Computer 3 None
2 CC114 Introduction to Programming 3 CC 111
1 IM 111 Industrial Relations 2 None
2 IM 112 Manufacturing Technology 2 None
8 IM 400IM Practical Training 0 None
10 IM 535 International Operations Management 3 108 Credit Hours
ME 2 ME151 Eng. Drawing & Projection 2 None
College Requirements
A total of 60 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 60 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 LH 131 ESP I 2 None
LH 2 LH 132 ESP II 2 LH 131
3 LH 231 Technical Report Writing 3 LH 132
3 NE 264 Scientific Thinking 3 None
5 NE 364 Engineering Economy 3 54 Credit Hours
6 NE 365 Accounting and Finance 3 NE 364
6 NE 465 Aesthetic Edu. & Art Appreciation 3 None
I n d u s t r i a l
& Management Engineering 147
Department Requirements
A total of 120 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u 96 credit hours of compulsory courses.
u A minimum of 24 credit hours of department restricted electives that are selected from the four main course groups
as follows:
u Three courses equivalent to 9 credits from the main area of interest (minor).
u Three courses, one from each of the remaining groups, equivalent to 9 credits.
u Two courses from any group equivalent to 6 credits (free electives).
The required compulsory and restricted elective courses are listed in the following table.
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 96 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
4 IM 213 Material Removal Processes 3 IM 112
5 IM 314 Material Forming Processes 3 IM 213, ME 277
6 IM 315 Materials Technology 3 ME 277
6 IM 316 Advanced Manufacturing Systems 3 IM 314
8 IM 417 Failure Analysis 3 IM 315
3 IM 221 Introduction to Industrial Engineering 3 None
IM 7 IM 422 Work Design and Measurements 3 90 Credit Hours
7 IM 423 Operations Research 3 90 Credit Hours
8 IM 424 Production Planning and Control 3 IM 432
8 IM 425 Management Science 3 IM 423
8 IM 426 Industrial Facilities Planning 3 IM 423
7 IM 432 Operations Management 3 90 Credit Hours
7 IM 433 Industrial Data Systems Management 3 90 Credit Hours
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 96 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
8 IM 434 Engineering Project Management 3 IM 423
5 IM 341 Engineering Statistics 3 BA 224
6 IM 342 Statistical Analysis 3 IM 341
IM 7 IM 443 Quality Engineering 3 IM 342
8 IM 444 Reliability Engineering 3 IM 443
9 IM 501 Senior Project I 3 S.S.*
10 IM 502 Senior Project II 6 IM 501
3 ME 274 Materials Science 3 BA 114, BA 142
3 ME 252 Mechanical engineering Drawing 3 ME 151
4 ME 277 Strength of Materials 3 ME 274
4 ME 231 Thermodynamics 3 BA 114
ME 4 ME 241 Experimental Methods 3 54 Credit Hours
5 ME 355 Theory of Machines 3 BA 142
5 ME 361 Fluid Mechanics 3 BA 124
6 ME 454 Machine Design 3 ME 252
7 ME 455 Computer Aided design 3 ME 454
4 EE 236 Electrical Engineering I 3 BA 124
5 EE 326 Electrical Engineering II 3 EE 236
*IM517E, IM527E, IM537E, and IM547E are planned for offering during the academic year 2016/2017.
IM 523E – Human Factors Engineering and Design IM 525E – Industrial Material Handling Systems
(Ergonomics) Cr.3. Prerequisite: IM 426
Cr.3. Prerequisite: IM 422 The course provides a broad understanding of
The course covers topics related to the human materials handling engineering from a system design
characteristics (capabilities, limitations, motivations and and application engineering point of view. It covers
desires) in order to adapt a human made environment the topics of instruction in the engineering principles,
to the people involved. It highlights that this knowledge design criteria, operating parameters, performance
may affect complex technical systems workstations, or requirements, equipment resources, and applications
the tools used at work. of engineering practices involved in the planning,
design, and operation of materials handling systems for
IM 524E – Industrial Safety
manufacturing, physical distribution, and government
Cr.3. Prerequisite: 126 Credit Hours
operations. A materials handling system design project
The course covers accident causes, losses, and
is a required part of the course.
investigative techniques. It includes the role of human,
task/machine, and environment in accident prevention. IM 526E – Factory Physics
It introduces safety standards, codes, and laws. It Cr.3. Prerequisite: IM 424
also covers product liability, design, evaluation, and This course provides students’ with deep and generic
management of safety organizations and programs. insights for understanding, evaluating, and improving
The topics of hazard recognition, analysis, control and the performance of production lines. The course
risk assessment, systems safety and related techniques covers different topics including: advanced inventory
are also included. management and control techniques, advanced
materials requirements planning, basic dynamics of
production lines, the different variability sources in a
production line, the corrupting influence of variability,
evaluating the performance of production lines, and the
effect of batching on production lines’ performance.
I n d u s t r i a l
& Management Engineering 157
Marine Engineering
Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
LH131 ESP (1) LH132 ESP (2)
BA123 Mathematics (1) BA124 Mathematics (2)
BA113 Physics (1) BA114 Physics (2)
CC111 Introduction to Computer CC 114 Introduction to Programming
ME151 Eng. Drawing & Descriptive Geometry IM112 Manufacturing Technology
BA141 Eng. Mechanics (1) BA142 Engineering Mechanics (2)
MT 112 Marine Safety BA118 Chemistry
P 101 Physical Education (1) P 102 Physical Education (2)
D 101 Leadership (1) D 102 Leadership (2)
Year 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
LH 231 Technical Report Writing BA 224 Mathematics (4)
BA 223 Mathematics (3) EE 218 Instrumentation & Measurements
ME 252 Mechanical Engineering Drawing IM 212 Manufacturing Process (1)
ME 231 Thermodynamics MM 221 Marine Diesel Engine (1)
EE 238 Electrical Eng. Fundamentals MM 241 Naval Arch. & Ship Construction
ME 274 Material Science MM 211 Marine Engineering (1)
P 203 Physical Education (3) P 204 Physical Education (4)
D 203 Leadership (3) D 204 Leadership (4)
Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
MM 322 Marine Diesel Engines (2) ME 355 Theory of Machines
MM 312 Marine Engineering (2) ME 276 Stress Analysis
MM 342 Naval Arch. & Ship Construction (2) MM 346 Marine Hydrodynamics 1
EE 320 Marine Electrical Engineering MM 317 Marine & offshore Simulation
EE 310 Marine Control Systems EE 329 Electrical Machines
Maritime Law
MM 313 Watch Keeping Duties
NM 291 or or Environmental Science & Technology
N 310 Nautical Technology NE 466 Maritime Law
N 370 Marine Safety Environmental science & technology
P 305 Physical Education (5)
D 305 Leadership (5)
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
MM 415 Marine Engineering 3 IM 400 Practical Training
ME 454 Machine Design ME 434 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
ME 431 Heat Transfer ME 423 Steam Plant Engineering
MM 447 Marine Hydrodynamics 2 ME 455 Computer Aided Design
EE 418 Automatic Control Systems MM 429 Electrical Ship design
CC 442 Digital Electronics & Microprocessors MM 471 Intro. to Offshore Engineering
MM 423 Marine Diesel Engines 3
Year 5
Semester 9 Semester 10
MM 543 Ship Design MM 526 Maintenance Planning for Marine Units
IM 423 Operations Research MM 544 Shipyard Technology
MM 501 Project (1) MM 503 Project (2)
MMXXX Department Restricted Elective MMXXX Department Restricted Elective
MMXXX Department Restricted Elective MMXXX Department Restricted Elective
MMXXX Department Restricted Elective
M a r i n e
E n g i n e e r i n g 167
Graduation Requirements
Candidates for bachelor degree of engineering (B. Eng.) in Maine Engineering plus Third Marine Engineer Certificate, must
complete the professional degree program which consists of five years study (10 semesters, 180 Cr Hrs). The program of
study comprises the following instructional and training phases:
A phase of study at the Academy on internal residence. Consists of four semesters with a minimum duration of two years.
A guided sea-training period on board the training ship of the Academy (AIDA IV), for duration of four months; equivalent
to a six months period of practical sea training. The guided sea training is carried out under the supervision, guidance and
evaluation of the Marine Engineering Department in coordination with the Sea Training Department.
A phase of study at the department on external residence basis for five semesters. Minimum duration of two and half
Completion of the study of phase - I, together with a guided sea-training period onboard the training ship of the Academy,
qualifies the student to appear before a Board of Examiners of Engineers for written and oral exanimations for the award
of a certificate of competency as Engineer Watch keeper (Third Marine Engineer).
At the beginning of the 9th term, students decide on one of the two offered areas:
u Marine Engineering
u Offshore Engineering
In the final year, students form design teams and work on engineering application projects. Professors from universities
and professional engineers from the marine industry are invited to evaluate and assess the final students’ project report.
M a r i n e
E n g i n e e r i n g 169
College Requirements
A total of 52 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
1 BA 113 Physics (1) 3 None
1 BA 118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA 123 Mathematics (1) 3 None
1 BA 141 Engineering Mechanics (1) 3 None
BA 2 BA 114 Physics (2) 3 BA 113
2 BA 124 Mathematics (2) 3 BA 123
2 BA 142 Engineering Mechanics (2) 3 BA 141
3 BA 223 Mathematics (3) 3 BA 124
4 BA 224 Mathematics (4) 3 BA 223
1 CC 111 Introduction to Computer 3 None
CC 2 CC 114 Introduction to Programming 3 CC 111
2 IM 112 Manufacturing Technology 2 None
1 LH 131 ESP I 2 None
LH 2 LH 132 ESP II 2 LH 131
3 LH 231 ESP III 3 LH 132
ME 2 ME 151 Eng. Drawing & Projection 2 None
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 52 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 MT 112 Marine Safety 2 None
1 P 101 Physical Education 1 0.5 None
2 P 102 Physical Education 2 0.5 P 101
3 P 203 Physical Education 3 0.5 P 102
4 P 204 Physical Education 4 0.5 P 203
5 P 305 Physical Education 5 0.5 P 204
1 D 101 Leadership 1 0.5 None
2 D 102 Leadership 2 0.5 P 101
3 D 203 Leadership 3 0.5 P 102
4 D 204 Leadership 4 0.5 P 203
5 D 305 Leadership 5 0.5 P 204
5 N 370 Marine Safety 1 None
5 N 310 Nautical Technology 1 None
M a r i n e
E n g i n e e r i n g 171
Department Requirements
A total of 128 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u113 credit hours of compulsory courses.
u A minimum of 15 credit hours of department restricted electives that are selected from the two main course
groups as follows:
u Four courses equivalent to 12 credit hours from the main area of interest.
The required compulsory and restricted elective courses are listed in the following table.
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 113 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
CC 7 CC 442 Digital Design and Intro. to Microprocessor 3 CC 114
3 EE 238 Electrical Eng. Fundamentals 3 BA 124
4 EE 218 Instrumentation & Measurements 3 EE 238
5 EE 310 Marine Control Systems 2 EE 218
5 EE 320 Marine Electrical Engineering 1 EE 238
6 EE 329 Electrical Machines 3 EE 238
7 EE 418 Automatic Control Engineering 3 EE 329
4 IM 212 Manufacturing Processes 3 IM 112
9 IM 423 Operation Research 3 90 Cr.Hr.
3 ME 231 Thermodynamics 3 BA 114
3 ME 252 Mechanical Engineering Drawing 3 ME151
3 ME 274 Materials Science 3 BA 114 & BA 142
6 ME 276 Stress Analysis 3 ME 274
6 ME 355 Theory of Machines 3 BA 142
7 ME 431 Heat Transfer 3 ME 231
7 ME 454 Machine Design 3 ME 276 & ME 252
8 ME 423 Steam Plant Engineering 3 ME 431
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 113 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
8 ME 434 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 3 ME 431
8 ME 455 Computer Aided Design 3 ME 454
4 MM 211 Marine Engineering (1) 3 None
4 MM 221 Marine Diesel Engine (1) 3 ME 231
4 MM 241 Naval Arch. & Ship Construction (1) 3 None
5 MM 312 Marine Engineering (2) 2 MM 211
5 MM 313 Watch Keeping Duties 2 None
5 MM 322 Marine Diesel Engines (2) 2 MM 221
5 MM 342 Naval Arch. & Ship Construction (2) 2 MM 241
6 MM 317 Marine & offshore simulation 3 76 Cr. Hr.
6 MM346 Marine Hydrodynamic 1 3 MM 241
6 NM 291 Maritime Law OR 3 None
NE 466 Environmental science & technology 3 None
MM 312 or
7 MM 415 Marine Engineering (3) 3
7 MM 447 Marine Hydrodynamic 2 3 MM 346
8 MM 423 Marine Diesel Engines (3) 3 MM 322
8 MM 429 Electrical Ship design 3 EE329
8 MM 471 Intro. to Offshore Engineering 3 76 Cr. Hr.
9 MM 501 Senior Project 1 3 135 Cr. Hr.
9 MM 543 Ship Design 3 MM 241& ME 276
10 MM 503 Senior Project 2 6 MM 501
10 MM526 Maintenance Planning for Marine units 3 126 Cr.Hr.
10 MM 544 Shipyard technology 3 MM 543
M a r i n e
E n g i n e e r i n g 173
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
9 – 10 ME 458 Mechanical Vibrations 3 ME 355
9 – 10 ME 565 Turbomachinery 3 MM 447
9 – 10 MM 524 Marine Diesel Engines 4 3 MM423
Group A
9 – 10 MM 516 Marine Engineering 4 3 MM415
9 – 10 MM 528 Ship Propulsion Systems 3 MM 447& MM 241
9 – 10 MM 545 Ship Resistance and Powering 3 MM 447& MM 241
9 – 10 MM 570 Underwater Technology 3 MM 471
Design & Construction of Offshore
9 – 10 MM 571 3 MM 471
Group B 9 – 10 MM 572 Drilling Technology 3 MM 471
9 – 10 MM 573 Oil & Gas Production Technology 3 MM 471
9 – 10 MM 574 Port Equipment Engineering 3 MM471
9 – 10 MM 575 Offshore Engineering 3 MM 471
MM 524 – Marine Diesel Engines 4 MM 342 – Naval Architecture and ship construction 2
Cr. 3. Prerequisite: MM 423 Cr. 2. Prerequisite: MM 241
Importance of marine diesel engines including Duel Merchant ship types principle dimensions, ship stresses,
Fuel Engines as a source of energy production, framing system, ship structural items, typical mid ship
approaches of reducing the specific fuel consumption sections longitudinal and transverse members, types of
of a marine diesel engine, improving engine thermal rudders, docking of ship, inspection and maintenance
efficiency. Fuel oil and injection systems for better work of all under water fittings, different surveys
engine performances improving the total diesel required by the rules of classification societies.
propulsion plant efficiency, energy utilization on
board ships, engine rating and practical operation of MM 543 – Ship Design
propulsion machinery, exhaust emission and control, Cr. 3. Prerequisite: MM 241+ ME 276
condition monitoring and fault diagnosis expert system The course deals with topic related to the design
of a marine diesel engine. process of a ship (e. g. Hydrostatic data, stability,
determination of main dimensions, ship strength).
MM 528 – Ship Propulsion Systems
Cr. 3. Prerequisite: MM 447+ MM 241 MM 544 – Shipyard Technology
The principals of steam turbine, gas turbine, diesel, Cr. 3. Prerequisite: MM 543
diesel electric and combined marine power systems The course deals with all topics related to shipyards
including power cycles, operating characteristics, technology (e. g. shipyard layout, site selection, different
and limitations. Engine-Hull-propeller matching and workshops, welding technology, quality control,
propulsion power transmission. Principals of electric management.)
power generation, electric load analysis, costing in
marine power plant. Decision making for selection of
propulsion systems and their components.
M a r i n e
E n g i n e e r i n g 177
Mechanical Engineering
Courses in engineering management and various Many Mechanical Engineering graduates pursue
non-technical subjects (humanities) are offered to positions in management, while others prefer a career
broaden the student’s outlook and understanding of along technical and professional lines because a
his profession. mechanical engineer might work in any of the above
The mechanical engineering degree program reflects mentioned fields,The Mechanical Engineering Program
the trend in industry generally toward recruiting has been designed in a way that offers a challenging
a greater proportion of graduates into executive education. It is designed to provide knowledge of
positions. the basic physical sciences, and to encourage the
Graduates of the department often find careers in the development of ingenuity for the purpose of creating
shipping and offshore petroleum industries either as well-engineered solutions to technological problems
designer inspectors or operating engineers. that contribute positively to their communities and
The department also qualifies the students in areas countries.
such as Drilling Technology, oil and gas production,
offshore Oil and Gas pipelines, underwater Technology,
Safety and reliability of ships and Offshore Structures.
In addition, automation engineering, fluid machinery,
production and processing machinery include the
petroleum and chemical fields.
E n g i n e e r i n g 183
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
CC442 Digital Design & Introduction To Microprocessor EE 448 Electrical Power
EE 418 Automatic Control Engineering IM 423 Operations Research
ME 455 Computer Aided Design ME 423 Steam Plant Engineering
ME 458 Mechanical Vibration ME 434 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
ME 461 Fluid Mechanics ME 464 Hydrualic Systems
NE 364 Engineering Economy ME 465 Computational Fluid Dynamics
Year 5
Semester 9 Semester 10
ME 501 Senior Project (I) IM 535 International Operations Management
ME 520 Thermal Plant Engineering ME 503 Senior Project (II)
ME 565 Turbomachinery ME 542 Maintenance Planning
ME XXE Elective Subject ME XXXE Elective Subject
ME XXXE Elective Subject ME XXXE Elective Subject
Graduation Requirements
College Requirements
A total of 81 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 81 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 BA 113 Physics (I) 3 None
2 BA 114 Physics (II) 3 BA 113
1 BA 118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA 123 Mathematics (I) 3 None
2 BA 124 Mathematics (II) 3 BA 123
1 BA 141 Engineering mechanics (I) 3 None
2 BA 142 Engineering mechanics (II) 3 BA 141
3 BA 223 Mathematics (III) 3 BA 124
4 BA 224 Mathematics (IV) 3 BA 223
5 BA 323 Mathematics (V) 3 BA 224
1 CC111 Introduction to Computer 3 None
2 CC112 Structured Programming 3 CC 111
CC 6 CC 413 Numerical Analysis 3 CC 112 & BA 224
Digital Design and Introduction to
7 CC 442 3 EE 218 & CC 112
1 IM 111 Industrial Relations 2 None
2 IM 112 Manufacturing Technology 2 None
IM 8 IM 423 Operations Research 3 90 Credit Hours
10 IM 535 International Operation Management 3 126 Credit Hours
- IM 400 ME Practical Training 0 None
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 81 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
ME 2 ME 151 Engineering Drawing and Projection 2 None
1 LH 131 English for Special Purposes(I) 2 None
LH 2 LH 132 English for Special Purposes(II) 2 LH 131
3 LH 231 Technical Report Writing 3 LH 132
4 EE 218 Instrumentation and Measurements 3 EE 238
3 EE 238 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 3 BA 124
5 EE 329 Electrical Machines 3 EE 238
7 EE418 Automatic Control Engineering 3 EE 329
6 NE 264 Scientific Thinking 3 None
NE 7 NE 364 Engineering Economy 3 54 Credit Hours
5 NE 466 Environmental science and technology 3 None
E n g i n e e r i n g 187
Department Requirements
A total of 99 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u84 credit hours of compulsory courses.
uA minimum of 15 Cr. Hrs. of department electives selected from these two main groups.
uStudents of Energy and Power Engineering Major should register 3 power subjects at least from group A + remain-
The required compulsory and restricted elective courses are listed in the following table.
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 87 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
IM 4 IM 212 Manufacturing Process (I) 3 IM 112
EE 8 EE 448 Electrical Power 3 EE 329
3 ME 232 Thermodynamics (I) 3 BA 114
4 ME 241 Experimental Methods 3 54 Credit Hours
3 ME 252 Mechanical Engineering Drawing 3 ME 151
3 ME 274 Materials Science 3 BA 114 & BA 142
4 ME 276 Stress Analysis 3 ME 274
4 ME 333 Thermodynamics (II) 3 ME232
5 ME 355 Theory of Machines 3 BA 142
5 ME 356 Machine Design (I) 3 ME 276 & ME 252
6 ME 357 Machine Design (II) 3 ME 356
6 ME 362 Hydraulics 3 BA 114
5 ME 381 Internal Combustion Engines(I) 3 ME 232
6 ME 382 Internal Combustion Engines(II) 3 ME 381
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 87 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
8 ME 423 Steam Plant Engineering 3 ME 431
6 ME 431 Heat Transfer 3 333 or 231
8 ME 434 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 3 ME 431
ME 356 or ME
7 ME 455 Computer Aided Design 3
7 ME 458 Mechanical Vibrations 3 ME 355
7 ME 461 Fluid Mechanics 3 ME 362
8 ME 464 Hydraulic Systems 3 ME 362
8 ME 465 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 ME 461 & ME 431
9 ME 501 Senior Project (I) 3 S.S.*
10 ME 503 Senior Project (II) 6 ME 501
9 ME 520 Thermal Plant Engineering 3 ME 423
9 ME 565 Turbo machinery 3 ME 461
10 ME 542 Maintenance Planning 3 126 Credit Hours
E n g i n e e r i n g 189
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
BA 323 Mathematics (V) EC 331 Electronics
CC 213 Programming Applications CC 413 Numerical Analysis
Digital Design & Introduction To Micropro-
EE 329 Electrical Machines CC 442 cessors
ME 355 Theory Of Machines ME 357 Machine Design (Ii)
ME 356 Machine Design (I) ME 362 Hydraulics
ME 381 Internal Combustion Engines (I) ME 431 Heat Transfer
ME 151 Engineering Drawing & Projection
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
EE 416 Microcontroller Applications IM 423 Operations Research
EE 418 Automatic Control Engineering EE 419 Modern Control Engineering
ME 455 Computer Aided Design ME 465 Computational Fluid Dynamics
ME 458 Mechanical Vibrations ME 591 Mechatronics
ME 461 Fluid Mechanics ME XXXE Elective Subject (Group A)
NE 364 Engineering Economy NE 264 Scientific Thinking
Year 5
Semester 9 Semester 10
EC 534 Analogue & Digital Signal Processing IM 535 International Operations Management
ME 501 Senior Project (I) ME 503 Senior Project (Ii)
ME 592 Mechatronics Systems ME 542 Maintenance Planning
ME 593 Electromechanical Systems ME 594 Robotics And Applications
ME XXXE Elective Subject (Group B) ME 595 Automation Of Mechanical Systems
NE 466 Environmental Science And Tech.
Graduation Requirements
College Requirements
A total of 90 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 90 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 BA 113 Physics (I) 3 None
2 BA 114 Physics (II) 3 BA 113
1 BA 118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA 123 Mathematics (I) 3 None
2 BA 124 Mathematics (II) 3 BA 123
1 BA 141 Engineering mechanics (I) 3 None
2 BA 142 Engineering mechanics (II) 3 BA 141
3 BA 223 Mathematics (III) 3 BA 124
4 BA 224 Mathematics (IV) 3 BA 223
5 BA 323 Mathematics (V) 3 BA 224
1 CC111 Introduction to Computer 3 None
2 CC112 Structured Programming 3 CC 111
5 CC 213 Programming Applications 3 CC 112
6 CC 413 Numerical Analysis 3 CC 112 & BA 224
Digital Design and Introduction to
6 CC 442 3 EE 218 & CC 112
1 IM 111 Industrial Relations 2 None
2 IM 112 Manufacturing Technology 2 None
IM 8 IM 423 Operations Research 3 90 Cr. Hours
10 IM 535 International Operation Management 3 126 Cr. Hours
- IM 400 ME Practical Training 0 None
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 90 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
EC 9 EC534 Analogue and Digital Signal Processing 3 EC 331
ME 2 ME 151 Engineering Drawing and Projection 2 None
1 LH 131 English for Special Purposes (I) 2 None
LH 2 LH 132 English for Special Purposes (II) 2 LH 131
3 LH 231 Technical Report Writing 3 LH 132
4 EE 218 Instrumentation and Measurements 3 EE 238
3 EE 238 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 3 BA 124
EE 5 EE 329 Electrical Machines 3 EE 238
7 EE 418 Automatic Control Engineering 3 EE 329
8 EE 419 Modern Control Engineering 3 EE 418
8 NE 264 Scientific thinking 3 None
NE 7 NE 364 Engineering Economy 3 54 Credit Hours
9 NE 466 Environmental science and technology 3 None
E n g i n e e r i n g 195
Department Requirements
A total of 90 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u84 credit hours of compulsory courses.
u6 credit hours of department restricted electives that are selected from groups C & D.
The required compulsory and restricted elective courses are listed in the following table.
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 81 Cr. Hr. Of the following compulsory courses
3 ME 232 Thermodynamics (I) 3 BA 114
4 ME 241 Experimental Methods 3 54 Credit Hours
3 ME 252 Mechanical Engineering Drawing 3 ME 151
3 ME 274 Materials Science 3 BA 114 & BA 142
4 ME 276 Stress Analysis 3 ME 274
4 ME 333 Thermodynamics (II) 3 ME232
5 ME 355 Theory of Machines 3 BA 142
5 ME 356 Machine Design (I) 3 ME 276 & ME 252
ME 6 ME 357 Machine Design (II) 3 ME 356
6 ME 362 Hydraulics 3 BA 114
5 ME 381 Internal Combustion Engines (I) 3 ME 232
6 ME 431 Heat Transfer 3 ME 333
ME 356 or ME
7 ME 455 Computer Aided Design 3
7 ME 458 Mechanical Vibrations 3 ME 355
7 ME 461 Fluid Mechanics 3 ME 362
8 ME 465 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 ME 461 & ME 431
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 81 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
9 ME 501 Senior Project (I) 3 S.S.*
10 ME 503 Senior Project (II) 6 ME 501
8 ME 591 Mechatronics 3 CC442
ME 9 ME 593 Electromechanical Systems 3 ME 591
9 ME 592 Mechatronic Systems 3 ME 591
10 ME 594 Robotics Applications 3 ME355
10 ME 595 Automation of Mechanical Systems 3 ME 593
6 EC331 Electronics 3 EE238
9 EC534 Analogue & Digital Signal Processing 3 EC331
IM 4 IM 212 Manufacturing Process (I) 3 IM 112
EE 7 EE416 Microcontroller Applications 3 CC442
Select 1 course from each group A & B (total of 6 Cr. Hrs.) from the following list
8 IM 542E Reverse Engineering 3 126 Cr. Hours
Elective A 8 ME 464 Hydraulic Systems 3 ME 362
8 ME 555 Material Handling Equipment 3 126 Cr. Hours
ME 234 or ME
9 ME 425 Power Plant Technology 3
Elective B
9 ME 481 Automotive Technology 3 ME 381
9 ME 524 Renewable Energy Resources 3 126 Cr. Hours
E n g i n e e r i n g 197
Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
BA 113 Physics (I) BA 114 Physics (Ii)
BA 118 Chemistry BA 124 Mathematics (Ii)
BA 123 Mathematics (I) BA 142 Engineering Mechanics (Ii)
BA 141 Engineering Mechanics (I) CC 112 Structured Programming
CC 111 Introduction To Computers IM 112 Manufacturing Technology
IM 111 Industrial Relations LH 132 English For Special Purpose (Ii)
LH 131 English For Special Purpose (I) ME 151 Engineering Drawing & Projection
Year 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
BA 223 Mathematics (Iii) BA 224 Mathematics (Iv)
EE 238 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals EE 218 Instrumentation & Measurements
LH 231 Technical Report Writing IM 212 Manufacturing Processes (I)
ME 232 Thermodynamics (I) ME 276 Stress Analysis
ME 252 Mechanical Engineering Drawing ME 241 Experimental Methods
ME 274 Materials Science ME 333 Thermodynamics (Ii)
Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
BA 323 Mathematics (V) CC 413 Numerical Analysis
EE 329 Electrical Machines ME 357 Machine Design (Ii)
ME 355 Theory Of Machines ME 362 Hydraulics
ME 356 Machine Design (I) ME 382 Internal Combustion Engines (Ii)
ME 381 Internal Combustion Engines (I) ME 431 Heat Transfer
NE 466 Environmental Science And Technology ME 482 Automotive Engines
Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
Digital Design & Introduction To
CC 442 Microprocessors IM 423 Operations Research
EE 417 Automatic Control Engineering ME 434 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
ME 455 Computer Aided Design ME 481 Automotive Technology
ME 458 Mechanical Vibrations ME 483 Alternative Fuels & Power Systems
ME 461 Fluid Mechanics ME 591 Mechatronics
ME 581 Automotive Fuel & Ignition Systems NE 264 Scientific Thinking
Year 5 ME 483 Alternative fuel & power systems
Year 5
Semester 9 Semester 10
ME 501 Senior Project (I) IM 535 International Operations Management
ME 582 Automotive Chassis Systems ME 503 Senior Project (II)
ME 583 Vehicle Control & Safety Systems ME 586 Vehicle Design & Engineering
ME 584 Automotive Electric & Electronic Systems. ME 587 Automotvie Manufacturing
ME 585 Automotive Power Trains ME 588 Vehicle Maintenance & Repair
NE 364 Engineering Economy
E n g i n e e r i n g 199
Graduation Requirements
College Requirements
A total of 81 credit hours are required by the college as per the following table:
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 81 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
1 BA 113 Physics (I) 3 None
2 BA 114 Physics (II) 3 BA 113
1 BA 118 Chemistry 2 None
1 BA 123 Mathematics (I) 3 None
2 BA 124 Mathematics (II) 3 BA 123
1 BA 141 Engineering mechanics (I) 3 None
2 BA 142 Engineering mechanics (II) 3 BA 141
3 BA 223 Mathematics (III) 3 BA 124
4 BA 224 Mathematics (IV) 3 BA 223
5 BA 323 Mathematics (V) 3 BA 224
1 CC111 Introduction to Computer 3 None
2 CC112 Structured Programming 3 CC 111
6 CC 413 Numerical Analysis 3 CC 112 & BA 224
Digital Design and Introduction to
7 CC 442 3 EE 218 & CC 112
1 IM 111 Industrial Relations 2 None
2 IM 112 Manufacturing Technology 2 None
8 IM 423 Operations Research 3 90 Credit Hours
10 IM 535 International Operation Management 3 126 Credit Hours
- IM 400 ME Practical Training 0 None
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 81 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
ME 2 ME 151 Engineering Drawing and Projection 2 None
1 LH 131 English for Special Purposes (I) 2 None
LH 2 LH 132 English for Special Purposes (II) 2 LH 131
3 LH 231 Technical Report Writing 3 LH 132
4 EE 218 Instrumentation and Measurements 3 EE 238
3 EE 238 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 3 BA 124
5 EE 329 Electrical Machines 3 EE 238
7 EE 418 Automatic Control Engineering 3 EE 329
8 NE 264 Scientific Thinking 3 None
NE 9 NE 364 Engineering Economy 3 54 Credit Hours
5 NE 466 Environmental science and technology 3 None
E n g i n e e r i n g 201
Department Requirements
A total of 99 credit hours are required by the department, which are distributed as follows:
u99 credit hours of compulsory courses.
The required compulsory and restricted elective courses are listed in the following table.
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 99 Cr. Hr. Of the following compulsory courses
IM 4 IM212 Manufacturing Process (I) 3 IM112
3 ME 232 Thermodynamics (I) 3 BA 114
4 ME 241 Experimental Methods 3 54 Credit Hours
3 ME 252 Mechanical Engineering Drawing 3 ME 151
3 ME 274 Materials Science 3 BA 114 & BA 142
4 ME 276 Stress Analysis 3 ME 274
4 ME 333 Thermodynamics (II) 3 ME232
5 ME 355 Theory of Machines 3 BA 142
5 ME 356 Machine Design (I) 3 ME 276 & ME 252
6 ME 357 Machine Design (II) 3 ME 356
ME 6 ME 362 Hydraulics 3 BA 114
5 ME 381 Internal Combustion Engine (I) 3 ME 232
6 ME 382 Internal Combustion Engine (II) 3 ME 381
7 ME 431 Heat Transfer 3 333 or 231
8 ME 434 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 3 ME 431
7 ME 455 Computer Aided Design 3 ME 356 or ME 454
7 ME 458 Mechanical Vibrations 3 ME 355
7 ME 461 Fluid Mechanics 3 ME 362
8 ME 481 Automotive Technology 3 ME 381
6 ME 482 Automotive Engines 3 ME 381
Field Semester Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Prerequisite
Compulsory Courses
A total of 99 Cr. Hr. of the following compulsory courses
8 ME 483 Alternative Fuel & Power Systems 3 ME 381
9 ME 501 Senior Project (I) 3 S.S.*
10 ME 503 Senior Project (II) 6 ME 501
7 ME 581 Automotive Fuel & Ignition System 3 ME 381
9 ME 582 Automotive Chassis Systems 3 ME 381
9 ME 583 Vehicle Control & Safety Systems 3 ME 481
9 ME 584 Automotive Electric & Electronic Systems 3 ME 381
9 ME 585 Automotive Power Trains 3 ME 381
10 ME 586 Vehicle Design and Engineering 3 ME 356
10 ME 587 Automotive Manufacturing 3 ME 482
10 ME 588 Vehicle Maintenance & Repair 3 ME 482 & ME 483
8 ME 591 Mechatronics 3 CC 442
E n g i n e e r i n g 203
Power Plant Engineering Courses - (ME X2X) ME 522- Power Plant analysis and design
ME 423 - Steam Plant Engineering CR: 3. Prerequisite: ME 520
CR: 3. Prerequisite: ME 431 Thermal system design process - Design Considerations
Thermodynamics of vaporous: ideal and practical - Thermal power plants components and systems
cycles, re-heating superheating and regeneration. design: boiling, condensation and gas radiation.
Steam tables and charts. Boilers: types and Design of steam generator, condensers, evaporators,
classification, heating surfaces, mountings and fittings, dearators economizers, air preheats. Air feed waters
combustion and combustion equipment , insulation, and drains systems, Design of gas turbine combustion
de-superheats control systems Turbines: theory, types, chamber, intake and exhaust systems, Design of waste
flow through nozzles, jet deflection, super saturation, heat recovery boiler and combined cycle, Design
power calculations, design of components, governors. of cooling towers, Simulation of components and
Plant : Real cycle , steam systems, feed water system, systems, Dynamic, Geometric and linear programming
plant performance, air ejector, dearators, evaporators - Case Study(Term project).
ME 523- Power Plant Operation and Management
ME 425- Power Plant Technology CR: 3. Prerequisite: ME 423
CR: 3. Prerequisite: ME 333 Fuel handling, Piping systems, boiler codes, starting and
Thermodynamics Review (1st, 2nd laws of shut down of power plant, trouble shooting, lubricating
thermodynamics) - Steam Formation - Steam systems, load matching, load curves, effect of variable
Properties and Process - Simple Rankine Cycle - load on plant design and operation. Economics
Modified Rankine Cycle - Reheat and Regeneration of meeting the variable loads. Plant economics.
Cycles - Steam Turbine, Steam Generator and Steam Maintenance programs
Condenser - Power Plant Control - Simple Gas Turbine
Cycle - Gas Turbine Cycle with Reheat, Intercooling ME 524- Renewable Energy Resources
and Regeneration - Combined Cycle Power Plant CR: 3. Prerequisite: 126 Credit Hours
Nuclear Power Plant - Renewable Power Generation, This Course concentration on the theoretical and
Solar Energy - Wind Energy - Geothermal Energy. practical aspects of solar, wind, tidal and wave sources
of energy. Design feasibility studies are undertaken
ME 520- Thermal Plant Engineering on particular aspects of energy conversion from
CR: 3. Prerequisite: ME 423 these resources. The impact of the environment
Thermodynamics Review. Steam Plant Components. of consumption of conventional energy forms is
Modifications of Steam Plant Cycle. Design of investigated .The nature and magnetite of energy
Feedwater Heater. Gas Turbine Power Plant. consumption World-Wide and locally is considered
Modifications of Gas Turbine Cycle. Combined Cycle.
Nuclear Power Plant . Pressurized Water Reactors.
Boiling Water Reactors
E n g i n e e r i n g 205
ME 526- Power Plant Measurements and Control Thermodynamics and Heat Courses (ME X3X)
CR: 3. Prerequisite: EE 418
Introduction to Theory and equipment. Fuel analysis.
ME 231- Thermodynamics (Industrial and Marine)
CR: 3. Prerequisite: BA 114
Flue gas analysis. Types of measuring instruments
Classical thermodynamics-Heat transfer by conduction,
(accuracy and calibration). Frequency and output
convection and radiation-Air standard cycles-Steam
measurements. Continues and remote recording
cycles- Gas turbine cycle-Introduction to refrigeration
equipment. Logging of data. Safety devices on plant
and air conditioning-psychrometry.
components. Simple theory of the control of a
variable control devices and systems. Introduction to
microprocessor’s control.
ME 232- Thermodynamics (I)
CR: 3. Prerequisite: BA 114
Air standard cycles, steam cycles, combustion. Exhaust
gas analysis. Heat transfer by conduction, convection
and radiation. Single and multistage compressors.
Introduction to refrigeration. Laboratory work
General Mechanical Courses - (ME X4X) Applied Mechanics Courses - (ME X5X)
ME 241- Experimental Methods ME 151- Engineering Drawing & Projection
CR: 3. Prerequisite: 54 Credit Hours CR: 2. Prerequisite: None
Introduction to experimental methods, sensors, Drawing practices and techniques – Geometrical
and computer-aided data acquisition with emphasis constructions – Dimensioning and free hand sketching
on mechanical applications. Survey of transducers – Methods of projection – Orthogonal projection
and measurement methods for a broad range of –– Sectioning and conventions – Intersection of
phenomena significant for mechanical engineers. geometrical surfaces and development – Standard
Particular emphasis will be given to data retrieval, oral metal sections and metal structures – Pictorial
and written communication of experimental results. projection (Isometry) – Surface intersections –
Laboratories experiments will give students hands-on Perspective projection – An introduction to Computer
Aided Drafting using AutoCAD.
ME 542- Maintenance Planning
CR: 3. Prerequisite: 126 Credit Hours ME 252- Mechanical Engineering Drawing
Maintenance definition, concept, objectives, CR: 3. Prerequisite: ME 151
Management functions, Types of maintenance, AutoCAD basics – Object construction and
maintenance cycle, construction of maintenance manipulation – Geometric construction – Layers,
planning system, computer management maintenance text generation and dimensioning – Section views,
system, diagnostic capabilities of Predictive maintenance, hatching and construction of blocks – Solid modeling
Economic aspects of maintenance engineering, – Assembly drawing with applications in Mechanical,
Investigation of failure, statistical techniques, Reliability, Industrial and Marine Engineering – Free hand
availability, system redundancy. sketching – Conventional representation of Mechanical
elements – Surface finish and machining symbols – Fits
and tolerances – Welding and hydraulic symbols.
ME 555 – Material Handling Equipment Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics Courses - (ME X6X)
CR: 3. Prerequisite: 126 Credit Hour
Introduction to hoisting machinery. Cranes (types,
ME 361- Fluid Mechanics (Industrial)
CR: 3. Prerequisite: 54 Credit Hour
drives, and design considerations). Elevators and
Differential analysis of fluid flow – Kinematics of fluid
miscellaneous types of hoisting machinery. Introduction
flow – Linera motion, angular motion and deformation
to conveying machinery . Belt conveyors, bucket and
– Conservation of mass and stream function – Velocity
cradle conveyors. Introduction to land reclamation
potential and irrotational flows – General equations of
machinery. Loaders, Bulldozers, shovels and grades
motion ( Navier-Stokes equations) – Euler’s equations
theory and practice. Maintenance and safety measures.
of motion – Basic two-dimensional potential flows –
Superposition of plane potential flows – Introduction
to compressible fluid flow - Mach Number and
speed of sound – Isentropic and Non-isentropic flow
of an ideal gas – Normal shock waves.
ME 362 –Hydraulics
CR: 3.Prerequisite: BA 114
Introduction - Physical properties of fluids – Fluid
statics – Forces on submerged surfaces and buoyancy
– Introduction to fluids kinematics – Dynamics of
incompressible flow – Flow and velocity measurement
– Similitude and dimensional analysis – Flow through
pipes – Pumps (Types and performance)
ME 583 - Vehicle Control and Safety Systems ME 586 - Vehicle Design and Engineering
CR: 3.Prerequisite: ME 481 CR: 3.Prerequisite: ME 356
Main Vehicle Control - Modeling of Vehicle - Cruise Modern materials and vehicle design - Body design:
Control - Adaptive Cruise Control - Intelligent vehicle The styling process and Aerodynamics - Chassis design
High Way System (IVHS) - Active Control - Passive and analysis - Crash worthiness - Noise, vibration and
Control - Safety requirements - Active and semi active harshness - Occupant accommodation - Suspension
Suspension - Emission Control - Restraint System systems and components - Control systems in vehicles
Electronics. - The design of engine characteristics for vehicle
use - Transmissions and driveline - Braking systems -
ME 584 - Automotive Electric & Electronic Systems Application to design special case vehicle.
CR: 3.Prerequisite: ME 381
Generators and alternators – Starting motor – Storage ME 587 – Automotive Manufacturing
batteries – Body electrical wiring – Meters and gauges CR: 3.Prerequisite: ME 482
– Wipers and washes – Engine management systems Automotive materials – Materials selection -
– Anti-lock brake systems – Electronic stability – Vision Manufacturing and assembly processes – assembly
enhancement systems – Parking aids – Intelligent lines – Design of production line – Quality control and
vehicle diagnostics. inspection – Testing and failure prediction – Testing of
the fuel product – Economics of manufacturing and
ME 585 - Automotive Power Trains assembly operations
CR: 3.Prerequisite: ME 381
Automotive clutches -Manual transmissions – ME 588 - Vehicle Maintenance & Repair
Fundamental hydraulic and mechanical principles of CR: 3.Prerequisite: ME 482 & ME 483
automatic transmissions – Automatic transmissions – Maintenance schedule – Workshop layout and
Transaxle transmission –- Universal joints – Drive lines planning – Tools instruments testers and analyzers
– Axels – Automotive differentials - Four-wheel drive – Engine performance tests – Engine reconditioning
applications – Maintenance and repair operations of and tune-up – Fault diagnosis for different systems –
power trains . Body repairing and refinishing – Management of auto-
service and repair centers.
This M.Sc. degree program provides its graduate The College offers the Master of Science degree
students with a multitude of advantages including: which has been accredited by the Supreme Council of
uAn excellent opportunity to interact with high- Universities (SCU) in Egypt in the following programs:
calibre faculty members on modern issues and
concepts in the emerging new areas of research and uArchitectural Engineering and Environmental Design
development in a variety of managerial, scientific, uComputer Engineering
uConstruction and Building Engineering
engineering, maritime and technological fields.
uElectrical and Control Engineering
uRecent advances in different topics, fields and
uElectronics and Communications Engineering
disciplines based on the creative and critical thinking
uIndustrial and Management Engineering
uMarine Engineering
uWays to enhance the students’ thinking and research
uMechanical Engineering
capabilities in a chosen discipline using the latest
scientific and engineering methodologies and
techniques. The number of graduate students admitted since
uLeverages to assist the participants in career
February 1994 exceeds 1800. A total of 427 students
development. have earned their M.Sc. degrees in all of the above
programs over the past 13 years. Over 680 graduate
students are currently enrolled in all eight programs.
For further information, please consult the graduate
catalogue or visit our site at the following link:
Laborator y
F a c i l i t i e s 217
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Human Factors and Ergonomics
The purpose of the Global Maritime Distress and The Human Factors and Ergonomics Laboratory is
Safety System (GMDSS) laboratory is teaching the actively involved with the Industrial and Management
students how to acquire skills using some computer Engineering department, offering training services,
programs such as: and consultation to the local and regional industrial
The NEC and computer FORTRAN codes for community. In addition, it facilitates the education and
measuring the different antenna specifications such as research development of both undergraduate and
directivity, half power beam width, bandwidth, antenna graduate students.The lab conducts work in theoretical
pattern,…,etc.; and simulating those different antenna and applied ergonomics, work physiology, primarily
configurations. relating to worksite, workstation, and equipment
The computer MATLAB codes for simulating the evaluation and design.
different communication systems to teach students the It specifically focusing on: biomechanics of the human
principles of those systems; and teaching students how body (modelling, strength, motions, and working
to deal with the program for quantitative measurement postures); human engineering of systems, equipment,
of the phenomena of the communication systems tools, workstations, and work tasks; and ergonomic
and signals processing without the use of expensive design for safety, comfort, and performance.
instruments. This Laboratory is particularly well equipped to do
research in a variety of areas including: Dexterity and
Heavy Structures Laboratory
Coordination, involving the use of hands, development
The laboratory experiments conducted in heavy
over time and activities that involve precise hand-
structures laboratory are a part of the construction
eye coordination. Strength measurement includes
and building engineering program. The laboratory
equipment for measuring the muscle fatigue when
serves both undergraduate projects and post-
performing different tasks. Physiological measures,
graduate research. For undergraduate students, the
testing the human limitations and abilities of individuals
laboratory provides the necessary skills for performing
to perform a specific task such as: testing the lifting
appropriate experiments on R.C., steel member, and
abilities of humans, recommending the right posture
composite members to determine their behaviour
for lifting. Anthropometrics, the lab comprises
such as; load capacity, failure modes, load-deflection
a wide range of anthropometric equipment for
and stress versus strain, using the sufficient equipment
different human body measurements, to gather the
for measuring these variables when subjected to
characteristic measurements of a population.
static loading. The objective of the heavy structures
laboratory covers also the courses of post-graduate
studies and the research effort concerning with the
engineering properties and behaviour of R.C. and
steel heavy structures. Moreover it can also serve
the building and construction industry by conducting
the required researches on reinforced concrete and
metallic structures elements e.g. (columns, beams,
slabs and joints), as well as structural types e.g. (frames,
trusses, arches).
Laborator y
F a c i l i t i e s 225
Intelligent Embedded Systems & Multimedia Laboratory Marine Engineering Lab (1)
It includes the design, development and application of This lab is used for educational and training purposes
computer-based systems and solutions to engineering of marine engineering and maritime transportation
problems in the field of embedded system design, students and graduates. The lab incorporates some of
embedded software development, embedded real- the equipment a trainee would face in marine engine
time OS, system testing, validation and simulation. rooms, such as; Valves and main thrust bearings. This
The lab is equipped with Microcontrollers kis, lab covers areas related to the different types of
ARM processor embedded solution, embedded valves, their purposes of use, how to maintain valves
development software, platform solution and e.g. packing a gland, preparing gaskets, and lapping
embedded development kit (EDK). Computer vision of valves to their respective seats using proper tools
and omage processing, robots platforms, XILINX and materials. A main thrust bearing is available for
Zynq-700 Soc video and imaging kit, Atlys Spartan 6 the purpose of dismantling, inspection, measuring
FPGA development board. the clearances, re–conditioning of thrust pads, and
Light Structures Laboratory
The objective of the experimental tests taking place in
the light structures laboratory is to provide students
with the necessary information to understand the
theory of structures basics using modern tools that
are available in the lab. The laboratory includes various
devices for applying the required experimental tests
such as bending of beams, torsion of circular rods,
buckling of columns, and deflection of beams. Students
are supplied with booklets showing the different
experiments steps and the procedure for obtaining
results. Students are required to submit a final report
showing in engineering curves the outputs of the
experiments and their comments. The light structures
laboratory can serve the courses of post-graduate
studies and researches in the scope of the structural
behaviour of light structures. Moreover, the laboratory
may help the building and construction industry
through performing the needed researches concerning
the light structures.
electronics, and robotics. The Lab Equipment include Mobile and web Engineering Lab
ProLight 3000 Turning Centre, versatile 2-axis CNC Mobile and Web lab have high technology computers
lathe for training, engineering and light-duty industrial and printers. It is equipped with technology Intel®
turning applications, The SCORBOT-ER 9Pro, Robot 4th generation Core TM 7-4770, 3.40 GHz, Microsoft
with 6 degree of freedom, Intelitek, Robot with 4 Operating System windows 7-64 bit and Ubuntu Linux,
degree of freedom, Automatic Storage and Retrieval Java Development Kit(JDK6), Oracle, SQL server.
System (ASRS), Conveyor. One PC per station and This lab services the courses operating systems, web
CAD/CAM software. The Mechatronics Laboratory engineering, Java/OOP and Mobile applications.
was established to support embedded control
systems in Mechanical Applications. Mechatronics Lab
objective is to expect the student to understand the
real pleasure of research through finding research
themes, establishing theories, developing systems,
conducting experiments, and presenting results. The
lab supports courses like introduction to Mechatronics,
Mechatronics systems, Robotics and Applications and
Final year Graduation projects as well as graduate
Microprocessor Labs
The Microprocessor labs are equipped with all the
necessary lab equipment, Micro Controller Kits, and
all types of tools, accessories and a variety of Digital
/ Analogue components. These labs characterize Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory
the computer engineering department. Continuous The NDT Lab provides tools for the non-destructive
upgrades are conducted on it to assure that it is testing of welding, detecting flaws and discontinuities in
compatible with the latest technological advances. The materials as well as tools for measuring the thickness
lab work aims to develop and enhance the students’ of coating layers and materials. The lab also contains
capabilities in several relevant aspects. Practical skills equipment that is used in detecting the macroscopic
are developed through experiencing real life scenarios. structure of materials. It contains the following
Present in the labs practical facilities for all Micro instrumentation:
Processor Basics, Interfacing, Programming, Controlling A group of approved welding defects specimens, dye
and Monitoring and it is further being enhanced penetration test, magnetic particle test for surface
with the addition of many new Micro Controllers, defects of welds, X-ray test demo kit, Ultrasonic
Micro Controller Kits, Micro Processors / Controller devices for (Paint layer thickness measurement,
Training stations and Interfacing Units. Courses taught material thickness measurements and flaw detection
in these labs are Digital Electronics, Introduction to of welding), Eddy current devices for flaw and
Microprocessor, Data Acquisition Systems, Intelligent crack detection of materials, grinding machine with
Robotics and Microcomputer Based Design. water cooling for metal surface preparation before
Laborator y
F a c i l i t i e s 229
Future Expansions the facilities of the wood shop and the metal shop, as
The College of Engineering and Technology is well as the model-making cutter workshop.
continuously reviewing, updating and even developing The EDL is equipped with simple and advanced
its lab facilities. The following is a short list of the devices in order to monitor both indoor and outdoor
planned expansions for the College’s laboratories in onsite environments. The Environmental Design
the near future: Laboratory EDL underpins many of the activities
uUpgrading the digital systems and computer of the Architectural Engineering & Environmental
architecture lab. Design Dept. EDL works jointly with the EDRG
uUpgrading the microprocessor laboratory.
Environmental Design Research Group as well as
supporting postgraduate/research students. EDL and
uDeveloping a new lab for Intelligent Embedded
EDRG facilities offer support in:-
Systems & Multimedia Laboratory.
uEnvironmental Awareness Programs
uUpgrading the materials testing and characterization
uPhysical scale Models,
uLighting Laboratory Applications
uDeveloping a new lab for Optical fibres.
uNatural Ventilation and Airflow Laboratory
uUpgrading the equipment in Electronics and
Communications lab. Applications
uNumerical and Computational Simulation Tests and
uDeveloping a new lab for wave making tank..
uPlanning for a new lab in the Architectural
uLaboratory-Based Rigs and Onsite-field Monitoring.
Environmental Design Laboratory
The overarching goal of the Environmental Design
Laboratory EDL is to advance sustainable design
through research, education, and community outreach,
with the aim of improving the dynamic interaction
among the built, natural, and human environments.The
Lab’s primary purpose is to support the department’s
curriculum and the educational experience of
our under/postgraduate students. The EDL is
committed to providing hands-on measurements
and experimentation as a viable component of
the environmental design educational programs.
In addition to providing specific environmental
performance rigs and tests, EDL provides number
of computational simulation facilities which support
students’ various design projects, assignments and
students’ requirements.The EDL may work jointly with
S tu d e n t s
F a c i l i t i e s 233
uCollege Agenda
uStudent life
uGeneral Facilities
uService Centers
Since its inception in 1972, the Arab Academy
for Science & Technology, and Maritime Transport
(AASTMT) saved no effort in supporting the
educational process. And because academic libraries
play a major role in supporting educational activities
and enriching the academic life of students and faculty
members, AASTMT established a specialized library
in order to make use of the information published in
different media.
Due to the change in the role libraries play in the
information field in general, and the academic field
in particular, the Library’s name changed to “Libraries
& Information Services Centre” A change that was
crucial due to the emergence of new information
resources - in addition to books - and the growing
reliance on diverse information sources that meet
users’’ information needs.
The Centre serves the academic community in all
branches of the Academy. It consists of: The Main
Library (Abu-Qir), Architecture Library (Abu-Qir),
Maritime Library (Abu-Qir), Management Library
(Miami), Graduate School of Business Library -
Alexandria (Miami), Sheraton Engineering Library,
Sheraton Management & Logistics Library, Dokki
Management & Logistics Library, Graduate School of
Business Library (Sheraton), Port Saeed Library, Smart
Village Library, Wabour Elmaya Library, and Ganoub
Elwadi Library.
The libraries are all connected through online
interactive terminals to ensure easy access to
the centre’s in-house database. In order to offer
a distinguished information service, the Centre
established an integrated information system that
facilitates direct search through a computerized
catalogue and electronic databases.
S tu d e n t s
F a c i l i t i e s 235
College Agenda
The Maritime Library The Graduate School Of Business (Gsb) Library
The Maritime Library in Abu-Qir campus serves the (Alexandria)
Nautical Specializations of the College of Maritime The Graduate School of Business (GSB) library in
Transport and Technology. It comprises a collection Miami campus serves graduate courses in management
of the latest publications in the maritime field which fields. It comprises (1280) titles, (361) Dissertations,
consist of (2633) titles, (406) Dissertations, (16) in addition to Full-Text e-journals, e-books and
e-dissertations. It also comprises the Books of the
Printed Periodicals, as well as all (489) International
College of Language and Communication: (787) titles.
Maritime Organization (IMO) publications, as the Photocopying services are available for all library users.
AASTMT’s Library is a depository library of IMO
publications, in addition to Full-Text e-journals, e-books Wabour Elmaya Library
and e-dissertations. The Maritime Library can host up The Library in Wabour Elmaya campus serves
to (50) users at the same time. Graduate studies in Engineering, Computing, and
Language & Communication. It comprises (368)
The Management Library titles, and (496) Dissertations, in addition to Full-Text
The Management Library in Miami campus serves the e-journals, e-books and e-dissertations. Photocopying
College of Management and Technology. It comprises services are available for all library users. The Library
a collection of the latest publications in management can host up to (31) users.
fields. Its collection consists of (4804) titles, (34) Engineering Library – Sheraton
periodicals, (263) Dissertations, (2500) Researches, The Engineering Library in Sheraton branch serves the
in addition to Full-Text e-journals, e-books and specializations the College of Engineering & Technology
e-dissertations, and a number of U.N. publications. The and the College of Computing & Information
Management Library can host up to (35) users at the Technology in Cairo. The Library can serve (70) users
same time. at the same time. Its collection of engineering books is
(4730) titles, (1112) Dissertations, and (78) Projects,
(20) Periodicals, in addition to Full-Text e-journals,
e-books and e-dissertations. Photocopying services
are available for all library users.
Management & Logistics Library - Sheraton
The Management & Logistics Library in Sheraton
serves the specializations the College of Management
and Technology and the College of International
Transport & Logistics in Cairo (Sheraton). The Library
can serve (40) users at the same time. Its collection
of management books is (3333) titles and (147)
Dissertations, (2) Periodicals, in addition to Full-Text
e-journals, e-books and e-dissertations. Photocopying
services are available for all library users.
S tu d e n t s
F a c i l i t i e s 237
College Agenda
Engineering Day
This day is held on a yearly basis. It is the summit of
all the College’s activities throughout the year. Samples
of all the departments’ and students’ academic and
extracurricular activities are presented. Final year
graduation projects and students’ work are displayed.
Parents Day
On a yearly basis the College of Engineering in
cooperation with all the colleges in the Arab
Academy for Science and Technology celebrates the
parents’ days. The General Director of the Academy
invites all the Arab countries representative and all
the deans and faculty members to attend. All the
Student Organizations and Associations are invited
to participate in this special day, giving students the
opportunity to represent and showcase their home
country. Dance, Music, Lights and Fashion a true live
cultural entertainment with music, and beautiful clothes
inspired by different countries and ethnicities! During
this festival, students from all nationalities present their
tradition and get a chance to share their culture, to
show their activities of all nature and to display their
scientific and artistic work.
S tu d e n t s
F a c i l i t i e s 239
committee comprises CEOs and top managers and uSwedex Cables Company
senior engineers from different industry and services uOm-saeed Port (Qatar)
Council and a number of faculty members. uModern Construction Chemicals Company (CMB).
Sectors and industries represented include the uAliens Company for Insurance
graduates to inform them how to well prepare for the uSocial and cultural activities: painting and Arts works-
job fair and make the best use of this event. Quran.
Companies participating in this event include, but are
not limited to: Also the program includes a one day trip for the
uUniliver contributors, in addition to organizing a celebration at
uProcter & Gamble the end of the summer club in Abu-Quir. The party
uAlexandria Black Carbon includes competitions, maritime journeys, lunch meals,
uEl-Salama Hospital D.J. and distributing prizes and certificates for the
uAramex Company competitors.
uCity Bank
and Technology and the Egyptian Committee for Process Control System
Students Exchange for practical training to provide uAbsorption Gas Cooling
uThe College of Engineering and Technology provides uDifferential Motion of Structures Supports During
Environment Aware
The outside of Egypt training opportunities are uThe Science of Bioenergetics
awarded to the top students of each department. uArtificial Submerged Reefs: A solution for Erosion
tradition of the College and present an opportunity uPrediction of Solidification Defects in Single Crystal
following is a short list of the seminars held during the Statistical Methods in Software Engineering
past two semesters.: uDirection of Arrival Estimation
and intra-Plant Stochastic Flow Considerations uA Road to World Class Industry: The 6 Sigma
uHardware design of Network Intrusion detection
The College of Engineering and Technology creates Student Council is a representative structure, through
an exciting environment for students to experience which students can become involved in the affairs
unlimited opportunities and to interact with other of the College, working in partnership with college
students in addition to their traditional academic officials, faculty and staff for the benefit of the College
life. This interactive environment provides a student of Engineering and Technology and its students. The
development experience that fosters individual student council plays a very important role as it helps
student growth. share students’ ideas, interests, and concerns with
faculty and college administration. Representatives
Students are in class almost one third of the time have regular meetings where they discuss ideas
during the normal week of college. However, student and concerns about the educational process at the
life is more than just academics it is the remaining College of Engineering. They often also help raise
out of class time as well. Students are encouraged
funds for different activities, including social events
to maximize their college experience through
and community projects. They work in cooperation
participation in a variety of campus activities.
with all the other societies and student organization
Students are encouraged to participate in student in campus.
organizations, attend campus events and become
involved in leadership and community service projects.
They are encouraged to explore their opportunities
for involvement in campus life and enrich their college
experience. They are motivated to create as well as
participate in scientific, cultural, social, and sports
The student council consists of the following: Care Club’s Vision is achieving deep relationships
uAssistant Dean for Student Affairs between students through a self-sufficient community
uStudent Council President that will benefit the students’ educational and social
uVice President and Secretary life.
uPublic Relations
uVice President of Educational, Literature, & Arts Committee Care Club’s Goal is gathering the AAST student under
uMembers of Educational, Literature, & Arts Committee the theme of helping each other.
uVice President of the Scientific Committee Some of the CC Activities include: Care Club Cup,
uMembers of the Scientific Committee Ibrahim Elfiky’s programs at Alexandria, Cancer
uVice President of the Sports Committee Campaign, and trips.
uMembers of the Sports Committee
Care Club
The Care Club is a community
service club in the AAST that
aims at providing Entertainment,
Charity, Awareness, and Human
Development programs.
Student Life
IEEE It also organizes many events like:
The International Electrical & Electronic Engineers uLeading your career... Leading your society, organized
Society (IEEE) comprises the student activities mainly in cooperation with Amideast, career mideast, P &
in electrical, electronic & communication and computer G, it is usually held in Bibliotheca Alexandrina BA,
engineering departments. IEEE has its board elected with a professional accredited training from IEEE
annually under the supervisor of a staff counsellor. international, and it is open for all fields of studies to
learn the soft skills required for today’s recruitment
IEEE in College of Engineering & Technology in uTomorrow’s wireless world, in cooperation with
AAST&MT is a part of Egypt Chapter among CISCO systems, Mobinil, Vodafone, SWS
international region 8, which includes Africa continent. uTowards a smarter life, in cooperation with The Rock
The IEEE student branch organizes many tutorials for for smart cards and access systems, and the WHO
AAST engineering students ranging from PCB, PSPICE uIBM recruitment event,
and EWB tutorials to advanced AVR microcontroller uThe Tri-profession cross road, which gathered
design and programming. the medicine, the engineering and the business
management, in cooperation with Philips, Siemens,
The IEEE student branch has many sections EIO.
uWIE: Women In Engineering, was responsible for the uAlso, the branch organizes a
organization of the Conference towards a smarter trip every year to the EED,
life , and Tri-profession cross roads events, they are Egyptian Engineering Day, held
interested in improving the role of women in the in Cairo.
engineering fields
uJEEE: Junior Electrical & Electronics Engineers,
Social Activities
uVisiting Egyptian museums and attend cultural
Scientific Activities
uForming various scientific committees by students
General Facilities
Clinic Gymnasium
A modern clinic is available at the Abu-Quir campus. There are two fully equipped Gymnasiums at the Abu-
Physician of all specialties are present in the clinic. Quir Campus.They include saunas and massage facilities
The clinic provides its medical services without any as well as all the standard equipment. Professional staff
additional charge. Pharmacies are also attached to the supervises the operation of the facilities and gives
clinic. guidance to the trainees. Fitness assessments including
body fat analysis, and cardiovascular, muscular, and
flexibility tests can be carried at the Gym. Personal
fitness training is available to students and members
by the session and is focused on teaching beginning,
intermediate, and advanced exercisers the proper
techniques and habits in order to reach their desired
fitness goals
Three hotels were built in AAST Abu-Quir campus.
All the hotels provide 4 stars accommodation along
with world class restaurants. Single and double rooms
are available. A separate hotel for girls was built on the
campus as well. All the hotels are built to the highest
standards, and are maintained by professional staff.
AAST offers several restaurants and cafeterias within
the campus that deliver full meals at very reasonable
prices. The main restaurant serves the students living
on-campus and provides meals for breakfast, lunch and
dinner. Many cafeterias are also available to students
offering a variety collection of meals and snacks.
Cyber Cafe
The cyber café connects the students and instructors
to the world through the Internet. It is fully equipped
with the latest computers and skilled information
technology (IT) professionals to help deliver the
best service, during a non-stop working day starting
from 9 AM to 7 PM daily (Except Friday) . The cyber
café provides Emails, browsing, chatting, webpage
development and training services to all the students
on campus.
S tu d e n t s
F a c i l i t i e s 251
Service Centers
The Engineering Center
The Engineering Centre for Consultancy, Research and
Community service (ECCRCS) is a state of the art
centre that offers exclusive consultancy development
services in the different fields of engineering. ECCRCS
was established to provide the critical link between the
industrial marketplace and the College of Engineering
and Technology.
provides high quality services that support different u Reverse Engineering Lab
& Service Department and Research & Development u Steam Power Engineering Lab
Department. The ISC provides the practical training u Automotive Engineering Lab
u Woodworking Lab
The ISC contains Technical and Vocational Institute u Electronic Circuits Labs
(TVI), which is internationally accredited by Pearson u Programmable Logic Controllers Lab
– BTEC, graduates skilful technicians who are highly u Mechatronics Lab
demanded in the labour market. u Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems Lab
The ISC mission is to serve industry and fulfil its u Computer Application Labs
demands by facilitating the transfer of modern u CNC & Advanced Manufacturing Lab
technology, offer consultancies, and support industry u Industrial Systems Simulator Lab
with advanced skilled and qualified technicians who u Truck Simulator Lab
in different departments of the Academy to do their developed information systems according to the ISO
work in an easy, accurate, productive, and compact standards.
way. IDC has developed Information Systems for main u Provide technical support and training courses
Academy sectors for example, Registration, Student related to information technology to the AASTMT
Affairs, Education, Finance, Logistics, Human Resources, employees.
Colleges, etc. More than 600 personal computers u Continues development of the capabilities and skills
in colleges and different departments in Miami, and of all employees in the Centre.
AbuKir campuses in Alexandria, and in Sheraton and
Dokki campuses in Cairo are connected to our main Several software systems have been developed by
servers through our local and wide area networks. IDC to serve and manage different activities within
IDC objectives are: the departments and colleges of the AASTMT. These
u Developing the information systems included in the activities include Admission and Registration, Finance,
AASTMT strategic information systems plan. Human Resources, Logistics, Library, Colleges and
u Maintain and enhance the existing information Education, Students Affairs, and Security Affairs.
u Ensure the quality of the developed systems and
u Video
u Audio
u Programming
(ICDL Advanced).
u International Business Driving License (IBDL).
S tu d e n t s
F a c i l i t i e s 257
Practical Training and Community Service All the training courses offered are related to the
Practical Training and Community Service is College of Engineering departments, a sample group
considering the vitality of practical training in site. of these courses is listed below:
The College of Engineering and Technology provides u Flow Measurements & Calculation
training opportunities in companies and organization u Orifice & control Valves Calculations
inside and abroad in all engineering fields. u Advanced Control loop Analysis & Trouble
The goal of practical training is to: u Advanced Programmable Logic Controller PLC
u Implement the dual degree program. u Marine pipeline and Subsea Systems
u Increase the awareness for practical training. u Structural Design of Offshore Platforms
u Raise the number of visits to the companies during u Industrial Facilities Planning
industrial sector.
u Invite industrial leaders and business entrepreneurs
u Establish the small student unions that are serve the
surrounding society.
uInvolve the faculty numbers with governmental
These statements clarify the attributes associated with The Attributes of the Engineer
the award of engineering degrees: The engineer should have the ability to:
uThe awards are in accord with the frameworks for uApply knowledge of mathematics, science and
contemporary engineering education. engineering concepts to the solution of engineering
uThe Engineering degrees address the national problems.
expectations of the graduate engineers. uDesign a system; component and process to meet
uThe degrees satisfy the actual and expected market the required needs within realistic constraints.
needs. uDesign and conduct experiments as well as analyse
contextual understanding
The engineering education should achieve excellence uEngage in self- and life- long learning.
in undergraduate and graduate education, research,
public service and advancement of the state-of-the-
art within the discipline. It aims to produce able,
broadly educated, highly qualified engineers and useful
creative high quality research and technology through
academic excellence. Moreover, it intends to challenge
the students, faculty and staff to learn, grow, achieve
and serve the needs of society nationally, regionally
and internationally. It means also to prepare students
for a productive and rewarding career in engineering
based on strong moral and ethical foundation.
general expectations about the qualifications, attributes based methods for modelling and analysing problems.
and capabilities that graduates of the engineering uSelect appropriate solutions for engineering problems
uCurrent engineering technologies as related to
uTopics related to humanitarian interests and moral
uTechnical language and report writing
uJudge engineering decisions considering balanced uApply safe systems at work and appropriate steps to
technology, design, business context and engineering uWork in stressful environment and within constraints.
understanding, and feedback to improve design, uManage tasks, time, and resources effectively.
products and/or services. uSearch for information and adopt life-long learning.
system, and carry out specialized engineering designs. uRefer to relevant literature effectively.
uUse computational facilities and techniques,
measuring instruments, workshops and laboratories
equipment to design experiments, collect, analyse and
interpret results.
uUse a wide range of analytical tools, techniques and
and methods and use techniques, principles and laws work which lacks a well-defined outcome or which
of engineering sciences in order to lead to engineering has a wide range of possible solutions and exhibit
applications across disciplinary boundaries. creativity in dealing with unfamiliar real-life problems.
uThe ability to deal effectively with numbers and uThe ability to investigate, plan and execute technical
concepts to identify/solve complex and open ended research specific to the discipline over an extended
engineering problems. period of time; meeting deadlines and putting technical
work in a social and commercial context.
D – Applied Engineering and Design uThe ability to work in a team, search published
uAttaining knowledge of operational practice, sources of information, interprets technical data and
engineering codes and design techniques relevant to analyses and presents findings in various ways.
the subject
uThe ability to apply engineering knowledge and
G – Discretionary Subjects
creative, iterative and open-ended procedures when uAttaining knowledge and understanding of subjects
conceiving and developing components, systems and selected by the institution to identify its character and/
processes. or satisfy the needs of the society.
uThe ability to integrate engineering knowledge,
uThe ability to recognize, appreciate and respond
engineering codes, basic and mathematical sciences in effectively to the needs of the society via investing the
designing a component, a system or a process. technical knowledge specific to the discipline.
uThe ability to work under constraints, taking into
uThe ability to lead and motivate people as well as
account time, economy, health and safety, social and organize and control tasks, people and resources.
environmental factors and applicable laws.
E – Computing and ICT
uAttaining knowledge of ICT principles.
uThe ability to use computers, networks and software
Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design
››Abbas Abdel Halim Yehia, Professor, PhD, 1969. D.P.L.G. Beaux Arts, Paris, France, Architecture & Urbanism.
››Adel Sami El-Menchawy, Professor, PhD, 1997 Arch. Dept., Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Tourism Urbanisation.
››Adham Hany Abulnoor, Associate Professor, PhD, 2010, Politicnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, Architecture & Conservation.
››Ahmed Bahaa El-Seragy, Associate Professor, PhD, 2004, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, Environmental Design and
Sustainable Architecture.
››Alaa El Din Sarhan, Associate Professor, PhD, 1994, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, Architecture and Urban design.
››Amal Mamdouh Fathallah, Assistant Professor, PhD, 2004, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, Environmental Design.
››Bakr Mohameed Gomaa, Assistant Professor, PhD, 2010, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, Environmental Design (Natural
ventilation in buildings).
››Fahd Abdel Aziz Hemaida, Assistant Professor, PhD, 2014, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, Nano Materials in Architecture.
››Gihan Mosad Hannallah, Professor, PhD, 2002, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Environmental Design & Sustainable Design.
››Hussein Ezzat Abul khair, Professor, PhD, 1982, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Interior Design, Architecture & Urban Design.
››Karim Abu Gad, Assistant, Professor, PhD, 1997, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt in affliation with Howard University
Washington, DC.
››Maye Abbas Yehia, Associate Professor, PhD, 2007. Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, Architecture & Urbanism.
››Magdy wissa, Assistant Professor, PhD, 2014. Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Architecture & Urban Design.
››Mohamed Adel El Desoky, Assistant Professor, PhD, 2012, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, Architectural Conservation.
››Mohamed Atef Elhamy, Professor, PhD, 2002, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Architecture & Urban Design.
››Mohamed Ibrahim Gomaa, Professor, PhD, 1982, D.P.L.G. Beaux Arts, Paris, France, Architecture & Urban Design.
››Mohamed Mustafa Ayoub, Assistant Professor, PhD, 2012, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Computational Architecture.
››Mohamed Wahba Ebrahim, Professor, PhD, 2003, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Architecture & Sustainable Urban Design.
››Mostafa Mohamed Gabr, Professor, PhD, 1990, Edinburgh University, UK, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design.
››Nader Mohamed Gharib, Assistant Professor, PhD, 2010, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, Enviromental Design.
››Nermine Aly Hani, Associate Professor, PhD, 2016, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, Enviromental Design.
››Rania Abdel Galil, Associate Professor, PhD, 2007, Sheffield University, UK, Sustainable Urban & Regional Planning.
››Sherine Shafik Aly, Associate Professor, PhD, 2008, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Sustainable Urban Design.
››Wael Mahmoud Hassab, Associate Professor, PhD, 2004, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, Sustainable Architecture.
››Yasmin Sobhy Kandil, Assistant Professor, PhD, 2011, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, Urban Design.
››Yasser Ahmed Farghaly, Associate Professor, PhD, 2005, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Architectural Education, Urban
Faculty & Staff 271
Computer Engineering
››Abd El-Baith Mohamed, Professor, Ph.D. (1992) Vienna University, Austria, Computer System Security.
››Ahmed Abd El-Khalek Abou El-Farag, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (2009) Cairo University, Egypt, Computer Architecture.
››Ahmed Khadragi, Assistant Professor, Ph. D. (2011), University of Salford, UK, Virtual Reality.
››Amani Saad, Professor, Ph.D. (1996) on a Channel system between University of Milano, Italy, and University of Alexandria, Egypt,
Object Oriented Database Management Systems.
››Cherine Fathy, Assistant Professor, Ph. D. 2013, Cairo University, Egypt Computer Networks.
››Fatma F. Zada, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (1994) Mansoura University, Egypt, Intelligent Robotics.
››Hany H. Mahmoud, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (2015) University of Stafordshire, UK, Video coding
››Hesham El-Zouka, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (2006) University of Nottingham, UK, Network Security.
››Marwa El-Shenawy, Assistant Professor, Ph. D. 2013, University of Salford , UK, Biomedical image processing.
››Mohamad Abou El-Nasr, Professor, Ph.D. (2003) Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, Computer Networks Architecture, Security
and Control.
››Mohamed Taher El-Sonni, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (1978) University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, Computer Architecture
and Pattern Recognition.
››Ossama Ismail, Professor, Ph.D. (1994) Queens University, Canada, Robotics, Mechatronics, Computer Control.
››Rania Ahmed Kadry, Assistant Professor, Ph. D. 2013, University of Salford , UK, Biomedical image processing.
››Sherine Youssef, Professor , Ph.D (2004) University of Nottingham , Uk ,Artificial Intelligent system, video ,image ,Intelligent Mobile
Agents, Swarm.
››Sherine Nagy Saleh, Assistant Professor, Ph.D (2014)Astan University, Uk, Data Mining.
››Salma Fayed, Assistant Professor ,Ph.D .(2016) University of Stafordshire ,UK, Wireless Visual Sensor Networks , Intelligent
tracking systems.
Faculty & Staff 273
››Nahla E.Zakzouk, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. 2015, Strathclyde University, United Kingdom, Power electronics and Control.
››Samah El-Safty, Professor , Ph.D (1998) Ain Shams University, Egypt, Distrubtion systems and power system protection.
››Rania A.Ibrahim, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. 2015, Strathclyde University, United Kingdom, Power electronics applications on power
››Walid Ghoneim, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (2003) Heriot-Watt University, UK, Electrical Machines and Drives.
››Yasser G. Dessouky, Professor, Ph.D. (1998) Heriot-Watt University, UK, Electrical Machines and Drives.
››Rana Maher Mohamed, Assistant Professor, (2016) AIX, Marseille, France, Power electronics application on renewable energy systems.
Mechanical Engineering
››Ahmed F. El-Safty, Professor, Ph.D. (2001) Coventry University, UK, Renewable Energy, Absorption Air Conditioning.
››Ahmed Seif Eldin Bayoumi, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (2013) Strathclyde University, UK, Mechanical Power, Renewable Energy.
››Ali Ismail Sheahata, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (2012) Ain Shams University, Egypt, Mechanical Power, Refrigeration.
››Elaraby Morsi, Visiting Professor, Ph.D. (1995) Ph.D. In Mechanical engineering, Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
››El-Sayed Saber, Professor, Ph.D. (1995) Alexandria University, Egypt, Applied Mechanics, Tribology, CFD.
››Hassan Abdel-Hamid, Professor, Ph.D. (1966) University of Manchester, UK, Applied Mechanics, Stress Analysis.
››Hassan Rashid, Professor, Ph.D. (1982) Alexandria University, Egypt, Applied Mechanics.
››Khaled Mohamed Abdou, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (2003) De Montfort University, UK, Concurrent Engineering.
››Khaled Mohi Eldin Saqr, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (2013 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Mechanical Power, CFD.
››Mohamed Abou El-Azm, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (2008) Ain Shams University, Egypt, Mechanical Power, CFD.
››Mohamed A.Teamah, Visiting Professor, Ph.D. (1988) Faculty of Engineering, University of Alexandria, Egypt, Thermal Engineering.
››Mahmoud Z. El-Feki, Professor, Ph.D. (1988) Alexandria University, Egypt, Nuclear Engineering.
››Sohair F. Rezeka, Visiting Professor, Ph.D. (1984) Wayne State University, USA, Control systems and Mechatronics.
››Ahmed Hanafy, Associate Professor , Ph.D (2006) Alexandria University ,Air Conditioning .
››Rola Samir, Assistant Ph.D (2009) Alexandria University , Fluid Mechanics .
Marine Engineering
››Ahmed Khalifa Mehana, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (2015) Port Said University, Egypt, Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture Engineering.
››Ahmed Naguib Ahmed, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (2007) University of Alexandria, Egypt, Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture.
››Amr Ali Hassan, Professor, Ph.D. (2002) University of Nottingham, UK, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer.
››Ashraf Sharara, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (2010) Ain Shams Univirersity Egypt, Mechanical Engineering Department.
››El – Sayed Hegazy, Professor, Ph.D (1973), USSR.
››Hamdy Hassan, Professor, Ph.D. (1983) De Montfort University Leicester, UK, Mechanical Engineering Department.
››Mohamed Abbas Kotb, Visiting Professor, Ph.D. (1985) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, Ship hydrodynamics,
Ship Propulsion, Energy Systems.
››Mohamed El-Nour Abdel-Radi, Professor, Ph.D. (1984) University of Glasgow, UK, Offshore Engineering.
››Mohamed El Shaib, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (2012) University of Heriot Watt, UK, Material Engineering.
››Mohamed Fahmy Shehada, Professor, Ph.D. (2006) University of Heriot-Watt, UK, Material Engineering.
››Nagi El Semelawy, Professor, Ph.D. (1984) University of Glasgow, UK, Naval Architecture Engineering.
››Omar Abdulaziz, Professor, Ph.D. (1982) Paisley University, Scotland, UK, Welding And Quality Department.
››Tarek Ahmed Elsayed, Professor, Ph.D. (1998) University of California, Berkeley, USA, Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering.
››Aly Hassan El- Batran, Assistant Professor , Ph.D (2016) UTM , Malaysia .
Faculty & Staff 279
››Ahmed Shaaban, Electrical and Control Engineering Department.
››Asia Mohamed Shaalan, Dean’s Educational Office.
››Dalia Mohamed Gomaa, Industrial and Management Engineering Department.
››Doaa Hassan, Mechanical Engineering Department.
››Doaa Mostafa Khamis, Dean’s Office.
››Hala Gaber Ahmed ElMasry, Computer Engineering Department.
››Marwa Aly Magdy, Dean’s Office.
››Nehal Abdel Monsif, Marine Engineering Department.
››Nermeen Talat Moustafa, Architecture Engineering and Environmental Design Department.
››Nevin Daif, Postgraduate Office.
››Noha Fouad Mansour, Postgraduate Office.
››Ragaa Mohamed ElHenawy, Construction and Building Engineering Department.
››Shaimaa Fathy El Noweihy, Electronics and Communication.
››Rania Agamya, Dean’s Office.
››Safaa Abdelhamid, Basic and Applied Science Department.
››Wafaa Hegazy, Dean’s Office.
Faculty Cairo
Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design
››Lobna Abdel-AzimSherif, Ph.D. in Architecture, University of Michigan. USA 1988,
››Ayman Fathalla Wanas, Associate Professor. Ph.D. in Architecture, College Engineering, Helwan University, Egypt, 2001
››Osama Salah EldinTolba, Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture - Design and Computation, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA 2001
››HatemEzzat Nabih, Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture, Heriot-Watt University – Edinburgh college of Art, Edinburgh, UK, 1999
››Sherif Mahmoud Talaat El Fiki, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Architecture, Edinburgh College of Art, Heriot Watt University UK, 2003
››Yasser Mostafa, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA, 2004
››Marwa Hassan Khalil, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture, Cairo University, 2008
››Amgad Ali Fahmi, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture, Universitat Karlsruhe, Germany, 2011
››Sherif Ezz El-Din, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture, De Montfort University, UK, 2011
››Ahmed Hamed El-Antably, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture Berkley, USA 2011
››Mona Abdelazeem Abdelwahab Abdalla, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture New Castle, U.K.2011
››Tarek Mahmoud Hanafi Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture, Ain Shams University, Egypt 2012
››Hala Barakat, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in interior Design, College of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Egypt 2009
››Sherif Nasri, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture, Ain Shams University, 2003
››Shaima Ashur, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Architecture, Cairo University. 2014
››TarekYehia Mohamed Kattaria,Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture,AASTMT, Egypt 2010 Candidate Ph.D. in Architecture
Cairo University
››Mohamed Fekry El-Azzazy, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2011Candidate Ph.D. in Bauhaus Weimer
- Germany
››Islam Ibrahim Salem, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, Dessau Institut of Architecture, Anhant University of Applied
Science, Germany 2011, Candidate Ph.D. in Architecture Cairo University
››Rami Abd El-Latif Bakir, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, Ain Shams University, Egypt 2011Candidate Ph.D. in Architecture
Ain Shams University
››Yomna Saad El-Ghazi, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, Cairo University, Egypt 2009 Candidate Ph.D. in Architecture
Cairo University
Faculty & Staff 281
››Tarek Mohamed Kamel, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, Cairo University, Egypt 2013 Candidate Ph.D. in Architecture
Cairo University
››Mohamed Hassan Zaki Emara, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2013 Candidate Ph.D. in Architecture
Cairo University
››Amal Osama Abdelaziz, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2015
››Dina Abdellatif Ahmed Bakir, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2014
››Salma Sherif, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, Manchester School of Art, UK 2014
››Omar Ettman, Teaching Associate, M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2014 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Hadia Elsayed Abdelfattah Elabhar, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2008 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Rana Ali Swelam, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2009 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Mai Abou Eldahab, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2010 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Eman Sherif, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2010 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Mohamed Hisham, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2010 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Karim Mohamed Anwar, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2011Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Passant Ali, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2012 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT Cinderella Maged, GTA
››B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2012 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Salma Mohamed Ghanem, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2013 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Sarah Samir Abu-Ali, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2013 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Maya Osama El-Nesr, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2014 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Dalia Mohamed Ayman, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2014 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Salma Tarek El-Sayed, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2014 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Ehab Medhat Shawki, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2014 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
››Rim Ala’ El-Din Mohamed, GTA, B.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT, Egypt 2014 Candidate M.Sc. in Architecture, AASTMT
Faculty Cairo
Basic and Applied Science
››Ahmed Mostafa El-Bakly, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (1999) Virginia Tech. University, USA, Microwave.
››Abdel Rehim Abdel Hamid, Professor, Ph.D. (1981), Sussex University, England, Applied Mathematics.
››Alfaisal Abdel Hamid, Ph.D. (2009), Helwan University, Applied Physical Mathematics.
››Hany Kamel Kaldus, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (2000) Texas University, USA, Applied Physics.
››Mohsen Salah El-Din Ahmed Mousa, Professor, Ph.D. (1986) Iowa State University, USA, Basic and Applied Science, and Management.
››Mostafa Ahmed Moawad Abdeen, Associate Professor, Dr. of Eng. (1996), Yokohama National University, Japan, Applied
Engineering Mechanics.
››Nehad Nashaat Morsi, Professor, Ph.D. (1985), Technical Military College, Egypt, Applied Mathematics.
››Samir Youssuf Mohamed Marzouk, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (1999), Menoufia University, Egypt, Applied Physics.
››Tantawy Farid Tantawy, Ph.D. (1999), AinShams university , Applied Engineering Mechanics.
››Abdel Rehim Abdel Hamid, Professor, Ph.D. (1981), Sussex University, England, Applied Mathematics.
››Eliwa Mohamed Roshdy Rabia, Associate Professor, Ph.D, (),Technical Military College, Egypt, Applied Mathematics.
››Mohamed Fathy Emam, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (2015), Mansoura University, Egypt, Applied Mathematics Engineering.
››Mostafa Abd Elrahman Elogail, Assistant Professor, Ph. D. (2013), Ain Shams University, Egypt, Applied Mathematics.
››Bassem Hossam Roshdy, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (2012), Ain Shams University, Egypt,
››Wael Abbas Mahfouz, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (2011), Mansoura University, Egypt, Applied Mathematics Engineering.
Faculty & Staff 283
Computer Engineering
››Abdel Moneim Wahdan, Professor, Ph.D.1978 , Nantes University, France, Computer and System Engineering
››Ashraf Tammam, Ph.D, 2011, Ein Shams University, Egypt, Security
››Ahmed Ackl, Ph.D, 2011, Paul Sabatier University, France, Wireless Sensor Networks, Networks.
››Ahmed Fahmy Amin Mahrous, Professor, Ph.D. 1981, Electronics & Communication Cairo University Ph.D. 1987, Computer
Engineering, NPS, U.S.A, Computer and System Engineering
››Atalla Ibrahim Hashad, Associate Professor, Ph.D. 1994, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California, U.S.A, System & Control
››Gamal Selim, Professor,Ph.D, 1985, Ohio State University, USA, Computer And System Engineering
››Mohamed Waleed Fakhr, Professor, Ph.D, 1993, University of Waterloo, Canada, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
››Manal Helal, Ph.D, computer science and engineering department, faculty of engineering, The University of New South Wales
(UNSW), Sydney, Australia, in 2010. High performance computing, Parallel Algorithms, Bioinformatics.
››Sherif Fadel Fahmy, Ph.D, 2010, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, Distributed Systems, Real Time Systems
Faculty Cairo
Construction and Building Engineering
››Abd-El-Moniem Yassin Sanad; Professor, Ph.D. 1997, INSA de Rennes, France, Structural Engineering.
››Abdel Hamid Hamdy El-Tahan; Assistant professor, Ph.D.2009, AinShams University, Egypt Irrigation and Hydraulic Engineering.
››Adel Mahmoud Belal; Professor, University of Mississippi, USA, 1997, STRUCTURAL Engineering.
››Akram Soltan Kotb; Associate professor, Ph.D.2009, AinShams University, Egypt Transportation and Railway Engineering.
››Ahmed El-Hakeem; Associate professor, Ph.D.2006, University of Waterloo, Canada, Construction Engineering and Management.
››Ebtisam Abd-El_Aziz Yehia; Assistant professor, Ph.D.2012, AinShams University Egypt, Structural Engineering.
››Mohamed Emam Abd-El-Razek; Professor, Ph.D. 1995, Memorial University, Canada, Construction Engineering and Management.
››Mostafa Khalifa Abd-El-Salam; Professor, Ph.D. 1982, Wisconsin University, USA, Structural Engineering.
››Ola Diaa ELMonayri; Assistant professor Ph.D.2009, Zagazig University, Egypt, Environmental Engineering.
››Sameh Abu-El-Soud; Associate professor, Ph.D.2002, Cairo University, Egypt Geothechnical Engineering.
››Wael Mohamed Hamdy Khedr; Professor, Ph.D. 1996, Ain Shams University, Egypt, Irrigation and Hydraulics.
››Mohamed Reffat; M.Sc. 2011, Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Highway Engineering.
››Mohamed Saeed; M.Sc. 2012, Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Environmental Engineering.
››Mahmoud Kasem; M.Sc. 2013,Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Environmental Engineering.
››Moustafa Yousef; M.Sc. 2014, Ein shams University , Structural Engineering.
››Hassan Ahmed Hassan; M.Sc. 2014, Arab Academy for Sciences, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Environmental
››Mohamed Ashraf Elsayyad; M.Sc. 2014,Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Environmental
››Elhussein Ibrahim Helal; M.Sc. 2014, Ein shams University , Structural Engineering
Faculty & Staff 285
››ELBaraa Louye Elghazy; M.Sc. 2015, Arab Academy for Sciences, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Environmental
››Mohamed Elsokkary; M.Sc. 2015, Arab Academy for Sciences, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Highway
››Ahmed Gamal; M.Sc. 2015 , Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Geo technical Engineering.
››Mohamed Arafat; B.Sc. 2011 , Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Geo technical Engineering.
››Mohamed Morsy; B.Sc. 2011 , Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Geo technical Engineering.
››Mohamed Salem; B.Sc. 2012 , Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Geo technical Engineering.
››Abdulrahman Gamal; B.Sc. 2012 , Arab Academy for Sciences, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Geo technical
››Adham tunsy; B.Sc. 2013 , Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Geo technical Engineering.
››Mohamed Khaled; B.Sc. 2013 , Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Geo technical Engineering.
››Amr Gamal; B.Sc. 2013 , Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Geo technical Engineering.
››Asmaa Taher; B.Sc. 2015, Arab Academy for Sciences,Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, Geo technical Engineering.
Faculty Cairo
Electrical and Control Engineering
››Emam Fathi, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., 2014, Cairo University, Egypt, Electrical and Control Engineering.
››Eman Hassan Beshr, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., 2009, Ain Shams University, Egypt, Electrical Power and Machines.
››Hady El-Helw, Associate Professor, Ph.D.2009, Stafford Shire University, England, Drives and Power Electronics.
››Hassan Ibrahim, Professor, Ph.D.2002, Oakland University, MI., USA, Control Engineering, Embedded Systems
››Mona Fouad, Associate Professor, Ph.D., 2009, Alexandria University, Egypt, Electrical Power and Machines.
››Noha Yousry, Associate Professor, Ph.D. 2009, Ain Shams, Egypt, Electrical and Machines Power Engineer, Power System Networks.
››Rania El-Sharkawy, Professor, Ph.D.2002, Cairo University, Egypt, Electrical Power and Machines, High Voltage Systems.
››Yasser Galal Mostafa, Professor, Ph.D.1997, Ain Shams University, Egypt, Electrical Power and Machines, Power System Protection.
››Ibrahim M. Abdallah, Assistant Professor, Ph.D, 2016, strathclyde, UK.
››Salwa Mohamed Yousry, Msc 2009, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Mahmoud Wadeea, Msc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Berwene Salah, Msc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Ibtihal Islam Zahran, Msc 2012, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Marwa Ahmed, Msc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Hammam Soliman, Msc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Mohamed Zaki, Msc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Hazem Ayman, Msc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Mohamed Adel, Msc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Ahmed Kamal Ali, Msc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Noha Magdy, Bsc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Ahmed Abdelraouf, Bsc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Alia Mohamed, Bsc, Aastmt, Egypt.
››Ayman Mohamed Fouad, Bsc, Aastmt, Egypt.
Faculty & Staff 287
Faculty Cairo
Mechatronics Engineering
››Atia, Mostafa Rostom, Ph.D. 2002, Ain Shams University & Glamorgan Univ., Wales, UK
››Shabaan, Sameh Abdelhamid, Ph.D. 2004, University Of Hanover, Germany
››Khalil, John Maher Boutros, Ph.D.2008, University Of Nottingham, England
››Abo El Sebah, Mohamed Ibrahim, Ph.D.2003, Cairo University, Egypt
››El Genedy, Essam El Gendy, Ph.D.2011, Otto-Von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
››Taher, R.m, Ph.D. 1988, Lehigh University, Pa, Usa
››Abd El Naby, Ahmed, (Aastmt, Alexandria, Egypt)
››Safwan, Mohamed, (Aastmt, Alexandria, Egypt)
››Abd Elhassib, Hossam M,, (Aastmt, Alexandria, Egypt)
››Hamed, A. Abdellatif,, (Aastmt, Alexandria, Egypt)
››Elrouby, A. M.Yousry,, (Aastmt, Cairo, Egypt)
››Fouz, M.a.abdelhafiz, (Aastmt, Cairo, Egypt)
››Elmesmari, Hazem M. Mokhtar, (Aastmt, Alexandria, Egypt)
››Wadie, Mina Aklimindos, (Aastmt, Cairo, Egypt)
››Ahmed, Amany Khaled, (Aastmt, Cairo, Egypt)
››Abdelazeem, Mohamed Moustafa, (Aastmt, Cairo, Egypt)
››El-Essawy, Mahmoud Ali, (Aastmt, Cairo, Egypt)
››Helal, Khaled Mohsen, (Aastmt, Cairo, Egypt)
››Hisham, Omar, (Aastmt, Cairo, Egypt)
››Magdy, Loai, (Aastmt, Cairo, Egypt)
Faculty & Staff 289