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JURNAL ASET (AKUNTANSI RISET), 13 (1), 2021, 012-025

Audit Delay of Listed Companies On The IDX

Erma Hartika Rani1, Ni Nyoman Alit Triani2
Accounting Departement, Faculty of Economics and Business, Surabaya State University12
Jl. Ketintang No. 2, Ketintang, Gayungan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60231

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of company size, company age, profitability, leverage, and
audit tenure on audit delay. The sample in this study is selected with a purposive sampling method on the companies listed
on the IDX in 2019, with a total sample of 581 companies. The method of analysis used multiple linear regressions. The
result of this study indicates that company size and profitability negatively influenced audit delay. Meanwhile, the company
age, leverage, and audit tenure did not affect audit delay.
Keywords: Company Size; Company Age; Profitability; Leverage; Audit Tenure; Audit Delay
Corresponding author. [email protected], [email protected]
How to cite this article. Rani, Erma Hartika. Ni Nyoman Alit Triani (2021). Audit Delay of Listed Companies On The
IDX In 2019. Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset). Program Studi Akuntansi. Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 13 (1), 12-25. Retrieved from
History of article. Received: March 2021, Revision: May 2021, Published: June 2021
Online ISSN: 2541-0342. Print ISSN: 2086-2563. DOI : https://doi.org/10.17509/jaset.v13i1.32824
Copyright©2021. Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset) Program Studi Akuntansi FPEB UPI.

Audit delay is the long time used by the statements. This study uses the auditor's signature
auditor in completing the audit task on financial lag criteria for determining the length of audit
statements. In Indonesia, the companies listed on delay, which is calculated based on the range of
the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) are required the end date of the fiscal year to the date in the
to report the annual report to the Financial auditor's report. The auditor's timeliness in
Services Authority, which is BAPEPAM-LK completing the audit has an impact on the
latest than four months after the fiscal book benefits of a financial report. Delays in
financial statements as shown in POJK No. submitting financial statements will have
29/POJK.04/2016 regarding the Submission of negatively influence the company, especially for
Public Company Annual Reports. The sanctions investors caused the financial statements to
for companies that are late in reporting are in contain information about the company's
Kep-307/BEJ/07-2004 provision II.6 in the form condition being it is experiencing profit or loss.
of written warning sanctions I to suspension. The This information can be used as a tool by
suspension is lifted if the company has reported investors for making decisions to buy, sell, or
the financial statements and paid a fine. The tariff hold on equity securities and corporate debt
of 50 million rupiahs for the company is subject securities, following the general purpose of
to written warning II and a fine of 150 million financial reporting as stated in the Exposure Draft
rupiahs for the company is subject to written (DE) Conceptual Framework for Financial
warning III. Reporting Chapter 1 point 1.02.
Audit delay can be used to determine the Based on the annual announcement issued by
lateness of a company in delivering financial the IDX, data on companies that have not

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ERMA HARTIKA RANI, NI NYOMAN ALIT TRIANI / Audit Delay of Listed Companies on The IDX in 2019

submitted the financial report on time Audit with the IoT concepts the audit evidence is
summarized in the following graphic image: a digital format. That has an impact on the
timeliness of receiving the audit evidence. The
audit team and client planning meetings were
held online, considered alternative
communication channels so that the
confidentiality of information is maintained, and
discussed changes in audit planning that have to
affect the grace period for submitting the audit
The company size describes the company as
large or small, measured by the total assets as
Source: IDX (processed by author)
stated in POJK No. 53 / POJK.04 / 2017. Carslaw
Figure 1. Graph of Total Companies &s Kaplan (1991) in New Zealand and Bonson-
Reporting Late Ponte et al., (2008) in Spain states that company
Figure 1 shows that in 2016 the number of size negatively influenced audit delay.
companies that were late reporting decreased by Meanwhile, research conducted by Yohaniar &
one company. In 2017 companies were late in Asyik (2017) and Saemargani & Mustikawati
reporting decreased by seven companies, (2019) stated that company size did not affect
dominated by companies engaged in the mining audit delay.
sector. In 2018, the number of late companies had The company age is calculated from the
the same number as the previous year, dominated range of the company listed on the IDX for the
by companies in the mining and trade sector with first time up to the research year (Santosa &
three companies in each industry sector, and in Kurnia, 2013). Bahri et al., (2018) stated that the
2019 it increased significantly to 32 companies, company age positively influences audit delay.
dominated by companies in the trade sector. The However, Amani & Waluyo (2016) and Manalu
significant increase for the financial year of 31 & Majidah (2018) proved that the company age
December 2019 is believed to be due to the negatively impacts audit delay.
Covid-19 pandemic that began to enter Indonesia Profitability shows the company's profits
in early 2020. In response to the pandemic that obtained through the use and utilization of its
occurred, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) assets (Brigham & Houston, 2019). Che-Ahmad
issued Directors Decree No. Keep- & Abidin (2008) in Malaysia and Alfraih (2016)
00027/BEI/03-2020 concerning relaxation of the in Kuwait states that profitability negatively
deadline for submitting the financial statement. influenced audit delay. In contrast, Handoko et
The decision contains an extension of the time to al., (2019) proved that profitability did not
submit financial statements by two months from influence audit delay.
the deadline. Leverage is a ratio that measures debt
In April 2020, IAPI published Technical management in a company (Brigham & Houston,
Newsflash to overcome the challenges and 2009). Research conducted by Abdullah (2006)
uncertainties of a pandemic. That caused a in Malaysia and Al-Ajmi (2008) in Bahrain stated
limited scope of the audit that affected the audit that leverage positively influences audit delay.
process. One of the ways to do this is by applying Meanwhile, Astuti (2016) and Lestari & Putu
a remote audit approach. The implementation of (2017) prove that leverage did not affect audit
remote audits performed using the concept of the delay.
Internet of Things (IoT), the execution of audits Audit tenure is the length of the auditor's
conducted with electronic devices capable of engagement with the client (Van Johnson,
transferring data via the internet as a medium. Khurana, & Reynolds, 2002). Lee et al., (2009)
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JURNAL ASET (AKUNTANSI RISET), 13 (1), 2021, 012-025

and Wan-Hussin & Bamahros (2013) stated that An audit can increase the credibility of
audit tenure negatively influenced audit delay. In financial statements. Audited financial reports
contrast, Dao & Pham (2014) and Rosyid (2017) increase the stakeholder’s trust in the information
prove that audit tenure did not impact audit delay. presented, that the information is a fair
The existence of a phenomenon that happens representation (Hayes, Dassen, Schilder, &
is a reason for researchers to research audit delay Wallage, 2004). Submission of an audited
topics. Besides, the different results of previous financial report on time shows that the company
studies make researchers examine further the has good quality work in fulfilling its obligations,
factors that cause audit delay. In this study, the namely submitting the financial report on time.
researchers tested several factors of audit delay :
company size, company age, profitability, Audit Delay
leverage, and audit tenure. The difference Abernathy et al., (2016) define the audit
between this research and previous studies is delay as the length of time from the end of the
variables in this study tested for companies in all company's fiscal year to the date of the audit
industrial sectors listed on the IDX in 2019. The report, then is used as a determinant of the
purpose of this study is to determine the effect of timeliness of financial reporting. Audits must be
company size, company age, profitability, completed on time so the financial report can be
leverage, and audit tenure against audit delay. reported and published on time. If the financial
The importance of timeliness in submitting statements are late in reporting the value has the
financial statements makes this research potential to be irrelevant to the company's
important to do. Beside that, the economic condition or the current economic conditions.
situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has According to Dyer et al., (1975), the criteria
motivated researchers to research audit delay. for late reporting financial statements are divided
The results of this study can be used for the into three. Preliminary lag, calculated based on
company as information about the importance of the span of the end date of the fiscal year to the
internal control, so the companies can implement date the report received by the capital market.
good internal control to anticipate factors that Auditor's signature lag, calculated based on the
cause audit delay. For the auditor as a reference span of the end date of the fiscal year until the
for factors that affect the length of the audit date stated on the auditor's report. The total lag,
process that can be used as a reference in audit calculated based on the span of the end date of the
planning, so the auditor can complete the audit on fiscal year to the date of the report published by
time and for academics as reference material for the capital market.
further research.

Signaling Theory
Signaling theory is a signal given by Source: Dyer dan McHugh (1975)
management to investors regarding the company
condition as an analytical tool in the investment Figure 2. The Criteria Pattern of Audit
decision-making process and avoiding Delay
differences in information between management
and investors or asymmetric information Company Size
(Brigham & Houston, 2019). The financial report According to Tiono & Jogi (2012), the
is a document that can be used by management as company size can be seen through its total assets,
a medium to signal good news or bad news. total sales, and total employees. The size of the
company is divided into three, namely small
Lending Credibility Theory firms, medium firms, and large firms. Financial

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ERMA HARTIKA RANI, NI NYOMAN ALIT TRIANI / Audit Delay of Listed Companies on The IDX in 2019

Services Authority Regulation No. carefully during the audit process so that the audit
53/POJK.04/2017 states that small companies are process can take a long time.
legal entities that have total assets not more than
IDR 50.000 000.000,00. Medium companies Leverage
have total assets of IDR,00 to Leverage is a ratio used to measure debt
IDR,00 and large companies management in a company (Brigham & Houston,
are legal entities that have total assets of more 2009). A company that has a high leverage ratio
than IDR,00. The higher the means that the company has a high probability of
total assets owned by the company, means that default. That indicates that the company's
the operational activities are more complex and finances are experiencing difficulties and is bad
generate more information. So the company has news for the company and investors. According
a good level of internal control and has a low to Ashton et al., (1987) auditors are more careful
level of risk (Bonson-Ponte et al., 2008). In line when auditing companies with high debt levels
with this theory, the auditor does not need to that impact increasing the auditing time.
expand the audit scope and the auditor does not
need to increase the sample to find audit evidence Audit Tenure
so that the auditor can complete the audit on time. Audit tenure is the length of the auditor's
relationship (engagement) with the client (Van
Company Age Johnson et al., 2002). According to Wan-Hussin
The company age is the length of time a & Bamahros (2013) auditors with long tenure
company has established to develop and operate believed to have a more understanding of the
(Trisnadevy & Satyawan, 2020). According to company include the company’s operations
Santosa & Kurnia (2013), it is calculated based activities, so the auditors can reduce delays in
on the company period being listed on the IDX submitting financial statements. Meanwhile,
for the first time until the research year. according to Rosyid (2017), a long auditor
Mazkiyani & Handoyo, (2017) stated that assignment in a company is not a reference that
companies that have been listing on the IDX for auditors better understand the company's
a long time are more experienced with problems operations. The auditor's tenure is long enough to
related to information processing and understand cause the auditor to be less independent and
how to solve those problems. Besides, the professional. In Indonesia, the audit engagement
company has more flexibility in dealing with the period is regulated in OJK Regulation No.
changes that will occur. That makes the company 13/POJK/2017 concerning the Use of Public
able to present its financial report on time. Accountant Services and Public Accounting
Firms in Financial Services Activities. The
Profitability regulation states the provision of audit services
The level of profitability can be measured for financial statements by the same public
using the profitability ratio. The profitability ratio accountant is no longer than three consecutive
provides an idea of how profitable the company years.
is in operating and utilizing its assets (Brigham &
Houston, 2019). According to Carslaw & Kaplan Hypothesis Development
(1991), companies with a high level of Influence of Company Size on Audit Delay
profitability tend to submit financial reports more Yendrawati & Mahendra (2018) and Lai et
quickly because companies have to convey the al., (2020) state that company size negatively
good news to the public, especially to investors. influences audit delay because large-scale
The company that experiences a loss has a high companies are more concerned with
business risk and if the loss is believed to increase stakeholders, which can pressure auditors to
financial failure, the auditor must act more complete assignments on time. Meanwhile,

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JURNAL ASET (AKUNTANSI RISET), 13 (1), 2021, 012-025

Yohaniar & Asyik (2017) and Astusti & Puspita H3: Profitability has a significant effect on audit
(2020) stated the company size did not influence delay
audit delay. This is because the companies listed
on the IDX with large and small assets are Influence of Leverage on Audit Delay
monitored by external parties such as investors, Leverage is measured by proxy for debt to
capital supervisors, and the government. It shows equity. Based on research by Abdullah (2006) in
that all companies experience the same pressure Malaysia and Al-Ajmi (2008) in Bahrain,
in submitting financial reports on time. From the leverage positively influences audit delay.
research gap, the hypothesis proposed is: According to Ashton et al., (1987) auditors are
H1: Company Size has a significant effect on more careful when auditing a company with a
audit delay high level of debt, and it causes increases in the
time of the audit. Meanwhile, the results of
Influence of Company Age on Audit Delay research conducted by Astuti (2016) and Lestari
Companies that have been listed on IDX for & Putu (2017) state that leverage did not
a long time are believed to have more experience influence audit delay. From the research gap, the
in collecting and processing financial hypothesis proposed is:
information. Imaniar & Kurnia (2016) stated that H4: Leverage has a significant effect on audit
the longer the company age, the company has delay
undergone many changes during its operational
activities, so more flexibility in adjusting the Influence of Audit Tenure on Audit Delay
changes will occur. This allows the company to Audit tenure is the length of the auditor's
submit financial reports on time. Krisnanda & relationship (engagement) with the client (Van
Ratnadi (2017) and Octaviani & Supriono (2017) Johnson et al., 2002). Lee et al., (2009) stated that
state that the company age negatively influences audit tenure negatively influences audit delay
audit delay because it has sufficient experience because auditors with long tenure have a better
and is more skilled in collecting, processing, and understanding of their client operating systems,
producing information when needed. Meanwhile, thus more efficient in implementing the audit
Kuswanto & Manaf (2015) stated the company process. In contrast, research by Dao & Pham
age did not influence audit delay. From the (2014) and Tryana (2020) states that audit tenure
research gap, the hypothesis proposed is: did not influence audit delay. From the research
H2: Company age has a significant effect on audit gap, the hypothesis proposed is:
delay H5: Audit tenure has a significant effect on audit
Influence of Profitability on Audit Delay
The profitability level in this study is RESEARCH METHOD
measured by the proxy of Return on Assets Population and Sample
(ROA). Che-Ahmad & Abidin (2008) based on This study uses a quantitative approach. The
their research in Malaysia stated that profitability population used in this study is publicly traded
negatively impacts audit delay. That is because companies listed on the IDX in 2019 with a
profitable companies are believed to issue purposive sampling technique. The sample
financial reports quickly to show that the criteria in this study are companies listed on the
company is performing well which support by IDX in 2019 and companies that report financial
good internal company controls. In contrast, statements in 2019.
Saputra et al., (2020) state that profitability did
not influence audit delay. From the research gap, Table 1. Research Sample
the hypothesis proposed is:

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ERMA HARTIKA RANI, NI NYOMAN ALIT TRIANI / Audit Delay of Listed Companies on The IDX in 2019

No Description Total Company Size

1 Go public companies 666 Company size can be seen through the total
listed on the IDX in assets, total sales, and total employees (Tiono &
2019 Jogi, 2012). To measure the company size uses
2 Companies that newly (55) the natural logarithm of the company's total
registered on the IDX in assets.
2019 Size = Ln Total Assets
3 Companies that are (24)
listed on the IDX but Company Age
have not issued audited The company age is calculated based on the
2019 financial reports company period listed on the IDX for the first
4 Outlier (6) time until the research year (Santosa & Kurnia,
The total sample used in this 581 2013).
Source: Prepared by Author Profitability
Profitability provides an idea of how
Data Analysis Technique profitable a company is in operating and utilizing
The data analysis technique to test the data its assets (Brigham & Houston, 2019). This study
feasibility using the classic assumption test. The uses the proxy Return on Assets (ROA) to
test includes the normality test, multicollinearity measure the profitability ratio.
test, and heteroscedasticity test. Meanwhile, to Net Incom𝑒
test the research hypothesis using multiple linear ROA = × 100%
Total Assets
regression tests with the following equation:
𝐷𝐸𝐿𝐴𝑌 = 𝑎0 + 𝑎1 𝑆𝐼𝑍𝐸 + 𝑎2 𝐴𝐺𝐸 + 𝑎3 𝑅𝑂𝐴
Leverage is a ratio used to measure debt
+ 𝑎4 𝐿𝐸𝑉 + 𝑎5 𝑇𝐸𝑁𝑈𝑅𝐸 + 𝜀
management in a company (Brigham & Houston,
Where :
2009). This study uses a proxy debt to asset ratio
α = Constanta
in measuring the level of corporate leverage.
AGE = Company Age
DELAY = Audit Delay Total Liabilities
DAR = × 100%
LEV = Leverage Total Assets
SIZE = Company Size
TENURE = Audit Tenure Audit Tenure
ROA = Profitability Audit tenure is the length of the auditor's
ε = Error Term relationship (engagement) with the client (Van
Johnson et al., 2002). Audit tenure is measured
Variable and Measurement using a dummy variable if the company is audited
Audit Delay by the same public accountant for less than three
Audit delay in this study uses the auditor's years given a value of 1 and a value of 0 given for
signature lag criteria, which is the interval the company audited by the same public
between the end date of the fiscal year to the date accountant for three years.
listed in the auditor's report (Dyer et al., 1975). In
this study, audit delay transformed to Ln audit RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
delay. Descriptive Statistics

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JURNAL ASET (AKUNTANSI RISET), 13 (1), 2021, 012-025

Tabel 2. Descriptive Statistic

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
DELAY 581 3,14 5,61 4,5154 0,373
SIZE 581 22,441 34,887 28,672 1,896
AGE 581 1 108 15,04 11,097
ROA 581 -479,870 41,632 -0,339 27,332
LEV 581 0,177 9.7340,646 241,510 4.054,528
TENURE 581 0 1 0,78 0,415
Valid N (listwise) 581
Source: The Results of SPSS Data Processing
Table 2 shows that the number of company The audit tenure (TENURE) in table 2 using
data used in the study was 581 companies. The a dummy variable, has a minimum value of 0 that
descriptive statistical results of the audit delay the company has with three years engagement
(DELAY) have a minimum value of 3,14 or 23 periods totaling 128 companies. The maximum
days, that company is Bank Mandiri (Persero) value is 1 for the companies with an engagement
Tbk. (BMRI) and a maximum value of 5,61 or period of fewer than three years, a total of 453
272 days, that is Trikomsel Oke Tbk. (TRIO) companies. The mean value is 0,78 and standard
with a mean value of 4,515 or 97,62 days and deviation is 0,415.
standard deviation of 0,37300.
The company size (SIZE) in table 2 has a Classical Assumption Test Results
minimum value of 22,441 is Semen Baturaja Normality Test
(Persero) Tbk. (SMBR) and a maximum value of The results of processing data for the
34,887, that is Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) normality test using one-sample Kolmogorov-
Tbk. (BBRI) with a mean value of 28,672 and Smirnov test resulted in a significant value of
standard deviation is 1,896. 0.000 < 0,05, which means that the data was not
The company age variable (AGE) in table 2 normally distributed. According to Ghozali,
has a minimum value of 1 year which is 57 (2018) data can normally be distributed by
companies. The maximum value is 108 years, transforming data and deleting the outlier. In this
which is BRIsyariah Tbk. (BRIS) with a mean study, the transformed data is the dependent
value of 15,04 and standard deviation of 11,097. variable which is audit delay then converted into
Table 2 shows that the profitability variable a natural logarithmic form and deleted six outliers
(ROA) has a minimum value is -479,870%, from the total sample, so the number of the
which is Global Teleshop Tbk. (GLOB) and a samples used in the study was 851 samples.
maximum value of 41,632%, that is Multi Furthermore, a normality retest and the results are
Bintang Indonesia Tbk. (MLBI) with a mean as shown in the following table:
value of -0,339% standard deviation of
27,332117. Table 3. The Results of One-Sample
The leverage (DAR) in table 2 has a Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
minimum value of 0,177%, that is Sumber Energi Unstandardized
Andalan Tbk. (ITMA) and a maximum value of Residual
9.7340,646%, that is Bakrie Telecom Tbk. N 581
(BTEL) with a mean value of 241,510% and Asymp. Sig (2- 0,084
standard deviation of 4.054,528. tailed)
Source: The Results of SPSS Data Processing

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ERMA HARTIKA RANI, NI NYOMAN ALIT TRIANI / Audit Delay of Listed Companies on The IDX in 2019

Table 3 shows a significant value of 0,097.

The significant value is higher than 0,05, which
concluded that the data is normally distributed Results of Multiple Regression Analysis
and can continue the other classical assumptions Based on table 8, the regression model
test. obtained as follows:
DELAY = 6,081– 0,055SIZE
Multicollinearity Test + 0,000AGE– 0,002ROA
Table 4 shows that all independent variables + 0,000004LEV
have a tolerance value of more than 0,10 and a + 0,012TENURE + ε
VIF value less than 10. It concluded that the
multicollinearity test is fulfilled. Determination Coefficient Test Results (R2)
In table 6, the Adjusted R Square value
Table 4. Multicollinearity Test Results shows that the dependent variable can explain the
Variable Tolerance VIF independent variables by 0,107 or 11%, and the
SIZE 0,892 1,121 remaining 89% explained by variables other than
AGE 0,964 1,038 in this study.
ROA 0,934 1,071
LEV 0,982 1,018 Table 6. Result of The Coefficient of
TENURE 0,998 1,002 Determination
Source: The Results of SPSS Data Processing Model R R Square Adjusted R
Heteroscedasticity Test 1 0,338 0,115 0,107
Source: The Results of SPSS Data Processing
Table 5. Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Variable Sig. F Test Results
SIZE 0,071
AGE 0,463 Table 7. F Test Results
ROA 0,056 Model df Mean Sig.
LEV 0,301 square
TENURE 0,799 Regression 5 1,849 14,882 0,000
Source: The Results of SPSS Data Residual 575 0,124
Processing Total 580
Source: The Results of SPSS Data Processing
The results in table 5 show that all
independent variables have a significant value of Based on table 7, the F value is 14,882 with
more than 0.05. It concluded that the regression a significance of 0,000. A significant value less
model does not contain heteroscedasticity. than 0,05 concluded that the regression model is
simultaneous and can predict the variable of audit

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JURNAL ASET (AKUNTANSI RISET), 13 (1), 2021, 012-025

T-Test Results

Table 8. T-test Results

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
Constant 6,081 0,233 26,050 0,000
SIZE -0,055 0,008 -0,279 -6,718 0,000
AGE 0,000 0,001 -0,004 -0,102 0,919
ROA -0,002 0,001 -0,118 -2,897 0,004
LEV 0,000 0,000 0,042 1,073 0,284
TENURE 0,012 0,035 0,014 0,353 0,724
Source: The Results of SPSS Data Processing
Based on table 8, the variable company size Based on the research data, the highest total
(SIZE) and profitability (ROA) negatively asset value of the company is 34,887 for a
influenced audit delay, because the significant company engaged in the finance sector with an
value is < 0,05 with a negative coefficient value. audit delay for 24 days and the lowest total asset
Meanwhile, the company age (AGE), leverage value of the company is 22,441 for a company
(LEV), and audit tenure (TENURE) variables did engaged in the basic industry and chemical
not influence audit delay, because the significant sectors with an audit delay for 45 days. These
results support research from Candraningtiyas et
value is > 0,05.
al., (2017), Yendrawati & Mahendra (2018), and
Discussion Lai et al., (2020) which state the company size
Influence of Company Size (SIZE) on Audit negatively influences audit delay because large-
Delay scale companies tend to have a good internal
The t-test results for the company size control system and more attention by
variable (SIZE) in table 8 show that the company stakeholders so that by reporting financial reports
size negatively influenced audit delay, so on time, it can protect the company's reputation
hypothesis 1 is accepted. The higher the company in public. The results of the study also strengthen
size means the lower the audit delay range. The the signaling theory and lending credibility
company size reflects the level of diversification theory because the timely delivery of financial
of the product, the number of subsidiaries, and reports can show that the company has a good
the company's increasingly complex operational level of work quality so that it can create trust in
activities level, so the company has good internal society in meeting information needs.
control. In the internal control system, there is the
application of policies and procedures to achieve Influence of Company Age (AGE) on Audit
operations objectives, reporting objectives, and Delay
Based on table 8, the t-test results of the
compliance objectives. That can reduce audit risk
company age variable (AGE) show that company
so the company can produce higher-quality
financial reports. Companies that have high total age did not influence audit delay. The company
assets also show that the company's finances are age is seen from the length of time a company has
relatively stable, which can generate higher listed on the IDX. The longer the company is
profits. So the company is better able to pay the listed on the IDX the more often the company
audit fee so that the auditor's work is completed makes the financial reports, so it has more
experience in collecting and processing the
on time.
information needed. This accelerates the

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ERMA HARTIKA RANI, NI NYOMAN ALIT TRIANI / Audit Delay of Listed Companies on The IDX in 2019

company in submitting its financial reports. higher the profitability value, the lower the audit
However, the length of time a company listed on delay range. Profitability reflects how profitable
the IDX did not guarantee the timeliness of the company is in operating and utilizing its
submission of financial reports. This is because assets. The higher the company’s profitability,
the length of time to submit financial reports is the better the company's performance and
not only based on the company age, but also financial condition. This condition is good news
considers other aspects such as the level of for companies and investors, so companies tend
company profitability, company size, and the to submit their financial reports more quickly.
quality of management in managing company Besides, investors tend to prefer companies to
information systems. have high profitability values because they are
The data in this study states that the shortest considered more capable of generating high
company age from all industrial sectors is one profits. That also gives the company many
year, with the longest audit delay of 188 days is a opportunities to attract more investors.
company engaged in the miscellaneous industry Based on the data in the study, the highest
sector. The shortest audit delay is 48 days for a profitability value was 41,632% for a company
company engaged in the trade, service & engaged in the consumer goods industry sector
investment sectors. The longest company age is with audit delay for 52 days and the smallest
108 years for a company engaged in the finance profitability value of -479,870% for a company
sector, with the number of audit delays being 34 engaged in the trade, service & investment
days. On the other side, a company with 39 years sectors with an audit delay for 212 days. This
of age engaged in the miscellaneous industry supports the research conducted by Alfraih
sector has an audit delay of 118 days and 182 (2016) and Suparsada & Putri (2017) stating that
days. These results support the research profitability negatively impacts audit delay
conducted by Astuti (2017) and Pattinaja & because there are demands from higher parties.
Siahainenia (2020) which states that company Besides, a high profitability level is good news
age did not influence audit delay because the that makes spurring companies quickly report
existing complexity of financial statements does their financial statements. The results of the study
not guarantee the companies that operate for also strengthen the signaling theory. Because
longer periods are faster in submitting financial submitting financial reports on time can provide
reports. Besides, companies that have been a signal for users of financial reports regarding a
operating for longer periods have good company's condition that can be used as an
management systems and have more experience analytical tool in the investment decision-making
so that they are considered capable of providing process and financial reports are a medium to
financial reports. The results of the study also show good news or bad news.
strengthen the lending credibility theory because
audited financial reports can increase the Influence of Leverage (LEV) on Audit Delay
credibility of financial reports and if the financial The t-test results on the leverage variable
reports are submitted on time, it can increase (LEV) in table 9 show that leverage did not
public confidence that these financial reports are impact audit delay. The leverage value of a
representative of results that are carried out fairly company illustrates the company's difficulty in
and are relevant to current economic conditions. meeting its debts, this is bad news for investors.
To maintain investor confidence in the company,
Influence of Profitability (ROA) on Audit the company submits financial reports on time as
Delay a form of compliance with applicable regulations.
The t-test results in table 8 show that the On the other side, the higher leverage value also
profitability variable (ROA) negatively impacts shows that the company's financial risk is getting
audit delay, so hypothesis 3 is accepted. The

21 | Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset) Vol.13 | No.1 | 2021

JURNAL ASET (AKUNTANSI RISET), 13 (1), 2021, 012-025

bigger and it can increase the length of audit work Based on data in this research from 581
because auditors are more careful when auditing. companies, 453 companies from all industrial
Based on the data in the study, the highest sectors have an engagement period of fewer than
leverage value was 9.7340,646% for a company three years. The remaining 128 companies from
engaged in the infrastructure, utilities, and all industrial sectors have an engagement period
transportation sectors with an audit delay of 178 of three years. The company with an engagement
days and the smallest leverage value of 0,177% period of fewer than three years has the longest
for a company engaged in the trade, service & audit delay for 272 days in a company engaged in
investment sector with audit delay for 120 days. the trade, service & investment sector, and the
On the other side, leverage with a value of shortest audit delay for 23 days in the finance
289,987% in companies engaged in the consumer sector. Companies with a three years engagement
goods industry sector has an audit delay of 36 period have the longest audit delay of 182 days
days. These results support the research while companies engaged in the property, real
conducted by Ayemere & Elijah (2015), Astuti estate, and building construction and
(2016), and Lestari & Putu (2017) which states miscellaneous industry sector. The shortest audit
that leverage did not impact audit delay because delay is 24 days for a company in the finance
the company's ability to complete its debts does sector. These results support the research
not affect the length of time audit work. The conducted by Habib & Bhuiyan (2011) and
results of the study also strengthen the signaling Bhoor & Khamees (2016) proved that audit
theory and lending credibility theory. Companies tenure did not affect audit delay. The long term
with high leverage levels are bad news. It of public accountants' tenure can lead to a lack of
illustrates that the companies are experiencing independence and professionalism in carrying
bad financial conditions, by submitting audited out their duties. The results of the study
reports can increase the credibility of the strengthen the signaling theory and lending
financial reports. credibility theory. By completing audit
assignments quickly, the financial reports can be
Influence of Audit Tenure (TENURE) on submitted on time. Financial reports submitted on
Audit Delay time are useful for information users because they
The t-test results in table 8 show that the describe the current condition of the company.
audit tenure variable did not affect audit delay. Also, audited financial reports can increase the
Public accountants who have a long tenure are credibility value of financial statements.
believed to have a better understanding of the
company's operations so that the audit process CONCLUSION
can be carried out efficiently. However, the long Based on the discussion of the data analysis
tenure of public accountants indicates that the results, obtained that company size (SIZE)
auditors are less independent and professional. negatively associated with audit delay, the
Also, auditors in carrying out their duties are company age (AGE) did not affect audit delay,
required to be professional so that the length of profitability (ROA) negatively associated with
the engagement period does not affect the audit audit delay, leverage (LEV) did not affect audit
process. In Indonesia the public accountant delay, and audit tenure (TENURE) did not affect
tenure is regulated in POJK No. 13/POJK/2017 audit delay.
which states that the longest public accountant The results of this study are expected to
tenure is three years and the 2020 Public contribute information about the factors audit
Accountant Professional Code of Ethics Section delay, that are useful for the company as
540 also regulates the long-lasting relationship information about the importance of internal
between personnel (including peer rotation) and control, so the companies can implement good
audit clients. internal control to anticipate factors that cause

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ERMA HARTIKA RANI, NI NYOMAN ALIT TRIANI / Audit Delay of Listed Companies on The IDX in 2019

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