Deck Watch 1 Midterm Notes

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Deck Watch 1 ( Collision Regulation )

Multiple Choice

01. When two power-driven vessels are meeting on a reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as
to involve risk of collision each of them shall?
a. Alter course to port so that each of them shall pass on the starboard side of the
b. Shall slacken her speed and let the other pass ahead
c. Apply reverse propulsion to give a wide distance to the other
d. Alter course to starboard so that each of them shall pass on the port side of the
02. When two sailing vessel have the wind on the same side, which of them shall keep out of the
way of the other?
a. A vessel which has the wind on its starboard-side
b. A vessel which has the wind on its port-side
c. A vessel on the leeward
d. A vessel on the windward
03. Which of the following rules of ColReg is apply to vessels in sight of one another?
a. Rule 15 b. Rule 14 c. Rule 12 d. Rule 11
04. When the vessels shall be considered to be in sight of one another.
a. visually observed by your naked eye c. visually observed on the radar
b. observed visually by the other d. visually observed by sensor
05. Why it is preferred by the give way vessel in a crossing situation not to cross ahead of the
a. It is preferred by the give-way vessel because she can return to her original course
b. It is easier for her to pass ahead of the other since there is no need to alter course
c. Since the stand-on vessel is a priority that is why she does
d. As per as stipulated by collision regulation therefore should be followed
06. What should the vessel do, when she is in doubt as to whether the other vessel is on a head
on or not, since the direction is nearly reciprocal?
a. She shall assume it does exist and act accordingly
b. She shall assume as is and then maintain her course and speed
c. She shall act immediately even without taking any observation
d. She shall alter her course to starboard without confirming the movement
07. What will happen, if the give way vessel tries to pass ahead of the other vessel in a crossing
a. The BCR will closer than the CPA
b. The CPA will be closer to the BCR
c. The BCR and CPA will be at the same point
d. The CPA will be at own ship position
08. What is rule 12 of collision regulation?
a. Application b. Sailing Vessel
c. Crossing situation d. Head- on situation
09. What is rule 14 of collision regulation?
a. Sailing Vessel b. Crossing Situation
c. Head-On Situation d. Action by Give-way vessel
10. What rule is refers to the crossing situation?
a. Rule 12 b. Rule 13
c. Rule 14 d. Rule 15
11. What rule is the action by stand-on vessel?
a. Rule 15 b. Rule 16 c. Rule 17 d. Rule 18
12. What rule is the deliberation of responsibilities between vessels?
a. Rule 16 b. Rule 17 c. Rule 18 d. Rule 19
13. What rule is the action by Give-way vessel?
a. Rule 15 b. Rule 16 c. Rule 17 d. Rule 18
14. Which from the two sailing vessel should keep out of the way of the other, when they have the
wind on a different side?
a. A vessel which has the wind on its starboard-side
b. A vessel which has the wind on its port-side
c. A vessel on the leeward
d. A vessel on the windward
15. When a vessel is coming up with another vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking if she is
from a direction of how many degrees abaft the beam of the other?
a. Less than 22.50 b. More than 22.50
c. She is on the starboard quarter d. She is on the port quarter
16. Which of the following action does an overtaken vessel to take as the overtaking vessel need
to pass ahead from the other in a narrow channel?
a. Shall indicate her intention by sounding appropriate signal prescribed in rule 34
b. Has sounded a warning signal
c. Shall increase her speed in order to overtake the other
d. Has taken action by informing the other vessel that she will
17. What is an appropriate signals to be sounded by the vessel intend to overtake on the port side
of the other vessel?
a. Two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast.
b. Two prolonged blasts followed by two short blast.
c. One prolonged blast followed by two prolonged blast
d. One prolonged blast followed by one short blast
18. What rule is the overtaking situation?
a. Rule 12 b. Rule 13 c. Rule 14 d. Rule 15
19. Which from the vessel being overtaken and overtaking vessel shall keep out of the way of the
a. The overtaking vessel b. The vessel being overtaken
c. The outdoing vessel d. Both are required to take action
20. What light of overtaken vessel would be visible in the overtaking vessel during at night or
a. Sidelights b. Masthead light c. Stern light d. Flashing light
21. What is the length of a vessel required not to impede the passage of vessels which can safely
navigate only within a narrow channel?
a. less than 40 meters b. less than 20 meters
c. 50 meters but less than 100 d. 20 meters above but less than 50 meters
22. What would be your action when heading a vessel in a reciprocal course but only the port side
light is visible?
a. maintain course and speed b. give way
c. alter course to starboard d. alter course to port
23. What would be your action, if you are onboard power driven vessel and sight a yacht
approaching your vessel from about 45° on your starboard beam?
a. give way b. reduce speed
c. increase speed d. maintain course and speed
24. What would be your action when you observed a vessel on your port bow while you are
travelling near on a coastline?
a. give way b. stand on
c. alter course to port d. alter course to starboard
25. What does it indicate, when approaching a vessel in sight, blast rapidly five times?
a. altering my course to starboard b. operating astern propulsion
c. altering my course to port d. what is your intention?
26. What is the indication when a vessel made a sound of one short blast?
a. Is it turning course to starboard
b. It intends to pass port to port
c. Is it holding course and speed?
d. Will keep out of the way of the stand on vessel
27. What does it mean when approaching a vessel in sight in a narrow channel, sounds two
prolonged blasts followed by a short blast?
a. I intend to overtake you on your starboard side
b. I agree to allow you to overtake me
c. I intend to overtake you on your port side
d. I am unclear of your intention
28. What signal should be sounded for a vessel to indicate her intention of turning course to port?
a. three long blasts of the whistle
b. five short and rapid blasts of the whistle
c. two short blasts of the whistle
d. one prolonged blast followed by three short blasts of the whistle
29. What action shall the stand-on vessel to take if the circumstances of the case admit as she has
a vessel on her own portside?
a. shall maintain course and speed c. shall not alter course to port
b. shall not alter course to starboard d. shall reduce her speed
30. Which of the following vessel does not relieve of her obligation to keep-out of the way of the
other vessel is taking an appropriate action as specified by this rule?
a. the give-way vessel
b. the stand-on vessel
c. both vessel are required to take action
d. both vessel don’t need to take necessary action
31. What would be the action when the range of both vessel is at long range, and there are no
indication of collision?
a. Keep course and speed b. Give whistle signal
c. Free to take any action d. Free to show their day shape
32. Which of the following action to be taken if you are underway and making way to an area of
restricted visibility and you heard the sound of fog signal forward of your beam?
a. adjust to moderate speed that commensurate with the prevailing conditions
b. adjust to minimum where your vessel can be kept on course
c. change to half speed if proceeding at a higher speed
d. proceed to a safe speed in relation to stopping distance
33. What rule in collision regulations that the necessity to comply with the use of radar in watch
keeping is mandated?
a. Rule 7 b. rule 9 c. Rule 13 d. Rule 14
34. What should you do when you hear a fog signal on your starboard quarter while underway and
making way through the water?
a. stop your vessel b. change course to the left
c. alter course to starboard d. hold your course and speed
35. Which of the following sound signals is to be sounded by a vessels operating astern
a. three prolonged blasts b. two short blasts
c. three short blasts d. one short blasts
36. What is the length of a vessel require not to impede the passage of vessels which can safely
navigate only within a narrow channel?
a. 100 meters b. 50 meters but less than 100 meters
c. 25 meters or more d. less than 20 meters
37. What do you call a situation at which vessels are dangerously approaching each other and the
action of one vessel alone may not be enough to avoid Risk of collision?
a. Dangerous situation b. Close quarter situation
c. An avoiding action d. A precautionary situation
38. What kind of equipment is use for long range scanning, observed the detected objects and
obtain early warning of risk of collision as specified by the rules of collision regulation?
a. AIS c. GPS
39. What should the vessel do when the prevailing circumstances and conditions of restricted
visibility is adapted?
a. Increase speed c. Slacken your speed
b. Apply reverse propulsion d. Proceed to safe speed
40. Which of the following vessels are not allowed to impede the safe passage of a vessel
constrained by her draught?
a. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
b. Vessel not under command
c. A fishing vessel
d. A dredger vessel
41. Which of the following vessel shall keep out of the way of vessel not under command, restricted
ability to manoeuver and a vessel engaged in fishing?
a. Sailing vessel
b. Dredger vessel
c. A vessel engaged in replenishment operation
42. Which vessel may carry stern light and her sidelights in one combined lantern on the fore-and-
aft centerline of the vessel?
a. 50 meter sailing vessel b. 25 meter vessel propelled by machine
c. 10 meter power driven vessel d. 60 meters power driven vessel
43. How many miles that the masthead of a vessel be visible when the length is less than
meters in length?
a. 3 NM b. 1 NM c. 2 NM d. 4 NM
44. What would be the length of a vessel displaying her fore and aft masthead lights while
underway and making way through the water?
a. 20 meters. b. 10 meters c. 50 meters d. 25 meters
45. What circumstances does a fishing vessel have to show her side light and stern light?
a. underway b. underway and making way
c. anchored d. dead in the water
46. How many degrees does the arc of visibility of a masthead light be visible as defined in the
collision of regulation?
a. 112.5° b. 90° c. 225° d. 360°
47. How many miles is the stern light be visible for a vessels of 12 meters or more but less than 50
meters in length?
a. 3 miles b. 2 miles c. 4 miles d. 1 mile
48. How many miles is the length of a vessels who are not obliged to show a second masthead
a. 60 meters b. 100 meters c. 49 meters d. 70 meters
49. What is the range of visibility of a masthead of a vessel of 50 meters or more in length?
a. 4 miles b. 5 miles c. 6 miles d. 3 mile
50. What do you call the white light placed over the fore-and-aft centerline of the vessel showing an
unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 225°?
a. Masthead b. Side light c. All round white light d. Stern light
51. What do you call the lights placed at both side of a vessel showing an unbroken light over an
arc of the horizon of 112.5°
a. Masthead b. Sidelights c. Towing light d. Flashing light
52. Which of the following lights is placed as nearly as practicable at the stern showing an
unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135°?
a. Masthead b. Side light c. All round white light d. Stern light
53. What do you call a light showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 360°.
a. Masthead b. Side light c. All round light d. Stern light
54. What do you call a light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 120 flashes or more
per minute?
a. Towing lights b. Flashing light c. Stern light d. Side light
55. What is the range of visible of a masthead for a vessels of less than 20h meters in length?
a. 3 miles b. 2 miles c. 4 miles d. 1 mile
56. How many miles is the visibility of a sidelight for a vessels of less than 12 meters in length?
a. 3 miles b. 2 miles c. 4 miles d. 1 mile
57. How many miles is the visibility of a towing light for a vessels of 50 meters or more in length?
a. 3 miles b. 2 miles c. 4 miles d. 1 mile
58. How many miles is the range of visibility of an all round light for a vessels of 50 meters or more
in length?
a. 2 miles b. 3 miles c. 4 miles d. 1 mile
59. How many miles is the range of visibility of a masthead light for a vessels of 12 to 50 meters in
a. 3 miles b. 2 miles c. 4 miles d. 5 mile
60. How many miles is the range of visibility of a side light for a vessels of 12 to 50 meters in
a. 3 miles b. 2 miles c. 4 miles d. 1 mile
01. The passage of vessels which can safely navigate only within a narrow channel shall not be
impeded by vessels
whose length is less than:
a.        10 meters b.       20 meters c.        100 meters d.        50 meters
02. Which of the vessels listed below shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel not under
a. a fishing vessel b. all of the choices
c. a sailing vessel d. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
03. In your power boat you sight a yacht approaching you from about 45° on your starboard beam,
The correct action
for you to take is:
a. give way b. reduce speed
c. increase speed d. maintain course and speed
04. While you are travelling on a coast and you observe another power-driven vessel on your port
bow. What would be
your place as a vessel:
a. give way b. stand on
c. alter course to port d. alter course to starboard
05. A Seaplane should be keep well clear of which of the following vessels?
a. vessel engaged in fishing b. all of the choices
c. sailing vessel d. power driven vessel

06. You are making way in restricted visibility when you hear the sound of a fog signal forward of your
beam. You are
required to reduce speed to which of the following?
a. a moderate speed commensurate with conditions
b. the minimum where your vessel can be kept on course
c. half speed if proceeding at a higher speed
d. a safe speed in relation stopping distance
07. The minimum visibility range of a sternlight on vessels of 12 mtrs or more but less than 50 mtrs in
length is:
a. 3 miles b. 2 miles c. 4 miles d. 1
08. Power-driven vessels are not obliged to show a second masthead light if their length is less than:
a. 50 meters b. 100 meters c. 20 meters d. 70 meters
09. Another vessel approaching in sight, blasts rapidly five times to indicate:
a. altering my course to starboard b. operating astern propulsion
c. altering my course to port d. what is your intention?
10. What is the indication when a vessel made a sound of one short blast?
a. is turning to starboard b. intends to pass port to port
c. is holding course and speed d. will keep out of the way of the stand on
11. What does this mean when another vessel in sight in a narrow channel, sounds two prolonged
blasts followed by a
short blast?
a. I intend to overtake you on your starboard side
b. I agree to allow you to overtake me
c. I intend to overtake you on your port side
d. I am unclear of your intention?
12. What signal shall be used to indicate that a vessel is turning to port?
a. three long blasts of the whistle
b. five short and rapid blasts of the whistle
c. two short blasts of the whistle
d. one prolonged blast followed by three short blasts of the whistle
13. The stand-on vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit she shall take what action for a
vessel on her own
port side?
d. shall maintain course and speed c. shall not alter course to port
e. shall not alter course to starboard d. shall reduce her speed
14. Despite that the stand-on vessel is taking an appropriate action, but still this rule does not relieve
for which vessel of
her obligation to keep out of the way of the other?
a. the give-way vessel b. the stand-on vessel
c. both vessel are required to take action d. both vessel don’t need to take necessary
15. The minimum visibility range of a masthead light on vessels of 50 mtrs or more in length is:
a. 4 miles b. 5 miles c. 6 miles d. 3
16. What would be the action when the range of both vessel is at long range, and there are no sign of
a. Keep course and speed
b. Give whistle signal
c. Free to take any action
d. Free their day shape
17. When risk of collision begins the give way vessel is required to take early and substantial action to
achieve safe
passing distance and the other vessel must?
a. keep course and speed
b. Give whistle signal
c. change course to starboard and pass port to port
d. stop her speed

18. When it becomes apparent that the give way vessel is not taking appropriate action then the
___________ vessel is
required to give whistle signal and take action to avoid collision.
a. Fishing vessel
b. Power driven vessel
c. Stand on vessel
d. Burdened vessel
19. The_________ vessel is not relieved of her obligation of the way.
a. stand on vessel
b. give way vessel
c. power driven vessel
d. pleasure vessel
20. When collision cannot be avoided by the give way vessel alone, which of the following vessel is
required to take
a. burden vessel
b. give way vessel
c. stand on vessel
d. power driven vessel
21. For crossing situation involving two PDV in an open sea the outer limit for 2 nd stage might be in
the order of_____?
a. 5-8 miles
b. 10-15 miles
c. 1-2 miles
d. 2-3 miles
22. For crossing situation involving two PDV in an open sea the outer limit for 3 rd stage might be in
the order of_____?
a. 2-3 miles
b. 1-2 miles
c. 4-6 miles
d. 6-8 miles
23. When the give way vessel is not taking an action the stand on vessel must?
a. turn around 360°
b. give whistle signal and take action
c. keep her course and speed
d. stop her engine
24. In what circumstances that the action taken to avoid collision is effective?
a. when other vessel approved her decision
b. when other vessel shows her starboard
c. when the vessel is finally past and clear
d. when other vessel shows her port side
25. What shall we do when a situation need more time to access in order to determine movements?
a. increase speed
b. assess the situation
c. slacken speed
d. increase rpm
26. You are the OOW of M/V Plok and observe a vessel on your starboard side and tend to cross
your stern, what will be
your action?
a. alter course to starboard
b. maintain course and speed
c. reduce speed
d. hard to port
27. What is the best action to take as a give way vessel knowing that the stand on vessel has made
an action on crossing
a. sound appropriate signal for crossing situation
b. give wide space
c. maintain course and speed
d. alter course to starboard
28. What is the best action to avoid collision when there is an enough room?
a. reduce speed
b. alteration of course
c. sounding of signal
d. increase speed
29. You are a PDV and sees a vessel constraints by her draft on your port side and she’s crossing,
which of you is the
stand on vessel?
a. you are the stand-on
b. the vessel with low speed
c. vessel constraints by her draft
d. whichever can pass ahead
30. What would be your action when heading a vessel on reciprocal course but only the port side light
is visible?
a. maintain course and speed b. give way
c. alter course to starboard d. alter course to port

1. A vessel engaged in fishing must display a light in the direction of any gear extends outward more
than 150 meters. The color of this light is:
a. green b. yellow c. white d. red
2. A person assigned to watch and observe any hazard to navigation by sight and hearing.
a. look-out b. officer c. Quarter master d. AB
3. When does the plotting or systematic analysis of the radar display shall commence in order to be
a. at an appropriate time c. When the target is visible on the minimum range
b. at ample time d. When the target tends to change course
4. The masthead light of a vessel less than 12 meters in length should be visible at:
a. 3 NM b. 1 NM c. 2 NM d. 4 NM
5 . What day shape would be exhibited by a vessel aground?
a. two black balls b. three black balls c. one black ball
d. four black balls
6. The sound signal for a vessel operating in astern propulsion is:
a. three prolonged blasts b. two short blasts c. three short blasts
d. one short blasts
7. Which vessel may carry her sidelights and stern light in one combined lantern?
a. a 10 meter sailing vessel b. a 15 meter vessel propelled by
sail and machine
c. a 10 meter power driven vessel d. all of the above
8. The three all-round green lights exhibited at or near the foremast head and at each end of the
foreyard, indicate that it is dangerous for another vessel to approach within how many meters
from this vessel:
a. 100 mtrs. b. 200 mtrs. c. 500 mtrs. d. 1000 mtrs.
9. The necessity to comply with the use of radar in watch keeping is more mandated from what rule in
a. Rule 7 b. rule 9 c. Rule 24 d. Rule 34
10. In the order of importance, which of the following comes first before taking over the watch?
a. adjust to night vision c. Check course and speed
b.. Inform officer of your presence d. Determine position of the vessel

11. Which is statement is true concerning a vessel under oars?

a. she must show a stern light
b. she must show a fixed all round light
c. she is allowed to show the same lights as a sailing vessel
d. she must show a day shape of a black cone
12. At sea you sight a vessel displaying a black conical shape, point downward. This would indicate:
a. vessel engaged in fishing b. a power driven vessel c. both a and b
d. neither a and b
13. You are backing out of a slip in international water and can be seen by an approaching vessel.
Which of the following would you give?
a. one prolonged blast b. three prolonged blast
c. three short blast d. one short, one prolonged and one short blast
14. In what condition of visibility may be danger signal be sounded.
a. in fog b. clear visibility c. zero visibility
d. any condition of visibility

15. In day time a 19 mtrs. vessel underway and fishing with nets or lines may indicate her occupation
by displaying:
a. a black or white vertically stripped ball b. 2 black cones apex together
c. a basket d. a black ball
16. Which of the following vessels, when anchored at night would not be required to show anchor
a. a vessel engaged on pilotage duty
b. a vessel dredging
c. a power driven vessel
d. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
17. Which vessel must exhibit forward and after masthead lights when underway?
a. a 20 mtrs.sailing vessel b. a 10 mtrs. vessel engaged in fishing
c. a 50 mtrs. power driven vessel d. all of the above
18. Two all-round red lights displayed in a vertical line are shown by a:
a. vessel being towed b. vessel aground c. vessel not under command
d. vessel at anchor
19. What is the time interval between signals shall the fog signal be sounded?
a. not less than 1 min. b. not more than 1 min. c. not less than 2 min.
d. not more than 2 min.
20. Which vessel would exhibit sidelights when underway and not making way?
a. vessel not under command b. a vessel engaged in dredging
c. a pilot vessel
21. You are fishing with gear out on the high seas while at anchor. What light would you show?
a. a white light forward and aft b. a red light over a white light
c. a white over a white light d. regular anchor light
22. In what instance is the yellow light of the towing vessel is placed above the stern light?
a. the vessel being towed is an oil tanker b. the vessel being towed is a submarine
c. the towing vessel has run out of white bulb d. the vessel is towing astern
23. You are approaching a vessel dredging by day and see two balls in vertical line on the port side of
the dredge. These shapes mean:
a. You should pass on her port side. b. There is an obstruction on her port side.
c. She is not under command. d. She is moored.
24. A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and a sternlight.
a. only when making way b. when at anchor
c. at any time when underway d. only when identifying lights
25. On what year does the international regulations for preventing collision at sea was created?
a. 1972 b. 1974 c. 1976 d. 1978

26. Length of vessel, when aground are not required to exhibit the lights prescribed in Rule 30 d(1 &
a. less than 7 meters b. less than 12 meters c. less than 50 meters
d. 50 meters and more
27. A vessel which does not normally engaged in towing preparations, is towing a vessel in distress,
a. must show the lights for a vessel towing
b. must show a yellow light above the sternlight
c. may show the lights for a vessel not under command
d. need not show the lights for a vessel engaged in towing, if it is impractical to do so
28. What is the minimum sound signaling equipment required aboard a vessel 14 meters in length.
a. a bell only b. whistle only c. a bell and a whistle d. gong
29. A vessel being towed astern, where the length of the two exceeds 200 meters will exhibit:
a. a ball on each end of the tow b. two balls in a vertical light
c. a diamond shape where it can best be seen d. no day shape
30. According to rule 7 of collision regulation risk of collision exist if the bearing of the other vessel:
a. changes obviously c. Does not appreciably change
b. changes from time to time d. Both a and b

31. Which statement is true concerning a towing vessel which is unable to deviate from her course?
a. By day, she should carry two black balls in a vertical line
b. By day, she should a black cylinder
c. By night, she would show the same lights as the vessel not under command
d. By day, she would show the same shapes as the vessel restricted in her ability to
32. A vessel which is fishing is required to show sidelight and sternlight only when:
a. underway b. underway and making way c. anchored
d. dead in the water
33. Under rule 5, how often does a look-out shall be maintained?
a. as needed b. during your watch c. At all times d. At ample time
34. Who is the master representative on the bridge?
a. pilot b. OOW c. 2nd mate d. Chief mate
35. You are on watch and the master is on the bridge observing, how do you manage the situation?
a. turn over the watch to the master c. Continue to be responsible of your watch
b. have an alternate command with the master
d. Consult the master for any decision made

36. Within the context of the Rules which of the following factors must be taken account when
considering a vessel to be constrained by her draught.
a. depth of water beneath the keel b. draft of the vessel
c. space available for maneuver d. length and draft of the vessel
37. You are on restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of your beam. Nothing appears on
your radar screen. The rules requires you to:
a. stop your engines b. sound two prolonged blasts on your whistle
c. sound the danger signal d. slow down to bare steerage way
38. You sight a vessel displaying two cones with their points apexes together is the vessel:
a. aground in international waters b. towing submerged object
c. engaged in fishing d. in distress and requires assistance
39. You are under way in fog and hear a fog signal on your starboard quarter. You should:
a. stop your vessel b. change course to the left
c. alter course to starboard d. hold your course and speed
40. The following are the requirements to check for voyage planning except one:
a. updated info about hazards to navigation c. Nautical publication
b. adequate and appropriate chart d. Signal pennants
41. A vessel proceeding under sail and when also being propelled by machinery shall exhibit where it
can best be seen.
a. the basket b. the conical shape apex upward
c. the conical shape apex downward d. none of the above
42. Vessel is towing two barges astern. The length of the tow from the stern of towing vessel to the
stern of the large barge is 250 mts. How many masthead lights should be displayed on the
towboat at night.
a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 4
43. A power driven vessel shows the same lights as a:
a. vessel towing astern
b. sailing vessel
c. pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed are rigidly connected in a composite unit
d. vessel engaged in towing, when not underway
44. When are you going to use the RADAR?
a. during Sunset to sunrise c. Sunrise to sunset
b. At all times d. During restricted visibility
45. A vessel approaching a bend or narrow channel should sound:
a. one prolonged blast b. one long blast c. one short blast
d. one long and one short blast
46. By night, you sight the lights of a vessel engaged in underwater operations. If an obstruction
exists on the port side of the vessel it will marked by:
a. a single red light b. two red lights in a vertical line
c a flood light d. any visible light
47. A lantern combining the two sidelights of a vessel may be shown on a:
a. 20 mtr. Sailing vessel underway b. 25 mtr. Power driven vessel trolling
c. 15 mtr. sailing vessel d. 25 mtr. pilot vessel
48. A sailing vessel which is also propelled by machinery must exhibit:
a. a basket b. two cones apexes together c. cone apex upward
d. cone apex downward
49. Vessel constrained by her draught must exhibit where they can best be seen.
a. two all-round red lights in a vertical line b. three all-round red lights in a vertical line
c. three all-round white lights in a vertical line d. none of the above
50. You are a vessel 30 meters in length. What is the range of visibility of your green all around light if
a. 2 miles b. 3 miles c. 5 miles d. 6 miles
51. What is the minimum length of an anchored vessel which is required to show a white light both
forward and aft.
a. 150 meters b. 100 meters c. 50 meters d. 200 meters
52. What signal for a deep draft vessel displays from sunset to sunrise?
a. a black cylinder b. red over white over red in vertical line
c. two red light in vertical line d. three red light in vertical line
53. Three black balls in a vertical line means:
a. a vessel not under command b. a vessel aground
c. a vessel in distress d. a vessel trying to attract attention
54. A vessel engaged in trawling will show identification lights:
a. a green over a white light b. a white over a red light
c. a red over a white light d. two red lights in a vertical line
55. The three black balls in a vertical line where they can best be seen is to be shown by the vessel:
a. anchored b. aground c. constrained by her draft
d. none of the above
56. The masthead light may be located at other than fore and aft centerline of a vessel:
a. less than 20 mtr. in length b. less than 12 mtr. in length
c. engaged in fishing d. which separate carried on the outward
57. As defined in the Navigation Rules, a masthead light shows through an arc of how may deg.?
a. 112.5° b. 90° c. 225° d. 360°
58. When pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly connected in composite unit
they shall exhibit the lights for.
a. P.D.V. b. Pushing vessel c. Towing vessel d. any of the above
59. The two all-round red lights in vertical line, exhibited by the vessel engaged in dredging is to
a. the side on which the obstruction exis b. the side on which another vessel my pass
c. the side on which the outlaying gear extend 150 mtrs horizontal
d. none of the above
60. To prevent such pollution to the environment, master, officers and ratings shall take all possible;
a. precaution b. information c. Action d. Proper action

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