Tutorial 5

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EMM 3305 – Fluid Mechanics I

Tutorial 5
(Minor losses, piping systems and pump selection)

1) Calculate the pressure at the location shown in the diagram, needed to maintain the flow rate of
0.08 m3/s of water in a 6 cm diameter horizontal pipe leading to a nozzle, if the loss coefficient, KL
is 0.2 (based on velocity, v1) between the pressure gage and the exit.

2) Pipeline pumping of oil

A pipeline laid cross country carries oil at the rate of 795 m3/s. The pressure of the oil is 1793 kPa
gage leaving pumping station 1. The pressure is 862 kPa gage at the inlet to the next pumping
station, 2. The second station is 17.4 m higher than the first station. Calculate the lost work (emech
loss) in J/kg mass oil. The oil density id 769 kg/m .

3) Frictional pressure drop in flow of olive oil

Calculate the frictional pressure loss (ΔPL) in Pascal for olive oil at 293 K flowing through a
commercial pipe having an inside diameter of 0.0525 m and a length of 76.2 m. The velocity of the
fluid is 1.22 m/s. Use the friction factor method. Is the flow laminar or turbulent? The viscosity of
olive oil is 84 x 10-3 Pa.s.

4) Friction losses and pump horsepower

Hot water in an open storage tank at 82.2oC is being pumped at a rate of 0.379 m3/min from this
storage tank. The line from the storage tank to the pump suction is 6.1 m of 2-in. schedule 40 steel
pipe and it contains three elbows. The discharge line after the pump is 61 m of 2-in. pipe and
contains two elbows. The water discharges to the atmosphere at a height of 6.1 m above the water
level in the storage tank.
[ρwater = 998 kg/m3, µwater = 1.005 x 10-3 Pa.s, KL,elbow = 0.3 (standard elbow, flanged)]

a) Calculate all the frictional losses.

b) Make a mechanical energy balance and calculate Wpump,u of the pump in J/kg..
c) What is kW power of the pump if its efficiency is 75%?

5) A 3-m-diameter tank is initially filled with water 2 m above the centre of a sharp-edge 10-cm-
diameter orifice. The tank water surface is open to the atmosphere, and the orifice drains to the
atmosphere through a 100-m-long pipe. The friction coefficient of the pipe is taken to be 0.015
and the effect of the kinetic energy correction factor can be neglected. Determine:
a) the initial velocity from the tank.
b) the time required to empty the tank.

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