End Term FFO - 20 - 08 - 2020

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Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology

End -Term Examination (20/08/2020)

Fluid Flow Operation (Even semester)
2nd & 3rd Year (PE+CHE)
Full Marks: 50 Time: 3 Hours
All The Best
If you think that any data is missing in the problem you may assume it accordingly

Q.1) Air is flowing inside a section of 3 inch Schedule 40 steel duct with a gauge pressure of 340 kN/m2
at 298.15o K. The flowrate of the air is 1240 kg/h. If the flow is isothermal calculate the pressure drop in
196.85 feet of the pipe/duct. (Assume the value of friction factor to be 0.006). [6]
Q.2) An isentropic nozzle is provided for air to flow from a reservoir into a long straight conduit. The
Mach number at the entrance of the conduit is 0.06 and the pressure & temperature in the reservoir are 24
tm and 1050oR respectively. Obtain the value for and find the pressure, temperature, density, linear
velocity and mass velocity when maximum length is achieved at the downstream of the conduit. Also
calculate the mass velocity for an =450. [6]

Q.3) An organic liquid at 100oF is pumped through the system as shown below at a rate of 50 gal/min.
The reservoir pressure is atmospheric and the gauge pressure at the end of the discharge line is 60
lbf/inch2. The discharge is 9 feet and the sump suction is 4.5 feet above the level in the reservoir. The
discharge line is 2 inch. Schedule 40 pipe. The friction in the suction line is 0.6 lb f/inch2 and the
discharge line is 5.9 lbf/inch2. The mechanical efficiency of the pump is 0.65, the density of the organic
fluid 54lb/ft 3 and its vapour pressure at 100oF is 3.8 lbf/inch2. Find out the head developed of the pump.
Also discuss on the fact that if the maker of the pump provides NPSHR as 9 feet, will the pump be apt for
providing this service. [5]

Q.4) It is proposed to pump 2.861 kg/sec of toluene at 237.2oF and 1.2 atm abs pressure from the reboiler
of a distillation tower to a second distillation unit without cooling the toluene before it enters the pump. If
the friction loss in the line between the reboiler and pump is 7.6 kN/m2 and the density of toluene is
0.867 gm/cc, how far above the pump must the liquid level in the reboiler be maintained to give a NPSH
of 98.42 inch. Calculate the power to drive the pump, if the pump is to elevate the toluene 34.44 feet, the
pressure in the second unit is atmospheric and the friction loss in the discharge line is 0.0036kN/cm2. The
velocity in the pump discharge line is 7.92 km/hour. [6]

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Q.5) Find the velocity of a bullet in air if the Mach angle is 30 o (Mach no=1/Sin𝛼) at 22oC. (𝜌𝑎𝑖𝑟= 1.2
kg/m3). A rocket is found to have a speed of 2160 km/hour in air at a temperature of -40oC. Calculate the
Mach number and Mach angle assuming specific gas constant to be 287 J/kgK & 𝛾=1.4. [4]
Q.6) A tank contains air at 268.15K under a pressure of 303 kPa (abs). A de-Laval nozzle of exit
diameter 5cm is designed to discharge the air to the ambient atmosphere pressure 101kN/m2. Calculate
the Mach number, temperature and density of the flow at the exit of the nozzle and also find out the rate
of mass discharge. (Take 𝛾 = 1.4 & Rg=287 J/kg.K). [4]
Q.7) Calculate the power required of a pump of 70% efficiency in order to send 60 kg/min of 98%
sulphuric acid at 25oC from a tank at atmospheric pressure through 300 meters of 5 cm ID steel pipe to a
tank of 2 kg/cm2 pressure, where the level is 3 meters above that in the lower tank. Density and viscosity
of the acid may be taken as 1.8 gm/cc and 26 cp respectively. A four stage reciprocating compressor is
used to compress 200 std ft 3/min of ethane gas from 15 to 920 lbf/inch2 abs with an inlet temperature of
300oK. Calculate the brake horsepower if the mechanical efficiency is 75% and also find the outlet
temperature from the first stage (Cp=1.766 kJ/kgK, 𝛾 = 1.18) [6]
Q.8) To calibrate a repaired pitot tube, an air jet discharching from an orifice is used. A chamber
containing air under a pressure of 150 Pa discharges the same through a sharp edged orifice of C v=0.98.
The pitot tube is placed on the centerline at the vena contracta and the stagnation pressure is measured by
an inclined manometer. The manometer is inclined at 30o to the horizontal, contains an oil of relative
density 0.85 and records a reading of 38mm. Calculate the co-efficient of pitot tube. [4]
Q.9) A 20×10 cm venturimeter is provided in a vertical pipe line carrying oil of specific gravity 0.8, the
floor being upwards. The difference in elevation of the throat section and entrance section of the
venturimeter is 1.64 feet. The differential U-tube mercury manometer show a gauge deflection of 15.74
inch. Find out the discharge of oil and the pressure difference between entrance section and throat
section. (Take Cd=0.98 and sp. Gr. Mercury =13.6). [5]

Q.10) Water flows through an orifice of 25 mm diameter in a 10 cm pipe at a rate of 10 US gallons per
minutes. What is the difference level on a water manometer connected across the orifice. The discharge
co-efficient may be taken 0.62. [4]


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