9 Cooling System

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ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Section 9


GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................ 1
AND FLOW DIAGRAM ................................... 1
9.3. FRESHWATER .........................................
Fresh Water Quality and Additives ..........................
Quality .................................................
Additives ...............................................
Fresh Water - Draining and filling ..........................
Draining ................................................
Filling ..................................................
VALVE ................................................. 5
F/W Thermostatic Control Valve Element Renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
F/W Thermostatic Control Valve Element Testing ............. 5
9.5. FRESH WATERPUMP ................................... 5
Fresh Water Pump - Dismantling and Assembly .............. 5
Water Pump Dismantling .................................. 6
Water Pump Assembly .................................... 8
9.6. INTERCOOLER .......................... : .............. 8
Intercooler Maintenance .................................. 8
Intercooler Replacement .................................. 9
Intercooler Removal ...................................... 9
Intercooler Installation .................................... 9
9.7. TECHNICALDATA ...................................... 10
Fresh Water System ..................................... :. 10

LastIssucd 1/1/93 Contents i Mirrlccs Blackstone Lad

ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Section 9



The cooling system transfers excess heat from the engine jacket, lubricating oil and charge

Asinglecircuit cooling system usesoneenginedriven water pump to supplyfreshwater,first

to the engine oil cooler then to the charge air intercooler and finally to the engine jacket and
turbocharger. The fresh water system is always a closed circuit and transfers heat from the
engine, turbochargers and heat exchangers to a central radiator coolcr situated off-engine.

e Radiator cooled sets use forced air to dissipate heat.

For details of the particular installation, see the systems diagrams provided with the engine

Where jacket water pre- heating is a requirement an off engine immersion heater together
with a motor driven circulating pump can be incorporated in the jacket water system.


The fresh water temperature is measured by a thermocouple and is displayed on the
instrument panel. Alarm and engine shutdown circuits operate automatically, from the
same sensor, in the event of high F/W temperature.

Water from the oil cooler, intercooler, engine and turbocharger is fed to the F/W
thermostatic valve mounted off engine. The thermostatic valve is fkted to ensure a rapid

e engine warm up and to maintain the engine F/Woutlet temperature within defined limits. A
temperature sensitive element in the valve controls a piston which adjusts the ratio of
cooled water (via the F/W cooler) to uncooled water (direct from the engine) that flows to
the pump.

The pump (Figure 158)has acentrifugal impeller mounted on the shaft. The shaft is sealed
against water leakage by a carbon-ceramic mechanical seal and is mounted on ball
bearings, which are lubricated with engine oil fed by a pipe from the 'B' bank camshaft free
end bearing. The oil level in the pump is controlled by an overflow pipe which drains into
the engine sump. The shaft is sealed against oil leakage by two lip seals either side of the
bearings. The pulley is an interference taper fit on the shaft and is removed using the
hydraulic pack.

Water is fed from the pump to the integrally cast crankcase water jacket. A stackpipe
transfers some of the water from the water jacket to the turbocharger water inlet pipes.

LastIuyCd llv93 9-1 ' Mirrlces Blackstone Lld
Section 9 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2

Figure 154 - 'Qpical Single Circuit Water Flow Diagram
I 39 I
54 Oil Cooler
17 Intercooler
97 Fresh Water Pump
98 Thermostatic Valve
99 Radiator c
100 Header 'hnk
10.5 Heater v
106 Circulating Pump




Last Issued 1/1/93 9-2 Mirrlees Blackstone Ltd

ESL 12 & 16 Mk2 Section 9

Figure 155 - VTR 201 firbocharger And Pipework

1. Turbo waterjacket thermometers

2. Water outlet manifold
3. Water outlet manifold air vent
4. Turbo water inlet pipe
5. Tbrbo waer outlet pipe (one of two)

(Figure 155 shows a BBC VTR 201 type turbocharger outlet installation). After passing
e through the turbochargers, the water passes through flow controlling orifice valves and is
returned to the water outlet manifold where it joins the flow from the cylinder heads.

The remainder of the water in the crankcase water jacket flows along each cylinder bank
into cavities surrounding each cylinder liner. These water cavities are sealed, at the top of
each liner byametal-to-metaljointwith thecrankcase, and at the bottom bytwo’o’rings
(Figure 49). Two drain plugs fitted to the crankcase at the flywheel end (Figure 4) allow the
crankcase cavity to be completely emptied of water, either for storage in cold conditions, or
if the liners are removed (see Page 3-38 for description).

Drilling in the top face of the crankcase transfer water to the cylinder heads. The cylinder
head drillings are angled to direct the water through the large cooling channels inside each
cylinder head. The water is then fed by pipe to the water outlet manifold (Figure 155). A
bleed tap is fitted to the flywheel end of the manifold.

Last Issued 1/1/93 9-3 ’ Mirrlees Blacktone Ltd

Section 9 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
A running air vent is provided to automatically remove any air from the fresh water system.
It is fitted to the highest point of the water outlet manifold and is connected to the water
make-up tank. The flow through thevent is restricted by an orifice to ensure that the main
flow of water passes to the thermostatic control valve. If high water make-up tank
temperatures are found (which can effect water flow, leading to overheating), the orifice
may require re-sizing. Systems fitted with radiators, or with coolers at a higher level than
the engine, should be equipped with separate vents at the highest points.

A flow control device is fitted between the water manifold and the thermostatic control
valve. This is set up to give the correct water temperature rise across the engine, at normal
speed and full load (see Technical Data for limits).

For details of the fresh water cooler, see the manufacturer’s manual.


9.3.a) Fresh Water Oualitv and Additives


It is essential that the water used is clean, non-corrosive and has a low, dissolved-mineral
content (i.e. it should not be ’hard’). If it is not, then blockages, sediment or scaling will
occur, reducing the cooling efficiency. This will eventually result in overheating and
reduced engine efficiency.

NOTE: The most rapid scaling may be caused by water leaks from the system. Thefrequent
topping up resulting, introduces large quantities of dissolved minerals. It is therefore important
that such leaks are repaired as quickly as possible.
If in doubt about the quality of any water available, please consult a local specialist.

A portable de-ioniser is available to produce de-ionised water from raw water.

This kit includes the necessary pH and conductivity test equipment for water analysis.

Add i tivez

There are a large number of water additives available for various purposes, e.g.
anti-freeze, corrosion inhibitors. Care must be taken in their selection and use as some
additives may react adversely with particular engine components or with other additives.
The instructions supplied by the additive manufacturer must be strictly adhered to.

WARNING: Anti-Jieeze can be highly corrosive iftoo diluted.

Last Issued 1/1/93 9-4 Mirrlees Blackstone Ltd

ESL 12 & 16 Mk2 Section 9
93.b) Fresh Water - Draining and filling

The F W system should be drained with the engine cold in order to avoid thermal stresses.
The main water spaces can be drained by opening the off-engine drain (see installation
drawing) and opening thewater manifold bleed tap. If necessary thecrankcasecavitycanbe
completely drained by attaching drain hoses to and opening the two crankcase water drain
valves (Page 3-38).


The F W filling point is also mounted off-engine and may be common with the drain point.
a Fill the system to the correct level on the make-up tank and open the water manifold bleed
tap to bleed any air from the system. Allow the system to stand for approximately 30
minutes, so that the water settles and top up the make-up tank.

If the engine overheats, forming steam in the system, allow the engine to stand for some
hours before adding cool water, to prevent thermal stresses.

Follow any bleeding operations for other equipment eg, radiators, coolers that are specified
in the manufacturer’s instructions.


9.4.a) F/W Thermostatic Control Valve Element Renewal

9.4.b) F/W Thermostatic Control Valve Element Testinz

The procedures are identical to that of the L.O.thermostatic control valve (Pages 8-17 to
8-18). However, the elements have a different temperature range (see Technical Data).


9.5.a) Fresh Water Puma - Dismantline and Assembly

The forward oil seal can be renewed after removing the pulley, without disturbing the pump.
Access to the impeller and water seal can be gained by removing the complete pulley, shaft
and forward pump housing as an assembly. If access to the bearings or rear oil seal is
required, the pulley must be removed before dismantling.

Suares reauired;

1) Impeller nut labwasher:

LastIssucd l/W3 9-5 , Mirrlccr Blacbtone Ud

Section 9 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2

Figure 156 - Fresh Water Pump
1. Pump outlet
2. Pump inlet
3. Forward housing attachement bolts
2) Forward to rear housinggasket.
3) Oil seals (ifremoved).
4) Water seal assembly (ifremoved).
Water Puma Dismantling
Remove the belt guard and drivebelt (Page 3-18).
Drain the system of water.
If necessary (see above) remove the pulley (Page 3-22).
Remove both lubricating oil pipes.
Remove the fonvard housing attachment boltshuts and remove the complete assembly.
NOTE: The impeller nut is a normal right hand fhread on sfandard rotation engines and a left
hand fhread on non -standard rotation engines.
Bend back the tabwasher and remove the impeller nut. (To prevent the shaft rotatingduring
this stage, it may be held by gripping the 19 mm flats at its forward end).
Remove the impeller, using two M15 x 1.5 jacking bolts. Remove the woodruff key, water
seal assembly, seal housing and flinger from the rear end of the shaft.

Last Irmcd 1/1/93 9-6 Mirrlces Blacklone Ltd

ESL.12 & 16 Mk2
Section 9

If required (see above) extract the shaft from the forward housing: -

a) Remove the forward oil seal and then remove the bearing retaining circlip.

b) Push the shaft and bearing assembly forwards and out of the housing (the bearing
outer faces are a slide fit in the pump housing).

Figure 158 - Section of Fresh Water Pump

c) Remove the rear oil seal from the housing.

The bearings can be removed from the shaft, if necessary, using a puller. To fit new bearings
either warm to 8OoC(176OF) in an oil bath, or press onto the shaft, (bearing on the inner race
only), using molybdenum disulphide grease as a lubricant.

Last Issued 1/1/93 9-1 ' Mirrlccs Blackstone Ltd

Section 9 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Water PumD Assembly

If the shaft has been removed from the forward housing:-

a) Fit a new rear oil seal, after coating in lubricating oil.

b) Fit the shaft and bearing assembly into the forward housing, taking care not to damage
the rear oil seal.

c) Fit the bearing retaining circlip, coat the new oil seal with lubricating oil and press
into its recess.

Thoroughly clean and degrease the rear portion of the shaft.

Lubricate the outer diameter of the water seal and the rubber seal cup with water and fit it
into the seal housing. Fit the flinger and seal housing to the forward housing.

Fit the water seal assembly, spring, woodruff key and impeller on to the shaft.

Fit a new tabwasher, tighten the impeller nut to 87 Nm (64 1bf.ft) (holding the shaft as
before) and bend back the tabwasher to lock it.

Fit the complete forward housing assembly to the rear housing, using a new gasket and
tighten the attachment boltshuts progressively to 55 Nm (40lbf.ft).

Fit the lubricating oil pipes.

Fit the pulley, if removed (Page 3-22).

Fit the drivebelt and guard (Page 3-20).

Filland bleed thewatersystem(Page9-5). Checkthe pumparea for leakswhen theengine

is next run.


Unless the engine is air to air intercooled, a water to air intercooler will be fitted. (see
Cooling System Description, Page 9-10).

To maintain the efficiency of the intercooler and to prevent both erosion and corrosion
occurring, both heat exchange surfaces must be cleaned regularly.

9.6.a) Intercooler Maintenance

See the intercooler manufacturer’s manual.

Last Issued 1/1/93 9-8 Mirrlces Blackstone Ltd

ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Section 9

9.6.b) Intercooler Reolacement

Spares Reauired:

1) Intercooler air pipe gaskets (both ends).

2) Control valve assemblylintercooler gasket.

3) 'Hylomar', or similar jointing compound.

4) Loctite 241, or similar thread locking compound.

Suecial Tools:

a Intercooler lifting bracket Tool No, 79502 (Availiable from MB Ltd).

Intercooler air duct weight: See Sec 2.3

Intercooler weight: See Sec 2.3

Intercooler Removal

1) Drain down the fresh water system.

2) Remove one of the bleed plugs and allow the water to drain out of the intercooler (through
the inlet and outlet pipes). Fit the blecd plug.

3) Remove the intercooler/adaptor plate, air duct, complete with the air pipes.
NOTE: The adaptor plate and air duct are attached to the intercooler by bolts and studs, with
the joints sealed by 'Hylomar'.
4) Fit the intercooler lifting bracket and support by crane.

5) Remove the intercooler/turbocharger bracket adaptor plate mounting bolts.

(The joint is sealed with 'Hylomar').

6) Carefully maneouvre the intercooler assembly clear of the engine. Place on a clean flat

Intercooler Installation

1) Clean the adaptor and turbocharger mounting bracket mating faces and apply 'Hylomar',
following the manufacturer's instructions.

2) Lift the intercooler and adaptor assembly carefully into position and fit the adaptor plate
mounting bolts using 'Loctite 241'. Torque evenly to 65Nm (48 1bf.ft).

Last Issued 1/1/93 9-9 ' Mirrleer Blackstone Ltd

Section 9 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2

Remove the lifting gear.

Fit the intercooler air duct and pipes, using new gaskets. Clean the intercooler to air duct
mating faces and apply 'Hylomar', following the manufacturer's instructions.

Loosen one of the intercooler bleed plugs and open the raw water isolating valve.

Start the engine and run until an air-free flow ofwater is obtained. Tighten the bleed plug.

After 10 minutes engine running, bleed the intercooler again, to remove any residual air.

Check the intercooler and ducting for air and water leaks (Undo the air manifold drain tap
to check for raw water leaks into the air duct).


Fresh Water Svstem

F/W thermostatic control valve opening
temperature 68OC (154OF)
F/W temperature rise between pump and
water manifold outlet 12OC (21.5OF)
F/W temperature rise between pump and
turbocharger outlet 8- 12OC (14.5 -21.5'F)
High fresh water temperature alarm setting 88OC (19O0F)
High fresh water temperature shutdown setting 9OoC (194OF)

Last Issued 1/1/93 9-10 Mirrlees Blackslone Ltd

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