Pharmacological & Anti-Fungal Activity of Garlic (Allium Sativum)

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Pharmacological & Anti-fungal Activity of Garlic

(Allium Sativum)
Saurabh Patil1st, Mohammed Sufiyan 1st, Zahid Anwer 2nd, Dr. Aman B. Upaganlawar3rd

Abstract:- Due to the growing problem of antifungal that give it the ability to become resistant to antifungal
resistance as well as the scarcity of antifungals, the treatment [10].
prevalence of fungal diseases is rising. As with some fungi
that have a negative impact on human health, like Candida
albicans, or their useful plants, like Aspergillus niger.
Aspergillus niger as well as Candida albicans, two fungi
that have been reported, were examined in the current
investigation using crushed garlic cloves from of the
Sudanese variety. This finding demonstrates that garlic
juice has an audible high activity against fungus like
Candida albicans and Aspergillus nigar. We have now
established the potent antifungal properties of garlic juice.
We established that garlic has significant therapeutic

Keywords:- Antifungal Activity, Garlic, Allium Sativum Linn,

Aspergillus Niger, Candida Albicans, Allicin .


Medicinal and antimicrobial active substances of plant
extract are gaining research attention worldwide. Modern
medicine has its benefits as well as side effects, so herbal
products are gaining more and more popularity because they
are safe, relatively easily available and inexpensive. Many
extracts have antifungal activity [1]. Garlic is one of the most
important and oldest known medicinal plants [2,3]. Garlic has
been used for its health benefits since ancient times, & modern
researcher has been provided a scientific basis for this

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a bulbous plant belonging

to the Amaryllidaceae family, about 300 varieties of garlic are
grown in many countries all over the world [6]. Garlic
production in Sudan is modest compared to its very huge
agricultural potential, it is 22nd in the world, the top 10
Fig.2. Garlic Clove
countries in garlic production are China, India, South Korea,
Bangladesh, Egypt, Russia, Burma, Ukraine, Spain and the
United States [7].

Regarding the tested microorganisms, Aspergillus Niger

is a filamentous fungus, it usually grows in nature on any
organic matter and decomposes, it is generally considered a
non-pathogenic microorganism. However, it is dust can cause
allergies or lungs problems, and it can occasionally invade the
human body as an opportunistic invader in
immunocompromised or AIDS patients [8]. Candida albicans
is an opportunistic fungus causing some life-threatening
infections, especially in immunocompromised patients, cancer
patients, organ transplant patients, or HIV-infected patients
[9]. Candida is a difficult microorganism to treat, it can easily
switch between yeast and hyphal forms and can form biofilms Fig.3. Garlic Clove

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Preparation of fungal strain
The reference strains of fungi used in this research were
Candida albicans ATCC®10231TM and Aspergilllus Niger
ATCC®6275TM, which were available from the Department
of Laboratory Sciences, College. Strains were cultured from
the stock solution in Sabouraud dextrose agar for 48-72 hours.
Microorganisms were examined microscopically and
subcultured in Sabouraud dextrose broth for 48 hours at 25 ℃.
After that, the culture media were stored in a refrigerator until



According to CS and SS, the oldest texts on Ayurveda

Fig.4. Peeled Garlic Clove that are still in existence and written in Sanskrit, the usage of
garlic in India dates back well than three thousand years. Both
 Botanical Name: Allium Sativum. Lasuna and its synonym Rasona are names for "garlic" in both
 Family: Amaryllidaceae. texts. After carefully examining both texts, it was discovered
 Common Name: La-suan, Dasuan. that in CS, fresh garlic is classified in the harit varga (green
group) with the other edible plant materials and used as food
II. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT [12]. When green garlic is young and sensitive, it is eaten.
Unlike mature garlic, which is divided into cloves, the green
The yellow substance that gives garlic its distinctive garlic bulb is used whole. Similar uses are reported not only in
odour, allicin, serves as the drug's active component. It Pan India but also in the South-East Asian region's bordering
disintegrates by distillation and is miscible with benzene, nations of Nepal, Myanmar, Lao, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
ether, and alcohol. Garlic also contains alliin, fatty and volatile Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. Therefore, it is evident that garlic has
oils, mucilage, and albumin. Another active element, alliin, is been used in Pan India since ancient times [12,13].
virtually insoluble in chloroform, acetone, ether, & benzene. It
has no smell, crystallises from acetone and water and is made  Pharmacological Activity of garlic
up of these substances. An allicin-like smell and an
antibacterial activity are produced by the cleavage products
after alliinase, a particular enzyme, breaks down the
compound. Allicin, diallyl disulfide, and allylpropyl disulfide
are all present in the essential oil (0.06-0.1%). From garlic,
glutamyl peptides are extracted. Leucine, methionine, S-
propyl-L-cysteine, S-propenyl-L-cysteine, S-methylcysteine,
S-allylcysteine sulfoxide (alliin), S-ethylcysteine sulfoxide,
and S-butylcysteine sulfoxide are the amino acids found in the
bulb [11].


 Plant material and preparation

Garlic bulbs were purchased from local markets. Fresh
garlic bulbs were split into cloves and peeled, thenchopped and
squeezed until a little garlic solution or juice was obtained,
without adding any additives or water. The garlic juice was
immediately filtered using muslin cloth, the filtrate was
considered as 100% aqueous garlic juice, which was used in
antifungal testing on the same day.
Fig. 5. Pharmacological Activity of Garlic.
 Preparation of Discs
Whatman No. 1 filter paper discs 6 mm wide were cut,
 Anticancer Activity
put in a tightly closed bottle, and autoclaved. After that, one The research examined how garlic affected cell lines
batch of sterile dry discs was split. The test group was made derived from leukaemia, melanoma, and neuroblastoma. Allyl
up of discs that were completely saturated with pure garlic sulphides have a flavour similar to garlic. These medications
juice. According to a preliminary experiment, the blank disc decrease both the start & execution phases of tumorigenesis in
absorbed about 15µl. experimental carcinogenesis in a number of cancers. The risk
of pancreatic cancer was 54% lower in individuals who
ingested more garlic than in those who consumed less [14]. It

IJISRT22NOV1063 1725

Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
has been demonstrated that garlic supplements, including aged
garlic, fresh garlic extract, garlic oil, and several organosulfur  Antioxidant Activity
compounds made from garlic, have chemopreventive benefits. Diallyl sulphide (DAS), diallyl disulfide (DADS), s-
The chemopreventive effect of garlic is thought to be caused ethylcysteine (SEC), and n-acetylcysteine (NAC) all acted as
by the presence of organosulfur compounds. Ripe garlic antioxidant enzymes to protect against lipid-related oxidation.
extract exhibited free radical scavenging action, but fresh Garlic has a lot of antioxidants, which help to fight off free
garlic extract did not. radicals, which weaken DNA and cell membranes and speed
up the ageing process. Garlic contains a lot of antioxidants,
The two primary compounds in mature garlic, S- which help fight free radicals, which could harm DNA and cell
allylcysteine and S-allylmercapto-L-cysteine, have the membranes and hasten ageing [23].
strongest free radical scavenging activity. Additionally, it has
been demonstrated in a number of animal studies that a  Antiplatelet Effect
number of organosulfur compounds derived from garlic, such It has been shown that taking supplements with garlic
as acetylcysteine, can inhibit the development of chemically lowers cyclooxygenase activity & thromboxane A2 synthesis,
induced and transplantable malignancies [15]. which has an antiplatelet effect. Both in in vitro and in vivo
studies have demonstrated that garlic prevents platelet
 Antibacterial Activity aggregation. By changing fibrinolytic activity through
Garlic extract inhibits the growth of Gram-positive and increased plasminogen activation and suppression of thrombin
Gram-negative bacteria such as Staphylococcus, generation, garlic's antithrombotic effect is examined in situ
Streptococcus, Micrococcus, Enterobacter, Escherichia, [24].
Klebsiella, Lactobacillus, Pseudomonas, Shigella, Salmonella,
Proteus & Helicobacter the inhibition of garlic  Antihypertensive Activity
extracts due to the presence of enzymes in the activity of Garlic supplements can help hypertensive patients reduce
allicin is produced by alliinase [16]. their blood pressure and oxidative stress. An in vitro study
demonstrated that garlic sulfur compounds, which are formed
 Antiviral Activity when red blood cells convert garlic organic polysulfide to
Coxsackievirus species, herpes simplex types 1 & 2, hydrogen sulfide, have vasoactive properties and are a
influenza B, parainfluenza type 3, vaccinia viruses, vesicular recognized endogenous cardiovascular protective vascular cell
stomatitis virus, immunodeficiency virus type 1, & human signaling molecule [25].
rhinovirus rype 2 have all been shown to be susceptible to
garlic's antiviral properties. The sequence of a virucidal  Hyperlipidemia.
reaction often went as follows: Ajoene comes before allicin, Malic acid synthase, fatty acid synthetase, glucose-6-
followed by allyl methyl thiosulfinate, allyl thiosulfinate, and phosphate dehydrogenase, and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-
allyl [17]. CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase are a few of the cholesterol-
forming enzymes that garlic inhibits. In vitro studies have
 Cardiovascular Activity shown that water-soluble organosulfur molecules, such as
Among other things, eating garlic lowers blood pressure, diallyl disulfide (DADS) and S-allyl cysteine (SAC) present in
prevents atherosclerosis, lowers blood cholesterol and garlic oil and mature garlic extract, respectively, are potent
triglycerides, reduces platelet aggregation, and boosts inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis. Everybody should be able
fibrinolytic activity. Inhibiting the synthesis of 3-hydroxy-3- to reduce cholesterol and lower lipid peroxidation to prevent
methylglutaryl-CoA also decreases cholesterol levels due to plaque formation. In vitro studies have shown that LDL
garlic. Garlic has been shown to lower homocysteine, reduced resistance to oxidation is improved while low-density low
blood pressure, and enhance microcirculation—all of which density lipoprotein (LDL) are decreased [26].
are essential in managing diabetes—as well as LDL oxidation,
platelet activation, as well as the formation of arterial plaque.  Anthelmintic Activity
By protecting neurons from neurotoxicity & apoptosis, garlic A moderate level of anthelmintic activity was
can also help prevent cognitive decline. This reduces the risk demonstrated in vitro by an alcoholic extract against human
of ischemic, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), & Ascaris lumbricoides. Garlic works as a wormery and is useful
neuronal death and improves learning and memory retention in the treatment of dysentery. It is also claimed that garlic oil
[18,19]. has anthelmintic effects, which means it eradicates all harmful
intestinal parasites. Intestinal worms can be removed with the
 Antidiabetic Activity aid of garlic. Tapeworms can be removed with the sulphurous
In diabetic mice, garlic extract considerably increased components of garlic [27]. Chickens with Ascaridia galli can
serum insulin levels while significantly reducing glucose be treated using the antihelmintic effects of the garlic
level, total cholesterol, triglyceride, urea, uric acid, and compound allicin (the main active ingredient in garlic).
aspartate and alanine aminotransferases [20]. In diabetic Heterakis gallinarum and A. galli both perished after coming
animals, rats, & mice that have been brought on by STZ or into contact with garlic oil. Garlic extract significantly
alloxan, it also reduces serum glucose levels [21]. The main decreased oxygen consumption, glycogen content, and
components of garlic's volatile sulphur are what give it its anti- glucose uptake in both parasites[28].
diabetic properties. The management of insulin resistance has
also been linked to garlic [22].

IJISRT22NOV1063 1726

Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Reduces Stress
Aged garlic extract inhibits adrenal hypertrophy,
hyperglycemia, & corticosterone increases brought on by
immobilisation stress in hyperglycemic rats [29].

 Vaginal Infections
One of most powerful antibiotics is garlic. It can kill or
stop the bacterial growth that cause vaginal pain, vaginitis, and
vaginal flow since it possesses bactericidal and fungicidal
properties. A large number of garlic cloves were ingested to
treat this ailment. It can also be used to treat scabies. One of
the most typical causes of vaginal discharge in women of
childbearing age is bacterial vaginosis (BV). Natural remedies
for BV include the use of garlic. Garlic extract inhibited the
growth of both Gram-positive & Gram-negative bacteria in
vitro [30]. Fig.7. Aspergillus niger


With a few minor modifications from Abdallah et al. Heartburn, an upset stomach, and bad breath are all side
[31], the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method was used to assess effects. When using raw garlic, these negative effects might be
the antifungal activity of pure garlic juice. In sterilized Petri more obvious. Garlic can cause allergic reactions in some
dishes (90 mm diameter), 20 ml, of Sabouraud dextrose agar people. Supplementing with garlic may raise the risk of blood
from autoclaved bottles was poured hot and allowed to cool loss.
until it solidified. Following that, a sterile swab of cotton was
used to disperse 100 µl of the each tested fungi from of the VIII. CONCLUSION
culture media (well before) across agar plates. About 15 µl of
garlic juice per disc was applied to seeded agar plates, and the Curiously, both Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger
plates were subsequently incubated at 25°C for 48–72 hours. were extremely sensitive to garlic juice (Figure 2). With garlic
Millimeters (mm) were used to measure the width of the clear juice, the average Aspergillus niger zone of inhibition was
inhibition zone surrounding the discs after incubation. The 41.0 mm by 4.0 mm. This intriguing finding suggests this
average was computed after the test was administered twice. garlic juice was quite successful at combating Aspergillus
Zone of inhibition (mm) standard error of means was used to niger. Additionally, using garlic juice, the mean zone of
measure antifungal activity. inhibition for C. albicans was 28.0 mm by 1.0 mm. This
outcome demonstrated that garlic extract has an equivalent or
VI. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS superior anti-Candida albicans impact.
Garlic was statically important as an antifungal agent (P
The statistical evaluation of the data and figures was 0.05) when the antifungal efficacy of garlic. Garlic is a better
conducted using SPSS software (Version 15.0). Test of Paired option as a highly promising antifungal because it is natural,
Samples was used to evaluate the antifungal medication's has few side effects, is readily available, and is less expensive
effectiveness to that of garlic juice. than other antifungal agent.

 Susceptibility of fungal strains to Garlic REFERENCES

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