Ewg2019 Proceedings
Ewg2019 Proceedings
Ewg2019 Proceedings
Edited by:
José V. Lemos, Laura Caldeira, Jorge Pereira Gomes, João Marcelino, Ivo Dias, Andrea Brito
3rd Meeting of EWG
Dams and Earthquakes
An International Symposium
Edited by:
José V. Lemos, Laura Caldeira, Jorge Pereira Gomes, João Marcelino, Ivo Dias, Andrea Brito
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Publisher: LNEC
Descriptors: Seismic response of structures / Concrete dams / Embankment dams / Monitoring / Dams safety /
/ International congress
Descritores: Solicitação sísmica de estruturas / Barragens de betão / Barragens de aterro / Monitorização / Segurança
de barragens / Congresso internacional
CDU 627.82.042.7(063)(100)
ISBN 978-972-49-2308-6
EWG2019 – 3rd Meeting of EWG Dams and Earthquakes. An International Symposium
The 3rd meeting of the ICOLD European Club Working Group “Dams and
Earthquakes” took place at LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal, on 6-8 May 2019. Following
the very successful events in St. Malo and Rome, this meeting brought together a
group of international experts to discuss the multiple challenges that earthquakes
pose to dams. Recent advances on dynamic monitoring techniques coupled with
new developments in material and structural modelling are making available
to engineers powerful tools that need to be tested, validated and widely
disseminated. The digital proceedings contain a collection of papers that reflect
the state-of-the-art on the analysis and safety assessment of concrete and
embankment dams under seismic actions. We would like to acknowledge our
appreciation to the authors for their effort in preparing these contributions and
their willingness to share their research accomplishments. We would also like to
express our gratitude to the members of the Scientific Committee who reviewed
these papers.
• Definition of seismic hazard for dams
• Measurements of response of concrete or embankment dams under earthquakes
• Dynamic monitoring and testing of dams
• Comparison of numerical models with dynamic field measurements
• Qualification of equipment under seismic loading
Organizing Committee
José V. Lemos
Laura Caldeira
Jorge Pereira Gomes
João Marcelino
Ivo Dias
Andrea Brito
Scientific Committee
Jean-Jacques Fry (EWG Dams & Earthquakes, Chairman)
José Rocha Afonso (CNPGB, Portugal)
Carlos Pina (CNPGB, Portugal)
Bernard Tardieu (CFBR, France)
Giovanni Ruggeri (ITCOLD, Italy)
Ignacio Escuder (SPANCOLD, Spain)
Martin Wieland (ICOLD, Switzerland)
Norihisa Matsumoto (JCOLD, Japan)
Pierre Léger (E.P. Montréal, Canada)
D. Silva Matos (EDP, Portugal)
A.L. Batista, J. Bilé Serra, Telmo Jeremias, A. Campos Costa (LNEC, Portugal)
Earthquakes records on concrete dams: benefits, difficulties and proposition of an international database .. 1
Emmanuel Robbe
Seismic response of earthfill and rockfill embankment dams .................................................................................... 3
Stavroula Kontoe
PSHA testing against historical seismicity across the border between France and Italy ................................... 17
Pierre Labbé and Umberto Sopranzi
Input motion transfer by linearization technique for seismic qualification of dam equipment . ..................... 27
Pierre Labbé and Anh Nguyen
Seismic action to be considered at the hydroelectric scheme of Foz Tua site ..................................................... 39
Alexandra Carvalho and Telmo Jeremias
Seismic hazard on the territory of yeghvard reservoir dam . ..................................................................................... 45
Karapetyan S. S., Mkrtchyan G. A. and Karapetyan J. K.
Concrete Dams
Seismic design and safety aspects of dams subjected to aftershocks and multiple earthquakes ................... 57
Martin Wieland and Sanaz Ahlehagh
ICOLD benchmark workshops to compare numerical models for seismic analyses ........................................... 69
Guido Mazzà, Gerald Zenz, Massimo Meghella and Edwin Staudacher
Machine learning based seismic stability assessment of dams with heterogeneous concrete ........................ 75
Fernando Salazar and Mohammad Amin Hariri-Ardebili
Towards the seismic capacity assessment of concrete dams ................................................................................... 87
Luca Furgani, Mohammad Amin Hariri Ardebili and Massimo Meghella
Dynamic behavior of high arch dams under recorded seismic accelerograms. Study on the influence of
reservoir water level . .......................................................................................................................................................... 99
André Alegre, Sergio Oliveira Margarida Espada and Romano Câmara
Baixo Sabor concrete arch dam: dynamic monitoring and numerical damage simulation ............................. 111
Sérgio Pereira, Jorge Gomes, José Lemos, Filipe Magalhães and Álvaro Cunha
Fluid structure displacement based interaction models for the dynamic behaviour of an arch dam . ......... 123
Nuno Monteiro Azevedo, Maria Luísa Braga Farinha, Noemi Leitão and Romano Câmara
Determination of material parameters using numerical models and field measurement data ..................... 135
Edwin Staudacher and Gerald Zenz
Response of Scandarello dam to the 2016-2017 seismic sequence in Central Italy ......................................... 145
Matteo Sbarigia, Rosella Caruana, Angelica Catalano and Armando Lanzi
Seismic and structural health monitoring of Cabril dam . ....................................................................................... 157
Sergio Oliveira and André Alegre
Seismic monitoring system of Baixo Sabor hydroelectric power scheme ........................................................... 169
Gilberto Monteiro, Jorge Pacheco Neves and Jorge Pereira Gomes
Embankment Dams
Identification of dynamic soil properties of dam material by in-situ testing with seismic geophysical
methods . ............................................................................................................................................................................. 185
Thomas Weber and Lorenz Keller
Laboratory investigation on nonlinear dynamic properties of core materials of Italian dams ....................... 197
Giuseppe Lanzo, Alessandro Pagliaroli, Giuseppe Scasserra and A. Di Giulio
Application of SPT results on liquefaction phenomenon modeling of tailings dams ...................................... 209
Ljupcho Petkovski and Stevcho Mitovski
The effect of liquefaction-induced damage of an embankment: “Virtual” laboratory tests .......................... 221
Christina Khalil and Fernando Lopez Caballero
Assessment of the seismic risk associated with small earth dams: a simplified approach . ............................ 231
Renato Maria Cosentini, Federico Passeri and Sebastiano Foti
Validation of the FR-JP simplified dynamic analysis ................................................................................................ 243
Moez Jellouli, Antoine des Garets and Jean-Jacques Fry
Deformations of rockfil dams under strong earthquake and nonlinear dynamic response analyses . .......... 261
Tadatsugu Tanaka, Hiroshi Mori
Seismic analysis of hardfill dams ................................................................................................................................... 271
Ioannis Siskos and Panos Dakoulas
Site effect study of a large rockfill dam: Denis-Perron dam . ................................................................................. 283
Daniel Verret, Denis LeBoeuf, Éric Péloqui and Annick Bigras
Performance of Darbandikhan dam during a major earthquake on November 12, 2017 ............................... 295
Omed Yousif, Kawa Zaidn, Younis Alshkane, Abdulrahman Khani and Salar Kareem Hama
Dynamic behavior of a large earth dam located in a severe seismic area .......................................................... 309
Dariush Belashi
Abstract. In the same way as the monitoring of dams under static loads allows engineers to
build and calibrate numerical models that offer a better understanding of the static behavior
of dams and assess their safety, earthquake recordings on dams are highly valuable for
understanding their dynamic behavior.
In 2013, the French committee on large dams (CFBR) started collaborating with the Japanese
committee (JCOLD) about seismic analyses on dams. During these exchanges, JCOLD
provided 602 sets of records on 257 dams, including 135 concrete gravity dams and 22
concrete arch dams. The keynote lecture will highlight analyses of these records for evaluating
the dynamic properties of the structure and for assessing and improving finite element analysis
methods for the seismic assessment of concrete dams. The benefits and difficulties of the use
of earthquake records for such purposed will be discussed.
Outside of Japan, an increasing number of recordings of the behavior of dams under
earthquake are available, but they remain rare and isolated and are generally not shared with
the community. Analyses of such recordings can also be particularly time-consuming for
engineers not always specialized in this field and require specific post-processing tools. This
keynote lecture will be an opportunity to introduce the DamQuake project. The aim of
DamQuake is to create an international database of earthquake recordings on dams. The
database’s user interface will allow easy navigation through the data and the possibility of
performing specific analyses to better evaluate a dam’s response under earthquake. Such
analyses can be particularly useful for comparing several dams’ responses or the responses of
a single dam under several earthquakes. Evaluation and improvement of safety assessment
methods might also be facilitated in the process.
Abstract. The seismic design of earthfill and rockfill dams routinely relies on methods of
analysis, which adopt simplifying assumptions regarding the dam geometry, soil behaviour
and the dynamic interaction of the fluid and solid phases within the dam body. This paper
explores such simplifying assumptions, which are typically used for the numerical modelling
of earthfill and rockfill embankment dams, within the context of two case studies. First a clay
core dam, the La Villita dam in Mexico, is considered focusing mainly on the implications of
2D plane strain approximation in the case of dams built in relatively narrow canyons. In the
second case study, of the rockfill Yele dam in China, the importance of hydro-mechanical
coupling is explored by parametrically varying the permeability of the materials.
The seismic response of earthfill and rockfill dams has been extensively studied over the
years with several well-established methods of analysis, such as the pseudo-static, the shear
beam and the dynamic finite element (FE) methods. Significant progress has been made in FE
modelling; the use of advanced constitutive models has allowed for accurate modelling of the
deformation characteristics of embankment dams under seismic excitations for two-
dimensional (2D) plane strain conditions (e.g. Rampello et al. 2009, Elia et al. 2010, Pelecanos
et al. 2015). However, the rigorous simulation of the nonlinear soil response through the use
of advanced constitutive models, increases the computational cost and as a result three-
dimensional models are not commonly used.
Apart from the constitutive models, realistic predictions of the dynamic response of dams
also require the appropriate treatment of other aspects of the computational model, such as
time integration (Kontoe et al 2008), boundary conditions (Kontoe et al 2009) and hydro-
mechanical (HM) coupling between the fluid and the solid phases (Han et al 2016). The latter
is required to compute the development and dissipation of pore water pressures, and account
for their impact on the response of earth and rockfill dams (e.g. Lacy and Prevost, 1987; Elia
et al., 2011, Pelecanos et al 2015, Han et al 2016). The adoption of a HM coupled formulation
is usually more critical for the accurate simulation of the dynamic behaviour of rockfill
materials due to their large permeability. In rockfill dams, depending on the range of
permeability and loading duration, consolidation can occur during the dynamic loading and
therefore the response cannot be considered as drained or undrained. Given the complexity of
Formerly Imperial College London, Shandong University, [email protected]
Formerly Imperial College London, University of Bath, [email protected]
the numerical modelling of embankment dams, there is a need for well-documented case
studies to properly validate the assumptions and processes involved in dynamic FE analysis.
This paper explores several issues related to the numerical modelling of earthfill and
rockfill embankment dams within the context of two case studies. First a clay core dam, the La
Villita dam in Mexico, is considered focusing mainly on the implications of 2D plane strain
approximation in the case of dams built in relatively narrow canyons. In the second case study,
of the rockfill Yele dam in China, the importance of HM coupling is explored by parametrically
varying the permeability of the materials.
Figure 1: Geometry of La Villita dam in Mexico (not to scale): (a) cross-sectional view, (b) longitudinal view.
Despite the intense seismic activity during the period 1975-1985, the dam performed well
without any major damage. The seismic events resulted in some permanent displacements
which were recorded at various locations on the dam body, but which did not disrupt its
operation (Elgamal 1992). Due to the scarcity of dam case studies with publically available
recorded seismic motions, this dam has been extensively investigated with a variety of
numerical models, with studies focusing on simulating the recorded acceleration response
(Elgamal 1992, Pelecanos 2013, Pelecanos et al. 2015), on the recorded permanent
displacements (Elgamal et al. 1990, Succarieh et al 1993, Gazetas & Uddin 1994), on dam-
canyon interaction (Papalou & Bielak, 2001; 2004) and on dam-reservoir interaction
(Pelecanos et al 2018).
filter high frequencies (here, the spectral radius at infinity used, ρ∞= 9/11, see Kontoe et al.
2008). For all sets of analyses the dynamic hydro-mechanically coupled (u-p) formulation of
ICFEP was used for the clay core and the alluvium foundation layer, with permeability values
of 10-10 m/s and 10-7 m/s respectively. The remaining materials were assumed to behave in a
drained manner. The reservoir domain was not modelled explicitly and hence the impact of
hydrodynamic pressures was neglected. Pelecanos et al (2013) found the impact of
hydrodynamic pressures to be minor on the overall acceleration response for earthfill dams.
Pelecanos et al (2018) though recognised that the hydrodynamic pressures can lead to stress
concentration on the upstream face of the dam and thus to potentially larger localised plastic
Prior to the dynamic analysis the full stress history of the dam (including layered
embankment construction, reservoir impoundment and consolidation) was simulated in all
considered cases. The static model was able to predict very well the recorded settlements (see
Pelecanos et al 2015) and to therefore establish a realistic in-situ stress distribution for the
subsequent time-domain dynamic analyses. The employed constitutive model was a cyclic
nonlinear-elastic (CNL) model, which adopts a logarithmic function to describe the backbone
curve (Puzrin & Burland, 2000; Taborda, 2011), coupled with a Mohr-Coulomb plastic model.
The logarithmic relation dictates the degradation of shear stiffness, G, and the increase of
damping, ξ, with cyclic shear strain, γ. Due to the lack of experimental data, the CNL is
calibrated against empirical relations (Vucetic & Dobry, 1991; Seed, et al., 1986; Rollins, et
al., 1998). The constitutive equations, parameters, associated calibration, boundary conditions
and other FE model details are described in detail by Pelecanos et al. (2015) and therefore, for
brevity, are not repeated herein. The acceleration motions EQ2 and EQ5 (see Table 2) recorded
at the rock abutment were used as the input excitation at the base of the alluvium layer.
increased material stiffness appears to be effective as a simplified way to account for the
stiffening effect of a narrow canyon. Dakoulas & Gazetas (1987) showed that the ratio of the
fundamental period of vibration of a dam built in a narrow canyon, Tn, over that of a dam built
in an infinitely wide canyon, Tw, for a L/H = 3.2 and for various shapes of the canyon ranges,
Tn/Tw = 0.6 ~ 0.75. In the present study, the updated value of the shear modulus is taken as
𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3.5 𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 which leads to a T*=0.54T. The ratio of 0.54 is reasonably close to the range
suggested by Dakoulas & Gazetas (1987) for various canyon shapes, considering the
differences in the adopted assumptions (idealised geometry of earth dam and canyon
geometries, and linear soil material behaviour in Dakoulas & Gazetas 1987). The small
discrepancy could be also attributed to the uncertainty associated with the original material
properties that were based on the literature (Elgamal, 1992).
Figure 2: Comparison of computed acceleration response spectra (ξ=5%) and recorded data at the crest of the
dam for (a) EQ2 and (b) EQ5.
Figure 3: Comparison of computed acceleration response spectra (ξ=5%) with revised stiffness properties and
recorded data at the crest of the dam for (a) EQ2 and (b) EQ5
to note that the acceleration response at the rock abutment (Figure 4a), which was used as the
input motion, is symmetric and that the asymmetry is only observed in the crest response.
Figure 4: Acceleration time history for EQ5 recorded at (a) rock abutment and (b) dam crest.
Figure 5: Comparison of computed response with filtered recorded data for EQ5 in terms of (a) acceleration time
history and (b) response spectra (ξ=5%).
This asymmetry in the crest record is believed to be due to a localised slope failure, as
suggested by previous researchers, which was not predicted by the FE analysis in this study.
The work of Gazetas & Uddin (1994), which included interface elements to model a small
zone of localised weakness, has shown some acceleration asymmetry and indicated that a
localised discontinuity existed in the upstream dam rockfill. The present model does not
include any pre-defined weak zones, as this aspect was addressed in the work of Gazetas &
Uddin (1994), and attempts a more direct prediction of the response. If the high frequencies
are filtered from the recorded accelerations at the crest, a better agreement is obtained between
the recorded and the calculated response. Indeed, Figure 5a shows a comparison between the
filtered recorded accelerations at the crest for EQ5 and those calculated in this work, whereas
Figure 5b shows the associated response spectra. The filtering was performed using
SeismoSignal (Antoniou & Pinho, 2004), adopting a 4th order Bandpass Butterworth filter for
frequencies higher than 4 Hz (i.e. periods smaller than 0.25s). The frequency for the filtering
was obtained after a parametric study and was taken as the value for which the high values of
peak acceleration (due to the localised slip failure) vanish, rendering the record symmetric and
consequently representative of the overall dynamic behaviour of the dam structure. The
filtering does not eliminate the predominant frequency of the input motion which is around
1.8Hz. The reason behind the filtering is that by eliminating the high values of peak
accelerations (due to the localised slip) the remaining record shows the dynamic behaviour of
the dam and this is used to check whether the vibration characteristics (e.g. fundamental period
of vibration) have been predicted well by the adopted model. Moreover, the EQ5 response
spectrum of the crest response predicted by Elgamal (1992) is included in Figure 5b for
comparison. It is evident that the computed response in this work is in better agreement with
the recorded one than the response calculated by Elgamal (1992). The response spectrum of
Elgamal (1992), obtained from a 3D shear beam analysis has a narrower frequency content and
higher amplifications at the significant frequencies, whereas the broader frequency content of
the spectrum from the present study matches better the low frequency spectral ordinates.
The construction of the dam started in October 2003 and was completed in November
2005, reaching a height of 124.5m. The reservoir impounding started in January of 2005, while
the dam was still under construction and had reached a height of 75m, and the power plant
started to generate electricity in November 2005 (He et al. 2006). On the 12th of May 2008, the
Wenchuan earthquake (Ms=8.0) struck west China, damaging approximately 391 dams at a
varying degree, including 4 large-scale ones (heights exceeding 100m) (Xu, 2009). Among all
these dams, only the seismic monitoring equipment of the Yele dam (258km from the
epicentre) was in good working order. Eight seismometers recorded the multi-directional
ground motion at different locations on the dam, providing valuable monitoring data for a
detailed investigation of its seismic response. The dam performed well during the strong
motion, sustaining only some minor damage which did not disrupt the normal operation of the
power plant (Cao et al 2010). Before the occurrence of the Wenchuan earthquake, the reservoir
level was at its minimum (at 75m) due to a dry season and this might have contributed to its
satisfactory performance.
Figure 6: FE mesh and boundary conditions for the dynamic analysis of the Yele dam.
is probably due to the low damping assumed for compressional deformation in the small strain
range (see Figure 7b).
Figure 8: Acceleration response spectra (ξ=5%) of motions recorded or computed at the crest of the dam (a) EW
direction (b) UD (vertical) direction.
Figure 9: Acceleration response spectra (ξ=5%) of motions recorded or computed at the base of the dam (a) EW
direction (b) UD (vertical) direction.
The impact of hydromechanical coupling was also examined by varying the permeability
of the dam materials. The reference analysis (which adopted the properties listed in Table 3
was repeated adopting a very low permeability, k=1.0E-8 m/s, which is essentially equivalent
to performing an undrained analysis. The comparison of the response spectra at the crest of
Figure 10 shows that the permeability significantly affects the numerical predictions in both
directions, as the low permeability analysis (k=1.0E-8 m/s) overestimates the response. This is
more pronounced in the vertical (UD) direction which can be attributed to the influence of the
fluid-induced viscous damping, discussed in Han et al. (2017) and Han et al. (2018). In
particular, for low permeability soils subjected to vertical motions, lower or no viscous
damping is introduced as there is very little or no interaction between the solid and pore fluid
phases, leading to larger vertical dynamic response. However, larger horizontal response is
also predicted by the analysis employing the lower permeability values, which reflects the
coupling effects between the responses in the two directions. Clearly the impact of the HM
formulation on the seismic behaviour of dams depends on the permeability of the materials
consisting the dam body. This impact is expected to be more significant for large permeability
materials which are typically encountered in rockfill dams.
Figure 10: Impact of permeability on the computed acceleration response spectra (ξ=5%) of motions recorded at
the crest of the dam (a) EW direction (b) UD (vertical) direction.
This paper explored issues related to the numerical modelling of earthfill and rockfill
embankment dams within the context of two well-documented case studies. For the considered
case studies there is available information relating to the dam geometry, material properties as
well as field records of the dams’ seismic response.
First, a clay core dam, La Villita dam in Mexico, was analysed under two seismic
excitations of distinct intensity, considering nonlinear elasto-plastic soil behaviour. The
developed numerical model was successful in (a) predicting the overall dynamic behaviour of
the dam structure for two earthquakes of different magnitude, duration and frequency content;
and (b) demonstrating (indirectly by careful filtering of the record) the validity of the
assumption taken from the studies by previous researchers that the observed acceleration
asymmetry and large displacements have likely resulted from localised failure near the
measuring instrument. It is also shown that increasing the stiffness of the dam materials in a
2D analysis, using a carefully designed parametric study, is an acceptable approximate way to
take account of the stiffening effect of the 3D canyon. The degree of stiffening agrees
reasonably well with previous linear analytical solutions (Dakoulas & Gazetas, 1987) and
therefore the developed numerical model may be considered as a further verification of these
analytical solutions.
The second case study, considered the rockfill Yele dam in China which experienced the
Ms=8.0 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. A good agreement was observed between the numerical
results and the recorded ground motion at two points, at the dam crest and base, in terms of
acceleration response spectra. The importance of HM coupling for the rigorous modelling of
rockfill dams was also investigated. The analysis with the assumption of undrained behaviour
for all dam materials severely overestimated the response, particularly in the vertical direction,
while the analysis with the more appropriate permeability values showed good agreement with
the field measurements.
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Keywords: Seismic hazard map, PSHA testing, Historical seismicity, Fragility curves
Abstract. In order to test PSHA outputs against historical seismicity data, the seismic risk is
first introduced in terms of annual probabilities of occurrence of given damage degrees for
vulnerability class B buildings (EMS98 scale). Then the risk is calculated by two methods. The
first one considers historical earthquakes of epicentral Intensities I0 = VI to IX, and statistics
of affected areas. The second one is based on convolution of seismic hazard and fragility
curves. Seismic hazard is described by the SHARE map, considered in the aimed area across
the border between France and Italy. Fragility curves are described in the form of a log-
normal distribution of the probability of exceedance of a given damage versus the PGA,
according to the recent results of the SYNER-G European research program. The risk
calculated on the basis of the SHARE map and fragility curves is tremendously higher, by a
factor larger than 10, than the historically observed risk. Some tracks are discussed on the
origin of this gap and on ways to bridge it.
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) is a more and more popular technique
for establishing hazard maps at the scale of a country or even at larger scale. In 2015, a seismic
hazard map of Europe was proposed as an output of the European research program SHARE
[1] [2] (Figure 1). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the consistency of the SHARE hazard
map against historical seismicity, taking also into account the more recent developments on
fragility curves resulting from the SYNER-G European research program [3]. This assessment
is carried out on an about 95,660 km² area across the border between France and Italy presented
in Figure 2, designated hereunder as the Region. The methodology applied in this paper was
already applied and tested for the French Metropolitan Territory [4].
When testing PSHA outputs against historical seismicity, a general feature of those
methods proposedin literature is that, at a given moment, it is necessary to translate
macroseismic observations into accelerations (generally PGA). This is not the case for the
method that we present in this paper, which is based on seismic risk assessment. The seismic
risk is defined as the probability that a vulnerability class B building (representative of
conventional masonry building) experiences a damage grade D according to the definitions of
the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS98) [5]. Consistently with the seismic risk exposure in
the Region, damage grades 2 to 4 (D=2, 3,4) are considered.
Polytecnico di Milano, [email protected]
In this context, the core of the method consists of calculating the seismic risk by two
different approaches:
- The first one derives the risk from historical seismicity. It is based on a statistical
analysis of both earthquakes felt in the Region and isoseismical radii.
- The second one calculates the risk by convolution of hazard maps and fragility
Eventually the two risk estimates are compared and conclusions are drawn about consistency
of the SHARE hazard map with historical seismicity in the Region.
Figure 2: The considered Region across the border between France and Italy
Table 1: Number of events (I0 ≥ VI) felt with I ≥ VI in the Region on 1995-2004
Applying formulas (1) and (2) with data included in the Tables 1 and 2 leads to: AVI =
378 km²/year in the Region. The same procedure leads to results presented in the second line
of the Table 3 for other intensities.
Table 3. Average annual areas (km²) affected by a given intensity (or higher) according to historical
Intensity 6 7 8 9
In the Region, 95,660 km² 328 69 2.6 0.5(*)
In Zone 1, 67,160 km², 70 % of the Region 293 61 2.3 0.5 (*)
In Zone 2, 28,500 km², 30 % of the Region 35 7.4 0.3 0
(*) Postulated value in the absence of historical data.
Table 4 : Damage rate vs Intensity for vulnerability class B buildings according to EMS 98
Intensity 6 7 8 9
D=2 (damage grade 2) a few many most all
D=3 (damage grade 3) / a few many most
D=4 (damage grade 4) a few many
In italic: interpretation of EMS 98 macroseismic scale
For calculating the probability that a building undergoes a given damage grade, the probability
it is exposed to a given intensity should first be established. This probability is directly derived from
data presented in Table 3. For instance, the annual probability that a building located in Zone 1 is
exposed to an intensity VII or higher is calculated as 66,3 / 67 160 = 9,87 10-4.
Eventually, the annual probability that a class B vulnerability building experiences a given
damage grade is calculated. Results are presented in the Table 5.
3.1 Methodology
p D p e (a ) Pf ,D (a ) da . (4)
given by Eq. (9), which in practice takes the form of Eq. (9’).
1 a ref n 2 2D
pD k D , k D exp (9)
Tref aD 2
1 a 475 n 2 2D
pD kD , k D exp (9’)
475 a D 2
Figure 5: Subdivision of the Region into Zone 1’(in red) and Zone 2’
Comparison of Tables 5 and 7 leads to the conclusion that the seismic risk calculated on
the basis of the SHARE map and fragility curves overestimates the historically observed risk
by a factor of the order of 50! Several reasons could be put forward in order to explain such a
large gap and tracks could be investigated in order to try to bridge the gap.
Risk evaluation on the basis of historical seismicity could be underestimated in case
the last century has been an unusually quiet period for seismic activity. Very large
earthquakes that occurred in the past could be put forward and a way found so as to
take them into account. Researches are currently carried out on the subject at the scale
of Continental France on the basis of the mathematics of extreme. The conclusion
trend to be that there is no evidence that some correcting factor should be introduce
in order to compensate for those large events that occurred in the past.
Translation of intensity data into probabilities of damage on the one hand, and
fragility curves on the other hand have been carefully selected so that they are
consistent, corresponding in both cases at the same vulnerability class, namely Class
B. The same exercise has been run with other vulnerability classes (namely A and C),
whose results are very similar.
There is a significant variability in fragility curves. In order to better capture the
sensitivity of the output to them, other fragility curves have been tested [12] [13]. It
results that, depending on the selected fragility curve, the calculated risk may vary by
a factor of the order of 2 or 3, which is significant, but still very far from providing a
track to bridge the observed gap with risk assessment based on historical seismicity
The SHARE map is the input data that should be regarded as the main cause of the
discrepancy between the two risk calculations. Keeping in mind that the risk is
dominated by the contribution of the most active areas, we may consider that an
effective n=3 value is representative of the Region. In such condition, Formula (9)
shows that dividing the hazard by a factor 2 results in dividing the risk by a factor 8.
It leads to the conclusion that the seismic hazard presented by SHARE could be
overestimated by a factor 2 or more. This conclusion is consistent with recent seismic
hazard re-evaluation that were carried out in Switzerland [14] and Germany [15]. For
instance, the SHARE map indicates that the 475-year return period PGA is comprised
between 0.25 and 0.30 g at Basel city, while Swiss and German experts conclude
independently that it should be 0.1 g.
Regarding the site coefficients that have been disregarded in the convolution approach
(see hereabove section 3.2.1), taking them into account would result in an increase of
the calculated risk. It means that the gap between the two approaches would be even
larger than presented in this paper.
In conclusion, in the light of the observed historical seismic risk, the SHARE map
tremendously overestimates the seismic hazard in the Region, by a factor 2 or more. This
conclusion is consistent with the most recent seismic hazard assessments carried out in
Switzerland and Germany.
[1] J. Woessner et al. The 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model: key components and
results, BEE, Dec. 2015, Vol. 13, Issue 12, pp 3553–3596
[2] Giardini D. et al., (2013), Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe (SHARE): Online
Data Resource, DOI: 10.12686/SED-00000001-SHARE, 2013. www.share-eu.org
[3] Pitilakis K, Crowley H, Kaynia AM (2014): SYNER-G: Typology Definition and
Fragility Functions for Physical Elements at Seismic Risk, Springer.
[4] Labbé P (2010): PSHA outputs versus historical seismicity; Example of France. 14th
European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, FYROM.
[5] Grunthal G (1998): European Macrosismic Scale, Cahiers du Centre Européen de
Géodynamique et de Séismologie, vol 15, Luxembourg.
[6] SisFrance (2013). Catalogue des séismes français métropolitains, BRGM, EDF, IRSN,
[7] DISS Working Group (2018). Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS),
Version 3.2.1: A compilation of potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in
Italy and surrounding areas. http://diss.rm.ingv.it/diss/, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e
Vulcanologia; DOI:10.6092/INGV.IT-DISS3.2.1.
[8] J. Lambert; D. Monfort, O. Bouc (2015): Catalogue of isoseismal areas for xxth century
French historical earthquakes (Io > VI). SIGMA report – Ref SIGMA-D1-148.
[9] Lagomarsino S, Cattari S (2014) Fragility Functions of Masonry Buildings, in SYNER-
G: Typology Definition and Fragility Functions for Physical Elements at Seismic Risk,
[10] Murphy JR, O’Brien LJ (1977) The correlation of peak ground acceleration amplitudes
with seismic intensity and other physical parameters. BSSA, 67:877-915.
[11] Faccioli E, Cauzzi C (2006). Macroseismic intensities for seismic scenarios, estimeted
from instrumentally based correlations. First European Conference on Earthquake
Engineering and Seismology, Geneva.
[12] Rota M., Penna A., Magenes G., A methodology for deriving analitycal fragility curves
for masonry buildings based on stochastic nonlinear analyses. J. Engineering Structures,
32 (2010), 1312-1323.
[13] Risk-UE (2002). The European Risk-UE project: An advanced Approach to Earthquake
Risk Scenarios with application to Different European Towns. 12th ECEE, London
2002, Special session.
[14] Swiss Seismological Service (2016). Seismic Hazard Switzerland,
[15] GFZ (2016), Seismic Hazard Germany,
Abstract. The widely used to model nonlinear responses under strong earthquakes, the
concept of linearization is systematically re-examined by carrying out time-response analyses
of non-linear oscillators. The considered non-linear constitutive relationships cover all the
possible combinations from purely plastic to purely damage model, with hardening modulus
in the range 0-20% of the elasticity modulus. The considered ductility demand varies from 1
to 20. The dynamics of the system covers cases where the natural frequency of the oscillator is
lower than, close to or larger than the central frequency of the seismic input motion. The
seismic input motion variability is taken into account by simulating 1000 accelerograms
corresponding to a given spectral density. A total of 750,000 time-responses of non-linear
oscillators are carried out and analyzed. For every case, the equivalent linear oscillator
(effective frequency and effective damping) most appropriate for transferring the seismic input
motion is identified through comparison of its transfer function with the non-linear response
translated into the frequency domain. The approach is illustrated by comparison of spectra
transferred through linear, equivalent linear and nonlinear oscillators. In conclusion, the
satisfactory of the transferred signal through a non-linear oscillator by mean of the proposed
equivalent linearization allows to apply this method to the case of dams under strong motions.
In order to assess dam response under strong seismic input motion, an engineering
practice consists in running nonlinear time response analyses. Such calculations require huge
CPU time and memory and raise convergence problems. In lieu of nonlinear analyses an option
could be that equivalent linear models are employed. In the field of geotechnics, the concept
of equivalent linearization was developed by Seed and Idriss (1970) [1], who introduced the
concept of shear modulus degradation curve and associated damping ratio increase curve, both
versus soil shear strain. This widely used engineering method enables, in its validity domain,
to cope with nonlinear behaviour by implementing an iterative procedure, without running
nonlinear transient analyses.
Géodynamique et Structure 106, Av. Marx Dormoy, Montrouge, France ;
[email protected]
For concrete structures, many authors have investigated this concept (Gulkan and Sozen
1974 [2]; Iwan 1980 [3]; Kennedy 1984 [4]; Chopra and Goel 1999 [5], Priestley et al. 2007
[6]) for different nonlinear constitutive relationships. Most of the proposed linearization
concepts are based on the response in terms of maximum displacement of a single degree of
freedom (sdof) system in order to determine an associated equivalent linear oscillator. Then,
the equivalent frequency and damping ratio are expressed in terms of the maximum
displacement, which is often translated into the concept of ductility demand defined as the ratio
of maximum displacement Xmax over the yield Xy such that µ = Xmax/Xy. A widely used
approach consists in calculating the equivalent stiffness as equal to the secant stiffness
corresponding to Xmax. Concurrently, the equivalent damping ratio is generally estimated from
the dissipated energy in the hysteretic loop corresponding to the same Xmax.
In this global picture, few has been done concerning transferred signals through the
nonlinear structures. Politopoulos and Feau (2007) [7] presented an equivalent linearization
based on the modulus of the power spectral density (PSD) in acceleration.
This paper deals with the equivalent linearization through a systematic analysis using the
complex frequency response function (FRF) as equivalence criterion. Filtered white noise
signals are considered as input motions, described in the section 2. In section 3, various
canonical constitutive relationships, mix of elasto-plasticity and damage models are
introduced. They are used in section 4 to equip oscillators, so that 75 different configurations
of oscillators are considered. Section 5 introduces equivalent linearization by minimization in
the frequency domain, resulting in identification of equivalent frequency ratio feq/f0 (f0 is the
natural frequency of the oscillator) and equivalent damping ratio eq versus ductility
demand, µ, for the 75 configurations. In section 6, we present the performance of the proposed
equivalent linearization for transferred seismic motions.
Figure 1: Example of time-envelope curve (1-a, left) and sample of input signals (1-b, right)
Figure 2: Elastoplastic behaviour with kinematic hardening (2-a, left) and Damage behaviour (2-b, right)
Figure 3: Example of response of Hybrid model for { f0/fc; 𝛼𝑝 ; 𝜒} = {1.0; 10%; 0.5}, ξ0 = 5%, µ = 3.31.
For all axe labels, displacements x(t), xp(t) and Y(t) in m and force in N.
5.1 Principle
For every time response of a Hybrid oscillator, the principle is to identify an equivalent
linear oscillator, {feq, eq}, whose FRF is the closest to the FRF of the considered Hybrid
oscillator according to the ELFYR method introduced in section 5.2.
As an output of the ELFYR method, we derive two sets of 10,000 equivalent frequency
and damping values:
- {feq,,j , = 1…max, j = 1…1000},
- {eq,,j , = 1…max, j = 1…1000}.
From the 10,000 couples {µ,j , feq,,j}, we establish by regression, as presented in section
5.3, an empirical relationship between µ and feq,/f0; and similarly between µ and eq. These
relationships are presented for some of the 75 configurations.
Figure 5: Equivalent frequency ratio feq,/f0 (left) and equivalent damping eq, versus ductility demand, µ,
for {f0/fc; p; } = {0.1; 10%; 1.0} (elastoplastic model).
=0 =0
feq/f0 eq
=0.5 =0.5
feq/f0 eq
=1 =1
feq/f0 eq
Figure 6: feq/f0 and eq versus ductility demand, µ in abscissa for p = 0.1 and three values.
𝑓 𝑓 𝑓 𝑓 𝑓
Color legend: 0 = 0.1; 0 = 0.5; 0 = 1.0; 0 = 1.5; 0 = 2.0.
𝑓𝑐 𝑓𝑐 𝑓𝑐 𝑓𝑐 𝑓𝑐
For example, in Figure 4, we present the minimization of {feq,λ,j; ξeq,λ,j} determined for
λ = 2 and j = 1 in the configuration {f0/fc; p; } = {1.0; 10%; 1.0}. The yielding displacement
Xy,1 = 0.021 m is determined by the linear analysis of the elastic oscillator
Figure 7: Response spectra in absolute acceleration (SA in m/s² in ordinate) as function of frequency
(from 0.01 to 100 Hz in abscissa).
Colour legend: linear oscillator {𝑓0 ; 𝜉0 }; equivalent linear oscillator; nonlinear oscillator.
Figure 8: Response spectra in displacement (SD in m in ordinate) as function of frequency (from 0.01
to 100 Hz in abscissa).
Colour legend: linear oscillator {𝑓0 ; 𝜉0 }; equivalent linear oscillator; nonlinear oscillator.
- For elastoplastic resonant and stiff oscillators, the frequency shift is tiny if not
negligible; the nonlinear effect is expressed through damping which results in a
remarkable decrease of the spectrum peak magnitude.
- For damage oscillators, the frequency shift is very visible either on the SD spectrum
(flexible oscillators) or on the SA spectrum (resonant and stiff oscillators). The effect
on peak amplitude is limited due to the relatively small equivalent damping.
- Regardless the type of constitutive relationship, the SA peak response spectrum of the
resonant oscillator is significantly reduced. This result reflects that the oscillator is
detuned as soon as it enters the nonlinear regime.
- Response spectra delivered by the ELFYR method constitute a very good
approximation of those that are derived from nonlinear calculations, as confirmed
hereunder by the Anderson’s criterion [15].
In order to assess the similarity between two signals of acceleration, Anderson
introduced ten criteria, including criterion C8 dedicated to quantify the similarity of
acceleration response spectra [15]. According to Anderson, a note between 8 and 10 means
that an excellent fit is obtained. The similarity in term of SA between the nonlinear and
equivalent linear systems were quantified by using the C8 Anderson’s criterion for the nine
cases under consideration, in the 0.01-100 Hz frequency range. The nine obtained notes were
larger than 9.6, substantiating the very good performance of the ELFYR approach for spectrum
[1] Seed, H. B. & Idriss, I. M., 1970. Soil moduli and damping factors for dynamic response
analyses. EERC 70-10.
[2] Gulkan, P. & Sozen, M. A., 1974. Inelastic responses of reinforced concrete structure
to earthquake motions. Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 71, No. 12, pp. 604-610.
[3] Iwan, W. D., 1974. A model for the dynamic analysis of deteriorating systems.
Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol.2, pp 1094-
[4] Kennedy, R. P. et al., 1984. Engineering characterization of ground motion. Task I.
Effects of characteristics of free-field motion on structural response, NUREG/CR-3805.
[5] Chopra, A. K. & Goel, R. K., 1999. Capacity-demand-diagram methods for estimating
seismic deformation of inelastic structures : SDF systems. PEER1999/02.
[6] Priestley, M. J. N., Calvi, G. M. & Kowalsky, M. J., 2007. Displacement-based seismic
design of structures. Pavia, Italy: IUSS Press.
[7] Politopoulos, I. & Feau, C., 2007. Some aspects of floor spectra of 1DOF nonlinear
primary structures. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Volume 36, pp.
[8] Tajimi, H., 1960. A statistical method of determining the maximum response of a
building structure during an earthquake. Proc. 2nd World Conf. on Earthquake Eng. pp.
[9] Clough, R. W. & Penzien, J., 1975. Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hill, 1975.
[10] Jennings, P. C., Housner, G. W. & Tsai, N. C., 1968. Simulated earthquake motions.
California Institute of Technology.
[11] Mazars, J., 1986. A description of micro-and macroscale damage of concrete structures.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 25(5-6), 729-737
[12] Newmark, N. M., & Hall, W. J. (1978). Development of criteria for seismic review of
selected nuclear power plants. NUREG/CR-0098.
[13] Gantenbien, F. & Hoffmann, A., 1986. Effect des seismes sur la structre - Contribution
a la prise en compte de la ductilite. CEA-DEMT 86-199 Internal report.
[14] Labbé, P. B., 1994. Ductility demand and design of piping systems. 10th European
Conference of Earthquake Engineering (pp. 2689-2693).
[15] Anderson, J. G. (2004, August). Quantitative measure of the goodness-of-fit of synthetic
seismograms. The 13th world conference on earthquake engineering conference
proceedings, Vancouver, Canada, Paper (Vol. 243).
Abstract. The hydroelectric scheme of Foz Tua is located on Tua river and includes a concrete
arc dam. Seismological studies carried out aimed to define the design earthquakes. For this
purpose, different approaches for definition of design earthquakes were analysed and the OBE
(operating basis earthquake) and the MDE (maximum design earthquake) were defined. The
application of the methodology adopted required a previous review of geological and
seismological data of the area, mainly focused on regional active faults and on earthquake
data recorded at vicinity of dam site. Seismic motions for the MDE were evaluated through a
stochastic methodology which take into account fault geometry, rupture heterogeneities and
characteristics of seismic wave propagation media.
The seismic actions that should be considered in the design of large dams are well
defined in ICOLD (International Commission of Large Dams) Bulletins and also in Portuguese
dam safety regulations, foreseeing the use of the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE), the
Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) or the Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE).
The definition of the mentioned earthquakes required a previous review of geological
and seismological data of the area, mainly focused on regional active faults and on earthquake
data recorded at vicinity of dam site. However, the methodologies to be used in the
seismological studies to characterize the seismic ground motion of those earthquakes are not
so well established, mainly for the MCE or MDE, earthquakes of higher magnitudes.
Two approaches, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and deterministic seismic
analysis (DSHA) are widely used in deriving the ground motion parameters for design
purposes. However, for both approaches there are significant weaknesses affecting the seismic
input at the dam site and the definition of the design earthquake for a dam site should be based
on finite-fault modeling. This mentioned methodology was applied to assess the MDE for Foz
Tua hydropower project.
Given the features of the region where the dam site is located and taken into account the
low seismicity of the surrounding area, it was considered adequate to assume for the earthquake
source zone a circle area with a radius of 100 km long centered in the dam site (Figure 1). This
zone is characterized by a diffuse seismicity where an equiprobable maximum earthquake of
magnitude M5.0 in any point inside of this area may be assumed.
Considering that the operating basis earthquake relates to the maximum earthquake with
a high probability to occur during the lifetime of the dam, it was assumed that a maximum
earthquake M = 5.0 constituted a credible seismic hypothesis for the determination of OBE,
which was characterized accordingly by (magnitude, distance, depth):
OBE: M = 5.0; D = 10 km; d = 10 km
The historical maximum magnitude recorded MHME = 5.7 seems to be not related to
any particular fault. Therefore, it was adopted for the maximum designed earthquake a majored
magnitude MDE = MHME + 0.5. Accordingly, MDE was characterized by:
MDE: M= 6.2; D = 10 km; d =10 km
It must be stressed that, in this case, the prediction of the maximum earthquake on the
basis of the concept of the maximum credible earthquake it is not a more advantageous way to
deal with the uncertainty related to the prediction of the maximum earthquake. In fact, the
consideration of the MCE implies the formulation of hypotheses concerning the Vilariça fault
segmentation and the length of an eventual co-seismic rupture at surface, being the prediction
of those parameters merely speculative.
However, and given the importance attributed to the Vilariça fault as a seismic source, it
was considered convenient to assume a second hypothesis for the MDE, which correspond to
the hypothesis of the Vilariça fault reactivation, according to paleoseismicity studies [1].
Despite the doubts raised by the conclusions of that study, namely concerning the maximum
earthquake adopted, a second MDE hypothesis was characterized by:
MDE: M= 7.25; D = 25 km; d =10 km
Figure 1: Earthquakes occurred in the circle areas centered in Foz Tua dam site, considering radius 50 and 100
km long
For a realist and feasible ground motion prediction it is important to use a set of
assumptions about the earthquake source spectrum, effects of path and site conditions. To make
allowance for these effects, the methodology applied for ground motion characterization
(i) the finite-earthquake-source modelling technique [2] that includes a fault discretized into
several elements (sub-faults), a nucleation point (initial point of the rupture), a
heterogeneous slip distribution, a rupture velocity and the summing at the site of the
contribution of each element lagged in time. The ground motion at an observation point
is obtained by summing the contributions over all sub faults (Figure 2, left). An element
triggers when the rupture reaches its centre. The contributions from all elements are
lagged and summed at the receiver, the time delay for an element being given by the time
required for the rupture to reach the element, plus the time for shear wave propagation
from the element to the receiver. The duration of motion comes from the source duration
plus the path duration.
(ii) the source-point stochastic model [3]: each element of the fault is modelled as a
stochastic omega-square point source, the amplitude of the acceleration Fourier spectrum
for each subfault is calculated as a product of the spectrum produced by the source at a
certain distance and filtering functions representing the effects of path attenuation and
site response (Figure 2, right).
Atc ( f ) e f k
Upper Crustal
Geometric Attenuation
f R Q
An( f , R) e
Inelastic Attenuation
Displacement source spectrum
1 Mo
S(f ) fc 0,49 3
43 1 (f / fc )2 M0
Figure 2: Left: Summing process ; Right: Schematic view of the stochastic model
Finite-fault simulations require that the fault-plane geometry (length, width, strike, dip,
number of subfaults considered and depth to the upper edge), the source parameters (seismic
moment, slip distribution, stress drop, nucleation point, rupture velocity), the crustal properties
of the region (geometrical spreading coefficient and anelastic attenuation) and the site-specific
soil response information be previously specified.
The model parameters calibration has been obtained with a dataset that includes
horizontal components of ground acceleration records (at rock sites) obtained by the
Portuguese digital accelerometer network and from independent studies. Validation, by
comparing synthetic seismograms against recorded ones, were done entirely in terms of 5%
damped pseudo absolute response spectra for acceleration [4].
To account for the uncertainty in model parameters, and to estimate upper bound for the
seismic input it is important to perform a large number of runs for the same fault. The effects
of aleatory uncertainty is considered expressing random variability in the parameter from one
ground motion realization to another. Each key parameter (length, width and strike of the fault,
stress drop, upper crustal attenuation and geometric-spreading coefficient) is treated as a
probability distribution (truncated normal or uniform distributions, depending on the parameter
which is being modelled).
While seismic motions for the OBE were evaluated considering either the deterministic
approach and two different attenuation laws [5][6] or the probabilistic approach for a 145 years
return period - 50% of exceedance probability for a 100 years lifetime - (Figure 3), MDE was
assessed considering the stochastic methodology described in the previous section. For that,
fifteen random trials were realized, each run with a different combination of the set of
parameters (Table 1), according to the probabilistic distribution of each one, considering a
random distribution of the slip and a random initiation point of rupture so that it was possible
to capture directivity effects. Results were presented in terms of response spectral amplitudes
(Figure 4).
Table 1: Seismic source parameters, and their variability, considered to MDE assessment
Slip random
Figure 3: OBE assessment. Left: Deterministic approach. Right: probabilistic approach, for a 145 years return
Figure 4: MDE=6.2 assessment. Left: 15 response spectra, corresponding to the random trials simulated. Right:
mean and the mean plus and minus one standard deviation spectra
Table 2: Final peak ground acceleration (PGA), considering OBE and MDE, for Foz Tua dam site (in brackets it
is shown PGA values plus 1 standard deviation)
OBE 51 (90)* 29 (49)* – 29
R=10 km
200 (267)*
R=10 km
231 (340)*
R=25 km
Well-founded physical models must be used as the basis for the predictions of strong
motion in Portugal. The finite-fault model, when a fault is known, will generate more accurate
ground-motion time histories for a future earthquake at a site near the fault, since it incorporates
average directivity effects and provides the correct ground motion based on fault rupture time.
Being so, it is emphasized in this paper that the MDE should be synthesize by stochastic finite
fault methods, as there are major obstacles when using seismic hazard commonly used
approaches such as PSHA and DSHA.
The stochastic finite fault methodology was applied for the first time to assess MDE for
Portuguese dams.
Keywords: Armenia; dams, earthquake; seismic hazard; soil; prevailing periods; seismic
Abstract. We have set forward the task of determining the quantitative values of
expected seismic hazard on the territory of Yeghvard reservoir designed on Qasakh river. To
solve this problem, we have carried out the following comprehensive research works. A
catalog of earthquakes on the Yeghvard reservoir and adjacent territories was compiled.
Active faults in the area were observed. The seismicity for R=150km area was studied
resulting in the assessment of baseline seismic hazard on the territory of the reservoir for the
mid class soils (II class-[3]soil conditions (first stage-DSZ). We have identified main
engineering geological areas characterizing the study area and determined maximum values
of seismic intensity expected in typical ground conditions in parts of g. We calculated and
constructed Fourier spectra, and determined prevailing patterns of seismic fluctuations in
different ground conditions. Based on the results of the two stages, the seismic micro-zoning
1: 2000 scale map for the reservoir area was compiled with the corresponding expected
acceleration values (second stage - SMZ).
Hydrotechnical structures and facilities such as reservoirs, dams, tunnels, canals, etc.,
are extremely important for the economics of each country - its ecology and social sphere.
Violations during operation period can lead to accidents, environmental and social disasters.
The damage caused by the destruction of each structure can be huge. Therefore, we should
pay attention to the reliability and safety of these structures. Security activities should be
performed starting from the design stage. When designing exactly reservoir dams, one should
take into account the degree of seismic hazard on its territory that will help reduce seismic
risk for both the structure and neighboring settlements.
This work relates to the assessment of seismic hazard on the territory of Yeghvard
reservoir. Yeghvard reservoir is one of the most important hydraulic structures in Armenia. It
is located in the central part of the Republic of Armenia near the town of Yeghvard. Within
the framework of "Improvement of the Yeghvard reservoir irrigation system in Armenia"
project preparation, carried out under financial support of the Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA), large-scale geological-geophysical, seismological, engineering-
IGES NAS RA, e-mail: [email protected]
IGES NAS RA, e-mail: [email protected]
seismological detailed studies were carried out aimed at determining the expected seismic
hazard on the proposed Yeghvard reservoir.
The work was performed in two stages. At the first stage, detailed seismic zoning
(DSZ) of the territory of the Yeghvard reservoir was performed; the maximum expected
horizontal acceleration of PGA (in parts of g) is determined in the dam territory for the
original middle-class soils by seismic properties.
At the second stage of work based on comprehensive engineering-geological and
instrumental studies, seismic micro-zonation (SMZ) of the dam areas was carried out. Zones
with the most vivid geotechnical and seismic characteristics are identified. Moreover, the
expected PGA maximum horizontal seismic effects in g parts are determined for these zones.
Figure 1. Map of sources of strong earthquakes (M>5.0) and active faults in the adjacent territories of
Yeghvard dam area R=150km
Relying on obtained results we can conclude that the assessed initial seismic hazard for the
territory of Yeghvard designed reservoir is PGA=0.36g for mid (II class) ground
sediments (series 2а) thinly, but it is rather difficult to distinguish in the site. Recent Aeolian
diluvial - proluvial formations (series ① and 1a) cover almost all of the central portion of the
reservoir area, represented by gray Sandy Loam or Loamy Sand with comparatively
impervious property. Thin sand or clay layers are intercalated. Thickness of the formation is
said from 35 to 40m in the central portion. However, the total thickness of relatively
impervious layers including Lower to Lower-middle Quaternary - Lacustrine -alluvial
deposits (series ⑥ to ⑧) should be beyond 120m in the central portion.
Cohe Filtrati
Porosit sion Natu on Numbe Consi
Grou Densi Friction
N y C ral coeffic r stenc
nds ty angle
accordin Ground type coeffic kg/s humi ient plasticit y
categ 0
g Fig. 2 ient m2 dity Kf index
ory g/sm3 (natural)
(E) (natu W% m/day Wn IL
4 Welded tuff (Pink) 1.74 - - 6 13 55 - -
10 Welded tuff (Black) 1.94 - - 5 17 65 - -
5, 13, 15 Basaltic Andesite lava 2.23 - - 5 23 70 - -
14 Volcanic Breccia 2.08 0.3 - 13 4-5 23 - -
Sandy Loam and 1.65 0.48 13 18- 0.4-0.5 24 4.5-5.5 <0
Loamy Sand 22
2 Surface Gravel 1.8 - 0.02 16 1.66 27 - -
Moraine Deposit 1.90 - - - - - - -
Sand and Loamy 1.70 0.5 - 10 1,5 30 - <0
II 7
9 Lithoidal Pumice 1.45 0.42 - - - - - -
11 Scoria Tuff 1.85 0.36 - - - - - <0
12 Piroclastic Flow 1.8 - - - - - - -
Sandstone, Clay, 1.80 0.5 0.68 - 0.28 18 3.6 0.25
Marls (Hrazdan Suite)
Figure 3: The cross section in the base of the first dam and the location of the observation point
Figure 4: The cross section in the base of the second dam and the location of the observation point
Two explosion were implemented. The first explosion was aimed at studying the
small dam (fig.2. dam 1), and the second explosion to study the large dam (fig.2. dam 2). For
the explosion in the center of the designed reservoir, two wells each 5 meters depth were
drilled. Device installation schemes and explosion points are presented on the scheme of the
actual material (fig.1) and also on sections of the dam foundations (fig.3, fig.4). We have
observed the engineering-geological 30m capacity cross sections of both dam bases. The
cross section of the first dam is composed of up to 4 meters capacity cracked, weathered red
tuff, below within 14 capacity black color weak cracked tuffs are bedded, under which about
3.5 meter capacity are strongly weathered red tuff sands, below these up to 30 m depth, with
8.5 meter capacity are fine-grained alluvial sands and loamy sand layers. The capacity of
fine-grained sands with loamy sand layer gradually decreases on the left of central part and
disappears abruptly to the right of it. The observation points O/P1-3 and O/P1-4 (fig.3) are
located in this section. Given that, explored area lacks in pure second-class ground conditions
according seismic properties, so O/P1-1 is accepted as a etalon or baseline with Basaltic
Andesite Lava pure first class ground conditions. Figure 4 shows the cross section of the
second dam. The main composition of this section is Moraine Deposit gravel with a capacity
of about 3 m, located on andesite-basaltic soils with a capacity of more than 50 meters. As
with the first dam, ground conditions of a purely second category are also lacking here by
seismic properties. Therefore, the ground conditions at the O/P2-1 were also considered the
initial or baseline for the second dam. According to the BCRA norms when shifting from
second-class ground conditions to first-class the value of the initial seismic intensity will be
PGA=0.36g*0.8=0.288g=0.29g: where PGA=0.36g is the value of initial seismic intensity,
obtained at the first stage of investigation.
According to the records of explosions and using the formula of S.V. Medvedev [1]
seismic intensity increments are determined O/P1-1 and O/P2-1 for the first and second dams
Using the obtained records, the values of the prevailing periods for each observation
point are also calculated. The results of the calculations are shown in table 3. Microtremor
observations were carried out in different parts of the study area at 14 points, including all
possible ground types. Fourier spectra were built according to microtremor recordings, using
which prevailing periods were determined. The research results showed that in the study
area, the background of microtremors is characterized by a rather wide range of prevailing
periods of grounds Т0=0.1÷0.5 sec, whereas the calculated according to BCRA II 6.02-2006,
5.3.3 [3] is T0 ∙ 1.3 = 0.13 ÷ 0.65 sec (table 4). For both ground types, according to their
engineering geological properties the following prevailing periods are distinguished;
for the I class it is Т=0.1 ÷0.25 sec (calculated 0.13÷0.32 sec)
for the II class it is Т=0.3 ÷ 0.5 sec (calculated 0.4 ÷0.65 sec).
2.5 Seismic hazard assessment for Yeghvard reservoir dam installation area (Seismic
microzoning map)
Seismic micro-zoning for Yeghvard reservoir dam installation area was carried out by
seismic micro-zoning implementation general rules [2,4,5,6]. Moreover, seismic hazard
degree in the sections with different type grounds was determines using two methods;
engineering-geological analogies and instrumental explosion recordings.
Acceleration by g
according to
Ground Dominant periods maximum
Eng.- seismic-
Section Name category T0(sec.) acceleration
geol.anal explosio
values by g
ogy ns
The central part of the
II 0.2-0.4 (0.26-0.52) 0.36 - 0.36
The right side of the first dam II - 0.36 0.32 0.32
The left side of the first dam I 0.15-0.2 (0.2-0.26) 0.29 0.29 0.29
A part of the right side of
II - 0.36 0.31 0.31
the second dam
0.12-0.2 (0.17-
The rest of the second dam I 0.29 - 0.29
Other areas of the reservoir I 0.29 - 0.29
Using high frequency microtremor methods, the prevailing periods for different type
ground conditions were determined. When determining prevailing periods by Fourier spectra
seismic explosion recordings were also used. The final degree of seismic hazard was
determined by the analysis of the intensity values obtained by these methods. The central part
of the reservoir, which was previously assessed as second-class ground by its seismic
properties, was estimated at PGA = 0.36g. More attention was paid to the dam deployment
areas. According to engineering, geological, and instrumental researches, there are both first
and second class grounds in these sites. It should be noted that the second class sites
identified on the dam according to their physical and mechanical properties and dynamic
parameters exceed the norms of the Second Class Grounds.
As a result of explosions the following acceleration values were obtained: for the first
dam it is PGA=0.32g and PGA=0.31g for the second dam (table 5). The rest of the reservoirs
area is composed of first-class ground conditions and the degree of assessed seismic hazard is
PGA = 0.29g.
Based on obtained results, the map of the expected seismic hazard or seismic micro-
zoning (fig. 5) has been compiled. Summarizing obtained results for all the sections of the
dams as the expected seismic hazard value PGA = 0.32g acceleration value is accepted.
[16] N.V. Shebalin and R.E. Tatevosian. Catalog of large historical of the
Caucasus.Historical and Prehistorical Earthquakes in the Caucasus. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, (1997).
[17] S.A. Pirousian et al. The Catalog of strong earthquakes in the territory of Armenia and
adjacent regions. Historical and Prehistorical Earthquakes in the Caucasus. Kluwer Ac.
Pub. (1997).
[18] N.N. Ambraseys and C.P. Melville. A History of Persian Earthquakes, Cambridge
University Press, London, (1982).
[19] Ergin Kazim and Guglo Ugur, A Catalog of Earthquakes for Turkey and Surrounding
Area (11 A.D. to 1964 A. D) ve Zeki Uz, Istanbul, (1967).
[20] Ergin Kazim, A Catalogue of Earthquakes of Turkey and Surrounding Area, (1965-
1970), EPhE, Istanbul, (1971).
[21] K. Sadich et al. Attenuation relationships for Shallow crustal earthquakes based on
California strong motion data. Seismol. Res. Lett 68. (1997).
[22] K. Camptell And Bozorgia. Near-Source attenuation of peak acceleration from
worldwide accelerograms recorded from 1957 to 1993. Procudings Fifth National
Conference on Earthguake Engineering EERI.3. (1994).
[23] W. Joyner and D. Boore. Measurement, characterization and preduction of strong
ground motion. Proc. Earth. Eng. and Soil Dyn.Div. ASSE. vol II GT. (1988).
[24] F.F. Aptikaev. Strong ground motions during earthquakes. PhD Dissertation abstract
Moscow, (2001).
[25] A.S. Karakhanian, R.A.Haroutiunyan, V.S. Balasanyan, A.O. Assatryan. Cataloge of
strong historical earthquakes in the Armenian Upland. Georisk, Scientific Research
Company Armenia (1998).
[26] A.S. Karakhanian, R.T. Djrbashian, V.G. Trifonov, H. Philip, S. Arakelian,
A.V.Avagian,. Holocene-historical volcanism and active faults as natural risk factor
for Armenia and adjacent countries. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[27] A.S. Karakhanian, V.G. Trifonov, H. Philip, A.Avagyan et al. Active faulting and
natural hazards in Armenia, Eastern Turkey and north-western Iran. Tectonophysics
[28] J.-F. Ritz, A. Avagyan, M. Mkrtchyan, H. Nazari, P.-H. Blard, A. Karakhanian et al.
Active tectonics within the NW and SE extensions of the Pambak-Sevan-Syunik fault:
Implications for the present geodynamics of Armenia. ARTICLE IN PRESS.
Quaternary International xxx, (2015).
Abstract. Depending on local geological and tectonic conditions, strong aftershocks may
occur after a major earthquake and the seismicity in the region may remain high for days or
months. Besides main shock and aftershocks, dams may be subjected to several earthquakes
during their long service life, especially in regions of high seismicity. The seismic design
aspects of large dams subjected to strong aftershocks, or multiple earthquakes are discussed.
In the case of a dam weakened by an earthquake, when there are threats of aftershocks or
when there are doubts about the seismic safety of a dam, the safety can be increased by
lowering of the reservoir. In the analysis of aftershocks and multiple earthquakes the time
between events may play an important role as rainfall after an earthquake may reduce the
static stability of cracked embankment dams or due to blockage of the drainage or damage of
the grout curtain the full uplift pressure may develop under a concrete dam, reducing the static
safety of the dam and increasing the earthquake vulnerability. Moreover, the rockfall or
landslide hazard may increase, if an aftershock occurs during or after a period of extensive
rainfall. The focus of this paper is on ground shaking. In general, aftershocks are a problem,
when the static safety has decreased after the main shock. In this case the seismic safety check
may consist of two separate analyses, i.e. one for the main shock and the second for the main
aftershocks, taking into account decreased strength properties. When no static safety
deterioration has taken place after the first shock then effects of aftershocks and multiple
earthquakes can be accounted for in the dynamic analyses by simply extending the duration of
strong ground shaking of the safety evaluation earthquake. This extended acceleration time
history is a model of the ground shaking and not a real one, but using such a model the damage
accumulated by the main and aftershocks or multiple earthquakes can be determined. Finally,
the seismic safety aspects of dams built in areas, where strong earthquakes have occurred in
the past, are discussed.
Depending on local geological and tectonic conditions, strong aftershocks may occur
after a major earthquake and the seismicity in the region may remain high for days or months.
Besides main shock and aftershocks, dams may be subjected to several earthquakes during
their long service life, especially in regions of high seismicity. The seismic design aspects of
Senior Engineer, Poyry Switzerland Ltd. Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
e-mail: [email protected]
large dams subjected to strong aftershocks, or multiple earthquakes are discussed. In the case
of a dam weakened by an earthquake, when there are threats of aftershocks or when there are
doubts about the seismic safety of a dam, the safety can be increased by lowering of the
reservoir. In the analysis of aftershocks and multiple earthquakes the time between events may
play an important role as rainfall after an earthquake may reduce the static stability of cracked
embankment dams or due to blockage of the drainage or damage of the grout curtain the full
uplift pressure may develop under a concrete dam, reducing the static safety of the dam and
increasing the earthquake vulnerability. Moreover, the rockfall or landslide hazard may
increase, if an aftershock occurs during or after a period of extensive rainfall. However, in this
paper the focus is on ground shaking.
In general, aftershocks are a problem, when the static safety has decreased after the main
shock. In this case the seismic safety check may consist of two separate analyses, i.e. one for
the main shock and the second for the main aftershocks, taking into account decreased strength
properties. When no static safety deterioration has taken place after the first shock then effects
of aftershocks and multiple earthquakes can be accounted for in the dynamic analyses by
simply extending the duration of strong ground shaking of the safety evaluation earthquake.
This extended acceleration time history is a model of the ground shaking and not a real one,
but using such a model the damage accumulated by the main and aftershocks or multiple
earthquakes can be determined.
In dams and other structures, the damage generally depends on the duration of strong
ground shaking or the number of relevant load cycles. For example, the damage of reinforced
concrete or steel structures can be described by low-cycle fatigue models. In this case the
aftershocks or multiple earthquakes increase the number of equivalent load cycles and thus
contribute to the low cycle fatigue damage. A similar situation is encountered when trains are
crossing a steel bridge, where the number of train passages contributes to the fatigue damage.
This well established concept can be used for the seismic safety assessment of dams, which is
discussed in this paper.
2.3 Seismic performance criteria for large dams and safety-critical elements
In the past, when the pseudo-static analysis method was used and the earthquake ground
motion was characterized by a seismic coefficient – this method is obsolete and shall no longer
be used for large dams [2] - the main performance criteria for concrete dams were allowable
stresses and sliding and overturning safety factors and for embankment dams it was the sliding
stability of critical slopes [3] [4]. Today, the seismic performance criteria of dams are given in
a rather general way for both the OBE and SEE, which are very different from those used in
the past. This creates problems to engineers, who were used to work with well-defined
allowable stresses and sliding and overturning safety factors.
The following criteria apply for the OBE:
(i) Dam body and foundation: No structural damage in dam is accepted; the safety-
relevant elements must remain functioning.
(ii) Safety-relevant components and equipment (gated spillways, bottom outlets)
shall be fully operable after the OBE and therefore should behave elastically
during the OBE.
The following criteria apply for the SEE:
(i) Dam body and foundation: The reservoir must be retained safely, structural
damage (cracks, deformations, leakage etc.) are accepted as long as the stability
of the dam is ensured and no large quantities of water are released from the
reservoir causing flooding in the downstream region of the dam.
(ii) After the SEE the reservoir level must be controlled and it must be possible to
release a moderate flood by the spillway or low level outlet(s), which must
remain functioning.
(iii) After the SEE it should be possible to lower the reservoir for repair of
earthquake damage, and/or to increase the safety of a dam, if there are doubts
about its static or seismic safety after an earthquake or other incidents.
(iv) Safety-relevant components and equipment (gated spillways, bottom outlets)
must be fully operable after the SEE. Minor distortions and damage (e.g.
leakage of seals of gates) are accepted as long as they have no impact on the
proper functioning of the components and equipment. This means that all gates,
valves, motors, control units, power supply and emergency power generators
for the spillway and low level outlets must withstand the SEE ground motions
and they must be functioning after the SEE, i.e. the equipment shall be properly
anchored etc. This is a new requirement of ICOLD [1], which concerns hydro-
mechanical and electro-mechanical engineers, who may not have been fully
aware of their importance in the seismic safety of dams.
The OBE performance criteria can be verified by dynamic linear-elastic stress and
deformation analyses - usually time history analyses -, and by rigid body sliding (and
overturning) stability analyses using the peak acceleration acting in the centre of gravity of the
sliding mass [3]. The safety criteria are given in terms of allowable stresses, deformation (e.g.
crack width) and allowable sliding stability safety factor for the OBE load combination. The
safety criteria are basically the same as those used in pseudo-static analyses, however, the
pseudo-static method has been replaced by a linear dynamic analysis, and the seismic
coefficient has been replaced by the peak acceleration acting on the moving mass.
The SEE performance criteria for the dam body will require a nonlinear dynamic analysis
as discussed in the subsequent Section. These analyses must all be done in the time domain,
requiring the seismic input in the form of acceleration time histories. The main results required
for the safety checks are the inelastic deformations of the dam after the earthquake. The basis
of the safety checks are the failure modes of embankment and concrete dams as discussed
For other types of dams, other failure modes have to be considered. This applies mainly
to earth dams, concrete face rockfill dams, asphalt core or asphalt surface dams, dams on soil
foundation, dams on problematic foundations (dissolution of material, liquefaction, etc.).
The main structural failure modes can be checked based on dynamic stability analyses
of slopes of embankment dams, sliding blocks of concrete dams or wedges in the dam
Several dams have been damaged by strong earthquakes. Concrete dams have
experienced cracking and joint movements and embankment dams have experienced inelastic
deformations and different types of cracking as shown in Fig. 1.
Sliding movements of concrete dams may damage the grout curtain and drainage system
causing changes in the uplift pressures along sliding surfaces. Damage of waterstops and
cracks will allow water seeping into joints and cracks at the upstream dam face etc. Open
cracks in embankment dams may be subject to water infiltration during rainfall after an
These may be some of the important changes, which may take place between the time of
the earthquake and the largest aftershocks or between two subsequent earthquakes.
Figure 1: Crack in Sefid Rud buttress dam caused by the 1990 Manjil earthquake in Iran (left) and cracks in
embankment dam covered by plastic sheets following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China (right)
As discussed in the previous Section, water may cause changes in the pore pressure
distribution and uplift forces in dams, which experienced inelastic deformations and cracking
during strong earthquake. Moreover, the strength properties along sliding surfaces may
decrease and approach residual strength values, depending on the size of movements.
These are the main physical changes that may take place after an earthquake. If no
changes occur in the water regime within the dam, the effect of aftershocks and multiple
earthquakes can accounted for in the seismic analysis and safety assessment of a dam, by
simply extending the duration of strong ground shaking in the seismic ground motion model
discussed in Section 2.5. It is assumed conservatively that the acceleration response spectra of
the aftershock and multiple seismic events are the same as that of the main earthquake. In the
case of the main aftershocks, whose magnitude is about 0.5 to 1.0 smaller than that of the main
shock, the duration of strong ground shaking of the aftershock will be shorter than that of the
main shock. This duration of strong ground shaking is then added to that of the main shock.
This can be considered as a conservative assumption.
In the case where between the main shock and aftershock or between multiple seismic
events physical changes are anticipated, then independent analyses for all events would be
needed. Again, ground motion models should be used for the conservative analysis of such
As water has a negative effect on the seismic safety of a damaged dam, it is necessary to
lower the reservoir, if low level outlets are provided, and to cover open cracks by plastic sheets
as shown in Fig. 1. Covering of cracks, will prevent intrusion of surface water and lowering of
the reservoir will increase the safety of the dam and will reduce the amount of water that could
be released in the case of the accidental failure of a dam. Therefore, the provision of low level
outlets is an effective mean to reduce the seismic risks of dams.
To illustrate the effect of aftershocks and multiple earthquakes, the sliding movements
of a gravity dam for different seismic scenarios are calculated. In this analysis the following
assumptions are made:
(i) only the horizontal earthquake component is considered,
(ii) the sliding movement will occur along the dam-foundation contact,
(iii) the reservoir is full and the grout curtain is working at the time of the main shock,
(iv) residual shear strength with zero cohesion is assumed along the sliding surface with
a friction coefficient of 0.7, and
(v) the duration of strong ground shaking of the aftershock is taken as 1/3 of that of the
main shock, i.e. 7 s.
Figure 2: Cross-section of gravity dam used in dynamic sliding stability analysis with uplift pressure in kPa
and elevations in m
The main shock-aftershock scenarios 1 and 2 are applicable, if the aftershock occurs
within a short period after the main shock and the uplift pressure in concrete dams or the water
pressure in embankment dams affected by rainfall (see Fig. 1 with protection of cracks by
plastic sheets to prevent infiltration of rain water in the cracked dam) will remain unchanged.
Figure 2 shows the geometry of the gravity dam with the distribution of the uplift
pressure at the dam-foundation contact. In this figure the reservoir water level and the tail-
water level are also shown. The effects of the grout curtain and drainage system are taken into
account, assuming an efficiency of 70%, which is usually assumed in the design.
The sliding movements of the dam are analysed with computer program RS-DAM [6].
The analysed load combination includes dead load of the dam, hydrostatic pressure for
full reservoir and earthquake ground motion. The hydrodynamic pressure is represented by an
added mass according to Westergaard, assuming incompressible water in the reservoir.
The acceleration time histories applied to the base of the dam, according to the scenarios
1 to 7 discussed above, are illustrated in Figs. 3 to 5. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) of
the main shock is 0.67 g the duration of the earthquake is 35 s. The effects of the aftershock
are idealized by a 7 s long record of strong ground shaking taken from another acceleration
time history with the same characteristics (acceleration response spectrum) as the main shock.
The second main shock in the multiple earthquake scenarios is also assumed to have the same
dynamic characteristics (acceleration response spectrum and duration) as the main shock.
It is important to note that these earthquake time histories are not ground motions from
real earthquakes. They represent idealized models of ground motions, which are used by dam
engineers for the evaluation of the seismic safety of the dam. For that purpose, there is no need
to calculate the dynamic behaviour of the dam accurately. Of importance is the analysis of the
worst case failure scenario of the dam, which is the sliding stability. In the present example
only the sliding movement along the dam-foundation contact is analysed, however, sliding
movements of detached concrete blocks close to the dam crest are more critical than the base
sliding as discussed in [7].
dam base [g]
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
Time (s)
Figure 3: Horizontal acceleration time history at dam foundation: Duration of strong ground shaking extended
by 7 s to account for aftershock
Horizontal acceleration at
dam base [g]
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
Time (s)
Figure 4: Horizontal acceleration time history at dam foundation: Idealized aftershock represented by 7 s of
strong ground shaking inserted after the main shock
dam base [g]
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0
Time (s)
Figure 5: Horizontal acceleration time history at dam foundation: Multiple earthquakes idealized by two main
shocks following each other
Time histories of cumulative sliding displacements of the gravity dam are shown in Figs.
6 and 7 for earthquake scenarios 1 to 4 and 5 to 7, respectively.
Scenario-3,main shock + aftershock,with uplift
Scenario-4,main shock + aftershock,with uplift(50% increase)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (s)
Figure 6: Sliding displacement of gravity dam for main shock-aftershock scenarios 1 to 4
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0
Time (s)
Figure 7: Sliding displacement of gravity dam for scenarios 5 to 7: Two main shocks following each other
The sliding displacements of the seven earthquake scenarios shown in Figs. 5 to 7 are
given in Table 1. It is obvious that when the uplift pressure is increased or the friction
coefficient is decreased, the cumulative sliding movement of the gravity dam in downstream
direction is increased. The sliding movements would become very large, if the static sliding
stability safety factor is approaching 1.0.
A sensitivity analysis is performed on the amount of increase in uplift pressure during
the second main shock. Normal uplift with friction coefficient of 1.0 is assumed for the first
main shock. In the second main shock residual friction coefficient of 0.7 is considered and
uplift is increased by 0%, 25%, 50% and 75%. The resulting residual displacement are 0.8 m,
1.25 m, 2.2 m and 5.15 m, respectively. In this analysis by 25% increase in uplift, residual
displacement increases by about 60% which shows the significant effect of uplift on dam
The dynamic sliding stability analyses were carried out for one set of earthquakes,
however, for the safety assessment of dams according to ICOLD [1], at least three different
earthquakes shall be analysed for each of the 7 scenarios discussed above. But as the main
objective of this paper is to discuss the effect of different earthquake scenarios on the sliding
movement, the analysis of three different earthquake records is not required.
Table 1: Summary of sliding movements for different earthquake scenarios (Normal uplift means uplift pressure
distribution according to Fig. 2)
Main shock Aftershock/2nd main shock Sliding displacement (m)
uplift Friction uplift Friction Total end of first due to aftershock
coefficient coefficient main shock or second main
Scenario-1 without 0.7 without 0.7 0.217 - -
Scenario-2 with (Normal) 0.7 with (Normal) 0.7 1.052 - -
Scenario-3 with (Normal) 0.7 with (Normal) 0.7 1.054 0.712 0.342
Scenario-4 with (Normal) 1.0 with (50% increase) 0.7 1.038 0.082 0.957
Scenario-5 without 0.7 without 0.7 0.227 0.120 0.107
Scenario-6 with (Normal) 0.7 with (Normal) 0.7 1.419 0.713 0.707
Scenario-7 with (Normal) 1.0 with (50% increase) 0.7 2.198 0.082 2.116
Based on the discussions made in this paper, the following conclusions can be made
regarding the analysis of the effects aftershocks and multiple earthquakes on the safety of
1. Aftershocks may have dynamic characteristics that are different from those of the
main shock and the magnitude of the strongest aftershock may 0.5 to 1.0 magnitudes
less than that of the main shock.
2. Aftershocks following strong earthquakes or multiple earthquakes that have not
caused any important cracks or sliding movements, the effect of these earthquakes
can be accounted for in the seismic analysis and conservative seismic safety
assessment of dams by extending the duration of strong ground shaking. For
aftershocks the duration of strong ground shaking should range from 5 s to about 1/3
of the duration of strong ground shaking of the main shock.
3. The downstream sliding displacement of the gravity dam is increased, when the uplift
pressure is increased or the friction coefficient is decreased.
4. The sliding movements would become very large, if the static sliding stability safety
factor is approaching 1.0.
5. The dynamic sliding stability analysis of a gravity dam can be carried out by a simple
rigid body analysis.
6. The modelling of the aftershock by extending the duration of strong ground shaking
of the main shock by about 1/3 provides conservative displacement values, when the
uplift and friction properties remain unchanged. If these values are different in the
time of the aftershock main shock and the idealized aftershock must be analysed
7. For multiple earthquakes the same assumptions apply as in item 5 above when the
uplift and friction properties remain unchanged. This is the usual situation as two
main shocks may occur with a large time gap. If the dam is damaged, then the damage
could be repaired or the reservoir could be lowered to increase the safety of the
damaged dam. Lowering of the reservoir will also reduce the effects of aftershocks
if time is sufficiently long between the main shock and the strongest aftershocks.
These conclusions and recommendations are made from the engineering point of view
and apply to new and existing dams, where for the safety checks models of earthquake ground
motion are used, which are not real earthquake ground motions, but allow a proper safety
assessment of the dam as used in standard practice in the design of civil structures subjected
to variable live loads [5]. This means that an accurate model of the aftershock acceleration
time history is not required by the dam engineer.
[1] ICOLD (2016) Selecting seismic parameters for large dams, Guidelines, Bulletin 148,
Committee on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design, International Commission on Large
Dams (ICOLD), Paris.
[2] Wieland, M. (2018) Application of pseudo-static sliding stability analysis in seismic
design and safety evaluation of embankment dams, Proc. 16th European Conf. on
Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 17-21.
[3] Wieland, M. (2019) Seismic design and performance criteria for large dams and methods
of dynamic analysis, Proc. International Dam Safety Conference – 2019, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, India, 13-14 February 2019
[4] Wieland, M. and Brenner, R.P. (2015) Performance criteria for rockfill dams subjected
to multiple seismic hazards, Q98, R.16, Proc. 25th Int. Congress on Large Dams,
ICOLD, Stavanger, Norway, June 13-20.
[5] Wieland, M. (2018) Models of earthquake ground shaking used in seismic design and
safety checks of large dams, Int. Journal of Civil Engineering, doi.org/10.1007/s40999-
018-0339-3, June 2018
[6] Leclerc, M., Leger, P. and Tinawi, R. (2002) RS-DAM user’s manual, University of
Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2002, www.struc.polymtl.ca/rsdam/
[7] Wieland, M. and Ahlehagh, S. (2013) Dynamic stability analysis of a gravity dam subject
to the safety evaluation earthquake, Proc. 9th Symposium of ICOLD European Club
IECS2013, Venice, Italy, April 10-13, 2013
When ICOLD, the International Commission on Large Dams, appointed in 1988 the ad
hoc Committee Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams, converted as a
permanent Technical Committee in 2005 with the aim to fill the gap existing between the
specialists of mathematical modelling and dam designers, authorities, and managers and to
contribute to the diffusion of computer software in the field of dam engineering.
Creating a stronger link between the observed dam behavior and the modelling
process with the aim to contribute to the preservation and maintenance of existing
Promoting mathematical modelling improvements to approach safety-related
problems that cannot at present be properly analyzed;
Issuing guidelines to be used for educational purposes in the current practice. The
Committee is strongly committed to contribute in the process of a suitable transfer of
experience, skill and knowledge across generations.
Graz University of Technology - Austria, e-mail: [email protected]
The work done by the Committee during its long activity has given rise to the issuing
of three Technical Bulletins [1][2][3].
The benchmarking activities represent a reference for the whole dam community, and
in particular for young engineers engaged in the challenging task of dam safety assessment
and design. Such examples can be taken as part of the master education program at the
universities. The problem description together with input data and a concluding report
written by the formulator after the benchmark - about individual results and their comparison
- is available for further discussions.
Several examples of benchmark workshops deal with seismic induced loading of dam
structures. Many of those more recently examined have considered concrete dams. During
the benchmark workshops BW10 (2009, Paris), BW12 (2013, Graz), BW13 (2015,
Lausanne), BW14 (2017, Stockholm) the following examples related to seismic aspects of
analyses of dams were discussed:
BW10 - Theme A: Initial strain and stress development in a thin arch dam considering
realistic construction sequence
BW12 - Theme A: Fluid structure interaction arch dam - reservoir at seismic loading
BW13 - Theme A: Seismic Safety Assessment of the Luzzone Arch Dam
BW14 - Theme B: Static and seismic analysis of an arch-gravity dam
In the next paragraph, a focus on a study-case proposed and analyzed during the 12th
Benchmark Workshop held in Graz (Austria) in 2013 is deeply discussed.
The aim of this example was to gain further knowledge regarding the effects of the
different modelling techniques for FSI. Hence, a linear model of a symmetric arch dam with
a simplified geometry has been provided to the contributors, to focus on the results of the
different modelling approaches, which can be classified in two general types:
If the fluid domain is modelled with the above-mentioned types of finite elements,
further boundary conditions have to be applied, such as zero pressure at the free surface of
the water body as well as reflecting or non-reflecting boundary conditions at the bottom and
at the back end of the reservoir. Therefore, the engineers have to make some assumptions
related to these additional boundary conditions.
The formulators defined the geometry and two meshes (a coarse and fine) of a 220
meters high arch dam, the foundation body and reservoir, as shown in Figure 1. Furthermore,
material parameters, acceleration time histories together with general specifications regarding
damping, applied loads and boundary conditions have been defined.
The contributors were asked to conduct analyses such as evaluating the first ten natural frequencies and
corresponding mode shapes as well as the minimum and maximum envelopes over time of displacements and
stresses for static and dynamic load cases, at three different cross sections of the arch dam (
Figure 2).
Finally, 11 participants presented their results in Graz, which were later on compared to
each other and to the reference solution provided by the formulators. In total seven different,
commercial and open - source finite element software packages were used to obtain the
requested results. Four of the participants used the added mass approach according to
Westergaard or Zangar, the other participants modelled the FSI by using acoustic elements to
discretize the fluid domain.
frequencies in the cases were the added mass approach has been used. Beginning with the
third mode, deviations of some results can be noticed.
The comparison of deformations and stresses along the upstream and downstream
surfaces in the defined cross sections, showed that there is a significant spread of the
individual results, especially when the results of static and dynamic loads are superimposed.
One reason can be found in the fact that some participants accounted for several construction
stages dead weight in the calculation of the static load case.
The way how the hydrodynamic effects in the seismic load case are accounted for,
significantly influences the results of this loading situation. If the added mass approach is
considered in the numerical model, the hydrodynamic effects are overestimated which leads
to more conservative results. If Westergaard’s approach is used in its fully frequency
dependent formulation, the results show good agreement to those which are obtained by
using more elaborated methods.
Even in case of acoustic of fluid elements usage, the results are not closely matching
because some additional assumptions are required, like the dampening along the outer
boundaries of the acoustic or fluid domain, for instance, the reflection coefficient at the
bottom of reservoir and the absorption at the end of the reservoir.
Another factor which influences the results are specific calculation methods, especially
for dynamic loading. In this example two participants used the Hybrid Frequency-Time
Domain Method (HFTD-Method) which accounts for frequency dependent properties of the
fluid domain.
Figure 3 and Figure 4 exemplarily show the results of the hoop (arch) stresses for the
main section of the dam plotted against the height of the dam. Letters A to K indicates one of
the participant and REF stands for the reference solution. There are three groups of lines,
where the ones on the left and right refer to the min. and max. values of the time histories.
The group of lines in the middle correspond to the results of the static load case (dead weight
and hydrostatic pressure)
Figure 3: Hoop (arch) stresses at the main section of the dam (upstream) for participants A to E, REF
corresponds to the reference solution
Figure 4: Hoop (arch) stresses at the main section of the dam (upstream) for participants F to K
Therefore, the outcomes of this theme, but also of all other themes of past and future
Benchmark Workshops, are a valuable contribution for more detailed discussions within the
dam engineering community on further modelling assumptions.
For Concrete Dams, the simultaneous excitation produces too conservative results.
Therefore the system and radiation damping under high acceleration need to be better
accounted for in the numerical models. Nonlinear system analysis in the time domain
requires more appropriate modelling of the energy radiation behaviour.
From the requirements pointed out above, many formulated benchmark examples and
future needs have to be related to simulate the seismic behaviour of dams. Therefore a
common workshop with the Committee on Seismic Aspects of dam design was recently held
during the ICOLD Congress in Vienna [7]. The e-book and ICOLD Bulletins [7] ÷ [12] deal
with design, hazard as well as analysis aspects. The observed dam behaviour during
earthquake together with recorded acceleration time histories are valuable information to
carry out back analyses to verify the numerical procedure.
To facilitate the accessibility and critically review the proceedings related to the 14
BWs held so far, a capitalization activity of the tremendous amount of data at disposal has
been recently started. The preparation of a new Bulletin to provide a synthesis of the BWs
results and comments on the progresses achieved on the numerical modelling methods and
the strategies to be used to tackle most of the dam engineering problems is foreseen for the
end of 2019.
Abstract. Nowadays, the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is one of the standard tools for
safety evaluation of the existing dams. Although many factors are involved in risk-informed
condition assessment of infra-structures, a detailed numerical simulation plays the key role.
A comprehensive numerical model usually includes the interaction of the dam with
foundation and reservoir, nonlinearity of the concrete, and appropriate seismic wave
propagation. Often, the concrete is assumed to be a homogenous material which facilitates
the transient simulations. However, in reality, the mass concrete has a heterogeneous nature
especially in the case of old dams suffering from aging and deterioration.
The objective of this joint contribution is to evaluate the seismic response of a typical gravity
dam with heterogeneous concrete material. Since the simulations are cast in the context of
probabilistic methods, a relatively large number of analyses are required to fully understand
the impact of concrete random field on the structural responses (i.e. displacements, and
stresses). Therefore, a Random Forest (RF) meta-model is adopted in order to reduce the
computational burden of the probabilistic simulations. RF is an effective technique in the
regression analyses of the systems with large number of inputs, and can provide a measure
of input variables’ importance. This technique is useful to identify the critical areas within
the dam body which deterioration may affect the seismic stability of the dam and jeopardize
its integrity.
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA. [email protected]
Seminoe Dam. As seen, distribution of the properties in these images is heterogeneous with
the cross section as well as along the canyon.
Figure 1: Modulus of elasticity tomograms for the three cross sections adopted from [2]
To obtain such a realistic distribution within the concrete dams either a series of
detailed (and so expensive) field tests, or numerically generated random patterns are
required. The former one can be used only for the existing dams. However, the latter one is
suitable for both the existing dams and those to be built in future. Since the random patterns
vary case by case, a Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) is usually required to cover all the
potential distributions.
Random field is one of the numerical techniques which accounts for randomness of the
material properties within the domain of interest. Random fields are used to propagate the
uncertainty in space though finite element codes. Application of random fields in concrete
dams is very limited. Zhong et al. [3] and Tang et al. [4] studied the failure of gravity dams
with heterogonous material based on the Weibull distribution law and damage plasticity.
They found when concrete heterogeneity is considered, the stress distribution is no longer
smooth, which therefore better reflects the real-world situation. Altarejos-García et al. [5]
proposed a strategy to analyze failure of dam-foundation interface in concrete dams including
the consideration of the local strength parameters as random variables. Hariri-Ardebili et al.
[6] studied the linear elastic seismic response of gravity dams with random concrete material.
Impact of correlation length, single vs. double random material, 1D vs. 2D uncertainty
propagation were all studied. More recently, Hariri-Ardebili et al. [7] generalized the random
field theory in order to quantify the vibration response of high arch dams in the context of
system identification. An analytical model is proposed for mean and variation of the multi-
modes as a function of geometry, material properties and spatial distribution.
This paper aims to evaluate the seismic response of a typical gravity dam with heterogeneous
concrete material. Since the simulations are cast in the context of probabilistic methods, a
relatively large number of simulations are performed. To reduce the computational burden, a
Random Forest (RF) based meta-model is proposed for probabilistic simulations. It can
provide a measure of input variables’ importance. This technique is useful to identify the
critical areas within the dam body which deterioration may affect the seismic stability of the
dam and jeopardize its integrity.
biased when categorical variables are involved [12], but has offered useful results when all
inputs are numerical [13], as in this work.
Information can also be extracted from the model using partial dependence plots [14]:
For each predictor variable, a set of values evenly distributed along its range is selected. For
each of these values, the mean of the model prediction is calculated considering the real
values of the rest of the predictors:
𝑓̂(𝒙) = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑓(𝒙, 𝒙𝑪 ) (3)
where x is the variable whose effect is to be evaluated, n is the number of samples in
the training set and xC represents the rest of the variables. For example, if x is the Young
modulus of element #1, a set of p equispaced values is defined along its range of variation xj,
j=1…p. First, the original values are replaced by a constant x=x1. The prediction of the
model is calculated keeping the rest of variables (xC) at their original value, and the average
of these predictions is computed. The process is repeated for each xj. This results in a series
of points that show the average effect of the variation of x on the response of the model.
RF models have been previously applied in dam safety assessment based on monitoring
data [15]. Other examples of applications in dam engineering include the estimation of
discharge curves in labyrinth spillways [16] and the identification of the factors affecting the
response of double-curvature arch dams [17].
Figure 2: Finite element model of the coupled dam-reservoir-foundation system, including two sample
realization of a heterogeneous dam with correlation length of 10 m
Table 1 shows the results in terms of the model accuracy for different settings
analyzed. The mean and the standard deviation for the 20 model repetitions are included.
Some conclusions can be drawn from these results:
Model accuracy for the test set is similar to that for training (even better for models C and
E). This proves the absence of over-fitting and the reliability of the OOB error computed by
the training algorithm.
Incorporating the results at time step #27 as inputs allows reducing the error by about 50%
for both the outputs.
Incorporating the results at time step #197 did not result in higher accuracy. This suggests
that the additional input does not provide relevant information regarding the system
response. Since the computational cost is higher (by more than 7 times compared to step
#27), this option was not further analyzed.
Table 1: Mean (standard deviation) accuracy of the RF models. Training accuracy is computed from the OOB
Inputs Output Model ID MAE-Train MAE-Test MAPE-Train MAPE-Test
CDmax (mm) A 1.39 (0.011) 1.47 (0.017) 3.95 (0.032) 4.15 (0.046)
SBmax (MPa) B 21.08 (0.21) 23.57 (0.26) 2.13 (0.020) 2.42 (0.027)
CDmax (mm) C 0.67 (0.014) 0.66 (0.015) 1.90 (0.040) 1.82 (0.042)
Ec, results * at #27
SBmax (MPa) D 8.71 (0.32) 10.71 (0.32) 0.88 (0.032) 1.11 (0.033)
CDmax (mm) E 0.72 (0.014) 0.70 (0.017) 2.01 (0.040) 1.93 (0.047)
Ec, results at #197
SBmax (MPa) F 11.05 (0.12) 12.56 (0.17) 1.11 (0.012) 1.29 (0.018)
The results considered as inputs include displacement at crest, neck and base, as well as stress at the base
Figure 3: Variable importance of mesh elements on the maximum crest displacement (left) and maximum stress
at the base (right). Average results for 20 models solely based on modulus of elasticity (Models A and B).
Figure 4: Variable importance for the 10 most relevant inputs for models A (top) and C (bottom). Results for 20
repetitions of each model. Note: DisCr027: crest displacement at #27, DisNe027: neck displacement at #27,
S1B027: base first principal stress at #27.
Figure 5: Variable importance for the 10 most relevant inputs for models B (top) and D (bottom). Results for 20
repetitions of each model. Note: DisCr027: crest displacement at #27, DisNe027: neck displacement at #27,
S1B027: base first principal stress at #27.
As expected, the results for time step #27 are more associated to the response than the
elemental modulus of elasticity, except for the displacement at the base. However, if these
same results are shown in the format of Figure 3, i.e. if only the importance of the elements is
considered and they are drawn on the dam body, the results are very similar, as can be seen in
Figure 6. This means that even when partial results are added to the values of the modulus of
elasticity of the elements, the algorithm is able to classify the importance of the elements in
terms of their influence on the dam response; the increase in the prediction capacity does not
imply a reduction in the possibilities of identification of the most vulnerable zones.
(according to the distribution of the modulus of elasticity), which register high displacement
at the crest in the first relative maximum (time step #27), are also those with the greatest
absolute displacement during the complete transient analysis.
The analysis of predictive models of SBmax gives similar results (not shown in this
paper). The most noticeable difference is the shape of the E016 graph: High values of its
modulus of elasticity are associated with higher values of SBmax. This is because the element
is located next to the dam heel, while the rest of the most influential elements are close to the
downstream toe.
Figure 6: Variable importance for the mesh elements in the RF models that include results at step #27, to predict
CDmax (left) and SBmax (right). Average value of 20 models. (Models C and D)
In this paper, the results of the random finite element simulations are combined with a
machine learning technique (i.e. random forest) to predict the most vulnerable locations of a
gravity dam under heterogeneous material distribution and seismic excitation. The results
suggest that RF models might be useful in reducing computational cost in seismic
probabilistic risk assessment.
With a base of 100 realizations of the random fields, the RF models allow to estimate
the variables of interest exclusively from the values of random modulus of elasticity with
relatively small correlation length, with a precision of 4% for the maximum displacement at
the crest, and of 2% for the maximum principal stress at the base.
Figure 7: Partial dependence of CDmax for the most influential inputs. Model A.
Figure 8: Partial dependence of CDmax for the most influential inputs. Model C.
the former one, it also allows an important saving of computational time with respect to the
finite element simulations. In the example, the calculation time is reduced with respect to the
complete model by 97% (only 27 of the original 1,000 time steps need to be executed). If we
consider that the absolute maximum occurs after 350 time steps, the real saving is higher than
Although the obtained accuracy can be adequate for certain analyses, it may not be
enough in other cases, where low probability failure scenarios are studied. This aspect should
be considered when applying this approach. Partial dependence plots also provide useful
information on the effect of modulus of elasticity for each of the regions considered.
Additionally, the analysis of the importance of the variables that is automatically
calculated when fitting RF models allows identifying the areas of the dam body whose
modulus of elasticity have the largest impact on the variables of interest. The results are in
agreement with the engineering intuition, since the neck is the critical zone for crest
displacements, while the strength of the downstream heel/toe is more associated to the
maximum stress at the dam-foundation interface. This result is considered an interesting
example of the possibilities of data-driven algorithms: The case is relatively simple, and the
result only confirms what can be deduced from engineering knowledge. However, in other
problems with more variables involved, where it is not possible to have a reliable intuition
about the most important variables, this analysis can provide essential information to better
understand the behavior of the system.
The second author would like to appreciate the technical advice by Dr. Jerzy Salamon
from US Bureau of Reclamation.
[1] L.J. Bond, W.F. Kepler, and D.M. Frangopol, Improved assessment of mass concrete
dams using acoustic travel time tomography. Part I-theory. Construction and Building
Materials, 14(3), (2000), 133-146.
[2] Dam Safety Office (DSO), Seismic Tomography of Concrete Structures Report No.
DSO-02-03, Tech. Report, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, US,
[3] H. Zhong, G. Lin, X. Li and J. Li, Seismic failure modeling of concrete dams
considering heterogeneity of concrete, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
31(12), (2011), 1678-1689.
[4] X. Tang, Y. Zhou, C. Zhang and J. Shi, Study on the heterogeneity of concrete and
its failure behaviour using the equivalent probabilistic model, Journal of materials in
civil engineering 23(4), (2010), 402-413.
[5] L. Altarejos-García, I. Escuder-Bueno and A. Morales-Torres, Advances on the
failure analysis of the dam-foundation interface of concrete dams. Materials, 8(12),
(2015), 8255-8278.
[6] M.A. Hariri-Ardebili, S.M. Seyed-Kolbadi, V.E. Saouma, J. Salamon, and B.
Rajagopalan, Random finite element method for the seismic analysis of gravity dams.
Engineering Structures, 171, (2018), 405-420.
[7] M.A. Hariri-Ardebili, S.M. Seyed-Kolbadi, V.E. Saouma, J.W. Salamon, and L.K.
Nuss, Anatomy of the vibration characteristics in old arch dams by random field
theory. Engineering Structures, 179, (2019), 460-475.
Mott MacDonald
8-10 Sydenham Road, Croydon CR0 2EE, United Kingdom
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The purpose of this joint contribution is to estimate the maximum earthquake the
concrete dams can withstand. The so called “seismic capacity curve” for these infra-
structures seems now technically and commercially feasible thanks to modern finite element
techniques, hardware capabilities and positive experiences collected so far. The key topics
faced during the seismic assessment of the dams are also discussed using different point of
views and examples, which include: the selection of seismic parameters, the progressive level
of details for the numerical simulations, the implementation of the non-linear behaviours,
and definition of the service and collapse limit states. The approaches adopted by local
institutions and engineers on the subject of dam capacity curves will be discussed using the
authors’ experiences and an overview of time and resources will be outlined to help decision
makers. Finally, the paper is wrapped up with a list of suggestions for analysts, the
application limits and further studies.
Special efforts have been devoted in recent years on the seismic assessment of large
dams. High seismicity countries went through or are still facing reassessment programmes
for their dams. These extensive studies are required for the lack of seismic checks in older
dams, updated seismic hazard parameters and new seismic standards. Despite the
opportunities offered by modern technologies, it is sometimes difficult to select a cost-
effective procedure for the seismic assessment of dams which makes the decision makers or
even the public opinion confident of the outcomes. It is understandable that the complex
analyses make the stakeholders feel uncomfortable. For this reason, in the author’s opinion is
vital to find a new procedure to balance the numerical simulations with the comprehensive
outcomes. As the technical literature shows, the seismic behaviour of dams involves different
key aspects to be considered. The seismic analyses of the large dams must consider the
following aspects: specific seismic hazard assessment, step-by-step analysis approach, soil-
structure interaction, fluid-structure interaction and the system’s non-linear behaviour. It is a
common opinion that the dams are unique prototypes each having their own behaviour. Even
more so, it is generally expected that the seismic response of the dams must be considered
with an opportune degree of distinction between different case studies. Previous experiences
on the application of capacity curves [1] demonstrated that using certain classification rules,
University of Colorado Boulder, X-Elastica LLC, [email protected]
Ricerca Sistema Energetico RSE, [email protected]
the overall seismic behaviour of concrete dams may be similar especially towards the failure
point. This aspect should exhort the scientific community and the best practice of the sector
to consider capacity curves as a way forward.
The current paper tries to share some experiences gained by the authors on capacity
curves. This will be accomplished using the examples showing the advantages and limits of
this approach. It has been also discussed a summary of the typical procedures available to
extract the capacity curves. These have been applied with a certain confidence in the
buildings industry. Special attention will be offered for the Endurance Time Analysis (ETA)
method [1]. A technical discussion will be presented on the benefits that capacity curves can
add to the dam’s industry and public interests.
important aspect to be considered is the confidence with the methods used to produce the
capacity curves. In the buildings sector, the use of non-linear static push-over analysis is
considered common practice. Predefined load patterns are used to reproduce the effects
produced by earthquakes. This loading pattern is then increased through a scale factor to
produce the damages of the main structural elements until the point of collapse. From the
author’s experience, it is not possible to use the same procedure for dams. This is due to the
different way the dam and the surrounding domains, soil and water, react against the seismic
actions. For this reason, it is more reasonable to use a bespoke dams sector approach. This
may consist of non-linear dynamic analysis procedures where all the mechanism involved in
the response can be included and properly captured without limits associated with
standardised and increasing pseudo static forces.
A capacity curve determined for a concrete dam under seismic forces is always
associated with concurrent actions, namely dead weight, thermal loading and water
hydrostatic pressure, applied to the dam before the seismic action is applied. In addition to
this, the seismic actions are characterized by their spatial variation using the three directions
of the seismic action and concurrency factors. The numerosity of the combinations suggests
capacity curves cannot be developed for all of them. A procedure is then necessary to
perform a screening of the most critical combinations. The proposed approach is to start with
simplified linear pseudo static procedures to move then to linear dynamic analysis and finally
non-linear dynamic analysis. This approach is also giving assurance on the validity of the
analysis methods while more detailed aspects are introduced, concept already introduced
within technical guidelines.
Capacity curves require numerical models able to consider the main non-linear
behaviours of dams during earthquakes. For gravity dams the sliding at the base, or at the
weaker joints, is the main failure mode expected. This phenomenon can cut off the seismic
action acting as a seismic isolator. The reduction of stresses above the sliding plane is
obtained at the cost of a residual displacement, captured by jumps in the force displacement
Slips occurring over joint are also important for arch dams but are not governing the
global response of these structures. On the other way, the right representation of joint
openings and closures are essential for arch dams to represent the different behaviour of these
dams under seismic actions acting in different directions.
For both gravity and arch dams, cracking behaviour is required to consider the effects
produced by the reduction of concrete properties along the dam body and the associated
change in the way dam deforms. These effects are represented by the slope change in the
capacity curve. The non-linear model used should be also selected based on the data
necessary to evaluate damages and the associated relationship with limit states.
Another aspect to be considered for large models is the management of computation
time as already mentioned. This is highly dependent on modelling techniques and
assumptions. If a numerical model is considered in its most effective condition, mesh and
time steps are key aspects in this sense, the only way to reduce the computational time
required for the analysis is the selection of alternative seismic inputs. The ETA method
introduced in the following paragraphs is proposed to significantly reduce the computational
The “Seismic Capacity Function” is defined as the relationship between an external (or
internal) parameter affecting the capacity of the structure, also referred to as a “stressor”
and “response” of the system at the macro level [5].
Stressor (S): can be 1) an incrementally-increasing monotonic, cyclic or time-
dependent load (or displacement, acceleration, pressure); 2) an incrementally-decreasing
resistance parameter or degradation in strength properties; and 3) a discrete
increasing/decreasing critical parameter in a system leading to failure. Stressor is
typically called an intensity measurement (IM) parameter [6] in earthquake engineering.
In the present paper; however, S is more generally defined and refers to any quantity
whose variation (continuous or discrete) may lead to progressive system failure and its
ultimate collapse.
Response (R): is representative of the system behaviour under the varying stressor. It
is depicted in either an absolute or relative sense. R may be: 1) a single damage variable
(DV), such as drift or energy dissipation; 2) a combination of several DVs in terms of
damage index (DI); and 3) any safety monitoring index. In the field of earthquake
engineering, R is typically called an engineering demand parameter (EDP) [6]. EDPs and
DIs for dams have been discussed by the authors in previous publications (see [7] and
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Multi-Record IDA capacity functions for concrete dams. (a) SIM-MR-IDA. (b) MEDP-MR-IDA.
Figure 2: Cloud-based data power-form capacity function for concrete gravity dams.
a sample ETEF and its response spectra at three different times (i.e. 5, 10, and 15 sec). As
seen, the spectrum at t=10 sec is nearly twice the one at t=5 sec and the spectrum one at
t=15 sec is three times the one at t=5 sec. In this technique, the seismic performance is
determined by the duration the structure can endure the dynamic input.
Figure 3: Sample ETEF, its acceleration profile, and time-dependent response spectra.
In order to retrieve a capacity function, the “ETA curve” should first be derived (See
Figure 4a). This curve is a diagram, whose the vertical axis refers to the maximum
absolute values of EDP during the time interval from 0 to t, and the horizontal axis is
time. Finally, the “time” parameter is converted to IM (this can be easily performed due
to the direct relation between time and acceleration, Figure 3), and the EDP-IM
coordinate is flipped to IM-EDP. The resulting stepwise capacity function can be
smoothed later, Figure 4b. Although this procedure is applicable only with a single ETEF,
in order to reduce the uncertainty (due to its random nature), the mean of three ETEFs
typically is used.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: ETA-based capacity function generation for concrete gravity dams. (a) ETA curve. (b) Capacity
From the engineering practice point of view, the ETEFs can be considered as synthetic
signals and for this reason their application may not be permitted by legislations (as oppose
to IDA and CLA). From a capacity function evaluation point of view, this procedure appears
to be the most effective way. One of the concerns in this technique includes the rate of the
energy released to the structure. The signal is always increasing with no off-peak stages, this
may affect the natural development of damages. Important upgrades have been proposed in
recent papers (e.g. [11]) on this matter and further improvements are expected in the
following years.
According to the historical records collected in the ICOLD Bulletin 120, concrete dams
performed relatively well during earthquakes. From previous experiences, it has been
confirmed the key role of their geometry. For gravity dams, the use of narrowing sections at
the neck are generally associated with cracking problems while for arch dams a large “U”
shape of the valley rift can affect negatively the overall seismic resistance of the dam. These
typical aspects of dams’ seismic vulnerability have been confirmed by post-earthquake
inspections and the structural analysis. Some examples of capacity curves are reported below.
The outcomes have not been discussed in detail deliberatively to allow the reader to focus on
the concept behind the use of capacity curves.
Figure 5: a) Finite element model of the gravity dam-foundation-reservoir system, b) Geometry of four arch
dams considered in this study
behaviour of concrete has been considered using the Lee and Fenves Damage Plasticity
Model. The results reported in the following paragraphs are associated with the full reservoir
seismic combination (dead weight, water pressure and winter thermal condition).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6: ETA-based capacity function for gravity dam with smeared crack model. (a) Displacement-based
capacity curve. (b) Damage index-based capacity curves. (c) Damage at t = 9 sec, PGA = 0.57 g. (d) damage at t
= 12 sec, PGA = 0.78 g (crack profile: left to right: crack 1, crack 2, crack 3, and crushing)
The results confirm the typical failure modes for the Koyna dam, widely investigated
by different authors using traditional accelerograms also through seismic testing on the scale
model. If numerical methods for non-linear behaviour are left out, the capacity curve is
offering important information on the development of response parameters and DI over
increasing seismic actions.
It is worth to note that the results shown have been obtained using a single simulation
exploiting the advantages of the ETA method. The advantage of computational time also
unlock opportunities over parametric analysis. With these procedures, it may be possible to
establish the capacity curves associated with typical geometries of concrete gravity dams and
define a classification of dams for their seismic performance. DI curves can be defined as
well, like those indicated, to understand the most critical failure mode and the associated
limit of acceptance.
With the global and local measure of the seismic response of dams under non-linear
behaviour, it is also permitted in principle to follow the example of the buildings sector on
the definition of the so-called “structure or behaviour factor”. This will allow the analysts to
perform linear analysis with seismic spectra properly scaled down to consider the accepted
level of damages.
Figure 7: Capacity curves for Dams 1 to 4 with damage points, dotted lines represent indicative limit states.
Figure 8: Damage state for Dams 3 under seismic forces (PGA 0.13g) at the SLS limit state (deformed shape x
200) and at the force (PGA 0.52g) at ULS limit state (deformed shape x 10).
According to the results obtained in this study, larger “U” shaped dams, result to be the
most vulnerable, while “V” shaped dams provide higher seismic resistance. Each of the
curves also shows key points associated with damages of the upstream and downstream faces
of 1% and 20% considered respectively minor and major damages. The relationship between
these points and the associated serviceability and collapse limit states, represented by dotted
lines, give an idea of the safety factor often translated in D/C ratios. As mentioned
previously, these ratios should be widely investigated and discussed to establish what can be
defined as acceptable in terms of overall seismic safety. If these criteria cannot be defined
considering the bespoke nature of this type of dams, the proposed method can be used as a
tool to compare qualitatively the dynamic response of different structures or to have a better
understanding of the impact of model assumptions over the seismic response.
For instance, one of the most controversial issues on this regard is the well know
“foundation massless” approach, which is the method widely adopted for practical seismic
safety assessment of dams so far. Nevertheless, it has been extensively demonstrated that
such method provides over-conservative and misleading dam response. To properly consider
such effects a drastic increase in size and density of FEM domains is required [12]. Capacity
curves, being able to represent the dam vulnerability in just one synthetic picture, can help to
identify a critical PGA value beyond which the massless approach is no longer valid to
achieve a consistent and realistic dam response (see Figure 9).
Figure 9: Capacity functions for Dams 4: Sensitivity analysis performed using ETEF 2 and two alternative
assumptions for the model, introduction of mass and damping in the foundation (hidden line) and behaviour of
the concrete purely linear (dotted line).
Moreover, the wide range of uncertainty affecting the model parameters cannot always
be reduced by means of experimental investigations (e.g. concrete non-linear parameters,
MCE equivalent loadings, scale effects, etc.), but can be numerically evaluated only through
the execution of significant amount of sensitivity analyses, which are very expensive and not
practical when using time history analysis. The capacity curves proposed can instead ease
and drastically shorten the amount of time requested for a full sensitivity analysis allowing a
quick identification of the most important parameters affecting the dam response, on which
possibly focus the resources for experimental investigations.
The most advanced (or latest) regulations and guidelines regarding the seismic
assessment of existing dams are very demanding in terms of methods, resources and time
needed for its accomplishment. Moreover, even if properly executed, the analyses are
significantly affected by uncertainty, particularly when strong earthquakes have to be
considered and strong nonlinear effects on construction joints and concrete are expected to
occur. In this light, the information provided by the “capacity functions” before described,
can be very useful to make balanced decisions about the modelling assumptions.
The capacity functions are also crucial to judge the safety factor available against
failures for existing structures. This graphical form of the seismic response of the dams may
help decision makers to drive economic efforts for advanced studies or retrofitting
It is worth mentioning that standardised seismic functions such those used in the ETA
method may resolve major issues associated with the arbitrary selection of natural
accelerograms. It is intuitive that it is hard to compare the seismic response of dams in the
non-linear field if the time history used are different. It is worth to note that according to the
experience of some of the authors, legislators are reluctant to the use of synthetic signals.
This may represent a major obstacle for the ETA method and other similar methods.
Capacity functions are recognized in the buildings sector as tools to judge their non-
linear behaviour. The advantages of their application seem remarkable and may be crucial
within the seismic assessment procedures for concrete dams. A brief introduction to their use
and the theoretical background have been shown in the paper using some examples.
Despite the implementation of the procedures is still in a preliminary stage, the
capacity curves may represent a powerful tool to meet some of the key requirements
introduced by modern technical codes. The ETA method represents a good choice to
determine the capacity curves with reasonable computational time. More recent studies on
the generation of ETEF functions are addressing the main concerns received by the sector on
their validity.
It is the authors’ opinion that capacity curves in the form of standardized procedures
will be available in the next future. Their comparison on a large scale will highlight crucial
information of the seismic response of dams characterized by similar geometries and
The first author would like to thank the Mott MacDonald BSE Professional Excellence
lead for funding the attendance to the symposium clarifying that most of the work presented
has been developed outside Mott MacDonald.
[1] M. Meghella, L. Furgani, Endurance Time Analysis for the Seismic Vulnerability of
Arch Dams, 13th International Benchmark on the Numerical Analysis of Dams 9-11 ,
pp. 251-258, Lausanne, (2015).
[2] H.E. Estekanchi, A. Vafai and M. Sadeghaza, Endurance Time Method for Seismic
Analysis and Design of Structures, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 11, No. 4, 361-370, Sharif
University of Technology, (2004).
[3] G. R. Darbre, M. Schwager and R. Panduri, Seismic safety evaluation of all large dams
in Switzerland: Lessons learned, 26th International Congress on Large Dams, Vienna,
Keywords: Seismic response of high arch dams, Recorded accelerograms, Reservoir water
Abstract. In this paper the seismic response of a large arch dam (290 m high), located in a
high seismicity region, is analysed. The goal is to study the influence of the reservoir water
level in the dam’s dynamic response under recorded seismic accelerograms. The numerical
calculations are carried out using a 3D finite element program (DamDySSA3.0), developed in
MATLAB, for linear dynamic analysis of arch dams. The 3DFEM model is based on a
formulation in pressures and displacements, considering a state space approach to solve the
coupled eigenproblem with damping, while the seismic response is computed by means of
direct integration in time domain using the Newmark method. The dam-reservoir-foundation
system is discretized using cubic 3D finite elements with 20 nodal points. The seismic analysis
of the dam is performed for the Jiashi earthquake (April5, 1997), using the recorded seismic
accelerogram as input, and considering two different reservoir water levels, a massless
foundation and a global damping of about 5%. The main numerical results are presented,
including displacement and acceleration time histories, as well as the hoop and cantilever
stresses envelopes.
Most of the major arch dams currently in operation, under construction or in the
design phase, are located in seismic regions, as is the case of several of the new large dams
under construction in China. Due to the high potential risk associated with large dams, it
is fundamental to develop adequate methodologies to evaluate their behaviour under
seismic events [1] and to support safety control activities [2]. With this aim, Seismic and
Structural Health Monitoring (SSHM) systems have been installed in several large dams,
allowing to control the evolution of the modal parameters over time [3] and to characterize
the structural effects due to seismic events, provided that they include appropriate software
to manage and analyse monitoring data and to perform the comparison between
experimental and numerical results [3, 4, 5]. Nonetheless, important challenges still arise
in the seismic analysis of arch dams in both monitoring and modelling, given that the
structural response of the dam is strongly influenced by the water-structure dynamic
interaction, by damping effects related with reservoir pressure waves radiation, by
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, [email protected]
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, [email protected]
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, [email protected]
movements of contraction joints and cracks and, of course, by the seismic vibrations at the
foundation and at the dam body. Regarding the influence of the reservoir water level in the
dynamic response of dams, which is to be studied in this paper, it is important to remind
that the full reservoir condition is generally assumed in seismic calculations. However, the
oscillatory movements of greater amplitude can occur for non-full reservoir conditions, as
shown in recent works [6].
In this context, the importance of performing reliable numerical simulations (Fig. 1)
in order to predict the seismic behaviour of arch dams should be highlighted. These studies
are off great use in the scope of SSHM of dams, namely for the comparison between the
measured response during earthquake events and the corresponding seismic response
computed with 3DFEM models, considering the real reservoir water level and the measured
acelerogramas at the rock mass foundation during the seismic event as inputs to the
numerical models.
Figure 1: Numerical analysis of the seismic response of an arch dam for different reservoir water levels.
For the simulation of the dynamic response of dams under seismic loading it is
essential to use reliable numerical models, based on robust mathematical formulations and
using adequate simplifying hypotheses. Here we present some considerations regarding the
numerical modelling of dam-foundation-reservoir systems and the 3DFEM model
implemented in the program DamDySSA3.0, used to carry out the seismic calculations.
models, although very useful and easy to implement, present limitations in the simulation of
the dam-reservoir dynamic interaction. Therefore, more sophisticated models can be used,
namely coupled models [8, 12], based on FEM formulations in displacements and pressures
that enable to simulate the propagation of the pressure waves in the water by means of a FE
discretization of the reservoir. As regards the calculation of the seismic response in time
domain, the coupled problem can solved using a state space approach, in complex modal
coordinates, or by direct time integration, in general coordinates.
Figure 2: FEM based numerical models to simulate the water-structure dynamic interaction.
The numerical results are presented in this section for the chosen case study, a large arch
dam (Fig. 4) located on a tributary of the Yangtze River in Southwest China. The dam has been
under construction since 2008 and is expected to go into operation in 2021. It is a double-
curvature arch dam with a maximum height of 290 m above the foundation. The arch at the
crest presents a development of 710 m between banks. The minimum thickness is of 14 m at
the crest and the maximum of about 64 m at the insertion.
Figure 4: Arch dam, 290 m high. Cross section, front view and plan view.
The main results of the present work, regarding the study of the seismic behaviour of the
abovementioned arch dam, which were computed with DamDySSA3.0, are presented herein.
The aim is to evaluate the influence of the reservoir water level variations in the dam’s response
under earthquake motion, namely for a real accelerogram with a peak acceleration of about
0.23g, recorded during the Jiashi earthquake, China, on April 5, 1997, The numerical
calculations are performed for two water levels: full reservoir (Hw=834 m) and a non-full
reservoir, considering the water level at 34 m below the crest (Hw=800 m).
numerical model In this case, despite the asymmetry of the dam, the modal configurations are
symmetric for modes 1, 3 and 4, and antisymmetric for mode 2 (Fig.7). For a seismic analysis,
it is important to know the natural frequencies in order to evaluate the frequency content of the
seismic load.
Material properties
Figure 6: Dam-reservoir-foundation system with full reservoir. 3DFE discretization (cubic FE, 20 nodes), and
material properties
f1 = 1.18 Hz f2 = 1.32 Hz
f3 = 1.55 Hz f4 = 1.88 Hz
The dam’s seismic response is shown in Fig. 8, considering only the application of the
seismic load. For full reservoir, it should be noted that the main natural frequencies do not
coincide with the largest peaks of the seismic acceleration Fourier spectrum. Concerning the
accelerations at the control node, located at the top of the central cantilever, a peak acceleration
of about 16 m/s2 was calculated in the upstream-downstream direction, which represents an
amplification of about 7 times in relation to the seismic acceleration applied at the base. The
maximum radial displacement due to the seismic load occurs in the upper central zone, to the
left of the central cantilever, and corresponds to an oscillatory movement with a half-amplitude
of about 100 mm. The principal stresses, computed at the time instant when the maximum
downstream displacement occurs, are also presented: high tensile (σ ≈ 3.3 MPa) and
compressive hoop stresses (σ ≈ - 4.6 MPa) occur in the upper central zone at the upstream
Figure 8: Seismic response for full reservoir. Accelerogram in the upstream-downstream direction and Fourier
spectrum (with Rayleigh damping law and the main dam natural frequencies); history of accelerations and
displacements at the top of the central cantilever; and displacement field and principal stresses at the instant the
maximum downstream displacement occurs.
Fig. 9 shows the hoop and cantilever stress envelopes at the central cantilever for a
dynamic load combination involving the self-weight (SW), the hydrostatic pressure for full
reservoir (HP290) and the seismic acceleration (applied at the base): SW+HP290+Earthquake.
The highest hoop compressions are of σ ≈ - 11 MPa (in both faces, upstream and downstream),
in the upper zone; tensions in the hoop direction do not arise and the minimum hoop stresses
are inferior to - 1 MPa, near the insertion. Regarding the cantilever compressions, the
maximum values are around σ ≈ - 5 MPa at the downstream face, close to the base. For this
earthquake, even when the largest seismic upstream displacements occur, which might result
in significant hoop tensions (or, alternatively, cause the contraction joints to open), the dam
remains generally under compression due to the static compressive stresses. In summary, no
tensions occur for full reservoir, which means that the opening of the contraction joints is not
Figure 9: Seismic response for full reservoir. Results for the combination SW + HP290 + Earthquake. Hoop and
cantilever stresses envelopes in the central section.
3.2 Seismic response for non-full reservoir (water level at 34 m below the crest)
In this section are presented the numerical results of the dam seismic response
considering the reservoir water level 34 m below the crest (Fig. 10) and the same Jiashi
earthquake accelerograms. As expected, with a lower water level, the mass of the global
coupled system is reduced and thus the natural frequencies increase, while the modal
configurations are similar to those obtained for a full reservoir model (Fig. 11).
Material properties
Figure 10: Dam-reservoir-foundation system with non-full reservoir: water level 34 m below the crest. 3DFE
discretization (cubic FE, 20 nodes), and material properties.
f1 = 1.30 Hz f2 = 1.44 Hz
f3 = 1.71 Hz f4 = 2.03 Hz
Figure 11: Vibration modes and natural frequencies for non-full reservoir: water level 34 m below the crest.
The dam’s seismic response under the seismic load is shown in Fig. 12. In what concerns
the accelerations at the top of the central cantilever, a peak acceleration of about 22 m/s2 was
computed in the upstream-downstream direction, representing an amplification of around 9 in
comparison with the seismic peak accelerations at the base. Again, the maximum radial
displacement solely under seismic loading were computed in the upper central zone, resulting
in an oscillatory motion with a 100 mm half-amplitude. As in the calculation for full reservoir,
the higher tensions and compressions arise in the hoop direction at the upper zone (upstream
face). However, due to the lower water level a decrease in the maximum tensions and an
increase in the maximum compressions is obtained.
Figure 12: Seismic response with non-full reservoir: water level 34 m below the crest. Accelerogram in the
upstream-downstream direction and Fourier spectrum (with Rayleigh damping law and the main dam natural
frequencies); history of accelerations and displacements at the top of the central cantilever; and displacement
field and principal stresses at the instant the maximum downstream displacement occurs.
The stress envelopes at the central section for the load combination
SW+HP256+Earthquake are presented in Fig 13. The maximum hoop compressions, (σ ≈ - 7.5
MPa) are calculated in both upstream and upstream faces at the upper zone; once more,
tensions in the arch direction do not arise. The minimum hoop stresses are inferior to - 1 MPa
and are calculated near the dam base. In relation to the cantilever compressions, the higher
stress values are around σ ≈ - 5 MPa at the downstream face, near the insertion. In comparison
with the stress fields computed for the seismic calculations with full reservoir, one can note
that the cantilever stresses envelopes are quite similar, while for the hoop stresses envelopes,
a decrease in the maximum and minimum compressions at the upper zone of the central
cantilever was obtained. In resume, no tensions arise for the combination with the water level
at 34 m below the crest even when the largest seismic upstream displacements occur, hence
the contractions joints are not expected to open, as for the previous load combination with full
Figure 13: Seismic response for the reservoir water level at 34 m below the crest. Results for the combination
SW+HP256+Earthquake. Hoop and cantilever stresses envelopes in the central section.
In this work the program DamDySSA3.0, developed at the Concrete Dams Department
in LNEC for linear dynamic analysis of arch dams, was used to study the seismic behaviour of
a 290 m high arch dam, considering two reservoir conditions: full reservoir and a reservoir
water level at 34 m below the crest. The numerical calculations were carried out using a
coupled formulation to simulate the dam-reservoir dynamic interaction, considering the
propagation of pressure waves in the reservoir. The seismic analysis is performed for a
recorded accelerogram from the Jiashi earthquake (April 5, 1997) with a peak acceleration of
0.23g and considering Rayleigh damping with a damping ratio of about 5% for the frequencies
of the main dam vibration modes.
The presented results show that only compressive hoop stresses occur in the upper central
zone for the full reservoir combination (SW+ HP290 + Earthquake), which indicates that there
will be no opening of the contraction joints. For the combination with the reservoir water level
at 34 m from the top (SW+PH256+Earthquake), if the same damping law is used, one can note
that the greatest hoop compressions occur in the upper central zone, at the time instant when
the maximum downstream displacements downstream; also, the maximum compression values
are clearly inferior than those obtained for full reservoir. In both cases, even when the
maximum displacements occur, the contraction joints are not expected to open, given that no
tensile hoop stresses arise (if that were to be the case, tensile stresses would be computed at
the locations of the contraction joints opening, given that the implemented model does not
incorporate joints).
The authors wish to acknowledge the funding association, Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT) for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/116417/2016.
[1] M. Wieland and R.P. Brenner (2008). Current seismic safety requirements or large dams
and their implication on existing dams. Proc. Int. Symposium on Operation, Rehabilitation and
Upgrading of Dams, 76th Annual ICOLD Meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria.
[2] Dam Safety Regulation (2018). Decree-law Nº 21/2018 of March 28 (in Portuguese).
[3] S. Oliveira and A. Alegre (2018). Vibrations in large dams. Monitoring and modelling.
26th Congress and 86th Annual Meeting. 1st-7th July, Vienna, Austria.
[4] J. Proulx, G.R. Darbre and N. Kamileris (2004). Analytical and experimental
investigation of damping in arch dams based on recorded earthquakes. 13th World Conference
on Earthquake Eng., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
[5] A.K. Chopra and J. Wang (2012). Comparison of recorded and computed earthquake
response of arch dams. 15th World Conference on Earthquake Eng., Lisbon, 2012.
[6] A. Alegre, S. Oliveira, R. Ramos and M. Espada (2018). Seismic response of arch dams.
Numerical study on the influence of the reservoir water level. Encontro Nacional de Betão
Estrutural (BE2018), 7-9 Nov., LNEC (in Portuguese).
[7] H.M. Westergaard (1993). Water pressures on dams during earthquakes. Transactions
(ASCE), 98:418-472.
[8] O.C. Zienkiewicz and P. Bettess (1978). Fluid-structure dynamic interaction and wave
forces. An introduction to numerical treatment. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 13:1-16.
[9] M.A. Millán, Y.L. Young and J.H. Prévost (2007). The effects of reservoir geometry on
the seismic response of gravity dams. Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn., 36:1441-1459.
[10] A.K. Chopra and S. Gupta (1981). Hydrodynamic and foundation interaction effects in
earthquake response of a concrete gravity dam. J. Struct. Div. ASCE, 107(8):1399-1412.
[11] G. Fenves and A.K. Chopra (1983). Effects of reservoir bottom absorption on earthquake
response of concrete gravity dams. Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn., 11:809-829.
[12] O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor and J.Z. Zhu (2005). The Finite Element Method: Its Basis
and Fundamentals: 6th Ed., Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
The Baixo Sabor hydroelectric development, which is fully operating since 2016, is one
of the most recent plants in Portugal, and it is strategically located, taking into account that the
water used to produce energy in Baixo Sabor will find four other power plants located
downstream, in Douro River. With the aim of studying Baixo Sabor arch dam dynamic
properties and their evolution over time, in order to assess the dam’s structural health and the
effect of exceptional events in its behaviour, a continuous dynamic monitoring of the dam is
being carried out by ViBest-FEUP and LNEC. The monitoring takes into account the variation
of ambient and operational conditions, as well as the possible evolution of material mechanical
Integrated monitoring systems considering real time data directly obtained from
structures, such as the one implemented in Baixo Sabor dam, are very important to the long-
National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), [email protected]
National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), [email protected]
Construct-ViBest, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), [email protected]
Construct-ViBest, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), [email protected]
term management of large civil infrastructures [1]. Though health monitoring systems are
historically associated with static data, vibration-based systems have already been successfully
implemented in different structures such as bridges [2], wind turbines [3], stadia roofs [4] or
bell-towers [5]. Such vibration-based health monitoring systems rely on operational modal
analysis to continuously identify the structures modal properties, which can be used as
monitoring features to evaluate the structures health condition evolution over time. Statistical
tools such as control charts can be used to detect the occurrence of damage associated with
shifts in the modal parameters values that are not explained by other physical phenomena but
a change in the structure’s stiffness. To test these statistical tools, modal parameters obtained
from real field measured time series may be contaminated with simulated damages.
In this sense, this paper presents a brief description of the dynamic monitoring system
installed in Baixo Sabor arch dam, the results obtained during the first six months of continuous
dynamic monitoring, between 01/12/2015 and 31/05/2016, and a short introduction to the
minimization of the effects of operational and environmental conditions on modal properties.
Additionally, the numerical model of the dam developed by LNEC is presented along with the
damages scenarios that were simulated using this model, in order to test in the future the
suitability of control charts to detect damage with data from Baixo Sabor arch dam.
Figure 1 – Baixo Sabor arch dam: a) aerial view (on the left) [7]; b) position of accelerometers marked
with red dots (on the right).
Figure 2 – Modal configuration of the first five modes of Baixo Sabor arch dam.
Modal estimates corresponding to the first five modes are resumed in Table 1. Minimum,
maximum, mean and standard deviation frequencies (f) and damping values (d) were obtained
and presented for the studied period. It is important to notice the significant difference between
minimum and maximum frequencies for each vibration mode (even after the elimination of
outliers), which is reflected in the standard deviation values as well, indicating significant
oscillations during the evaluation period.
Figure 3 – Time evolution of natural frequencies (on the left) and damping values (on the right) 12-hour
Figure 4 – Time evolution of reservoir water level (on the left) and ambient temperature (on the right)
Since the factor that more strongly affects natural frequencies is the water level,
statistical relationships between all the vibration frequencies of the structure and the water
level in the reservoir were developed. The representation of the relation between these two
variables is presented in Figure 5 (left part of the figure), using the first vibration mode. The
obtained quadratic regressions are generally of high quality, presenting values for the
determination coefficient of the order of 0.95. It is also important to note that there is much
more data for the highest and lowest levels of water in the reservoir during the observation
period compared to those in the intermediate zone of the figures due to the intense rains that
took place in January, leading to a sudden rise of the water level.
The statistical relations obtained were then used to mitigate the effect of water level in
the values of natural frequencies. The standard deviation of each modes frequency during the
studied period was drastically reduced. However, there still some variability that could
possibly be explained by the variation of temperature. In this sense, the process previously
described was repeated, now using the values of natural frequencies corrected from the effect
of water level. In this case linear regressions were obtained between ambient temperature and
natural frequencies, indicating frequency values increase with the rising of temperature. Lower
determination coefficients were obtained, with values between 0.3 and 0.5, depending on the
studied vibration mode. The relation between ambient temperature and the frequency of the
first vibration mode corrected by the effect of water level is presented in the right part of Figure
Figure 5 – Correlation between the first natural frequency and reservoir water level (on the left); correlation
between the corrected first natural frequency and ambient temperature
Afterwards, this effect was mitigated from the values of the frequencies that had been
already corrected for the effect of water level, resulting in the evolution of frequencies in time
represented in Figure 6, side by side with the evolution of frequencies that had been obtained
before the correction of operational and environmental effects. This new set of natural
frequencies shows great stability over the six months and can now be used as reference features
for the detection of novel structural behaviour.
Figure 6 - Time evolution of natural frequencies’ 12-hour averages before (on the left) and after the mitigation
of operational and environmental effects (on the right)
Table 2 presents the standard deviation for the daily mean frequencies of each vibration
mode before and after the process of removing the effects of environmental and operational
conditions. For the first five modes, the normalization process resulted in a decrease on the
standard deviation of 85%, or higher, thus attesting the model efficiency.
fstd_initial fstd_final
[Hz] [Hz]
1 0.100 0.008
2 0.115 0.016
3 0.169 0.023
4 0.183 0.016
5 0.181 0.031
3.1 Introduction
In order to study the static and dynamic behaviour of Baixo Sabor arch dam, the Concrete
Dams Department of the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering developed a numerical
model of the dam. This model, based on discrete and finite elements, takes into account the
dam’s contraction joints, the deformability of the foundation and the reservoir [8]. The body
of the dam was modelled with 32 vertical blocks which were discretized in isoparametric 20-
node brick finite elements. A simplified representation of the reservoir and foundation was
used, which was intended to allow a preliminary comparison with the experimental data.
The dynamic dam-reservoir interaction was simulated with Westergaard’s added mass
technique, for the nodal points of the model located in the upstream face below the reservoir
level. The masses had to be scaled since, it is known that in arch dams, Westergaard’s method
overestimates the hydro-dynamic effects [9]. The model was calibrated for several water levels
varying from 210 to 234 m, therefore a set of different scaling factors were used to match the
first natural frequency estimated with both the results from a forced vibration test performed
on the dam [8] and from the continuous dynamic monitoring [10]. Both these experimental and
numerical results are presented in Table 3. In turn, Figure 7 presents the representation of the
used scaling factors as a function of reservoir water level, which shows a strong quadratic
relation, with a determination coefficient of 0.99.
The deformability of the foundation was achieved through an elastic joint on the dam’s
surface of insertion, with stiffness parameters calibrated to provide an approximate
deformability of a rock mass with a Young's modulus of 35 GPa, obtained from field tests. The
adopted material parameters are presented in Table 4 and two different views of the numerical
model are presented in Figure 8.
Figure 7 – Relation between water level and scaling factors for Westergaard’s added masses
Figure 8 - Two views of the numerical model of Baixo Sabor dam; representation of blocks separated by
contraction joints
Damage scenario D1
Damage scenario D2
Damage scenario D3
Damage scenario D4
The natural frequencies obtained with the numerical model for the first five vibration
modes were used as reference values for comparison with the natural frequencies obtained
after the introduction of each damage. Results were obtained for several reservoir water levels
between 210 and 234 m, but small differences were found between them. Moreover, five levels
of damage intensity were considered, which consisted in the reduction of Young’s modulus of
selected elements (or normal and shear stiffness in the case of joints) in 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90
%. Major differences were observed between the results obtained with the five damage
The results obtained with a level of water in the reservoir of 234 m and damage intensities
of just 10 %, which is the most challenge scenario to test the damage detection tools, are
presented in Table 5. Frequency reductions between 0.015 and 0.181 % were verified.
However, frequency reductions increase to values between 0.1 and 1% when damage
intensities rise to 50 %, and to values between 1 and 4 % when 90 % damage intensities are
considered. Furthermore, in each damage scenario different frequency reductions were verified
for each vibration mode, indicating the possibility of locating damage through the study of the
relation of the effect of damages between modes.
Table 5: Natural frequencies (in Hz) associated with damage scenarios D1, D2, D3 and D4 (10% of damage
intensity) compared with the numerical reference values (Ref) with a water level of 234 m
D1 D2 D3 D4
Δ freq. Δ freq. Δ freq. Δ freq.
Mode Ref freq. freq. freq. freq.
[%] [%] [%] [%]
1 2.45372 2.44928 -0.181 2.45337 -0.014 2.45065 -0.125 2.45186 -0.076
2 2.68436 2.68276 -0.059 2.68297 -0.052 2.68235 -0.075 2.68259 -0.066
3 3.58254 3.58199 -0.015 3.57815 -0.122 3.58189 -0.018 3.58085 -0.047
4 4.05438 4.05196 -0.060 4.05131 -0.076 4.05312 -0.031 4.05269 -0.042
5 4.84020 4.83624 -0.082 4.83665 -0.073 4.83662 -0.074 4.83820 -0.041
The dynamic monitoring system installed in Baixo Sabor dam was described and the main
results obtained between December 2015 and May 2016 were presented. During its first 6
months of operation, the monitoring system has been functioning properly, producing very
relevant data. Even though facing a challenging application, the processing routines produced
good results, being able to identify the structure modal properties. The structure modal
properties for the first five vibration modes were obtained. The high variability presented by
natural frequencies during the filling period is mostly due to the variation of operational and
environmental conditions, namely the reservoir water level and temperature.
Quadratic regressions were developed between the values of natural frequencies and the
correspondent levels of water in the reservoir that showed a close correlation between these
two variables. After correcting the effect of the water level, linear regressions were also
developed between the previous corrected natural frequencies and ambient temperature and
the effect of temperature was removed. The corrected natural frequencies present much lower
variability than the ones that first resulted from the identification process, with standard
deviation values five to ten times smaller than the original ones. Presently, multivariate
regression models are being tested to minimize the effect of external conditions on modal
properties and other variables such as the concrete temperature are being considered.
Additionally, the processing of a larger database, containing entire annual cycles of
temperature variation will certainly permit to achieve even better results.
The numerical model of Baixo Sabor arch dam developed by LNEC was presented along
with its calibration for different reservoir water levels, using Westergaard’s added masses.
Furthermore, four damage scenarios were simulated using this model and frequency variations
corresponding to the effect of each simulated damage in the structure were obtained,
comparing the natural frequencies of the first five modes in the damaged model with the
reference frequencies from the model of the healthy dam. Five damage intensities were
considered for each water level. Frequency reductions in the order of 0.1 % were generally
obtained across the four scenarios, considering the lower damage intensity. These results will
be used in the future to test the capability of detecting damage with control charts.
This work was financially supported by: UID/ECI/04708/2019- CONSTRUCT - Instituto de
I&D em Estruturas e Construções funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES
(PIDDAC); PTDC/ECM-EST/0805/2014|16761 – DAM_AGE - Advanced Online Dynamic
Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete Dams, funded by FEDER funds through
COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) – and
by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; FCT PhD
Scholarship SFRH/BD/100587/2014 provided to the first author. The authors would like also
to acknowledge all the collaboration and support provided by EDP Produção.
Abstract. This paper presents the application of a fluid displacement based formulation for
the modelling of dynamic dam-reservoir interactions. This approach requires the
introduction of a constraint penalty term multiplier that should be as high as necessary to
enforce rotational constraint, but small enough to avoid numerical ill-conditioning and
overly stiff responses. A maximum design earthquake and a forced vibration numerical
analyses of an arch dam are carried out. The performance of two different displacement
based finite elements are compared against each other and against known forced vibration
experimental results on an arch dam, for a given reservoir level. The influence of the penalty
term, of the free surface motion and of the type of finite element are assessed.
LNEC, [email protected]
LNEC, [email protected]
LNEC, [email protected]
programs have this formulation implemented and readily available, including the interaction
with solid media.
In this study a fluid displacement based formulation is used. This type of approach
allows a perfect match between the solid and the fluid domains, which has, when compared
with fluid pressure based formulations, computational advantages for explicit algorithms
such as the centred difference. Two different finite elements can be adopted for the fluid
modelling: i) the traditional 8 node cubic fluid element with reduced integration (8N-1GP)
[8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; ii) 8 node cubic mixed discretization fluid element based on the average
behaviour of two independent 5 tetrahedra overlay (MDE) [12, 13, 14, 15].
The 8N-1gp Lagrangian fluid finite element accurately predicts the analytical responses
especially when regular plane/brick meshes are adopted [9, 10, 11], namely the theoretical
eigenvalues of a fluid within a tank and also the Westargaard hydrodynamic pressures in 2D
and 3D. The 8N-1gp Lagrangian fluid finite element has also been applied to the seismic
analysis of concrete arch dams, predicting reasonable responses and showing that the
Westergaard added mass concept cleary overly estimates the seismic response [8, 9, 10, 11,
Nevertheless, especially in 3D applications and for refined less regular brick meshes,
the model behaviour should be further validated, either against experimental data obtained by
monitoring the dynamic behaviour during earthquakes, or by data registered from ambient
vibration or by data recorded during forced vibration tests or by comparing the predicted
response with the responses obtained using an Euler approach.
A maximum design earthquake and a forced vibration numerical analyses of an arch
dam are carried. The influence of the penalty term, of the free surface motion and of the type
of finite element are assessed. The performance of the adopted FE fluid models are compared
against each other, and against known forced vibration experimental results on a arch dam
for a reservoir level 2m below the crest of the dam [16].
In the Lagrangian approach the fluid is considered to be linearly elastic, inviscid and
irrotational. The constitutive relationship under small displacement amplitude is given by [8]:
p = Kv v (1)
where p is the fluid pressure, v is the fluid volumetric strain and K v is the fluid bulk
modulus given by Kv c2 , where is the fluid mass density and c is the sound wave
speed. In order to ensure the irrotational nature of the fluid it is necessary to include the
following irrotational condition [8,9,10,11,12]:
where p x , p y and p z are the rotational stresses, is the rotational constraint penalty term
fluid bulk modulus multiplier, ˆrx , ˆry and ˆrz are the rotations about, respectively, the global
x, y and z axis, given by:
1 u u y 1 u x u z 1 u y u x
ˆ ˆry ˆrx
= z (3)
2 y xz 2 z x 2 x y
v Vk
voverlay = k=1
V k=1
where vk and V k are, respectively, the volumetric deformation and the volume of each
tetrahedron. The tetrahedron strain-rate tensor components ( ijk ) of a given tetrahedra are
then calculated using:
= +
ij ij (5)
where ijk is the deviatoric strain rate tensor of a given tetrahedron and ij is the Kronecker
symbol. It is known that the 8N-MDE solid element is able to predict accurate results under
high plasticity deformation, avoiding stress locking and overly stiff responses [14]. This
behaviour gives an indication that the element may also perform well under a Lagrangian
fluid finite element formulation. It has been shown that the 8N-MDE fluid element predicts
well the Westergaard hydrodynamic pressures for a regular mesh [15]. In [12] the MDE
formulation has been extended in order to be able to reduce the influence of zero energy
spurious nodes. A nonzero rotational constraint has been added, following a similar concept
to the volumetric averaging approach. The rotation rates about each global axis are averaged
on each overlay:
ˆ k
ri Vk
ˆrioverlay = k=1
V k=1
In [12] it was found that a small value of 0.001 K v for the penalty stiffness multiplier
needs to be included in the 8N-MDE model in order to guarantee the irrotational nature of
the fluid.
Overlay 1 Overlay 2
a) 8N-1gp b) 8N-MDE
The effect of surface waves and sloshing behaviour should also be taken into account.
With this purpose an elastic support with a spring value equal to g is added to the free
surface nodes. The free surface pressure field is then given by:
p g us (7)
where us is the vertical displacement at the free surface, is the fluid mass density and g is
the acceleration due to gravity.
3.1 Introduction
The dynamic behaviour of Alto Lindoso dam, under seismic loading and forced
vibration loading is studied, Figure 2. The dam is located in the North of Portugal and is a
double curvature concrete arch dam with a maximum height of 110 m, a thickness of 21 m at
the base of the crown cantilever and of 4 m at the crest. Figure 3 presents the adopted
numerical models, see also Table 1. With the exception of the foundation model, wich has
two elements in thickness the MDE numerical model, both numerical models are similar.
Given that the run times of the FV analysis is extremely high the adopted foundation
numerical model was intentionally reduced to a minimum size.
Figure 2: Alto Lindoso dam. General view and geometric definition [17]
Table 2 presents the material properties adopted for the dam body and the dam
foundation. The Young’s modulus values are taken as 1.25 times the static values that were
found to give a good agreement with the observed in situ response of the dam [17]. Table 3
presents the adopted interface material properties. As indicated in Table 3, for the solid/fluid
interactions only the normal spring stiffness is considered guaranteeing that the interaction
will only occur in the perpendicular direction of the fluid surface. For the fluid displacement
based finite elements a bulk modulus of 2.0 GPa and a mass density of 1.0 ton/m3 are
adopted. The concrete material properties are in close range with the properties adopted in
[16] that produce an excellent agreement for the transfer functions, namely the first and
second experimental resonance where a 0.8% modal damping was adopted for both the dam
and foundation.
c) MDE – Dam body including control points d) FV – Dam body including control point
and includes a very low frequency response that requires almost 20 seconds to be attenuated.
Figure 5 also shows that the pressure wave amplitude returns to the initial static value faster
in the 8N-1gp fluid finite element. Figure 6 shows the vertical dynamic stress at the dam base
close to the upstream face for both adopted fluid finite elements and for the Westergaard
added masses with a correction factor of 0.7. It is shown that both fluid models predict
similar response at the dam body, even as shown in Figure 5, the fluid dynamic pressure
distribution can be slightly different. It can also be verified that even with a 0.7 correction
factor the Westergaard approach is still conservative when compared with the values
predicted with both fluid finite elements.
[MPa] [MPa]
a) 8N-1gp b) 8N-MDE
Figure 4: Static loading fluid pressure distribution after MDE loading – Nonzero constraint penalty term
Time (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8N-1gp-1
-400 2000
Vertical stress (kPa)
Fluid pressure (KPa)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8N-1gp (337m) 8N-MDE (337m) 8N-1gp (309m)
8N-MDE (309m) 8N-1gp (259m) 8N-MDE (259m)
-1400 -6000
Figure 5: Fluid pressure close to the upstream face of Figure 6: Vertical dynamic stress at the dam base
the dam at different elevations. close to the upstream face of the dam.
Figure 7 shows the dynamic fluid pressure at the base close to the dam foundation
interface for both fluid finite elements. It can be seen that with the 8N-1gp fluid finite
element is used the response when the rotational penalty stiffness is included (8N-1gp-1)
greatly differs from the response obtained when no rotational penalty stiffness is considered,
Figure 7a). It is also shown that the predicted response including the influence of the surface
waves (8N-1gp-1) is slightly different from the response when this phenomenon is not
considered. Figure 7 b) shows that with the 8N-MDE fluid finite element the response when
the rotational penalty stiffness is included (8N-MDE-1) just slightly differs from the response
obtained when no rotational penalty stiffness is included (8N-MDE-2), Figure 7a). The study
carried out shows that the response including the influence of the surface waves (8N-MDE-1)
is very similar to that predicted when this phenomena is not considered adopting an 8N-MDE
fluid element.
150 150
8N-1gp-1 8N-MDE-1
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
-50 -50
Time (s) Time (s)
-100 -100
-150 -150
a) 8N-1gp b) 8N-MDE
Figure 7: Fluid pressure at the upstream face of the dam at the dam base close to the dam/foundation interface.
Figures 8a) and 8b) show the load transfer functions for the radial displacement when
adopting the 8N-1gp fluid element for two different fluid/solid interface normal stiffness
values. The same also show the load transfer functions obtained with a Westergaard added
mass approach using a correction factor of 0.7. It can be seen that both the rotational penalty
stiffness and the normal interface stiffness play an important role in the measured response.
Without the penalty constraint, the peak values occur at slightly different frequencies, the
number of recorded peak values and the peak amplitudes can also be different. It is also
shown that a high value of interface normal stiffness can lead to different responses. Note
that the dam body is simulated using 20 node hexahedra bricks and the fluid is simulated
with 8 node hexahedra bricks and the final coupled deformation requires some adjustment at
the dam/reservoir interface.
Figures 8 c) and 8 d) show the load transfer obtained using the 8N-MDE with penalty
constraint (8N-MDE-1) and without penalty constraint (8N-MDE), the response are closer
when compared with the 8N-1gp response, with and without the penalty term. Nevertheless,
differences can be found as different peaks can be predicted, similar peaks can occur in
slightly different frequencies and the peak amplitudes can also be slightly different.
5.0 5.0
Displacement (x10-6 m/kN)
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
a) 8N-1gp-kn=4.0 GPa/m b) 8N-1gp-kn=2.0 GPa/m
Experimental [16] Westergaard (α=0.7) Experimental [16] Westergaard (α=0.7)
6.0 8N-MDE-1 8N-MDE-2 6.0 8N-MDE-1 8N-MDE-2
5.0 5.0
Displacement (x10-6 m/kN)
Displacement (x10-6 m/kN)
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
c) 8N-MDE-kn=4.0 GPa/m d) 8N-MDE-kn=2.0 GPa/m
Figure 8: Load transfer functions for the radial displacement at highlighted point (Figure 3b)
Figures 9a) and 9b) show the load transfer functions for the radial displacement when
adopting both fluid elements when the material properties are defined as 1.43 of the static
values adopted in [17]. It can be seen that with the 8N-MDE finite element including the
rotational penalty term (8N-MDE-1) both the first (3,10 Hz) and the second (3.45 Hz)
experimental resonance values can be predicted. It can also be seen that the increase in the
model stiffness has little influence on the numerical results obtained with the 8N-1gp finite
element model with penalty term. In fact the the change in the predicted response is almost
Displacement (x10-6 m/kN)
2.5 4.0 3.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 5.5
Frequency (Hz)
a) 8N-1gp-kn=2 GPa/m, 1.43 static values [17]
Displacement (x10-6 m/kN)
2.5 4.0 3.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 5.5
Frequency (Hz)
b) 8N-1gp-kn=2, 1.43 static values [17]
Figure 9: Load transfer functions for the radial displacement at highlighted point (Figure 3b) for recalibrated
elastic properties
Two different Lagrangian fluid based displacement FE elements valid for small
amplitudes that can be applied to fluid/structure dynamic analysis are presented. It is shown
that for a less regular brick finite element model the 8N-1gp and 8N-MDE predict similar
responses for MDE loading. The slight differences in the predicted fluid dynamic pressure
have little effect on the overall dam body response. Comparison with Euler based methods
needs to be carried out in order to assess which finite model predicts a response closer to that
obtained with other methods. It is also shown that the rotational penalty term has an influence
on the final response, as expected, being more relevant when the 8N-1gp finite element is
used, as it requires a higher penalty term value.
The forced vibration analysis that is carried out also shows that the rotational penalty
term influences the numerically obtained load transfer function in both finite elements,
slightly different peak values for similar modes can be obtained, different peak values can
also occur and different peak amplitudes can be obtained. It is also shown that the adopted
interface normal stiffness at the dam/reservoir interface influences the predicted response, a
lower value predicts a response closer to that obtained experimentally. As mentioned, the
adopted normal stiffness value cannot be too high because it has to be low enough in order to
guarantee the compatibilization between the deformation that occurs with the 20 node
hexahedra mesh adopted in the dam body with the 8 node cubic fluid elements, with an
approximate linear field.
It is shown that with the 8N-MDE finite element it is possible to obtain a load transfer
function that leads to results closer to those obtained experimentally in the lower resonances.
Before the application of this type of models to MDE loading it is important to calibrate the
interface stiffness parameter using known forced vibration records, taking into account both
frequencies and peaks amplitudes.
The results that are here presented show that the 8N-MDE finite element model
including the rotational term is a promising finite element model that can be adopted for
nonlinear explicit analysis including gravity effects. Further studies need to be carried out in
order to assess whether the Lagrangian based models are able to predict correct responses for
refined distorted fluid meshes.
The study presented here is part of the research project “DAMFA: Cutting-edge solutions for
sustainable assessment of concrete dam foundations” which has been supported by LNEC
with the main purpose of developing a numerical multiphysic integrated tool for the
sustainable assessment of concrete dam foundations, taking into account the interaction
between the mechanical, hydraulic and thermal behaviours.
Keywords: Dams; Concrete arch dam; Field measurements; Modal analysis; Material
parameters; Numerical methods
Abstract. For the structural safety assessment of dams several material parameters have to
be defined in the analysis, in case of concrete dams these parameters are mainly related to
materials such as concrete, rock as well as water. Essential parameters of materials are elastic
modulus or Young’s modulus (E), compression and tensile strength and Poisson’s ratio (𝜈).
For dynamic load cases these parameters can significantly differ, in comparison to static
loading. The linear elastic dynamic material properties can be calibrated by using numerical
models, based on results of dynamic in-situ test at existing structures.
In Austria, such in-situ tests have been performed at the 131 m high Schlegeis double-curvature
arch-gravity dam, at two different reservoir water levels. As result of the measurements, the
significant natural frequencies for each situation were determined.
This study presents modal analyses using finite element (FE) method were parameter studies
have been performed to back-calculate the dynamic parameters of concrete and rock.
The structural safety assessment of large structures like dams is of high interest because
of the potential of losses in case of a structural failure. Therefore, dams are designed for
different kinds of static loads and furthermore for dynamic loads like earthquakes. For a critical
assessment the knowledge of eligible material parameters is essential for static and dynamic
load cases.
This paper presents a way to obtain dynamic material parameters by using the finite
element (FE) method in combination with results from in-situ vibration tests. Schlegeis double-
curvature arch-gravity dam (maximum height 131 m) is discretized using ANSYS Mechanical
finite element software to estimate the dynamic material properties like Young’s modulus and
Poisson’s ratio. The first five natural frequencies of the dam gained from in-situ tests are the
benchmark in the optimization process in ANSYS DesignXplorer module. A Multiple-
Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) calibrates the above mentioned material parameters so
that the computed natural frequencies fit to the measured ones within a certain tolerance.
Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management / Graz University of Technology,
[email protected]
Schlegeis dam (constructed from 1967 to 1972) is part of the Zemm-Ziller pumped
storage hydropower scheme which is located in the Tyrolian part of the Austrian Central Alps.
With its maximum height of 131 m, crest length of 725 m and concrete volume of 980000 m3
it impounds the Schlegeis reservoir which acts as upper reservoir of the Roßhag power station.
In terms of the total storage capacity of 129 million m³ it is the third largest reservoir in Austria.
The active storage capacity of 126.5 million m3 is defined by the maximum operating water
level at 1782.0 m a.s.l. and the minimum operation water level at 1680.0 m a.s.l.. [1]
Figure 1: Aerial photo of Schlegeis dam (Photo: Verbund Hydro Power GmbH (VHP))
Schlegeis dam has been numerically investigated twice during former ICOLD
Benchmark Workshops, once within Theme A (“Uplift pressure and Stress Analysis of an Arch
Dam and Foundation”) of the Fifth Benchmark Workshop in Denver [3], a second time two
years later in 2001 in Salzburg as part of Theme C named “Interpretation of Measurement
Vibration tests were conducted in 1981 and 1992/93, the results of the later ones are used
as benchmark for the numerical analyses presented in this paper.
Figure 2: Cross section at the main section of Schlegeis dam, reproduction from [5]
The tests in 1981 clearly showed that the induced vibrations of the exciter can trigger all
relevant mode shapes of the dam, if it is placed at crest level of block 2 (Figure 3). The exciter
produced a horizontal directed sinusoidal varying force (max. amplitude 25 kN) in radial and
tangential directions to the main dam axis.
With a computer controlled setup it was possible to perform frequency sweeps in the
range from 0 to 10 Hz. Along the crest as well as in the inspection galleries numerous sensors
have been installed to capture the response of the structure. Table 2 summarizes the first five
identified natural frequencies 𝜔𝑛 of each measurement campaign.
Table 2: Natural frequencies of the three in-situ measurements
The in-situ measurements were performed at certain reservoir water levels and therefore
the influence of the dam’s interaction with the water has to be considered in the finite element
analysis. The reservoir is discretized with acoustic elements which are coupled to the dam to
consider the fluid structure interaction (FSI) in the analyses. For the identification of dynamic
material parameters of concrete and rock, two finite element models have been set up with the
corresponding reservoir water levels in the fluid domain.
The structural domains together with the fluid domain were meshed by using the ANSYS
MultiZone meshing method to generate a pure hexahedral mesh. With this method it was
possible to reduce the number of elements and nodes compared to a mesh with tetrahedral
elements. The aim of this procedure was to generate a higher quality mesh compared to a
tetrahedral mesh and to reduce the solving time of the analyses.
The final mesh of the model that discretizes the situation of the first in-situ measurement
with higher water level in the reservoir (1775 m a.s.l.) consists of approximately 18300
elements and 84600 nodes as shown in Figure 4. The number of elements and nodes in the
second model is lower due to the smaller fluid domain which represents the situation of the
second measurement campaign at reservoir water level 1731 m a.s.l..
Figure 4: Geometry and finite element mesh that represents the situation of the first in-situ measurement
In both models the structural domain is discretized by SOLID186 higher order elements
(quadratic displacement behavior) with 20 nodes each, and so-called uniform reduced
integration that prevents volumetric mesh locking. The higher order FLUID220 20-node
acoustic element type with pressure as the only degree of freedom is used for those regions of
the fluid domain that are not in the first layer at the interaction interface to the structure. Those
acoustic elements that are connected to the FSI interface, displacement degrees of freedom are
solved in addition to the pressure degree of freedom.
It is assumed that the dam body cannot separate from the foundation block, therefore,
the bonded MPC coupling is used as well at this interface. Linear elastic behavior was assumed
for both parts of the structural domain (concrete and massless foundation). Thus, a linear
system is solved in the modal analyses of the parameter study.
second and third measurement are marginal therefore, the frequencies of the second
measurement are considered as input in the numerical study with water level 1731 m a.s.l..
ANSYS DesignXplorer module offers different tools for parameter studies or design
optimization, one of these tools that has been used is called Direct Optimization which uses
the Multiple-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) method to solve the optimization
problem. More detailed information can be found in [7]. Basically, the investigations in this
paper are the optimization (variation) of material properties of the finite element modal
analysis so that the first five calculated natural frequencies match the measured ones within a
tolerance threshold (Pareto criterion). Table 3 gives an overview about the chosen properties
and their ranges in case of variation.
Table 4 shows the results of the computed dynamic parameters that are found after
several iterations in the optimization process, with the best fit to the first measurement which
is related to the higher water level in the reservoir. A comparison of the natural frequencies in
Table 5 shows very good agreement of the measured and computed frequencies for the case of
the higher reservoir water level.
Figure 5: Natural frequencies from in-situ measurements from [5] and finite element analyses (FEA)
If the gained material parameters from the analysis that corresponds to the higher water
level in the reservoir, are used as input for the modal analysis of the second model (water level
1731 m a.s.l.) the computed natural frequencies differ more significant (see Figure 5 and Table
5). The reason for this deviation may be explained due to nonlinear effects such as partial
opening of the block joints for lower water levels which was captured by the in-situ
measurements but is not considered in the numerical model due to its linear nature.
Table 5: Natural frequencies from in-situ measurements from [5] and finite element analysis (FEA)
During seismic events variable loads act within short time periods on the dam as well as
foundation rock, with strain rates 𝜖̇ of 10−4 − 10−1 𝑠 −1 [8]. Several investigations e.g. like
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation [9], showed that dynamic material parameters of concrete and
rock such as e.g. Young’s modulus E and Poisson ratio 𝜈 differ from their static values. U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation did intense dynamic material testing on more than hundred concrete
cores taken from several dams to quantify the ratio of dynamic to static values of concrete
properties like compression and tensile strengths, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, etc..
The Young’s modulus can be computed based on the compressive strength 𝑓𝑐𝑘(𝑡) at a
certain age t of concrete by using the following relationship [10]:
𝐸(𝑡) = 22 ⋅
𝑓𝑐𝑘(𝑡) 0.3
( ) (1)
Using Equation 1 together with the measured compressive strength of 12 year old
concrete cores taken from Schlegeis dam, leads to a static elastic modulus 𝐸12𝑦𝑟𝑠 = 31.6 𝐺𝑃𝑎.
The corresponding compressive strength 𝑓𝑐𝑘(12𝑦𝑟𝑠) = 33.0 𝑀𝑃𝑎, together with conversion
formulas to consider the effect of specimen size are provided in [11]. In [2] the static Young’s
modulus of the foundation rock is given as 20 GPa, as a result of several in-situ and laboratory
By comparing the above mentioned static properties to the results gained by the
numerical investigations, ratios of dynamic to static parameters of concrete and rock are
calculated as shown in Table 6.
According to [9] the average ratio of dynamic to static Poisson’s ratio is 1.09 with a
variation coefficient of 0.29. Due to this scatter of these results it is recommended to use the
static Poisson’s ratio of concrete which is in the range between 0.15 to 0.20. Therefore, results
shown in Table 6 are based on static values of Poisson’s ratio of concrete. Furthermore this
assumption has been devolved to the Poisson’s ratio of rock in the numerical analyses.
Finally, the dynamic/static ratio of 1.23 for Young’s modulus of concrete which was
calculated in this study, lies within the span of values that are provided in several standards
and guidelines for dam engineering. A comprehensive summary of these numbers can be found
in [11].
Dams are structures with a high risk potential. Therefore, intensive and critical structural
safety assessment in the design phase for static and dynamic load cases is essential. The
responsible engineers rely on material parameters from testing in the laboratory and if possible
from in-situ tests of already build structures.
In the present study a numerical investigation with the aim to calculate dynamic material
properties of concrete and rock has been undertaken for the Schlegeis double-curvature arch-
gravity dam in Austria, based on already published results of in-situ measurements at this dam.
Modal analyses using the finite element method were carried out to study the influence of
varying material parameters on the natural frequencies of the dam. Natural frequencies
measured at the prototype were used as benchmark to identify values of dynamic Young’s
moduli for concrete and rock. A comparison with dynamic material parameters which are
provided in international standards and guidelines for dam engineering, shows a good
agreement of the gained results of this study. The result can be improved even further by
creating a more detailed FE model of the foundation.
In conclusion, the results of in-situ measurements in general, and in this case at the
Schlegeis dam, are a valuable basis for engineers that are in charge of assessing the structural
safety of dams and other hydraulic structures, by adapting the material parameters in the model
to values that were gained from similar structures.
Abstract. From August 2016 until the beginning of 2017, a long seismic sequence affected
Central Italy, particularly between the cities of Macerata and L’Aquila. Scandarello Dam is
located in the municipality of Amatrice and only 7 km far from the epicenter of the first shock
occurred on August 24th (Accumoli). Post-earthquake controls and inspections didn’t show
significant damages neither to the dam body nor on the banks or on the appurtenant structures.
The static monitoring system of the dam recorded some anomalies, although they were found
to be of limited importance if compared to the overall behavior of the dam. This paper
describes the post-earthquake measured response of the dam and compares it with historical
data. Results suggest the importance of providing dams with automatic, static and dynamic
monitoring systems.
On 24th August 2016 at 3:36 a.m. a 6.0 Magnitude earthquake hit the Central Apennines,
only 7 km far from Scandarello Dam.
This paper describes the seismic sequence in terms of hazard and effects on the territory
and on the Scandarello Dam. It will be shown that the dam underwent no significant damage,
contrary to other types of structures and infrastructures in the area. Some small evidences were
observed only on the crest with an accentuation of the existent cortical cracking pattern and
slight damages on the parapets.
Furthermore, the paper deals with the response of the dam in terms of its fundamental
measurements and their variations in relationship with the historical seasonal behaviour.
Finally, the conclusions put in evidence the good response of the dam to the earthquakes
happened also the importance of historical surveillance and information as well as a reliable
monitoring system, in order to express a judgement almost immediately after the earthquake.
For this reasons both of an automatic monitoring system of the fundamental magnitudes and a
dynamic monitoring system with accelerometers were installed as soon as possible after the
Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport – Directorate-General for dams, hydraulic and electrical
Between August 2016 and January 2017, four major earthquakes occurred in Central Italy.
The first event, with M6.0, took place on 24 August 2016, the second one (M5.9) on 26
October, the third one (M6.5) on 30 October 2016 and the forth one (M5.5) on 18th January
As shown in Figure 1, this earthquake sequence occurred in a gap between two earlier
damaging events, the 1997 M6.1 Umbria-Marche earthquake to the north-west and the 2009
M6.1 L’Aquila earthquake to the south-east.
Figure 1: Seismic main events in the last 20 years in the interested area.
These events occurred along the spine of the Apennine Mountain range on normal faults
and had rake angles ranging from -80 to -100 deg., which corresponds to normal faulting. Each
of these events produced substantial damage to local towns and villages.
Figure 2: Amatrice town before and after 24th August Mw 6.0 earthquake.
Figure 3: The Nera River Landslide that dammed the river below and closed the highway.
At Scandarello dam, starting from 24th August 2016 until January 2017, more than 50
shocks with a PGA evaluated at the site above 0.04 g 3 were felt. But the most important
earthquake was the first shock (Amatrice M6.0), located only 7 km from the dam, with a PGA
evaluated at the site about 0.25 g 2. On the contrary, the PGA recorder by the AMT Station
(located closer to the dam, but in Amatrice Town) was definitely greater and equal to 0.43g,
certainly affected by amplification due to the alluvial substratum.
PGA = (F. Sabetta e A. Pugliese, 1996) estimation of the horizontal component of the maximum free-
field acceleration at the dam site (as a percentage of the gravity acceleration).
Scandarello Dam is a 45.15 m high gravity concrete dam, located in the Municipality of
Amatrice (Rieti Province), along Rio Scandarello, a tributary of Tronto River, built between
1921 and 1927.
The reservoir, with a
capacity of 12.5 Mm3, is
managed by Enel for
hydroelectric power
generation in a plant at the
foot of the dam. However,
the reservoir is also very
important as a summer
reserve providing water for
the above Tronto Valley.
The dam has a
curved layout, with a
radius of the arch equal to
150m. The crest of the
dam, 6m wide and over
200 m long, reaches an
elevation of 876.5m a.s.l.
Figure 4: Scandarello dam - Layout
room. These damages were speedily repaired, so that the wall could resist without significant
damages the 30th October 6.5 Mw earthquake.
4.2.1 Pendulums
Scandarello dam is provided of two pendulums in order to measure both the radial
(downstream-upstream) and tangential (right-left) displacements of the crown cantilever, in a
movable point located at the bottom gallery floor. The measurements are made in respect to
two fixed points: one located 50 cm under the crest (direct pendulum) and the second one in
the foundation (16 m under the floor).
For both pendulums statistical models were developed, calibrated considering as a reference
the period between 1st October 2009 (last day of the 2009 L’Aquila Seismic sequence) and 4th
August 2016 (latest day of measurements before the Amatrice 6.0M earthquake).
In term of variations only the downstream-upstream components are significant, showing a
very good correlation coefficient (R2 both over 0.87), with the driving factors (seasonal
temperatures for both, only hydraulic level of the reservoir for inverted pendulum).
As shown in the diagrams of figures 6 and 7, for both pendulums, the day-after-24thAugust
measurements (blue line) deviate from the model (red line), showing millimetric downstream
displacements. On the contrary, the day-after-30th October measurements recorded comparable
upstream displacement, bringing themselves back almost overlap the model line.
After that, the seasonal behavior seems regular, in good agreement with the model.
<---> M
PD M-V (mm) 2016 2017
<- M---> Upstream
DownstreamV <--->
PD M-V (mm)
MOD-PD-2009-10-2016-08 (mm)
X = 24/08/2016 00:00
X = 30/10/2016 00:00
X = 18/01/2017 00:00
Fig. 6 Direct pendulum – downstream-upstream displacements. The measurements are blue dots-lines; the
models are the red lines.
MOD-PR02-2009-10-2016-08B (mm)
PR V-M (mm)
X = 24/08/2016 00:00 2016 2017
X = 30/10/2016 00:00
X = 18/01/2017 00:00
V <---> M
PR V-M (mm)
MOD-PR02-2009-10-2016-08B (mm)
X = 24/08/2016 00:00
X = 30/10/2016 00:00
X = 18/01/2017 00:00
Fig. 7. Inverted pendulum – downstream-upstream displacements. The measurements are blue dots-lines; the
models are the red lines.
4.2.2 Seepages
Since it was built, Scandarello dam has always been interested by a significant seepages
pattern, especially through the foundation and right abutment. No deep grouting was carried
out in the foundation rock before dam construction.
At the first impounding, underseepages over than 100 liters per second occurred, caused by
the dam heel being too shallow. A supplementary hell wall was constructed, but it did not
prove successful. Therefore, in 1927 a grout curtain was realized in order to reinforce and
connect the wall to the foundation rock, made of strongly fractured sandstone and marlstone
in a mixed layers succession. The seepages decreased down to 4-5 l/s, measured at the end of
the bottom gallery.
At the end of 2002, in order to effectively reduce the uplift pressures, a new drainage system
into the foundation was realized in addition to the original one in the dam body.
This chimney drain resulted very efficient, but caused an increase of seepages, up to 10-12
l/s at maximum water level.
A statistical model of the total amount of seepages was developed, considering for
calibration a reference period between 1st October 2009 (last day of the 2009 L’Aquila Seismic
sequence) and 4th August 2016 (latest day of measurements before the Amatrice 6.0M
earthquake). The cause magnitude influencing the measurements is only the hydraulic level
with a very good correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.93).
As shown in the diagram of figure 8, the day-after-24thAugust measurements (blue line)
deviate from the model (red line), pointing out an important increase (about 8 l/s), partially due
to the efficiency of the drainage system. After earthquake, following the reservoir emptying,
the seepages decreased with a higher rate than the model, trying to recover a normal behavior.
The 30th October 6.5M earthquake caused another slight increase of seepages (about 3.5 l/s),
which slowly reduced during the next months.
Seepages increased again after in 2017 the reservoir was partially re-impounded. However,
the deviation between measurements and model prevision decreased during summer, reaching
values about 3.5 l/s. This difference has remained constant until today, despite the higher
reservoir water level.
2016 2017
Tot interne diga (l/s)
CALC-modello-perdite ()
CALC-modello-modificato-tarato ()
X = 24/08/2016 00:00
X = 30/10/2016 00:00
X = 18/01/2017 00:00
Fig. 8. Seepages. The measurements are blue lines; the models are the red lines.
Together with the realization of the new drains into the foundation, three piezometers were
installed into the longitudinal bottom gallery and another two piezometers in the downstream
right abutment, in order to evaluate the reduction of the uplift pressures.
All piezometers were provided with sensors put into an open standpipe with a 2-meters
windowed section located at the contact between dam and foundation rock.
The analysis are made on the two most significant piezometers, one located into the bottom
gallery, named PZS1, and the other one in the low part of the downstream right abutment,
named PZV1.
The normal historical reduction of the uplift pressures, evaluated in respect to the contact
dam/foundation, for these two piezometers, depends from the reservoir water levels, but is
about 80-85% for PZS1 and 84-88% for PZV1, showing a very good efficiency of the drainage
For both instruments, statistical models were developed, considering for calibration a
reference period between 1st October 2009 (last day of the 2009 L’Aquila Seismic sequence)
and 4th August 2016 (latest day of measurements before the Amatrice 6.0M earthquake). The
main factor influencing the measurement of PZS1 is only the hydraulic level, which shows a
good correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.86). The PZV1 is also influenced by the seasonal
temperature variations (R2 = 0.89).
As shown in the diagram of figures 9 and 10, the day-after-24thAugust measurements (blue
line) deviate from the model (red line), pointing out a small uplifts increase (about 0.5-0.7 m)
and confirming the efficiency of the drainage system. After that, both piezometers
measurements decreased and no additional increase was recorded after 30th October 6.5M
earthquake (when reservoir was almost at the minimum level). In 2017 the measurements,
especially for PZV1, recovered a regular behavior in good agreement with the models. The
PZS1 showed values lower than the model, so that Enel decided to update all the piezometers
sensors (see Par. 5.1). Now, measurements are stable on the values before earthquakes.
2016 2017
PzS1 (m.s.l.m.)
MOD-PZS1-2016da2009deriva (m.s.l.m.)
X = 24/08/2016 00:00
X = 30/10/2016 00:00
X = 18/01/2017 00:00
Fig. 9. Uplifts (piezometer PZS1). The measurements are blue lines; the models are the red lines
2016 2017
MOD-PZV120092016deriva (m.s.l.m.)
X = 24/08/2016 00:00
Fig. 10. Uplifts (piezometer
X = 30/10/2016 00:00 PZV1). The measurements are blue lines; the models are the red lines
X = 18/01/2017 00:00
In February 2017, about six months after the August 24th main shock, the Civil Protection
Department (DPC), in collaboration with the national dam authority (Directorate-General for
dams, hydraulic and electrical infrastructures or DGD) and with the support of ENEL,
equipped Scandarello dam with a dynamic monitoring system.
The system is made of three force-based, 3-axial acceleration sensors, cable-connected
to a central data acquisition unit responsible for sensor control, basic signal processing and
remote transmission of measured data. All the instruments are sheltered because they are
installed inside the dam’s body: two in the top gallery and one in the base gallery. The
instrument layout is shown in Figure 12: sensor “C” and “S” are located in the top gallery, the
former at the crown cantilever, the latter at the right quarter; sensor “B” is placed at the base
of the dam, in the bottom gallery at the crown cantilever.
Fig. 12. Layout of the seismic monitoring system installed in February 2017.
The seismic monitoring system of Scandarello dam is part of a larger project named
Italian structural seismic monitoring network (OSS) [7], developed and managed by DPC,
aimed at collecting and analyzing seismic data recorded by many critical structures and
infrastructures equipped with seismic monitoring systems. The OSS network is automatized
so that, after an earthquake with magnitude larger than 4.0, the recorded data and some basic
parameters of the motion are readily available for download from the OSS website.
After installation of the seismic monitoring system on Scandarello dam in February
2017, a number of low-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes, all belonging to the sequence
started August 24th, affected the region close to the dam. The data presented hereafter was
recorded from ten earthquakes with local magnitude between 3.0 and 4.2, occurred from
February 2017 to March 2018. The source-to-site distance of the ten earthquakes ranges from
a minimum of 3.0 Km to a maximum of 23.5 Km. Free-field PGA values, recorded by the
national strong motion network (RAN), range from 0.3% to 13% of the gravitational
acceleration g.
Peak acceleration values recorded by the dam monitoring system are shown in the scatter
plot of Figure 13. For each record, peak accelerations at the crest (sensors C and S) are plotted
against the peak acceleration at the base (sensor B). Data for both stream (M-V) and cross-
stream (S-S) directions are included, and data are grouped into three data sets: (1) crown
cantilever section (sensor C), stream direction; (2) right quarter section (sensor S), stream
direction; (3) cross-stream direction, including both data from C and S sensors. Standard linear
regression has been used to provide a best-fit of the three data sets.
Analysis of the plot in Figure 13 leads to the following results:
Large amplification of the base motion is registered in the stream direction, both for the
crown and the quarter section. Amplification factors vary from 1 to 10.
The response in the stream direction of the crown cantilever is well described by a linear
pattern (R2 = 0.85), with an amplification factor of about 5.7.
On the contrary, data points for the quarter section are more scattered (R2 = 0.56), and
the best-fit amplification factor, equal to 6.2, is slightly greater than the one computed
for the crown section.
Much smaller amplification is registered in the cross-stream direction, with similar
values for the crown and the quarter sections. Data points show a very good linear
correlation, characterized by an amplification factor of about 1.7. This is a result of the
higher stiffness of the dam for such modes.
Scandarello Dam, located in the municipality of Amatrice only 7 km far from the first
24th August Mw=6.0 earthquake epicentre, showed a comforting behaviour in response to the
2016-2017 seismic sequence in Central Italy. The numerous controls and inspections didn’t
show any significant effects either on the dam body or on the banks or on the appurtenant
structures. The monitoring system, even if it didn’t show overall relevant anomalies in the
behaviour of the dam, recorded some variations in the measurements.
For the most important magnitudes characterizing dam behaviour, those variations were
compared with statistical models developed starting from the historical seasonal
Significant concentrated displacements with deviations with respect to the models were
recorded only by pendulums in the downstream-upstream direction. These millimetric
deviations have partially gone back and measurements are regular in good accordance with
models. The seasonal behavior during reservoir re-impounding didn’t show anomalies with
respect to the past.
Piezometers recorded a slight increase of the uplifts, especially after the first 24th August
6.0M earthquake. In any case, in the following months they returned to a regular behavior, in
good agreement with the statistical models.
Seepages through the foundation showed the greatest difference after the first 24th
August 6.0M earthquake, with an increase of more than 50% of the expected values. Despite
the others earthquakes occurred, during the following months about half of the increase has
been recovered. Nevertheless, considering that filtration phenomena were the critical element
of Scandarello Dam since it was built, Enel is designing a new deep grout curtain to be realized
in the next years.
Finally, automatic and dynamic monitoring systems were implemented in order to
provide better quality data on the dam behaviour, immediately available after an earthquake.
Keywords: Modal Identification, Ambient and seismic measured vibrations, Experimental and
numerical results, Cabril dam.
Abstract. This paper is focused on the Portuguese experience regarding the development and
operation of continuous vibrations monitoring systems in large concrete dams. The goal is to
emphasize the importance of the combined use of monitoring data and numerical models for
Seismic and Structural Health Monitoring (SSHM) of Dams. The case study is Cabril arch
dam (132 m high), the highest dam in Portugal, in which a pioneer SSHM system has been in
operation since 2008. This system, installed by LNEC, was designed for measuring
accelerations in the dam body and near the base (dam-foundation interface), using 16 uniaxial
and 3 triaxial accelerometers. Appropriate software has been developed to integrate and
complement the monitoring system, aiming to automatically process and analyse the recorded
data, including tools for simplified study of monitoring results and for automatic comparison
with numerical results from 3DFE models. The main experimental results obtained for Cabril
dam are presented, namely the evolution of natural frequencies over time, mode shapes and
the measured seismic response to an earthquake event. A comparison with results from
numerical modelling is presented, using a coupled 3DFE model based on a formulation in
displacements and pressures, considering a state space approach to simulate the dynamic
behaviour of the dam-reservoir-foundation system and the Newmark method to compute the
seismic response.
LNEC – DBB, [email protected]
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Following the success achieved
with the system installed in Cabril dam, considering the important results obtained in several
studies [4,5,6,7] EDP made the decision to install similar complete monitoring systems in other
dams, namely in Baixo Sabor dam (2015) and Foz Tua dam. Other systems for measuring
seismic vibrations in dams are installed in Alqueva dam, Alto Ceira II dam and Ribeiradio
6 5 4
Eixo de referência
Rede de fibra óptica
Figure 1: Concrete dams in Portugal and seismic faults. Indication of dams with monitoring systems installed
for measuring vibrations under ambient/operation excitations and/or seismic events.
For large concrete dams, the installation and operation of SSHM systems for continuous
dynamic monitoring aims to measure physical quantities (e.g. accelerations) in the dam body
and in the foundation, using the latest technology for automatic data acquisition. Nevertheless,
besides the need for the installation of quality hardware (transducers, data acquisition and
transmission, etc.), the efficiency and accuracy of these systems depend heavily on the use of
sophisticated software to process, manage and analyse the recorded data. Currently, this is one
of the main issues regarding the successful operation of monitoring systems, given that the
equipment suppliers only deliver the specific software for data acquisition. Therefore, in order
to improve the efficacy of the new SSHM systems, it has become necessary to develop
appropriate software adapted and optimized to each dam thus enabling to carry out interactive
and/or automatic analysis of monitoring data and to perform the comparison with numerical
results from 3DFEM models [4], as has been done in LNEC in recent years [2]. In this way,
important results can be provided for engineers/technicians responsible for dam safety control
and health monitoring [4,5,6,7], to study the dynamic behaviour for ambient and operational
excitations (e.g. to study the evolution of natural frequencies and mode shapes over time in
order to characterize the effects of water level and/or seasonal variations, and in order to detect
structural changes due to material deterioration), and to evaluate the structural response under
seismic loading (for earthquakes with different peak accelerations and different frequency
content). This data is also of great use to calibrate and validate the developed numerical FE
models used to predict the seismic response of dams.
a) Hardware b) Software
Accelerometers Modal identification
Data concentrators
Figure 2: SSHM monitoring. Hardware components and software for modal identification.
Cabril dam (Fig. 3a), the highest dam in Portugal, is located on the Zêzere river and has
been in operation since 1954. This is a double curvature arch dam, founded on a granite mass
rock foundation, with the particularity of presenting a greater thickness in the crest. The dam
has a maximum height of 132 m above the foundation and the crest, which reaches an elevation
of 297m, is about 290 m long. The central cantilever has a maximum width of 20 m at the base
and a minimum width of 4.5 m below the crest. In this dam, a significant horizontal cracking
phenomenon occurred near the crest (at the height 280-290 m) during the first filling of the
reservoir. Also, a concrete swelling process has been detected in the late 90’s. As for the
reservoir, the water surface level usually ranges from a minimum of about 265 m to the
maximum storage level of 294 m (the maximum flood level is 296.3 m) throughout the year.
As mentioned previously, in the framework of LNEC research activities regarding
monitoring and modelling the dynamic behaviour of dams, a pioneer SSHM system was
installed in Cabril dam in 2008 [3] (Fig. 3b). The installation of the hardware components was
carried out by the Scientific Instrumentation Centre, while the software presented in this work
was developed in the Concrete Dams Department. The goal was to implement a system with
high dynamic range, capable of a continuous and accurate measurement of the dam’s response
for ambient/operation excitations or earthquakes of various magnitudes. The system was
designed to continuously measure accelerations in the upper zone of the dam body and near
the base, thus including 16 uniaxial and 3 triaxial accelerometers. The outlined configuration
was based on experience gathered in LNEC over the years, from both monitoring data and
numerical results. The uniaxial accelerometers (measure vibrations in a radial direction) are
distributed in the upper part of the dam by two galleries, above and below the cracked zone.
As for the triaxial accelerometers, one is positioned in the central cantilever (upper gallery),
while the other two are installed near the insertion of the dam base, in both banks. The
accelerometers are connected to a modular system composed by acquisition/digitalization
units, which in turn are controlled by 4 data concentrators that receive the recorded data. This
data is sent through a local optical fibre network (intranet) to a computer in the observation
and control station (OCS), located at the dam power station. In total, 25 accelerograms are
recorded and stored every hour, continuously, at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz. Storage and
management of the collected data is carried out at the server located in the OCS using
appropriate software developed in LNEC. The data can be accessed remotely via internet (a
smartphone can be used to explore the collected data with the referred software).
center (dam)
b) center (dam)
center (dam) Internet
Control Internet LNEC VPN
center (dam)
MD Analysis
Eixo de referência
Figure 3: Cabril dam: a) aerial view, plan view and central cantilever cross section; b) front view and SSHM
system (main hardware components)
The SSHM system installed in Cabril dam integrates two computational modules
(developed using MATLAB): i) DamModalID1.0, for interactive monitoring data analysis;
and ii) DamModalID_Auto1.0, for automatic analysis of data measured over time. The
natural frequencies and mode shapes are estimated from acceleration records measured on site,
using the Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) method for modal identification [8],
which is based on the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the Power Spectral Density
(PSD) Matrix, using a technique for automatic identification of spectral peaks specifically
developed in LNEC.
Regarding DamModalID_Auto1.0, this software performs automatic signal processing
and modal identification of natural frequencies and mode shapes from large datasets of
acceleration time series measured continuously over time, based on parameters defined in
advance by the user. With the goal of facilitating the analysis and interpretation of several
months or even years of experimental data, the program generates files with a synthesis of the
most important results as well as graphical representations that show the evolution of the
natural frequencies over time (Fig. 4). This type of results is very important for
engineers/technicians responsible for structural health monitoring, namely, to analyse the
influence of the water level and/or seasonal thermal variations in the dynamic response of dams
and to detect eventual structural changes due to concrete deterioration or seismic loading.
With DamModalID1.0 (Fig. 5), the user can chose a data file, with measured
accelerations, for any ‘hour-day-month-year’. The measured water level is showed and an
interactive graphical user interface allow the visualization of all the acceleration records. A
modal identification can be easily performed for several parameter sets. The developed user
interface includes several menus, where the following outputs are presented: a) the acceleration
records for each accelerometer installed in the dam and the corresponding auto-spectral density
functions; b) graphical representations of the singular values spectra; and c) the estimated
natural frequencies and the respective mode shapes (2D configurations and harmonic waves
that represent the oscillatory movement in each measured point). The modal identification
results are presented in order to be immediately available for a simple comparison with results
from numerical models.
Crest arch
Frequencias naturais (Hz)
Waves representing the oscillatory movements (1st mode)
1 Resultados
Modal Experimentais:
identification outputs
Modos modes
Modos modes
Intake tower
Frequências da torre
Power groups
Rotação rotation
dos grupos de produção
Cota de Água
Reservoir water(m)level (m)
Figure 4: Modal identification software developed for Cabril dam’s SSHM system. Results from
DamModalID_Auto1.0, for automatic monitoring data analysis.
Figure 5: Modal identification software developed for Cabril dam’s SSHM system. Results from
DamModalID1.0: interactive monitoring data analysis, including modal identification using FDD-SVD.
The dynamic analysis of Cabril dam under ambient/operational excitations and under
seismic events is presented in this section, based on the combined use of experimental and
numerical modelling results. The goal is to contribute in improving knowledge regarding the
dynamic response of Cabril dam, as well as to demonstrate the potential of the developed
software to study the dynamic response of arch dams and support seismic and structural health
The numerical calculations were carried out with DamDySSA3.0, a 3DFEM program
developed in LNEC, using MATLAB, for linear dynamic analysis of arch dams with
generalized (non-proportional) damping. The dam-reservoir-foundation system is simulated
using a coupled model based on a Finite Element Method (FEM) formulation in displacements
and pressures [10]. The dam-reservoir dynamic interaction is modelled considering the solid-
fluid motion coupling at the dam-water interface and the pressure waves propagation
frequencies and mode shapes identified in June 16, 2018 (acceleration records measured
between 4 and 5 p.m.) are presented, as well as the correspondent modes and natural
frequencies computed numerically. The water level was 294.03 m (3 m below the crest). The
first mode is antisymmetric, the second and third modes are symmetric, and the fourth is also
From the presented study, one can note that a very good agreement between modal
identification outputs and 3DFE numerical results was achieved, for different reservoir water
levels, regarding the evolution of natural frequencies and the modal configurations
(particularly for the first three modes). It is also worth highlighting that the coupled model with
generalized damping enables the computation of non-stationary vibration modes, as can be
measured in situ. Finally, it is relevant to state that such promising results could not be achieved
using classic added water mass models based on Westergaard’s solution [5, 6].
296 Waterlevel
level (m)
Water (m)
Figure 7: Cabril dam: evolution of natural frequencies over time. Comparison between automatic modal
Experimental results Numerical results (FEM)
identification outputs (data from February to October 2014) and numerical results from DamDySSA3.0.
Anti-symmetric modes 1st mode (Anti-Sym.)
Symmetric modes 2nd mode (Sym.)
Intake tower modes 3rd mode (Sym.)
Rotation frequency 4th mode (Anti-Sym.)
of power groups 5th mode (Sym.)
6th mode (Anti-Sym.)
f1 = 2.16 Hz
f1 = 2.17 Hz
f2 = 2.34 Hz f2 = 2.31 Hz
f3 = 3.11 Hz
f3 = 3.14 Hz
f4 = 3.52 Hz
f4 = 3.78 Hz
Figure 8: Cabril dam: Natural frequencies and mode shapes. Comparison between modal identification outputs
(June 16, 2018, 4 to 5 p.m.) and 3DFE results (DamDySSA3.0).
ay (mg)
az (mg)
Figure 9: Cabril dam. Earthquake event on September 04, 2018: measured accelerations near the base.
Next, the measured seismic response of Cabril dam (Fig. 10) is compared with the
response computed numerically, considering a reservoir water level of 280 m and using the
seismic acelerogramas measured at the dam-foundation interface (RBxyz) as inputs to the
reference 3DFE coupled model. In this study, in order to analyse the amplification of the
accelerations from the insertion to the top of the central cantilever, the average peak
accelerations, calculated as the mean value of the ten highest peaks of the acceleration time
series, are considered.
Regarding the measured response, let us focus on the acceleration time series recorded
with the accelerometer KL294, at a height of 294 m, in the upper gallery of the central
cantilever (block KL). An average maximum acceleration of 2.69 mg was recorded, which
corresponds to a base (RBxyz) to top acceleration amplification of about 2.5 times. For
comparison, the radial acceleration time histories are computed for nodal point 140 (in blue),
at a height of 293.5 m, chosen to be located as near as possible to the real position of the sensor
KL294. The average peak acceleration is of about 2.94 mg, resulting in a base to top
amplification of about 2.7 times.
Finally, it can be noted that a very good agreement has been achieved between measured
and calculated acceleration time histories, but only when a global (dam and foundation)
damping ratio of about 20% was assumed in the model. Although this is a surprisingly high
value, in comparison with standard values (1 to 5 % in the dam) used when studying the seismic
behaviour of large dams, analogous conclusions have been drawn by other researchers in
similar studies [10] (as mentioned, this might be related to the averaging of the input seismic
accelerograms along the dam-foundation interface).
Accelerations at KL294
Acceleration amplification
factors from rock foundation to
the top of central section
Figure 10: Cabril dam. Earthquake event on September 04, 2018. Measured and computed seismic response.
In this paper it was presented the software developed in LNEC to integrate the SSHM
system installed in Cabril dam, namely the programs DamModalID1.0 and
DamModalID_Auto1.0, for interactive and automatic analysis of acceleration records. The
obtained monitoring results were used to study the dam’s dynamic behaviour under
ambient/operational excitations, aiming to estimate the natural frequencies and mode shapes
for several reservoir water levels, and the response under seismic loading, by analysing the
accelerations at the top of the central section. The experimental outputs were compared with
numerical results obtained with a 3DFE coupled model, considering generalized damping and
a massless foundation. Based on the presented results, one can note that it was possible to
achieve a good agreement between the measured dynamic response of Cabril dam and the
response predicted in the numerical calculations.
This paper has shown the potential of the developed software for SSHM systems to study
the dynamic behaviour of arch dams over time based on acceleration records (continuously
acquired), as well as the importance of the combined use of experimental and numerical results
for supporting seismic and structural health monitoring studies.
The authors wish to acknowledge Electricidade de Portugal (EDP) and Fundação para a
Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT) for supporting the installation of Cabril dam’s SSHM
system (REEQ/815/ECM/2005), and to the latter also for the PhD grant
[1] Dam Safety Regulation (2018). Decree-law Nº 21/2018 of March 28 (in Portuguese).
[2] S. Oliveira and A. Alegre (2019). Seismic and Structural Health Monitoring of Dams in
Portugal. In Seismic Structural Health Monitoring, M.P. Limongelli and M. Celebi
(Eds.), Springer, Chapter 4.
[3] S. Oliveira (2002). Continuous monitoring system for the dynamic performance
assessment of arch dams. Sub-program D, in “Study of evolutive deterioration processes
in concrete dams. Safety control over time”. National Program for Scientific Re-
equipment funded by FCT, REEQ/815/ECM/2005, LNEC-FEUP (in Portuguese).
[4] S. Oliveira, I. Ferreira, A. Berberan, P. Mendes, J. Boavida and B. Baptista (2010).
Monitoring the structural integrity of large concrete dams. The case of Cabril dam,
Portugal. Hydro2010, Lisbon.
[5] S. Oliveira, P. Mendes, A. Garret and O. Costa (2011). Long-term dynamic monitoring
systems for the safety control of large concrete dams. The case of Cabril dam, Portugal.
6th Int. Conference on Dam Engineering, LNEC, Lisbon.
[6] S. Oliveira, M. Espada and R. Câmara (2012). Long-term dynamic monitoring of arch
dams. The case of Cabril dam, Portugal. 15th World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Lisbon.
[7] S. Oliveira and A. Alegre (2018). Vibrations in large dams. Monitoring and modelling.
26th Congress and 86th Annual Meeting. 1st-7th July, Vienna, Austria.
[8] R. Brincker and C. Ventura (2015). Introduction to Operational Modal Analysis. John
Wiley & Sons.
[9] O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor and J.Z. Zhu (2005). The Finite Element Method: Its
Basis and Fundamentals: 6th Ed., Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
[10] J. Proulx, G.R. Darbre and N. Kamileris (2004). Analytical and experimental
investigation of damping in arch dams based on recorded earthquakes. 13th World
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Abstract. The Baixo Sabor hydroelectric scheme is located at northeast of Portugal and
creates a reservoir with a storage capacity of 630 million m3 of water. The dam is a concrete
double-curvature arch dam with 123 m high. According to the Portuguese legislation and
considering the seismic risk of the dam construction zone, a Seismic Monitoring System (SMS)
need be provided. In their most extensive configuration, these systems may incorporate remote
stations along the reservoir for studying the propagation of seismic waves and to detect
eventual induced reservoir seismicity.
So, for the observation of the seismic activity on the surrounding area of the reservoir, to
characterize the seismic action and the corresponding structural response of the dams, an
observation system based on triaxial accelerometers was designed and installed. This system
has been in continuous operation since its installation, and the data of the recorded earthquake
records has been analyzed and processed. This article presents a brief description of the
regional geological and tectonic setting including the stratigraphic and lithological unit’s
description, the main geological faults, tectonic history resume, and the local geological
surface characterization of the seismic exterior stations. Also, the paper describes the main
features of the seismic monitoring system that was installed in the Hydropower Scheme of
Baixo Sabor, constructed and owned by EDP Produção a company of EDP - Energias de
Portugal Group, and presents some of the main results obtained during the first period of
operation of the dam.
The Baixo Sabor Hydropower Scheme is situated in the north-eastern of Portugal in the
lower part of the Sabor river, that is a tributary of the right bank of the Douro river. This global
area has a moderate seismic risk, but the existence of the Vilariça fault near the scheme had
considered. So, an exhaustive seismological study was developed in order to predict the
characteristics of the seismic actions. These actions were considered in the dam’s design to
assure adequate safety conditions.
According to the current Portuguese legislation and considering the seismic risk of the
dam construction zone, a Seismic Monitoring System (SMS) was provided, incorporating
instrumentation to characterize the seismic action induced in the dams and the corresponding
structural response. In this context, and for all new large dams, the implementation of an SMS
is mandatory. In their most extensive configuration, these systems may incorporate remote
EDP Produção, Gestão da Produção de Energia S.A, [email protected]
LNEC, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisboa, [email protected]
stations along the reservoir for studying the propagation of seismic actions and to evaluate the
induced reservoir seismicity.
The hydropower scheme of Baixo Sabor is composed of two dams, namely the upstream
Baixo Sabor dam and the downstream Feiticeiro dam (Figure 1), located about 12.6 km and
3.3 km far from the confluence of the Sabor with the Douro river, respectively. Reversible
units were installed in the powerhouses associated to each dam to enable the water pumping
from the upper zone of the Douro river to the large reservoir of the upstream dam. Both dams
were studied and designed by EDP Produção.
The Baixo Sabor arch dam is a 123m high structure, with a total crest length of 505 m
and a total concrete volume of 670 000 m3. For the full storage level water located at elevation
(234.0) the reservoir capacity is of 1 095 million cubic meters. A controlled surface spillway
is located at the central part of the dam crest with a discharge capacity of 5 000 m3/s, including
four spans controlled by radial gates and provided of a downstream plunge pool. The
underground power house, located in the right bank, has two reversible units of 81 MW each.
The Feiticeiro dam is a concrete gravity structure, with a rectilinear layout, a maximum
height of 45m, and a total crest length of 315m. The controlled spillway is located in the central
part of the dam also designed for a maximum flood of 5 000 m3/s. It is provided of four spans
controlled by radial gates and a downstream roller bucket for the water energy dissipation.
Two independent tunnels connect the reservoir to the two reversible power units which, are
installed into two shafts situated in the right bank, downstream the dam. The reservoir has a
capacity of 30 million cubic meters of for the full storage level located at elevation 138 m.
For continuous dynamic monitoring behaviour of the two dams, when subjected to
seismic action, a seismic monitoring system (SMS) was installed in the Baixo Sabor Scheme.
This system has been developed as an active system, operating permanently and guaranteeing
the recording of the dams and their soundings vibrations when earthquakes occur.
Characterization of the dynamic response is essential for structures located in seismic
regions. Furthermore, the monitoring of the dynamic behaviour of concrete arch dams is
increasingly viewed as an important component of safety assessment procedures to envisaging
the risk associated to the prediction of dam’s behaviour. The evolution of the dynamic
characteristics may also help to detect the initiation, or development, of damage phenomena
throughout the structure lifetime. Ambient vibration monitoring is nowadays often used for
these purposes. In this context, a continuous dynamic monitoring system was also installed in
the Baixo Sabor dam with sophisticated automatic tools based on operational modal analysis
to continuously evaluate the dynamic parameters of the dam along the time.
The Baixo Sabor dam is located in a 1 km long, NE-SW orientated valley segment (Figure
2), with a deep, narrow and slightly asymmetrical transversal profile, 25m wide at the base and
440m at the crest level. The dam is founded in a granitic rock mass that intruded the phyllite-
greywacke metassediments of the Douro-Beiras Group during the 3rd phase of the
Hercynian orogeny, approximately 300 m.yr. ago (K/Ar dating) [1]. From a petrographic
point of view, this rock corresponds to a medium to coarse grained, biotitic-muscovitic,
porphyroid granite.
The oldest rocks in this region originated from a thick Cambrian turbiditic sequence of
marine sandy-argillaceous sediments (greenish colors in Figure 2 that were deformed
during the Caledonian orogeny (490-390 m.yr.) by epyrogenic movements and a
compression phase with formation of large open folds and NE-SE to ENE-WSW and sin-
sedimentary thrust faults. The posterior Ordovician sandy-quartzitic and argillaceous
sediments were deposited during this orogeny in costal to distal marine and, in some cases,
euxinic environments [1].
During the Hercynian orogeny (370-270 m.yr.), these lithologies were intensely
folded, metamorphized and intruded by large granitic batholiths (pinkish colors in Figure
2). There were 3 Hercynian deformation phases, the 1 st one being the responsible for the
main NW-SE mega and meso-scale folds with formation of an axial plane schistosity. The
2nd phase originated overthrust and thrust faults and a crenulation (microfolds) cleavage
Several granitic batholiths were implanted during and immediately after the 3 rd phase of
this orogeny. Isoclinal folds and an axial plane schistosity were also formed, transposing
the 1st phase schistose cleavage.
A brittle fracture regime was established in final Hercynian times and later, with
formation of large NNE-SSE to NE-SW sinistral strike-slip faults and 2nd order WSW-ENE
dextral conjugated faults. Many of these faults were intruded by thick quartz or aplitic-
pegmatitic veins and sometimes micro-gabbros, during the post-tectonic distensive phase.
This region main tectonic feature is the Vilariça fault (Figure 2 and Figure 3) which is
located 6.5 km and 0.5 km, in a straight line, to the west of the Baixo Sabor and Feiticeiro
dam sites, respectively. It is a late Hercynian NNE-SSW strike slip fault, with an
accumulated horizontal sinistral displacement of approximately 6.5 km and a length of
more than 200 km, extending from Sanábria region (Spain) to Serra da Estrela region, in
the center of Portugal.
This fault was reactivated several times since the end of the Hercynian orogeny and
presently, is classified as active [2]. A distensive phase, with a vertical component of
movement developed in the secondary subparallel faults, initiated in the Miocenic, and
contributed to the formation of an echelon graben [1] with an elevation difference of more
than 300m between the upper and the lower blocks, preserving the Quaternary torrential
piedmont deposits (rañas) and the posterior fluvial deposits inside this tectonic basin.
Figure 3: Localization of Baixo Sabor dam and of the main Portuguese geological faults
The region where the Baixo Sabor Hydropower Scheme is located presents diffuse
seismicity of moderate to low intensity, which is characteristic of an intra-plate zone.
The proximity of the Vilariça fault zone to the Baixo Sabor and Feiticeiro dams led to
the development of a geomorphologic and paleoseismological study [3] during the design
phase. This study included the detailed mapping geological (Figure 4) of trenches located
on the Vilariça fault trace, sediment sampling and dating using Optical Stimulated
Luminescence technics and allowed the estimation of a slip rate of 0.2-0.3 mm/yr. The long
return period (~9000 years) obtained for the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) on
Vilariça fault, with an estimated magnitude of 7.25, reflects the above mentioned intraplate
seismotectonic setting of this region. The most striking feature visible in Figure 4 is the one
related with the fault N15 oE, 85oSE, that puts in contact the Cambrian phyllites (Pi) and
the Quaternary alluvium (Qoa) and, also affects the Quaternary colluvium (Col2), proving
the activity of the Vilariça fault in this geological period (< 1.6 m.yr.).
Figure 4: Detailed geological mapping of the south wall of trench VR2 (adapted from [3]).
Pi – Chloritic phyllite (Cambrian); Qoa – Older alluvium; Qt – river terrace; Col2 – Older colluvium;
Qa2 – Intermediate alluvium; Qa1 – Younger alluvium; Col1 – Younger colluvium
Other nearby faults, also considered active in the published literature [2], are the Ribeira
de Zacarias fault, a 20 km long, N-S reverse fault that crosses the dam reservoir
approximately 8.5 km upstream and a 4 km long, NNE-SSW fault, near the village of
The current Alpine orogeny, with a NW-SE to NNW-SSE maximum compressive stress
orientation [4] in the NE region of Portugal, is the responsible for stress accumulation and
the reactivation of ancient faults like the Vilariça and other faults, that have implications
in the Baixo Sabor area seismicity. So, considering the tectonic setting in the Baixo Sabor
area, the dam height (123m) and the reservoir dimensions, the tectonic and the reservoir
induced seismicity had to be monitored. The selection of locations for the seismic
monitoring remote stations (Table 1 and Figure 5) was performed during the design phase,
taking into account this seismotectonic framework.
Table 1: Remote seismic monitoring stations
Remote Station
Foundation Nearby fault
Designation Localization
SR 1 Adeganha Coarse grained granite (W3-4) Vilariça
SR 2 Felgar Coarse grained granite (W3) Felgar
SR 3 Meirinhos Phyllite (W3) Ribeira de Zacarias
SR 4 Sendim Greenish phyllite (W3-4) Ribeira de Zacarias
SR 5 Baixo Sabor dam Fine to medium grained granite (W4) Vilariça
SR 6 Feiticeiro dam Greyish phyllite (W3) Vilariça
In the construction phase, these locations were slightly adjusted, also considering the
foundation geotechnical characteristics.
According to Portuguese Regulations for Dams Safety [6] and to the Portuguese Dam
Design Recommendations (PDDR) [7], two types of scenarios must be considered when
checking the dam structural safety, namely the exploitation and the failure scenarios.
For the most frequent scenarios that can occur to be considered in the exploitation
scenarios, the dam must be able to support these actions without, or with minor damages. On
the other hand, the failures scenarios deal with extreme actions that can cause important
damages in the dam. Examples of failure scenarios are ruptures in the dam foundation or in the
dam structure, they need to be pointed out. For failure scenarios, overall dam stability has to
be assured and uncontrolled reservoir water release can’t occur.
Earthquake loading, due to seismic activity is one of the important actions that have to
be considered in the design of dams. In addition to a set of complete geological and
geotechnical studies, seismic studies are essential to estimate the dynamic loadings that can
appear. For these issues, the statements of PDDR are very similar to the ICOLD (International
Commission on Large Dams) standards.
The seismic studies are based mainly in the local and regional geological settings, and in
the area seismic history. In this frame, the seismotectonic studies, which include the
identification of the possible active faults, are a major issue.
In accordance with PDDR (1993), the seismic studies should define the seismic actions
in terms of intensity, frequency content and duration of the seismic vibrations in the dam site.
During the design phase, the following design earthquakes types were considered:
- The maximum credible earthquake (MCE), which must be evaluated using a
deterministic procedure or a probabilistic approach, and should have a long return
- The maximum design earthquake (MDE), which for dams with high potential
risk hazard should be considered as the MCE;
- The operating basis earthquake (OBE), less intensive than the MDE, and with an
assumed return period related to the involved estimated risks, and that is
determined by probabilistic approaches.
According to ICOLD (1989) [8], the OBE is an earthquake with significant probability
of occurrence during the dam life, and it only can cause minor damage in the dam. So, a 50%
probability of not being exceeded in 100 years is usually adopted for OBE estimation. In this
frame, for dam design and for dam safety analysis, the OBE must be considered as an action
included in the exploitation scenarios. In addition, a more severe earthquake with a return
period of about 1000 years Base Design Earthquake (BDE) is also used to check structural dam
behaviour in these scenarios.
The MDE must be estimated rather by deterministic procedures, considering local and
regional seismotectonics conditions. Probabilistic approaches, considering long return periods,
can also be applied for MDE estimation, and are often used for comparison purposes. So, the
MDE should be considered a failure scenario, concerning dam design or structural safety
assessment purposes.
In addition, Reservoir-Induced-Earthquake (RIE), that represents the ground motions
capable of being triggered at the dam site by the presence of the reservoir, should be taken into
account, and so, the effects of faults susceptible to give rise to induced seismicity should be
properly evaluated. Depending on the dam location and on seismotectonics conditions the RIE
may represent motions less than, equal to, or greater than the OBE, but should in no case be
greater than the MDE [8].
Given the importance and the potential risks associated to the Baixo Sabor dam, and in
line with the adopted in the design of other EDP dams, a 50% probability of not being exceeded
in 100 years was adopted for the Operating Basis Earthquake. According to the studies carried
out [5] this seismic action has a peak ground acceleration of 0,084 g.
Relying on the same seismological study, which takes in account the importance of the
Vilariça geologic fault near to the dam’s, the peak ground acceleration of 0,522 g
(corresponding to a return period of about 10 000 years) was estimated as maximum design
earthquake (MDE). The seismological studies also gave information about intensity, frequency
content and duration of the seismic vibrations loads that are probable to occur in the dam site,
which have supported the dynamic dam behaviour analysis for this extreme scenario.
The faults classified as active in the Neotectonic Map or Portugal [2] that cross the Baixo
Sabor reservoir (Ribeira de Zacarias and Felgar faults) have a maximum length of
approximately 20km, thus it is estimated that these faults may not produce an induced
earthquake with an acceleration greater than the OBE value at the dam site.
The structural response analysis requires a correct characterization of the seismic action
induced to the dam, so, the SMS allows the characterization of the seismic action, but also its
propagation along the rock mass from different directions and characterize the induced
seismicity associated to the large reservoir. According to these objectives the SMS of the Baixo
Sabor scheme was defined with the following composition layout (Figure 5):
A computer unit for managing the data transmission process for collecting data from all
stations, and subsequently organizing and processing it.
Each station consists of a triaxial accelerometer (GeoSIG, Model: GMSplus, full scale:
± 2g) equipped with the associated equipment for data acquisition and data transmission to the
central unit. All the stations have local memory for long term autonomous work. Since real
time data transmission is not required, because the data segments of interest may be sent with
some time delay. The 3G/GPRS service was considered adequate for the communication
process with remote stations, while an Ethernet network with TCP/IP protocol was installed
for connecting the central unit to the stations inside each dam.
Each station is permanently measuring and when an earthquake event occurs, identified
by acceleration(s) higher than a pre-defined trigger value, a call to the central unit (alert) is
issued and data is automatically stored in local memory, within an interval from a pre-event to
a post-event time, at a given sampling frequency [10]. After receiving an alert, the central unit
initiates a process of gathering the data stored in all stations sequentially, one by one.
If any remote station is temporarily unavailable, the central unit will contact it later
repeatedly. Whenever ordered by the central system, each data acquisition unit should be able
to retrieve the registered data of specified intervals from pre-trigger to post-trigger limits.
The time synchronization is essential to achieve the objectives of this system, because it
is necessary that all stations be constantly collecting data in accurate and same instants of
acquisition, with GPS time synchronization facility used for that purpose [11].
The remote stations are normally implanted in locals without mains power supply, so it
is necessary to provide a system with a photovoltaic panel and accumulators for energy storage.
The remote stations are implanted in a 15x5 m2 area (Figure 6a)). This area is protected with a
metal net fence, and has two small masonry cabinets, for protection of equipment from
aggressive environmental actions (solar radiation, wind, heat, rain, atmospheric discharges).
One cabinet contains the measurement equipment and the other the components of power
supply, data transmission and GPS time synchronization (Figure 6b)c)). The proximity of
masts or poles to the measurement units should be totally avoided in order to preserve
measurements from artificially induced background noise.
b c
Figure 6: Remote station of Baixo Sabor scheme: a) global view ; b) inside view of one cabinet showing a
seismometer installed on a concrete block; and c) a view of the other cabinet with a photovoltaic pannel on the
rooftop and the location of accumulators
In the Baixo Sabor dam, 6 remote stations were installed, consisting of triaxial
accelerometers, distributed through the galleries of the dam. In the drainage gallery was
installed a station in the bottom of the valley, and a station in the upper part of the left and right
banks. Other 3 stations were installed in the galleries of the dam structure near the crest (Figure
J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 J15 PEE J20 J21 J22 J23 J24 J25 J26 J27 J28 J29 J30 J31 J32 J33
GV1 J16 J17 J18 J19 GV1
In the Feiticeiro dam two seismic stations were installed, one at the top and other at the
foundation of the central block (Figure 8). In Figure 9 is presented a view of the seismic stations
inside the dams.
The Figure 10 shows the general layout scheme of the entire seismic network.
The time series from the remote stations are used in the Seisan software to determine the
event characteristics [12] and in the future these records will be integrated in the Portuguese
seismic network. The installation of this system was finalized in June of 2017 and is fully
During the first months of operation the system registered three seismic events,
characterized in the Figure 11 and Table 2.
The maximum value record was 8.6 mg in the radial direction for the station SM5,
located in the gallery GV1 in the right bank (Table 3). Figure 12 presents the records in radial
direction for the event with the epicenter in Torre de Moncorvo, occurred in 2017/08/03 09:17.
It is visible the amplification motivated by the dam, of the accelerations recorded in the
foundation when compared with the dynamic structural response in the crest.
With the seismic records of the six tridimensional points in the dam, the natural
frequencies of the dam were calculated applying output only modal identification techniques.
The length of these records is only about 60 s and the duration of the seismic event is near 5
seconds. This small duration may be a problem for the correct identification of the dynamic
parameters, but it is compensated by the amplitude values of the accelerations. The values of
the first 5 natural frequencies for the events occurred in Torre de Moncorvo are presented in
the Table 4.
Figure 11: Seismic events registered with the SMS in relation to the principal Portuguese north faults
Table 3: Maximus values of accelerations registered in the SMS (mg) in the Baixo Sabor dam stations
Events date
2017/06/06 16:03 2017/08/03 09:17 2017/08/03 14:57
SM2r 2.72 7.51 5.35
SM2t 1.61 4.36 2.64
SM2z 0.76 5.77 2.48
Figure 12: Radial seismic records (acceleration) in the Baixo Sabor dam for the event of 2017/08/03 09:17
Table 4: Dynamic parameters calculated for the two Torre de Moncorvo events by modal identification (SSI).
Mode Mode type 2017/08/03 09:17 2017/08/03 14:57
Freq [Hz] 𝜉 [%] Freq [Hz] 𝜉 [%]
1 Symmetric 2.54 1.32 2.55 0.96
2 Antisymmetric 2.66 0.77 2.67 0.99
3 Symmetric 3.48 1.70 3.50 1.79
4 Antisymmetric 4.10 2.06 4.11 1.34
5 Symmetric 4.95 2.50 4.94 2.01
To ensure a good characterization of the dynamic behaviour of the Baixo Sabor dam a
continuous dynamic monitoring system (CMDS) was installed. 20 uniaxial accelerometers
were radially installed along the three upper galleries of the dam. In the GV1 gallery, 12
accelerometers are divided in two groups of six, disposed on each side of the spillway. Each
of these groups of six is connected to a digitizer, which is linked to a field computer. In turn,
the eight accelerometers on the two lower galleries are connected to a different set of two
digitizers. All the equipment is connected by optic fibre and the synchronization of the data
recorded by each digitizer is assured with GPS antennas.
The dynamic monitoring system is configured to continuously record acceleration time
series with a sampling rate of 50 Hz and a duration of 30 minutes at all instrumented points,
thus producing 48 groups of time series per day [13].
The data continuously collected by the dynamic monitoring system is independently
processed by ViBest/FEUP and LNEC, this paper presents the processing developed by
ViBest/FEUP, which is accomplished with a monitoring software developed at ViBest/FEUP
called DynaMo [14].
The first six months of data were processed, and the first modes of vibration were
identified and natural frequencies, modal damping values and modal configurations were
obtained [18]. The three-dimensional representations of the modal configurations are presented
in Figure 13. The first, third and fifth modes are approximately symmetric and the second and
fourth are antisymmetric.
Figure 13: Modal configuration of the first five modes of Baixo Sabor arch dam.
Estimations of the modal parameters by the CDMS system for the first five modes are
resumed in Table 5, where minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation frequencies and
damping values are presented. Notice the significant difference between minimum and
maximum frequencies for each vibration mode, even after the elimination of outliers, which is
reflected in the standard deviation values as well, indicating significant oscillations during the
evaluation period. Additionally, the damping values present slightly higher mean values for
the symmetric modes.
Table 5: Modal Parameters obtained by SMC for Baixo Sabor dam
These results are consistent in the results obtained by the seismic monitoring system and
by the continuous dynamic monitoring system are reliable.
Baixo Sabor dam is the second highest dam in Portugal, its reservoir is the second in
volume and its monitoring system is one of the most complexes implemented in Portugal,
combining traditional measurements instruments with the most advanced technologies applied
in dynamic monitoring.
Both dynamic monitoring systems installed in the Baixo Sabor Hydroelectrical Scheme,
SMS and CDMS, are operational and integrate automatic procedures that make then fully
autonomous, providing useful outputs for the safety control of these important structures. The
features implemented in both systems revealed excellent efficiency and demonstrated a perfect
suitability. The results showed an expect and direct relation with the variation of seismic and
dynamic loads.
The results of the observation systems are being compared with the ones obtained with
numerical models that were calibrated with the results provided by the forced vibration tests
that were performed in the dam, both for empty [19] and [20], and full reservoir [21] situations.
These systems proved already to be extremely useful to evaluate the behaviour of these
structures during seismic events and to provide relevant information for the development of
numerical models including new behaviour models. So, they demonstrate to be a very
important tool concerning dam safety control and seismic risk management.
[1] Ferreira da Silva, A., Rebelo, J.A. and Ribeiro, M.L., Carta geológica de Portugal na escala
1/50000. Notícia explicativa da folha 11-C (Torre de Moncorvo), Serviços Geológicos de
Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal (1989).
[2] Cabral, J. and Ribeiro, A., Carta Neotectónica de Portugal. Escala 1:1000000, Serviços
Geológicos de Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal (1988).
[3] Rockwell, T., Madden, C. and Gath, E., Fault trenching investigation to assess the potential
seismic hazard of the Vilariça fault – Northeastern Portugal (unpublished report), ECI-Project
Report no. 2505, Earth Consultants International, EUA (2005).
[4] Heidbach, O. (head) et al., Stress map of Central Europe and Mediterranean 2016,
[5] CPPE, “Aproveitamento Hidroeléctrico do Baixo Sabor”. Project, 2005, (in Portuguese).
[6] Portuguese Regulations for Safety of Dams, 2007, (in Portuguese).
[7] Portuguese Dam Design Recommendations, 1993, (in Portuguese).
[8] ICOLD, Bulletin 72: Selecting seismic parameters for large dams, 1989.
[9] Davies A., IRM GPRS & 3G Security Overview: What are GPRS and 3G, 2007.
[10] GEOSIG. GMS Measuring System: Features, Applications, 2012.
[11] GEOSIG. GMS – GPS Receiver, 2012.
[12] SEISAN - The Earthquake/Seismic Analysis Software, 2012.
[13] LNEC, FEUP, and Ambisig, "Upstream step dam of Baixo Sabor hydroelectric power plant.
Characterization of the dam's dynamic behaviour through continuous monitoring. Installation
Report." (in Portuguese), 2015.
[14] Magalhães, F., Amador, S., Cunha, A. and Caetano, E., "Dynamo - software for vibration based
Structural Health Monitoring", 6th Int. Conf. on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management,
IABMAS 2012, Vila Erba, Lake Como, Italy, 2012.
[15] MATHWORKS, "Matlab. R2016a.," ed, 2016.
[16] Magalhães, F. and Cunha, A., "Explaining Operational Modal Analysis with data from ana arch
bridge", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Invited Tutorial Paper, Volume 25, Issue 5,
pp. 1431-1450, 2011.
[17] Magalhães, F., Cunha, A. and Caetano, E. “Online automatic identification of the modal
parameters of a long span arch bridge”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.23, Issue
2, pp. 316-329, 2009.
[18] VIBEST/FEUP, "Dynamic Monitoring System Baixo Sabor Dam. Results of May 2016." (in
[19] LNEC, “Upstream dam of the Baixo Sabor hydroelectric scheme. Characterization of the
dynamic behavior by performing a forced vibration test in january 2015”, 2016, Lisboa, (in
[20] Gomes, J.P.; Lemos, J.V. “Characterization of the dynamic behavior of an arch dam by means
of forced vibration tests”. 1st meeting of the EWG “Dams and Earthquakes”, September 2016,
Saint-Malo, France.
[21] LNEC, “Baixo Sabor dam. Characterization of the dynamic behaviour by performing forced
vibration tests in May 2016, with the reservoir water at 234,0 m elevation”, 2017, Lisboa, (in
[22] Vilanova, S.P.; Fonseca, J.F.B.D.; Guerreiro, L.M.C.; Oliveira, C.A.S. "Estudo sismológico do
sítio da Barragem do Baixo Sabor", julho, 2005.
[23] IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, “Estudo sismológico do sítio da barragem do Baixo Sabor –
Relatório Final”, Relatório ICIST – EP nº 48/05, Lisboa (2005)
Abstract. After Swiss regulations, all existing large dams in Switzerland had to be assessed in
respect of earthquake safety for revised design criteria by the year 2013. The present paper
documents the case study of Marmorera embankment dam in Switzerland of 91 m height in
respect of parameter identification for numerical earthquake assessment. In order to obtain
in-situ dynamic properties of the dam, seismic geophysical measurements had been performed
to measure shear wave velocities of the dam body and the foundation. The paper gives an
introduction to the structure of the dam and presents the geophysical testes performed and
their results. The measured shear wave velocities are compared to experience from other
studies taken from literature. Further, it is shown how the initial shear modulus Gmax of the
dam material was derived and implemented in the numerical model for linear equivalent
analysis of earthquake behaviour.
According to the guidelines of the Federal Office of Energy - Section Dams [1], all dams
in Switzerland were inspected for their earthquake safety under federal supervision by 2013.
This also applies to the Marmorera embankment dam operated by the ewz (Electricity Works
Zurich). The dam is located in Graubunden in the Surses region below the Julier Pass in the
Swiss Alps The dam is classified as large dam of category I. Construction work started in year
1949 with the first impounding in year 1954.
The Marmorera dam is a zoned earth fill dam with core sealing, filter layer and
supporting shell. Only local earth materials consisting of moraine, landslide material and
suspended debris were used for the dam body. During the construction of the dam in the late
1940's early 1950's, the sealing core was compacted with sheep foot compaction rollers and
the supporting body was washed in with high-pressure water jets [2]. On the upstream side, a
protective layer of coarse block material against wave impact was applied. The downstream
side of the dam is covered with humus and is greened. The dam foot areas are stabilized with
blocks of rock. An aerial photograph and the main cross-section at profile +226 are shown in
Figure 1 and Figure 2 respectively.
With a maximum dam height of 91 m and a reservoir volume of approximately 60
million m3, the Marmorera dam belongs to large dams of category I according to Swiss
regulations [1]. Table 1 provides an overview of the key figures for the dam. Due to the size
of the dam, increased requirements need to be fulfilled in respect to earthquake safety and the
roXplore gmbh, Oberfeldstrasse 6, 8514 Amlikon-Bissegg, Switzerland, e-mail: [email protected]
verification of dam safety. This includes, for example, the requirement for measurements of
dynamic soil parameters and the verification of the dam using numerical methods with time
history analysis [1].
Characteristics Value
dam type zoned earth fill dam with core sealing
maximum dam height 91 m
crest length 400 m
crest elevation 1684.40 masl
foundation elevation 1593.40 masl
width at crest 12 m
width at foundation 400 m
slope inclination upstream variable min. 1 V : 2.1 H
slope inclination downstream variable min. 1 V : 1.63 H
dam body volume 2.7 Mm3
reservoir level 1680.00 masl
volume of reservoir ca. 60 Mm3
For the majority of geotechnical soil parameters, extensive investigations from the
construction as well as from the operation period of the dam are available. For the dynamic
soil parameters, the earthquake testing focuses on specifically performed field tests with
geophysical measurements of the dam. By means of seismic tomography, a spatial model of
the shear wave velocity distribution of the dam and of the foundation is developed. The present
article deals with the geophysical measurements of the dam and describes the calibration of
the dynamic shear modulus for the numerical calculation model of the dam.
Figure 3: Layout of measurement profiles [1], red - arrays on dam surface, blue arrays in inspection galleries in
the inner dam body
Figure 4: Seismic geophysical measurements, left: excitation of shear waves on the dam crest with shaker and
part of geophone array mounted on a landstreamer system; right: geophone array in the inspection gallery in the
inner dam body [3]
Figure 5: Tomography results: shear wave velocity distribution on the downstream side in section 12MARM-2
(see Figure 3) with excitation on the dam surface and measurements in the inspection gallery at elevation 1595
masl located in the bed rock [3]
Figure 6: Tomography results: shear wave velocity distribution on the downstream side in section 12MARM-3
(see Figure 3) with excitation on the dam surface and measurements in the inspection gallery at elevation 1615
masl [3]
Figure 7: Tomography results: shear wave velocity distribution in dam axis in section 12MARM-1a (see Figure
3) with excitation on the dam crest and measurements in inspection gallery at elevation 1595 masl [3]
Figure 8: Results from seismic refraction: shear wave velocity distribution with measurements on the dam crest
at elevation 1684 masl along the dam axis (section 12MARM-5 in Figure 3) [3]
Figure 9: Results from seismic refraction: shear wave velocity distribution with measurements parallel to the
dam axis on berm at elevation 1640 masl (section 12MARM-4 in Figure 3) [3]
Figure 10: MASW measurements on dam crest al elevation 1684 masl: left - station 173 (vs30 = 614 m/s); right -
station 176 (vs30 = 629 m/s) [3]
Figure 11: MASW measurements on berm at elevation 1640 masl: left - station 167 (vs30 = 661 m/s); right -
station 189 (vs30 = 587 m/s) [3]
The geophysical investigations were used to measure the shear wave velocities of the
dam body and the bedrock on the downstream side of Marmorera dam. The measurements
generally show consistent results. Based on the results from seismic refraction, the shear wave
velocities at 20 m depth are about vs ≈ 600 m/s and based on the tomography measurement at
80 m depth about vs ≈ 900 m/s.
Figure 12: Shear wave velocities of dams, left from [4] and right from [5] in comparison to Marmorera data in
The shear wave velocities of Marmorera dam body are higher than the upper bound of
shear wave velocities documented by Sawada & Takahashi [4] based on Japanese data. The
Marmora measurements correlate nicely with measurements by Park & Kishida [5] from 28
Korean embankment dams. They commented, that the Japanese data from Sawada &
Takahashi [4] underestimate the shear wave velocities of dam shell material. This conclusion
can be supported from the measurements of Marmorera dam. The comparison of data from
Marmorera dam to data from the other authors is shown in Figure 12.
Here, it should be noted that the H/V measurements on the dam surface did not yield any
reasonable results. The measured H/V maxima could not be assigned to any eigenperiod of the
dam gained from numerical analysis, even considering the directivity of wave orientation in
the dam body. The measured eigenperiods are too large, by a factor of 3 to 5. The method H/V
according to Nakamura [6] applies to horizontally layered half-space. It is assumed that the
correlation of H/V measurement results is poor to dam eigenperiods due to the topography of
the dam. Based on experience from Marmorera, the favourable H/V method cannot be
transferred to dam structures for easy eigenperiod measurements.
The maximum shear modulus Gmax and the shear wave velocity vs are directly related
with the influence of density:
Gmax = vs2 ∙ (1)
Here it is assumed that the shear strains caused by shear waves from geophysical
measurements excitation are in a very small strain range ( < 10-6). According to geotechnical
reports, the density of the dam body materials at Marmorera dam averages around 2300 kg/m3.
According to Seed and others [7], [8], the maximum shear modulus Gmax can be
represented as a function of the mean effective stress m'. The correlation is given as follows:
Gmax = 220 K2 (m')0.5 [kN/m2] (2)
The parameter K2 is calibrated by means of the shear wave velocity from geophysical
measurement results and stress analysis. Based on the analysis of the initial stress condition of
the dam with elastic-plastic material behaviour (Mohr-Coulomb), the distribution of the mean
effective stresses m' in the dam body is shown in Figure 13. The red rectangle corresponds to
the tomography measurement in Figure 6. This results in stress state m' of approx. 900 kN/m2
to 1000 kN/m2 for the effective stress with an empty reservoir in the middle of the dam at a
foundation level of approx. 80 m depth. Based on the stress analysis with the Finite-Element-
Method (Figure 13) and the distribution of the shear wave velocity (e.g. Figure 6 and Figure
8), a value of K2 = 240 was determined (z = 20 m - m' = 240 kN/m2 - vs = 600 m/s; z = 80 m
- m' = 970 kN/m2 - vs = 850 m/s). A higher weight is given to results from seismic refraction
than to MASW. Figure 14 shows the mean effective stress m', shear wave velocity vs and the
maximum shear modulus Gmax in the dam body as a function of the depth z under the dam crest
according to the formulation of Seed & Idriss [7] for a value K2 = 240. This K2 value is
consistent from laboratory test result in Switzerland for dense alpine moraine material, see [9].
Figure 13: Numerical stress analysis with FEM [9], initial stress state in the dam body before impounding, mean
effective stress m' [kN/m2], red marked area of seismic tomography measurements Figure 6
mean effective stress m' [KN/m2] shear wave velocity vs [m/s] maximum shear modulus G max [KN/m2]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 500 1’000 1’500
0 0 0
10 10 10
depth z below dam crest [m]
20 20 20
30 30 30
40 40 40
50 50 50
60 60 60
70 70 70
80 80 80
Figure 14: Mean effective stress m', shear wave velocity vs and maximum shear modulus Gmax in the dam body
depending on depth from dam crest
Figure 15: Distribution of maximum shear modulus G max [kN/m2] in the dam body before earthquake time
history analysis [10]
The stress dependence of the maximum shear modulus Gmax is defined in the numerical
model for the initial state of the dynamic analysis. Figure 15 shows the distribution of the
maximum shear modulus Gmax at the beginning of the earthquake time history analysis using
the program QUAKE/W of the software system GeoStudio 2012. For a comprehensive
earthquake assessment, further dynamic soil parameters need to be defined. These include the
strain-dependent linear-equivalent parameters of shear modulus and damping ratio for soil and
rock. For the determination of the normalised strain dependent shear modulus curves, which
are attached to the maximum the shear modulus Gmax, and the corresponding damping curves,
values are taken from literature, [9] and [11] since no specific cyclic laboratory tests were
performed for Marmorera dam.
The authors would like to thank Andreas Siegfried and Patrick Saudan from ewz -
Electricity Works Zurich - for the very good cooperation and the permission to publish the
data. Special thanks goes to Jan Laue from the Technical University Lulea Sweden for his
support and cooperation in the project. Finally, Jost A. Studer, who unfortunately was not able
to experience the completion the project, is remembered here.
[1] BWG (2003) Sicherheit der Stauanlagen. Basisdokument zum Nachweis der
Erdbebensicherheit, Federal Office for Water and Geology, Switzerland.
[2] Zingg, W. Der Staudamm Castiletto des Juliawerkes Marmorera. Schweizerische
Bauzeitung, 71(33): 470-475 (1953).
[3] Keller, L. Projekt Stauanlage Marmorera, Bericht zu den geophysikalischen
Untersuchungen im Zusammenhang der Erdbebenüberprüfung. roXplore gmbh,
Amlikon-Bissegg, Switzerland, November (2012).
[4] Sawada, Y. & Takahashi, T. Study on the material properties and the earthquake
behaviors of rockfill dam, Proc. of 4th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, pp.
695-702 (1975).
[5] Park, D.S. & Kishida, T. Shear wave velocity profiles of fill dams. Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 104, pp. 250-258 (2018).
[6] Nakamura Y. A method for dynamic characteristics estimation of subsurface using
micro-tremor on the ground surface. Quarterly Report Railway Tech. Res. Inst., 30-1:
25-30 (1989).
[7] Seed, H.B. & Idriss, I.M. Soil moduli and damping for dynamic response analysis.
Report No. EERC 70-10, Berkeley CA (1970).
[8] Seed, H.B., Wong, R.T., Idriss, I.M & Tokimatsu, K. Moduli and Damping Factors for
Dy-namic Analysis of Cohesionless Soils. Report No. UCB/EERC-84/14, University of
California Berkeley (1984).
[9] Studer, J.A., Laue, J. & Koller, M.G. Bodendynamik, Grundlagen, Kennziffern,
Probleme, 3. edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany (2007).
[10] Weber, T.M., Studer, J.A. & Laue, J. Stauanlage Marmorera, Nachweis der
Erdbebensicherheit. Studer Engineering GmbH, unpublished report 6301-01, May
[11] Towhata, I. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
Keywords: Italian earth-core rockfill dams; Core material; Modulus reduction curve;
Damping ratio curve; Laboratory investigation
Abstract. This paper presents the results of a series of laboratory investigations into the
dynamic properties of core materials of Italian earth-core rockfill dams. All tests have been
performed on specimens of undisturbed samples reconsolidated in a wide range of effective
confining stresses. Most of the data were obtained from cyclic simple shear tests and few data
from resonant column tests. It is shown that the shifting of the G/G0-c and D-c curves with
plastic index and effective confining stress is not as significant as it is well established for
natural fine-grained soils. Generic literature curves do not predict properly the dynamic
behaviour of the core materials, especially in the small-to-medium strain range. The
importance of conducting site-specific measurements in order to accurately model the
behaviour of core materials for dynamic analyses of embankment dams is therefore
A peculiarity of the infrastructural heritage of Italian dams is that most of them were
built before or shortly after the middle of the last century. That means most of them are more
than 50 years old. As the chance to build new dams in Italy is rather limited, consequently
there is a strong need for the seismic re-evaluation of existing ones. In addition to their age,
this need is dictated by other important reasons. The dams were generally designed using
seismic design criteria and methods of analysis (e.g. pseudo-static method) that are considered
not suitable today, especially under specific local circumstances (e.g., liquefaction). After the
release in 2004 of the updated hazard map of the Italian territory [1], many dams may be
nowadays located in areas of higher seismicity as compared to the seismicity considered at the
time of their construction. A recent National Code on Dams [2], hereafter referred as
NTD2018, has been issued very recently, which dedicates a specific section to the assessment
of seismic safety of existing dams.
Different methods can be used for the seismic re-evaluation of existing dams, including
pseudo-static, simplified (Newmark) and advanced dynamic analyses. These latter nowadays
became extremely common in geotechnical earthquake engineering practice. However, these
Università di Chieti-Pescara, Pescara, Italy, [email protected]
Ground Engineering srl, Rome, Italy, [email protected]
Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria (IGAG), CNR, Rome, Italy, [email protected]
analyses still suffer from several uncertainties that can compromise the results, and
consequently, possible intervention strategies. Among these, it is worth to mention the
knowledge of: i) history of the dam, especially under earthquake actions ii) material properties
under static as well as dynamic conditions iii) input motion and iv) the confidence on the limits
of the methodology used.
In this paper, attention is focused on one of the source of uncertainties above mentioned,
explicitly related to the dynamic behaviour of the core material of embankment dams. Basic
fundamental parameters required for performing advanced analyses are the nonlinear
deformation properties, that is the variation of normalized shear modulus reduction (G/G0) and
damping ratio (D) with the cyclic shear strain amplitude (c), G0 being the maximum shear
modulus. Experimental data based on laboratory investigations carried out on samples
retrieved from the core of zoned Italian dams are analysed and discussed.
Six earth-core rockfill Italian dams are considered in this study. These dams are generally
constituted by a central core of fine-grained material protected by shells of sand and gravels
on both sides.
Table 1 shows the list of the dams examined, the construction period and the maximum
height. The dams are aged between 30 and 60 years since their construction. Maximum height
is comprised between about 20 and 65 m, the only exception being San Pietro in Villa
(Hmax=6.3 m). The location of the dams is illustrated in Figure 1, superimposed to the hazard
map of the Italian peninsula referred to the return period TR=475 years. The values of
maximum acceleration PGA for return periods of 475 and 1950 years are also reported in Table
1. For all dams, PGA for TR=475 years is larger than 0.15g; more specifically, for Angitola
PGATR=475yrs =0.27g whereas for the other dams PGATR=475 yrs is comprised between 0.18 and
The experimental data presented in this study are obtained from different sources. Data of
Angitola, Montedoglio, Polverina and San Pietro in Villa dams derive from the consultant
activity of one of the Authors (Ground Engineering srl), data of San Pietro dam were taken
from the literature [3] whereas data of Penne dam have been derived from tests carried out on
a sample provided from a consultant engineering company (see acknowledgments).
Figure 1: Location of the zoned dams examined, superimposed to the Seismic Hazard Map of Italy in terms of
ground peak acceleration with 10% excess probability in 50 years, referred to rigid bedrock (Vs>800 m/s).
Site investigations and geotechnical in-situ and laboratory tests were carried out to obtain
the physical and mechanical properties of core materials of the six dams. In each dam boreholes
were carried out, from the dam crest up to a maximum depth of 50 m, to evaluate the Vs profile
in the core. Specifically, two boreholes were carried out at Montedoglio, Polverina, San Pietro
and San Pietro in Villa dams (to perform cross-hole test) whereas at Angitola and Penne only
one borehole was executed (to perform down-hole test).
In the following, only the physical properties as determined from laboratory tests carried
out on the undisturbed samples retrieved from the cores are illustrated and discussed. Table 2
provides a summary of the main physical properties and state variables obtained on the samples
subjected to cyclic and/or dynamic tests.
Grain size distributions, illustrated in Figure 2, indicate that core materials generally consist
of silt, sand and clay in variable percentages; for Polverina sandy fraction is predominant, in
the range 40-50%, in accordance to information from literature [4]. Clay fraction is always
present for all tested materials, ranging between 20 and 40%. Figure 3 shows the profiles of
unit weight (), water content (w), void ratio (e), degree of saturation (Sr) and clay fraction
(CF) with depth. It can be noted that is about constant (20.1-21.3 kN/m3) and also water
content varies in a small range (w=15.2-23.3%) which is very close to the plastic limit (wp)
range (13.8-26.0%). Liquid limit can be found in the range 33-55% and plasticity index (PI)
varies between 13 and 29. Degree of saturation (Sr) is between 90 and 100%. Consistency
index (IC) is generally higher than 1, indicating a stiff material. According to the Casagrande
chart (Figure 4a), the core materials can be classified as inorganic clays of low to medium
plasticity whereas on the activity chart (Figure 4b) they correspond to soils with low activity.
Figure 2: Grain size distributions of the core samples subjected to cyclic and dynamic tests
Figure 3: Variation of index and state properties of core samples with depth from the crest of the dams
Deformation properties of core materials have been determined through laboratory cyclic
and dynamic testing. As mentioned before, these properties are expressed in terms of
normalized shear modulus reduction and damping ratio curves, that is G/G0-c and D-
Most of the experimental investigations have been carried out at the Geotechnical
Laboratory of the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering of the Sapienza
University of Rome (Faculty of Architecture). More specifically, cyclic simple shear tests have
been conducted with a Double Specimen Direct Simple Shear (DSDSS) apparatus on Angitola,
Montedoglio, Penne, San Pietro in Villa and Polverina dams (Table 3). For Polverina core
material two RC tests have also executed, one at the Geotechnical Laboratory of the
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering of the Sapienza University of Rome
(Faculty of Engineering) and the other by a private laboratory (ISMGEO). Finally, data from
RC test have also been found in the literature on San Pietro dam. Usually the samples have
been consolidated at the in-situ vertical or mean effective stress, variable between 50 and 500
kPa, but in some cases (e.g. Montedoglio and Polverina) very high confining pressure were
also applied (up to 1500 kPa) in order to investigate the effect of confining stress
The DSDSS device was originally conceived, designed and constructed at the University
of California at Los Angeles [5], specifically for investigating small-strain behaviour. In fact,
due to its double specimen configuration, typical frictional problems that characterize the
standard Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) direct simple shear device [6] were
eliminated, thus allowing cyclic soil behaviour to be studied even at small strains. The DSDSS
version used in this study is available at the Geotechnical Laboratory of the Faculty of
Architecture, Sapienza University in Rome. A detailed description of this apparatus can be
found in D’Elia et al. [7] and only a brief summary is provided hereafter. The layout of the
apparatus is shown in Figure 5. Tests are carried out under constant volume conditions and a
horizontal piston is used to apply the cyclic loading. The specimens are initially consolidated
under anisotropic conditions. The mean effective stress ’m can be estimated under the
assumption of oedometric conditions with a coefficient of earth pressure at rest (K0) of 0.5.
The anisotropic ’m is then evaluated as ’m = (’v + 2’h)/3. After the consolidation phase,
cyclic loadings are applied with increasing cyclic shear strain amplitudes usually variable
between 0.0004% and 1%. The test is performed under displacement control conditions. The
secant shear modulus (G) and damping ratio (𝐷) are directly measured from the cyclic stress-
strain loop, according to the c reached. The maximum shear modulus (G0) can be estimated
from the extrapolation of the experimental data at c=0.0001%. For each step, 10 loading cycles
are applied with a loading frequency of about 0.1 Hz. The apparatus is not instrumented for
pore water pressure measurements.
As already mentioned, the device is capable of measuring the cyclic properties of soils
in a very wide range of cyclic shear strain amplitudes, spanning from very small (c0.0004%)
to very large (c3-4%) strains. As a matter of fact, the DSDSS device has been successfully
used to investigate cyclic behaviour for a variety of soils and soft rocks (e.g. [8-10]. An
example is shown in Figure 6 where the results of the DSDSS test carried out on the Penne
core specimens (PI=27.3, ’v=500 kPa) are illustrated in terms of stress-strain loops, for
increasing c values from 0.0005% to about 3%, showing the large strain range investigated
during the test.
Figure 5 a) Layout of the DSDSS apparatus available at the Geotechnical Laboratory (Faculty of Architecture)
of the Sapienza University of Rome; b) picture of the DSDSS apparatus.
The RC apparatus made available by the Geotechnical Laboratory of the Sapienza University
of Rome (Faculty of Engineering) is a modified version of the first free-fixed type machine
designed at the University of Texas at Austin [11] and is equipped with an electro-pneumatic
motor that allows closed-loop feedback control of torsional load or angular deformation, a
signal conditioning unit and a data logger. The cylindrical soil specimen is fixed at the bottom
base and excited at the top using an electrical motor able to generate a torsional moment,
constituted by eight drive coils encircling four magnets attached to a drive plate. This device
and the specimen are placed into the compressed air cell for the application of the isotropic
total pressure, while a drainage system allows control of the pore water pressure. In the RC
test the specimen is dynamically excited applying a torsional oscillation at the top base while
varying the frequency of the input signal in a range that can go from 10 to 250 Hz. The response
of the specimen in terms of motion amplitude (rotation angle) is measured either by an
accelerometer or by proximity displacement transducers, so that the fundamental mode of
vibration is found in correspondence of the maximum response. The shear modulus is
calculated from the resonant frequency according to the elasticity theory, while material
damping can be determined from the half power bandwidth or from the free-vibration decay
curve observed after stopping the excitation at resonance.
It is important to note that the RC and DSDSS confinement states are different, isotropic for
RC (K0=1) and anisotropic for DSDSS (assumed K0=0.5) tests.
Figure 6 Cyclic stress-strain loops obtained from the Penne specimen (𝑃𝐼 = 27.3) in DSDSS tests at 𝜎’v = 500
𝑘𝑃𝑎 for increasing levels of shear strain amplitude c.
The G/G0-c and D-c data points of the tested core samples are illustrated in Figures 7
through 10. Specifically, Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the influence of effective confining stress
and plasticity index for Angitola and Montedoglio dams, respectively. For Angitola (PI= 23)
tests have been conducted at ’v=250 kPa and ’v=500 kPa and data points overlap almost
completely; only a very small reduction of damping at small strains for increasing ’v can be
noted. For Montedoglio, tests have been conducted on samples of different plasticity (PI=15,
16 and 29) effective confining stress (’v=100-1500 kPa). It can be noted that all the curves
describe a very narrow range, regardless of the different values of plasticity index in the range
examined (PI=15-29). Also the effect of confining pressure is not very significant, considering
the high ’v applied to the specimens; in particular the influence of confining pressure is
negligible on the normalized stiffness curves, whereas some effect can be noted on damping
ratio with D values shifting downwards as confining stress increases. To illustrate further the
effect of PI and ’v on the G/G0-c and D-c relationships, test results on Polverina dam are
shown in Figure 9. These tests have been conducted on core samples with similar plasticity
index (PI=13-18) consolidated at effective confining stresses variable in a wide range
(’m=100-800 kPa). Moreover, different apparatuses were used (i.e. DSDSS and RC), thus a
comparison in terms of stiffness and damping ratio can also be made. In accordance with
previous results it can be seen that the effect of effective confining stress is very limited on
normalized stiffness whereas is more significant on damping ratio values, especially at smaller
c amplitudes. In fact, it can be seen from DSDSS tests that small-strain damping ratio varies
between about 3.5% and 1% for ’v= 150-1200 kPa; small-strain damping ratio from RC tests
are higher than those predicted by cyclic DSDSS tests. These differences can be presumably
attributed to the different loading frequencies applied.
Figure 10 illustrates the experimental data obtained for all tested materials. It can be seen
that the whole set of data fall in a narrow range and no clear trend with plasticity index can be
identified, as commonly established for natural soils. Only for Polverina dam, the experimental
trend shows a more nonlinear behavior in terms of stiffness reduction as compared the other
materials. This is consistent with the grain size composition of Polverina core material which
is characterized by a greater sandy fraction and the lowest values of plasticity index. However,
damping ratio values fall within the range identified for the other core materials.
The above observations indicate that the effect of PI on the G/G0-c and D-c of
undisturbed core materials is not so evident and important as it is for natural fine-grained soils,
at least in the range investigated (PI=13-29). Further, the effect of effective confining stress is
also very limited. This behavior can be presumably due to the overconsolidation induced by
compaction during construction. Similar kind of behavior has been recently observed also by
Park and Kishida [12].
In Figure 10 the G/G0-c and D-c data points are also compared with the V&D (Vucetic
and Dobry) [13] empirical curves for similar PI. The V&D curves are not completely able to
capture the variation of normalized stiffness with shear strains, at least up to about c=0.05%,
where the experimental data show a more linear behavior as compared to literature curves.
Also for Polverina, which shows a slightly less linear behavior, the linear threshold is higher
than that calculated by V&D curves. However, at larger shear strains experimental data fall
within the band identified by V&D for soils of similar plasticity (PI=15-30). Comparison in
terms of damping ratio shows that experimental data are lower than generic curves at small
strains (c0.05%) whereas at moderate to large strains (c>0.1%) experimental data are higher
than V&D curves. In the damping ratio plot, experimental data from Polverina RC tests have
not been included.
Figure 7 Modulus reduction and damping ratio data points of Angitola dam core from DSDSS tests..
Figure 8 Modulus reduction and damping ratio data points of Montedoglio dam core from DSDSS tests.
Figure 9 Modulus reduction and damping ratio data points of Polverina dam core from RC and DSDSS tests.
Figure 10 Modulus reduction and damping ratio data points of Italian core dam materials compared with empirical
relations by Vucetic & Dobry (1991).
A series of laboratory tests have been illustrated aiming at investigating the main factors
affecting the nonlinear stiffness and damping properties of undisturbed samples of core
materials of six Italian zoned dams. The laboratory investigations comprised cyclic simple
shear and resonant column tests. Based on the gathered experimental results, the importance
of conducting site-specific measurements on dynamic properties of core materials, rather than
using generic literature data to properly conducting numerical dynamic analyses, has emerged.
More specifically, the following tentative conclusions can be drawn:
- normalized modulus reduction and damping ratio curves do not seem to follow the
well-established trend for natural fine-grained soils in terms of plasticity index and
confining stress, at least in the ranges investigated (PI=13-29 and ’m=100-800 kPa);
- it is speculated that this lack of clear shifting of the G/G0-c and D-c curves as plasticity
and effective confining stress incraese is due to the overconsolidation induced by
compaction process during the construction of the dam;
- empirical correlations from literature (such as Vucetic and Dobry curves) are not
completely capable to predict properly the G/G0-c and D-c trend with PI and ’m,
especially in the small-to-medium strain range; for this reason it is recommended
conducting specific laboratoy tests to assess the nonlinear dynamic behaviour of core
materials of embankment dams.
The above results have to be considered preliminary as more laboratory tests are needed to
corroborate the indications that emerged from the study and to provide a greater generality to
the results obtained.
The writers want to express their gratitude to O&M Hydro (Engs. Rosella Caruana, Francesco Fornari,
Alberto Frezza and Renzo Sparnacci) for allowing the publication of test results of Polverina dam. Eng. Stefano
Cola of EAUT (Ente Acque Umbre-Toscane) is gratefully acknowledged for the permission to publish the data
of Montedoglio and San Pietro in Villa dams. The permission to publish data for Angitola dam by Eng. Pasquale
Cimbalo (Consorzio di Bonifica "Tirreno Catanzarese") is also appreciated. Finally, Eng. Alessandro Masciotta
of Studio Masciotta in Rome is gratefully acknowleged for having provided the undisturbed samples of the core
of Penne dam.
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Abstract. The tailings dams, due to the enormous volume of the waste lagoon, are earth-fill
structures with highest potential hazard for the surrounding. However, the numerous reports
of collapses of the tailings dams in the last three decades, all over the World, indicate that
the structural (static and dynamic) safety and the liquefiable resistance was not controlled
with the proper carefulness. In this research, the concept of collapse surface is used for
liquefaction assessment, which is defined by two parameters, the angle of inclination of the
collapse surface and steady-state strength. The steady-state strength of the different zones of
the tailings dam is adopted from the results obtained from “In situ” investigations by
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and laboratory tests of fines. In this paper are presented
results from the analysis of the dynamic response, the liquefaction assessment and the
seismic resistance of the hydro tailings dam Topolnica, of the mine Buchim, Radovish. This
tailings dam, in the east part of Republic of Macedonia, is formed by combination of
downstream (in the first phase) and upstream (in the second phase) method of construction,
with total height from the crest to the downstream toe of the dam of 141.2 m.
Tailings dams are complex engineering structures, composed of an initial dam, sand
dam, waste lagoon, drainage system, outlet pipe for discharge of clear water, and structures
for protection in case of inflow (external) water, [1] and [2]. The tailings, on one hand, due to
the numerous structures of which are composed, should be checked on great number of
safety cases at static loading, similar as for conventional fill dams [3], and on other hand, due
to the enormous volume of the waste lagoon, they are fill structures with highest potential
hazard for the surrounding [4]. Due to the great importance of the tailings dams, one of the
ICOLD’s Technical Committees is exactly for tailings dams and deposit lakes - ICOLD
Committee on Tailings dams and Waste Lagoons, that has published several Bulletins, [5],
[6], [7], [8] and [9].
Due to the long construction period, the approach for conventional dams (for creation
of water reservoirs) for confirmation of proper accomplishment of the hydraulic structures –
with full supervision of the construction and control of the first reservoir filling, as well and
the assessment of the dam’s proper behavior with construction parameters throughout
comparison with monitoring data, at most cases is not applied fully in case of tailings dams.
Unfortunately, such main difference between the conventional and tailings dams is amplified
University “Sts Cyril and Methodius”, Civil Engineering Faculty, [email protected]
in case of technical solutions with combined construction method [10] and heightening [11]
thus providing increase of the deposit space of the tailings dams. The investigation of the
settlements in tailings dams body upon service period of the waste lagoon [12] is necessary
to plan the dam crest heightening and to estimate limit values for the displacements. These
estimated limit values have to be compared with the measured values within monitoring
process, so the proper conclusion can be drawn out for the regular behavior of the dam in the
future period.
The purpose of this research is to apply the collapse surface concept (CSC) for
liquefaction assessment. This concept is defined by two parameters, the angle of inclination
of the collapse surface and steady-state strength. The steady-state strength of the different
zones of the tailings dam is adopted from the results obtained from “In situ” investigations by
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and laboratory tests of fines. In the text below, the paper
will be illustrated with data from the research of the dynamic response, the liquefaction
assessment and the seismic resistance evaluation of the hydro tailings dam Topolnica, with
combined construction method, of the mine Buchim, Radovish, Republic of Macedonia.
simplification of the material parameters is provided by the following approximations: (1) the
waste lagoon, possessing highly non-specified and heterogeneous composition, by finer grain
size fractions in the upstream and coarser grain size particles in the downstream part of the
sand dam, is represented with 3 different materials; (2) the filter transition zones in the initial
dam are neglected, for which is estimated that they have small dimensions, compared to the
geo-medium from interest in the analysis. In such a way is prepared idealized cross section
for structural analysis (static and dynamic), and the heterogeneous composition of the tailings
dam is modeled with number of segments by 6 different materials, (figure 1). The
discretization of the tailings dam for structural analysis (figure 2) is done in order to model
the stage construction, by development and dissipation of the consolidation pore pressure.
Sand dam No. 2-2, 654.0
560 6 4 3
540 5
1 2 1
Initial dam 558.5
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
X [m]
Figure 1: Segments by 6 different materials. 1 – gravel in initial dam body, 2 – clay in initial dam core, 3 – sand
in tailings dam, 4 – sand silt in beach, 5 – sand silt between the beach and lagoon and 6 – silt in waste lagoon
Y [m]
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
X [m]
Figure 2: Discretization of the mediums for static analysis by FEM (Nodes=810, Elements=766)
By the model is simulated realistic progress of the tailings dam, i.e. filling of the waste
lagoon is by appropriate time delay upon sand dam construction. The upstream water
saturation of the tailings due to the existing water inflow from river Topolnica in the tailings
dam during progressing of the waste lagoon is adopted to be 2.0 m lower then the deposited
tailings. Such upstream non-steady hydraulic boundary condition is necessary for the analysis
of the effective stresses for the alternative with upstream water saturation of the tailings
during construction, which is the service period of the structure. In the consolidation analysis,
by analyzing the effective stresses in drained conditions in realistic time domain [13] is
adopted water filling function in the waste lagoon, as variable upstream boundary condition
for analysis of the non-steady seepage [14]. In such complex and coupled analysis (by
parallel mechanical and hydraulic response), in the same time are simulated: (а) stage
construction, (b) development and dissipation of consolidation pore pressure, (c) change of
the upstream hydrostatic pressure and (d) heterogeneous medium by irregular geometry. In
the applied analysis, that simulates the tailings behavior most realistically, both the material
parameters and the time component, i.e. the realistic construction dynamics, have significant
The state with maximal potential hazard of the hydro system on the downstream river
valley is the critical or the most important state for assessment of the seismic resistance of the
tailings dam no. 2-2 for crest elevation 654.0 m. It is a case when the waste lagoon is at
maximal operating level (or normal water level at elevation 652.0 m) and when steady
seepage in the tailings dam is established. Then, the maximal values of the pore pressure are
generated (figure 3) and for appropriate total stresses (figure 4) the geo-medium has minimal
effective normal stresses (figure 5), i.e. it possesses minimal tangential resistance or reduced
640 -20
600 0
Y [m]
580 600
540 -200
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
X [m]
Color Name Model Effectiv e Cohesion' Phi' Poisson's Insitu Ko Unit Dilation Vol. WC. Steady Collapse
Figure 3: Pore pressure distribution in kPa, for steady seepage in the tailings dam, at upper water elevation at
(kPa) (°) Ratio Weight Angle
(kN/m³) (°)
Function State Surface
Strength Angle (°)
1 chakal inicijalna Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 1 chakal inicijalna 0 34 0.25 0.33333333 22.3 0 Sand
2 glina inicijalna Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 2 glina inicijalna 20 18 0.35 0.53846154 20.1 0 Clay/Silt
3 pesok brana Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 3 pesok brana 5 38 0.3 0.42857143 19.2 0 Fine sand
640 200
4 pesokliv mulj plazha Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 4 pesok plazha 20 30 0.34 0.51515152 19 0 Sandy Silt 20 18
620 (Coarse
T ailings)
600 1,000
Y [m]
5 muljevit pesok Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 1 chakal inicijalna 30 25 0.37 0.58730159 18.7 0 Silt(tailings) (2) 15 15
6 mulj ezero Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 6 mulj ezero 40 20 0.4 0.66666667 17.7
2000 Silt(tailings) 10 12
560 1,800 1,000
2,400 1,800
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
X [m]
Color Name Model Effectiv e Cohesion' Phi' Poisson's Insitu Ko Unit Dilation Vol. WC. Steady Collapse
Figure 4: Maximal total stresses distribution, in kPa, for steady seepage in the tailings dam, at upper water
(kPa) (°) Ratio Weight Angle
(kN/m³) (°)
Function State Surface
Strength Angle (°)
1 chakal inicijalna Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 1 chakal inicijalna 0 34 0.25 0.33333333 22.3 0 Sand
2 glina inicijalna Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 2 glina inicijalna 20 18 0.35 0.53846154 20.1 0 Clay/Silt
3 pesok brana Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 3 pesok brana 5 38 0.3 0.42857143 19.2 0 Fine sand
200 4 pesokliv mulj plazha Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 4 pesok plazha 20 30 0.34 0.51515152 19 0 Sandy Silt 20 18
620 (Coarse
600 80 T ailings)
Y [m]
5 muljevit pesok Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 1 chakal inicijalna 30 25 0.37 0.58730159 18.7 0 Silt(tailings) (2) 15 15
580 1,4 1,200
6 mulj ezero Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 6 mulj ezero 40 00 20 0.4 0.66666667 17.7 0 Silt(tailings) 10 12
540 1,800
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
X [m]
Color Name Model Effectiv e Cohesion' Phi' Poisson's Insitu Ko Unit Dilation Vol. WC. Steady Collapse
Figure 5: Maximal effective stresses distribution, in kPa, for steady seepage in the tailings dam, at upper water
(kPa) (°) Ratio Weight Angle
(kN/m³) (°)
Function State Surface
Strength Angle (°)
elevation at 652.0 m, Ѕ1`,max = 2,250.8 kPa (Css)
1 chakal inicijalna Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 1 chakal inicijalna 0 34 0.25 0.33333333 22.3 0 Sand
2 glina inicijalna Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 2 glina inicijalna 20 18 0.35 0.53846154 20.1 0 Clay/Silt
3 pesok brana Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 3 pesok brana 5 38 0.3 0.42857143 19.2 0 Fine sand
EARTHQUAKE - SEE 4 pesokliv mulj plazha Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 4 pesok plazha 20 30 0.34 0.51515152 19 0 Sandy Silt
20 18
T ailings)
5 muljevit pesok Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 1 chakal inicijalna 30 25 0.37 0.58730159 18.7 0 Silt(tailings) (2) 15 15
In the model for dynamic analysis of fill dams in time domain is applied program [15].
6 mulj ezero Elastic-Plastic (Effective) 6 mulj ezero 40 20 0.4 0.66666667 17.7 0 Silt(tailings) 10 12
In the paper, having in mind the size and importance of dam Topolnica, as well and the
available dynamic material parameters it is adopted the dynamic response of the dam to be
determined by application of “Equivalent Linear Analysis” (ELA). The approach applied in
the present analysis for determination of the permanent deformations during the seismic
excitation, not only for the potential sliding body, but also for any node within the fill dam, is
the method of “Dynamic Deformation Analysis” (DDA), which is successive non-linear
redistribution of the stresses. By such method, for geo-medium discretized by finite elements,
are calculated deformations caused by forces in nodes, calculated by the incremental stresses
in the elements. Thus, by application of non-linear model, for each time step of the dynamic
response of the structure is obtained new state of the total stresses and pore pressure. By the
differences of the effective stresses in two successive time steps are obtained incremental
forces, resulting in deformations, in accordance with the chosen constitutive law for stress –
strain dependence. So, for each loading case during the dam dynamic response elastic and
eventual plastic strains are produced. If dynamic inertial forces cause plastic strains, then in
the geo-medium will occur permanent deformations. The permanent displacements, at any
point in the dam and at end of the seismic excitation, are cumulative sum of the plastic
In this analysis, for the assessment of the “Liquefaction Potential”, which is strongly
influenced by the initial stress state, the "Collapse Surface Concept" (CSC) is applied. In this
concept, the slope of the "Critical State Line" (CSL) in the q (p ') stress space is equal to:
M = (6 * sinφ ') / (3 - sin φ') (1)
q = (σ1 - σ3) (2)
is a strain deviator and represents the shear of the soil material,
p' = (σ'1 + σ'2 + σ'3) / 3 (3)
is a mean effective stress, which is defined in terms of effective principal stress, and φ' is
conventional peak effective strength parameter (angle of internal friction).
In the case of monotonic static loading in undrained conditions, increases in stresses
occur up to the "collapse point" (CP), where the structure of the granules collapses. After the
CP, a sudden increase in pore pressure occurs and the strength rapidly falls to point of
"Steady State Strength" (SSS). Another way of describing this is that liquefaction is initiated
at the CP. According to Sladen, D'Hollander and Krahn [16], the straight line from SSS point
through the CP of a soil material at the same initial void ratio, but consolidated under
different confining pressures, is called "Collapse Surface" (CS), or according to Vaid and
Chern [17] and Kramer [18] is called "Flow Liquefaction Surface" (FLS).
A cyclic loading can also lead to liquefaction. With increasing of the pore-pressure
(under earthquake), cyclic stress path intersects the CS. Then the material will liquefy, and
the strength will suddenly fall to SSS point. The input parameters in the CSC are "steady
state strength" (Css) in kPa and collapse surface angle (φL) in degrees, which determine the
slope of the CS or FLS in the q-p' stress space, where the deviator stress for SSS is qss = 2 *
According to Kramer, [18], φL ≈ 2/3 φ'. While the values for (Css) were adopted from
the technical literature according to Fell [19] on the (Css) dependence of (N1)60 +
Δ(N1)60FinesContent, using the method of Idriss and Boulanger [20], where corrections for fines
content is based on Seed [21]. Using the data on the number of impacts N determined by the
"Standard Penetration Test" (SPT) and Fines content, from the renewed geotechnical
investigations, the values of (Css) for the materials in the waste lagoon were calculated and
adopted in the interval of 10-20 kPa, table 1.
Table 1: Input parameters of liquefaction potential of the waste lagoon materials, according to the CSC
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6
sandy silty
material gravel clay sand silt sand silt
Segment tailings beach, waste
or region initial dam initial dam dam beach lagoon lagoon
φ o 34.0 18.0 38.0 30.0 25.0 20.0
N1(60) 9.4 6.7
DN1(FC) 1.5 1.5
N1+DN1 10.9 8.2
Css kPa 20.0 15.0 10.0
φL o 18.0 15.0 12.0
With the values adopted (table 1), Critical State Line (CSL) and Collapse Surface (CS)
are determined for potentially liquefied materials in the waste lagoon, and the values for the
dimensionless parameter (q / p'), when the materials become liquefied, figure 6. Each zone
with (q / p') above the CS is liquefied and possesses the steady state strength (SSS). Each
zone with (q / p') under CS, but above SSS is potentially liquefied and can pass over CS with
increasing of pore-pressure. Each zone with (q / p') under SSS is not potentially liquefiable,
and when the pore pressure increases, the shear strength depends on φ' and с' - the peak
effective strength parameters.
1 6
p` [kPa]
0 50 100 150 200
Figure 6: Values for the dimensionless parameter (q / p ') when the materials liquefied, Legend: 4 – sandy silt in
beach, 5 – silty sand between the beach and lagoon and 6 – silt in waste lagoon
From figure 6, it can be concluded that the zones of the mixture of materials in the
waste lagoon, with the values of the parameter (q / p ') in the interval from 0.5 to 1.2, are
potentially liquefiable zones. That is, if the initial (or pre-earthquake) state yields values for
(q / p ') close to 0.50 (for a silt), 0.64 (for silty sand) and 0.78 (for sandy silt), then in the
event of strong earthquakes and generating an excess pore pressure, in these zones will
develop the liquefaction, figure 7.
1.2 1 0.6
620 0.8
600 0.2
Y [m]
580 0.2
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
X [m]
Figure 7: Distribution of the parameter q / p '[-] with the liquefaction zone, for the initial stress state and steady
Color Name Model Unit Poisson's Cohesion' Phi'
Weight Ratio (kPa) (°)
Dynamic Damping GMax Function
Ratio Function
(kN/m³) Function Pressure Strength Angle (°)
seepage for water level in the lagoon on 652.0 m Function (Css)
2 glina inicijalna Equivalent Linear 20.1 0.35 20 18 2 glina-inicijalna 2 glina-inicijalna 2 glina inicijalna
3 pesok brana Equivalent Linear 19.2 0.3 5 38 3 pesok-brana 3 pesok-brana 3 pesok-brana
STABILITY ANALYSIS 4 pesokliv mulj plazha Equivalent Linear 19 0.34 20 30 4 peskovit mulj
4 peskovit mulj 4 peskovit mulj plazha pesok pesok
20 18
5 muljevit pesok Equivalent Linear 18.7 0.37 30 25 5 muljevit pesok 5 muljevit pesok 5 muljevit pesok pesok muljevit 15 15
Here below is presented the dam response at action of Maximum Credible Earthquake
6 mulj ezero Equivalent Linear 17.7 0.4 40 20 6 mulj ezero 6 mulj-ezero 6 mulj-ezero pesok mulj 10 12
X-acceleration 654
X-Acceleration (g)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (sec)
Figure 8: Absolute acceleration a [g] ÷ t [s] in a horizontal direction, dam 2-2, elevation 654.0 m
2 X-spectral
acceleration 654 :
History 35
1 X-spectral
acceleration ground :
History 38
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period (sec)
Figure 9: Spectrum of the acceleration response Sa [g] ÷ T [s] for DR = 0.05, in the rock base (excitation) and in
the crown of dam 2-2 (response)
Y-displacement 654
Y-Displacement (m)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (sec)
Figure 10: Permanent vertical displacements obtained by the dynamic deformation method, Y [m] ÷ t [s], in the
upstream crest edge of the dam 2-2, at level 654.0 m
During the earthquake (MCE / SEE) there is an increase in the pore-pressure, creating a
liquefaction zone, after the earthquake (figure 11). The appearance of liquefaction will cause
redistribution of the effective stresses, which will result in post-earthquake displacements in
the dam (figure 12). In order to assess the seismic resistance of the dam, the crown settlement
is crucial due to the liquefaction phenomenon, estimated at about 20 cm.
620 1.2 1 0.8 0.6
600 0.2
Y [m]
580 0.2
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
X [m]
Figure 11: Distribution of the parameter q / p' [-] with the liquefaction zone after the strong earthquake
Color Name Model Unit Poisson's Cohesion' Phi'
Weight Ratio (kPa) (°)
Dynamic Damping GMax Function
Ratio Function
(kN/m³) Function Pressure Strength Angle (°)
Function (Css)
660 1 chakal inicijalna Equivalent Linear 22.3 0.25 0 34 1 chakal-inicijal 1 chakal-inicijal 1 chakal-inicijalna
640 2 glina inicijalna Equivalent Linear 20.1 0.35 20 18 2 glina-inicijalna 2 glina-inicijalna 2 glina inicijalna
620 3 pesok brana Equivalent Linear 19.2 0.3 5 38 3 pesok-brana 3 pesok-brana 3 pesok-brana
600 4 pesokliv mulj plazha Equivalent Linear 19 0.34 20 30 4 peskovit mulj 4 peskovit mulj 4 peskovit mulj plazha pesok pesok 20 18
Y [m]
plazha plazha
5 muljevit pesok Equivalent Linear 18.7 0.37 30 25 5 muljevit pesok 5 muljevit pesok 5 muljevit pesok pesok muljevit 15 15
560 pesok
540 6 mulj ezero Equivalent Linear 17.7 0.4 40 20 6 mulj ezero 6 mulj-ezero 6 mulj-ezero pesok mulj 10 12
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
X [m]
Figure 12: The direction and intensity of the resulting displacements XY, after the earthquake
Color Name Model Effective
E-Mod ulus
Cohesion' Phi'
(kPa) (°)
Poisson's Unit
Dilatio n Vol. W C.
W eight Angle Function
Collap se
Function (kN/m³) (°) Streng th Angle (°)
The granules collapses of the liquefied materials in the waste lagoon cause change of
1 chakal inicijalna Elastic-Plastic (Ef f ectiv e) 1 chakal inicijalna 0 34 0.25 22.3 0 Sand
2 glina inicijalna Elastic-Plastic (Ef f ectiv e) 2 glina inicijalna 20 18 0.35 20.1 0 Clay /Silt
the strength parameters (figure 13) along the critical slide surface. The increase of pore-
3 pesok brana Elastic-Plastic (Ef f ectiv e) 3 pesok brana 5 38 0.3 19.2 0 Fine sand
pressure and the decrease steady state strength, after the earthquake, result to decrease of the
4 pesokliv mulj
plazha (liq)
Elastic-Plastic (Ef f ectiv e) 4 pesok plazha 20 30 0.34 19 0 Sandy Silt
20 0
stability of the slope [22] of the tailings sandy dam (figure 14).
5 muljev it pesok Elastic-Plastic (Ef f ectiv e) 1 chakal inicijalna 30 25 0.37 18.7 0
Silt(tailings) (2) 15 0
40 6 mulj ezero (liq) Elastic-Plastic (Ef f ectiv e) 6 mulj ezero 40 20 0.4 17.7 0 Silt(tailings) 10 0
cohesive strength :
Slip 79
0 50 100 150 200 250
X (m)
Figure 13: Distribution of strength parameters along the critical surface, cohesion in kPa and internal friction
angle in degrees, after the strong earthquake
Y [m]
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
X [m]
are sum of: (1) additional compaction and reduced stiffness at materials on cyclic action Y1
4 pesokliv mulj
plazha (liq)
Mohr-Coulomb 19 20 30 0 20 0
= 70.0 cm, calculated by previous approximate approach, (2) dissipation of the pore
5 muljevit pesok
Mohr-Coulomb 18.7 30 25 0 15 0
excessive pressure caused by the liquefaction phenomena Y2 = 20.0 cm, determined by this
6 mulj ezero (liq) Mohr-Coulomb 17.7 40 20 0 10 0
research, and (3) permanent displacements caused by dynamic inertial forces during
earthquake Y3=50.0 cm, also determined by the present analysis. The cumulative settlements
in the crest at 654.0 m are Ys =Y1+Y2+Y3=70.0+20.0+50.0 = 140.0 cm. So, the height of
2.0 m (from dam crest at 654.0 m to the highest level of tailings silt in the lagoon 652.0 mnv)
is not reached, i.e. there is no danger of rapid (uncontrolled) flow of silt from the waste
lagoon during action of catastrophic earthquake.
Stability factor of the downstream slope of the tailings sandy dam No. 2-2, in the post-
earthquake state, with the steady-state strength in liquefied zones of the waste lagoon
(according to the applied model with a water level on 652.0 m and about 150 m upstream
from the crown of the dam), is 1.103. The calculated stability factor (FL) for the liquefaction
event due to strong earthquake is approximately equal to the permitted value for incidentally
and temporary loading (FL,per = 1.1). Therefore, the first measures to improve resistance
against liquefaction, we recommend to be reduction of the normal water level elevation in the
waste lagoon, from 652.0 to 649.0 m and distancing the upstream border filtration condition
from 150 m to 700 m upstream from the crown of the dam no. 2-2. Our opinion is that these
measures are the simplest and the most economical, and that will drawdown the steady
seepage phreatic line in the foundation zone of the tailings sand dam No. 2-2 and could
reduce the potential of liquefaction in the critical regions of the waste lagoon.
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada, (2017)
Abstract. In earthquake engineering practice, the site effect simulation is evaluated based on
the geometry and stratigraphy of the site, the characterization of the soil properties and the
ground motions records. Usually, to identify the soil characterization, laboratory or in-situ
tests take place (i.e. triaxial tests, direct shear tests, CPT or SPT …). In order to simulate these
tests and in case of absence of experimental tools, numerical models can represent the
response of the soil. Liquefaction, till our days, is considered as one of the most complex
behaviors that happen to the soil due to sudden and severe shakings. The aim of this paper is
to conduct “virtual” laboratory tests on soil samples extracted from the foundation of an
embankment. They serve to a better representation of the realistic case of the soil taking into
account complex input data and to a comparison with the laboratory tests for the purpose of
understanding the global soil response. The numerical model used is an elasto-plastic multi-
mechanism model to represent the soil behavior.
The site effects are known as the local ground response, basin effects, and surface
topographic effects. In practice, either empirical models or wave propagation analysis are used
to quantify these effects. It is also necessary to know i) the geometry and stratigraphy of the
site; ii) the characterization of the soil properties from geotechnical or geophysical tests; iii)
ground motions recorded at the site of interest (i.e. seismic hazard) and iv) the choice of soil
material model [1,2, among others]. Laboratory and in-situ tests serve to characterize the soil
properties. They collect data based on definite experimental or field conditions that in some
cases could not reflect the realistic case. Hence, they represent a large range of uncertainties.
For example, the cyclic stress-based liquefaction resistance is influenced by factors such as the
soil fabric, the age, the stress-strain history [3]. These factors can be destroyed by sampling
and are difficult to replicate in the laboratory [3]. In addition, in-situ tests collect data from
sites that are gently sloped or not geographically complicated, so the data will be affected by
site conditions or restrictions [4]. Therefore, numerical models not only help to understand the
global response of the soil even if there exist a big number of input variables, but also, they
serve to validate the laboratory or in-situ tests.
MSS-Mat CNRS UMR 8579 Laboratory,CentraleSupélec Paris-Saclay University, E-mail:
[email protected]
Otherwise, liquefaction is one of the most devastating and complex behaviors that affect
the soil. When induced by seismic shakings, liquefaction is related to the volume change of
the soil and to the buildup of the pore water pressure [5]. Under both static and cyclic loadings,
it is considered as one of the major causes of damage for earth structures and foundations [6].
It is well known that not all the soil types are susceptible to liquefaction [3]. The soil gradation,
the particle shape, the density, all are factors that influence the soil to be susceptible to
liquefaction. In addition to the evaluation of the disturbance severity that initiated or triggered
the liquefaction of the soil.
This paper aims to simulate virtual tests in order to find the behavior of the soil and
identify the liquefaction apparition. At the beginning, a soil sample is extracted from the
foundation of an embankment, and typical triaxial tests were simulated. They serve as the
laboratory data input of this study. Consistency with the laboratory experiments was taking
into consideration by the type of loading and experiments conditions applied. Hence, regular
and irregular loading were simulated on the sample and the liquefaction resistance of the
sample was identified. These ideas are developed in Sections 3 and 4. In Section 5, a study on
a 1D soil column taken at free field is conducted in order to compare the behavior of the soil
after the propagation of the earthquake. For this purpose, 447 real input ground motions were
injected on the column and the soil behavior was tested in addition to the liquefaction
resistance. Finally, an accuracy between the laboratory and the finite element methods is
conducted based on statistical approach. The finite element calculations of this study were
performed using the GEFDyn code [7].
2.2 Geometry
The geometry of the virtual model, as shown in Figure 1, consists of a soil foundation of
10 m. The shallow layer is composed of a contractive loose to medium sand of 4 m followed
by a 6 m layer of a dense sand. The bedrock at the bottom of the dense sand is 5 m and has the
shear wave velocity Vs = 1000 m/s. The water table is at 1 m below the ground surface. The
“virtual” experimental laboratory tests were conducted first on a soil sample that has the same
properties as the shallow saturated layer. Second, a model of 1D column at free field, is taken
into consideration from which a soil sample extracted from the middle and bottom of this layer
(i.e. 2.5 m and 4 m below the ground surface). The effect of the embankment is not taken into
consideration in this paper.
Figure 2(a): The stress path of the tested material Figure 2(b): The variation of the volumetric strain
respect to the mean effective stress
It can be seen from Figure 2(a) that the stress path shows a peak value until it reached
the Critical State Line (CSL). From Figure 2(b), the volumetric strain decreases to reach the
CSL. From these ``experimental'' results, it can be viewed that the tested material is a
``normally consolidated'' sand. It is true that the consolidation nomination is only applied for
clay soils and is difficult to adopt for sands except for some cases [16] but in this study, the
nomination of loose and dense sand refers to high or low relative density Dr as will be shown
later in this section. In Figure 2(a), the collapse surface passes by the maximum stresses for
each initial confining pressure. It designates the failure initiation state of the material; above
this line, the material is not stable and may be subjected to liquefaction.
Moreover, in practice, the liquefaction charts are used to quantify the liquefaction
apparition. These charts are characterized by the severity of the earthquake loading and the soil
resistance for liquefaction [17]. The level of the loading is characterized by the cyclic stress
ratio which is taken to be the ratio of the maximum cyclic shear stress to the initial effective
confining pressure (i.e. CSR = 2𝑝′ ) [18,3, among others]. Whereas the soil resistance can be
identified by field measurements (i.e. N-values of the SPT test, q-values of the CPT test and
shear wave velocity) or laboratory tests (triaxial tests; monotonic or cyclic, drained or
undrained). In the case of regular loading, which is best compatible with the laboratory
experiments, different values of the cyclic shear stress were considered in order to find the soil
resistance (i.e. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 kPa). For the sake of brevity only, one initial confining
pressure is considered (p’0 = 50 kPa). The cyclic resistance is represented in the graphs as the
cyclic stress ratio versus the number of cycles Nf that generates an axial strain of 2% double-
amplitude [11]. The results are shown in red curve in Figure 3.
Figure 3: The Variation of the Cyclic Stress Ratio CSR as function of the number of cycles Nf
Liquefaction happens due to strong shakings; therefore, the effect of the earthquakes is
important to consider. Against the usual laboratory tests that only deal with sinusoidal loading,
application of irregular loading represents more realistically the effect of earthquake motions
by the use of ``virtual'' laboratory tests [21]. For this purpose, this section will develop the
effect of irregular cyclic loading on the tested sand by conducting triaxial undrained tests and
by applying different loading with earthquake shapes. An example of the used type of load is
represented in Figure 4. In order to compare an irregular earthquake-induced loading with
laboratory loading conditions, a conversion factor from a series of irregular cycles to uniform
cycles is required. Hence, 60% of the maximum shear stress value are used in this case [13, 3,
4 among others]. The values of the shear stresses were chosen accordingly (i.e. 16, 17, 18, 19
and 20 kPa). Based on the theory, liquefaction happens due to the rapid increase of the pore
water pressure [13, 3, 5, among others] or when the axial strain reaches 2% or 3% double
amplitude (DA) [12, 10 among others]. Accordingly, a representation of the generation of the
excess pore water pressure ∆𝑢 and the variation of the axial strain 𝜀1 was found as function of
the number of cycles Ncyc of the regular loading applied (Figure 5). The initial confining
pressure used for this case is also p’0 = 50 kPa. For the sake of brevity, one tested motion will
serve to analyze the soil behavior of this section and one value of the cyclic shear stress will
be shown (qcyc = 20 kPa).
Figure 5: The variation of Δ𝑢 (top) and 𝜀1 (bottom) Figure 6: The stress path of the irregular
with respect to Ncyc of the irregular loading
It can be seen from Figure 5 that the excess pore water pressure ∆𝑢 increases at the
beginning of the loading until it reaches the same value of the initial confining pressure of 50
kPa (i.e. the excess pore water pressure ratio 𝑟𝑢 is equal to 1). As for the evolution of the axial
strain, at the beginning of the loading, it was zero until it reaches a certain number of cycles
where it shows values of 2% DA which corresponds also to the generation of the excess pore
water pressure. Hence, the tested sand shows liquefaction for the presented value of cyclic
shear stress and this is confirmed by the stress paths shown in Figure 6. This path shows clearly
that the specimen enters an instability phase once it reaches the collapse line after which
hysteretic loops starts to occur until failure is reached.
In order to identify the level of loading for all the tested motions, the cyclic stress ratio
is represented in terms of the number of cycles. In the case of irregular loading, the number of
cycles that generates liquefaction is different from that of regular loading (i.e. the one
designated as Nf in the previous section). From the viewpoint of counting cycles in fatigue
[21], the number of cycles of the irregular loading Nequiv is considered. Also in this case, the
cyclic stress ratio becomes CSR*= 2𝑝′ with qcyc = 0.6 qcyc,max. The results are shown in Figure
7. The black dots designate the non-liquefied cases on the opposite of the blue dots that
designate the liquefied cases. The red curve on Figure 7 is the boundary generated by the
experimental data results developed in Section 3.
Figure 7: Cyclic stress ratio CSR* for the case of irregular loading
From Figure 7, it can be seen that the increase in the cyclic stress affects in the generation
of the liquefaction in a way that the specimen tends to liquefy. The cases that are below the
boundary did not liquefy, whereas for the ones above it: there are cases that liquefied and other
did not.
It can be partially concluded that the laboratory tests under-estimate the soil response
because the cases that were predicted to liquefy, did not do as such in the actual scenario. It
should be noted that the experimental tests can also be complicated by the specimen non
uniformity which causes large range of uncertainty [3]. To be more consistent with the realistic
case, the behavior of the soil will be studied based simulated in-situ soil response. A study on
a soil column will take place in the next section. Moreover, the soil response will be compared
to the experimental and field data.
In the previous sections, the behavior of a soil sample was studied based on simulated
laboratory experiments. The effect of irregular loading was taken into consideration in order
to better approach the realistic case of a soil subjected to earthquake, and hence to characterize
the liquefaction apparition. In this section, the behavior of the soil sample is simulated from a
1D wave propagation in a column. The finite element code used for the simulation is a 2D
coupled modelling with GEFDyn Code [7] using a dynamic approach derived from the 𝑢 − 𝑝𝑤
version of the Biot’s generalized consolidation theory [22]. The FE element model is composed
of quadrilateral isoparametric elements (0.5 m x 0.5 m). For the boundary condition of the
dynamic phase, only vertically incident shear waves are introduced in the column. For the
bedrock’s boundary condition, paraxial elements simulating “deformable unbounded elastic
bedrock" have been used [23]. To take into account the dynamic effect, 447 different ground
motions were injected at the bottom of the column so that the waves will propagate all along
the soil layers. For the sake of brevity only, the behavior of the soil will be studied for one
tested ground motion as an example. The response of all the tested motions will be represented
in the proceedings of this section. The tested soil sample was extracted from the bottom of the
liquefied layer, so at 4m below the ground surface.
Figure 8: Obtained irregular time history of shear stress Figure 9: Excess pore water pressure time
Figure 8 shows the variation of the obtained shear stress 𝜏 during the earthquake
occurrence. It shows irregular behavior. Figure 9 shows the variation of the excess pore water
pressure ratio 𝑟𝑢 . To take into consideration the cyclic mobility and the true liquefaction, it is
assumed that liquefaction appears when 𝑟𝑢 > 0.8 [24]. For the ground motion taken as an
example, it can be seen that liquefaction occurs.
Characterizing the liquefaction resistance of the soil and taking into account all the tested
ground motions, the cyclic stress ratio approach is developed for this case as well. Laboratory
tests show that the cyclic shear stress required to trigger liquefaction increases at high effective
confining pressures [3]. [25] and [4] suggested correction factors that take into account the
effect of the initial shear stress (i.e. 𝐾𝛼 ) and the effective overburden pressure (i.e. 𝐾𝜎 ). The
field corrected cyclic stress ratio for the case of this study is shown as a green curve in Figure
10. This curve will be considered as the new boundary for the coming tested cases. Studying
the soil response at the bottom of the liquefied layer, the cyclic stress ratio was found for the
447 ground motions and is shown also in Figure 10. It was calculated similar to the case of
irregular loading described in Section 4, in addition to the same definition of the number of
cycles (i.e. Nequiv). Liquefaction apparition was identified based on the excess pore water
pressure ratio. The motions that did not liquefy are represented in black and the ones that did,
are shown in blue.
Figure 10: The cyclic stress ratio of the tested motions Figure 11: The confusion matrix of the tested motions
It can be seen from Figure 10 that there exist some cases where liquefaction did not occur
above the field corrected boundary. In addition to some cases where liquefaction occurs below
the boundary. Hence, accuracy of the laboratory tests cannot be confirmed. In order to better
understand it, in addition to an understanding of the global response of the soil regarding the
tested ground motions, confusion matrices were drawn and shown in Figure 11. The purpose
of these matrices in the presented case of this paper, is to summarize the performance of the
soil based on both the actual observations (i.e. finite element methods) and the predicted
observations (i.e. laboratory tests). From Figure 11, 147 cases are not supposed to liquefy based
on the predicted laboratory test and actually, they did not liquefy. These cases are called the
True Negative (TN) results. Also, 253 cases are supposed to liquefy, and they liquefied based
on the actual observations. Hence, they are the True Positive (TP). On the contrary, 5 cases
located above the field corrected boundary did not liquefy based on the actual observations
and they are called the False Positive (FP) data. And finally, the False Negative (FN) data (i.e.
42 cases) are the ones that were not supposed to liquefy since their cyclic stress ratio is below
the field corrected boundary, but based on the actual observations, they liquefied. The FN data
are considered as a dangerous case for the decision making. They under-estimated the response
of the soil because the soil that did not liquefy in the laboratory, had a different behavior when
being in-situ. The FP data are also not beneficial for the decision maker since in the laboratory
the soil sample liquefied whereas when the wave propagated in the realistic case, the soil did
not liquefy. This means that unnecessary precautions could be set in field if there was a
reference to laboratory tests only.
Accuracy between the laboratory and the finite element method in this case, is 89.49%
(i.e. (TN+TP)/(TN+TP+FN+FP)). This will lead to a partial conclusion that the laboratory
tests, in some cases, under-estimate the response of the soil. This last one will be accurate when
attached to numerical models for a better understanding of the soil global response.
Virtual laboratory tests were simulated in this paper via an elastoplastic multi-
mechanism soil behavior model with the help of a 2D finite element code (GEFDyn). These
tests are helpful to validate the laboratory tests in order to better understand the global response
of the soil.
At the beginning of this paper, the behavior of a soil sample extracted from the
foundation of an embankment was found based on simulated triaxial tests. To be consistent
with the realistic cases that the loading applied on the soil are not regular, loadings with
earthquake shaped were simulated on the soil sample. Based on this case, the change in the
behavior of the soil was analyzed. In the final section, in-situ tests were simulated on a 1D
column after the propagation of 447 real input motions. The behavior of the soil at the bottom
of the liquified layer was analyzed accordingly. At the end of this section an accuracy study
between the laboratory and the finite element methods.
The results have shown that the studied soil sample is very loose and hence, it has an
ability to liquefy rapidly. Subjected to regular loading, the cyclic resistance of the sample
created a boundary that was used as a reference to characterize the liquefaction apparition. It
was shown that based on irregular loading, liquefaction did not appear below the boundary
whereas above it, the response depends on the severity of the irregular load.
Concerning the in-situ simulations, the results of the soil resistance show that below a
field corrected boundary, the soil may liquefy whereas above it, the response will also depend
on the severity of the earthquake.
As a conclusion, the laboratory tests in some cases, under-estimate the soil response but
they are somehow accurate with the finite element models. Hence, for a decision making and
to a good estimation of the soil response, experimental and numerical tests will be perfect.
This work, within the ISOLATE project, benefited from French state funding managed by
the National Research Agency reference under program Mobility and Sustainable Urban
Systems (DS06) 2017 reference No. ANR-17-CE22-0009. The research reported in this
paper has been supported in part by the SEISM Paris Saclay Research Institute.
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Abstract. Small earth dams are characterized by a reduced height of the retaining structure
and by a limited reservoir volume of water. They are often located along slopes close to
populated areas, therefore the risk associated with their potential rupture could be
considerable. Also for this reason, the evaluation of their seismic vulnerability is of paramount
importance for Civil Protection purposes. In addition, the usual lack of technical information
represents a significant further challenge. In this regards, a simplified methodology based on
a reduced number of parameters was required for vulnerability assessment studies. A
simplified procedure was developed to systematically classify a large number of small earth
dams. The proposed methodology is based on the compilation of data-sheets that lead to a
preliminary classification of structures in terms of their associated seismic risk. The
application of this procedure to about a hundred earth dams in the Piedmont region allowed
identifying the most critical structures, which require a priority in the planning of further
investigations and analyses.
The Italian Technical Code for Dams [1] classifies dams with respect to the maximum
height of the retaining structures and the cubage of the reservoir volume of water. Dams over
15 m high or with a reservoir volume larger than 106 m3 are defined “large dams”, whereas
dams up to 15 m high and a reservoir volume lower than 106 m3 are defined “small dams”. In
addition, these structures can be classified according to the risk associated with their potential
rupture as “strategic”, “significant”, and “normally relevant”. These classification methods are
adopted to select the parameters for their rigorous seismic analysis. In this respect, the current
Italian Technical Code [2] introduces the concept of “gradualness” for seismic risk studies
performed for existing structures. The choice of the analysis model to evaluate the seismic risk
depends on the available information about the structure. The seismic risk assessment study
can be conducted adopting models with increasing complexity, according to the level and
quality of the available information. In this regards, “large dams” are characterized by a large
quantity of information and data deriving from original design documents and long-time
monitoring [3]. In these cases, the adoption of complex models is possible. On the contrary,
the information about “small dams” are often limited and the use of simple models is usually
Politecnico di Torino, [email protected]
Politecnico di Torino, [email protected]
suggested in standard practice. The main goal of the “ReSba” (Resilienza degli Sbarramenti)
project is to improve the knowledge regarding the risks of dams and the related resilience of
the community. It is a project sponsored by the European fund for regional development
(Interreg-ALCOTRA) for the French-Italian Alps. More than 900 dams [4] are located in the
Piedmont region; approximately 100 of them are small earth dams located close to populated
areas of the Alps region (Figure 1). Therefore, a criterion to identify the most critical structures
that need a priority in planning further investigations and analyses is required. A simplified
procedure was developed to systematically classify a high number of small earth dams. The
proposed methodology is based on the compilation of data-sheets that lead to a preliminary
classification of the earth dams in terms of their associated seismic risk. The present paper
describes the procedure developed within the ReSba project and its application to a case study.
Figure 1: Localization of dams: purple dots are dams included in ReSba project.
The most relevant earthquake-induced effects on earth dams were documented by [5]
who reported the damages of these structures subjected to past seismic events. On the bases
of this study, a seismic vulnerability analysis should require a deep knowledge of the
structure (e.g., geometry, mechanical properties of the embankment and foundation, etc.).
Therefore, a detailed analysis can be performed only for a few specific and well -
characterized dams. On the contrary, when a large number of structures are under
consideration, a simplified approach should be adopted.
The proposed approach is based on basic information that can be obtained through a
direct survey and a collection of technical data from documents. Following this approac h,
the vulnerability of small earth dams is computed through an index 𝑉𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 defined as
the sum of four parameters:
𝑉𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 = 𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑉𝑙𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑉𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 + 𝑉𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 (1)
where: Vcondition is the vulnerability of the dam due to its general state; Vliquefaction is the
vulnerability due to liquefaction phenomena; Vsettlements and Vdisplacements are the vulnerability
due to the potential crest settlements, and the possible slope displacements, respectively.
Five classes were defined on the base of the vulnerability index of the structure ( Table 1).
The global seismic vulnerability (V) is then computed as the average of Vstructure. This value
is incremented of 0.1 if the dam is susceptible to potential hydro-geological instabilities.
Global dam conditions. This vulnerability parameter is defined through a direct in situ
inspection. Four classes have been defined on the base of deterioration phenomena
affecting the body of the dam. The fifth class refers to the absence of in situ observations.
Each class is linked to a value of vulnerability as indicated in Table 2.
Liquefaction vulnerability. Generally, earth dams consist of cohesive soils that are
usually not subjected to liquefaction phenomena. However, these types of soil can be
subjected to shear strength and stiffness degradation under dynamic cyclic loads due to the
accumulation of excess pore-pressure, with severe plastic deformation. An index related to
the exclusion criteria proposed by [2] was used aiming at guaranteeing the simplicity in the
evaluation of the liquefaction vulnerability. The maximum value for this vulnerability
factor is adopted in case none of the previous were satisfied or in the absence of
observations (Table 3).
Figure 2: Grain sizes for preliminary assessment of the liquefaction susceptibility of a soil (soils of uniform
grain size (a) and extended grain size (b)) [2].
Crest settlements. Two different approaches can be used to evaluate the settlements of
dams under seismic loads: simplified and rigorous methods. The latter requires a very
complex model and the knowledge of the mechanical properties of the soils. Due to the
lack of technical information, a more simple empirical approach was here adopted for small
earth dams.
The relationship (Eq. 2) proposed by [6] relates the crest settlements with the pe ak
ground acceleration (PGA) and earthquake magnitude (M) that characterize the site:
𝑤(%) = 𝑒 (6.07∙𝑃𝐺𝐴+0.57∙𝑀−8) (2)
The vulnerability due to the potential crest settlements was defined as the ratio between
the predicted settlements and their admissible value. Admissible values of crest settlements
have to be related to the degree of damage of dams. Following the study of [6], two values
were here considered: 0.02% and 1% of the high of the dam plus the thickness of soil
foundation, corresponding to moderate and serious levels of damage, respectively.
(FS – 1) sen(α), where α is the average angle of the failure surface with the horizontal. In the
proposed method, ky = 0 if no specific slope stability analyses are available, whereas D5-95
is related to the magnitude (M) and the epicentral distance (r) of the earthquake through
the Eq. (4) proposed by [9]
𝑒5.04+0.851∙(𝑀−6) 3
( )
𝑙𝑛(𝐷5−95 ) = 𝑙𝑛 + 0.063 ∙ (𝑟 − 10) 0.8664(𝑟 ≥ 10𝑘𝑚)
[ ] (4)
𝑒5.04+0.851∙(𝑀−6) 3
( )
𝑙𝑛(𝐷5−95 ) = 𝑙𝑛 0.8664(𝑟 < 10𝑘𝑚)
[ ]
The vulnerability associated with the slope displacements was defined as the ratio
between the predicted slope displacements and their admissible value. [8] proposed two
admissible values of the slope displacements: 5 cm and 15 cm.
The proposed simplified approach was used to classify the small earth dams located in
the Alps area of the Italian Piedmont Region (Figure 1). This area is included in the “ReSba”
project. Initially, a parametric analysis was performed to check how the choice of admissible
values of crest settlements and slope displacements influences the index of structural
vulnerability. In this respect, three admissible value of crest settlements (0.02%, 0.1% and 1%)
with the same amount of admissible slope displacements (5, 10 and 15 cm) were chosen.
Figure 3: Comparison of risk vulnerability classification of dams assuming different admissible values of crest
settlement and slope displacement.
Figure 3 shows how the classification of the seismic vulnerability of small earth dams
changes with the different combination of the above admissible values. It shows that dams
within high-maximum range of vulnerability slightly decrease if the highest admissible values
of crest settlement and slope displacement are assumed.
In particular, 85% of earth dams have a high/maximum level of associated risk if values
of 0,02% and 5 cm are adopted as admissible values of crest settlements and slope
displacements, respectively (Figure 4a). The percentage decreases to 76% (Figure 4b) if the
previous admissible values are 1% and 15 cm. The percentage changes very slightly because
of the lack of technical information on these dams. To guarantee cautionary analyses, lower
admissible values of crest settlements and slope displacements should be adopted.
Figure 4: Comparison of risk vulnerability classification of dams assuming two different couples of an
admissible value of crest settlement and slope displacement.
The seismic Risk (R) is defined as the probability of losses occurring due to earthquakes
within a given period of time, and it is computed by the convolution (⊗) of three quantities:
R=H⊗V⊗E, where: H is the seismic Hazard; V is the seismic Vulnerability and E is the
Exposure. Therefore, the seismic risk assessment of structure needs the independent evaluation
of these three factors. The procedure previously described for the assessment of the seismic
vulnerability assessment has been implemented in a simple data-sheet. This sheet collects all
information obtained with a survey of direct observations and the analysis of the technical
documents. The framework of this data-sheet is composed of four main sections:
- S1 – General information (localization and regional classification);
- S2 – Description (geometry, characteristics of the soil, exposure and seismic data);
- S3 – Calculation of the vulnerability;
- S4 – Conclusions.
Input data in sections S2 and S3 allow defining the seismic hazard, exposure and seismic
vulnerability. In addition, seismic hazard and exposure are computed through simple
The hazard factor is computed as:
𝐻 = (4 − 𝑍) + 1 (5)
where Z is an integer number that represents the zone in which the earth small dam falls. Since
2003, the national territory has been classified in four seismic categories, according to the
maximum outcrop acceleration with a probability of exceedance equal to 10% in 50 years
(zone 1=0.35 g, zone 2=0.25 g. zone 3=0.15 g, zone 4=0.05 g). Intermediate classes were added
in 2015 when an update of this classification was released.
The exposure factor takes into account the consequences on the surrounding anthropic
environment produced by potential damage or the complete collapse of the dam. Therefore, it
can be defined through a simplified study of breakdown scenarios. For example, the Piedmont
regional administration has defined three levels of exposure (Table 4) on the base of different
scenarios [10].
At the end of the data-sheet (section S4), the three factors that define the seismic risk are
combined following a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) protocol to evaluate the
seismic criticality of the dam. In this respect, the following matrix is used:
Zone 1 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
Zone 2 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Zone 3 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Zone 4 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
On the base of this index, five degrees of criticality were defined (Table 5).
The proposed approach is herein applied to a small earth dam located in the city of Envie
(CN) – Italy (Figure 5).
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Earth dam of Envie: (a) Localization of dam in the regional map. (b) Overview of the dam.
According to the Italian seismic hazard map (http://esse1.mi.ingv.it) reported here for
the Piedmont region (Figure 6a), the maximum outcrop acceleration (return period of 475
years) is ag = 0.132 g. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) was then computed through the simple
approach proposed by [2]:
𝑃𝐺𝐴 = 𝑆𝑠 ∙ 𝑆𝑇 ∙ 𝑎𝑔 (6)
where SS and ST are the stratigraphic and topographical amplification factors, respectively.
Considering the type of soil and the geometry of the dam (see Table 6), the values assumed for
these amplification factors were: SS = 1.6 and ST = 1.0.
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Localization of dam in the regional: (a) seismic hazard map and (b) seismic zonation map.
The earthquake magnitude (M) and the epicentral distance (r) were evaluated through a
disaggregation analysis in accordance with the national probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
(Figure 7) (http://esse1.mi.ingv.it). These average values were evaluated: M = 4.72, r = 8.23
Following the above described procedure, the values of PGA, M and r were then used to
evaluate the crest settlement (Eq. 2) and the slope displacement (Eq. 3). Assuming the most
restrictive admissible values of crest settlement (0.02%) and the slope displacement (5 cm),
the value of vulnerability parameters due to these aspects are Vsettlements = 0.881 and Vdisplacements
= 0.688. Since only small cracks without other surficial deformations were observed during a
survey conducted in April 2014, the vulnerability of dam due to its general state is Vcondition =
0.4 (see Table 2). Finally, the vulnerability due to potential liquefaction phenomenon was
evaluated equal to Vliquefaction = 0.0, because the embankment was built with dense soils (qc1n >
180 – see Table 3).
Therefore, the vulnerability of the dam given by Equation (1) is Vstructure = 1.97, i.e. the
dam has a low level of vulnerability (Table 1). Since no potential hydrogeological instability
was established, the global vulnerability is V = 0.5.
Since the whole municipality is included in seismic zone 3 (Figure 6b), the seismic
hazard (E. 5) is H = 2. Instead, the level of exposure assigned to the dam is medium, due to
some buildings very close to the dam (< 500m) that could be hit by the flood wave, how shown
in a breakdown scenario reported in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Breakdown scenario: the shadow zone represents the potential area hit by flood wave up to the first
Ultimately, following the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) protocol, the dam
of Envie is within the low-medium range of criticality.
In the present study, a simplified approach has been developed to evaluate the seismic
risk of small earth dams. It is based on the quick compilation of data-sheets, where a reduced
number of parameters deriving from in situ survey and documents are collected. The method
allows a preliminary classification of small dams in terms of their associated seismic risk. It is
very useful when a high number of structures have to be analyzed and the available technical
information is lacking. The application of this procedure to about 100 earth dams in the
Piedmont region allowed identifying the most critical structures that require a priority in
planning further investigations.
Acknowledgments. The activity presented in the paper is part of the ReSba project sponsored
by the European fund for regional development (Interreg-ALCOTRA) for the French-Italian
Alps area.
[1] Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti (2014). Norme Tecniche per la Progettazione e
la Costruzione degli Sbarramenti di Ritenuta (dighe e traverse). Decreto 26/06/2014.
Gazzetta Ufficiale Serie Gen. N. 156 del 08/07/2014.
[2] Ministero delle infrastrutture e Trasporti (2018). Aggiornamento delle «Norme tecniche
per le costruzioni». Decreto 17/01/2018. Gazzetta Ufficiale Serie Gen. N. 42 del
[3] Russo, C., Costigliola R., Pagano, L. and Silvestri, F. (2017). Dighe in terra: meccanismi
di danneggiamento e Stati Limiti in condizioni sismiche. XXVI Convegno Nazionale di
Geotecnica “La Geotecnica nella Conservazione e Tutela del Patrimonio Costruito”, Jun.
20-22, Roma, vol. 1, 323-333.
[4] Risba (2015) “Rischio degli Sbarramenti artificiali”. Progetto transfrontaliero Italia-
Francia ALCOTRA. Regione Piemonte, Torino.
[5] Seed, H.B. (1979). Considerations in the earthquake-resistant design of earth and rockfill
dams. Géotechnique 29(3), 215–263.
[6] Swaisgood, J. R. (2003). Embankment dam deformations caused by earthquakes. 7th
Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Feb. 13-15, Christchurch, New Zealand.
[7] Newmark, N. (1965). Effects of earthquakes on dams and embankments. Géotechnique
15(3), 139–160.
[8] Blake, T., Hollingsworth, R. and Stewart, J. (2002). Recommended procedures for
implementation of DMG. Special Publication 117 guidelines for analyzing and
mitigating landslide hazards in California. ASCE Los Angeles Section Geotechnical
Group. California Geological Survey.
[9] Abrahamson, N.A. and Silva, W.J. (1996). Empirical ground motion models. Report
prepared for Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, NY.
[10] Regional guidelines n.12 09/11/2004. "Regolamento regionale di attuazione della legge
regionale 6 ottobre 2003, n. 25 (Norme in materia di sbarramenti fluviali di ritenuta e
bacini di accumulo idrico di competenza regionale. Abrogazione delle leggi regionali 11
aprile 1995, n. 58 e 24 luglio 1996, n. 49). B.U. 11/11/2004 n. 45
ISL Ingénierie
75 boulevard Mac Donald 75019 Paris, France
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. This paper presents the validation case studies of the new simplified dynamic
calculation method FR-JP for embankment and rockfill dams. This method has been
developed since 2014 thanks to the collaboration between CFBR and JCOLD. The main
assumptions of this analysis are based on observations of the seismic performances of large
dams under strong motion earthquakes and their interpretations. The feedback of Japanese
dams having sustained strong earthquakes shows that four effects cannot be neglected in
number of cases: (1) the damage coupled with pore pressure increase, (2) the loss of strength
with shear displacement, (3) 3D vibration effects and (4) the assessment of max settlement. In
comparison with usual simplified dynamic methods, this method specially includes all these
four main phenomena in modeling. The validation of this analysis is based on the
comparison between observed and predicted seismic performances of a large number of
EDF CIH Le Bourget du Lac 73 373 Cedex, France, [email protected]
Table 1: Comparison between calculated and measured period factors of the 3 first modes
Period Formula Takami dam Aratozawa dam
factor Makdisi & Modal 2D Modal 3D Measured Modal 3D Measured
A1 2.6 3.1 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.7
A2 1.1 1.9 1.3 1.25 1.9 1.75
A3 0.7 1.45 1.2 unclear 1.7 unclear
2. The current methods do not predict the pore pressure generation and its impact on
the performance of dams. This flaw leads to an overestimation of the dam rigidity
and its accelerations under strong motion. For instance, the pore pressure
generation was low at Takami and high at Aratozawa (PGA=1g), consequently the
measured modulus was better predicted at Takami and overestimated at Aratozawa
dam (Fig.1).
G/G0 curve
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Déformation (%)
Figure 1: Measured modulus reduction compared to curves G/G0 =f( ) from litterature
Crest acceleration (g) Displacement along the most critical circle (cm)
Minimum Medium Maximum
Measured 0.5 0 4
Makdisi & Seed 1.18 10 26 44
Tardieu 0.54 0 2 7
4. The progressive loss of strength with shear displacement and pore pressure rise is
the main hazard triggered the earthquakes. The simplified seismic analyses do not
take in account this crucial phenomena.
5. Ishibuchi dam suffered large settlements (around 60 cm) shaken by the Iwate
Miyagi earthquake in 2008 (M=7.0). Such settlement can cause overtopping and
finally breaching of the dam, as it occurred at Fujinuma dam (2011). The simplified
seismic analyses are focused on shear permanent displacements and not on large
A quick and friendly tool has been developed to select quickly the input data and to use
it in only some seconds.
Where G[] is the dam shear modulus, that depends on distortion and the elastic shear
modulus G0 (modulus reduction curves).
The final ranking is quantified by the average score of the ten parameters and qualified
(Figure 2) by the verbal scale of Kristekova (2009).
The calibration is from good to excellent (Figures 3 to 5). It is of matter to notice that
the worst comparisons correspond in general to earthquakes with main direction bank to bank
or to aftershocks.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Dam height (m)
Added damping (-)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Dam height (m)
The calibrated elastic shear modulus G0 looks proportional to the height of the dam.
The calibrated added damping is between 1 and 10% of critical damping with an average of
Figure 10: Average acceleration of the slipping mass and critical acceleration
Unfortunately there is no records of this earthquake at the dam site. Data from the
nearby station of the KiK-net database (FKSH10) was used (PGA~1g and t> 200 s).
0 t (s)
-2 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Figure 12 : Ground acceleration measured at station FKSH10 during the earthquake of 11 th of march 2011
As Tasuoka and Duttine used another accelerogram, a sensitivity study is carried out on
PGA by multiplying the previous time acceleration by a reduction coefficient.
With FKSH accelerogram, calculation shows liquefaction 110 s after the beginning of
the earthquake. This caused the drop of the critical acceleration, and the beginning of the
slide. Settlement due mostly to the sliding leads to an overtopping and to dam breaching.
Maximum vertical displacement calculated for the sliding mass if 340 cm at the end of
the earthquake. But this mass is still unstable at the end of the earthquake due to liquefaction
and sliding can still occur after the main shock.
In the sensitivity study, the measured accelerations at station FKSH10 are multiplied by
a constant parameter varying from 0.05 to 2. The results of this study are summarized in the
figures below in term of liquefaction ratio and maximum vertical settlement versus PGA.
Liquefaction ratio
Liquefaction ratio (-)
0 5 10 15 20 25
PGA (m/s²)
Figure 17 : Calculated liquefaction ratio versus PGA for Fujinuma dam, earthquake of 11 th of march
0 5 10 15 20 25
PGA (m/s²)
Figure 18 : Calculated settlement versus PGA for Fujinuma dam, earthquake of 11 th of march
The last figures show evidence of liquefaction for PGA higher than 3 m/s². This is
partially explained by the exceptional duration of the earthquake. The vertical permanent
displacement begins for a PGA of 2 m/s² with a relative slow increase until PGA reaches
3 m/s² corresponding to the beginning of the liquefaction. For higher PGA, the vertical
permanent displacement is very high and depends mostly on the residual shear strength after
liquefaction which is almost zero in this case.
The acceleration was recorded at the station located at the Pacoima dam, located at 5
km from San Fernando Dam. The results are presented in the figures below.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time in s
Liquefaction rate
Liquefaction rate in %
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time in s
The method predicts the liquefaction of the dam, which then leads to large permanent
displacements. After liquefaction, the changes on the geometry of the dam are progressive.
Although the computed vertical displacement are less than the observed one, the failure of
the dam can be easily confirmed by these results.
The collaboration between JCOLD and CFBR has been a unique opportunity to
develop a new simplified dynamic analysis. The main advantage of this method, compared to
the previous simplified analyses, is the implementation of damage coupled with pore
pressure increase, the loss of strength with shear displacement, the 3D vibration modes and
the assessment of max settlement.
The method has been tested with reasonable success on 31 earthquake records given by
JCOLD (2015) and can explain the observed performance of three case studies. The results
are much more accurate than those obtained by other usual simplified dynamic approaches.
The Japan Association of Rural Resource Recycling Solutions, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. An earthquake measuring 6.6 Mw on the moment magnitude scale struck Iburi
Subprefecture in southern Hokkaido, Japan, on 6 September 2018. Mizuho Dam is located
near the epicenter of this earthquake and strongly shaken. The recorded base peak
accelerations in upstream and downstream directions was 491 Gal , and 937 Gal was recorded
at dam crest. Maximum settlement of crest was about 12 cm and cracks attained about 2.0 m
depth were observed around the crest. A simple strain softening elasto-plastic constitutive
model is rather robust for application to a dynamic response analysis of structures. This
material model is applied to Mizuho Dam with the features of non-associated flow
characteristics, post-peak strain softening, and strain-localization into a shear band with a
specific width. Also we computed earthquake induced accelerations and displacements of
Aratozawa Dam which is 74.4 m high rockfill dam.
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture 036-8560, Japan, e-mail:
[email protected]
We present mainly the dynamic response analysis of Mizuho Dam and the computed
settlements are compared to observed ones. Also we computed earthquake induced
accelerations and displacements of Aratozawa Dam which is 74.4 m high rockfill dam.
The material model will be briefly described in this section1,2). The yield function ( f )
and the plastic potential function ( ) are given by:
f I1 0
g L
' I1 0 (2)
6c cos 2 sin
, (3)
3 (3 sin ) 3 (3 sin )
2 sin
3( 3 sin )
(2.17 e) 2 0.4
G0 G E m (13)
1 e
2(1 )
K G (14)
3(1 2 )
The shear modulus is a function of confining pressure, initial void ratio e and GE is
empirical constant. This initial shear modulus G0 may be fixed during dynamic analysis. The
dilatancy angle ( ) of clay cores under undrained condition may be zero and estimated from
Rowe’s stress-dilatancy relation for rock material. The shear banding in the numerical analysis
was achieved by introducing a strain localization parameter s in the following additive
decomposition of total strain increment as follows.
d ij d ije sd ijp , s Fb / Fe (15)
where Fb is the area of a single shear band in each finite element and Fe is the area of
the element.
Mizuho Dam (Figure 1) is a rockfill dam used for irrigation completed 1998. It is 25.9
m high and 427.05 m long, impounding up to 4,300,000 cubic meters of water. An earthquake
measuring 6.6 Mw on the moment magnitude scale struck Iburi Subprefecture in southern
Hokkaido, Japan, on 6 September 2018. The seismic accelerations of measured at base and
crest of Mizuho Dam are shown in Figure 3 and 4. The peak value at base is 491 Gal and at
crest 937 Gal.
The simple elasto-plastic constitutive equations were applied to the impounded rockfill
dam. Figure 1 shows Mizuho Dam cross section and Figure 3 shows finite element mesh used
for dynamic response analysis. The core material is assumed undrained during the earthquake
and elasto-plastic constitutive model (Eq.(7)-(9)) is applied. The strength of core material is
obtained by isotropically consolidated and undrained tri-axial test. The peak cohesion and
residual cohesion are 20 kPa . The peak friction angle is 20゜and residual friction angle is
assumed to be 18゜. The shear band thickness is assumed to be 0.5 cm .The semi-permeable
zones are considered to be drained and the material constants of these zones used for the simple
strain softening model (Eq. (10)-(12)) are as follows: φP = 33.0˚, φR = 30.0˚, β = 0.3, C = 0.1,
D = 0.7, E = 0.05, peak cohesion = 15 kPa, residual cohesion = 0.0 and shear band thickness
= 14 cm. The filter zone is assumed drained and the material constants of these zones used for
simple strain softening model are as follows: φp = 39.0˚, φR = 34.0˚, β = 0.3, C = 0.1, D = 0.7,
E = 0.05, peak and residual cohesion = 0.0 and shear band thickness = 5 cm. The Rayleigh
damping is assumed 5.0%. Figure 3 shows the observed acceleration at the base of dam. Figure
4 shows observed acceleration at crest of the dam and Figure 5 shows computed acceleration
at center of the dam crest. Figure 6 shows computed settlement at center of the crest. The
surveyed crest settlement of this dam is about 10-12 cm, so we can say that the comparable
result is obtained. The computed maximum shear strain is shown in Figures 7 and 8.
Grid No.398
Grid No.383 Grid No.401
③ ⑧
Base wave by observation
Acceleration (Gal)
Time (sec.)
0 10 20 30 40
Crest wave by observation
Acceleration (Gal)
Time (sec.)
0 10 20 30 40
Acceleration (g)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940
Time (sec)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Displacement (cm)
Time (sec)
Figure 8: Computed maximum shear strain around the crest of Mizuho Dam
The Aratozawa Dam (Figure 9) is a rockfill dam used for irrigation, flood control and
hydro-electric power generation completed 1998. It is 74.4 m high. On June 14 2008, the Iwate-
Miyagi inland earthquake that had a magnitude of 7.2 hit the dam. The seismic acceleration
measured at the base of Aratozawa Dam is shown in Figure 11.
The elasto-plastic dynamic analysis was also applied to the impounded rockfill dam
using the same constitutive model as Mizuho Dam, that is, simple strain softening elasto-plastic
constitutive model. Figure 9 shows Aratozawa dam cross section and Figure 10 shows rather
coarse finite element mesh used for dynamic response analysis. The core material is assumed
undrained and strain softening elasto-plastic constitutive model is applied. The peak cohesion
is 60 kPa and the assumed residual cohesion is 30 kPa. The peak friction angle is 20゜, residual
friction angle is 18゜and shear band thickness is 4.5 cm. The rock and transition zones are
assumed drained and the material constants of these zones used for simple strain softening
model are as follows: φp = 42.0˚, φR = 34.0˚, β = 0.3, C = 0.1, D = 0.7, E = 0.05, peak
cohesion = 20 kPa and residual cohesion = 0.0 and shear band thickness = 105 cm. Figure 11
shows the observed acceleration at the base of dam. The Rayleigh damping is assumed 5.0%.
Figure 12 shows observed acceleration at the crest of dam and Figure 13 shows computed
acceleration at center of the dam crest. Figure 14 shows computed settlement at center of the
crest. The measured crest settlements of this dam are 25-30 cm, so we can say that the
comparable result is obtained. The computed maximum shear strain is shown in Figure 15.
Acceleration (g)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Time (sec)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Displacement (cm)
Time (sec)
A simple strain softening material model for geomaterial is used with the features of
post-peak strain softening, and strain-localization into a shear band with a specific width. This
material model is applied to the computation of real rockfill dams. We obtained earthquake
induced accelerations and displacements of Mizuho Dam which is 25.9 m high and Aratozawa
Dam which is 74.4 m high. The computed accelerations at the crest of dams are compared to
the observed ones and the computed displacements are also verified by the surveyed
settlements. The simple strain softening constitutive model is applicable to the computation of
a real fill-type dam.
[1] T. Tanaka, Elasto-plastic strain hardening-softening soil model with shear banding. Proc.
15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conf., New York, p.8 (CD-ROM), (2002).
[2] T. Tanaka, Cyclic behavior of soils and numerical analyses in cold regions and seismic
zones, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, Vol.7 Issue 5, pp.492-502( 2015).
Abstract. Hardfill is a roller compacted lean concrete with a small percentage of cement
(50-80 kg/m3) and properties in between concrete and rockfill. In this study, the seismic
behavior of hardfill dams is investigated numerically accounting for the dam – water –
canyon dynamic interaction, using Abaqus. Two case studies are presented: (a) the 55m-high
Filiatrinos hardfill dam (Greece) and (b) a 100m-high hardfill dam with geometry similar to
Cindere dam (Turkey). The results demonstrate that for the 55 m dam subjected to a PGA of
0.28g, the tensile stresses are low. By contrast, for the case of a 100 m dam subjected to a
PGA of 0.46g, the tensile stresses in the upstream and downstream faces reach the tensile
strength, causing damage and local weakening of the material.
Over the last decades, new types of dams have been constructed based on empiricism,
some basic concepts and relatively simple calculations. The methodology of construction, the
geometry and the material specifications were adjusted after observations of their behaviour
throughout the years. Introduction of more precise methods of determining the behaviour of
dams under seismic forces, can allow design improvements regarding the material properties,
the geometry and, possibly, the construction process of such structures.
The dynamic analysis of dams in general, including hardfill dams, is complicated
because they are three dimensional nonlinear systems, which may be significantly affected
by the dam-water-canyon interaction and the energy radiation through outgoing waves along
the system boundaries. In this study, the seismic behaviour of hardfill dams is investigated by
taking into account the dam-water-canyon interaction during seismic loading.
University of Thessaly, E-mail: [email protected]
factor in the range of 3 to 4, the required hardfill unconfined compressive strength is about
4.5 to 6 MPa [3]. Moreover, it was concluded that for an excitation with peak ground
acceleration of 0.2g, no tensile strength is required.
In the following, two case studies referring to the seismic performance of hardfill dams
are presented: (a) the 55m-high Filiatrinos dam (Greece) subjected to a seismic event with
0.28g PGA (Kalamata earthquake) and (b) a 100m-high hardfill dam with a geometry similar
to that of Cindere dam (Turkey) subjected to a strong excitation of 0.46g PGA (Koyna
earthquake). These case studies are developed to examine the response of the dams in
seismic active areas, under big earthquakes.
In the original design of Filiatrinos dam, a concrete upstream face slab was considered
as the waterproofing element. A subsequent revision replaced the slab with a PVC membrane
as a waterproofing element [4]. Thus, the present numerical analysis considers the hardfill
embankment covered with a membrane. The characteristics and composition of the materials
used for the production of the hardfill are given in Table 1.
account for the water compressibility, the wave absorption at the infinite end of the reservoir
and the impedance of wave radiation at the reservoir sediments [6]. The various stages of
analysis and the response of the dam in different loading conditions help understand how the
dam-water interaction, reservoir boundary absorption, water compressibility, dam-foundation
interaction and rock boundary absorption of energy influence the dam response.
It is generally accepted that concrete dams have damping ratios of about 2–5%. In this
study the material damping is taken approximately 5% of the critical damping for the first
mode of vibration of the dam. The first natural frequency of the dam is ω1= 41 rad/s, whereas
the selected values of Rayleigh damping parameters are α=2.84 s-1 and β=0.00746 s.
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Damage plasticity model for hardfill (a) tensile strength reduction and (b) tensile damage factor
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Kalamata record: (a) acceleration time history and (b) acceleration response spectra.
To account for the wave energy radiation at the canyon base, absorbing boundaries
consisting of dashpots in the normal and shear directions are utilized. The earthquake
excitation is imposed in terms of normal and shear tractions given by:
𝑡𝑛 = −𝜌 ⋅ 𝐶𝑝 ⋅ 𝑣𝑛 (1)
𝑡𝑠 = −𝜌 ⋅ 𝐶𝑠 ⋅ 𝑣𝑠 (2)
where: vn and vs are the normal and shear components of the excitation velocity at the
boundary; ρ is the mass density and Cp and Cs are the P and S-wave velocity of the canyon
Figure 4: Acceleration time history at the dam crest and toe due to Kalamata excitation.
The maximum and minimum principal stresses developing at the dam face during seismic
shaking are within the limits of operational safety levels (see Fig. 5). Fig. 6 plots the
maximum and minimum principal stresses along the height of the upstream and downstream
faces. The maximum compression is less than 1.33 MPa, which is a much lower value than
the compressive strength of hardfill (5 MPa). Moreover, the maximum tension is lower than
0.27 MPa, which is also much lower than the tensile strength of hardfill (0.5 MPa).
(a) (b)
upstream downstream
Figure 5: Maximum principal stress at the (a) upstream side and (b) downstream side (tensile stresses are
Tensile stresses appear only near the toe of the dam. The maximum compressive stress
occurs also at the dam toe. The stress values are progressively reduced in the direction
towards the dam crest. The results for the downstream face of the dam are similar to those in
the upstream face (Fig. 6), except that the compression by the reservoir water reduces the
tensile stresses at the upstream surface.
The maximum permanent horizontal displacement of the dam at the end of shaking are
very small (in the range of 2.5 cm) and concentrated in the mid-crest region, as shown in Fig.
7. Thus, the hardfill embankment is behaving almost as a stiff elastic body. The upstream
face of the dam shows only small damage due to tensile stress near its toe (see Fig. 8).
The numerical results for this 55m-high hardfill dam, subjected to PGA values of
0.28g, confirm the conclusions of Londe and Lino [3] for this category of hardfill dams.
Figure 6: Maximum and minimum principal stresses along the height (a) upstream face and (b) downstream
Figure 8: Damage factor due to tensile stress at the end of shaking (upstream face)
In the following, a 100m-high dam with steeper slopes, subjected to a stronger excitation, is
In this case, the upstream face of the dam is covered with a concrete slab used as a
waterproofing element. The face slab consists of 16 concrete panels, having width of 15 m
and thickness of 0.5 m.
Figure 10: Numerical model of the studied 100m tall hardfill dam
presented in Table 3. For the hardfill material, a 5% damping ratio is assumed, corresponding
to Rayleigh parameters α=1.4145 s and β=0.001 s-1.
Figure 11: Koyna record: (a) acceleration time history and (b) acceleration response spectra.
Figure 12: Acceleration time history at the crest and toe of the dam due to Koyna earthquake.
(a) (b)
Figure 13: Distribution of minimum principal stresses at the (a) upstream face and (b) downstream face
(a) (b)
Figure 14: Distribution of maximum principal stresses at the (a) upstream face and (b) downstream face
Fig. 15 plots (with solid lines) the distribution of the maximum and minimum principal
stresses along the height at mid-section in the upstream and downstream face. Also plotted in
the figure (with dashed lines) are the corresponding values due to static loads.
The damage factor, shown in Fig. 16, is caused at areas where the tensile stresses
exceed the tensile strength of the material. This is happening locally near the abutments in
the upstream face and at the middle top part of the dam in the downstream face. The
stiffness degradation variables shown in Fig. 17 indicates stiffness reduction in the
downstream face, whereas such reduction does not appear in the upstream face.
The residual deformations at the dam body shown in Figs. 18 and 20b are acceptable,
with maximum values about 3.5 cm in the horizontal and 4.5 cm in the vertical direction.
Figure 15: Maximum and minimum principal stresses along the height (a) upstream face and (b) downstream
(a) (b)
Figure 16: Damage factor due to tension at the (a) upstream face and (b) downstream face
The behaviour of the concrete slabs under seismic loading, considering the fluid –
structure interaction, shows that tensile damage develops at the upper half of the slabs.
The hydrodynamic pressures that develop at the upstream face during the strong
ground shaking by the Koyna excitation increase dramatically the stresses at the top 30 m of
the dam. As a result, damage develops in the slabs at the middle part of the structure (see
Figure 19). Moreover, the slabs tend to detach from the dam body in the region near the dam
crest. This damage affects only the slabs and is not transferred at the dam body.
(a) (b)
Figure 17: Stiffness degradation parameter at the (a) upstream face and (b) downstream face
Figure 18: Horizontal displacements of the dam at the end of the earthquake
Figure 19: Damage factor due to tensile stresses at the upstream face slab panels
From the above, it is noticed that while the values of the compressive stresses are not
critical, providing the necessary factor of safety for the material, the tensile stresses that
develop during strong seismic incidents, such as the Koyna earthquake, could lead to local
material failure.
Figure 20: Middle slab panel: (a) Maximum and minimum principal stress versus depth and (b) Relative
displacements versus depth
The results of the analyses confirm that the theory of Londe and Lino for dams up to 50
m, even for higher PGA values than 0.2g, where both the maximum and the minimum
principal stresses are lower than the material strength. For the case of a 100 m dam and a
peak ground acceleration of 0.46g, the values of tensile stresses in the upstream and
downstream faces of the dam reach the tensile strength, causing damage and local weakening
of the material. In such cases, the seismic behaviour of the hardfill could be improved by
flattening the inclination of the slopes and increasing slightly the tensile strength of the
hardfill material. Additional analyses, not shown here, have also confirmed that for the case
of the 100 m dam subjected to a PGA up to 0.2g, the hypothesis of Londe & Lino remains
valid. Additional studies could help produce guidelines for the design of this kind of dam.
[1] Commitee on Concrete Dams, Roller compacted concrete dams, state of the art and
case histories, ICOLD, (2003)
[2] L. Tanchev, Dams and appurtenand hydraulic structures. Taylor & Francis Group,
London, UK. (2014).
[3] P. Londe, M. Lino, The faced symmetrical hardfill dam: A new concept for RCC. Water
Power and Dam Construction, (1992).
[4] Y. Thanopoulos, N. Moutafis, The geomembrane faced hardfill dam, ANCOLD (2017)
[5] H. Gouvas, P. Orphanos, Determination of Factors Affecting Compressive Strength of
Lean RCC Mixtures: The experience of Filiatrinos Dam, Geotech Geol Eng, (2014).
[6] ABAQUS, Users manual. Simulia, (2012).
[7] J. Lee, G. Fenves, Plastic-Damage Model for Cyclic Loading of Concrete Structures,
Journal of engineering mechanics, (1998).
[8] S. Batmaz, Cindere dam – 107m high Roller Compacted Hardfill Dam in Turkey, RCC
Dams - Roller Compacted Concrete Dams: Proceedings of the IV International
Symposium on Roller Compacted Concrete Dams (2018).
Keywords: Rockfill Dam, Seismic, Ambient noise, Dynamic analysis, Natural Frequencies.
Abstract. The In this paper, analyses of strong-motion and ambient noise measurements at
the Denis-Perron (SM-3) dam were carried out to evaluate possible site effects and the
actual frequency of resonance (FN) of this earth structure. The Denis-Perron Dam is a
rockfill embankment dam standing 171 meters high and 378 meters long. It is the highest
earthfill dam in Québec. The dam is built in a narrow valley. Three-component digital
strong-motion stations were installed on the dam's crest and on bedrock, on the left
abutment. The fundamental vibration frequency in each direction is estimated from a series
of three small earthquakes that occurred in 1999 and 2002. The site response is also
evaluated with the ambient noise records. Ten sets of ambient noise measurements were
conducted using six «Tromino» velocimeters on the dam. A modal analysis regrouping a set
of these measurements synchronized together is presented. Vibration modes calculated from
the ambient noise measurements in comparison to those obtained for the earthquakes
confirm that ambient noise offers a great potential to accurately determine the vibration
modes of a large dam. Finally, a 3D numerical modal analysis made it possible to estimate a
profile of the average stiffness of the embankment fill taking into account the characteristics
of the site and the vibration modes of the dam.
This article discusses the use of ambient noise to determine the vibration patterns of
a large dam built in a steep valley in Quebec. The modal analysis of the ambient noise is
performed by synchronizing experimental measurements obtained with each individual
velocimeters. The occurrence of 3 microseisms measured on this same dam allows a
rigorous validation of analyzes carried out with the experimental ambient noise
Geotechnical Eng., Ph. D., Department of Civil Engineering and Water Engineering, Université Laval,
Québec, Canada, [email protected]
Manager, Dam Safety Reviews, Hydro-Québec - Montréal, QC, Canada, [email protected]
Manager, Dam Expertise, Hydro-Québec - Montréal, QC, Canada, [email protected]
measurements. Lastly, a 3D modal analysis of the dam and its valley also validates the
dam's vibration modes by iteratively adjusting the average stiffness of the embankment.
Denis-Perron Dam is a rockfill embankment 171 m high with a central till core and a
crest length of 378 m. It closes the river in a very steep valley. It is built on coarse alluvium
at the bottom of the valley except for the core, filters and transitions that are based on
remodeled bedrock or concrete. On the banks, the fills are based on the bedrock or
colluviums on the right bank downstream side.
Figure 1a) illustrates the plan view of the valley and the dam while figure 1b) shows a
section of the valley in the longitudinal axis of the structure. The site area has rugged terrain
formed by narrow valleys between rock masses that peak at an average elevation of about
500 m. The region is located in the Grenville Geological Province of the Canadian Shield; it
is a tectonically stable zone of crystalline, igneous and metamorphic rocks of the
Precambrian age. The bedrock is usually composed by a series of migmatized gneisses and,
more rarely, gneisses. Locally, these series are interspersed with intrusive masses consisting
of anorthosite, granite and pegmatite.
This dam was instrumented with two accelerometers between 1998 and 2002. An
instrument was located on the crest of the embankment while the second station was
positioned at the mid-height of the dam on the craggy rock support. The approximate
position of the accelerometers is shown (red dots) in figure 1a).
Figure 1.a) Plan view of the Denis-Perron dam, 1b) Longitudinal section of the valley in the central dam axis
This section presents an analysis of transfer functions from signals to estimate the
fundamental vibration frequency. A more detailed analysis of these signals is presented by
Between 1998 and 2002, these instruments recorded close to 671 sets of instrumental
data. The vast majority of these events were related to blasting activities in the area of this
hydro-electric facility. Although blasting activities are suitable for triggering such
instruments, the large amount of non-earthquake instrumental data is derived from the fact
that instruments were programmed to trigger at a low acceleration of 0.1% g (1 cm/s 2). A
detailed analysis of seismic events identified by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) has
allowed three sets of signals to be related to actual earthquakes. Table 1 lists these events and
their main characteristics. The magnitude de Nuttli (MN) of these earthquakes varies between
4.0 and 5.1.
Signals in table 1 were processed according a bandpass filter between 0.3 and 40 Hz
and a baseline correction. Error! Reference source not found.Figure 2 shows the temporal
functions of the three earthquakes studied. Table 2 presents peak accelerations for each
earthquake. These are earthquakes of very low amplitude. It is interesting to note that for the
first two earthquakes, peak acceleration in the vertical direction exceeds horizontal peak
accelerations and that for the third earthquake, the vertical acceleration remains also
significant compare to horizontal directions. This is contrary to what is normally observed for
free field land condition. In our understanding, this is a 3D effect (called site effect) resulting
from the geometry of the steep valley. Elgamal [2] made the same observation for
seismological data measured on the La Villita dam, particularly for the weakest earthquake.
Figure 2.Temporal functions of the three recorded earthquakes on the Denis-Perron dam crest
the signal on the crest of the dam compared to the one at the bedrock abutment (FFTcrest /
FFTrock), calculated by averaging the ratios over a moving range. For each FFT value, it is
an average of the Parzen window type defined over a range of frequencies centered on the
FFT value. In the present analysis, the selected frequency range is 0.1 Hz (0.05 Hz on both
sides of the FFT value).
Figure 3 show the transfer functions and the fundamental vibration frequency
according to each direction of the three earthquakes. Transfer functions are similar for each
earthquake event.The March 16, 1999 event, with the highest magnitude, has slightly higher
fundamental vibration frequency values in the horizontal direction that one could be
associated with slightly more nonlinear deformations. These small differences between the
fundamental vibration frequencies can also be affected by various factors as winter
conditions, level of the reservoir, uncertainties of the instruments, etc. Overall, these results
from three different events are consistent. These signals, although of small amplitudes, offer
the possibility to establish fundamental vibration frequency in each direction and to validate
the behavior laws at very small deformations.
Figure 3: Transfer functions according to the three directions of the three earthquakes
Table 3 summarize fundamental vibration frequency range for each direction of the
three earthquakes components.
For the measurement series on the downstream face, additional master instruments
(IN2, IN3 and IN4) remained stationary. Thus, with these stationary additional master
instruments (IN1 to IN4), it became possible to synchronize all the individual series of
measurements. Figure 4 illustrates the position of the test experimental measurements on the
dam. As part of this project, the experimental data were acquired at a sampling rate of 1024
Hz over a period of 30 minutes with the exception of the last serie (number 10), which was
acquired on a period of 20 minutes. As presented by[3], measurements with Tromino devices
were conducted using the rigid plate support including 3 rods custom steel stems developed
for this project and powerful antennas (TP-Link 2.4GHz 8dBi) connected to 6 m long cables
were used to allow communication and achieve synchronization between each instrument.
5.1 Modal analysis by processing synchronized ambient noise measurements
The Artemis Modal Pro code [4], a software for modal analysis, was used to analyse
synchronized ambient noise measurements. Artemis Modal Pro offers the advantage of
selecting different modal analysis techniques in both frequency and time domains. The
ability to use techniques in these two areas offers the advantageous option of comparing the
calculated vibration modes with very different resolution methods. Analyses of the present
study were carried out with two recent developed methods: the "Enhanced Frequency
Domain Decomposition - EFDD" in the frequency domain and the "Stochastic Subspace
Identification Extended Unweighted Main Component - SSI-UPCX" in the time domain.
EFDD method provides estimates of damping ratios as well as improved estimates of natural
frequencies and mode shapes.
Figure 5 shows a compilation of vibration modes shape obtained with EFDD and SSI-UPCX
estimation technics tested. Artemis provides an option called Modal Assurance Criterion
(MAC) diagrams for mode shapes comparison between same or different estimation technics.
A very good consistency is observed between the results of these two methods.
Figure 5: Compilation of vibration modes calculated with EFDD and SSI-UPCX methods
Artemis Modal Pro provides also the advantage of visualizing modal deformed
animations. These animations are very consistent with the individual results obtained with
the software Grilla to the effect that the upper portion of the dam (berm at level 380 m to the
dam crest) is much more excited in comparison to the lower portion of the dam confined in
the valley, associated with a site effect.
The modal analysis performed is a linear analysis and the foundation model is assumed
to be massless. By considering a massless foundation, only its flexibility is taken into
account. The modal analysis is affected by the rigidity of the dam-foundation system, the
dam mass and the three dimensional geometry dam-valley system. The reservoir has not been
taken into account for this modal analysis.
As reported by [8], this method has been used extensively for two and three
dimensional dynamic analysis of concrete dams. In the present study, this method is applied
for a three dimensional large rockfill dam. The stiffness of the embankments was gradually
adjusted following a prismatic shear beam model as described in [9]. Figure 7 illustrates the
schema of this model. The dam stiffness was also related to the parameter K2 max computed
with the standard relation (1) proposed by [10] (modified to be adimensional), whose
stiffness is related with the effective mean stress (’m) and the atmospheric pressure (Patm).
For this analysis, K2max was increased iteratively until the fundamental vibration frequencies
computed with Ansys coincided as closely as possible with those computed with earthquake
events and by processing ambient noise data.
𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 ∙ 21.7 ∙ 𝐾2𝑚𝑎𝑥 ∙ √𝑃 𝑚 (1)
Table 4 presents the three dimensional modal analysis results of the Denis-Perron Dam.
The best retrofit of the fundamental vibration frequencies during the modal analysis is
obtained using a K2max of 130 (figure 8a)). Although this stiffness is an average value
representative of an entire horizontal fill layer, as illustrated on the figure 8b), this K2max
value compares relatively well with published test results conducted on Oroville dam fill
materials [10]. The fundamental vibration frequency presented in the table 1 for each
direction is very close to the results obtained with earthquake events and by processing
ambient noise measurements. Modal analyses indicate also than more than 80 % of the dam
mass is mobilized for the fundamental vibration frequency and almost the entire mass (more
than 98 %) is mobilized when the second vibration mode is included.
Figure 6: 3D model of the dam-valley system Figure 7: Prismatic shear beam mode, [9]
Figure 8:. a) Stiffness evaluation of the embankment dam, b) K2max comparison based on [11]
all it takes into account the site effects, i.e. geometry of the valley and the dam, foundation
and stiffness of embankment fills. Second vibration mode could be only estimated after
completing modal analysis with Artemis Pro software. From the earthquake data analyses or
analyses of each ambient noise individual measurements data with Grilla software, it is very
difficult to establish with certainty the second mode of vibration. The modal analysis with the
software Artemis Pro offers analyzes that determine the higher modes taking into account a
set of ambient noise measurements on a dam with its own characteristics (height, geometry,
zoning, fill materials rigidity, shape of the valley, etc.).
The numerical modal analysis with a simplified 3D model in ANSYS also makes it
possible to check the coherence between the estimation of the materials stiffness and the
fundamental and superior dam modes of vibration confirmed with the analyses of real
earthquakes and ambient noise measurements.
Ambient Ambient
Ambient Noise Ambient Noise
Modal Modal
Noise Modal Noise 1 Modal
Earthquakes analysis Earthquakes 1 analysis
(Grilla) analysis (Grilla) analysis
(Ansys) (Ansys)
by[3] (Artemis by [3] (Artemis
Pro) Pro)
2.7 – 2.86 -
Long. 1.55 - 1.82 1.79 - 1.82 1.67 - 1.68 1.83 2.33 – 2.74 2.9 2.87 2.96
. 2.00 - 2.20 2.07 - 2.10 2.08 - 2.09 2.16 2.84 – 2.92
3.1 3.05 2.86
3.6 – 3.76 -
Vert. 2.45 - 2.80 2.59 2.56 - 2.59 2.43 3.10 – 3.45 3.8 3.80 3.86
Note 1: Second vibration mode estimated after completing modal analysis with Artemis Pro software.
The comparison of the fundamental vibration frequencies results between seismic and
ambient noise measurements for a large dam, as presented in Table 5, demonstrates the
consistency of these two types of measurements in establishing the fundamental vibration
modes for this type of earth structure.
It has been possible to measure ambient noise on a large rockfill dam in a steep valley.
Processing of these signals made it possible to study the Denis-Perron 3D dam site effects
and to determine the modes of vibration of this structure. The study of 3 real earthquakes
makes it possible to validate analyses results obtained with the experimental ambient noise
measurements. The study of 3 real earthquakes measured on the dam in 1999 and 2002
makes it possible to validate analyses results obtained with the experimental ambient noise
measurements as well as those of the numerical 3D modal analysis.
This first validation of the potential for using ambient noise to establish the dynamic
parameters of a large dam with real earthquakes by Hydro-Québec shows that this
technology can be applied to embankment dams. Results of this work offer a very promising
alternative for establishing dynamic parameters of an embankment dam without the need for
a more conventional practice, namely the costly installation and maintenance of
accelerometers in areas of low occurrence of seismic events as in eastern Canada.
The authors wish to thank NSERC Canada and Hydro-Québec for funding this research
project. The authors also wish to thank Hydro-Québec for sharing the instrumental data of
the accelerometers installed on the Denis-Perron dam and authorizing this publication.
In order to share these results with the scientific community, the content of this paper was
also published for the annual meeting of the 87th International Commission on Large Dams
(ICOLD, 2019) [10] and the 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE,
2019) [10].
[1] Verret, D., LeBoeuf, D. and Péloquin, É., (2015), Effets de Site du Barrage en
Enrochement Denis-Perron (SM-3), Québec, Annual conference of Canadian
Geotechnical Society, Québec, Canada
[2] Elgamal, A.W., (1992), Three-Dimensional Seismic Analysis of La Villita Dam.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 118(12), 22.
[3] Miquel, B. and Verret D., (2019), The use of ambient vibration instrumentation for
dams at Hydro-Québec, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Québec,
[4] Artemis Modal Pro Software, Structural Vibration solutions, www.svibs.com
[5] Rhinoceros 3D Software, www.rhino3d.com
[6] ANSYS ICEM CFD Meshing software, www.ansys.com
[7] ANSYS Software, www.ansys.com
[8] Léger, P. and Boughoufalah, M., (1989), Earthquake input mechanisms for time-domain
analysis of dam-foundation systems. Engineering Structures, 11(1), 37-46.
[9] Dakoulas, P., and Gazetas, G., (1985), A Class of Inhomogeneous Shear Models for
Seismic Response of Dams and Embankments, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 166-182.
[10] Seed, H.B. and Idriss, I.M. 1970. Soil moduli and damping factors for dynamic
response analysis. Report No. UCB/EERCB-70-10, Earthquake Engineering Research
Center, University of California, Berkeley
[11] Banerjee, N. G., Seed, H.B., Chan and C. K., (1979), Cyclic Behavior of Dense Coarse
Materials in Relation to the Seismic Stability of Dams, Report No. UCB/EERC-79 /13,
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley
[12] Verret D., LeBoeuf D, and Péloquin É., (2019), Site effect study of Denis-Perron
Rockfill Dam, 87th International Commission on Large Dams annual meeting,
Canadian Dam Association, Ottawa, Canada
[13] Verret D., LeBoeuf D., Péloquin É. and Bigras A., (2019), Site effect study of a large
rockfill dam: Denis-Perron Dam, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Québec, Canada
Abstract. Darbandikhan Dam, a 128-meter-high rockfill dam with a vertical earth core and
dumped rockfill shells, was struck by a strong earthquake (M 7.3) on November 12, 2017.
The focal depth and distance of the earthquake from the dam were 23.4 km and 32 km
respectively. Based on the magnitude and effect classifications, the earthquake was classified
as a major earthquake with serious damage effects. The earthquake, therefore, caused
remarkable deformation in the dam body. Several minor and major cracks, both transverse
and longitudinal cracks, were developed in the crest pavement near the abutments and the
center of the dam as well as along the dam axis at both u/s and d/s sides of the crest. In
addition, the embankment settlement was notable along the axis of the dam with the
maximum value near the maximum cross-section of the embankment. In this paper, the
impacts of the earthquake on the dam body and its appurtenant structures were evaluated.
From the results, it was observed that although the dam was strongly shaken, in general, its
performance was satisfactory. This finding is fairly promising, however, this observation is
influenced by the fact that the reservoir was low at the time of the earthquake. Thus, the
November 12, 2017 Earthquake cannot be considered as the critical condition of the dam.
During earthquakes, the earth crust vibrates in all directions, both horizontally and
vertically [1]. For embankment dams, the earthquakes may cause lateral and longitudinal
deformation in the dams which in turn may cause settlements, and form longitudinal and
transverse cracks [2,3]. The damages and deformations occurred due to the earthquakes may
lead to near-failure or even full failure [4]. The settlement may cause freeboard reduction
which in turn may lead to overtopping risks. The longitudinal cracks may lead to dam slope
instability. The transverse cracks may cause initiation of internal erosion and then dam
failure due to piping depending on whether there are adequate filter zones to stop the erosion
[2]. Accordingly, one of the most serious problems worried dam engineers and the public is
dam safety under strong earthquakes [5, 4, and 6]. For that reason, the designers seek for
developing more convincing design approaches. In addition, the regulatory agencies started
asking for more strict requirements pertaining to dam safety under seismic activities.
Therefore, dam performance during earthquakes is considered in both national and
international design codes [7].
Monitoring the behaviour of embankment dams during and/or after earthquakes
occurrence is useful in predicting the behaviour of the dams in the future. This in turn can be
useful tools in developing damage-seismic intensity relationships for predicting the
occurrence of deformation in dams; settlements and cracks (longitudinal and transverse
According to Swaisgood [8], since 1990, the behaviours of embankment dams
subjected to earthquakes has been under evaluation in order to obtain (1) an immediate
assessment tool for the structure that has undergone seismic loading and (2) a method for
estimating how much an embankment dam will deform based on actual dam behaviour
during past earthquakes. The objectives of the study were evaluating the damages and
deformation of a rockfill dam with central clay core subjected to a strong earthquake. This
can be a useful tool to find the factors that have effects on the damages and deformation
dams incurred during earthquakes. In other words, the evaluation can provide a valuable
insight into earthquake – resistant design of dams and to verify the mathematical models
used in design stage for a better prediction of dam performance in the future.
The construction was begun in 1956 and completed in summer 1961. The design total
capacity of Darbandikhan reservoir is 3 km³ at normal pool level (El. 485.00 m); 2.5 km² live
storage and 0.5 km³ dead storage. However, due to 57 years of sedimentation, the current
total storage volume is less than the design one (now it is about 2.5 km³). The reservoir is
controlled by a gated ogee spillway having three 15m x 15m tainter gates. The spillway is
located on the right abutment adjacent to the dam embankment. Two outlet conduits, 6 m and
9 m in diameter, feed three large turbines in a power house located at the dam’s toe. A
concrete intake tower for the outlets is located between the spillway approach channel and
dam embankment, see Figure (1). In the intake tower houses, there are three vertical lift
gates, each 4.75m x 9.5m – one of the three gates serves the 6m diameter outlet conduit, the
other two gates serve the 9m diameter outlet conduit.
Darbandikhan dam is located at the end of a narrow steep-sided canyon cut through an
anticline by Diyala/Sirwan River. It lies in a folded nappe zone to the southwest of the plate
boundary where the Arabian plate is being subducted beneath the Persian plate. At the dam
site, the rocks dip downstream towards the southwest; about 45 degree. The dam’s
foundation comprises a series of sedimentary rocks including marls, sandstones, and
The dam body is composed of a thin vertical clay core with side slopes of 1:0.3 (v:h),
upstream and downstream transition zones (two-stage chimney drain upstream consists of a
finer-grained filter layer and a coarser grained drain layer each of width of 3 m, with an
identical three stage drain at the d/s), and upstream and downstream dumped rockfill shells
with side slopes of 1:1.5 and 1:1.35, respectively. The core and filters were compacted, while
the outer rockfill shells were dumped. There is no alluvial layer present under the dam.
Figures (2) and (3) show the cross-section (maximum cross section) and the longitudinal of
the dam; respectively.
Figure 3 Profile of the Darbandikhan Dam - Looking Upstream (Darbandikhan Dam Directorate).
4.2 Duration
A major feature of the observed earthquake besides its high magnitude is its long
duration. The Ezgala earthquake duration was about 30 seconds [9]. Long durations of
earthquakes may have more impact on embankment dams than short period earthquakes
having the same peak acceleration or even less peak acceleration [11].
Soon after first filling of the Darbandikhan reservoir, 1961-1962, unexpected large
settlement occurred in the contact zone with the concrete intake/spillway structure. A report
of the commission of experts from 1973 indicates settlement of 1.08m [12]. A further report
of experts from December 1976 concluded that the settlements resulted from the
consolidation process of the core material in that zone. The remedial works undertaken in
1980 and further reconstruction works of the crest were required in 2001 which were
undertaken by the Dam Directorate included the construction of an asphalt crest road with
kerbs and safety barriers [12].
According to the geodetic survey conducted immediately after the earthquake, the dam
has experienced non-recoverable earthquake-induced deformations; about 22 cm horizontally
in the upstream/downstream direction, 13 cm horizontally in the right abutment to the left
abutment direction. In addition, the maximum vertical displacement was about 48 cm as
shown in Figure (5). The displacements of dam were measured basing on the movements of
benchmarks installed along the dam axis.
Regarding dam settlement, Figure 6 shows the settlements occurred over the crest of
the embankment dam as a result of the earthquake. The figure shows that settlement of up to
48 cm was occurred over crest length with slightly greater settlements near the maximum
cross section.
Figure 6 Vertical settlements occurred over the crest of the embankment dam as a result of the earthquake and
after the earthquake (Darbandikhan Dam Directorate).
The mathematical model provided by Swaisgood [8] was used to estimate the crest
settlement. The model, for the dams not subjected to liquefaction, can be expressed as:
Where % Settlement = the amount of settlement of the crest of the dam (in meters)
divided by the height of the dam plus the thickness of the alluvium (in meters) times 100;
PGA = peak horizontal ground acceleration of the foundation rock (in g) recorded or
estimated at the dam site; and M = earthquake magnitude (in surface-wave scale: MS).
The estimated earthquake-induced crest settlement for Darbandikhan dam using
Swaisgood [8] mathematical expression is 0.19% [M = 7.3; PGA = 0.355]. The actual
average and maximum crest settlements are 28 and 48 cm respectively. Therefore, the actual
average and maximum % settlements for the crest are 0.22% [0.28/128)*100] and 0.375%
[(0.48/128)*100] respectively. From the results, it seems that Swaisgood [8] formulae
predictions are optimistic, perhaps more suitable to describe the average settlement.
Cracks, along with settlements, are the most regular feature occurs in dams under
seismic loading [2, 11, 13, and 14]. Although they occur in various kinds, cracking in dams
subject to earthquake can be classified in two main forms; longitudinal cracking and
transverse cracking. The longitudinal cracking of embankments is cracking that is oriented
parallel to the crest (axis) of the dam. While the transverse cracks of embankments are
cracking that is oriented perpendicular to the crest of the dam. Although, according to
Swaisgood [15], the longitudinal cracking on the upstream slope, is the most common type
in dams subject to earthquake, the transverse cracks are the most dangerous ones which pose
a greater threat to the safety of the dam.
Figure 7 Cracks pattern, the red lines are transverse and longitudinal cracks as a result of the recent earthquake
In order to check the extent of the longitudinal cracks and existence of any sliding
scarps, several test pits have been excavated. It was found that the cracks are limited to the
top two meters of the gravelly protection materials above the clay core. Regarding sliding, no
sliding traces have been observed.
Figure 8 Longitudinal cracks and walkway deformation at the d/s side (looking to the left of the dam
(Darbandikhan dam Directorate).
Figure 9(A) The crack at the contact between the spillway and the embankment, (B) Transverse crack near the
left abutment
Figure 10 Sliding at the left abutment (adapted from directorate of Darbandikhan Dam).
The grouting gallery in Darbandikhan dam consists of two parts; right side part (right
gallery) and left side part (left gallery). The right gallery of the Darbandikhan dam was
constructed at the base of the clay core, along the dam axis, following the bedrock surface.
The upper part of the gallery, ends at about elevation 366 m, is merged into the spillway
concrete structure and extends to 175 m from the right abutment. Similarly, the left gallery of
the dam was constructed at the base of the clay core, along the dam axis, following the
bedrock surface. It ends at about elevation 373 m and extends about 250 m from the left
abutment. The two galleries have not been linked to each other; therefore there is a 75 m gap
between them under the middle part of the dam. Figure (3) shows the profile of the
Darbandikhan dam. The galleries are found to be generally in a good condition after the
earthquake. Seepage flows into the gallery were mainly observed at construction joints in the
concrete walls and vault, although some leakage water was also observed at points where no
joint is located.
The spillway experienced shaking under the earthquake. From the visual inspections it
was found that the spillway structure was not damaged. Cracks have not been observed.
Although, the spillway displaced 11 cm in the downstream direction, to the southwest, no
damages have been observed; the spillway itself and the radial gates on the spillway ogee
crest are operating normally.
Regarding the intake structure, the tower and the gates, no damages have been observed as
left and the right galleries respectively. In addition, some of the piezometers in the left
gallery showed water surface elevation increases; up to 9 meters. However, the other
piezometers showed a little or no increasing in water pressure. The piezometers in the right
gallery showed little or no increase as well. Regarding the pressure cells, although four of
them are not functional, in the remaining five pore water pressure cells indicate that the water
pressure increased up to 6 meters one day after the earthquake. The cause of water rise is
debatable. However, the increased pressure in the piezometers and cell pressures can be
attributed to the earthquake-induced consolidation of the clay core in the dam.
Typically, there will be a rise in water pressure within the embankment dams after the
earthquakes. However, the increased pressure will normally dissipate over time. In addition,
the possibility of activation or reactivation of internal erosion by seismic loading is a long-
recognized phenomenon [17]. It is also known that most of the changes in seepage conditions
returned to pre-earthquake conditions within a month after the event [2]. Regarding
Darbandikhan dam, the increased seepage in the grouting galleries have not returned to their
normal values so far; more than a year after the earthquake. However, the increases in the
pressure cell and piezometers started to go back towards the normal levels in about one week.
Regarding the settlements in Darbandikhan dam after the earthquake, their values increased.
This means the settlement of the dam is continuous; the maximum crest settlement increased
from 48 cm immediately after the earthquake to 61 cm after 13 months; from November 12,
2017, to March 2019 (see Figure 6). The increased values in the settlement can be attributed
to either dissipation of the increased pore water pressure due to the earthquake, or due to the
post shocks. Regarding the crack widths, after 13 months, little changes have been observed.
Since the actual maximum crest settlement for the dam due to the earthquake is
0.375%, according to Swaisgood [15, 18] damage classification system, the Darbandikhan
dam has suffered minor to moderate damage. However, according to the damage
classification system developed by Pells and Fell [2], since the maximum width of the
longitudinal cracks is 140 mm, the dam has suffered major damage. From the excavated pits,
it was found that the longitudinal cracks were in the top layer of the dam (top granular layer
of the dam); they only penetrated upper two meters of the road subbase on the top of the
dam. The cracks have not penetrated the core. Therefore, the later system cannot be used for
Darbandikhan dam. Accordingly, the damages occurred in the Darbandikhan dam is
considered as minor to moderate.
The safety of Darbandikhan dam becomes a crucial issue after the earthquake for the
managers of the dam, the major concern was about the crack close to the spillway whether it
has deep extension or not. That is why the dam directorate kept the water level below 470 m
(25 m below the crest of the dam) for more than a year.
Internal erosion problems are often difficult to identify and to estimate. However,
clayey materials may not be likely to erode until cracks reach 2.5 or 5 centimeters in width
and hydraulic gradients approach 0.5 or more, cracks in clays may be closed upon swelling
by wetting process, Fell et al. [3]. Darbandikhan dam may be considered at low risk
providing the high plasticity clay core and the upstream and downstream filters which restrict
internal erosion processes. The objectives of this paragraph are to give a quantitative risk
assessment and guidance for persons in charge to assessing the safety of the dam.
Foster et al. [19] developed a method at the University of New South Wales (UNSW)
to calculate the probability of failure of embankment dams due to piping. UNSW method
relies upon the assumption that the performance of embankment dams in the past is a guide
to their performance in the future. This method estimates the likelihood of piping failure of a
dam by adjusting the historical frequency of piping failure by weighting factors which take
into account the dam zoning, filters, age of the dam, core soil types, compaction, foundation
geology, dam performance, and monitoring and surveillance [20].
UNSW method considers three modes of piping failures namely; piping through the
embankment, foundation and from embankment to the foundation. The annual probability of
failure by piping, Pp, is obtained by summing the weighted likelihoods of each of the modes
as shown in the following expression:
Pp = wEPe +wFPf +wEFPef (3)
wE, wF and wEF are weighting factors for piping through the embankment, foundation
and from the embankment to the foundation, Pe, Pf and Pef are annual frequency of failure
through the embankment, foundation and from embankment to the foundation.
The probability of failure due to piping 1.65 × 10−7 so, the risk of piping is low in
Darbandikhan dam, this low value of probability of failure is attributed to the proper
measures adopted in the construction of the dam such as multi stage filters and the high
plasticity clay core.
Darbandikhan dam, rockfill embankment dam with a central clay core, was struck by a
strong earthquake on November 12, 2017. The dam has experienced several damages and
deformations. The deformation of the dam’s crest caused by the earthquake is principally
settlement and cracks; apparently, there is no slide failure along the longitudinal cracks.
Differential settlement and the cracks in the dam are related to changes in geometry and
compressibility of material in the embankment zones; core, shells and foundation slope
discontinuities. Basing on the deformations caused by the earthquake, the dam suffered
minor to moderate damages. In addition, basing on the UNSW method for assessing the
probability of piping failure, since it was designed and constructed adequately, Darbandikhan
dam has low chance to fail by piping under static condition. Furthermore, at the time of the
earthquake the water level in the reservoir was low. Therefore the dam performed
satisfactorily and survived from the earthquake occurred on November 12, 2017, with a
magnitude of 7.3.
The authors are very grateful to the Darbandikhan Dam Directorate and the supervisory
committee for evaluating of Darbandikhan Rockfill dam from the General Directorate of
Dams and Reservoirs in Iraq especially Consultant Engineer Tareq Albatal for providing data
and graphs. Also we would like to acknowledge the Surveying Engineer Omed Fakhrulddin
for pr.oviding the details of the deformatan due to the earthquake.
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