Lecture 15

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Lecture 15: Functional Completeness


Basic Concept
• In switching algebra, the basic operations are NOT, AND and OR.
– Any switching expression can be realized using these three operators.
– We say that the set {NOT, AND, OR} is functionally complete.
• Example: Consider the switching function f = A’.B + B.C’.D
– There are only NOT, AND and OR operations.
– We can implement the circuit using NOT, AND and OR gates only.
• Other set of gates can also be shown to be functionally complete.
– Some examples will follow.

Switching Circuits & Logic Design 2

{NAND} is Functionally Complete
• It can be shown that NAND is a universal gate, i.e. it is functionally complete.
• How to prove that?
– We can show that we can realize NOT, AND and OR functions using NAND only.
• The NAND function is:
– NAND (A, B) = (A . B)’
• How to realize basic gates?
– NOT :: A’ = (A . A)’
– AND :: A.B = ((A.B)’)’ = ((A.B)’ . (A.B)’)’
– OR :: A + B = (A’ . B’)’ = ( (A . A)’ . (B . B)’ )’

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{NOR} is Functionally Complete
• It can be shown that NORis a universal gate, i.e. it is functionally complete.
• How to prove that?
– We can show that we can realize NOT, AND and OR functions using NOR only.
• The NOR function is:
– NOR (A, B) = (A + B)’
• How to realize basic gates?
– NOT :: A’ = (A + A)’
– AND :: A.B = (A’ + B’)’ = ((A + A)’ + (B + B)’)’
– OR :: A + B = ((A + B)’)’ = ( (A + B)’ + (A + B)’ )’

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{AND, NOT} is Functionally Complete
• We have already shown that NAND is functionally complete.
• NAND can be realized as an AND followed by NOT.
– Hence {AND, NOT} is also functionally complete.

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{OR, NOT} is Functionally Complete
• We have already shown that NOR is functionally complete.
• NOR can be realized as an OR followed by NOT.
– Hence {OR, NOT} is also functionally complete.

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{AND, EXOR, 1} is Functionally Complete
• AND and EXOR gates are also functionally complete, but we also need the
constant value 1.
• Recall that EXOR (A, B) = A’.B + A.B’
• How to realize basic bates?
– NOT :: A’ = EXOR (A, 1) = A’.1 + A.0 = A’ + 0 = A’
– And we already know that {NOT, AND} is a functionally complete set.

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{OR, EXOR, 1} is Functionally Complete
• OR and EXOR gates are also functionally complete, but we also need the
constant value 1.
• Recall that EXOR (A, B) = A’.B + A.B’
• How to realize basic bates?
– NOT :: A’ = EXOR (A, 1) = A’.1 + A.0 = A’ + 0 = A’
– And we already know that {NOT, OR} is a functionally complete set.

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{2x1 MUX, 0, 1} is Functionally Complete
• A 2-to-1 multiplexer has two inputs A and B, a select input S, and one output F.
• It realizes the function: F = MUX21 (A, B, S) = A.S’ + B.S
– If S = 0, we have F = A; and if S = 1, we have F = B.
• How to realize other gates?
– NOT :: A’ = MUX21 (1, 0, A) = 1.A’ + 0.A = A’ + 0 = A’
– AND :: A.B = MUX21 (A, 0, B’) = A.B + 0.B’ = A.B
– Since NOT and AND can be realized, it is functionally complete.

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Two-level AND-OR is Equivalent to NAND-NAND
• Any two-level AND-OR realization can be converted to an equivalent NAND-
NAND realization by replacing all the AND and OR gates by NAND gates.
• Why is this possible?
– Because of De Morgan’s Law :: A.B + C.D = ( (A.B)’ . (C.D)’ )’

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Two-level OR-AND is Equivalent to NOR-NOR
• Any two-level OR-AND realization can be converted to an equivalent NOR-NOR
realization by replacing all the AND and OR gates by NOR gates.
• Why is this possible?
– Because of De Morgan’s Law :: (A + B) . (C + D) = ( (A + B)’ + (C + D)’ )’

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Realize AND-OR-NOT Circuits using NAND
• We have seen earlier how two-level AND-OR circuits can be transformed to
circuits using NAND gates only.
• By repeated use of De Morgan’s law and the basic laws of switching algebra,
we can transform any multilevel AND-OR-NOT circuit using NAND gates only.
– We shall show some examples.
– Similar approach can be used for realizing circuits using NOR gates.
• Some examples:

Switching Circuits & Logic Design 12


Switching Circuits & Logic Design 13

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