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Chapter 3: Boolean Algebra

• We have seen how we can represent information

in binary, now we will explore
– Why we use binary
– How to compute using binary
– How to implement binary operations using Boolean
algebra (such as binary addition)
– How to implement Boolean algebra through digital
– How to store things using digital circuits
• We will explore logic gates and use these to implement
basic combinational circuits for adding, comparing, etc
and sequential circuits for storage
Boolean Algebra
• The basis for all digital circuits is Boolean algebra:
– Boolean algebra is the algebra of binary values
• or of 2 values
– we refer to these values as 0 and 1
• although we could also refer to them as true and false
– the basic Boolean algebra operations are
– you will have seen most of these in 260 and 262 but new ones
• XOR – true if the two Boolean variables differ
– true if x1 = 1 and x2 = 0 or x1 = 0 and x2 = 1, false otherwise
• NAND and NOR are NOT of AND, and NOT of NOR respectively
– Each of these operations takes 2 inputs except NOT which takes 1 input
– However, AND, OR, NAND and NOR can be generalized to accept any
number of inputs
Truth Tables

xy = x AND y = x * y x + y = x OR y x bar = NOT x

AND is true only if OR is true if either NOT inverts the bit
both inputs are true inputs are true We will denote x bar as ~X

NOR is NOT of OR NAND is NOT of AND XOR is true if both inputs

Boolean Expressions
• We form Boolean expressions out of Boolean
operations on Boolean variables or Boolean values
– So, like algebraic expressions, we can create more
complex Boolean expressions as we might need
• Consider the expression:
– F = X + ~Y*Z
• What is it’s truth table?
Notice that it is easier to derive the
truth table for the entire expression
by breaking it into subexpressions

So first we determine ~Y
next, ~Y * Z
finally, X + ~Y*Z
Basic Boolean Identities
• As with algebra, there will be Boolean operations that
we will want to simplify
– We apply the following Boolean identities to help
• For instance, in algebra, x = y * (z + 0) + (z * 0) can be simplified to
just x = y * z
Some Examples
Example: use algebraic simplification rules to reduce ~xyz+~xy~z+xz
~xyz + ~xy~z + xz = ~xy(z+~z)+xz (distributive law) =
~xy(1)+xz (inverse law) = ~xy+xz (identity law)

Example: xy+~xz+yz = xy+~xz+yz*1 (identity) = xy+~xz+yz*(x+~x)

(inverse) = xy+~xz+xyz+~xyz (distributive) = xy(1+z)+~xz(y+1)
(distributive) = xy(1)+~xz(1) (null) = xy*1+~xz*1 (absorption)
= xy+~xz (identity)

Example: (x+y)(~x+y) = ~x(x+y)+y(x+y) (distributive) = ~xx+~xy+xy+yy (distributive)

= 0+~xy+xy+yy (inverse) = ~xy+xy+yy (identity) = y(~x+x+y) (distributive)
= y(1+y) (inverse) = y(1) (identity) = y (idempotent)

Here we have an example specifically to see how DeMorgan’s Law works

DeMorgan’s Law states that
~(X*Y) = ~X+~Y

Boolean expressions are equal

if their truth tables give the
same values – we see that here
Logic Gates

Here we see the logic gates

that represent the boolean
operations previously

XOR looks like OR

We typically represent NOR and NAND by the two
but with the added
on the left, but the two on the right are also correct
curved line
Some Circuits
AND and OR gates can have more than 2
inputs, as seen here

Notice for ~Y, we can either use a NOT gate or

simply specify that the value is ~Y

Here is the truth table for this circuit

What does
this circuit
(what is F?)
Using only NAND
• NAND (and NOR) have unique properties different
from the other boolean operations
– This allows us to use one or more NAND gates (or one or
more NOR gates) and create gates that can compute AND, OR
and NOT
• See the examples below
NAND Chip Early integrated circuits
were several gates on a
single chip, you would
connect this chip to other
chips by adding wires
between the pins

To do ~(A*B) + ~(C*D)

You would connect A and

B to pins 7 and 6,
C and D to 4 and 3,
and send 5 and 2 to
an AND chip

This is a NAND chip

Combinational Circuits
• We will combine logic gates
together for calculations
– Example: ~(A*B) and ~(C*D) with
an OR gate – shown to the right
• The resulting circuit is a combinational circuit
– Electrical current flows from one gate to the next
– By combining gates, we can compute a boolean expression
– What we want to do is:
• Derive the boolean expression for some binary calculation (e.g.,
• Then build the circuit using the various logic gates
– This is how we will build the digital circuits that make up
the ALU (arithmetic-logic unit) and other parts of the
An Example: Half Adder
• There are 4 possibilities when adding 2
bits together:
– 0+0 0+1 1+0 1+1
• In the first case, we have a sum of 0 and a carry
of 0
• In the second and third cases, we have a sum of
1 and a carry of 0
• In the last case, we have a sum of 0 and a carry
of 1
The truth table for Sum and Carry
• These patterns are demonstrated in the truth
table above to the right and a circuit to compute these
– Notice that sum computes the same as XOR
and carry computes the same as AND
– We build an Adder using just one XOR and
one AND gate
Full Adder
• The half adder really only does half the work
– adds 2 bits, but only 2 bits
• If we want to add 2 n-bit
numbers, we need to also
include the carry in from the
previous half adder
– So, our circuit becomes more
• In adding 3 bits (one bit from x,
one bit from y, and the carry in
from the previous addition), we
have 8 possibilities
– The sum will either be 0 or 1 and
the carry out will either be 0 or 1
– The truth table is given to the right
Building a Full Adder Circuit
• The sum is 1 only if one of x, y and
carry in are 1, or if all three are 1, the
sum is 0 otherwise
• The carry out is 1 if two or three of
x, y and carry in were 1, 0 otherwise
– The circuit to the right captures this by
using 2 XOR gates for Sum and 2 AND
gates and an OR gate for Carry Out
• We combine several full adders
together to build an Adder, as shown
Called a “ripple” adder because
carrys ripple upward

A 16-bit adder, comprised of 16 Full Adders connected so that each

full adder’s carry out becomes the next full adder’s carry in
• Let’s design another circuit to take a two’s
complement number and negate it (complement it)
– Change a positive number to a negative number
– Change a negative number to a positive number
• Recall to do this, you flip
all of the bits and add 1
– To flip the bits, we pass
each bit through a NOT
– To add one, send it to a
full adder with the other
number being 000…001
• Recall from chapter 2
– two’s complement
subtraction can be
performed by negating
the second number and
adding it to the first
• We revise our adder as
shown to the right
– It can now perform
addition (as normal)
– Or subtraction by
sending the second
number through the

The switch (SW) is a multiplexer,

covered in a few slides
• We have covered + and -, how about <, >, =
• To compare A to B, we use a simple tactic
– Compute A – B and look at the result
• if the result is -, then A < B
• if the result is 0, then A = B
• if the result is +, then A > B
• if the result is not 0, then A != B
– how do we determine if the result is -? look at the sign bit, if the sign bit is
1, then the result is negative and A < B
– how do we determine if the result is 0? are all bits of the result 0? if so,
then the result is 0 and A = B
• we will build a zero tester which is simply going to NOR all of the bits together
– how do we determine if the result is +? if the result of A – B is not negative
and not 0, it must be positive, so we negate the results of the first two and
pass them through an AND gate
• The comparator circuit is shown above (notice that the circuit
outputs 3 values, only 1 of which will be a 1, the others must be 0)
– NOTE: to compute !=, we can simply negate the Zero output
• The circuit below is a multiplication circuit
– Given two values, the multiplicand and the multiplier, both stored in
temporary registers
– The addition takes place by checking the Q0 bit and deciding whether to
add the multiplicand to the register A or not, followed by right shifting the
carry bit, A and Q together
• shift/add control
– set counter = n
– compare Q0 to 1
• if equal, signal
adder to add
– signal the shifter to
– decrement counter
– repeat until counter
4-bit Shifter
Shift I3I2I1I0
to the left or
the right to
become O3O2O1O0
based on S
Parity Functions
• The table on the
left shows the
Boolean values
to indicate what
parity value a 3
bit input should
• The table on the
right indicates
whether an error
should be
signaled upon
receiving 3
inputs and the
parity info
The error detection
What will this circuit look like? circuit is more complex
and will require that we
Notice that parity = Not(sum) either build it as a sum
of products or use a
simplification method
A Decoder
• The Decoder is a circuit that takes a binary pattern and translates
it into a single output
– This is often used to convert a binary value into a decimal value
• For an n-bit input, there are 2n outputs
• Below is a 2 input – 4 output decoder
– if input = 01, the second line (x*~y) on the right has current
– the line 01 would be considered line 1, where we start counting at 0
A Multiplexer
• Multiplexer (abbreviated as MUX) is used to select from a group
of inputs which one to pass on as output
– Here, 1 of 4 single-bit inputs is passed on using a 2-bit selector (00 for
input 0, 01 for input 1,10 for input 2, 11 for input 3)
• While this circuit is more complex than previous ones, this is simplified for a
MUX – imagine what it would look like if we wanted to pass on 16 bits from 1 of
4 inputs

A related circuit is the demultiplexer (DEMUX) – it receives 1 input and a select and
passes the input onto one of several outputs
A Simple 2-bit ALU
Putting all these ideas together

We have a 2-bit ALU

Given 2 values,
A and B, each
of which are 2
bits (A0, A1,
B0, B1) and
a selection from
the control unit (f0, f1)

This circuit computes

A+B (if f0 f1 = 00)
NOT A (if f0 f1 = 01)
A OR B (if f0 f1 = 10)
A AND B (if f0 f1 = 11)

And passes the result out as C0 C1

along with overflow if the addition
caused an overflow
Sequential Circuits
• All of the previous circuits were combinational circuits
– Current flowed in at one end and out the other
– Combinational circuits cannot retain values
– If we want to build a kind of memory, we need to use a
sequential circuit
• In a sequential circuit, current flows into the circuit and stays there
• This is done by looping the output back into the input
– Sequential circuits will be used to implement 1-bit storage
– We can then combine 1-bit storage circuits into groups for n-
bit storage (registers, cache)
• These circuits will be known as flip-flops because they can flip from
one state (storing 1) to another (storing 0) or vice versa
The Clock
• The clock will control when certain actions should take place
• The clock simply generates a sequence of electrical current
• In the figure below, when the line is high, it means current is
flowing, when low it means current is not flowing
– Thus, if we want to control when to shift, we connect the S input to an
AND gate that includes the clock as another input

We will use the clock to control a number of

things in the CPU, such as flip-flop changes
of state, or when ALU components should
perform their operation
An S-R Flip-Flop

• The S-R flip-flop has 2 inputs and 2 outputs

– The 2 inputs represent Set (storing a 1 in the flip-flop) and Reset (storing
a 0 in the flip-flop)
– It has two outputs although Q is the only one we will regularly use
– To place a new value in the flip-flop, send a current over either S or R
depending on the value we want, to get a value, just examine Q
Note that the S-R flip-flop is not
controlled by the clock
the S-R flip-flop circuit diagram and truth
table are given above, and can be represented
abstractly by the figure to the right
D and JK Flip-Flops
• Since a single flip-flop stores a single bit, we combine n
of them to create an n-bit register
– However, the S-R flip-flop can be set or reset at any time, we
instead want to use the system clock to determine when to
change the value
• So, we will use a D flip-flop instead
– In the D flip-flop, there are 2 input lines, but they represent
different things than the S-R flip-flop
• One input is the clock – the flip-flop can only change when the clock
• The other input, labeled as D – is the input
– if 0, then the flip-flop will store 0,
See figure 3.22 for a D flip-flop
– if 1 then the flip-flop will store 1 Note: another flip-flop often used
for storage is the J-K flip-flop, but
since it is more complicated, we will
skip it
Registers From
D Flip-Flops

To the right is a 4-bit register

Triggered by the system clock
And connected to an input bus and
An output bus

Below is an 8-bit register with a

single I/O bus
Shift and Rotate Registers
• The shift circuit we saw earlier is difficult to trace
through although efficient in terms of hardware
– we can also build a special kind of register called a shift
register or a rotate register by connecting SR flip flops
– this register will store a bit in each FF as any register, but the
Q and ~Q outputs are connected to the SR inputs of a
neighboring FF
• below is a 4-bit right rotate (it rotates the rightmost bit to the leftmost
FF, so 1001 becomes 1100 and 0001 becomes 1000)

Upon a clock pulse, each Q output is connected to the FF to the

right’s S input and each ~Q output is connected to the FF to the
right’s R input, so an output of Q = 1 causes the next FF to set
(become 1) and an output of ~Q = 1 causes the next FF to reset (0)
Increment Register
• The J-K flip flop is like the S-R flip flop except
– J = 1 and K = 1 flips the bit
– Flip flop only changes state on clock pulse
• Use J-K to implement an increment register –
increments the value stored when it receives and
Incr signal and a clock pulse
The decoder
a 3-bit register
number from the
control unit

This along with the

system clock
selects the register

The data bus is

used for both input
and output to the
selected register
A 4x3 Memory
This is a
collection of
flip-flops that can
store 4 items
(each consisting
of 3 bits)

The two bit

selector S0 S1
chooses which of
the 4 items is

It should be
noted that
memory uses
a different
than flip-flops

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