This document profiles 72 spirits and demons, including Buer, Sitri, Zepar, Botis, Bathin, Phenex, Bifrons, Uvall, Camio, Murmur, Gamori, Haures, Andrealphus, Dantalion, and Andromalis. It describes their appearances, abilities, and associations. Each spirit governs legions of other spirits and can aid with divination, love, lust, witchcraft, shapeshifting, astral projection, necromancy, and revealing secrets or enemies. King Solomon originally bound them but they were later released to walk the earth and interact with humans.
This document profiles 72 spirits and demons, including Buer, Sitri, Zepar, Botis, Bathin, Phenex, Bifrons, Uvall, Camio, Murmur, Gamori, Haures, Andrealphus, Dantalion, and Andromalis. It describes their appearances, abilities, and associations. Each spirit governs legions of other spirits and can aid with divination, love, lust, witchcraft, shapeshifting, astral projection, necromancy, and revealing secrets or enemies. King Solomon originally bound them but they were later released to walk the earth and interact with humans.
This document profiles 72 spirits and demons, including Buer, Sitri, Zepar, Botis, Bathin, Phenex, Bifrons, Uvall, Camio, Murmur, Gamori, Haures, Andrealphus, Dantalion, and Andromalis. It describes their appearances, abilities, and associations. Each spirit governs legions of other spirits and can aid with divination, love, lust, witchcraft, shapeshifting, astral projection, necromancy, and revealing secrets or enemies. King Solomon originally bound them but they were later released to walk the earth and interact with humans.
This document profiles 72 spirits and demons, including Buer, Sitri, Zepar, Botis, Bathin, Phenex, Bifrons, Uvall, Camio, Murmur, Gamori, Haures, Andrealphus, Dantalion, and Andromalis. It describes their appearances, abilities, and associations. Each spirit governs legions of other spirits and can aid with divination, love, lust, witchcraft, shapeshifting, astral projection, necromancy, and revealing secrets or enemies. King Solomon originally bound them but they were later released to walk the earth and interact with humans.
Buer is a demon of ones becoming and self-initiation
through philosophy and instinct. Buer should respond to the sorcerer by the means inspiration which leads to one seeking answers and results via Work itself. Buer is also Sabbatic familiar, giving the sorcerer insight and learning inspiration into Wort Cunning, Herbalism, ect. Buer is also a healing spirit and governs 50 Legions of spirits. Sitri appears in the Black Mirror as a man with a Leopard’s head with large wings. You may will Sitri to change shape and it does so in the appearance of a beautiful angelick figure. Sitri is a spirit of Babalon-Lilith, being one who enflameth the love between individuals – lust and desire. Sitri is very useful in love and lust spells, thus being a powerful tool for the sorcerer. One may create s succubi/incubi from the shadows of Sitri in the black mirror, forming them nude in the shape that you find desirable. You may then bind the spirit to the sigil of Sitri to seek congress with by imagining so later. A very useful form in working with sexual evocation and dream projection, as to send forth a spell into the dreams of your chosen or to build into a future act, there are many possibilities with this Angelic Familiar. Sitri governs 60 Legions of Spirits. Zepar is a Duke whom appears in Red clothing and armor. He is likewise considered a familiar of Babalon- Lilith, and causes lust and love between women and men. He is also one aspect of the Crone as well, making women barren. 26 Legions of Spirits are under Zepar, one may work through this spirit as a means of obtaining the union of another female, or creating a shadow form of a succubus via dreaming sorcery. Botis appears in the Black Mirror as a Viper, and then with the command of the magician will appear in a human shape with sharpened teeth, two horns and carrying a flaming sword. Botis is a divinatory spirit whom reveals secrets in the depths of the mind, and how one may obtain secrets from others by language and talk. He brings union of friends and foes and rules over 60 Legions of Spirits. Bathin is a Mighty Duke, whom appears like a strong man with the tail of a serpent, whom sits upon a pale horse. Bathin is a witchcraft familiar of Wort Cunning and herbalism, whom knows the use of precious stones. Bathin is also a spirit of astral projection, causing in dreaming states the consciousness to project to other countries and lands. He rules over 30 Legions of Spirits. Phenex creates a form of music which is something described as a child's chorus, a very beautiful and entrancing form of song from which the magician must command Phenex to take human shape. If Willed to by the magician, this spirit will take human form in the Black Mirror. Phenex is a poet and inspires the magician to write and create tomes and works. Phenex also wishes to return to the Seventh Throne after 1200 years as well, and governs 20 Legions of Spirits. Phenex is a nature spirit, whom inspires a careful pondering of the places of nature and the animals within it. Bifrons, known also as Bifrons, Bifrous and Bifrovs is an earl, who appears as a wolf like monster, but at the Will of the Sorcerer, will change shape to a human male. Bifrons is a necromantic spirit, who governs the realm of shades; he may bring one close to various shades of the dead, but often they are not who they claim to be. Be cautious but be indulgent with this spirit as well. Bifrons may change the place of dead bodies, being the binding of ghosts to various fetishes or pots, and lights witch fire on the graves of the dead. Bifrons governs 6 Legions of Spirits, and will also teach the virtues of stones and wood, thus being a spirit long bound to the earth. Uvall appears as a large Dromedary but will take a human shape, hooded in Middle Eastern fashion, at the command of the sorcerer. Uvall speaks in an Egyptian manner, which is not easily understandable but the sorcerer may rely on the impulses or instinctual voices instead of any tongue spoken. Uvall brings the love of woman and is a divinatory spirit. He was of the Order of Potestates or Powers and governs 37 legions of spirits. Camio/Caim is a Great President who appears like Bird who may then take the shape of a man who carries a sword. The days after Caim is called one will notice often an increased visitation and appearance of birds, who children may notice something strange or disturbing about. One may seek a diviniation with Camio through ashes and fire, who appears in burning coals. Camio teaches the art of astral projection, shape shifting and flying in the dream. He instructs also the language of birds and the barking of Dogs. This is a Witchcraft Spirit, who is bound to the earth with great knowledge of it. Caim was of the Order of Angels who now rules over 30 Legions of Infernal Spirits. Murmur/Murmus is the Fifty-fourth Spirit of the Shemhamforasch, and is a Great Duke and Earl. He appears in the form of a armored warrior who rides a Gryphon, with a Crown upon his head. He will come forth with his Ministers who sound great trumpets. Murmur is a spirit of Necromancy, who constrains shades of the dead and the deceased to come forth and answer the sorcerer. Murmus was once an Angel of the Order of Thrones but now governs 30 Legions of Spirits. Murmur may also, at the command of the sorcerer, send forth Shades of the Dead to encircle the self and strengthen the astral body and to bring voices of insight or divination unto the Witch summoning. He may also send the shades of the dead, often infernal spirits to haunt those who the sorcerer may desire. Gamori/Gremory is the Fifty-sixth Spirit, being a Duke who is very powerful. He appears as a Beautiful Woman, of Middle Eastern visage, who wears a Crown upon a Camel. Gremory will also copulate spiritually in a dreaming sense with the magician, who is just as a woman, as Djinn are generally neither male nor female. Gremory is a divinatory spirit. Who tells of things past and present. Gremory also teaches of the treasures of self, at various points in ones life, that may be considered as useful knowledge. He brings the love and lust of women young and old. Gamori governs 26 Legions of Spirits. HAURAS/HAVRES/FLAUROS is the Sixty-fourth spirit appears as a Leopard, vicious and aggressive who by the Will of the magician take on a human form which is a Black Shadow with Flaming eyes, who is very dominating by his presence. Haures is a divinatory spirit who instructs on things to come, and the past. It is essential that the first summoning be done within the Circle and Triangle, where the place of Spirits which meet is, unless by Dream he shall lie to the sorcerer and prey upon his or her weaknesses. He instructs on how spirits and Angels fell, and the Creation of Being. Haures burns and destroys the enemies of the sorcerer, if they so desire it, and will not harm then the magician. He governs 36 Legions of Spirits. Andrealphus is the Sixty-fifth Spirit who is a mighty Marquis, who comes forth as a beast or jester spirit who is like a Peacock, who speaks in tongues with two voices (high and low) at the same instance. He is a Spirit of the Infernal Sabbat, who shall carry thee forth in Astral and Dreaming Flesh in the form of a Bird. Andrealphus teaches astronomy and such sciences. If the magician desires it, Andrealphus will take human shape. He governs 30 Legions of Infernal Spirits. Dantalion is a Might Duke who appears as a being which has numerous faces of both men and women, each one has either black or solid white eyes, who speak in different tongues. He holds a book in his right hand, which is the grimoire of high art. Dantalion reveals the secret council or thoughts of others, which in an initiatory context means that Dantalion may provide the magician to begin the understand of common psychology and human thinking based on cause, body language and such. Dantalion is an Angel of selfstudy and self-control, and is a powerful spirit. He can also cause the union of individuals that it may be probable, and is a guide to other beautiful places in the world. He governs 36 Legions of Spirits. Andromalis is the Seventy-second Spirit who is a Might Earl. He appears in the form of a man holding a large and hissing serpent in his hand. Andromalius may reveal those who have stolen from you, and those who seek to be as a predator against you. This spirit may reveal trickery and those who are wicked against you. He is able to punish and harm those who have harmed you or seek to. Andromalis governs 36 Legions of Spirits. Presented here are the 72 Mighty Kings, Princes and Djinn which King Solomon commanded into the Vessel of Brass and Skull, together with their legions. Which BELIAL, BILETH, ASMODAY and GAAP were Chief Djinn. It is suggested that Solomon bound them because of their pride. He bound them and sealed the Vessel, and chased them into a Deep Lake or Hole in Babylon. Those of Babylon who wished to see such an act, went forth into the lake and broke the vessel. They wished to find much treasure but out came the Chief Spirits and then their Legions. They were then restored to their places in the World, and still walk with us today. All of these except for BELIAL, who entered into a certain Image and gave answers to those who gave sacrifices unto him, and worshiped this image as their God of Transformation and Sorcerous power.