Time Complexity NOtes

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Time Complexity Analysis 


An important question while programming is: How efficient is an algorithm or a 
piece of code? 
Efficiency​ covers a lot of resources, including: 

● CPU (time) usage 

● Memory usage 
● Disk usage 
● Network usage 

All are important but we are mostly concerned about the C

​ PU time​. Be careful to 
differentiate between: 
1. Performance:​ How much time/memory/disk/etc. is used when a program is run. 
This depends on the machine, compiler, etc. as well as the code we write. 
2. Complexity: ​How do the resource requirements of a program or algorithm scale, 
i.e. what happens as the size of the problem being solved by the code gets larger. 
Note:​ Complexity affects performance but not vice-versa. 

Algorithm Analysis 
Algorithm analysis is an important part of computational complexity theory, which 
provides theoretical estimation for the required resources of an algorithm to solve 
a specific computational problem. Analysis of algorithms is the determination of the 
amount of time and space resources required to execute it.  



Why Analysis of Algorithms? 

● To predict the behavior of an algorithm without implementing it on a specific 
● It is much more convenient to have simple measures for the efficiency of an 
algorithm than to implement the algorithm and test the efficiency every time 
a certain parameter in the underlying computer system. changes. 
● It is impossible to predict the exact behavior of an algorithm. There are too 
many influencing factors. 
● The analysis is thus only an approximation; it is not perfect. 
● More importantly, by analyzing different algorithms, we can compare them 
to determine the best one for our purpose. 

Types of Analysis 
To analyze a given algorithm, we need to know, with which inputs the algorithm 
takes less time (i.e. the algorithm performs well) and with which inputs the 
algorithm takes a long time.  
Three types of analysis are generally performed: 
• Worst-Case Analysis: ​The worst-case consists of the input for which the 
algorithm takes the longest time to complete its execution.  
• Best Case Analysis: T
​ he best case consists of the input for which the algorithm 
takes the least time to complete its execution.  
• Average case: ​The average case gives an idea about the average running time of 
the given algorithm.  

There are two main complexity measures of the efficiency of an algorithm: 

● Time complexity​ is a function describing the amount of time an algorithm 

takes in terms of the amount of input to the algorithm.  
● Space complexity​ is a function describing the amount of memory (space) an 
algorithm takes in terms of the amount of input to the algorithm.  



Big-O notation 
We can express algorithmic complexity using the b
​ ig-O​ notation. For a problem of 
size N:  

● A constant-time function/method is "​ order 1"​: O

​ (1) 
● A linear-time function/method is ​"order N"​: ​O(N) 
● A quadratic-time function/method is ​"order N squared"​: O
​ (N​2​) 

Definition: ​Let g and f be functions from the set of natural numbers to itself. The 
function f is said to be O
​ (g)​ (read big-oh of g), if there is a constant c
​ ​ and a natural 
n​0​ such that f​ (n) ≤ cg(n)​ for all ​n > n​0​. 
Note: O
​ (g) is a set! 
Abuse of notation: f​ = O(g) does not mean f ∈ O(g). 

● 5n​2​ + 15 = O(n​2​)​, since​ 5n​2​ + 15 ≤ 6n​2​, for all n

​ > 4​. 
● 5n2 + 15 = O(n​3​)​, since 5
​ n​2​ + 15 ≤ n​3​, for all n
​ > 6​. 
● O(1)​ denotes a constant. 

Although we can include constants within the big-O notation, there is no reason to 
do that. Thus, we can write​ O(5n + 4) = O(n)​. 

Note: The b
​ ig-O​ expressions do not have constants or low-order terms. This is 
because, when N gets large enough, constants and low-order terms don't matter (a 
constant-time function/method will be faster than a linear-time function/method, 
which will be faster than a quadratic-time function/method). 



Determining Time Complexities Theoretically 

In general, how can you determine the running time of a piece of code? The answer 
is that it depends on what kinds of statements are used. 
1. Sequence of statements 

​ ​;
statement 1
statement 2​ ​;
statement k; 

The total time is found by adding the times for all statements: 

totalTime = time(statement​1​) + time(statement​2​) +..+ time(statementk) 

​ . ​if-else​ statements 

if (condition):
​#sequence of statements 1
​#sequence of statements 2  

Here, either ​sequence 1 w

​ ill execute, or​ sequence 2​ will execute. Therefore, the 
worst-case time is the slowest of the two possibilities: 
max(time(sequence ​1​), time(sequence ​2​)) 

For example,​ if sequence 1 is O(N) and sequence 2 is O(1) the worst-case time for 
the whole if-then-else statement would be O
​ (N)​. 
3. ​for​ loops 

for i in range N:
​#sequence of statements 

Here, the loop executes ​N​ times, so the sequence of statements also executes N
times. Now, assume that all the statements are of the order of​ O(1)​, then the total 
time for the ​for​ loop is N
​ * O(1)​, which is O
​ (N)​ overall. 



4. Nested loops 

for​ i ​in​ range N:

​for​ i ​in​ range M:

The outer loop executes N

​ ​ times. Every time the outer loop executes, the inner loop 
executes M
​ ​ times. As a result, the statements in the inner loop execute a total of ​N 
* M​ times. Assuming the complexity of the statement inside the inner loop to be 
O(1)​, the overall complexity will be O
​ (N * M).  

Sample Problem: 
What will be the Time Complexity of following while loop in terms of ‘N’ ? 

while​ N>​0​:
N = N//​8

We can write the iterations as: 

Iteration  Value of N  

1  N 
2  N//8 
3  N//64 
...  ... 
k  N//8​k 

We know, that in the last i.e. the ​kth​

​ iteration, the value of N
​ ​ would become 1
​ ,​ thus, 
we can write: 



N//​8k​​ = ​1
=> N = ​8k​
=> log(N) = log(​8k​​ )
=> k*log(​8​) = log(N)
=> k = log(N)/log(​8​)
=> k = log​8​(N)

Now, clearly the number of iterations in this example is coming out to be of the 
order of l
​ og​8​(N)​. Thus, the time complexity of the above while loop will be 

Qualitatively, we can say that after every iteration, we divide the given number by 8, 
and we go on dividing like that, till the number remains greater than 0. This gives 
the number of iterations as O
​ (log​8​(N))​. 

Time Complexity Analysis of Some Common Algorithms 

Linear Search 

Linear Search time complexity analysis is done below- 

Best case-​ In the best possible case: 

● The element being searched will be found in the first position. 

● In this case, the search terminates in success with just one comparison. 
● Thus in the best case, the linear search algorithm takes ​O(1)​ operations. 

​ orst Case- ​In the worst possible case: 

● The element being searched may be present in the last position or may not 
present in the array at all. 
● In the former case, the search terminates in success with ​N​ comparisons. 
● In the latter case, the search terminates in failure with ​N​ comparisons. 
● Thus in the worst case, the linear search algorithm takes O
​ (N)​ operations.  



Binary Search 
Binary Search time complexity analysis is done below- 

● In each iteration or each recursive call, the search gets reduced to half of the 
● So for N
​ ​ elements in the array, there are​ log​2​N​ iterations or recursive calls. 

Thus, we have- 

● Time Complexity of the Binary Search Algorithm is ​O(log​2​N)​. 

● Here, ​N​ is the number of elements in the sorted linear array. 

This time complexity of binary search remains unchanged irrespective of the 

element position even if it is not present in the array. 

Big-O Notation Practice Examples 

Example-1​ Find upper bound for f​ (n) = 3n + 8 
Solution:​ 3n + 8 ≤ 4n, for all n ≥ 8 
∴ 3n + 8 = O(n) with c = 4 and n​0​ = 8 

Example-2​ Find upper bound for f​ (n) = n​2​ + 1  

Solution:​ n​2​ + 1 ≤ 2n​2​, for all n ≥ 1 
∴ n​2 +

1 = O(n​2​) with c = 2 and n​0​ = 1  

Example-3​ Find upper bound for​ f(n) = n​4​ + 100n​2​ + 50 

Solution:​ n​4 ​+ 100n​2​ + 50 ≤ 2n​4​, for all n ≥ 11 
∴ n​4​ + 100n​2​ + 50 = O(n​4​ ) with c = 2 and n​0​ = 11 


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