DC Motor (P)

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Physics Investigation

NAME: Ankit kumar

Session- 2022-2023
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This is to certify that Ankit kumar

of Class XII science has

successfully complete the project

on the topic DC MOTOR under the

guidance of Mr.Rohil during the

year 2022-23 in the partial

fullfilment of the physics

practical examination conducted

by the CBSE.

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I would like to express my immense gratitude to

my physics teacher Mr. Rohil for the help and
guidance he provided for completing this project.

I also thank my parents who gave their ideas and

inputs in making this project. Most of all I thank
our school management, for providing us the
facilities and opportunity to do this project.

Lastly, I would like to thanks my classmates who

have done this project along with me. Their
support made this project fruitful.

-Ankit kumar

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Introduction 6

Working Principle

Materials required 8

How to build a Motor? 9-10

Circuit Diagram 11

How DC Motor actually work? 12

Troubleshooting 13

Precautions 14

Bibliography 15

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A DC motor is any of a class of rotary electrical machines that converts direct

current electrical energy into mechanical energy. The most common types rely
on the forces produced by magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have
some internal mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic, to
periodically change the direction of current flow in part of the motor.

DC motors were the first type widely used, since they could be powered from
existing direct-current lighting power distribution systems. A DC motor's speed
can be controlled over a wide range, using either a variable supply voltage or
by changing the strength of current in its field windings. Small DC motors are
used in tools, toys, and appliances. The universal motor can operate on direct
current but is a lightweight brushed motor used for portable power tools and
appliances. Larger DC motors are used in propulsion of electric vehicles,
elevator and hoists, or in drives for steel rolling mills. The advent of power
electronics has made replacement of DC motors with AC motors possible in
many applications.

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6I a ge

• Electric motor is a device which converts electrical energy into

mechanical energy.

When a wire (coil) that carries current is placed in the region of

space that has magnetic field, the wire (coil) experiences a force.

The amount of force depends on:

1] The amount of current flowing in the wire/Loop
2] Length of wire/Number of loops

3] Strength of magnetic field

Direction of force depends on:

1] Direction of Current in the wire (Coil)
2] Direction of magnetic field

Note: - Fleming's right-hand rule / Right hand palm rule is used to determine
the direction of force if the direction of current and magnetic field is already

7I a ge
Materials Required: -

1. Cardboard

2. 9V Battery

3. Battery connector

4. A round magnet (used in speakers)

5. Some copper wire (0.2mm)

6. 2 Thin Copper pin

7. 2 Big safety pin

8. On/Off switch

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7° Procedure

• Starting in the centre of the wire, wrap the wire tightly and neatly around
the marker 30 times.

• Slide off the coil you made on the marker.

• Wrap each loose end of the wire around the coil a few times to hold it
together, then point the wires away from the loop, as shown below:

• Use knife to remove the wire insulation on each free

end of the coil, as shown below:

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• Thread each loose end of the wire coil through the large eye of a needle.
Try to keep the coil as straight as possible without bending the wire ends.

• Connect the battery across the two needles.

• Now place a magnet below the coil.


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11 I age

The metal, needles, and wire created a closed loop circuit that can carry
current. Current flows from the negative terminal of the battery, through the
circuit, and to the positive terminal of the battery. Current in a closed loop also
creates its own magnetic field, which you can determine by the "Right Hand
Rule." Making a "thumbs up" sign with your right hand, the thumb points in
the direction of the current, and the curve of the fingers show which way the
magnetic field is oriented.

In our case, current travels through the coil you created, which is called the
armature of the motor. This current induces a magnetic field in the coil, which
helps explain why the coil spins.

Magnets have two poles, north and south. North-south interactions stick
together, and north-north and south-south interactions repel each other.
Because the magnetic field created by the current in the wire is not
perpendicular to the magnet taped to the battery, at least some part of the
wire's magnetic field will repel and cause the coil to continue to spin.

So why did we need to remove the insulation from only one side of each wire?
We need a way to periodically break the circuit so that it pulses on and off in
time with the rotation of the coil. Otherwise, the copper coil's magnetic field
would align with the magnet's magnetic field and stop moving because both
fields would attract each other. The way we set up our engine makes it so that
whenever current is moving through the coil (giving it a magnetic field), the
coil is in a good position to be repelled by the stationary magnet's magnetic
field. Whenever the coil isn't being actively repelled (during those split-second
intervals where the circuit is switched off), momentum carries it around until
it's in the right position to complete the circuit, induce a new magnetic field,
and be repelled by the stationary magnet again.

Once moving, the coil can continue to spin until the battery is dead. The reason
that the magnet only spins in one direction is because spinning in the wrong
direction will not cause the magnetic fields to repel each other, but attract.
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• Has the rotor been stripped correctly? Hold the plane of the loop so that it
is oriented vertically. One of the straight sections of the rotor should be
stripped completely (from rotor to end); the other straight section should
be stripped on the top only.

• Is the circuit complete? Check each connection: red lead to thumbtack,

thumbtack to paperclip, paperclip to stripped section of rotor, other
stripped section of rotor to other paperclip, paperclip to thumbtack,
thumbtack to black lead. Any break in the circuit will prevent current from
flowing and thereby prevent motor from working.

• Is the rotor level and directly above the magnet? Adjust the rotor, paperclip
supports and magnet until both straight sections of the rotor are perfectly
horizontal, both paperclips supports are at the same height, and the
magnet is directly underneath the rotor when the rotor is oriented so that
the plane of the loop is vertical.

• Is the rotor close to the magnet? The magnetic field is strongest nearest to
the magnet. When the plane of the rotor is oriented vertically, the bottom
of the rotor should be as close to the magnet (without touching) as

• Is the battery providing power? Use a voltmeter or multi-meter to check the

voltage of the battery or simply replace with a fresh 9-volt battery.

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• All the connection should be neat and tight.

• Remove the insulation of the copper wire at both tips.

• Make sure the magnet used is enough strong to rotate the coil

• The copper wire should not be thicker than 0.2mm

• If the coil is not rotating by itself, just give a push to rotate.

• The coil should be oriented in the balance position.

• The coil should be balance in such a way that its all mass is on to the
both pin

• Make sure you don’t use Iron pin in the coil

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• Wikipedia.com

• Google search engine

• www.youtube.com/c/knowledgecycle

• Physics NCERT book for class XII

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