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(19) World intellectual Property
Organraation llIIlIIlllIlIlllIlIllIllIllIIlIlllIlIlIllllllllIIlllIlIIIlllllIlIlllIIllIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
International Bureau (10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date
07 March 2019 (07.03.20] 9) I 4 P Cl P C T
WO 2019/043470 A1

(51) International Patent Classification: (71) Applicant: ATLAS COPCO AIRPOWER, NAAM-
FOJM 1/J2 (2006 01) FOdC 28/OO (200G 01) LOZE VENNOOTSCIIAP ]BE/BE], Boomscstccnwcg
F16N 7/4O (200G 01) FO1M 1/Ol (2006 01) 957. 2G IO Wilrijk (BE)
FOVC /8/16 (2006 01) FOdC Jd/O6 (200G 01)
(72) Inventors: MEEIISEN, Wim, c/o Atlas Copco At&pc»er,
FO4C 29/02 (2006 01)
N V, Boomsesteemveg 957, 2610 Wtlnik (BE). ROSKAM,
(21) International Application Number: Ed»in. c/o Atlas Copco Aupot) er, NV. Bootnsesteemveg
PCT/IB2018/OSS280 957, 2610 Wtlnlk (BE).

(22) International Filing Date: (74) Agent: VAN VAREN SERG, Patrick et al, Atcn-
17 Jnly 2018 (17.07.2018) bergstraat 13, 2000 Ants) erpen (BE).
(25) Filing Language: Dtttclt (81) Designated States /nate&& nthe&n &se n&d&cated, fnr everv
/&md nf &manna/ p&ntee&n&n av&ntabte) AE, AG, AL AM,
(26) Publication Language Enghsh
(30) Priority Data: CA, CH, CL, CN. CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO,
62/551.323 29 Aug»)st 2017 (29 08.2017) US DZ. EC, EE, EG, ES, PI. GB. GD, GE, GIL GM, GT, HN,
2018/5151 12 March 2018 (12.03 2018) BE IIR, IIU, ID. IL. IN. IR. IS. JO. JP. KE, KG. Kl I. KN. ICP.



/r /&a

rP (57) Abstract: Machine provided with a nmchine clement (2) and an oil pump (4) and a motor (3) to drive thc ntachinc clcmcnt (2)
and thc oil pump (4). whereby thc oil pump (4) is provided tvith a sl)aft (13) with a rotor (12), tvhcrcby thc oil pump (4) is provided to
pump oil from an oil rcscn oir (5) via an inlet ch umcl (8) to nozzics tltat Iced into thc motor (3) aud/or nmchinc clcmcnt (2) to lnbricatc
and/or cool one or morc bearings or other machine components. cltaractcrizcd in that in thc inlet channel (8). near thc oil pump (4) a
dmu (16) is provided titat is higher titan the height (A) of thc central axis (18) of thc shaft (13) of thc oil pump (4) minns thc stmtllcst
CO diameter (B) of thc rotor (12) of the oil pump (4) dit idcd by ttvo

/I nntnn&ed &m nevt/&agef

WO 2019/043470 A1 llIlllIIlIlIiIlllllIlllllIIlIlllIlIlIllllllllIlllllllIIlllllIlIlllllllIIllIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

SC, SD. SE, SG. SK. SL. Sh L ST. SV. SY. Tl 1. TJ. TM. TR
TR. TT. TZ. LA. L G. US. UZ. VC. Vhh ZA. ZM, ZW
(8S) Designated States (uules& r&them)me mdrcated, fi&r every
lwd nf rngroual prr&tact&on nvarlabler'RIPO (BW. GII.
UG. ZM. ZW). Enras&an (AM, AZ. BY. KG. KZ. RU. TJ.
TM). Europem& (AL. AT. BE, BG. CII. CY, CZ. DE. DK.

Declarations utuier Rule S.17:

as ro npplrcnnrb enrrllemenr tu npp(& for anrl be grnrrterl a
pn( I 7(r r )7
ant (JI ale -l
of rnvenrmslnp (Jtu(e d.f 7(rvt)
n uh mrernauorrnl search repnr( (Irt. 2f (Jll
WO 2019/043470 PCT/182018/0SS280

Machine provided with an oil pump and a method to start

such a machine.

5 The present invention relates to a machine provided with an

oil pump.

It is known that high-speed rotating machinery, like for

example oil-free screw compressors, oil-free (screw)
10 blowers or oil-free turbo compressors, often use ball
bearings and gears.

At high speeds these bearings and gears require well-dosed

oil lubrication: not too much oil, whichcause
15 hydraulic losses and even overheating, but equally not too
little oil, which would cause poor lubrication and

For this reason oil jet lubrication is used, in which

20 nozzles are used with a very precise bore which is directed
to the exact location where the lubrication is needed.

The location concerned is the race track for ball bearings

and the gear mesh engagement for gears.
The nozzles have to be provided with oil that has been
filtered and cooled and is supplied at the right pressure.
For this purpose an oil circuit is often provided in the
machine, which typically comprises an oil reservoir, an oil
30 pump, an oil cooler, an oil filter andinterconnecting
pipes which may or may not be integrated in other parts of
WO 2019/043470 PCT/1112010/055200

the machine. Minimum pressure valves, bypasses, oil

pressure sensors and temperature sensors are also often

5 Said oil pump plays a critical role: if insufficient oil is

supplied in due time to the nozzles, poor lubrication might
result in damage or failure of the bearings and/or gears.

It is possible to use an oil pump that is driven by a

10 separate motor.

The advantage of this is that the oil pump can be

controlled but the disadvantage is that a separate motor
and control or steering unit are required.
This is not only more expensive, it also increases the size
of the machine and implies extra components that need to be
maintained and can fail.

20 Therefore it is very interesting to use the motor that is

driving the machine element to drive the oil pump as well.
This guarantees that the oil pump will always run whenever
the machine is running.

25 Suitable oil pumps are gear pumps, internal gear pumps,

such as gerotor pumps and rotary vane pumps.

US 3.995.978 describes a gerotor pump.

30 Such pumps can be designed to pump the right amount of oil

when driven at the speed of the motor driving the machine
WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2018/0SS280

element, by choosing an appropriate pump width, and/or

number of teeth or vanes, enabling the oil pump to be
mounted directly onto the shaft of the motor resulting in a
very compact, robust, efficient and cost effective machine.

However, a disadvantage of such an installation whereby the

oil is fitted directly onto the shaft of the motor, is
the fact that the oil pump must then be fitted quite high
in the machine, and is therefore elevated with respect to
10 to the oil reservoir.

This means that at start-up, the oil pump must first

evacuate the air from the suction tube connecting it with
the oil reservoir and subsequently must suck and pump the
15 oil from the reservoir.

This works best if there is already some oil present in the

oil pump, so that the oil pump
when starts, this oil is
splashed around and helps to seal the gaps in the pump
20 immediately optimising the suction power of the oil pump.

Therefore, during assembly of the oil pump, a small amount

of oil is often applied to the oil pump.

25 However, when the pumpis started for the first time a long
time after its assembly, this initial amount of oil might
already be partially or completely evaporated and is
therefore no longer sufficient to start up the oil pump
WO 2019/043470 PCT/1112010/055200

US 3.859.013 describes an oil pump, whereby a sort of

siphon-like structure is provided in the inlet pipe between
the oil pump and the oil reservoir, that ensures that a
small amount of oil remains trapped in the inlet pipe near
5 the oil reservoir. However, when starting, the oil pump
still needs to take in a large amount of air before the oil
can be sucked out of the siphon.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a

10 solution to at least one of the aforementioned and other

The object of the present invention is a machine which is

provided with a machine element and an oil pump and a motor
15 to drive the machine element and the oil pump, whereby the
oil pump is provided with a shaft with a rotor, whereby the
oil pump is provided to pump oil from an oil reservoir via
an inlet channel to nozzles that lead into the motor and/or
the machine element to lubricate and/or cool one or more
20 bearings or other parts of the machine, characterized in
that in the inlet channel, near the oil pump a dam is
provided that is higher than the height of the central axis
of the shaft of the oil pump minus the smallest diameter of
the rotor of the oil pump divided by two.
An advantage is that this guarantees that, once the machine
is stopped, a considerable amount of oil remains in the oil
pump and in the inlet channel between the oil pump and the
dam so that the complete internal cavity of the oil pump
30 can be wetted with oil when the machine is (re)started and
WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2018/0SS280

so that the suction power of the orl pump will immediately

be very high.

In this way the oil flow will be started quickly and

5 smoothly upon (re)starting the machine.

Preferably the height of the dam is smaller than the height

of the central axis of the shaft of the oil pump minus the
diameter of the shaft of the oil pump divided by two.
This will prevent oil leaking via the shaft of the oil pump
and/or prevent the need for additional sealing of said

15 The invention also concerns a method to start a machine

according to the invention, characterized in that the
method comprises the following steps:
pouring a less volatile lubricant than the oil in the
internal cavity of the oil pump;
20 subsequently starting the motor.

In this there will always be some of said lubricant

present when the machine is started, so that the suction
power of the oil pump is improved, the oil circuit can be
25 started and the oil pump and inlet channel between the oil
pump and the dam are filled with oil.

This is of particular advantage to guarantee a successful

first start-up of the machine.
WO 2019/043470 PCT/I 82018/0SS280

As less volatile lubricants, oil, grease suchlike with a

higher molecular weight than the oi1 can be used, including
for example paraffin oil, vaseline, vacuum grease and

With the intention of better showing the characteristics of

the invention, some preferred embodiments of a machine
provided with an oil pump according to the invention and a
method to start such a machine are described hereinafter,
10 by way of an example without any limiting nature, with
reference to the accompanying drawings, wherein:

figure 1 schematically shows a machine according to

the invention;
15 figure 2 schematically shows the motor and oil pump in
figure 1 in more detail;
figure 3 shows a view according to the arrow F3 in
figure 2, with partial cut-out of the housing of the
20 figure 4 shows in more detail the part that is
indicated in figure 3 with F4;
figure 5 shows an alternative embodiment of figure 4.

The machine 1 shown in figure 1 is in this case a

25 compressor device 1. It is, however, not excluded that the
machine 1 is a vacuum pump device or expander device.

The compressor device 1 comprises mainly a compressor

element 2 for the compression of gas, a motor 3, an oil
30 pump 4, an oil reservoir 5 and an oil circuit 6.
WO 2019/043470 PCT/182010/0SS200

The motor 3 will directly drive both the compressor element

2 and the oil pump 4. Figure 2 shows that the motor shaft 7
will be able to directly drive the oil pump 4.

5 The oil circuit 6 will allow the oil pump 4 to pump oil
from the oil reservoir 5 via an inlet channel 8, after
which the oil can be sent via the pipes 9 in the oil
circuit 6 to nozzles that lead to specific locations in the
motor 3 and/or the compressor element 2 for the lubrication
10 and/or cooling of one or more bearings or other parts of
the machine 1.

Given that the oil is driven by the motor 3 of the

pump 4

compressor element 2, it will be located at a considerably

15 higher level than the oil reservoir 5. This means that he
inlet channel 8, which runs from the oil reservoir 5 to =he
oil pump 4, is relatively long.

The oil pump 4 in which a stator 11

comprises a housing 10
20 and a rotor 12 are attached. The rotor 12 is attached to a
shaft 13, which is driven by the motor shaft 7.

The oil pump 4 is of the "gerotor" type, although this is

not essential for the invention.
The housing 10 is provided with an inlet 14 for oil, to
which an inlet channel 8 is connected, and with an outlet
15 for tie pumped oil.

30 In figure 3 the inlet 14 and the outlet 15 are clearly

WO 2019/043470 PCT/182010//ISS200

As in figure 4 a dam 16 is provided in the inlet

channel 8, near the oil pump 4.

5 'Dam 16'efers here to a structure that will ensure that,

once the motor 3 is turned off, a certain amount of oil
will remain in the cavity 17 that is closed off or isolated
by the darn 16.

10 'Near the oil pump 4'efers

here to the fact that said
remaining oil will remain at a location in such a way that
the ozl can immediately be pumped by the oil pump 4 when
the oil pump 4 is started.

15 This means for example that said remaining oil will at

least be partly located in the oil pump 4 or that said
remaining oil will be located right at the inlet 14 of the
oil pump 4.

20 Figure 3 also clearly that the dam is higher than the

height A of the central axis 18 of the shaft 13 of the oil
pump 4 minus half of the smallest diameter B of the rotor
12 of the oil pump

25 By at least as high as this minimum

making the dam 16
height, indicated with the line C, enough oil will remain
in the cavity 17 closed off or isolated by the dam in the
inlet channel between the dam 16 and the oil pump 4,

whereby the internal cavity of the oil pump 4 can be

30 immediately wetted upon starting. With this immediate
wetting of the internal cavity with oil, the rotor 12 and
WO 2019/043470 PCT/I 82010/055200

the stator 11 will become immediately sealed by this oil so

that the suction power of the oil pump 4 is immediately

5 In this case, and preferably, the height D of the dam 16 is

less than the height A of the central axis 18 of the shaft
13 of the oil pump 4 minus half the diameter E of the shaft
13 of the oil pump 4.

10 Should the dam 16 be higher than this maximum height,

indicated with the line F, the level of the remaining oil
would be higher than the bottom of the shaft 13 of the oil
pump 4. This could allow oil to leak away along the shaft
13 of the oil pump 4 and/or seals would need to be provided
15 on the shaft 13 of the oil pump 4 in order for this to be

Besides a minimum and maximum height D of the dam 16, the

design of the dam 16 is in this case, and preferably, such
20 that the volume of the oil that can be contained in the oil
pump 4 and the inlet channel 8 between the oil pump 4 and
the dam 16, is minimum two times the stroke volume of the
oil pump

25 The advantage this is that there is immediately

sufficient oil present in the oil pump 4 and the inlet
channel 8 when starting the oil pump 4, so that not only
the internal cavity can be immediately wetted, but also an
amount of oil can immediately be pumped up or through the
30 outlet 15 to the oil circuit 6 and continue to the parts of
the machine 1 that require lubrication and/or cooling.
WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2010/0SS200

Despite the fact that the darn 16 in figures 3 and 4 is

designed as a slope inclining towards the rotor 12 and
stator 11 of the oil pump 4, it is not excluded that the
5 dam 16 is designed differently.

In figure 5 an alternative form is shown, whereby the dam

16 is in the form of steps, whereby a step 19 or stairs, as
it were, are fitted in the inlet channel 8.
Although this embodiment has the advantage that more oil
will remain in the cavity 17 between the dam 16 and the oil
pump 4, it also has the disadvantage that oil can pour down
as it were along the stairs 19 while being sucked up, which
15 could cause unwanted turbulence. In the embodiment of
figures 3 and 4, the oil will, as it were, flow or stream
downwarcs from the dam 16.

The operation of the machine 1 is very simple and as

20 follows.

Before starting the machine 1, the following steps are

preferably followed:
oil is poured in the oil circuit 6 downstream of
25 the oil pump 4 and higher than the oil pump 4;
subsequently the motor 3 is started.

The poured oil can flow to the oil pump 4 fill

both the
oil pump 4 and the inlet channel 8 in the cavity 17 between
30 the dam 16 and the oil pump 4 to the level D of the dam 16.
WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2018/066280

When the motor 3 is then started the compressor element 2

and the oil pump 4 will be driven and the poured oil, which
is now located in the oil pump 4 and in the said cavity 17,
will ensure that the oil pump 4 can immediately pump up oil
5 and send it through to the oil circuit 6, so that the
compressor element 2 is immediately provided with the
necessary oil as from the moment the machine 1 is started.

Alternatively it is also possible that a lubricant less

10 volatile than oil is first poured in the internal cavity of
the oil pump 4, before the motor 3 is started.

Such a method is preferably applied when the machine 1 is

assembled, so that when the machine 1 is first started, the
15 less volatile lubricant is present in the oil pump 4.

It is of course not excluded that both methods are

combined, whereby when the machine is first started a less
volatile is poured and whereby oil is poured in the oil
20 circuit 6 when the machine 1 is subsequently restarted.

As soon as the motor 3 is started, the oil pump 4 will

immediately be able to pump oil from the oil reservoir 5
via the inlet channel 8.
The pumped oil will subsequently leave the oil pump 4 via
the outlet 15 and end up in the oil circuit 6 where it is
sent the various nozzles in the various components to be
lubricated and/or cooled in the compressor element 2 and/or
30 the motor 3.
WO 2019/043470 PCT/11120111/0662110

The compressor element will therefore be provided with

oil almost immediately as from the moment the motor 3 and
the machine 1 are started, thus ensuring its effective

It is not excluded that the machine 1 comprises a sensor

that can register whether oil is present in the cavity 17
between the oil pump 4 and the darn 16.

10 Said sensor can be any type of oil level sensor, but also
an oil pressure sensor or oil temperature sensor according
to the invention.

Before starting with such a sensor, the motor 3

a machine 1

15 is preferably only started after oil has been detected in

the inlet channel 8 between the oil pump 4 and the dam 16.

If no oil is detected, the

machine 1 is not started, but
instead for example a warning signal is given to the user.
It is c1ear that the sensor and said method to start the
machine 1 can be combined with the previously described
methods. This method will add an extra safeguard in order
to prevent the possibility of starting the machine 1
25 without oil being present in the inlet channel 8 between
the oil pump 4 and the dam 16.

It is also possible that the machine 1 comprises a

connection between the oil reservoir 5 and the cavity 17
30 between the oil pump 4 and the dam 16, whereby the
connection is provided in such a way to transfer oil from
WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2010/000200

the oil reservoir 5 to the cavity 17 between the oil pump 4

and the dam 16.

This can for example be achieved using a small pump that

5 can be operated either manually or electrically.

When the machine 1 is provided with such a connection, the

following method can be adopted to start the machine 1:
oil is transferred from the oil reservoir 5 to the
10 cavity 17 between the oil pump 4 and the dam 16.
subsequently the motor 3 is started.

It is of course not excluded that the machine 1 is also

provided with a sensor that registers whether oil is
15 present in the inlet channel 8 between the dam 16 and the
oil pump 4

Inthis case upon starting, if no oil is detected, a signal

will be given to the user to transfer oil from the oil
20 reservoir 5 to the cavity 17 between the oil pump 4 and the
dam 16 by operating the small pump or, if t.his small pump
is electrical, the small pump will be automatically started
by the machine 1, in order to ensure that oil is
transferred from oil reservoir 5 to the cavity 17 between
25 the oil pump 4 and the dam 16, after which the motor 3 can
be started without a problem.

The present invention is by no means limited to the

embodiments described as an example and shown in the
30 drawings, but a machine provided with an oil pump and a
method to start such a machine can be realised in all kinds
WO 2019/043470 PCT/182018/055280

of forms and dimensions without departing from the scope of

the invention.
WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2010/055200


1. Machine provided with a machine element (2) and an oil

5 pump (4) and a motor (3) to drive the machine element (2)
and the oil pump (4), whereby the oil pump (4) is provided
with a shaft rotor (12), whereby the oil pump
(13) with a
(4) is provided to pump oil from an oil reservoir (5) via
an inlet channel (8) to nozzles that lead into the motor
10 (3) and/or the machine element (2) in order to lubricate
and/or cool one or more bearings or other components in the
machine, characterized in that in the inlet channel (8),
near the oil pump (4) a dam (16) is provided that is higher
than the height (A) of the central axis (18) of the shaft
15 (13) of the oil pump (4) minus the smallest diameter (B) of
the rotor (12) of the oil pump (4) divided by two.

2. —
characterized in that the
Machine according to claim 1,
height (D) of the dam (16) is smaller than the height (A)
20 of the central axis (18) of the shaft (13) of the oil pump
(4) minus the diameter (E) of the shaft of the oil pump (4)
divided by two.

3. —
Machine according to claimor 2, characterized in

25 that the dam (16) is such that the volume of the oil, that
can be found in the oil pump (4) and the inlet channel (8)
between the oil pump (4) and the dam (16), is at least two
times the stroke volume of the oil pump (4).

30 4. —
to one or more of the previous
Machine according
claims, characterized in that the machine (1) comprises a
WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2018/0SS280

sensor that can register whether oil is present between the

oil pump (4) and the dam (16).

5. Machine according to one or more of the previous

5 claims, characterized in t)'.at the machine (1) comprises a

connection between the oil reservoir (5) and the cavity
(17) between the oil pump (4) and the dam (16), whereby the
connection is configured to transfer oil from the oil
reservoir (5) towards the cavity (17) between the oil pump
10 (4) and the dam (16) .

6. Machine according to one or more of the previous

claims, characterized in that the machine (1) is a

compressor device, vacuum pump device or expander device.
7. —
Method to start according to one or more
a machine (1)
of the previous claims, characterized in that the method
comprises the following steps:
pouring oil in the oil circuit (6) downstream of
20 the oil pump (4) and higher than the oil pump (4);
subsequently starting the motor (3).

8.— to start a machine (1) according to one of the

previous claims 1 to 6, characterized in that the method
25 comprises the following steps:
pouring a less volatile lubricant than oil in the
internal cavity of the oil pump (4);
subsequently starting the motor (3).

30 9. —
Method to start a machine (1) according to claim 4,
characterized in that the motor (3) is started after oil is
WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2010/0SS200

detected in the inlet channel (8) between the oi'ump (4)

and the darn (16).

10. —
to start a machine according to claim 5,
5 characterized in that the method comprises the following
transferring the oil from the oil reservoir (5) to
the cavity (17) between the oil pump (4) and the dam
(16) .

10 subsequently starting the motor (3)

WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2018/055280
WO 2019/043470 PCT/1112018/055280
WO 2019/043470 PCT/IS2010/055200





WO 2019/043470 PCT/IB2018/0SS280
INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No

I NV. F01M1/12 F16N7/48 F04C18/16 F84C29/82 F84C28/88
F01M1/82 F84C14/86
Accordmg to international Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
Mimmum documentation searched (classification system followed by class ifmation symbols)
F01M F16N F04C F04B

Dooumentation searohed other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronw data base consulted dunng the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)



Category" Citation of document, wffh indication, where appropnate, of the relevant passages Relevant to olaim No

US 2003/859326 A1 (DOUZONO KENJI [JP] ET 1,2,5-8,

AL) 27 March 2883 (2883-83-27) 18
page 3, paragraph 23 - paragraph 28;
figure 1

)/IO 2009/812921 A1 (IXETIC BAD HOMBURG GMBH 1,2,5-8,

[DE]) 29 January 2809 (2809-01-29)
page 4 —
page 7; figures 1-8
US 3 186 638 A (LAMBERTON RALPH E ET AL) 1,3,7
1 June 1965 (1965-86-81)
the who1e document

EP 8 787 138 Al (HATZ MOTOREN [DE]) 1,3,7

17Apri1 1996 (1996-84-17)
the who1e document

Further doouments are hated m the continuation of Box C. X See patent family annex

Spemal categories of cced documents "T" later document pubhs had after the international filmg date or prmnty
"A" date and not m conflict with the application but cited to understand
document defimng the general state of the art which is not considered the principia or theory underlying the invention
to be of particular relevance
"E" earlier applwation or patent but pubhshed on or after the mternationel
filing date
'X'ocument of partioular relevance, the claimed inventmn cannot be
considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
"L" document which may throw doubts on noisy claim(s) or w hah is step when the document is taken alone
mted to establish the pub ication date of another mtation or other 'Y" document of particular relevance, the claimed invention cannot be
speaal reason (as spenfied) considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
"0" document refernng to an oral disolosure, use, exhibition or other combined wffh one or more other such documents, suoh oombmabon
means being obvious to a person siuged in the art
"P" document published pnor to the international fihng date but later than
the pnonty date claimed '3" document member of the same patent family

Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of maihng of the inta rnatmnal search report

18 October 2818 18/18/2818

Name and mailing address of the ISA/ Authorized officer
European Patent Office, P B 6616 Patentlaan 2
NL-2260 MV Rilswiik
Tel (+31-70) 340-2040,
Fax (+31-70) 340-3016 Van Zoest, Peter
P POT/ISA/210 is d hect) IAp 120061
INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No
Information on patent family members
Patent document Pubhcation Patent family Pubhcation
mted in search report date member(s) date

US 2803859326 A1 27-83-2083 JP 2802155879 A 31-85-2802

US 2003059326 A1 27-83-2803
MO 2809812921 A1 29-81-2089 DE 112808801671 A5 17-86-2818
EP 2167821 A1 31-83-2018
US 2018189586 A1 29-87-2018
WO 2809012921 A1 29-81-2809
US 3186638 A 81-86-1965 CH 478992 A 38-89-1969
GB 1828285 A 84-85-1966
US 3186638 A 81-86-1965
EP 8707138 A1 17-84-1996 DE 4436968 A1 18-84-1996
EP 8707138 A1 17-84-1996

F Pcr/ISA)210(p i ii iy ) (Ap 12005)

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