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(11) EP 3 160 632 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) International Patent Classification (IPC):
of the grant of the patent: B01J 8/06 (2006.01) C01B 3/38 (2006.01)
28.06.2023 Bulletin 2023/26
(52) Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC):
(21) Application number: 15811966.9 C01B 3/384; B01J 8/062; B01J 2208/00176;
B01J 2208/00495; B01J 2208/00504;
(22) Date of filing: 19.06.2015 B01J 2208/0053; C01B 2203/0233;
C01B 2203/0238; C01B 2203/043;
C01B 2203/0827; C01B 2203/0833;
C01B 2203/0883; C01B 2203/0894;
C01B 2203/1235; Y02P 20/10; (Cont.)

(86) International application number:


(87) International publication number:

WO 2015/200128 (30.12.2015 Gazette 2015/52)


(84) Designated Contracting States: (74) Representative: Petersen, Frank

GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO Mannheimer Strasse 46
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR 76131 Karlsruhe (DE)

(30) Priority: 25.06.2014 US 201414314679 (56) References cited:

EP-A2- 0 437 059 US-A- 4 180 128
(43) Date of publication of application: US-A- 4 985 231 US-A1- 2003 101 651
03.05.2017 Bulletin 2017/18 US-A1- 2003 113 257 US-A1- 2003 131 533
US-A1- 2007 264 186 US-A1- 2009 180 949
(73) Proprietor: Zoneflow Reactor Technologies, LLC US-A1- 2009 255 181 US-A1- 2011 042 620
Windsor, Connecticut 06095 (US) US-A1- 2012 022 299 US-A1- 2012 326 090
US-A1- 2013 156 686 US-B1- 8 496 908
(72) Inventors:
• RALSTON, Michael P.
Jenks, Oklahoma 74037 (US)
• FEINSTEIN, Jonathan Jay
Sandisfield, Massachusetts 01255 (US)
EP 3 160 632 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
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paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Processed by Luminess, 75001 PARIS (FR) (Cont. next page)

EP 3 160 632 B1

(52) Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC): (Cont.)

Y02P 20/141

1 EP 3 160 632 B1 2

Description steam must be exported to another process unit in a

chemical or power generation complex or refinery. Steam
FIELD OF THE INVENTION export typically reduces the net energy consumption of
the SMR process by about 10 %, which is substantial,
[0001] This invention relates generally to the field of 5 but makes the SMR dependent on an external demand
chemical plant apparatus and methods, and more spe- for the excess steam.
cifically to steam methane reformer systems and meth- [0008] It is generally less expensive to build chemical
ods of performing a steam methane reforming process plant equipment in a fabrication facility than in the field.
according to the introductory part of appended claims 1 Up to a very limited production capacity SMR furnaces
or 9 respectively. 10 can be built and assembled within a fabrication facility.
For larger SMR furnace capacities it is necessary to build
BACKGROUND and assemble furnaces in the field. Although multiple
modular furnaces may have lower installed costs than a
[0002] Steam methane reforming is a process that may single field assembled furnace, linking more than two fur-
be used to produce synthesis gas and hydrogen. A hy- 15 naces to a common large flue gas heat recovery section
drocarbon and at least one of steam and carbon dioxide is difficult. The difficulty in linking more than one furnace
are reacted or reformed in the presence of a catalyst to and especially more than two furnaces to a common con-
produce hydrogen mixed with oxides of carbon, called vective section is that the flow of fluids for the combination
synthesis gas or syngas. Known devices are e.g. dis- of heat duties of steam raising and superheating together
closed in US2009/0180949 A1, US 2003/0131533 A1, 20 with hydrocarbon or mixed feed preheating can become
US 2012/0022299 A1, US 2011/0042620 A1, US imbalanced between a single, common convective zone
4,985,231, US 2012/0326090, EP 0 437 059 A2 or US and two or more reforming furnaces. For example, if one
2003 /113257 A1.The reforming reaction is often per- furnace is in a startup or turn down cycle it may not proc-
formed within the radiant zone of a furnace heated by ess a hydrocarbon or mixed feed while other furnaces
combustion of a fuel and an oxidant such as air. 25 do process hydrocarbons and/or mixed feed. Hence the
[0003] Prior to entering the furnace the hydrocarbon is preheating of hydrocarbons and mixed feed must be per-
preheated, the steam, for example, is vaporized and su- formed in conjunction with the operation of individual fur-
perheated, the hydrocarbon and steam are combined in- naces. Otherwise all furnaces must be started up and
to a common stream, and the resulting mixed feed is turned down in unison. Multiple small convective sections
preheated against the flue gas to as high a temperature 30 have higher combined installed costs than a common,
as possible to lower the firing requirements of the furnace large convective section.
and recover heat from the flue gas without causing the [0009] Fig. 1 illustrates an exemplary conventional
hydrocarbon to crack or precipitate solid carbon deposits. bayonet reformer tube system 100. A bayonet reformer
The desirably high temperature for the mixed feed to en- tube 101 is disposed within a furnace 102. The tube con-
ter the furnace is normally in the range of 500 ° to 650 35 sists of an outer tube 103 and an inner tube 104. An
°C, more often being about 650 °C. annulus between the inner and outer tubes contains a
[0004] It is advantageous to recover heat from the re- reforming catalyst 105 (shown in Fig. 1 by cross-hatch-
sulting hot syngas and products of combustion or flue ing). Gas enters the tube from an inlet header 106, flows
gas. Heat is normally recovered from the syngas in a first downward through the annulus containing the catalyst,
or syngas heat recovery section and from the flue gas in 40 transfers to the inner tube 104 near a tip 107 of the tube,
a second heat recovery section called a convective sec- where the volumes of the annulus and inner tube are in
tion. communication with each other. The gas then flows up-
[0005] Heat recovered from the syngas is utilized in ward from the tip 107 via the inner tube 104, and exits
what is called a process gas boiler to preheat the hydro- the tube to flow into an outlet header 108. Gas is heated
carbon feedstock and to vaporize steam. 45 and reformed in the annulus against combustion heating
[0006] The flue gas commonly performs diverse heat- from the furnace and against the resulting heated syngas
ing duties in the convective section. One duty is to va- flowing through inner tube 104. Syngas flowing through
porize and superheat steam. Another duty sometimes inner tube 104 is cooled against the gas flowing through
practiced is to preheat the air combusted in the furnace. the annulus. Patent application WO2001012310 A1 is an
An additional duty is to preheat the mixed feed of super- 50 example of the prior art shown in Fig. 1.
heated steam and a preheated hydrocarbon feedstock [0010] Fig. 2 illustrates a conventional SMR 200 and
to as high a temperature as possible without incurring flow schematic. A hydrocarbon feedstock 281 enters
carbon deposition. SMR 200 via a line 202 and is conveyed to a heat ex-
[0007] Where efficient heat recovery is practiced, such changer 203 wherein the feedstock is heated against hot
as in a large steam methane reformer ("SMR"), the total 55 syngas. The preheated feedstock is conveyed by a line
amount of steam vaporized in the first and second heat 204 to a desulfurization unit 205 wherein it is desulfurized
recovery sections greatly exceeds the amount of steam and is then conveyed by a line 206 to be mixed with su-
required for the steam reforming process. The excess perheated steam, together forming mixed feed.

3 EP 3 160 632 B1 4

[0011] Boiler feed water ("BFW") 282 enters SMR 200 at a first temperature, cool the syngas to a second tem-
via a line 207 which conveys the BFW to a heat exchanger perature lower than the first temperature, and eject the
208 wherein the BFW is heated against hot syngas. The syngas from the bayonet reforming tube. Each of the at
preheated BFW is conveyed by a line 209 to a heat ex- least two furnaces has a flue gas effluent stream including
changer 210 wherein it is vaporized against flue gas. The 5 flue gas and a second effluent stream including syngas.
resulting steam is then conveyed by a line 211 to a heat The apparatus also includes a first heat recovery section
exchanger 212 wherein it is superheated against flue adapted to transfer heat from the first effluent stream to
gas. A portion of the superheated steam 283 in excess a first heat load including one of air, water, and steam,
of the reformer requirements is exported from SMR 100 and a second heat recovery section adapted to transfer
via a line 213. The balance of the superheated steam is 10 heat from the second effluent stream to a second heat
conveyed via a line 214 wherein it is mixed with the feed- load.
stock, forming mixed feed, and to a heat exchanger 215, [0014] In one embodiment, the second heat load in-
wherein the mixed feed is preheated to the inlet temper- cludes one of water, carbon dioxide, a hydrocarbon, and
ature of the reformer furnace. The preheated mixed feed mixtures thereof.
is conveyed via a line 216 to a reformer tube 217 within 15 [0015] In another embodiment the second heat load
a reformer furnace 218, wherein the mixed feed is heated contains at least one of a hydrocarbon and mixed feed.
and reformed against heat from the furnace. The result- [0016] In another embodiment, the apparatus includes
ing reformed hot syngas exits the furnace and is con- a heat recovery section including one or more burners
veyed via a line 219 to heat exchanger 208 (which may adapted to perform further heating of a load.
be a process gas boiler, for example) wherein it is cooled 20 [0017] In another embodiment, the apparatus includes
against BFW, is conveyed via a line 220 to a water gas a first heat recovery section adapted to transfer heat from
shift reactor 221 wherein some of the steam and carbon the first effluent stream to a first heat load including only
monoxide contained in the syngas react to form addition- one of air, water, steam, and a combination of air, water,
al hydrogen and carbon dioxide, is conveyed via a line and steam.
222 to heat exchanger 203 wherein it is cooled against 25 [0018] In an embodiment of the invention, the appara-
feedstock 281, is conveyed via a line 223 to a fin fan (or tus includes at least two furnaces and a single common
heat exchanger) 224 wherein it is cooled against ambient first heat recovery section.
air, is conveyed via a line 225 to a water knockout unit [0019] In another embodiment, the apparatus includes
226 wherein condensed steam is separated from the syn- at least three furnaces and a single common first heat
gas, and is conveyed via a line 227 to a pressure swing 30 recovery section.
adsorption or PSA unit 228 wherein most of the hydrogen [0020] In another embodiment, the second tempera-
is separated from the remainder of the syngas. Hydrogen ture is less than 500 °C.
287 exits the PSA unit 228 as a hydrogen product via a [0021] In accordance with the invention, an apparatus
line 229, and the remainder of the syngas exits the PSA for the production of syngas is provided. The apparatus
unit 228 as a tail gas via a line 230 and is conveyed to 35 includes at least two furnaces, each having at least one
the furnace burners wherein the tail gas is combusted. bayonet reforming tube. Each furnace is adapted to re-
[0012] Combustion air 284 enters SMR 200 and is con- ceive a gas including a hydrocarbon and at least one of
veyed via a line 231 to a heat exchanger 232 wherein it steam and carbon dioxide via the tube, heat and catalyt-
is preheated against flue gas. The preheated combustion ically react the gas to form syngas at a first temperature,
air is conveyed via a line 233 to the furnace burners 40 cool the syngas to a second temperature lower than the
wherein the air is combusted with tail gas and supple- first temperature, wherein the second temperature is less
mental fuel to heat the furnace. Supplemental fuel 286 than 500 °C, and eject the syngas from the tube.
enters SMR 200 and is conveyed via a line 234 to the [0022] In another embodiment, the second tempera-
furnace burners wherein it is combusted to heat the fur- ture is less than 450 °C.
nace. Combustion products exit the furnace as flue gas 45 [0023] In another embodiment, the second tempera-
285 via a convection section 236 and are progressively ture is less than 400 °C.
cooled as they sequentially pass through heat exchang- [0024] In another embodiment, the first temperature is
ers 215, 212, 210, and 232. The flue gas 285 then exits greater than 700 °C.
SMR 200. [0025] In accordance with another embodiment, an ap-
50 paratus for the production of syngas is provided. The
SUMMARY apparatus includes a furnace and at least one bayonet
reforming tube including a first part disposed within the
[0013] In accordance with an embodiment, an appa- furnace and a second part disposed outside the furnace.
ratus includes at least two furnaces, each having at least The bayonet reforming tube further includes an outlet at
one bayonet reforming tube. Each furnace is adapted to 55 a first end and a tip at a second end. The bayonet re-
receive a gas including a hydrocarbon and at least one forming tube has a total length from the outlet to the tip,
of steam and carbon dioxide via the bayonet reforming wherein a portion of the total length that is outside the
tube, heat and catalytically react the gas to form syngas furnace is at least 10 % of the total length. The bayonet

5 EP 3 160 632 B1 6

reforming tube is adapted to receive a gas including a [0036] These and other advantages of the present dis-
hydrocarbon and at least one of steam and carbon diox- closure will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the
ide, heat and catalytically react the gas to form syngas art by reference to the following Detailed Description and
at a first temperature, cool the syngas to a second tem- the accompanying drawings.
perature lower than the first temperature, and eject the 5
[0026] In another embodiment, the portion of the total
length that is outside the furnace is at least 25 % of the [0037]
total length.
[0027] In accordance with another embodiment, a sys- 10 Figure 1 shows an exemplary conventional bayonet
tem for the production of syngas is provided. The system reformer tube;
includes a furnace and at least one bayonet reforming Figure 2 shows an exemplary conventional steam
tube including an inner tube, an outer tube, and an an- methane reformer and flow schematic;
nulus between the inner tube and the outer tube. The Figure 3 shows a steam methane reformer and flow
bayonet tube is disposed only partly within the furnace. 15 schematic in accordance with an embodiment; and
The bayonet reforming tube is adapted to receive a gas Figure 4 is a flowchart of a method of producing syn-
including a hydrocarbon and at least one of steam and gas in accordance with an embodiment.
carbon dioxide, heat and catalytically react the gas within
the annulus to form syngas at a first temperature, cool DETAILED DESCRIPTION
the syngas within the inner tube to a second temperature 20
lower than the first temperature, and eject the syngas. [0038] Objectives of the present invention include at
At least 5 % of the heat transferred to the gas in the least partial, and preferably complete elimination of the
annulus is transferred to the gas in a portion of the an- process gas boiler, at least partial and preferably com-
nulus located outside the furnace. plete elimination of mixed feed preheating in the convec-
[0028] In another embodiment, at least 15 % of the 25 tive section, at least partial and preferably complete elim-
heat transferred to the gas in the annulus is transferred ination of steam export in a steam methane reformer
to the gas in the portion of the annulus located outside ("SMR") practicing efficient heat recovery, and significant
the furnace. reduction of the heat duty and hence the equipment
[0029] In accordance with another embodiment, a costs, flue gas heat losses and emissions associated with
method of producing syngas is provided. A gas including 30 the furnace and convective sections of an SMR. Another
a hydrocarbon and at least one of steam and carbon di- objective is to permit multiple modular reforming furnac-
oxide is received into a furnace, via a bayonet reforming es, such as two or three or more furnaces, to be linked
tube located at least partially within the furnace. The gas to a single, common convective zone. Other objects of
is heated and catalytically reacted to form syngas at a the present invention will be observed in the reading of
first temperature. The syngas is cooled to a second tem- 35 this disclosure by one reasonably skilled in the art.
perature lower than the first temperature, and the syngas [0039] Fig. 3 shows a steam methane reformer
is ejected from the tube. Heat from a first effluent stream ("SMR") 300 and flow schematic in accordance with an
including flue gas is transferred, at a first heat recovery embodiment. A hydrocarbon feedstock 381 enters SMR
section, to a first heat load including one of air, water, 300 via a line 302 and is conveyed to a heat exchanger
and steam. Heat from a second effluent stream including 40 303 wherein the feedstock is heated against hot syngas.
syngas is transferred, at a second heat recovery section, The preheated feedstock is conveyed by a line 304 to a
to a second heat load. desulfurization unit 305 wherein it is desulfurized and is
[0030] In another embodiment, the second heat load then conveyed by a line 306 to be mixed with superheated
includes one of water, carbon dioxide, a hydrocarbon, steam, together forming mixed feed.
and mixtures thereof. 45 [0040] Boiler feed water ("BFW") 382 enters SMR 300
[0031] In another embodiment the second heat load via a line 307 which conveys BFW 382 to a heat exchang-
contains at least one of a hydrocarbon and mixed feed. er 308 wherein the BFW is heated against hot syngas.
[0032] In another embodiment, the second tempera- The preheated BFW is conveyed by a line 309 to a heat
ture is less than 500 °C. exchanger 310 wherein it is vaporized against flue gas.
[0033] In another embodiment, the second tempera- 50 The resulting steam is then conveyed by a line 311 to a
ture is less than 450 °C. heat exchanger 312 wherein it is superheated against
[0034] In another embodiment, the second tempera- flue gas. A portion of the superheated steam 387 in ex-
ture is less than 400 °C. cess of the reformer requirements is exported from the
[0035] In another embodiment, heat from a first effluent SMR 300 via a line 313. The balance of the superheated
stream including flue gas is transferred, at a first heat 55 steam is conveyed via a line 314 to be mixed with the
recovery section, to a first heat load that includes only feedstock, forming mixed feed. The mixed feed is con-
one of air, water, steam, and a combination of air, water, veyed to a bayonet reformer tube 315 within a reformer
and steam. furnace 316, wherein the mixed feed is heated and re-

7 EP 3 160 632 B1 8

formed against heat from the furnace 316. The furnace convection section 336 and heat exchangers 310, 312,
contains an insulation 340 (shown as a dotted region), and 331 contained therein constitute a first heat recovery
the insulation 340 having a hot interior surface or hot face section in which steam, boiler feed water, and air are
341 forming a wall bounding a furnace volume within exclusively heated against hot flue gas 385. Heat ex-
which furnace volume heat transfer occurs between the 5 changers 303 and 308 in which syngas is progressively
combustion gases and the heat load of gases within the cooled against at least hydrocarbon feedstock 381 con-
tube. stitutes a second heat recovery section.
[0041] The bayonet reforming tube 315 includes an [0046] In one embodiment, at least 5 % of the heat
outlet 371 at a first end and a tip 372 at a second end, transferred to the gas in the annulus of bayonet reforming
wherein the bayonet reforming tube 315 has a total length 10 tube 315 is transferred to the gas in a portion of the an-
from the outlet to the tip. In one embodiment, a portion nulus located outside of furnace 316. In another embod-
of the total length that is outside the furnace is at least iment, at least 15 % of the heat transferred to the gas in
10 % of the total length. In another embodiment, a portion the annulus is transferred to the gas in the portion of the
of the total length that is outside the furnace is at least annulus located outside the furnace.
25 % of the total length. 15 [0047] In another embodiment, a method of producing
[0042] The mixed feed is heated and reacted to form syngas is provided. Figure 4 is a flowchart of a method
a syngas in the bayonet tube (e.g., heated to a first tem- of producing syngas in accordance with an embodiment.
perature). The resulting reformed hot syngas, is cooled At step 410, a gas including a hydrocarbon and at least
and exits the furnace 316 and exits the bayonet tube 315 one of steam and carbon dioxide is received into a fur-
at the outlet 371 of the bayonet tube (e.g., cooled to a 20 nace, via a bayonet reforming tube located at least par-
second temperature) and is conveyed via a line 317 to a tially within the furnace. At step 420, the gas is heated
water gas shift reactor 318 wherein some of the steam and catalytically reacted to form syngas at a first temper-
and carbon monoxide contained in the syngas react to ature. At step 430, the syngas is cooled to a second tem-
form additional hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Some of perature lower than the first temperature. At step 440,
the syngas in line 317 is diverted via a line 319 to pass 25 the syngas is ejected from the tube. At step 450, heat
through heat exchanger 303 wherein it is cooled against from a first effluent stream including flue gas is trans-
inlet feedstock and returned to line 317. Valve 320, for ferred, at a first heat recovery section, to a first heat load
example, may control the amount of syngas so diverted. including one of air, water, and steam. At step 460, heat
The syngas is conveyed from water gas shift reactor 318 from a second effluent stream including syngas is trans-
via a line 321 to heat exchanger 308 wherein it is cooled 30 ferred, at a second heat recovery section, to a second
against BFW, is further conveyed via a line 322 to a fin heat load.
fan (or heat exchanger) 323 wherein it is cooled against [0048] Thus, in accordance with one embodiment, an
ambient air, is conveyed via a line 324 to a water knockout apparatus includes a furnace having at least one bayonet
unit 325 wherein condensed steam is separated from the reforming tube. The furnace is adapted to receive a gas
syngas, and is conveyed via a line 326 to a PSA unit 327 35 including a hydrocarbon and at least one of steam and
wherein most of the hydrogen is separated from the re- carbon dioxide via the bayonet reforming tube, heat and
mainder of the syngas. A purified hydrogen stream 383 catalytically react the gas to form syngas at a first tem-
exits the PSA unit 327 as a hydrogen product via a line perature, cool the syngas to a second temperature lower
328, and the remainder of the syngas exits the PSA unit than the first temperature, and eject the syngas from the
327 as a tail gas via a line 329 and is conveyed to the 40 tube. The furnace has a first effluent stream including
furnace burners wherein the tail gas is combusted. flue gas and a second effluent stream including syngas.
[0043] Combustion air 386 enters the SMR 300 and is The apparatus also includes a first heat recovery section
conveyed via a line 330 to a heat exchanger 331 wherein adapted to transfer heat from the first effluent stream to
it is preheated against flue gas. The preheated combus- a first heat load including one of air, water, and steam,
tion air is conveyed via a line 332 to the furnace burners 45 and a second heat recovery section adapted to transfer
wherein the air is combusted with tail gas and supple- heat from the second effluent stream to a second heat
mental fuel to heat the furnace. load.
[0044] Supplemental fuel 384 enters the SMR 300 and [0049] In one embodiment, the second heat load in-
is conveyed via a line 333 to the furnace burners wherein cludes one of water, carbon dioxide, a hydrocarbon, and
it is combusted to heat the furnace. Combustion products 50 mixtures thereof.
exit the furnace as flue gas 385 via a convection section [0050] In another embodiment the second heat load
336 and are progressively cooled as they sequentially contains at least one of a hydrocarbon and mixed feed.
pass through heat exchangers 312, 310, and 331. The [0051] In another embodiment, the apparatus includes
flue gas 385 then exits the SMR 300. a heat recovery section including one or more burners
[0045] In one embodiment, all hydrocarbon and mix- 55 adapted to perform further heating of a load.
tures containing the hydrocarbon are substantially heat- [0052] In another embodiment, the apparatus includes
ed in heat recovery sections other than the first heat re- a first heat recovery section adapted to transfer heat from
covery section. In the illustrative embodiment of Fig. 3, the first effluent stream to a first heat load including only

9 EP 3 160 632 B1 10

one of air, water, steam, and a combination of air, water, annulus is transferred to the gas in a portion of the an-
and steam. nulus located outside the furnace.
[0053] In another embodiment, the apparatus includes [0063] In another embodiment, at least 15 % of the
at least three furnaces and a single common first heat heat transferred to the gas in the annulus is transferred
recovery section. 5 to the gas in the portion of the annulus located outside
[0054] In another embodiment, the apparatus includes the furnace.
at least two furnaces and a single common first heat re- [0064] In accordance with another embodiment, a
covery section. method of producing syngas is provided. A gas including
[0055] In another embodiment, the second tempera- a hydrocarbon and at least one of steam and carbon di-
ture is less than 500° C. 10 oxide is received, into a furnace, via a bayonet reforming
[0056] In accordance with another embodiment, an ap- tube located at least partially within the furnace. The gas
paratus for the production of syngas is provided. The is heated and catalytically reacted to form syngas at a
apparatus includes a furnace that has at least one bay- first temperature. The syngas is cooled to a second tem-
onet reforming tube. The furnace is adapted to receive perature lower than the first temperature, and the syngas
a gas including a hydrocarbon and at least one of steam 15 is ejected from the tube. Heat from a first effluent stream
and carbon dioxide via the tube, heat and catalytically including flue gas is transferred, at a first heat recovery
react the gas to form syngas at a first temperature, cool section, to a first heat load including one of air, water,
the syngas to a second temperature lower than the first and steam. Heat from a second effluent stream including
temperature, wherein the second temperature is less syngas is transferred, at a second heat recovery section,
than 500 °C, and eject the syngas from the tube. 20 to a second heat load.
[0057] In another embodiment, the second tempera- [0065] In another embodiment, the second heat load
ture is less than 450 °C. includes one of water, carbon dioxide, a hydrocarbon,
[0058] In another embodiment, the second tempera- and mixtures thereof.
ture is less than 400 °C. [0066] In another embodiment the second heat load
[0059] In another embodiment, the first temperature is 25 contains at least one of a hydrocarbon and mixed feed.
greater than 700 °C. [0067] In another embodiment, the second tempera-
[0060] In accordance with another embodiment, an ap- ture is less than 500 °C.
paratus for the production of syngas is provided. The [0068] In another embodiment, the second tempera-
apparatus includes a furnace and at least one bayonet ture is less than 450 °C.
reforming tube including a first part disposed within the 30 [0069] In another embodiment, the second tempera-
furnace and a second part disposed outside the furnace. ture is less than 400 °C.
The bayonet reforming tube further includes an outlet at [0070] In another embodiment, heat from a first effluent
a first end and a tip at a second end. The bayonet re- stream including flue gas is transferred, at a first heat
forming tube has a total length from the outlet to the tip, recovery section, to a first heat load that includes only
wherein a portion of the total length that is outside the 35 one of air, water, steam, and a combination of air, water,
furnace is at least 10 % of the total length. The bayonet and steam.
reforming tube is adapted to receive a gas including a
hydrocarbon and at least one of steam and carbon diox-
ide, heat and catalytically react the gas to form syngas Claims
at a first temperature, cool the syngas to a second tem- 40
perature lower than the first temperature, and eject the 1. An apparatus for producing syngas comprising:
[0061] In another embodiment, the portion of the total at least two furnaces (316), each comprising at
length that is outside the furnace is at least 25 % of the least one bayonet reforming tube (315), each
total length. 45 furnace (316) being adapted to:
[0062] In accordance with another embodiment, a sys-
tem for the production of syngas is provided. The system receive a gas comprising a hydrocarbon
includes a furnace and at least one bayonet reforming and at least one of steam and carbon diox-
tube including an inner tube, an outer tube, and an an- ide via the bayonet reforming tube (315);
nulus between the inner tube and the outer tube. The 50 heat and catalytically react the gas to form
bayonet tube is disposed only partly within the furnace. syngas at a first temperature;
The bayonet reforming tube is adapted to receive a gas cool the syngas to a second temperature
including a hydrocarbon and at least one of steam and lower than the first temperature; and
carbon dioxide, heat and catalytically react the gas within eject the syngas from the bayonet reforming
the annulus to form syngas at a first temperature, cool 55 tube (315);
the syngas within the inner tube to a second temperature wherein each of the at least two furnaces
lower than the first temperature, and eject the syngas. (316) has a flue gas effluent stream (385)
At least 5 % of the heat transferred to the gas in the and a syngas effluent stream (317);

11 EP 3 160 632 B1 12

a single common first heat recovery section ing:

(336; 310, 312, 331) operably connected to each
of the at least two furnaces (316), wherein the receiving, into at least two furnaces (316), via a
flue gas effluent streams (385) of each of the at bayonet reforming tube (315) located at least
least two furnaces (316) are in thermal commu- 5 partially within each furnace (316) of the at least
nication with a heat load within the first common two furnaces (316), a gas comprising a hydro-
heat recovery section (336; 310, 312, 331) and carbon and at least one of steam and carbon
a second heat recovery section (303) being dioxide;
adapted to transfer heat from a syngas effluent heating and catalytically reacting said gas to
stream to hydrocarbon feedstock (381) of each 10 form syngas at a first temperature;
of the at least two furnaces (316) before the hy- cooling the syngas to a second temperature low-
drocarbon feedstock together with at least one er than the first temperature;
of steam or carbon dioxide is received by a re- ejecting the syngas from the reforming tube
spective bayonet reforming tube (315) of each (315); and,
of the at least two furnaces (316). 15 within a single common first heat recovery sec-
tion (336; 310, 312, 331), transferring heat from
2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the heat load com- a flue gas effluent stream (385) of each of the
prises only one of water, steam, air, and a combina- at least two furnaces (316) to a heat load and,
tion of air, water, and steam. within a second heat recovery section (303),
20 transferring heat from said syngas effluent
3. The apparatus of claim 1 stream (317) to hydrocarbon feedstock (381) of
wherein the single common first heat recovery sec- each of the at least two furnaces (316)
tion comprises one or more burners adapted to per- before the hydrocarbon feedstock together with
form further heating of a load. at least one of steam or carbon dioxide is re-
25 ceived by a respective bayonet reforming tube
4. The apparatus of claim 1, further comprising at least (315) of the at least two furnaces (316).
three furnaces (316) the single common first heat
recovery section (336; 310, 312, 331) operably con- 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the second heat load
nected to each of the at least three furnaces (316), comprises one of water, carbon dioxide, a hydrocar-
wherein the flue gas effluent streams (385) of each 30 bon, and mixtures thereof.
of the at least three furnaces (316) are in thermal
communication with a heat load within the single first 11. The method of claim 9, wherein the second temper-
common heat recovery section (336). ature is less than 500 °C.

5. The apparatus of claim 1 configured such that the 35 12. The method of claim 9, wherein the second temper-
second temperature is less than 500 °C. ature is less than 450 °C.

6. The apparatus of claim 1 configured such that the 13. The method of claim 10 or 11, wherein the second
second temperature is less than 450 °C. temperature is less than 400 °C.
7. The apparatus of claim 1 configured such that the 14. The method of claim 9, wherein transferring heat at
second temperature is less than 400 °C. the single common first heat recovery section (336)
includes transferring heat from the flue gas effluent
8. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the single com- stream (385) of each of the at least two furnaces
mon first heat recovery section (336) for the heat 45 (316) to steam, using a first heat exchanger (312),
load comprises: boiler feed water, using a second heat exchanger
(310), and air, using a third heat exchanger (331).
a first heat exchanger (312) configured to ex-
change heat between the common flue gas ef-
fluent stream (385) and steam; 50 Patentansprüche
a second heat exchanger (310) configured to
exchange heat between the common flue gas 1. Vorrichtung zur Erzeugung von Synthesegas, um-
effluent stream (385) and boiler feed water; and fassend:
a third heat exchanger (331) configured to ex-
change heat between the common flue gas ef- 55 mindestens zwei Feuerungen (316), die jeweils
fluent stream (385) and air. mindestens ein Bajonett-Reformierungsrohr
(315) umfassen, wobei jede Feuerung (316) an-
9. A method of producing syngas, the method compris- gepasst ist um:

13 EP 3 160 632 B1 14

über das Bajonett-Reformierungsrohr (315) meinsamen Wärmerückgewinnungsabschnitts

ein Gas aufzunehmen, das einen Kohlen- (336) stehen.
wasserstoff und mindestens eines von
Dampf und Kohlendioxid enthält; 5. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1,
das Gas zu erhitzen und katalytisch zu re- 5 die so konfiguriert ist, dass die zweite Temperatur
agieren, um bei einer ersten Temperatur geringer ist als 500 °C.
Synthesegas zu bilden;
das Synthesegases auf eine zweite Tem- 6. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1,
peratur zu kühlen, die niedriger ist als die die so konfiguriert ist, dass die zweite Temperatur
erste Temperatur; und 10 geringer ist als 450 °C.
das Synthesegas aus dem Bajonett-Refor-
mierungsrohr (315) auszustoßen; 7. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1,
wobei jede der mindestens zwei Feuerun- die so konfiguriert ist, dass die zweite Temperatur
gen (316) einen Abgasabflussstrom (385) geringer ist als 400 °C.
und einen Synthesegasabflussstrom (317) 15
aufweist; 8. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1,
wobei der einzelne gemeinsame erste Wärmerück-
einen einzelnen gemeinsamen ersten Wärme- gewinnungsabschnitt (336) für die Wärmelast um-
rückgewinnungsabschnitt (336; 310, 312, 331), fasst:
der betriebsmäßig mit jeder der mindestens 20
zwei Feuerungen (316) verbunden ist, wobei die einen ersten Wärmetauscher (312), der so kon-
Abgasabflussströme (385) von jeder der min- figuriert ist, dass er Wärme zwischen dem ge-
destens zwei Feuerungen (316) in thermischer meinsamen Abgasabflussstrom (385) und
Verbindung mit einer Wärmelast innerhalb des Dampf austauscht;
ersten gemeinsamen Wärmerückgewinnungs- 25 einen zweiten Wärmetauscher (310), der so
abschnitts (336; 310, 312, 331) stehen und konfiguriert ist, dass er Wärme zwischen dem
einen zweiten Wärmerückgewinnungsabschnitt gemeinsamen Abgasabflussstrom (385) und
(303), der angepasst ist, um Wärme von einem Kesselspeisewasser austauscht; und
Synthesegasabflussstrom auf Kohlenwasser- einen dritten Wärmetauscher (331), der so kon-
stoffeinsatzmaterial (381) von jedem der min- 30 figuriert ist, dass er Wärme zwischen dem ge-
destens zwei Feuerungen (316) zu übertragen, meinsamen Abgasabflussstrom (385) und Luft
bevor das Kohlenwasserstoffeinsatzmaterial austauscht.
zusammen mit mindestens einem von Dampf
oder Kohlendioxid aufgenommen wird von ei- 9. Verfahren zur Herstellung von Synthesegas, wobei
nem jeweiligen Bajonett-Reformierrohr (315) 35 das Verfahren Folgendes umfasst:
von jedem der mindestens zwei Feuerungen
(316). in mindestens zwei Feuerungen (316) über ein
Bajonett-Reformierungsrohr (315), das mindes-
2. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, tens teilweise in jeder Feuerung (316) der min-
wobei die Wärmelast nur entweder Wasser, Dampf 40 destens zwei Feuerungen (316) angeordnet ist,
oder Luft oder eine Kombination aus Luft, Wasser ein Gas empfangen, das einen Kohlenwasser-
und Dampf enthält. stoff umfasst und mindestens einen von Dampf
und Kohlendioxid;
3. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1 Erhitzen und katalytisches Reagieren des Ga-
wobei der einzelne gemeinsame erste Wärmerück- 45 ses zur Bildung von Synthesegas bei einer ers-
gewinnungsabschnitt einen oder mehrere Brenner ten Temperatur;
umfasst, die angepasst sind, um eine weitere Erwär- Abkühlen des Synthesegases auf eine zweite
mung einer Last durchzuführen. Temperatur, die niedriger ist als die erste Tem-
4. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, 50 Ausstoßen des Synthesegases aus dem Refor-
ferner umfassend mindestens drei Feuerungen mierrohr (315); und
(316), wobei der einzelne gemeinsame erste Wär- innerhalb eines einzigen gemeinsamen ersten
merückgewinnungsabschnitt (336; 310, 312, 331) Wärmerückgewinnungsabschnitts (336; 310,
betriebsmäßig mit jedem der mindestens drei Feu- 312, 331) Wärme aus einem Abgasabfluss-
erungen (316) verbunden ist, wobei die Abgasab- 55 strom (385) von jeder der mindestens zwei Feu-
flussströme (385) von jedem der mindestens drei erungen (316) zu einer Wärmelast übertragen
Feuerungen (316) in thermischer Verbindung mit ei- und
ner Wärmelast innerhalb des einzelnen ersten ge- innerhalb eines zweiten Wärmerückgewin-

15 EP 3 160 632 B1 16

nungsabschnitts (303) Wärme aus dem ge- première température; et

nannten Synthesegasabflussstrom (317) auf éjecter le gaz de synthèse du tube de refor-
Kohlenwasserstoffeinsatzmaterial (381) von je- mage de type baïonnette (315);
dem der mindestens zwei Feuerungen (316) chacun des au moins deux fours (316) ayant
übertragen, 5 un courant d’effluent de gaz de combustion
bevor das Kohlenwasserstoffeinsatzmaterial (385) et un courant d’effluent de gaz de syn-
zusammen mit mindestens einem von Dampf thèse (317) ;
oder Kohlendioxid von einem jeweiligen Bajo-
nett-Reformierungsrohr (315) der mindestens une unique première section de récupération de
zwei Feuerungen (316) aufgenommen wird. 10 chaleur commune (336 ; 310, 312, 331) fonc-
tionnellement raccordée à chacun des au moins
10. Verfahren nach Anspruch 9, deux fours (316), les courants d’effluent de gaz
wobei die zweite Wärmelast eines enthält von Was- de combustion (385) de chacun des au moins
ser, Kohlendioxid, einem Kohlenwasserstoff und Mi- deux fours (316) étant en communication ther-
schungen davon. 15 mique avec une charge thermique à l’intérieur
de la première section de récupération de cha-
11. Verfahren nach Anspruch 9, leur commune (336 ; 310, 312, 331); et
wobei die zweite Temperatur geringer ist als 500 °C. une deuxième section de récupération de cha-
leur (303) adaptée pour transférer de la chaleur
12. Verfahren nach Anspruch 9, 20 depuis un courant d’effluent de gaz de synthèse
wobei die zweite Temperatur geringer ist als 450 °C. à une charge d’hydrocarbure (381) de chacun
des au moins deux fours (316) avant que la char-
13. Verfahren nach Anspruch 10 oder 11, ge d’hydrogène conjointement avec au moins
wobei die zweite Temperatur geringer ist als 400 °C. un élément parmi de la vapeur et du dioxyde de
25 carbone soit reçue par un tube de reformage de
14. Verfahren nach Anspruch 9, type baïonnette respectif (315) de chacun des
wobei das Übertragen von Wärme an dem einzelnen au moins deux fours (316).
gemeinsamen ersten Wärmerückgewinnungsab-
schnitt (336) das Übertragen von Wärme umfasst 2. Appareil de la revendication 1,
aus dem Abgasausflussstrom (385) von jedem der 30 dans lequel la charge thermique comprend un seul
mindestens zwei Feuerungen (316) auf Dampf unter élément parmi de l’eau, de la vapeur, de l’air, et une
Verwendung von einem ersten Wärmetauscher combinaison d’air, d’eau et de vapeur.
(312), auf Kesselspeisewasser unter Verwendung
eines zweiten Wärmetauschers (310) und auf Luft 3. Appareil de la revendication 1,
unter Verwendung eines dritten Wärmetauschers 35 dans lequel l’unique première section de récupéra-
(331). tion de chaleur commune comprend un ou plusieurs
brûleurs adaptés pour effectuer un chauffage sup-
plémentaire d’une charge.
40 4. Appareil de la revendication 1,
1. Appareil destiné à produire du gaz de synthèse com- comprenant en outre au moins trois fours (316), l’uni-
prenant: que première section de récupération de chaleur
commune (336 ; 310, 312, 331) fonctionnellement
au moins deux fours (316), chacun comprenant raccordée à chacun des au moins trois fours (316),
au moins un tube de reformage de type baïon- 45 dans lequel les courants d’effluent de gaz de com-
nette (315), chaque four (316) étant adapté bustion (385) de chacun des au moins trois fours
pour: (316) sont en communication thermique avec une
charge thermique à l’intérieur de l’unique première
recevoir un gaz comprenant un hydrocar- section de récupération de chaleur commune (336).
bure et au moins un élément parmi de la 50
vapeur et du dioxyde de carbone par le biais 5. Appareil de la revendication 1
du tube de reformage de type baïonnette configuré de telle sorte que la deuxième température
(315); est inférieure à 500 °C.
chauffer et faire réagir catalytiquement le
gaz pour former du gaz de synthèse à une 55 6. Appareil de la revendication 1
première température; configuré de telle sorte que la deuxième température
refroidir le gaz de synthèse jusqu’à une est inférieure à 450 °C.
deuxième température plus basse que la

17 EP 3 160 632 B1 18

7. Appareil de la revendication 1 dans lequel la deuxième charge thermique com-

configuré de telle sorte que la deuxième température prend un élément parmi de l’eau, du dioxyde de car-
est inférieure à 400 °C. bone, un hydrocarbure, et un mélange de ceux-ci.

8. Appareil de la revendication 1, 5 11. Procédé de la revendication 9,

dans lequel l’unique première section de récupéra- dans lequel la deuxième température est inférieure
tion de chaleur commune (336) pour la charge ther- à 500 °C.
mique comprend:
12. Procédé de la revendication 9,
un premier échangeur de chaleur (312) configu- 10 dans lequel la deuxième température est inférieure
ré pour échanger de la chaleur entre le courant à 450 °C.
d’effluent de gaz de combustion commun (385)
et de la vapeur; 13. Procédé de la revendication 10 ou 11,
un deuxième échangeur de chaleur (310) con- dans lequel la deuxième température est inférieure
figuré pour échanger de la chaleur entre le cou- 15 à 400 °C.
rant d’effluent de gaz de combustion commun
(385) et de l’eau d’alimentation de chaudière; et 14. Procédé de la revendication 9,
un troisième échangeur de chaleur (331) confi- dans lequel le transfert de chaleur au niveau de l’uni-
guré pour échanger de la chaleur entre le cou- que première section de récupération de chaleur
rant d’effluent de gaz de combustion commun 20 commune (336) comporte le transfert de chaleur de-
(385) et l’air. puis le courant d’effluent de gaz de combustion (385)
de chacun des au moins deux fours (316) à de la
9. Procédé de production de gaz de synthèse, le pro- vapeur au moyen d’un premier échangeur de chaleur
cédé comprenant : (312), de l’eau d’alimentation de chaudière au
25 moyen d’un deuxième échangeur de chaleur (310),
la réception, à l’intérieur d’au moins deux fours et l’air au moyen d’un troisième échangeur de cha-
(316), par le biais d’un tube de reformage de leur (331).
type baïonnette (315) situé au moins partielle-
ment à l’intérieur de chaque four (316) des au
moins deux fours (316), d’un gaz comprenant 30
un hydrocarbure et au moins un élément parmi
de la vapeur et du dioxyde de carbone;
le chauffage et la réaction catalytique dudit gaz
pour former du gaz de synthèse à une première
température; 35
le refroidissement du gaz de synthèse jusqu’à
une deuxième température plus basse que la
première température;
l’éjection du gaz de synthèse du tube de refor-
mage (315) ; et, 40
à l’intérieur d’une unique première section de
récupération de chaleur commune (336 ; 310,
312, 331), le transfert de chaleur depuis un cou-
rant d’effluent de gaz de combustion (385) de
chacun des au moins deux fours (316) à une 45
charge thermique et,
à l’intérieur d’une deuxième section de récupé-
ration de chaleur (303), le transfert de chaleur
depuis ledit courant d’effluent de gaz de synthè-
se (317) à une charge d’hydrocarbure (381) de 50
chacun des au moins deux fours (316) avant
que la charge d’hydrocarbure conjointement
avec au moins un élément parmi de la vapeur
et du dioxyde de carbone soit reçue par un tube
de reformage de type baïonnette respectif (315) 55
des au moins deux fours (316).

10. Procédé de la revendication 9,

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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• US 20090180949 A1 [0002] • US 20120326090 A [0002]

• US 20030131533 A1 [0002] • EP 0437059 A2 [0002]
• US 20120022299 A1 [0002] • US 2003113257 A1 [0002]
• US 20110042620 A1 [0002] • WO 2001012310 A1 [0009]
• US 4985231 A [0002]


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